TRADITIONS! Tradition!
Many families have certain traditions that have been handed down for generations. For
Jim and my first Christmas together, I found a small stable. The figures of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the baby Jesus were glued to the floor of the rustic small shell of a stable. I loved it! It became our tradition to set it under our tree all through the years until we retired and moved closer to my Son and his family. I knew for sometime that this tradition was not the tradition of the rest of my family. I didn’t care! I would put it out anyway, because we always had!
The first couple of years in our new home, I couldn’t find the stable! Into the second or third year, I found it! However, Jim had already replaced my stable with a much larger one that we could use with our nativity figures we had painted . It was very nice but it was a tradition to use the small stable! Sometimes, mothers are not to have feelings! We are always suppose to make others happy! Regardless of how I felt, I had to admit that the larger stable with the nativity figures was far more impressive. And now, it is our new tradition! But I still have the old stable!
Another of our traditions began when Jennifer was about 9 years old!. I helped her to bake a ‘birthday cake for Jesus’! On Christmas day as each family would come to visit and see what the kids got under the tree, Jennifer would light the candles. We would all sing Happy Birthday Jesus, blow out the candles and eat some cake. Today, Jennifer bakes a ‘birthday cake for Jesus’ and when we host our Christmas Eve party we begin with the reading of the story of the birth of Jesus. We then sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candles of the cake! Some traditions can run the test of time where others can easily be done away with.
Another tradition that I grew up with and our small family carries on, is opening our gifts Christmas morning. Jim’s family opened gifts Christmas Eve! I suppose it doesn’t matter when the gifts are opened but there is something about getting up in the early hours and seeing all those large and small packages of multi colored paper and ribbons, that catches your breath.
I pray that your Christmas celebration was full of joy and wonder! Man kind needs the warmth and loving kindness of Christmas at home with family. Always remember those who will not be at home to feel the warmth and loving kindness. Today, I am thinking about those who are serving our country here at home and abroad. Let us remember those who are alone, because, in Christ we are never alone; even during the Christmas season! Jane Ann
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
When I have a familiar topic to discuss, I like to do a little research. I discovered that in
the early America’s Christmas did not come over on the Mayflower. As a matter of fact the protestant churches didn’t even begin to celebrate Christmas until in the 1800's. When they decided they wanted to join the festivities, they went to find out what the Catholic’s did. As they began to create their own celebration, traditions became apparent because of the different ethnic groups that were there. The tree came from Germany; Santa Claus from the Netherlands; eggnog from Jamestown; Poinsettias from Mexico; Christmas cards from England; Caroling began in England; stockings were taken from legends of St Nicolas in England and America; Noel is a word for Christmas in French; Mistletoe had magical powers according to the Celtic. England found better uses for it by hanging it over the one you wanted to kiss. Central America, through Frances of Assisi, would have a manger scene.
The story goes that most churches didn’t celebrate December 25th because those who did were obnoxious and were looked upon with contempt. They were pagans! However, the Catholic Church with their stately and traditional values were able to celebrate Christ’s birth. The protestant churches began to celebrate Christ’s birth in their new traditional ways and found that bringing in all the ‘old’ countries traditions, set them apart. Interestingly enough, Christmas didn’t become a federal holiday until 1870! Today, the Christian is compromised in keeping Christ in Christmas!
We had an elderly lady in our church who’s name was Elizabeth. She was born in the late 1800's! When she was a child, Christmas was a one day affair. The buckboard would be prepared for a days journey and everyone in the community, which was spread out for miles because you had no near neighbor, were headed for the local church. It was a gala affair! As the neighbors arrived they were all greeted with joy and anticipation. There was a large live community Christmas tree, all decorated with pine cones and goodies. As each family arrived they would put a present for each of their children under the tree. By the time everyone was there, the tree looked like a wonderland of color.
Food was set out on long tables and the festivities would begin. Soon after they would all gather around the tree with candles in their hands. Each family would take turns placing their lit candles on the tree and it would glow in the darkness as they sang the carols of their time. Just before it was time to head back home, the gifts were handed out. On the way home, Elizabeth said that all the kids would snuggle down under the blankets with their one and only gift clutched tightly in their hands with visions of that beautifully lit Christmas tree still in their heads.
Can you imagine Christmas for one day? Can you imagine lit candles on your Christmas tree? Can you imagine a time without celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus? I can’t and I don’t want to! Christmas is Jesus! Jane Ann
When I have a familiar topic to discuss, I like to do a little research. I discovered that in
the early America’s Christmas did not come over on the Mayflower. As a matter of fact the protestant churches didn’t even begin to celebrate Christmas until in the 1800's. When they decided they wanted to join the festivities, they went to find out what the Catholic’s did. As they began to create their own celebration, traditions became apparent because of the different ethnic groups that were there. The tree came from Germany; Santa Claus from the Netherlands; eggnog from Jamestown; Poinsettias from Mexico; Christmas cards from England; Caroling began in England; stockings were taken from legends of St Nicolas in England and America; Noel is a word for Christmas in French; Mistletoe had magical powers according to the Celtic. England found better uses for it by hanging it over the one you wanted to kiss. Central America, through Frances of Assisi, would have a manger scene.
The story goes that most churches didn’t celebrate December 25th because those who did were obnoxious and were looked upon with contempt. They were pagans! However, the Catholic Church with their stately and traditional values were able to celebrate Christ’s birth. The protestant churches began to celebrate Christ’s birth in their new traditional ways and found that bringing in all the ‘old’ countries traditions, set them apart. Interestingly enough, Christmas didn’t become a federal holiday until 1870! Today, the Christian is compromised in keeping Christ in Christmas!
We had an elderly lady in our church who’s name was Elizabeth. She was born in the late 1800's! When she was a child, Christmas was a one day affair. The buckboard would be prepared for a days journey and everyone in the community, which was spread out for miles because you had no near neighbor, were headed for the local church. It was a gala affair! As the neighbors arrived they were all greeted with joy and anticipation. There was a large live community Christmas tree, all decorated with pine cones and goodies. As each family arrived they would put a present for each of their children under the tree. By the time everyone was there, the tree looked like a wonderland of color.
Food was set out on long tables and the festivities would begin. Soon after they would all gather around the tree with candles in their hands. Each family would take turns placing their lit candles on the tree and it would glow in the darkness as they sang the carols of their time. Just before it was time to head back home, the gifts were handed out. On the way home, Elizabeth said that all the kids would snuggle down under the blankets with their one and only gift clutched tightly in their hands with visions of that beautifully lit Christmas tree still in their heads.
Can you imagine Christmas for one day? Can you imagine lit candles on your Christmas tree? Can you imagine a time without celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus? I can’t and I don’t want to! Christmas is Jesus! Jane Ann
Monday, December 29, 2008
CHRISTMAS IS! 12/29/08
I know that Christmas has passed but wanted to continue for a few days talking about Christmas and then end the week with some New Year's chatter.
Sort of like the ‘The Five Little Peppers and how they grew’, Jean and Lisle were there at the beginning! They were the ones that watched, as our family grew and grew. We lived in a small two story house on 4th Avenue, with Mom & Dad’s bedroom on the ground floor. Such a large family and yet we survived without the luxuries and great economy of today. You would have thought because of the perplexity of the times, holidays would have come and gone without our ever realizing it. Not so! Holidays were part of our growing up which has created in us a desire to continue with the traditions established by our Mother, regardless of the economy.
Jean and I were reminiscing about the Christmas tree. I only remember we had one! Jean remembers that we didn’t have one until Christmas morning and they always thought that Santa Claus brought it. Turns out that the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even one child. When all was quiet, Mom and Grandma would go to the tree lot where it was already closed for the season and trees were there for the taking. They would select a tree, bring it home and decorate it.
I remember Mom staying in her bedroom all hours of the night and into the early morning She would sew! She would pick up broken or unwanted toys and bring new life into them by repairing, painting, dressing and even redoing the faces on dolls. Come Christmas morning there was something for everyone! Christmas morning, at our house was no different than any other home except that the rise and fall of the economic thermometer did not dictate how our Christmas would be. Our circumstances financially, were always the same. Poor!
There is lot to be said for good times! When there is plenty to go around and most have jobs, life is good. You have enough left over to play the stock market and even put some aside in the 401K’s. There is lot to be said about the big homes and how easy it was to get one! No down payment necessary, until you find that the monthly payment is really out of reach and you become bogged down with the creditor’s pounding at your door. There is lot to be said when Christmas rolls around and you find that your pocket book is near empty and you can’t afford the electronic gadgets that are so much in demand and everyone either has one or wants one.
There is much to be said about the good ole days when the outdoors was the playroom and keeping up with the Jones was just a phrase most people laughed at. I have never tried to keep up with the Jones, the Johnson’s or even the Millers on the corner. I would rather take my whole family out to dinner and enjoy one another’s company than to think about having to get the house painted because our neighbor just painted theirs. I am not saying that we shouldn’t get the house painted but it is not my priority.
When Jesus was born, his parents weren’t concerned about the nursery and how they wanted to decorate it. Their concern was about the child that was coming into the world. The child that would prepare the way! The child that would calm the sea’s. Not just the torrential ones but the storms that sometimes rage inside us. The child that would bring us face to face with the heavenly Father and say; "When you have seen me, you have seen the Father"!
Christmas is so much more than tree’s, exchange of gifts or even a feast enjoyed with family and friends. Christmas is; The Christ Child, who brought us peace and promise; The young Child that at an early age said; "I must be about my Father’s business"; The young man, along with some friends, who found Himself at a wedding turning water into wine and said; "My time has not come"; but He did it anyway. A sacrificial Lamb who prayed; "Not my will but thine be done". Christmas is Jesus! No money required! By: Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/14/08
Sort of like the ‘The Five Little Peppers and how they grew’, Jean and Lisle were there at the beginning! They were the ones that watched, as our family grew and grew. We lived in a small two story house on 4th Avenue, with Mom & Dad’s bedroom on the ground floor. Such a large family and yet we survived without the luxuries and great economy of today. You would have thought because of the perplexity of the times, holidays would have come and gone without our ever realizing it. Not so! Holidays were part of our growing up which has created in us a desire to continue with the traditions established by our Mother, regardless of the economy.
Jean and I were reminiscing about the Christmas tree. I only remember we had one! Jean remembers that we didn’t have one until Christmas morning and they always thought that Santa Claus brought it. Turns out that the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even one child. When all was quiet, Mom and Grandma would go to the tree lot where it was already closed for the season and trees were there for the taking. They would select a tree, bring it home and decorate it.
I remember Mom staying in her bedroom all hours of the night and into the early morning She would sew! She would pick up broken or unwanted toys and bring new life into them by repairing, painting, dressing and even redoing the faces on dolls. Come Christmas morning there was something for everyone! Christmas morning, at our house was no different than any other home except that the rise and fall of the economic thermometer did not dictate how our Christmas would be. Our circumstances financially, were always the same. Poor!
There is lot to be said for good times! When there is plenty to go around and most have jobs, life is good. You have enough left over to play the stock market and even put some aside in the 401K’s. There is lot to be said about the big homes and how easy it was to get one! No down payment necessary, until you find that the monthly payment is really out of reach and you become bogged down with the creditor’s pounding at your door. There is lot to be said when Christmas rolls around and you find that your pocket book is near empty and you can’t afford the electronic gadgets that are so much in demand and everyone either has one or wants one.
There is much to be said about the good ole days when the outdoors was the playroom and keeping up with the Jones was just a phrase most people laughed at. I have never tried to keep up with the Jones, the Johnson’s or even the Millers on the corner. I would rather take my whole family out to dinner and enjoy one another’s company than to think about having to get the house painted because our neighbor just painted theirs. I am not saying that we shouldn’t get the house painted but it is not my priority.
When Jesus was born, his parents weren’t concerned about the nursery and how they wanted to decorate it. Their concern was about the child that was coming into the world. The child that would prepare the way! The child that would calm the sea’s. Not just the torrential ones but the storms that sometimes rage inside us. The child that would bring us face to face with the heavenly Father and say; "When you have seen me, you have seen the Father"!
Christmas is so much more than tree’s, exchange of gifts or even a feast enjoyed with family and friends. Christmas is; The Christ Child, who brought us peace and promise; The young Child that at an early age said; "I must be about my Father’s business"; The young man, along with some friends, who found Himself at a wedding turning water into wine and said; "My time has not come"; but He did it anyway. A sacrificial Lamb who prayed; "Not my will but thine be done". Christmas is Jesus! No money required! By: Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/14/08
Friday, December 26, 2008
BOXING DAY 12/26/08
Canada enjoys the day after Christmas as a legal holiday. December 26th is Boxing Day! The origin of this holiday is a little obscure. However, it is also known as the Feast of Steven! He was the first martyr mentioned in the scriptures. This day originated in England in the middle of the 19th century. It was a day for members of the middle class to give boxes containing food and fruit, clothing and/or money to trades people and servants. These gifts were expression of gratitude. These gifts were usually given in boxes, hence the name of the holiday; boxing day! Also related to boxing day is the tradition of churches giving gifts of money and/or food to the poor, the day after Christmas.
Today, Boxing Day is still a holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada and other Commonwealth nations. It is mostly a time for family and friends to gather for more food and fun. It includes outdoor sports like soccer, hunting and horse races. I believe the tradition of giving has been celebrated throughout the Christmas season with many organizations keeping the idea of Boxing Day alive by donating their time, energy and money to fill Food Banks and provide gifts for the poor. Not to mention, that it is one of the biggest shopping days of the year in Canada. I would imagine that most don’t even know that it originated as ‘Boxing Day’!
Jesus and His family experienced a sort of boxing day when the Angel came and told Joseph that they must go into Egypt. Like many who would leave their home and not want to be noticed, they moved out in the middle of the night. Their departure was quiet and their sojourn in Egypt was long. No one knows if they stayed any longer than one night in the stable but the scriptures indicate that they lived in Bethlehem for several years.
As glorious as His birth was and how wonderful Christmas is, how just as devastating were the times following His birth. Wicked King Herod, so jealous and a man of rage determined to destroy anyone who by mere mention could take away his kingdom, set out to kill the baby Jesus. By now Jesus could be a toddler! King Herod not knowing how old the child was, determined to kill all baby boys two years old and younger. How ugly a man was he!
Lots of discussion has been held about where the wise men found Jesus and His parents. Was it in Bethlehem at the stable or a house? Was it at a house in Egypt? I am inclined to think it was in Bethlehem because the star led them there. Because their gifts would have enabled them to move and live in Egypt, Bethlehem seems more likely. How precious those gifts must have been to such a couple in dire straights. Just imagine, Mary and Joseph experiencing the first Boxing Day! The first gifts of gratitude! Think about it! Having traveled well over 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Finding no room at the Inn. They stayed in a stable. Unable to return home until long after Mary had completed her days and then couldn't return for a long time.
All things come to pass as God allows! I am sure God did not dictate the killing of the baby boys because God would not have controlled the heart of Herod. However, God led the wise men to their destination in spite of Herod. The visit and their gifts were so important to sustain them! How gloriously and wondrously did God come to earth in the form of a man child! How magnificently and miraculously did the events unfold in the lives of two people that were chosen by God to be His parents on earth. Can you think of anything more awesome? Of course you can; His death, burial and resurrection? Hallelujah! Amen! Jane Ann
Today, Boxing Day is still a holiday in the United Kingdom, Canada and other Commonwealth nations. It is mostly a time for family and friends to gather for more food and fun. It includes outdoor sports like soccer, hunting and horse races. I believe the tradition of giving has been celebrated throughout the Christmas season with many organizations keeping the idea of Boxing Day alive by donating their time, energy and money to fill Food Banks and provide gifts for the poor. Not to mention, that it is one of the biggest shopping days of the year in Canada. I would imagine that most don’t even know that it originated as ‘Boxing Day’!
Jesus and His family experienced a sort of boxing day when the Angel came and told Joseph that they must go into Egypt. Like many who would leave their home and not want to be noticed, they moved out in the middle of the night. Their departure was quiet and their sojourn in Egypt was long. No one knows if they stayed any longer than one night in the stable but the scriptures indicate that they lived in Bethlehem for several years.
As glorious as His birth was and how wonderful Christmas is, how just as devastating were the times following His birth. Wicked King Herod, so jealous and a man of rage determined to destroy anyone who by mere mention could take away his kingdom, set out to kill the baby Jesus. By now Jesus could be a toddler! King Herod not knowing how old the child was, determined to kill all baby boys two years old and younger. How ugly a man was he!
Lots of discussion has been held about where the wise men found Jesus and His parents. Was it in Bethlehem at the stable or a house? Was it at a house in Egypt? I am inclined to think it was in Bethlehem because the star led them there. Because their gifts would have enabled them to move and live in Egypt, Bethlehem seems more likely. How precious those gifts must have been to such a couple in dire straights. Just imagine, Mary and Joseph experiencing the first Boxing Day! The first gifts of gratitude! Think about it! Having traveled well over 70 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Finding no room at the Inn. They stayed in a stable. Unable to return home until long after Mary had completed her days and then couldn't return for a long time.
All things come to pass as God allows! I am sure God did not dictate the killing of the baby boys because God would not have controlled the heart of Herod. However, God led the wise men to their destination in spite of Herod. The visit and their gifts were so important to sustain them! How gloriously and wondrously did God come to earth in the form of a man child! How magnificently and miraculously did the events unfold in the lives of two people that were chosen by God to be His parents on earth. Can you think of anything more awesome? Of course you can; His death, burial and resurrection? Hallelujah! Amen! Jane Ann
Thursday, December 25, 2008
BIRTHDAY OF THE KING continued 12/25/08

While Joseph was watching over his wife and their beautiful new baby boy, there were shepherds living out in the hills near Bethlehem, watching over their flocks. It was a unique night for there was a brilliant star positioned directly over Bethlehem. A star that the men had never seen before. They had gradually gathered together, warming themselves around a small fire discussing the phenomenon when all of a sudden, with a thunderous crack, an angel of the Lord appeared before them. The night sky was brilliant, dazzling, there were no words they knew that could describe it.
It was more beautiful than any evening they had ever seen. The men huddled together, terrified, shaking, unable to speak. But the angel comforted them; "Do not be afraid! I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people; Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord! This will be a sign to you; You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger".
Suddenly music; music filled the night sky! Glorious music; music unlike anything they had ever heard before. A great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying; "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests".
By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
Today we do not find the baby Jesus in the manger; Today, this story in found in the pages of the Gospels and is now written upon our hearts. We celebrate a birthday that brought us a child that grew to be a man. A man who became our Savior!
"You don't need candlelight and fireside glow to make Christmas happen. It's Him! It's priceless to discover the pleasure of His company". quotation by Jack Hayford
Happy Christmas morning and go, enjoy this day! Jane Ann
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
BIRTHDAY OF THE KING continued 12/24/08
Joseph was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling of his one room house. he was exhausted, and yet, he couldn't seem to close his eyes. What was he to do? He loved Mary; he didn't want to expose her to public disgrace. It would probably be best to divorce her quietly. He couldn't believe what he was thinking. However, this was probably the best decision for all.
"Joseph, son of David"! "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife. What is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name of Jesus. He will save his people from their sins! All this is to take place to fulfill what the Lord has said through the prophet; "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel....Which means, God with us".
Joseph woke with a start! He sat straight up in bed, shaken by the dream he had. Slowly as he sat up, he finally knew what he should do.
Mary couldn't believe it! She was Joseph's wife! She was in his home and she was safe!
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a degree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And everyone went to his own town to register.
With warranted concern, Joseph packed and prepared to travel from the town of Nazareth in Gailiee to Bethlehem, the town of David, in Judea; because he belonged to the house and line of David. He needed to register there with Mary! She was very far along and this journey would be difficult for her.
When they arrived in Bethlehem, people were scurrying everywhere. Joseph, irritated with himself that he wasn't prepared for this, knowing that everyone would be here to register, started knocking on doors to find a place for lodging. "Joseph"! Mary cried out to him! He ran back to her and realized that it was time. Panic was moving in quickly and Joseph began running from door to door trying to find room for him and Mary. No one would take them in; No one! Holding Mary in his arms, out of the corner of his eye, Joseph saw the previous Innkeeper that he had just spoken with, waving him over.
As Mary and Joseph stood in the doorway of the small cave, exhaustion was taking over. The noise from the few animals it housed and the odor that accompanied them brought quiet tears to Joseph's eyes. He didn't want this for Mary, yet; there was no other option. Mary, didn't seem to care! She spotted a pile of clean straw and quickly started preparing.
Joseph had gathered himself and began trying to make Mary as comfortable as possible. In the early hours of the morning, she gave birth to her first born; a son! A beautiful boy with dark brown hair and deep brown, knowing eyes. His healthy cry made Mary and Joseph laugh for they knew he was strong. Mary had brought cloths with her and Joseph took them and carefully wrapped.....Jesus.....and gently laid him in Mary's arms. By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
"Joseph, son of David"! "Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife. What is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name of Jesus. He will save his people from their sins! All this is to take place to fulfill what the Lord has said through the prophet; "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel....Which means, God with us".
Joseph woke with a start! He sat straight up in bed, shaken by the dream he had. Slowly as he sat up, he finally knew what he should do.
Mary couldn't believe it! She was Joseph's wife! She was in his home and she was safe!
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a degree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And everyone went to his own town to register.
With warranted concern, Joseph packed and prepared to travel from the town of Nazareth in Gailiee to Bethlehem, the town of David, in Judea; because he belonged to the house and line of David. He needed to register there with Mary! She was very far along and this journey would be difficult for her.
When they arrived in Bethlehem, people were scurrying everywhere. Joseph, irritated with himself that he wasn't prepared for this, knowing that everyone would be here to register, started knocking on doors to find a place for lodging. "Joseph"! Mary cried out to him! He ran back to her and realized that it was time. Panic was moving in quickly and Joseph began running from door to door trying to find room for him and Mary. No one would take them in; No one! Holding Mary in his arms, out of the corner of his eye, Joseph saw the previous Innkeeper that he had just spoken with, waving him over.
As Mary and Joseph stood in the doorway of the small cave, exhaustion was taking over. The noise from the few animals it housed and the odor that accompanied them brought quiet tears to Joseph's eyes. He didn't want this for Mary, yet; there was no other option. Mary, didn't seem to care! She spotted a pile of clean straw and quickly started preparing.
Joseph had gathered himself and began trying to make Mary as comfortable as possible. In the early hours of the morning, she gave birth to her first born; a son! A beautiful boy with dark brown hair and deep brown, knowing eyes. His healthy cry made Mary and Joseph laugh for they knew he was strong. Mary had brought cloths with her and Joseph took them and carefully wrapped.....Jesus.....and gently laid him in Mary's arms. By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
BIRTHDAY OF THE KING continued 12/23/08
Mary had barely turned on the road where Elizabeth and Zechariah lived when she heard that all too familiar voice, shouting towards her; "Mary! Mary!" Mary looked around to see Elizabeth quickly walking towards her. "Elizabeth!" The relief to see Elizabeth was overwhelming. Elizabeth would comfort her; she would know what to do.
As Mary quickened her pace, she realized that Elizabeth had stopped. She was holding her tummy with the most peculiar look on her face. Then all of a sudden, it was as if the moment became clear for Elizabeth. In a loud and joyful voice, Elizabeth greeted Mary by exclaiming; "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy! Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Elizabeth's arms were outstretched to Mary and she continued on her way, welcoming her.
Tears began falling down Mary's cheeks, as she fell into Elizabeth's arms. She didn't understand how Elizabeth knew, but she didn't care. Elizabeth knew....and yet, she still loved her!
As Mary released her arms from around Elizabeth, she gathered herself and slowly turned her gaze toward the beautiful clear sky. "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me; holy is his name! His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation; He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts; He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble; He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty; He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers".
Without speaking a word, Elizabeth gently took Mary's hand and led her back to the house. In the caring and loving presence of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Mary rested and grew strong in the life that God had given to her. She stayed with Elizabeth for about 3 months, helping with daily chores as Elizabeth's time grew near. Mary spent her quiet moments in prayer, gathering her thoughts, practicing the words she would share with her family and with....Joseph. It was time to go home!
Her mother, father....and Joseph sat in front of her with stunned, unbelieving faces. Mary's eyes began to well up with tears, yet her confidence remained. "Joseph"? Mary questioned his face, his eyes. Joseph's gaze turned toward the ground, he didn't know what to say. Joseph slowly stood up, looked up at Mary in a quiet, painful gaze, turned toward the door and left into the night. By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
As Mary quickened her pace, she realized that Elizabeth had stopped. She was holding her tummy with the most peculiar look on her face. Then all of a sudden, it was as if the moment became clear for Elizabeth. In a loud and joyful voice, Elizabeth greeted Mary by exclaiming; "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy! Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Elizabeth's arms were outstretched to Mary and she continued on her way, welcoming her.
Tears began falling down Mary's cheeks, as she fell into Elizabeth's arms. She didn't understand how Elizabeth knew, but she didn't care. Elizabeth knew....and yet, she still loved her!
As Mary released her arms from around Elizabeth, she gathered herself and slowly turned her gaze toward the beautiful clear sky. "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me; holy is his name! His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation; He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts; He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble; He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty; He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as he said to our fathers".
Without speaking a word, Elizabeth gently took Mary's hand and led her back to the house. In the caring and loving presence of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Mary rested and grew strong in the life that God had given to her. She stayed with Elizabeth for about 3 months, helping with daily chores as Elizabeth's time grew near. Mary spent her quiet moments in prayer, gathering her thoughts, practicing the words she would share with her family and with....Joseph. It was time to go home!
Her mother, father....and Joseph sat in front of her with stunned, unbelieving faces. Mary's eyes began to well up with tears, yet her confidence remained. "Joseph"? Mary questioned his face, his eyes. Joseph's gaze turned toward the ground, he didn't know what to say. Joseph slowly stood up, looked up at Mary in a quiet, painful gaze, turned toward the door and left into the night. By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
Monday, December 22, 2008
CHRISTMAS WEEK for Morning Glory has been ready for several weeks. As usual I would look at the daily discussions and tweak here and there until I am ready to post it. Yesterday morning Jim and I decided to attend the choral Christmas program at my son and daughter-in-laws church. They are the music and worship leaders there! It was filled with narration and music telling the story of Mary, Joseph and the birth of Jesus. It was up close and personal! After the service I discovered that my son Dan, had written the narration which gave his view point of the story of the announcement to Mary, her visit with Elizabeth and the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. The narration is in four parts. Please enjoy Dan's narrative, these next four days, which gives a fresh new look at an old beloved story.
It was a cool, clear evening, you know the kind; where a slight breeze is disturbing the leaves of the trees and brushing across the grass in the fields and the reflective glow from the moon is slowly capturing the rocks and dirt, creating an eerie and yet, a very peaceful landscape. She had just completed her final task for the day, checked in with her mother and was quietly escaping to the large tree, that stood guard out behind her family home. As she climbed up and sat upon the top of her rock; The spot that had comforted her many a time during her young life; The events of the day began trickling through her mind. The moment that stood out among the rest was her unexpected encounter with him. She was running through the morning crowds in order to get to the market early. Her mother had instructed her to purchase a few items for their meal that night. As she was preparing to make her final turn into the market place, she ran straight into him. The impact was so hard that she fell backwards into the dirt. Extending his right hand to help her to her feet, and with a gentle, reassuring voice, he said; "Mary, what are you doing here?" "I, uh, my mother, I'm sorry"; Mary sputtered as she was straightening her skirt and brushing the dirt from her hem; "My mother has sent me to the market". "As usual, I was in a hurry, I'm so sorry, I did not see you." Joseph accompanied her into the market area and then bade farewell for he had a couple of deliveries to make. This brief encounter with her intended made her heart leap. A smile of remembrance washed across her face. She paused to gather her thoughts, leaned back against the trunk of her tree and closed her eyes.
Suddenly, with her eyes closed, Mary realized that the breeze had ended abruptly. It was surprisingly quiet; silent! The leaves were still, the grasses no longer bent to the winds. She slowly opened her eyes! "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you!"
He was standing about ten feet, directly in front of her. He was tall and powerful! His face was gentle and his eyes were startling, intelligent, unwavering! With controlled fear, she sat up as the man began to speak; "Do not be afraid, Mary! You have found favor with God! You will be with child and give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever: His kingdom will never end".
"But how?" Exclaimed Mary as she scrambled backwards across the rock towards the tree trunk. Her mind was racing! She thought to herself; "I just saw Joseph this morning; What would he say? My mother, Oh no, my mother; What would this do to my family? My father will be so angry". To the man, Mary said; "I don't understand! How could this happen; I haven't been with anyone! A son! God's son! Jesus?" The visitor, understandingly took a small step, raising his hand in a gesture to reassure her and with a calming voice explained. "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God."
With her hands trembling and tears welling in her eyes, Mary slid down the face of the rock and stood before him. "I am the Lord's servant! May it be to me as you have said!" As she took a calming breath, Mary closed her eyes to steady herself and realized that she felt the breeze and heard the rustling of the leaves once more. She knew he was gone even before she opened her eyes. Mary fell to the ground onto her knees, her face in her hands, shaking, not knowing what she should do next. She knelt in that spot for what seemed like an eternity, and then she knew. "Elizabeth!" She must go and see Elizabeth!
She pushed herself up and quietly walked back to the house to find her mother. Mary's mother questioned her decision to visit Elizabeth, however, in the end she consented. Mary began to pack for her journey, meanwhile returning to the words over and over in her head; "You will be with child and will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name, Jesus! God's son! Jesus"! By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
It was a cool, clear evening, you know the kind; where a slight breeze is disturbing the leaves of the trees and brushing across the grass in the fields and the reflective glow from the moon is slowly capturing the rocks and dirt, creating an eerie and yet, a very peaceful landscape. She had just completed her final task for the day, checked in with her mother and was quietly escaping to the large tree, that stood guard out behind her family home. As she climbed up and sat upon the top of her rock; The spot that had comforted her many a time during her young life; The events of the day began trickling through her mind. The moment that stood out among the rest was her unexpected encounter with him. She was running through the morning crowds in order to get to the market early. Her mother had instructed her to purchase a few items for their meal that night. As she was preparing to make her final turn into the market place, she ran straight into him. The impact was so hard that she fell backwards into the dirt. Extending his right hand to help her to her feet, and with a gentle, reassuring voice, he said; "Mary, what are you doing here?" "I, uh, my mother, I'm sorry"; Mary sputtered as she was straightening her skirt and brushing the dirt from her hem; "My mother has sent me to the market". "As usual, I was in a hurry, I'm so sorry, I did not see you." Joseph accompanied her into the market area and then bade farewell for he had a couple of deliveries to make. This brief encounter with her intended made her heart leap. A smile of remembrance washed across her face. She paused to gather her thoughts, leaned back against the trunk of her tree and closed her eyes.
Suddenly, with her eyes closed, Mary realized that the breeze had ended abruptly. It was surprisingly quiet; silent! The leaves were still, the grasses no longer bent to the winds. She slowly opened her eyes! "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you!"
He was standing about ten feet, directly in front of her. He was tall and powerful! His face was gentle and his eyes were startling, intelligent, unwavering! With controlled fear, she sat up as the man began to speak; "Do not be afraid, Mary! You have found favor with God! You will be with child and give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever: His kingdom will never end".
"But how?" Exclaimed Mary as she scrambled backwards across the rock towards the tree trunk. Her mind was racing! She thought to herself; "I just saw Joseph this morning; What would he say? My mother, Oh no, my mother; What would this do to my family? My father will be so angry". To the man, Mary said; "I don't understand! How could this happen; I haven't been with anyone! A son! God's son! Jesus?" The visitor, understandingly took a small step, raising his hand in a gesture to reassure her and with a calming voice explained. "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God."
With her hands trembling and tears welling in her eyes, Mary slid down the face of the rock and stood before him. "I am the Lord's servant! May it be to me as you have said!" As she took a calming breath, Mary closed her eyes to steady herself and realized that she felt the breeze and heard the rustling of the leaves once more. She knew he was gone even before she opened her eyes. Mary fell to the ground onto her knees, her face in her hands, shaking, not knowing what she should do next. She knelt in that spot for what seemed like an eternity, and then she knew. "Elizabeth!" She must go and see Elizabeth!
She pushed herself up and quietly walked back to the house to find her mother. Mary's mother questioned her decision to visit Elizabeth, however, in the end she consented. Mary began to pack for her journey, meanwhile returning to the words over and over in her head; "You will be with child and will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name, Jesus! God's son! Jesus"! By: Dan Crenshaw 12/08
Friday, December 19, 2008
"Even if some very smart person discovered a more realistic date for Jesus' birth, December 25th will always be Christmas. It has become tradition. However, we know Jesus wasn't born in a stable and laid in a manger in this snow we are having. Evidently the date of the birth wasn't important to God or He would have clearly let us know. Our world is trying its hardest to squeeze Christ out of Christmas and we need to try all the harder to keep Him in our Christmas celebrations. My Santa uses every opportunity to point to the birth of Christ. That is what St Nicholas was doing with his life when he was discovered (wearing his red bishops cape) and delivering gifts in secret. He simply went about doing good, and in secret so others wouldn't be bombarding him for gifts. We so want the glory for what we do--but not Nicholas. I think Christ is more concerned about the position of our hearts toward him, than the date on which we focus the celebration. He is not bound by time and space like we are. In our limited sphere the date needs to be correct to keep us on track". Ellen, a follower of Morning Glory who has shared these thoughts with us is also married to Santa Claus. We knew him as our Pastor of many years but in his retirement he has added a Santa’s hat to his many other hats he has worn.
In Luke 18:31 Jesus tells the Apostles; "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished". Those things that were to be accomplished are told to us through verses 32-33. Jesus would be handed over by the Jews to the Gentiles to be mocked, treated terribly and spat upon. They would scourge Him, put Him to death and on the third day He would rise again.
No one seems to question that Jesus rose on the 3rd day. No one says that Friday to Sunday morning would only be 1 ½ days after He died. However, there was Friday, Saturday and then Sunday! He did die on Friday and rose on the third day which was Sunday! Dates and days are important only if we place importance upon them. I am thankful that December 25th was the date that was set. I am thankful that God gave man the ability to figure out the calendar by using the stars and the pattern of the solar system to understand the seasons and to set the date for us to have a special time for Christ’s resurrection which is called, Easter!
I have a few ‘think so’s’ I would like to share with you. In our countries history we find books that have recorded dates, times and seasons so that we will not forget and so that we will know that something happened. We read these recorded informational facts and we believe it.
It is fact! It is our history! In the Old Testament, dates, seasons and times were also important. Many times a celebration was scheduled for the 10th day of the seventh month in the 4th year....(I just made up that date)... Many times God would set a date to schedule a celebration, a cleansing or a season that He felt was important and didn’t want the people to forget. There was a time set aside for sacrificing for forgiveness.
In the New Testament very few dates were set by God. Why do you think that is? I believe it is because our beliefs are to be based on faith and not necessarily on recorded fact. The gospel tells us about His birth, death and resurrection, but no dates were given. We have heard, read and believed by faith! The date is not important! What was important was that a date was set for the census which was to be taken. Unknown to Caesar Augustus, God used him to set a date so that Mary and Joseph could go to Bethlehem to fulfill all prophecy. That date brought us the birth of our Savior just at it was told in days of old. Jane Ann
"Even if some very smart person discovered a more realistic date for Jesus' birth, December 25th will always be Christmas. It has become tradition. However, we know Jesus wasn't born in a stable and laid in a manger in this snow we are having. Evidently the date of the birth wasn't important to God or He would have clearly let us know. Our world is trying its hardest to squeeze Christ out of Christmas and we need to try all the harder to keep Him in our Christmas celebrations. My Santa uses every opportunity to point to the birth of Christ. That is what St Nicholas was doing with his life when he was discovered (wearing his red bishops cape) and delivering gifts in secret. He simply went about doing good, and in secret so others wouldn't be bombarding him for gifts. We so want the glory for what we do--but not Nicholas. I think Christ is more concerned about the position of our hearts toward him, than the date on which we focus the celebration. He is not bound by time and space like we are. In our limited sphere the date needs to be correct to keep us on track". Ellen, a follower of Morning Glory who has shared these thoughts with us is also married to Santa Claus. We knew him as our Pastor of many years but in his retirement he has added a Santa’s hat to his many other hats he has worn.
In Luke 18:31 Jesus tells the Apostles; "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished". Those things that were to be accomplished are told to us through verses 32-33. Jesus would be handed over by the Jews to the Gentiles to be mocked, treated terribly and spat upon. They would scourge Him, put Him to death and on the third day He would rise again.
No one seems to question that Jesus rose on the 3rd day. No one says that Friday to Sunday morning would only be 1 ½ days after He died. However, there was Friday, Saturday and then Sunday! He did die on Friday and rose on the third day which was Sunday! Dates and days are important only if we place importance upon them. I am thankful that December 25th was the date that was set. I am thankful that God gave man the ability to figure out the calendar by using the stars and the pattern of the solar system to understand the seasons and to set the date for us to have a special time for Christ’s resurrection which is called, Easter!
I have a few ‘think so’s’ I would like to share with you. In our countries history we find books that have recorded dates, times and seasons so that we will not forget and so that we will know that something happened. We read these recorded informational facts and we believe it.
It is fact! It is our history! In the Old Testament, dates, seasons and times were also important. Many times a celebration was scheduled for the 10th day of the seventh month in the 4th year....(I just made up that date)... Many times God would set a date to schedule a celebration, a cleansing or a season that He felt was important and didn’t want the people to forget. There was a time set aside for sacrificing for forgiveness.
In the New Testament very few dates were set by God. Why do you think that is? I believe it is because our beliefs are to be based on faith and not necessarily on recorded fact. The gospel tells us about His birth, death and resurrection, but no dates were given. We have heard, read and believed by faith! The date is not important! What was important was that a date was set for the census which was to be taken. Unknown to Caesar Augustus, God used him to set a date so that Mary and Joseph could go to Bethlehem to fulfill all prophecy. That date brought us the birth of our Savior just at it was told in days of old. Jane Ann
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The importance of the date at Christmas time is the tradition of giving and receiving of gifts. The bigger the demand of the item and the more it cost seems to be the most desirable gift to give and/or to want. I read a story recently about ‘The White Envelope’. The white envelope represented ‘the gift’ which was given to a need within the community and not to a family member. It was to be considered a ‘gift in deed’! Every year the white envelope would appear on the tree and as the years passed, the family members would become anxious to open the envelope to see who received this gift and what it was for. It all began because the Father was disenchanted with the useless spending when there was so much need elsewhere. The Mother decided to give where there was a need and give that gift every year to the Father, in the white envelope on the tree. Needless to say, he was pleased with his gift year after year!
Betty, a dear friend and who follows Morning Glory shares with us a tradition while living in Germany. "Prior to THE day, all houses smelled like fresh baked cookies. These were NOT put on a plate. No, these were hung on the Christmas tree. When someone came to visit, they were supposed to take a cookie from the tree. Of course, the tree most admired was the tree that only had a couple cookies left. That meant that house had been honored by many guests and well wishers. I kind of liked that idea! How about you"? Betty shares another time of remembering; "When my kids were very young [5 and under] we were still in Germany. I had been telling the kids about Jesus’ birth, and they asked if we were having a birthday party for Jesus. It seemed like a good idea, so we invited all the kids on the street to Jesus’ birthday party. It was a nice party! When the party was over almost all the ornaments were broken. Germany has really beautiful ornaments! I was sorry to lose so many of them".
I received an e-mail from my brother-in-law, Clarence and he says; "Hi, we have a Christmas eve party every year at Sue’s house and we all enjoy the oyster stew...Ha! Ha!...To bad you can’t taste it!" Carrie, his daughter also expressed her remembrance on the Morning Glory blog, of oyster stew, but didn’t rub it in my face. Well, I may be unable to taste it but I sure am glad that an old family traditional is being carried on. Traditions are traditions as long as we keep them!
I was raised with Santa and gifts under the tree! But I also was raised knowing that Christ was born! I remember, in my teens, I wanted a manger with the works, instead of a tree. I wanted to place our gifts to each other around the manger. It never happened! Jim and I raised our children with Santa and gifts under the tree, but mainly it was Christ’s birthday. We sang in the choir, participated in the Christmas pageants and went caroling to nursing homes and the Domiciliary to sing for the Veterans in our community. We brought ‘gifts for Jesus’ that were opened by the children after the Christmas program. I believe we have enjoyed Christmas from both worlds.
Today I was reminded of an old song my sister Joyce use to sing. "Put Christ back into Christmas"! I heard George Beverly Shay sing it today! I hadn’t heard that song since the 50's or 60's. Another song I have been reminded of says; "Come on Ring Those Bells", Light the Christmas Tree, Jesus is the King, Born for you and me. Come on Ring Those Bells, everybody say; Jesus, we remember this your birthday!" The Christian does not have to give into the ways of the world. Surprised? I know you’re not! As Christians we have taken on some of the traditions that the world says is Christmas but we still know that Christmas is all about Christ. We still know where our priorities lie! "And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins". Matthew 1:21 Jane Ann
The importance of the date at Christmas time is the tradition of giving and receiving of gifts. The bigger the demand of the item and the more it cost seems to be the most desirable gift to give and/or to want. I read a story recently about ‘The White Envelope’. The white envelope represented ‘the gift’ which was given to a need within the community and not to a family member. It was to be considered a ‘gift in deed’! Every year the white envelope would appear on the tree and as the years passed, the family members would become anxious to open the envelope to see who received this gift and what it was for. It all began because the Father was disenchanted with the useless spending when there was so much need elsewhere. The Mother decided to give where there was a need and give that gift every year to the Father, in the white envelope on the tree. Needless to say, he was pleased with his gift year after year!
Betty, a dear friend and who follows Morning Glory shares with us a tradition while living in Germany. "Prior to THE day, all houses smelled like fresh baked cookies. These were NOT put on a plate. No, these were hung on the Christmas tree. When someone came to visit, they were supposed to take a cookie from the tree. Of course, the tree most admired was the tree that only had a couple cookies left. That meant that house had been honored by many guests and well wishers. I kind of liked that idea! How about you"? Betty shares another time of remembering; "When my kids were very young [5 and under] we were still in Germany. I had been telling the kids about Jesus’ birth, and they asked if we were having a birthday party for Jesus. It seemed like a good idea, so we invited all the kids on the street to Jesus’ birthday party. It was a nice party! When the party was over almost all the ornaments were broken. Germany has really beautiful ornaments! I was sorry to lose so many of them".
I received an e-mail from my brother-in-law, Clarence and he says; "Hi, we have a Christmas eve party every year at Sue’s house and we all enjoy the oyster stew...Ha! Ha!...To bad you can’t taste it!" Carrie, his daughter also expressed her remembrance on the Morning Glory blog, of oyster stew, but didn’t rub it in my face. Well, I may be unable to taste it but I sure am glad that an old family traditional is being carried on. Traditions are traditions as long as we keep them!
I was raised with Santa and gifts under the tree! But I also was raised knowing that Christ was born! I remember, in my teens, I wanted a manger with the works, instead of a tree. I wanted to place our gifts to each other around the manger. It never happened! Jim and I raised our children with Santa and gifts under the tree, but mainly it was Christ’s birthday. We sang in the choir, participated in the Christmas pageants and went caroling to nursing homes and the Domiciliary to sing for the Veterans in our community. We brought ‘gifts for Jesus’ that were opened by the children after the Christmas program. I believe we have enjoyed Christmas from both worlds.
Today I was reminded of an old song my sister Joyce use to sing. "Put Christ back into Christmas"! I heard George Beverly Shay sing it today! I hadn’t heard that song since the 50's or 60's. Another song I have been reminded of says; "Come on Ring Those Bells", Light the Christmas Tree, Jesus is the King, Born for you and me. Come on Ring Those Bells, everybody say; Jesus, we remember this your birthday!" The Christian does not have to give into the ways of the world. Surprised? I know you’re not! As Christians we have taken on some of the traditions that the world says is Christmas but we still know that Christmas is all about Christ. We still know where our priorities lie! "And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins". Matthew 1:21 Jane Ann
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
When Jim read the question; "What is your memory of your first school Christmas
Program", he realized, he didn’t have any memories of a Christmas program at any grade level. When I considered that, I also couldn’t pick up on any other Christmas programs except for Highschool. The choir would always sing the Hallelujah Chorus and would invite all alumni and others who have sung this chorus through past years, to sing with them. Obviously we must have sung other Christmas songs or carols! I tried to remember if our children had any other Christmas school programs after Eagle Point but only remember participating in the Jr. High choir singing the Hallelujah chorus of which Jim had never sung before then.
My Grand kids attend a private Christian school! Every year the elementary through high school have a Christmas program which includes the band and choirs. Even the children from pre-school through primary grades have their own night to celebrate and always a packed house is expected.
The Christian world has been in shock over all the changes in the world regarding Christmas these past 20 or so years. However, it appears it was coming for well over 60 years and we were oblivious to the apparent connotations of slipping in Xmas and greetings of ‘Happy Holidays". I myself am shocked to realize how I let it all slip by me without batting an eyelid! How about you? Did you know in the 50's that Christ was becoming less and less of the focal point and even Santa Claus was taking back stage to the superficiality of the season and greed?
I have always loved the hustle and bustle of the shopping trends, especially the good buys. I have always loved the carols and secular Christmas songs you hear over the sound systems as you shop from store to store. I have always experienced a happy fulfillment as I watched all the shoppers and the excited looks on the children’s faces. Every year I remember, I never took my children Christmas shopping until it was their turn to shop for their Dad and he would take them shopping for me. The stores are filled with children and their parents, Christmas shopping. The element of surprise and even Santa Claus is no longer wait and see.
I guess you have to get old until you can honestly say; "I miss the good ole days"! New traditions are good, but I sure miss some of the old ones, don’t you? I remember in my teen years Mom would have a pot of Oyster Stew on the stove so that when family members came by to drop off packages and pick up packages for under their tree, they would stop and have a bowl of stew. I don’t think anyone in the family does that any more! Not even at the Christmas Eve party! How about you? What tradition of yours has gone by the wayside? "Joy to the World, the Lord has come"! Jane Ann
When Jim read the question; "What is your memory of your first school Christmas
Program", he realized, he didn’t have any memories of a Christmas program at any grade level. When I considered that, I also couldn’t pick up on any other Christmas programs except for Highschool. The choir would always sing the Hallelujah Chorus and would invite all alumni and others who have sung this chorus through past years, to sing with them. Obviously we must have sung other Christmas songs or carols! I tried to remember if our children had any other Christmas school programs after Eagle Point but only remember participating in the Jr. High choir singing the Hallelujah chorus of which Jim had never sung before then.
My Grand kids attend a private Christian school! Every year the elementary through high school have a Christmas program which includes the band and choirs. Even the children from pre-school through primary grades have their own night to celebrate and always a packed house is expected.
The Christian world has been in shock over all the changes in the world regarding Christmas these past 20 or so years. However, it appears it was coming for well over 60 years and we were oblivious to the apparent connotations of slipping in Xmas and greetings of ‘Happy Holidays". I myself am shocked to realize how I let it all slip by me without batting an eyelid! How about you? Did you know in the 50's that Christ was becoming less and less of the focal point and even Santa Claus was taking back stage to the superficiality of the season and greed?
I have always loved the hustle and bustle of the shopping trends, especially the good buys. I have always loved the carols and secular Christmas songs you hear over the sound systems as you shop from store to store. I have always experienced a happy fulfillment as I watched all the shoppers and the excited looks on the children’s faces. Every year I remember, I never took my children Christmas shopping until it was their turn to shop for their Dad and he would take them shopping for me. The stores are filled with children and their parents, Christmas shopping. The element of surprise and even Santa Claus is no longer wait and see.
I guess you have to get old until you can honestly say; "I miss the good ole days"! New traditions are good, but I sure miss some of the old ones, don’t you? I remember in my teen years Mom would have a pot of Oyster Stew on the stove so that when family members came by to drop off packages and pick up packages for under their tree, they would stop and have a bowl of stew. I don’t think anyone in the family does that any more! Not even at the Christmas Eve party! How about you? What tradition of yours has gone by the wayside? "Joy to the World, the Lord has come"! Jane Ann
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Please read the comment, Ellen made on yesterdays blog, regarding her take on the importance of the date. She asked the question of what kind of weather would have been during the birth of Jesus. I have heard that the weather during that time of the year would be pretty much the same as it is in San Diego, California. When looking at the line of latitude on the world globe it would be the same as in Israel. Interesting hu?
I have a weekly day calendar that sits on my desk. I keep track of everything so I can
remember what I need to do and where I need to be during the week. I also keep track for Jim and my daughter Jennifer. Jennifer has a good memory but Jim and I are at that questionable age called ‘the golden years’. Even if we do remember, sometimes we don’t remember the same. You know what I mean; Jim seems to remember differently than I do and of course I must be right. Even though we are retired and every day is Saturday, except for Sundays, it is important for us to keep track of dates.
I remember bits and pieces of my first school Christmas program. It was in the basement of the primary school on 2nd Avenue in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I probably was in Kindergarten! All the children were seated on the floor in a semi-circle facing the stage. We had to sit with our legs crossed and I remember getting very squirmy because my legs got tired. My teacher was very beautiful and I think her name was Miss Spider. There was a very large tree that held only ornaments made by all the school children. I remember singing carols! What is your first memory of a school Christmas program?
The last Christmas program we attended at Towers School in California where my two children attended prior to our moving to Oregon, was a Hanukkah program where they sang; "I have a little dreidel". We were so disappointed! In 1970, our first school Christmas program in Eagle Point, Oregon was absolutely wonderful. It told the Christmas story and sang the Christmas carols. We were so happy!
It is frustrating for the Christian when we hear of schools, communities and those in high positions of government demanding that anything to do with the Christian faith be kept out of public facilities, especially during the Christmas season. We understand the Atheist and those who belong to the ACLU because they totally refuse to accept God. But the world itself, is also guilty of celebrating Christmas with the exclusion of Christ.
I personally, find it has become easier and easier for me not to shop where the word Christmas is obviously absent. I understand, in the early Greek, X was the first letter of Christ. Similarly, the Roman letter X has been used as an abbreviation of Christ; hence; XMAS! I believe it is a short cut and replaces Christ with the unknown, as in algebra and so I don’t shop where this is used and don’t buy cards that leave Christmas out of the message. I also think ‘happy holiday’ is just another avenue the world takes to avoid the fact that the word Christmas stands for Christ. In February we don’t say ‘happy holiday’ for Valentines! It has also become easier to not participate in activities during the Christmas Season that does not celebrate Christ.
How do you include Christ in your celebration? Do you reflect Christ, in spite of the world? Even though it seems the Christian is alone in the celebration of Christ, Luke 1:14 says; "And you will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at His birth". May Christmas bring to you, joy upon joy upon joy! Jane Ann
Please read the comment, Ellen made on yesterdays blog, regarding her take on the importance of the date. She asked the question of what kind of weather would have been during the birth of Jesus. I have heard that the weather during that time of the year would be pretty much the same as it is in San Diego, California. When looking at the line of latitude on the world globe it would be the same as in Israel. Interesting hu?
I have a weekly day calendar that sits on my desk. I keep track of everything so I can
remember what I need to do and where I need to be during the week. I also keep track for Jim and my daughter Jennifer. Jennifer has a good memory but Jim and I are at that questionable age called ‘the golden years’. Even if we do remember, sometimes we don’t remember the same. You know what I mean; Jim seems to remember differently than I do and of course I must be right. Even though we are retired and every day is Saturday, except for Sundays, it is important for us to keep track of dates.
I remember bits and pieces of my first school Christmas program. It was in the basement of the primary school on 2nd Avenue in Council Bluffs, Iowa. I probably was in Kindergarten! All the children were seated on the floor in a semi-circle facing the stage. We had to sit with our legs crossed and I remember getting very squirmy because my legs got tired. My teacher was very beautiful and I think her name was Miss Spider. There was a very large tree that held only ornaments made by all the school children. I remember singing carols! What is your first memory of a school Christmas program?
The last Christmas program we attended at Towers School in California where my two children attended prior to our moving to Oregon, was a Hanukkah program where they sang; "I have a little dreidel". We were so disappointed! In 1970, our first school Christmas program in Eagle Point, Oregon was absolutely wonderful. It told the Christmas story and sang the Christmas carols. We were so happy!
It is frustrating for the Christian when we hear of schools, communities and those in high positions of government demanding that anything to do with the Christian faith be kept out of public facilities, especially during the Christmas season. We understand the Atheist and those who belong to the ACLU because they totally refuse to accept God. But the world itself, is also guilty of celebrating Christmas with the exclusion of Christ.
I personally, find it has become easier and easier for me not to shop where the word Christmas is obviously absent. I understand, in the early Greek, X was the first letter of Christ. Similarly, the Roman letter X has been used as an abbreviation of Christ; hence; XMAS! I believe it is a short cut and replaces Christ with the unknown, as in algebra and so I don’t shop where this is used and don’t buy cards that leave Christmas out of the message. I also think ‘happy holiday’ is just another avenue the world takes to avoid the fact that the word Christmas stands for Christ. In February we don’t say ‘happy holiday’ for Valentines! It has also become easier to not participate in activities during the Christmas Season that does not celebrate Christ.
How do you include Christ in your celebration? Do you reflect Christ, in spite of the world? Even though it seems the Christian is alone in the celebration of Christ, Luke 1:14 says; "And you will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at His birth". May Christmas bring to you, joy upon joy upon joy! Jane Ann
Monday, December 15, 2008

In 2005, Jim, Jennifer and I went to Washington DC for about a week. We had been there before, for a weekend, but decided to go again. We wanted to take a little bit more time to get a closer look at our countries beginning, right to the present. One day we rented a car and went to Williamsburg, Virginia. While there we also went to James Town and York Town. In York Town we went to look at the homestead where the British General and Jr. Officers of Washington’s & Cornwalis’ army negotiated the terms of surrender of the Revolutionary war which ended sometime around 1783. The Southern Colonial style home was beautiful sitting by itself amongst the trees and surrounded by a white picked fence. We didn’t go into the house but took pictures. Just to the left we found a small cemetery! I love old cemeteries! This one was extremely special because on a prominent four sided tombstone, one side read; "Anna B. wife of W. H. Sheild born 1800 died Feb. 30, 1847." I asked Jim; Did February use to have 30 days in it? Jim said; No! We took a picture of this tombstone just to have proof of what we saw.
This past July 4th my sister Jewel turned 80! The past few years it has become a tradition in our family to celebrate the 80th birthday. This will be the third time in almost six years we have done this. However, we wanted to celebrate Jewel’s on June 28th because that date would be more convenient for some members of the family who would be traveling. Jewel was not pleased because that date was not her birthday! Unlike other members of the family, there has always been a celebration on Jewel’s birthday. My brother Lee convinced her that this would be a good thing. The party plans went forward and we had a great celebration on June 28th.
Each time I think about February 30th on that tombstone and Jewel not wanting to change her party from her actual birth date, I am reminded of the controversy of celebrating Christmas on December 25th. It is true that Christ was probably not born on December 25th but that date was chosen because in the Book of the McAbee’s they held an annual celebration for the ‘cleansing of the temple’ then. Adding Christ’s birth around that time made it possible to just continue with that date. Even Easter Sunday is probably not the anniversary of Christ’s resurrection but using the calendar with December 25th being His birth brings His resurrection following to sometime in March or April, which has something to do with the new moon. Years ago I read a book called "The Man Jesus" written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The information gives dates to help get a feeling of continuity and of the lapse of time. These dates are approximate but as close as possible to the correct time. The dates are taken from the Holy Bible, The Berkeley Version, published by Zondervan Publishing House, 1946. According to the book, it was around Dec. 5B.C. that Caesar Augustus, the Roman Emperor, decreed that a census should be taken. Hence, Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem! Easter followed on April 9,A.D.30.
I find it not relevant to wonder about what date Christ was born or the actual date he arose from the dead. What is relevant is that He was born and at the age of 33 died and rose from the dead, just as He said He would. In Luke 18:31-33 Jesus tells us that in Jerusalem all that was written by the prophets would be fulfilled. He would be handed over to the Gentiles by the Jews to be mocked, treated terribly and spat upon. They would scourge Him and put Him to death and on the third day He would rise again. Does it matter what the date was? Every Sunday in the life of the Christian, is resurrection Sunday. It is the first day of the week! The day that Christ arose from the dead! Without His resurrection from the dead, His birth and His death would mean nothing. Let’s celebrate His birth, death and resurrection and not worry about what date it was. Lets just be held by His glory and His majesty and praise God He did and is alive for ever and ever! Through Christ we are made alive! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/15/08
Friday, December 12, 2008
This morning we will finish with the rat race and where we have been. I love where I am today and I bet you do to. Next week we have a celebration to look forward to. Come on back and check it out......
Imagine a ship leaving San Francisco and setting sail for Hawaii. The Captain sets
the wheel towards his destination by using his compass. For a while all is smooth sailing! Even the ship rats are comfortable settling in and securing all their haunts. A strong wind comes up from the south causing the ship to veer as going into a new tack. In other words, it changes the ship’s course to suit the wind! The Captain immediately resets his course and is back on track! A strong ocean current begins to cause the ship to veer off course once more. This time the current is so strong, it is all the Captain can do to get it back on course. Finally, he has the ship headed towards Hawaii once again. No matter how many times the ship veers off course it is still headed towards it’s final destination, Hawaii!
This is what happens within the church from time to time when it appears we are off course as we go through cultural changes and wanting to appease those who are called seekers. We grumbled because the young people want change and the older, established Christian wants to leave everything as it was. To some it seems we are off course! Actually we never veer off course because the destination is the same! We are all seeking the promises of God which lead to our heavenly home. We may find new and different ways to bring in the lost but as long as we are still within the boundary of God’s will, we are still good to go!
The Captain may have to take the wheel from time to time but then so the Church needs to let Christ take the wheel all the time. We should not be tickling the ears to bring in the rat pack. We need to be about the Lord’s business, reaching the lost within our culture. As long as changes and restructuring is made according to the Lord’s will, it will bring Glory to His name. Then who are we to complain when the compass is set towards heaven? Who are we to think that our way is best? Shouldn’t it be; "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you"?
In Philippians 3:17 Paul asks us to; "Follow my example and walk according to the scriptures"! Is Paul gentle? No! In verses 12-14 Paul talks about pressing on in order that he may lay hold of what lies ahead. To do that He was to forget what was in his past. Could you consider a life without Christ! Can you consider pressing on toward the prize of the upward call of God in "Christ Jesus"? Let’s stay on the road to heaven! Jane Ann
Imagine a ship leaving San Francisco and setting sail for Hawaii. The Captain sets
the wheel towards his destination by using his compass. For a while all is smooth sailing! Even the ship rats are comfortable settling in and securing all their haunts. A strong wind comes up from the south causing the ship to veer as going into a new tack. In other words, it changes the ship’s course to suit the wind! The Captain immediately resets his course and is back on track! A strong ocean current begins to cause the ship to veer off course once more. This time the current is so strong, it is all the Captain can do to get it back on course. Finally, he has the ship headed towards Hawaii once again. No matter how many times the ship veers off course it is still headed towards it’s final destination, Hawaii!
This is what happens within the church from time to time when it appears we are off course as we go through cultural changes and wanting to appease those who are called seekers. We grumbled because the young people want change and the older, established Christian wants to leave everything as it was. To some it seems we are off course! Actually we never veer off course because the destination is the same! We are all seeking the promises of God which lead to our heavenly home. We may find new and different ways to bring in the lost but as long as we are still within the boundary of God’s will, we are still good to go!
The Captain may have to take the wheel from time to time but then so the Church needs to let Christ take the wheel all the time. We should not be tickling the ears to bring in the rat pack. We need to be about the Lord’s business, reaching the lost within our culture. As long as changes and restructuring is made according to the Lord’s will, it will bring Glory to His name. Then who are we to complain when the compass is set towards heaven? Who are we to think that our way is best? Shouldn’t it be; "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you"?
In Philippians 3:17 Paul asks us to; "Follow my example and walk according to the scriptures"! Is Paul gentle? No! In verses 12-14 Paul talks about pressing on in order that he may lay hold of what lies ahead. To do that He was to forget what was in his past. Could you consider a life without Christ! Can you consider pressing on toward the prize of the upward call of God in "Christ Jesus"? Let’s stay on the road to heaven! Jane Ann
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What does Paul mean in 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 where he says; "All things are lawful"!
Paul means that all things ‘in Christ’ are lawful! Paul is not saying that all things that the world offers is lawful for us! Paul is also saying that; "Not all things in Christ and in the world are profitable, because we can become easily sidetracked. Paul knew how difficult it was to stay on course. Just by following his journeys you know that even though he would be taken off course he was able to accomplish his work for Christ because his direction never changed.
Let’s look at one area in our culture that has gotten out of hand. One of the ‘rats’ of the world are those who are sue happy. Lawsuits are prevalent and take up much of the space in our courts. As Christians we should not become a part of it. 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 it asks the question; "As Christians, who should we be judged by? Our laws or by each other"? Paul says Christians are to judge each other! In 1 Corinthians 6:4-8 it asks another question; "Should we file lawsuits against one another"? The answer here is; No! Work it out but not in court where the world may judge you.
As Christians we should deal with one another as the scriptures dictate. As Saints we judge the world by our actions. We are to be righteous, doing what is right. We also will judge the angels by our actions. Unless our courts are filled with living Christians, we shouldn’t place ourselves in the position where the world judges us.
One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:13 where Paul talks about what we can do. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"! You may ask; "Does Christ strengthen us to do worldly things too"? The answer is clear; "Only those things that are lawful" and within God’s will! Jane Ann
What does Paul mean in 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 where he says; "All things are lawful"!
Paul means that all things ‘in Christ’ are lawful! Paul is not saying that all things that the world offers is lawful for us! Paul is also saying that; "Not all things in Christ and in the world are profitable, because we can become easily sidetracked. Paul knew how difficult it was to stay on course. Just by following his journeys you know that even though he would be taken off course he was able to accomplish his work for Christ because his direction never changed.
Let’s look at one area in our culture that has gotten out of hand. One of the ‘rats’ of the world are those who are sue happy. Lawsuits are prevalent and take up much of the space in our courts. As Christians we should not become a part of it. 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 it asks the question; "As Christians, who should we be judged by? Our laws or by each other"? Paul says Christians are to judge each other! In 1 Corinthians 6:4-8 it asks another question; "Should we file lawsuits against one another"? The answer here is; No! Work it out but not in court where the world may judge you.
As Christians we should deal with one another as the scriptures dictate. As Saints we judge the world by our actions. We are to be righteous, doing what is right. We also will judge the angels by our actions. Unless our courts are filled with living Christians, we shouldn’t place ourselves in the position where the world judges us.
One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:13 where Paul talks about what we can do. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"! You may ask; "Does Christ strengthen us to do worldly things too"? The answer is clear; "Only those things that are lawful" and within God’s will! Jane Ann
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sometimes I like to do a dictionary study when I have a topic I think needs
clarification. In the animal kingdom we know that a rat is like a mouse only larger and more voracious. However, because of the cause and effect of a rat we began to use the word rat as a description of a type of person. For instance, an informant; A vile and lowly person and a term used to cause violence and intimidation. I find it interesting that in our culture the term ‘rat’ is used in many derogatory ways and yet it is a varment that finds it’s place, first in line, in the Chinese list of animals that get a year named after them. In our culture the term is used as a slang like; ‘Oh rats’! It is a bun that is worn in a woman’s hair to puff it up. It is also a word used for back combing your hair to puff it up.
When I became aware that this was the "Year of the Rat" in Chinese culture, it caused me to look at the culture in the USA regarding the rat. My reason is mainly because we look upon the rat as being vile and lowly. I want to use the same scriptures we looked at in Monday’s devotion. Let’s see if we can find ourselves, before we began our walk with Jesus Christ.
At one time we were considered vile and lowly according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It mentions the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers.
Paul continues in Galatians 5:19-22 with some of the same but with a few additional ones that perhaps you can relate to a little easier. Like; impurity, debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, orgies and the like. Can you see yourself as you were? That vile person before Christ came into your life? With Christ we have been washed, sanctified and justified by the Spirit of our God.
Until I read these scriptures, I never considered myself a rat. But in Galatians 5:16-18 it says very clearly that if we continue to live for our sinful natural desires, that are in us, we will be living contrary to the Spirit. But if we live by the Spirit we will not be gratifying our sinful nature. And if we are led by the Spirit, we are not under the law. We are free to live as God would want us to live.
As we talk our way through some of the rat infestation of our environment this week, my prayer is, when we recognize some of these vile things, as still being a part of us, then we will give the Holy Spirit license to get rid of the varment’s while we still have breath. At the beginning of verse 6 in 1 Corinthians 6 it says; "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived"! I personally do not believe once saved always saved but I do believe that forgiveness is ours. Grab hold of God’s promises and never let go! Jane Ann
Sometimes I like to do a dictionary study when I have a topic I think needs
clarification. In the animal kingdom we know that a rat is like a mouse only larger and more voracious. However, because of the cause and effect of a rat we began to use the word rat as a description of a type of person. For instance, an informant; A vile and lowly person and a term used to cause violence and intimidation. I find it interesting that in our culture the term ‘rat’ is used in many derogatory ways and yet it is a varment that finds it’s place, first in line, in the Chinese list of animals that get a year named after them. In our culture the term is used as a slang like; ‘Oh rats’! It is a bun that is worn in a woman’s hair to puff it up. It is also a word used for back combing your hair to puff it up.
When I became aware that this was the "Year of the Rat" in Chinese culture, it caused me to look at the culture in the USA regarding the rat. My reason is mainly because we look upon the rat as being vile and lowly. I want to use the same scriptures we looked at in Monday’s devotion. Let’s see if we can find ourselves, before we began our walk with Jesus Christ.
At one time we were considered vile and lowly according to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It mentions the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers.
Paul continues in Galatians 5:19-22 with some of the same but with a few additional ones that perhaps you can relate to a little easier. Like; impurity, debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, orgies and the like. Can you see yourself as you were? That vile person before Christ came into your life? With Christ we have been washed, sanctified and justified by the Spirit of our God.
Until I read these scriptures, I never considered myself a rat. But in Galatians 5:16-18 it says very clearly that if we continue to live for our sinful natural desires, that are in us, we will be living contrary to the Spirit. But if we live by the Spirit we will not be gratifying our sinful nature. And if we are led by the Spirit, we are not under the law. We are free to live as God would want us to live.
As we talk our way through some of the rat infestation of our environment this week, my prayer is, when we recognize some of these vile things, as still being a part of us, then we will give the Holy Spirit license to get rid of the varment’s while we still have breath. At the beginning of verse 6 in 1 Corinthians 6 it says; "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived"! I personally do not believe once saved always saved but I do believe that forgiveness is ours. Grab hold of God’s promises and never let go! Jane Ann
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Chinese, Year of the Rat, began last February 7th. It is the first sign in the
Chinese zodiac. Unlike the Western Hemisphere where the zodiac is monthly, each animal of the Chinese zodiac represents a full year. The Chinese zodiac is based upon the moon opposed to the western version, which is based on the sun’s revolutions. What does any of that have to do with the Rat?
Since we all know that our God is the creator of all things, including us, we have to assume that the Jade Emperor of the Heavens, according to the Chinese legend, is purely folk lore. The Emperor was undecided which animal should be first so he devised a plan that the first animal to cross the mighty river and reach the other side would be awarded the honor of representing the first year of the zodiac. The others would receive their year in the order of their arrival.
The story goes that as the animals stood on the bank of the river, the rat came up along side the ox. He jumped upon the ox’s back. The ox unaware of his passenger began his trek across the mighty river which was wide and treacherous. The ox was about to walk ashore when the rat leaped off his back and landed on shore seconds ahead of him. The Emperor declared the rat the winner. And now you know page two!
My husband Jim was born in 1936 which happens to have been ‘the year of the rat’. If you know my husband, you will agree that in China where the rat is respected and considered courageous and enterprising, he surely deserved the honor to be born that year.
I like a little trivia now and then, but if you think I believe that the sun, the moon and even the stars determine our character, you’ve got another think coming. As newborn babes in Christ 1 Peter 2:1-2 says; "Therefore, putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babes, we long for the pure milk of the word, that by it, you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord". In other words, putting aside all of the desires of the flesh and seeking the desires of your heart, which is God, you will grow in substance and because you will have tasted the Lord, salvation is yours. Character counts but without Jesus Christ it is nothing! The year of the rat may mean something to the Chinese, but living every year for Jesus brings more credence to the life of the Christian than anything you could ever imagined. Jane Ann
The Chinese, Year of the Rat, began last February 7th. It is the first sign in the
Chinese zodiac. Unlike the Western Hemisphere where the zodiac is monthly, each animal of the Chinese zodiac represents a full year. The Chinese zodiac is based upon the moon opposed to the western version, which is based on the sun’s revolutions. What does any of that have to do with the Rat?
Since we all know that our God is the creator of all things, including us, we have to assume that the Jade Emperor of the Heavens, according to the Chinese legend, is purely folk lore. The Emperor was undecided which animal should be first so he devised a plan that the first animal to cross the mighty river and reach the other side would be awarded the honor of representing the first year of the zodiac. The others would receive their year in the order of their arrival.
The story goes that as the animals stood on the bank of the river, the rat came up along side the ox. He jumped upon the ox’s back. The ox unaware of his passenger began his trek across the mighty river which was wide and treacherous. The ox was about to walk ashore when the rat leaped off his back and landed on shore seconds ahead of him. The Emperor declared the rat the winner. And now you know page two!
My husband Jim was born in 1936 which happens to have been ‘the year of the rat’. If you know my husband, you will agree that in China where the rat is respected and considered courageous and enterprising, he surely deserved the honor to be born that year.
I like a little trivia now and then, but if you think I believe that the sun, the moon and even the stars determine our character, you’ve got another think coming. As newborn babes in Christ 1 Peter 2:1-2 says; "Therefore, putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babes, we long for the pure milk of the word, that by it, you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord". In other words, putting aside all of the desires of the flesh and seeking the desires of your heart, which is God, you will grow in substance and because you will have tasted the Lord, salvation is yours. Character counts but without Jesus Christ it is nothing! The year of the rat may mean something to the Chinese, but living every year for Jesus brings more credence to the life of the Christian than anything you could ever imagined. Jane Ann
Monday, December 8, 2008
This week, we are going to side track from the Christmas season and look at a yearly event in Chinese culture. The next two weeks we will ltalk about the day we celebrate as Christ's birth and then we will focus on Christ himself. But today let's talk about the 'year of the rat'.
How does China come up with the names of their New Year? Even though I have heard a story, I don’t really care, but I have often pondered the question, why!. Usually I pay no attention but I thought that this years 2008, the name was appropriate for our times. There are many things going on in our world that I could easily designate as ‘Rat infested’.
When my children were teenagers and while doing our regular Saturday morning chores, I swiped the broom under a little bookcase that stood on the wall by the front door. Along with dust I swept out an apparently dead mouse. It was so still, I knew it was dead! I called the kids out of their rooms and we three stood around and glared at the dead mouse. We lived in the country and Jim was outdoors. We called him in to take the dead mouse out. Then there were four of us glaring at the dead mouse! Jim said; "it’s not dead"! The three of us stepped back and declared it was dead! "Look at it, just laying there, dead"; I said! Jim took the broom out of my hand and touched the dead mouse and then the three of us scattered as fast as we could. It was alive! It was only pretending to be dead! Jim was quick! He cornered the mouse and then he was dead! The moral of this story is; "Never, trust a dead mouse, or a Rat for that matter"!
Many times we are drawn into believing what is being said or being accepted is okay, because the world around us says it is okay or as the saying goes; "everybody is doing it". Not so! To believe that is like believing the mouse is dead but is actually very much alive. These are some of the things I believe are led by the misguided ‘Rat Pack’ of the world. Abortion rights! The Homosexual movement! The exploitation of the First Amendment, that gives you the right to walk all over others, or "it offends me" syndrome! Our laws were designed to protect the innocent but instead the innocent ends up paying to protect the guilty because of their rights. Our world has always had perpetrators who would act out their desires, but today it is more prevalent because of explicit pictures that are formulated in the minds of the perpetrators. This is through the media’s of movies, TV, magazines and now computers. These have become like ‘dead Rats’ that are truly alive and well in our society.
A rat can be classified as an informant; It is like a mouse but larger and more voracious; It is also a term that is used to cause violence and intimidation by labor unions pitting one against another who refuses to strike. Nobody likes the proverbial ‘rat’ nor do we want to be one! Unless the Christian world becomes alive instead of dead to these realities we will find ourselves falling into the ‘Rat Trap’ that the world lives in.
In 1 Corinthians 6 Paul tells us about the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexual offenders, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers, who will not inherit the kingdom of God!
Paul continues in Galatians 5 with some of the same but a little more explicit. Sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies etc. Paul says that we should not be deceived because these things can totally destroy us. Notice he mentions sexual immorality twice! Our world is held captive by sexual immorality! Paul never pulls any punches!
He asks that we follow his example in Philippians 3:17-20. With tears he reminds us that many live as enemies of the cross. They will find destruction, because their god is their stomach. Their glory will be shame, because their minds are on earthly things. However, those who follow Christ have a heavenly citizenship. Eagerly we await a Savior, who has the power to bring everything under His control. He can take us from pretending to be alive and make us truly alive. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/26/08
How does China come up with the names of their New Year? Even though I have heard a story, I don’t really care, but I have often pondered the question, why!. Usually I pay no attention but I thought that this years 2008, the name was appropriate for our times. There are many things going on in our world that I could easily designate as ‘Rat infested’.
When my children were teenagers and while doing our regular Saturday morning chores, I swiped the broom under a little bookcase that stood on the wall by the front door. Along with dust I swept out an apparently dead mouse. It was so still, I knew it was dead! I called the kids out of their rooms and we three stood around and glared at the dead mouse. We lived in the country and Jim was outdoors. We called him in to take the dead mouse out. Then there were four of us glaring at the dead mouse! Jim said; "it’s not dead"! The three of us stepped back and declared it was dead! "Look at it, just laying there, dead"; I said! Jim took the broom out of my hand and touched the dead mouse and then the three of us scattered as fast as we could. It was alive! It was only pretending to be dead! Jim was quick! He cornered the mouse and then he was dead! The moral of this story is; "Never, trust a dead mouse, or a Rat for that matter"!
Many times we are drawn into believing what is being said or being accepted is okay, because the world around us says it is okay or as the saying goes; "everybody is doing it". Not so! To believe that is like believing the mouse is dead but is actually very much alive. These are some of the things I believe are led by the misguided ‘Rat Pack’ of the world. Abortion rights! The Homosexual movement! The exploitation of the First Amendment, that gives you the right to walk all over others, or "it offends me" syndrome! Our laws were designed to protect the innocent but instead the innocent ends up paying to protect the guilty because of their rights. Our world has always had perpetrators who would act out their desires, but today it is more prevalent because of explicit pictures that are formulated in the minds of the perpetrators. This is through the media’s of movies, TV, magazines and now computers. These have become like ‘dead Rats’ that are truly alive and well in our society.
A rat can be classified as an informant; It is like a mouse but larger and more voracious; It is also a term that is used to cause violence and intimidation by labor unions pitting one against another who refuses to strike. Nobody likes the proverbial ‘rat’ nor do we want to be one! Unless the Christian world becomes alive instead of dead to these realities we will find ourselves falling into the ‘Rat Trap’ that the world lives in.
In 1 Corinthians 6 Paul tells us about the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexual offenders, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers, who will not inherit the kingdom of God!
Paul continues in Galatians 5 with some of the same but a little more explicit. Sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies etc. Paul says that we should not be deceived because these things can totally destroy us. Notice he mentions sexual immorality twice! Our world is held captive by sexual immorality! Paul never pulls any punches!
He asks that we follow his example in Philippians 3:17-20. With tears he reminds us that many live as enemies of the cross. They will find destruction, because their god is their stomach. Their glory will be shame, because their minds are on earthly things. However, those who follow Christ have a heavenly citizenship. Eagerly we await a Savior, who has the power to bring everything under His control. He can take us from pretending to be alive and make us truly alive. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/26/08
Friday, December 5, 2008
Today's discussion will complete our week on being amused and amazed by our Lord and Savior. We have pictured ourselves finding safety under His wings; We have seen God in His creation; We’ve taken a glimpse into God’s humor and this morning we are going to be amazed how God loves us.
Through my years I have heard many discuss the reasons why God created the heaven’s and the earth and why He created man. I am sure you all have your own opinions because I have mine. The number one opinion, I have heard is that God was lonely and wanted someone to love Him. I personally think because "God is Love", he was neither lonely nor needed someone to love Him but He wanted to give love. But the love He wanted in return was to be freely given by choice and not because you were given to love Him by design.
Using the NIV let’s look at some scriptures that tells us why God created in the beginning. First of all we were created for His glory! Isaiah 43:7 says; "Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." We were created for good works as found in Ephesians 2:10; "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do". In Ephesians 4:22-23 Paul is reminding us that we were taught to change from our former way of life, putting off our old attitudes of self. Then is verse 24 it says; "And to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness". We were created to become righteous and holy!
Did you know that we were created for God’s pleasure? I think Ephesians 1:4-5 says it well. Although somewhat controversial because of the word predestined, I would like to try and clarify what Paul is saying. From the beginning God made a plan for the ‘church’. The church was destined to be holy and blameless! In love, God made it possible for us to be adopted through Jesus Christ and to become His very own. WOW! All of this was in God’s will and for His pleasure. In verse 6-7 it says; "To the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace". The word grace is bantered about giving us license to continue in sin but I believe God’s grace was the cross. It is through the grace of God that Jesus went to the cross which gave us the one and only way to the Father. Jesus Christ, The One He loves!
Finally, let’s look at John 3:16; "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life"! Our God is so amazing! He thought of everything! I am amazed that the whole world isn’t clamoring to get in line to enter inside the narrow gate, like they do on ‘black Fridays’!. Instead, to satisfy self, they are fighting to get inside the door that leads to the broad way of life where death and destruction awaits. In my simpleness, I am so thankful that God’s pleasure is not only in the little children but in an old woman like me. How about you?
Jane Ann
Today's discussion will complete our week on being amused and amazed by our Lord and Savior. We have pictured ourselves finding safety under His wings; We have seen God in His creation; We’ve taken a glimpse into God’s humor and this morning we are going to be amazed how God loves us.
Through my years I have heard many discuss the reasons why God created the heaven’s and the earth and why He created man. I am sure you all have your own opinions because I have mine. The number one opinion, I have heard is that God was lonely and wanted someone to love Him. I personally think because "God is Love", he was neither lonely nor needed someone to love Him but He wanted to give love. But the love He wanted in return was to be freely given by choice and not because you were given to love Him by design.
Using the NIV let’s look at some scriptures that tells us why God created in the beginning. First of all we were created for His glory! Isaiah 43:7 says; "Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made." We were created for good works as found in Ephesians 2:10; "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do". In Ephesians 4:22-23 Paul is reminding us that we were taught to change from our former way of life, putting off our old attitudes of self. Then is verse 24 it says; "And to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness". We were created to become righteous and holy!
Did you know that we were created for God’s pleasure? I think Ephesians 1:4-5 says it well. Although somewhat controversial because of the word predestined, I would like to try and clarify what Paul is saying. From the beginning God made a plan for the ‘church’. The church was destined to be holy and blameless! In love, God made it possible for us to be adopted through Jesus Christ and to become His very own. WOW! All of this was in God’s will and for His pleasure. In verse 6-7 it says; "To the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace". The word grace is bantered about giving us license to continue in sin but I believe God’s grace was the cross. It is through the grace of God that Jesus went to the cross which gave us the one and only way to the Father. Jesus Christ, The One He loves!
Finally, let’s look at John 3:16; "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life"! Our God is so amazing! He thought of everything! I am amazed that the whole world isn’t clamoring to get in line to enter inside the narrow gate, like they do on ‘black Fridays’!. Instead, to satisfy self, they are fighting to get inside the door that leads to the broad way of life where death and destruction awaits. In my simpleness, I am so thankful that God’s pleasure is not only in the little children but in an old woman like me. How about you?
Jane Ann
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Often I pray that God will use Morning Glory to encourage and lift up my family and friends. It has been slow going but the ones that I know are walking down memory lane with me is also encouraging and lifting me up. Memories are a part of who we are, good or bad! It is a gift from God! When we are able to laugh and cry together, it shows that we care for one another.
Have you ever wondered about God’s sense of humor? Perhaps you have always felt God to be so above the frailties of life that He surely is unapproachable. I believe there are many things we do not know about our God but I do believe He spends a lot of time being amused at our antics. Think about the time when man was preparing and finally walked on the moon! How about the struggles we go through to succeed! We can be just as funny as the animal world!
When God asked Adam to name all the newly created creatures, I am sure He sat back and enjoyed the process. Would you have done differently than Adam? I think the skunk is apply named! However, how did Adam come to name it skunk? Perhaps in the beginning the word skunk wasn’t associated with the odor that the skunk is associated with today. Even so, you have to admit that it had to be pretty funny watching Adam going about naming all the animals, the fish in the seas and the birds in the air.
If you had been there when Jesus fed the 5000 wouldn’t you have been amused, when he did it again with the 4000? Wouldn’t you have been one of the Apostles with a basket in hand running back to Jesus with it empty and saying; "Do it again, Master; Do it again"! How about when Nathanael met Jesus for the first time and Jesus told him that he had seen him sitting under the tree! I bet Nathanael was taken off guard with; "How can you know that"? Can you imagine a little bit of laughter in his voice? I would have been amazed with; "WOW"!
Haven’t you found some of the stories in God’s word amusing? For instance Noah and the Ark; Abraham and Sarah; Balaam and the donkey; Rahab the Harlot; David and Goliath and on it goes. God taking the unimaginable and bringing His work to fruition with such unlikely characters. A boy, a shady woman, a large boat on dry land, an elderly couple giving birth and especially a talking donkey. I am not talking about the content or the message these stories bring but how God uses unlikely people and their lives to teach us His word.
Today I wanted to look at the aspect of God’s amusement in creation. His watching over us and how serious we always seem to be when we think about God. I know that my coming face to face with God, brings me to my knees, saying; "Abba Father"! Yet, when I look around me I am amused at God’s sense of humor and know that He is approachable.
With God all things are possible! Because Jesus could heal the sick, caused the lame to walk, the blind to see and even raise the dead back into a living, breathing being, I find my self being amused at my own importance. Who am I? Why are we so involved with our own self-importance that we can’t see the beauty of our existence is only by the grace of God.
1 Peter 3:10 says; "For whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil". Psalm 37:13 says that last line a little differently; "But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming"!
Jane Ann
Have you ever wondered about God’s sense of humor? Perhaps you have always felt God to be so above the frailties of life that He surely is unapproachable. I believe there are many things we do not know about our God but I do believe He spends a lot of time being amused at our antics. Think about the time when man was preparing and finally walked on the moon! How about the struggles we go through to succeed! We can be just as funny as the animal world!
When God asked Adam to name all the newly created creatures, I am sure He sat back and enjoyed the process. Would you have done differently than Adam? I think the skunk is apply named! However, how did Adam come to name it skunk? Perhaps in the beginning the word skunk wasn’t associated with the odor that the skunk is associated with today. Even so, you have to admit that it had to be pretty funny watching Adam going about naming all the animals, the fish in the seas and the birds in the air.
If you had been there when Jesus fed the 5000 wouldn’t you have been amused, when he did it again with the 4000? Wouldn’t you have been one of the Apostles with a basket in hand running back to Jesus with it empty and saying; "Do it again, Master; Do it again"! How about when Nathanael met Jesus for the first time and Jesus told him that he had seen him sitting under the tree! I bet Nathanael was taken off guard with; "How can you know that"? Can you imagine a little bit of laughter in his voice? I would have been amazed with; "WOW"!
Haven’t you found some of the stories in God’s word amusing? For instance Noah and the Ark; Abraham and Sarah; Balaam and the donkey; Rahab the Harlot; David and Goliath and on it goes. God taking the unimaginable and bringing His work to fruition with such unlikely characters. A boy, a shady woman, a large boat on dry land, an elderly couple giving birth and especially a talking donkey. I am not talking about the content or the message these stories bring but how God uses unlikely people and their lives to teach us His word.
Today I wanted to look at the aspect of God’s amusement in creation. His watching over us and how serious we always seem to be when we think about God. I know that my coming face to face with God, brings me to my knees, saying; "Abba Father"! Yet, when I look around me I am amused at God’s sense of humor and know that He is approachable.
With God all things are possible! Because Jesus could heal the sick, caused the lame to walk, the blind to see and even raise the dead back into a living, breathing being, I find my self being amused at my own importance. Who am I? Why are we so involved with our own self-importance that we can’t see the beauty of our existence is only by the grace of God.
1 Peter 3:10 says; "For whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil". Psalm 37:13 says that last line a little differently; "But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming"!
Jane Ann
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
One of our readers has walked through some difficult days. His response to the question 'can you picture finding shelter under His wings'? Is yes! "He could picture it all and says; "What a gift"! Make no mistake, God is watching over us!
I remember seeing a documentary years ago about a tumble weed. As Jim ate his pop
corn I became so engrossed in the story that I even began to squirm in my seat as the wind blew this little tumble weed into the oncoming traffic and into possible danger. You can tell how I was affected just by the way I described a scene. I understand why children become so caught up in animated stories and why adults love the computerized games that they play with their fingers. We become involved in the story so much that it almost becomes real. The cartoon, or the thing becomes so life like that we feel their joy, their pain and even their excitement.
However, we do live in the real world! Playing with paper dolls as we did years ago or even playing with GI Joe and Barbie are games. It is make believe! It is not real! Sometimes as we watch the birds around the bird feeder on our patio, it is almost like watching a make believe, animated video. But these birds are real! They are just like us as we watch them but conversely it’s their world and they are watching us. Their world is different in that they migrate from one part of the country to another depending upon the seasons. We usually stay put! I think perhaps it is safer staying put than flitting from here and there because trouble can lurk in some of the most unusual places.
Early one Saturday morning I was sitting in my recliner and Scotty, the cat, was laying on the floor beside me. All of a sudden we heard a semi loud thud inside the fireplace chimney wall. Scotty ran to the fireplace to see better and I was in a panic because I could hear the flapping of wings and knew that a bird had fallen down the chimney. Thankfully it was not the season for a fire but then we seldom ever have a fire. I hollered for Jim and we ponder our next move. Obviously it was our move because the bird couldn’t seem to find it’s way out even after Jim opened the damper. I called the chimney sweep! They couldn’t come out until Monday at noon! What were we to do? We waited and intermittently we could hear the flapping of wings! We told our story to our church family the next day and everyone had a solution. Only one became a consideration! But I didn’t try it until Monday morning. I placed a lamp just inside the fireplace and turned it on. It didn’t take long! As soon as our visitor saw the light he went towards it and fell through the damper! We quickly rigged a path towards the sliding doors onto the patio. Jim helped him along and he was outside! Jim followed so he could give him some water. As I stood there watching in awe, the water coming on frightened him and he took off into the air as though he had just stopped for a chat and was now on his way. Full power! I cried!
I had prayed every since it happen that God would free this little bird. I knew God was concerned because in Luke 12:6 it says that He knows even when the sparrow falls.
Our God is the God of creation! In Genesis 1:21-23 God filled the waters with living creatures and the air with every winged bird. Genesis 1:24-27 God let the earth bring forth living creatures. Those that creep and the beasts after their own kind. On that same day he created man and said that they would rule over all that moved on the earth. In Genesis 7:13-16 Noah and his family entered the Ark of salvation along with every kind of living breathing flesh after its kind as God had commanded him, male and female. Yes, God even tells Job in 38:39-41 how He sees that the Lion is fed, along with the raven as their young cry to Him and wander about without food. I believe for our amusement and amazement God said in Luke 19:40; "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out". Even the inanimate is under God’s control as well as the animate. Why shouldn’t God be able to breath life into the stones? He did it with dust! We cannot impede the Creator! Jane Ann
I remember seeing a documentary years ago about a tumble weed. As Jim ate his pop
corn I became so engrossed in the story that I even began to squirm in my seat as the wind blew this little tumble weed into the oncoming traffic and into possible danger. You can tell how I was affected just by the way I described a scene. I understand why children become so caught up in animated stories and why adults love the computerized games that they play with their fingers. We become involved in the story so much that it almost becomes real. The cartoon, or the thing becomes so life like that we feel their joy, their pain and even their excitement.
However, we do live in the real world! Playing with paper dolls as we did years ago or even playing with GI Joe and Barbie are games. It is make believe! It is not real! Sometimes as we watch the birds around the bird feeder on our patio, it is almost like watching a make believe, animated video. But these birds are real! They are just like us as we watch them but conversely it’s their world and they are watching us. Their world is different in that they migrate from one part of the country to another depending upon the seasons. We usually stay put! I think perhaps it is safer staying put than flitting from here and there because trouble can lurk in some of the most unusual places.
Early one Saturday morning I was sitting in my recliner and Scotty, the cat, was laying on the floor beside me. All of a sudden we heard a semi loud thud inside the fireplace chimney wall. Scotty ran to the fireplace to see better and I was in a panic because I could hear the flapping of wings and knew that a bird had fallen down the chimney. Thankfully it was not the season for a fire but then we seldom ever have a fire. I hollered for Jim and we ponder our next move. Obviously it was our move because the bird couldn’t seem to find it’s way out even after Jim opened the damper. I called the chimney sweep! They couldn’t come out until Monday at noon! What were we to do? We waited and intermittently we could hear the flapping of wings! We told our story to our church family the next day and everyone had a solution. Only one became a consideration! But I didn’t try it until Monday morning. I placed a lamp just inside the fireplace and turned it on. It didn’t take long! As soon as our visitor saw the light he went towards it and fell through the damper! We quickly rigged a path towards the sliding doors onto the patio. Jim helped him along and he was outside! Jim followed so he could give him some water. As I stood there watching in awe, the water coming on frightened him and he took off into the air as though he had just stopped for a chat and was now on his way. Full power! I cried!
I had prayed every since it happen that God would free this little bird. I knew God was concerned because in Luke 12:6 it says that He knows even when the sparrow falls.
Our God is the God of creation! In Genesis 1:21-23 God filled the waters with living creatures and the air with every winged bird. Genesis 1:24-27 God let the earth bring forth living creatures. Those that creep and the beasts after their own kind. On that same day he created man and said that they would rule over all that moved on the earth. In Genesis 7:13-16 Noah and his family entered the Ark of salvation along with every kind of living breathing flesh after its kind as God had commanded him, male and female. Yes, God even tells Job in 38:39-41 how He sees that the Lion is fed, along with the raven as their young cry to Him and wander about without food. I believe for our amusement and amazement God said in Luke 19:40; "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out". Even the inanimate is under God’s control as well as the animate. Why shouldn’t God be able to breath life into the stones? He did it with dust! We cannot impede the Creator! Jane Ann
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Picturing being under God's wings 12/2/08
Since computers and email I have received many stories, and warnings of bad things will happen if I don’t forward, or if I do forward, to at least 10 people, good fortune will come my way. I love to receive some of these tid bits and short stories but I don’t like to be forced by guilt to forward. I decide whether I want to forward or not! One of the stories I received was about a charred chicken found at the base of a fir tree during an inspection of a contained forest fire. The fireman saw it and saw how grotesque it looked. He kicked it with his foot and several baby chicks ran out from underneath the wings of a charred mother hen.
Another little story I saw in a newspaper many years ago. It was about an abandoned warehouse which had burned down. The story goes that as the firemen were beginning to spray down the building they saw a baby kitten hidden in some trash just outside the large door that was opened just a smidgen at the bottom. As he reached down to pick up the kitten a smoke laden mother cat was scurrying over to the trash and deposited another kitten. Before he could stop her she turned and ran back inside the burning building. In just moments she returned with another and before he could get her she ran back inside. All in all she brought out 5 baby kittens and then collapsed. The fireman immediately began to attend to the mother cat. Although she was singed, blackened from the smoke and with hardly a breath in her because of smoke inhalation, she was still alive!. She was taken to the vet along with her babies and was eventually nursed back to health.
It is always amazing how the animal kingdom acts upon instinct not love. Survival is important in the animal kingdom. We have watched momma and pappa birds building nests, being very protective of the eggs. Even after the babies are hatched , they hover around the nest and take turns feeding the young. Years ago I walked into my backyard and was attacked by a couple of birds. Even our dog was not safe! I finally called Jim at work and he came home. We discovered that several of the babies had fallen out of a nest and into our backyard. Jim turned the hose on and tried to pick up the babies and place them on the other side of the retaining wall because we didn’t know where their nest was. At the same time, he tried to protect himself by turning the spray of water upon the parent birds. It was scary and a little exciting. Finally it was safe again in our yard! For a time we thought we were in a remake of the movie called ‘The Birds’!
Many times animals are known for abandoning their young! Abandonment by human parents is also a well known factor. I have never understood that! I guess it is because my Mother and Father never gave up their children even though hardships were greater because of having so many children.
In Matthew 23:37 Jesus is lamenting over Jerusalem. He said they would kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to her. Jesus says; "I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling". What a safe place for those little chicks in the forest fire Even though the mother hen suffered and died, her little ones were safe under her wings. In Psalm 17 David is asking God for protection from his enemies. David says; Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Thy wings". Even in the shadow of God’s wing David could find safety. In Psalm 91 David is seeking security for one who puts his trust in the Lord. Verse 4 reads; "He will cover you with His pinions and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.".
When we are lost and can’t find our way, our heavenly Father will lift us up out of the miry clay and protect us under His wings. Can you picture it? Can you picture the storm clashing all around us? Can you picture finding shelter under His wings? Jane Ann
Another little story I saw in a newspaper many years ago. It was about an abandoned warehouse which had burned down. The story goes that as the firemen were beginning to spray down the building they saw a baby kitten hidden in some trash just outside the large door that was opened just a smidgen at the bottom. As he reached down to pick up the kitten a smoke laden mother cat was scurrying over to the trash and deposited another kitten. Before he could stop her she turned and ran back inside the burning building. In just moments she returned with another and before he could get her she ran back inside. All in all she brought out 5 baby kittens and then collapsed. The fireman immediately began to attend to the mother cat. Although she was singed, blackened from the smoke and with hardly a breath in her because of smoke inhalation, she was still alive!. She was taken to the vet along with her babies and was eventually nursed back to health.
It is always amazing how the animal kingdom acts upon instinct not love. Survival is important in the animal kingdom. We have watched momma and pappa birds building nests, being very protective of the eggs. Even after the babies are hatched , they hover around the nest and take turns feeding the young. Years ago I walked into my backyard and was attacked by a couple of birds. Even our dog was not safe! I finally called Jim at work and he came home. We discovered that several of the babies had fallen out of a nest and into our backyard. Jim turned the hose on and tried to pick up the babies and place them on the other side of the retaining wall because we didn’t know where their nest was. At the same time, he tried to protect himself by turning the spray of water upon the parent birds. It was scary and a little exciting. Finally it was safe again in our yard! For a time we thought we were in a remake of the movie called ‘The Birds’!
Many times animals are known for abandoning their young! Abandonment by human parents is also a well known factor. I have never understood that! I guess it is because my Mother and Father never gave up their children even though hardships were greater because of having so many children.
In Matthew 23:37 Jesus is lamenting over Jerusalem. He said they would kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to her. Jesus says; "I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling". What a safe place for those little chicks in the forest fire Even though the mother hen suffered and died, her little ones were safe under her wings. In Psalm 17 David is asking God for protection from his enemies. David says; Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Thy wings". Even in the shadow of God’s wing David could find safety. In Psalm 91 David is seeking security for one who puts his trust in the Lord. Verse 4 reads; "He will cover you with His pinions and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.".
When we are lost and can’t find our way, our heavenly Father will lift us up out of the miry clay and protect us under His wings. Can you picture it? Can you picture the storm clashing all around us? Can you picture finding shelter under His wings? Jane Ann
Monday, December 1, 2008
For Our Amusement and Amazement! 12/1/08
The winter of 07-08 we discovered we had actually moved into the snow belt of Southern Oregon. It was not just the snow belt, but the land of snow. Snow started in November and never had a chance to melt, until long into the end of spring and early summer. We were fully dressed in beautiful white stuff that gradually turned into slush with tones of ugly brown stuff with intermittent streaks of gray and white. Even though many were on their roofs removing a disaster waiting to happen the birds were out looking for their regular restaurant haunts. Some were still open as the owners would refill their feeders every morning and evening. Others, were apparently closed due to bad weather. This winter we had an untapped food supply and we were amazed! When the berries were gone the food supply was at Wal-Mart.
We noticed the Robins before the snow, were a little more plump than usual but only to the point that we noticed. Nothing more! Did they know something we didn’t? We have a small tree in the front that has red non-eatable berries. We also have a medium size red berry tree of a different kind on the back patio. Usually in the spring, we have to clean up these berries because the birds never eat them. Not so this winter! A good size flock of Robins found our back yard their winter resort and their size doubled throughout those winter months. Their red/orange chests protruding almost to the ground, were amazing! One Robin took possession of the ground under the wheelbarrow planter. When other Robins wanted to join him, he became aggressive and chased them away.
It appears to me that while eating the worms we grow in our front yard, the Robins stay slim and trim. But because the worm café was closed, they were eating only dessert and believe me it was beginning to show. Along with the Robins we have noticed much smaller birds eating right along with them. There is no segregation within the fine feathered friends at the dinner table, unless you are trying to eat off each others plate.
Whenever I ask Jim; "Why did God create that"? Usually it is regarding a plant, an animal or anything that appears unusual, funny or strange. He always says; "For our amusement and amazement"! Well, we certainly have been amused and amazed at the nature displayed in our yard. I have worried so much about the snow and the problems and the danger that it brings, but the snow has brought to these birds joy, delight and of course berry’s.
I remember my older brothers and sisters talking about the depression. They summed it all up with; "We never really knew we were in a ‘depression’ because we always lived like that". Today the news media tell us that we are in a recession which of course leads to a ‘depression’. Gas has been high, prices in the super markets are increasing and many homes are being foreclosed upon. I wonder if that means we are living within our means and the means are just not enough or if it means we have been living beyond our means and our supply is getting pinched because of wanting more than what we need.
In Matthew 6:25 God tells us; "Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink. Further on He says; "Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life?"
My favorite is 34; "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day". Let us enjoy today! Let God fill us with amusement and amazement and not be filled with anxiety. Let’s feast on the berries of life with joy and anticipation. Praise God for today! By: Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/25/08
The winter of 07-08 we discovered we had actually moved into the snow belt of Southern Oregon. It was not just the snow belt, but the land of snow. Snow started in November and never had a chance to melt, until long into the end of spring and early summer. We were fully dressed in beautiful white stuff that gradually turned into slush with tones of ugly brown stuff with intermittent streaks of gray and white. Even though many were on their roofs removing a disaster waiting to happen the birds were out looking for their regular restaurant haunts. Some were still open as the owners would refill their feeders every morning and evening. Others, were apparently closed due to bad weather. This winter we had an untapped food supply and we were amazed! When the berries were gone the food supply was at Wal-Mart.
We noticed the Robins before the snow, were a little more plump than usual but only to the point that we noticed. Nothing more! Did they know something we didn’t? We have a small tree in the front that has red non-eatable berries. We also have a medium size red berry tree of a different kind on the back patio. Usually in the spring, we have to clean up these berries because the birds never eat them. Not so this winter! A good size flock of Robins found our back yard their winter resort and their size doubled throughout those winter months. Their red/orange chests protruding almost to the ground, were amazing! One Robin took possession of the ground under the wheelbarrow planter. When other Robins wanted to join him, he became aggressive and chased them away.
It appears to me that while eating the worms we grow in our front yard, the Robins stay slim and trim. But because the worm café was closed, they were eating only dessert and believe me it was beginning to show. Along with the Robins we have noticed much smaller birds eating right along with them. There is no segregation within the fine feathered friends at the dinner table, unless you are trying to eat off each others plate.
Whenever I ask Jim; "Why did God create that"? Usually it is regarding a plant, an animal or anything that appears unusual, funny or strange. He always says; "For our amusement and amazement"! Well, we certainly have been amused and amazed at the nature displayed in our yard. I have worried so much about the snow and the problems and the danger that it brings, but the snow has brought to these birds joy, delight and of course berry’s.
I remember my older brothers and sisters talking about the depression. They summed it all up with; "We never really knew we were in a ‘depression’ because we always lived like that". Today the news media tell us that we are in a recession which of course leads to a ‘depression’. Gas has been high, prices in the super markets are increasing and many homes are being foreclosed upon. I wonder if that means we are living within our means and the means are just not enough or if it means we have been living beyond our means and our supply is getting pinched because of wanting more than what we need.
In Matthew 6:25 God tells us; "Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink. Further on He says; "Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life?"
My favorite is 34; "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day". Let us enjoy today! Let God fill us with amusement and amazement and not be filled with anxiety. Let’s feast on the berries of life with joy and anticipation. Praise God for today! By: Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/25/08
Friday, November 28, 2008
Yesterday was a day that was set aside many, many years ago through the proclamation,
written and spoken by Abraham Lincoln. To paraphrase the first two lines of Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation: "This year has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. Even though we constantly enjoy these things, we forget their source, along with other bounties, so extraordinary that they must soften hearts grown insensitive to the ever watchful care of Almighty God."
It almost seems ironic that Thanksgiving is declared a ‘National Holiday’ and yet so many who are employed by our nation don’t even want "In God we Trust" on our currency anymore. They have removed the Ten Commandments from public places because it might offend those who do not believe in the God of creation. Supposedly prayer in schools are not allowed but I bet praying is still going on. It amazes me that in this country many want to do disgraceful and unthinkable things and call it freedom. We certainly do live in a sinful and perverse world. This has become a country that is an abomination to the teachings of Jesus! Our job is to not become like the world! Our job is to show the world by our actions that all they say is good , is not even a shadow of what good looks like. It is full of hypocrisy, filth and deceit!
I received an email from the Lemke’s who are missionaries to the Ukraine. Janice says; "We have much to be grateful for. Americans look at the falling stock market and worry about retirement. People in other parts of the world wonder if they will eat dinner. Americans hope new political leaders can protect our standard of living. People in other parts of the world hope loved-ones and livelihood can survive marauders or tribal warfare. Those on welfare in the US rank among the world's wealthiest citizens. We are indeed blessed. I did nothing to deserve the blessings that go with American citizenship, but remember that to whom much is given, much is required".
The Christian community had a chance to let the world know that the Good News was not dead. But a man who believes in abortions and the gay right movement towards marriage was placed in office anyway. How thankful we should be that God can use anyone for His good purposes. We may be unhappy about the choice but we should be extremely happy and thankful that God is still in control. How sweet it is to know that we may make bad choices but even then as we read Romans 8:28 we are comforted with; "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. We, the church have been called!
Our country may be in jeopardy because of the element of evil, but all earthly things will eventually pass away but the Love of our Lord will live for ever and ever. What more can we give thanks for than knowing that Our Lord will never forsake those that belong to Him. Let us pray with thanksgiving that we never forsake Him while living in the flesh so that upon our graduation, we step through the door of eternal salvation with thanksgiving, peace and joy in our hearts. "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for His ways are good and His love endures forever"! Psalm 107:1 Hallelujah, what a Savior! Jane Ann/Janice Lemke
written and spoken by Abraham Lincoln. To paraphrase the first two lines of Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation: "This year has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. Even though we constantly enjoy these things, we forget their source, along with other bounties, so extraordinary that they must soften hearts grown insensitive to the ever watchful care of Almighty God."
It almost seems ironic that Thanksgiving is declared a ‘National Holiday’ and yet so many who are employed by our nation don’t even want "In God we Trust" on our currency anymore. They have removed the Ten Commandments from public places because it might offend those who do not believe in the God of creation. Supposedly prayer in schools are not allowed but I bet praying is still going on. It amazes me that in this country many want to do disgraceful and unthinkable things and call it freedom. We certainly do live in a sinful and perverse world. This has become a country that is an abomination to the teachings of Jesus! Our job is to not become like the world! Our job is to show the world by our actions that all they say is good , is not even a shadow of what good looks like. It is full of hypocrisy, filth and deceit!
I received an email from the Lemke’s who are missionaries to the Ukraine. Janice says; "We have much to be grateful for. Americans look at the falling stock market and worry about retirement. People in other parts of the world wonder if they will eat dinner. Americans hope new political leaders can protect our standard of living. People in other parts of the world hope loved-ones and livelihood can survive marauders or tribal warfare. Those on welfare in the US rank among the world's wealthiest citizens. We are indeed blessed. I did nothing to deserve the blessings that go with American citizenship, but remember that to whom much is given, much is required".
The Christian community had a chance to let the world know that the Good News was not dead. But a man who believes in abortions and the gay right movement towards marriage was placed in office anyway. How thankful we should be that God can use anyone for His good purposes. We may be unhappy about the choice but we should be extremely happy and thankful that God is still in control. How sweet it is to know that we may make bad choices but even then as we read Romans 8:28 we are comforted with; "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. We, the church have been called!
Our country may be in jeopardy because of the element of evil, but all earthly things will eventually pass away but the Love of our Lord will live for ever and ever. What more can we give thanks for than knowing that Our Lord will never forsake those that belong to Him. Let us pray with thanksgiving that we never forsake Him while living in the flesh so that upon our graduation, we step through the door of eternal salvation with thanksgiving, peace and joy in our hearts. "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for His ways are good and His love endures forever"! Psalm 107:1 Hallelujah, what a Savior! Jane Ann/Janice Lemke
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Today is thanksgiving! This is a day that many prepare a big feast and invite family and
friends to sit at their table and declare that thanksgiving is really ‘turkey day’. Please, don’t call it turkey day! I believe that thanksgiving is still the day that we come together around the table to give thanks for God’s goodness. Because of His goodness we have food on the table. We have a table to sit at! The table is in a room that is only one in a house full of rooms that we call home.
Thanksgiving is a day that our nation sets aside to give thanks to God for our country and its freedoms. Freedoms, that we still have in spite of some that seem to be in jeopardy. Thanksgiving is a day that we can be thankful for our families and friends who we love and care for. We give thanks for our schools and public places that bring continuity to our communities and peace among the people. We give thanks for our church families that encourage and lift us up. We give thanks for good times and times when we felt the need only for God.
I have always loved Thanksgiving! This day would bring my family all together, sitting down at one very long table. That was no easy task because we were many. A lot of thought and care would go into the preparations but it was the sitting down together that was always so very special. I remember once we not only had a turkey, but a goose and a duck!
How I love Thanksgiving, oh let me count the ways! The family of my youth and throughout my life. My family that Jim and I have together which includes another daughter and three delightful grandsons and their other grandmother. My extended family that is everywhere and God calls it His church. I am thankful for this country that in spite of its worldliness , God still blesses it. I am thankful for God allowing me to be who I am and no longer hide his love for me under a bushel but I can shout it loud and clear over the internet. Can you count the ways you love Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is a time for praising our God because praise should inhabit His people. Praising God with songs of rejoicing brings joy among Gods people. You just need to stop and think about God’s goodness to you. Count the blessings and make note of the tiny splashes of joy that create the huge puddles we walk in daily, because we know that God is with us.
I remember walking home from school as the rain filled the streets and caused us to walk down the middle of the road in order to keep our feet dry. But what did we do? We took our shoes off and walked and splashed in ankle deep water and loved it. We felt the abandonment of the moment! That is what praising God and giving thanks is on thanksgiving day. Giving thanks to our Lord with abandonment of the moment because all things come from Him. In reality thanksgiving is an action, not a day! "Happy are the people that call upon their Lord and welcome Him into their gates with thanksgiving and praise"! Jane Ann
friends to sit at their table and declare that thanksgiving is really ‘turkey day’. Please, don’t call it turkey day! I believe that thanksgiving is still the day that we come together around the table to give thanks for God’s goodness. Because of His goodness we have food on the table. We have a table to sit at! The table is in a room that is only one in a house full of rooms that we call home.
Thanksgiving is a day that our nation sets aside to give thanks to God for our country and its freedoms. Freedoms, that we still have in spite of some that seem to be in jeopardy. Thanksgiving is a day that we can be thankful for our families and friends who we love and care for. We give thanks for our schools and public places that bring continuity to our communities and peace among the people. We give thanks for our church families that encourage and lift us up. We give thanks for good times and times when we felt the need only for God.
I have always loved Thanksgiving! This day would bring my family all together, sitting down at one very long table. That was no easy task because we were many. A lot of thought and care would go into the preparations but it was the sitting down together that was always so very special. I remember once we not only had a turkey, but a goose and a duck!
How I love Thanksgiving, oh let me count the ways! The family of my youth and throughout my life. My family that Jim and I have together which includes another daughter and three delightful grandsons and their other grandmother. My extended family that is everywhere and God calls it His church. I am thankful for this country that in spite of its worldliness , God still blesses it. I am thankful for God allowing me to be who I am and no longer hide his love for me under a bushel but I can shout it loud and clear over the internet. Can you count the ways you love Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is a time for praising our God because praise should inhabit His people. Praising God with songs of rejoicing brings joy among Gods people. You just need to stop and think about God’s goodness to you. Count the blessings and make note of the tiny splashes of joy that create the huge puddles we walk in daily, because we know that God is with us.
I remember walking home from school as the rain filled the streets and caused us to walk down the middle of the road in order to keep our feet dry. But what did we do? We took our shoes off and walked and splashed in ankle deep water and loved it. We felt the abandonment of the moment! That is what praising God and giving thanks is on thanksgiving day. Giving thanks to our Lord with abandonment of the moment because all things come from Him. In reality thanksgiving is an action, not a day! "Happy are the people that call upon their Lord and welcome Him into their gates with thanksgiving and praise"! Jane Ann
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Continuing with the idea of our generation, lets put how we got here into perspective. To
do that, lets look at before I was born. That would make it just over 70 years ago. Herbert Hoover was President. We were in a recession so he raised the taxes on the rich which was to put a chicken in every pot but instead it caused a depression. When I was born, President Roosevelt was president! He held the office for 3 consecutive terms. People thought the give away programs were the beginning of good times. Finally there would be a chicken in every pot!
Our country continued it’s spiral downhill due to wars and rumors of wars. During my highschool years it was the Korean Police Action and we walked away from it under President Truman. What was happening to our Country? What happened to the, all for one and one for all! What happened to honoring our word and God. Even Jesus talking to the Pharisees and scribes said in Matthew 15:8-9; "This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain they worship Me. Teaching as doctrines the precepts of Men".
Years went by and we became engaged in the Vietnam war. Again, we were so far from God, many lives became lost. A number so staggering that the people became fearful and President Johnson called it quits and we broke ranks and our promises. Again, what was happening in our Country? The soldiers returned home to a country that no longer gave honor to the war hero’s and many ended up feeling rejected and disgraced. Our country then moved from wars and rumors of wars into a period of somewhat stabilized, perverted government of sorts. Then sexual immorality within the office of the Presidency during the 90's took center stage and brought our country down even further. It appears that many didn’t even care!
I know I am speaking of unspeakable things. Nobody likes talking about these things! We have a habit of putting our heads in the sand. Jesus taught us at the age of 12 when He met with the Learned in the temple, Christians are to be about God’s business! In Matthew 16:26 Jesus says; "For what will a man profit, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
A beloved scripture is 2 Chronicles 7:14; "If my people who are called by name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land". We can be thankful in spite of our countries failures. We can still be held together by the loving grace of our heavenly Father! Those of us who are called by His name, need to be humble, seeking Gods face in prayer asking forgiveness of our sinful ways and then, and only then, will God forgive our sins and heal our land. Being thankful to our God is not just for a day but for always! We have so much to be thankful for - it should take a lifetime letting God know just how thankful we are! Jane Ann
do that, lets look at before I was born. That would make it just over 70 years ago. Herbert Hoover was President. We were in a recession so he raised the taxes on the rich which was to put a chicken in every pot but instead it caused a depression. When I was born, President Roosevelt was president! He held the office for 3 consecutive terms. People thought the give away programs were the beginning of good times. Finally there would be a chicken in every pot!
Our country continued it’s spiral downhill due to wars and rumors of wars. During my highschool years it was the Korean Police Action and we walked away from it under President Truman. What was happening to our Country? What happened to the, all for one and one for all! What happened to honoring our word and God. Even Jesus talking to the Pharisees and scribes said in Matthew 15:8-9; "This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain they worship Me. Teaching as doctrines the precepts of Men".
Years went by and we became engaged in the Vietnam war. Again, we were so far from God, many lives became lost. A number so staggering that the people became fearful and President Johnson called it quits and we broke ranks and our promises. Again, what was happening in our Country? The soldiers returned home to a country that no longer gave honor to the war hero’s and many ended up feeling rejected and disgraced. Our country then moved from wars and rumors of wars into a period of somewhat stabilized, perverted government of sorts. Then sexual immorality within the office of the Presidency during the 90's took center stage and brought our country down even further. It appears that many didn’t even care!
I know I am speaking of unspeakable things. Nobody likes talking about these things! We have a habit of putting our heads in the sand. Jesus taught us at the age of 12 when He met with the Learned in the temple, Christians are to be about God’s business! In Matthew 16:26 Jesus says; "For what will a man profit, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
A beloved scripture is 2 Chronicles 7:14; "If my people who are called by name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land". We can be thankful in spite of our countries failures. We can still be held together by the loving grace of our heavenly Father! Those of us who are called by His name, need to be humble, seeking Gods face in prayer asking forgiveness of our sinful ways and then, and only then, will God forgive our sins and heal our land. Being thankful to our God is not just for a day but for always! We have so much to be thankful for - it should take a lifetime letting God know just how thankful we are! Jane Ann
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This Thursday has been set aside in our country to give thanks to our God. It is called ‘Thanksgiving Day’! Throughout our discussion this week I want to talk about things that most would say; "What do we have to be thankful for?" In spite of adverse conditions and seeing the cup being half full we are truly a blessed nation with much to be thankful for! Just like most things, Thanksgiving Day has a beginning! We are going to take a peek at the beginning and then a few glances at where we are today as we celebrate in 2008. Hang on, this could be tough! I will try to use my words carefully and those who wish to participate in the discussion, remember that we can still praise God from whom all blessings flow.
God’s providence was evident during the sojourn of the pilgrims from their homeland to
the new world. God’s providence led them to the peninsula that became their home even though it was not where they were headed. God’s providence brought them to a people that already had a young Indian named Squanto, who years before learned to speak English while in captivity, in England. I don’t believe any of that which happened was by chance. Many books have been written about it and many believe that God’s divine hand orchestrated the lives of those who left everything to follow Him into the new world. Our country was founded on the beliefs of these men who not only suffered along the way, yet still remained strong in their beliefs that this was God’s desire for the future of his people and for the generations to come.
Did you know that we are the generation who eventually reaped what these dedicated men strove to obtain. They didn’t live long enough to see what this generation would do. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could say that each generation that followed stood tall and that down through the years, the dreams of our forefathers came to fruition.
I am afraid that we, just as generations before us, have failed to keep the dreams alive. The dream of a country that believes that God is and ever shall be the ruler of all mankind. A country that holds truth above all things and knows that it will fall unless the inward parts are built on nothing less than Jesus Christ.
Our forefathers knew that this country would not be perfect but they thought that Godly people would be able to do as Philippians 2:15 says; "That you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world". Today the world wants to put our lights out! They want to live in the shadow of what was and not let it ever be again.
Let’s look again at Psalm 100:4-5; "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name for the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations". God is faithful even today! Let us be thankful to Him during this season as we ponder how blessed we are! Tomorrow we will look at some of the happenings that have taken place in our generation. Jane Ann
God’s providence was evident during the sojourn of the pilgrims from their homeland to
the new world. God’s providence led them to the peninsula that became their home even though it was not where they were headed. God’s providence brought them to a people that already had a young Indian named Squanto, who years before learned to speak English while in captivity, in England. I don’t believe any of that which happened was by chance. Many books have been written about it and many believe that God’s divine hand orchestrated the lives of those who left everything to follow Him into the new world. Our country was founded on the beliefs of these men who not only suffered along the way, yet still remained strong in their beliefs that this was God’s desire for the future of his people and for the generations to come.
Did you know that we are the generation who eventually reaped what these dedicated men strove to obtain. They didn’t live long enough to see what this generation would do. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could say that each generation that followed stood tall and that down through the years, the dreams of our forefathers came to fruition.
I am afraid that we, just as generations before us, have failed to keep the dreams alive. The dream of a country that believes that God is and ever shall be the ruler of all mankind. A country that holds truth above all things and knows that it will fall unless the inward parts are built on nothing less than Jesus Christ.
Our forefathers knew that this country would not be perfect but they thought that Godly people would be able to do as Philippians 2:15 says; "That you may prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world". Today the world wants to put our lights out! They want to live in the shadow of what was and not let it ever be again.
Let’s look again at Psalm 100:4-5; "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name for the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations". God is faithful even today! Let us be thankful to Him during this season as we ponder how blessed we are! Tomorrow we will look at some of the happenings that have taken place in our generation. Jane Ann
Monday, November 24, 2008
The First Thanksgiving! 11/24/08
For those who follow our daily discussions, last weeks study ended on Saturday morning. Please scroll down for the last thought of last week. Now for this week we are going take a walk down memory lane looking at the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims. I pray that this walk will encourage all of us to be more thankful than ever that our God loves us and is still in control.
Do you ever wonder about the very first thanksgiving experienced by the pilgrims and their new best friends, the Indians? I know what I have read in history books! I am aware of how the new thinkers are wanting to change history to suit themselves! However, the very first thanksgiving had to be full of many firsts. The first large gathering of people full of excitement because of their great crops that year. The first gathering of foreigners on this new land and those who felt this land was theirs alone. The first time these people came together in unity and began to share in thanking God. Wow! Not to mention the first, of eating new kinds of food!
I was two weeks shy of 24 when Jim and I married in January. As the year moved on we began to approach our first thanksgiving as a married couple. My family gatherings were always large because there were so many. We had just moved into our first home and I was going to be making my first pies! Growing up I baked cakes, Joyce did pies.....I was excited and Clarence, my brother-in-law was giving me pointers and even came out to taste my crust. I even made a criss-cross crust on top of one. Clancy took a bite of the crust and then another small one. He looked up and said; "Add a little butter and this dough would make tasty biscuits". My spirits were not daunted, because these were my very first and they looked good.
We left for church as was our custom on Thanksgiving Day, and then on to celebrate. Later that night as we returned home, Jim and I noticed that all the lights were on and the front door was standing wide open. Our new puppy, Frosty, was sitting behind the screen door whimpering. We both wondered who was in our house? We approached the door. We could hear the TV, and cautiously went inside! No one was there! Our back door was badly scratched from Frosty’s trying to get out to do her business. Evidence that she couldn’t wait was apparent on the carpet by the front door. Obviously, with all the excitement of the morning surrounding ‘pies’, we forgot to secure our home and care for our baby. Some of the air in our bubble began to leak as we tried to put things back in order. How could we have done that? How could we both have neglected our new home and baby in such a careless manner?
Excitement does that to a person! Are you excited when Sunday morning comes? When the church family is planning their big thanksgiving dinner, are you excited? Do you get excited when you know that the church doors will be open and knowing family fellowship is just ahead? Through the years I have known many who are always there when the doors are open. They must be excited! I know that I am, but then I am one who hates to miss out on anything! In the book of Psalm, we find that David’s heart was full of thanksgiving! In 26:7 he says; "That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and declare all Thy wonders"! In 95:2-3 he continues with; "Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with singing. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods"! Again in 100:4-5 David says; "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name for the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations". The early pilgrims suffered many hardships when they entered the domain of the Indians. Many Conflicts arose among the good and the bad! Those who sought peace were able to find it with those who were also seeking peace. In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul encourages us with these words; "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". During this season, think on these things! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/11/08
Do you ever wonder about the very first thanksgiving experienced by the pilgrims and their new best friends, the Indians? I know what I have read in history books! I am aware of how the new thinkers are wanting to change history to suit themselves! However, the very first thanksgiving had to be full of many firsts. The first large gathering of people full of excitement because of their great crops that year. The first gathering of foreigners on this new land and those who felt this land was theirs alone. The first time these people came together in unity and began to share in thanking God. Wow! Not to mention the first, of eating new kinds of food!
I was two weeks shy of 24 when Jim and I married in January. As the year moved on we began to approach our first thanksgiving as a married couple. My family gatherings were always large because there were so many. We had just moved into our first home and I was going to be making my first pies! Growing up I baked cakes, Joyce did pies.....I was excited and Clarence, my brother-in-law was giving me pointers and even came out to taste my crust. I even made a criss-cross crust on top of one. Clancy took a bite of the crust and then another small one. He looked up and said; "Add a little butter and this dough would make tasty biscuits". My spirits were not daunted, because these were my very first and they looked good.
We left for church as was our custom on Thanksgiving Day, and then on to celebrate. Later that night as we returned home, Jim and I noticed that all the lights were on and the front door was standing wide open. Our new puppy, Frosty, was sitting behind the screen door whimpering. We both wondered who was in our house? We approached the door. We could hear the TV, and cautiously went inside! No one was there! Our back door was badly scratched from Frosty’s trying to get out to do her business. Evidence that she couldn’t wait was apparent on the carpet by the front door. Obviously, with all the excitement of the morning surrounding ‘pies’, we forgot to secure our home and care for our baby. Some of the air in our bubble began to leak as we tried to put things back in order. How could we have done that? How could we both have neglected our new home and baby in such a careless manner?
Excitement does that to a person! Are you excited when Sunday morning comes? When the church family is planning their big thanksgiving dinner, are you excited? Do you get excited when you know that the church doors will be open and knowing family fellowship is just ahead? Through the years I have known many who are always there when the doors are open. They must be excited! I know that I am, but then I am one who hates to miss out on anything! In the book of Psalm, we find that David’s heart was full of thanksgiving! In 26:7 he says; "That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and declare all Thy wonders"! In 95:2-3 he continues with; "Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with singing. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods"! Again in 100:4-5 David says; "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name for the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations". The early pilgrims suffered many hardships when they entered the domain of the Indians. Many Conflicts arose among the good and the bad! Those who sought peace were able to find it with those who were also seeking peace. In Philippians 4:6-7, Paul encourages us with these words; "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". During this season, think on these things! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/11/08
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I know today is Saturday and usually we take the weekend off knowing that being in God’s house on Sunday is part of every Christian’s game plan. But because of life happening within in my family we missed a day for our conversation. We could have just let the lost day go by and start new next week but getting a full idea of what the real playground is suggests we should leave nothing out...... So here we are on Saturday!
Iona, a regular follower of Morning Glory has also visited the coliseums in Athens and Rome and was truly impressed by their massive structures and the vision of those who built them. She mentioned how unhappy it makes her when so many old structures are torn down only to rebuild the same again, but bigger and more modern to attract the rich and famous. I suppose a lot of these kinds of ‘tear down/rebuild’ periods is because every 100 years there are always new and different people. Some like the old but most like current/modern facilities that suit their tastes. Personally, I like the old structures and the romance of remembrance.
In reading the devotion for our discussion we find that even in Biblical days fun and
games were a part of the daily life of children and adults. As in my youth, these games were part of the creativity of the times. I believe our children today and also the adults are missing out on simple basic facts of life that made life a little more exciting. How many times do we hear some child or young adult say; "I’m bored"! "I’ve got nothing to do"!
When my son and his family moved to Idaho, Faye became a stay at home mom and for a time, she found herself at lose ends. That happens when you are so use to a working routine and environment. One morning, 4 year old, Jordan said; "Let’s go to the mall; you’ll have fun; you’ll see"! Jordan was one of those who could create his own fun and enjoy playing by himself. He was creating in his mind a fun time at the mall; walking; looking and maybe getting something to eat? I understand it worked, because he and his mom went to the mall and had a good time!
There is a lot to say about planning and being creative and there is lot to be said about becoming spontaneous. At the spur of the moment; Let’s go to the beach! How about a little one on one? Good clean fun is designed for having a good time and not becoming negative or a sore loser.
In Genesis 2:26-27 God says; "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
likeness". It goes on to say that man would rule over all that inhabited the earth and that God created both man and female. It is important for us to realize that our God was a creative God! He was a God without measure! He was a God with purpose! When They created man in the beginning, man became the expression of God and therefore we too can be creative. Not to the extent that we can create substance out of absolutely nothing but we can be creative in our thinking, our planning and in our productivity.
What would life be like today without TV, Ipods, cel phones or other finger pushing computer games? What if the movie theaters closed for lack of interest and the corner sandlot had a sign that said; "ball players wanted, age not important"! What if the sports parks were closer to home and the language spoken were not only four letter words but instead filled with laughter and the phrase; "Come on and play with me"! We will always have bullies but even bullies can grow up if they have a little help from those who really know how to enjoy the game.
In Hebrews 12:1b it says; "run with endurance the race that is set before us". Of course Paul is talking about the race in life where we fix our eyes on Jesus who had fixed His eyes on the cross. Although we know that life is not a game to be played randomly, because it is not all fun and games! We do know that In Jesus Christ the prize is not for those who begin the race but for those who run the race with endurance and crosses the finish line. Even if we tear down and then rebuild; "Eternal life is on the other side"! Where will you finish the game? Jane Ann
Iona, a regular follower of Morning Glory has also visited the coliseums in Athens and Rome and was truly impressed by their massive structures and the vision of those who built them. She mentioned how unhappy it makes her when so many old structures are torn down only to rebuild the same again, but bigger and more modern to attract the rich and famous. I suppose a lot of these kinds of ‘tear down/rebuild’ periods is because every 100 years there are always new and different people. Some like the old but most like current/modern facilities that suit their tastes. Personally, I like the old structures and the romance of remembrance.
In reading the devotion for our discussion we find that even in Biblical days fun and
games were a part of the daily life of children and adults. As in my youth, these games were part of the creativity of the times. I believe our children today and also the adults are missing out on simple basic facts of life that made life a little more exciting. How many times do we hear some child or young adult say; "I’m bored"! "I’ve got nothing to do"!
When my son and his family moved to Idaho, Faye became a stay at home mom and for a time, she found herself at lose ends. That happens when you are so use to a working routine and environment. One morning, 4 year old, Jordan said; "Let’s go to the mall; you’ll have fun; you’ll see"! Jordan was one of those who could create his own fun and enjoy playing by himself. He was creating in his mind a fun time at the mall; walking; looking and maybe getting something to eat? I understand it worked, because he and his mom went to the mall and had a good time!
There is a lot to say about planning and being creative and there is lot to be said about becoming spontaneous. At the spur of the moment; Let’s go to the beach! How about a little one on one? Good clean fun is designed for having a good time and not becoming negative or a sore loser.
In Genesis 2:26-27 God says; "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our
likeness". It goes on to say that man would rule over all that inhabited the earth and that God created both man and female. It is important for us to realize that our God was a creative God! He was a God without measure! He was a God with purpose! When They created man in the beginning, man became the expression of God and therefore we too can be creative. Not to the extent that we can create substance out of absolutely nothing but we can be creative in our thinking, our planning and in our productivity.
What would life be like today without TV, Ipods, cel phones or other finger pushing computer games? What if the movie theaters closed for lack of interest and the corner sandlot had a sign that said; "ball players wanted, age not important"! What if the sports parks were closer to home and the language spoken were not only four letter words but instead filled with laughter and the phrase; "Come on and play with me"! We will always have bullies but even bullies can grow up if they have a little help from those who really know how to enjoy the game.
In Hebrews 12:1b it says; "run with endurance the race that is set before us". Of course Paul is talking about the race in life where we fix our eyes on Jesus who had fixed His eyes on the cross. Although we know that life is not a game to be played randomly, because it is not all fun and games! We do know that In Jesus Christ the prize is not for those who begin the race but for those who run the race with endurance and crosses the finish line. Even if we tear down and then rebuild; "Eternal life is on the other side"! Where will you finish the game? Jane Ann
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