Friday, May 29, 2009

Most of my business career was office clerk and then secretary. I enjoyed filing, typing, writing letters and keeping my boss organized. My brother Lee and his son Lance bought a dry cleaner and found they needed office help, primarily a bookkeeper. I wasn’t a bookkeeper! I had to take general math over in my senior year in highschool, how could I possibly keep books. After much insistence on their part and because it was always hard for me to say no to my brothers, I agreed to leave Goodwill and run their office.

With the help of their accountant who was located down the street, I learned to keep books and to keep them out of trouble. I did what was required as far as reporting to SAIF, and the IRS. I learned how to do payroll and the record keeping that was required. Quarterly reports were filed on time and their business prospered.

Even though I was able to change my profession and found I could do it, my main objective was to help Lee and Lance out. Today, I appreciate the start they gave me and for the ten years I worked for them because it gave me the edge I needed to become a bookkeeper. My next employment was for a Title Company where I was able to use these skills for another ten years, until I retired. I know I was not skilled in this profession but I was able to do what was required for that position.

Reading God’s word helps us to know what is required of us as a follower of Christ. Understanding God’s word gives us the edge to become the person God has created us to be. Following His commandments enables us to learn His ways. Obtaining this knowledge helps us to read a passage and to discern what God is saying to us. Who it is speaking about; what is going on at the time; and to know if this passage applies to us, the Apostles, or to someone else.

"He has showed you, Oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8. This passage has been put to music and we have sung it many times in our churches. What does it mean? Does it mean that all God requires of us is to be honest in our dealings, to be kind to all peoples and to be humble, not arrogant before the Lord?

Some have thought this passage teaches that God’s only requirement for salvation is to live a good life, that a religious background is not necessary. However, that idea completely overlooks what it is all about. This passage is addressed to that portion of mankind that has a relationship with God. Not the heathen or mankind in general! In Micah’s time the most prominent issue was having a dead faith which did not culminate into a holy life. God lays a foundation here upon the fruits of a sincere belief and trust in Him which is contradictory to an empty profession of faith.

"But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?" James 2:20. Reading God’s word and filling our heads with knowledge is not enough unless we put to use our knowledge. Showing God’s love and kindness is important! Showing our faith in action is required of us! "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead!" James 2:26

Let us be circumspect in our knowledge. Let us use our knowledge to lift up others. Let us be knowledgeable in God’s word so that we can give an answer but let us not use our knowledge to pander to those who want their ears tickled. I believe I am familiar with God’s word but I lack the ability to tell you chapter and verse most of the time. I trust the Holy Spirit to complete my thoughts and for Jim to finish my sentence. Lets walk in faith daily! Jane Ann

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Proverbs 30:10-33 is called the numerical proverbs. Beginning in verse 18; "Three things are too wonderful for me; four I do not understand: the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden." Now what is that all about? Chapter 24 makes a little sense; "Four things on earth are small, but they are exceedingly wise: the ants are a people not strong, yet they provide their food in the summer; the badgers are a people not mighty, yet they make their homes in the rocks; the locusts have no king, yet all of them march in rank; the lizard you can take in your hands, yet it is in Kings’ palaces". Can you find the logic there? The logic is that one can be mighty when there are two or more pulling together bringing strength and/or a balance to the equation.

Remember when ‘the new math’ came upon the scene? My children were in grade school. They would bring their work home and of course it was expected that the parent would help them. Now just a minute! My children were learning under a handicap! Their mother! She was of the old school and knew only what she had learned. She wasn’t even good at that! What she learned was permanent, not perfect. Their Dad on the other hand who’s math far exceeded their mothers, had difficulty understanding the new math because he was more familiar with X’s, Y’s and Z’s. Well, my children did survive with one working in a finance department of a large corporation and the other balances our check book and pays our bills. They must have grasped something in the learning process.

Let me impress you with all the things we have learned in the department of arithmetic. Addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, analytic geometry and many others I can’t even pronounce. We have learned to find each other by giving an address that consists of numbers so we can easily locate your house on a street. We have numbers to measure minutes, hours and days. We have come a long way!

I love dictionary searches. Knowledge has many direct definitions. 1) Clear perception of a truth, fact, or subject. 2) That which is known. 3) Information gained and preserved. 4) Learning. To break it down further; knowledge is information gained from books or instruction. Wisdom is using your knowledge in good/sound judgement! Wisdom is also understanding and insight that comes from experience.

God loves numbers, like 10%. He uses three, seven, twelve, forty and combinations of these numbers. We often wonder why! However, if God says it; it must be. "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

We shouldn’t let the numbers get in the way of sound judgement. "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money!" In speaking about church discipline, Jesus gives instructions regarding sinning against one another and how you should handle such things. "Again, I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:19-20.

God doesn’t ask us to be mathematicians, He just asks us to be faithful! God doesn’t ask us to be smarter than anyone else, He just asks us to love one another! God doesn’t ask us to be better than others in our service, He just asks us to serve one another! God doesn’t ask us to be good, He just asks us to accept His son and be obedient to His word. Jane Ann

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

makes perfect is one of those cliche’s I grew up with. I never had piano lessons per se, but I practiced a lot. However, it never made me perfect at the piano or otherwise. I remember my friend Iona Kay, practiced and practiced twirling the baton and eventually she became the head majorette in her Junior or Senior year in Highschool. Taking voice lessons or even singing in a choir can help your voice develop all the muscles not to mention the vocal cords. Practice or exercising your vocal cords can give you unbelievable musical sounds not to mention an increase in range.

Penmanship is another thing that needs practice. Remember the lined paper that we would draw circle after circle; lines above the lines and lines below the lines. A loop here and a loop there and walla, we are writing. I always wished I had beautiful penmanship. My mother did! Beautiful penmanship takes lots of practice!

My son Dan is a proficient pianist through practice, experience and through the perfection of his skill. Most pianists can sight read a musical score and after playing it many times is ready for a performance. Dan can sight read a musical score and has already performed it. I know what you are saying; "You’re his mother, you would say that!" Perhaps, but I have heard it many times from others who did not even know I was his mother.

Anything that we do repeatedly is referred to as having been practiced. Cooking is a repetitive skill. You may never become a great cook but you know how to do itl A profession is referred to as a practice, such as law, medicine or a beautician. Betty, a dear friend of mine says; "practice makes permanent, not necessarily perfect.

When Dan's three sons began Little League, Dan would encourage them. However, as a musician his terminology was a little different. He would tell the boys it was time for rehearsal and that they needed to get their costumes ready. You can imagine how that went over with his three strapping boys who knew they needed to put their uniforms on and head out to the practice field. I suppose as a musician you have already practiced and for a performance it is time to rehearse what you have practiced. In playing ball you are always practicing to get better and better.

Today, you can take medicines or put on a patch to help you to quit smoking. Today, you are encouraged to eat certain foods fixed certain ways and it will help curb your desire for alcohol. Today, there are many diets and diet pills to help you lose weight. In other words, we change one practice for another to take control of bad habits.

"I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1-2 We can get really good at sin when we practice it. The transformation of our mind is the only way to begin new habits, habits that are good and acceptable and perfect.

"Give instructions to a wise man, and he will still be wise; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning." Proverbs 9:9 Jane Ann

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One of the things I remember from early school days were all the things we had to remember. A test would be given on just about every subject. Spelling bee’s would be held every Friday. The teacher would separate us into two lines and we would stand against the wall on each side of the room. All the words for that week would be in the Bee. If we spelled it right we would remain standing, but if we misspelled the word we had to sit down. How embarrassing was that? I never was the last one standing!

As Sunday School Superintendent, I would encourage the teachers to have memorization of scriptures a regular part of their curriculum. We would have a club for the whole Sunday School called "The Books of the Bible Club". Jim bought a book called; "Ready-Set-Believe" by Jerry Lucas. It had a picture formula that he traced on large poster boards so that you could bring these images up in our heads and it would help us to remember the books of the Bible. This was fun not only for children but for the adults. Everyone, would memorize the books of the Bible and would recite them to the listener. If you could say them correctly your name was put on the roster for the club and you would receive a lapel pin that was shaped as an open Bible. I still have my pin! We would also have a club for reading through the Bible!

Jim memorized the book of James. He dressed up in costume and became James and brought the book alive as the audience sat and listened. Jack, a deacon, memorized the first chapter of James and when he was to have an MRI, he was able to keep his mind off of the feeling of claustrophobia by reciting this passage over and over until he was done.

Mr. Morris, a missionary in China before WWII, became captive and was put into prison. While many lost their minds and some died, Mr. Morris was able to survive by remembering all the scriptures he had memorized.

All learning is a process that is accomplished by remembering what we are taught. If you can remember your way to the grocery store you can remember that God loves you. If you can remember the flag salute, you can remember that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". If you can remember the names of your siblings, your children and your spouse you can remember that Jesus Christ came to seek and to save the lost.

The book of Proverbs is a series of short, pithy sayings centering in comparisons. There is no real order in which these are given. These sayings are for daily living, subjects of knowledge, morality, chastity, the tongue, laziness and justice. The sayings are of the wise, warning against sin and the promise of punishment. "Wise men lay up knowledge, but the babbling of a fool brings ruin near!" Proverbs 10:14

Teaching a child is through repetition. Doing it over and over again! When a child begins to learn we think it is so cute. Jesus said: "Let the little children come unto me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven!" Matthew 19:13-15 Children are willing to listen and to learn. They accept the things they are taught, easily. They may get some things backwards but eventually it takes hold and they become a product of what they are taught.

Teaching the knowledge of Jesus Christ is the greatest gift we can share. Memorization is good but knowing Jesus Christ bring us all that much closer to the Father. Jane Ann

Monday, May 25, 2009


When I was young, probably in my teens, I wanted to be smart but didn’t want to apply
myself enough to become smart. I talked too much to be successful in learning head knowledge. My family would often sit around the dinner table, long after dinner discussing mundane things. I don’t remember who all were still at the table except for Layton and Jean. Whatever the discussion was it became a little heated on my side. I blurted out, as though I really knew what I was saying; "Well, if you think your so smart, then who is Magillan?" Layton burst out laughing. So did Jean! I was so embarrassed! Why were they laughing at me! Apparently I mispronounced Magellan as Magillan. I am sure that had to be a common mistake! If you asked me to pronounce it today, I bet I’d get it right! You would have thought I would have learned a lesson when I wanted to show just how smart I was.

Being smart sometimes is knowing when to keep your mouth shut. For some reason I never seemed to be able to do that. I have had a habit of butting in! Why couldn’t I wait until it was my turn? When someone is talking to me, instead of giving them my full attention, I was already formulating in my mind what I wanted to say. More times than not I was impatient for them to finish. During my grade school years, Mrs Ellett, the Pastors wife was the director of the Primary and Junior Sunday School Dept. She and a couple of other ladies would lead our opening exercises. This is where announcements, instructions and singing were done. She often had to say my name in order to shut me up and get my attention. One Sunday, she said; "Janie, be still or you won’t hear what I am saying!" I am sure I was a little surly, when I replied; "I don’t hear with my mouth!" I never would have put up with me like they did. I probably would have sent me from the room and locked the door.

During my growing older years and especially when Jim came into my life, I have loved learning. Why couldn’t I have been like that in school? I always seem to ponder what I could have done if I had applied myself! However, we can’t go back and pick up the pieces but instead we start now. Right where we are! You read about so many going on to college long after their children are grown. I read about one lady who was a freshman at the age of 80. I’m not so sure that would be me. But it can happen to someone!

Proverbs talks a lot about the wise and how man should use his wisdom. Looking at Proverbs 10:8 sounds like the old me; "The wise of heart will heed commandments, but a prating fool will come to ruin". As I learned more about God’s word, Proverbs 22:17 comes to sound more like me; "Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge".

The more I read God’s word, the more I realize that having knowledge of God is not the same as knowing God. Even when Paul is talking about knowing what is in the scriptures and how important all of that was and is, 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 he states; "all of us possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by Him".

God knows me and He gently puts me in my place again and again. He is patient with me, just as the pastor of my youth and all those who dwelt among his flock. To a child, love and acceptance is all that it takes to guide their footsteps. To a child, a family that cares makes all the difference in the world. I praise the Lord for those who took the time to be patient and understanding with me. Especially those, who would say, although a little exasperated; "Oh Janie"! And then explain it to me again! Romans 10:17 says; "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ". By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/28/08

Friday, May 22, 2009

When Jim and I first went house hunting back in the early 60's, houses were plentiful and prices were amazing compared to today. When we finally settled on our first home, our excitement was overshadowed by the loss of our first baby. I miscarried during my first trimester! Through the years we have wondered who this child was and what contribution to our lives would this child have brought. However, later the same year I became pregnant again. Nine months later we had Danny and 13 months later we had Jennifer. God is so Good! Even though we wonder about our first, we know that one day we will meet that child face to face. God took away our sorrow and blessed us with two children that have been a joy and delight not only to our souls but to our whole existence.

We lived in the big city of Torrance, Ca. for eight years and then moved to Oregon. We rented an old house in an area that I refer to as Peyton Place. You need to be old enough to remember that book/movie! This was not a desirable neighborhood but it was the only house we could rent, as everything listed in the paper was already rented before the paper hit the streets. We bought a piece of property in the country and had plans to build. We bought a two bedroom 12 x 60 mobile home. We put in a driveway, well, Septic tank w/drain field and a power pole. We called it home for about 4 years. Needless to say we never did get started building our home. Work, Gospel Quartet and life just seem to get in the way so we bought a beautiful double wide home and placed it on a pad a little further from our first house.

After 17 years we sold the property and moved about 13 miles closer to the big city and bought a home that needed some remodeling and TLC. When we retired we sold that home and bought a home where my grandchildren were living and growing up so fast we needed to be closer to watch that happen. Real Estate investments were not our forte’, nor location, location a priority. We either sold just before or we bought just after the housing boom. Go figure!

John 3:16 is the most beloved scripture in the Bible. We had a family who started coming to church because they saw John 3:16 written across a football field on national TV. God loved the world so much, because He considered the world worthy! That is why Christ went to the cross. It was to make a place for us in His kingdom. Therefore, all the world can have a place in His kingdom, if they submit to Him. Many believe that God is in the process of building us a mansion. I believe the mansions are already prepared for us! John 14:1-3 Jesus says; "In my Fathers house are many rooms. I am going to prepare a place for you". I believe when He went to the cross, that was His preparation for us! His blood on the cross gives us a promise of a room in heaven; but of course it comes to us through a process. The world only has to hear, believe, repent, confess and be baptized into the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and then they will have the power that comes from the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

Although we were unworthy, God considered us worthy and now He has made us worthy and significant in His kingdom. Because, Jesus said that in His Father’s house are many mansions, He is saying that Heaven has plenty of room for everyone. This mansion is ours for the asking! The price has already been paid! Life eternally with the Father is at hand! Nothing comes easy, but this is a gift! You know neither the hour or the day! I would like to recommend Jesus as your Real Estate Agent. When He adds your name to the list, your old house has been sold and your new house is purchased. Moving day is just ahead, so get packing! Get all excited! God is already there and is waiting to welcome you to your new home. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/22/08

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Those who do not pay attention
to their Real Estate Agent are those who pay no attention to the chief inspector when he says, the windows are bad, the roof needs replacing, the inner structure is not stable and the neighborhood is in transition which causes the schools to be not adequate.

Each time we bought and sold we always seemed to be fixing things for the buyer of the current home and moving into the next without an inspection. Down the road we discover many things that have to be taken care of and I always say; "We should have had an inspection, we can’t afford this!"

Our first home we bought, the drapes were always opened when we looked at it. A retaining wall surrounded the back yard which was wonderful, but lacked a fence separating the back from the front. The owner was to put up a fence! It was a wire fence only. Jim eventually built a fence that was closer to the front of the house. Our Veteran’s loan would only cover a certain amount so if we wanted the house, we had to put a clause in the contract that said we would purchase the drapes for $500.00. All was agreed upon, the seller was getting their price and we signed on the dotted line. Our first home! Our first lovely home!

With key in hand we walked into our first home and I closed the drapes. The front drapes closed easily. The side drapes only had one panel on each side and only covered 1/4th of the window on each side. $500.00 drapes that didn’t even fit! Within 6 months, we had new drapes!

Matthew 6:19-21 reminds us that "we shouldn’t store up treasures here on earth where moths can eat them and rust can destroy them and where thieves can break in and steal. We are to store up our treasures in heaven where none of these things can happen. Because wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be." Ask yourselves; "what do I treasure most!" Is it things I possess; those I love; or the gifts that only God can give?

We live in a world where possessions are the name of the game. You have heard; "Those with the most toy’s win!" Can we afford to have that kind of attitude? God has never said to us; "Love me, and I will give you the biggest house on the block!" God has said; "Delight yourselves in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart!" Psalms 37:4

Remember the Inspector? The one who says; the windows are bad, the roof needs replacing, the inner structure is not stable and the neighborhood is in transition. Our Inspector has looked at us and has seen all our faults. He has promised He would take our inadequacies when we accept His gift. We have looked and looked for just the right place to live and have ignored the perfect home offered to us.

We can’t afford to live in the grand house with all the finest furnishings, unless God lives there with us. We can’t afford to live in comfort unless we allow the Lord to put our name and address in His directory. We can’t afford to take a chance on the neighborhood we have chosen, unless it is on the street where God lives. Unless we accept the house that has already been paid for, we will never be able to afford what is best for us. The mansion has already been built. The rooms have already been reserved. We need to stop looking for a dream and accept the reality of God’s gift. Who is your Real Estate Agent? Jane Ann

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

When we sold our first home
we felt good about the selling price. A few years later it was selling for $50,000.00 more. We missed that real estate boom! When we sold our property and mobile home it was okay. When we sold our third home it also was okay and the home we bought wasn’t bad. Usually we were just in the market to buy or sell but not necessarily out to beat the market, or to fulfill a dream.

One of my favorite TV shows is HGTV, House Hunters. I guess you could say I am a ‘lookie lu’ at heart. For the last eight years I have looked at homes that I wouldn’t give a nickle for but the housing market was asking astronomical amounts of dollars. Condo’s, town houses, row houses and even the Co-op, where you buy the apartment and pay a monthly property fee, were asking half a million dollars. Some places you could buy a home with land, for the same price.

The most interesting thing is that people were paying the price. Some years ago, one of our nieces was paying $1200.00/month for a rental which I thought was outrageous, because the payment depended upon whether they could sell a Cadillac per month. I guess you can tell my age just by how I look at the housing market. Well, as you all know the housing market has crashed but it hasn’t come down far enough for me to want any part of it.

The real estate market has always had it’s ups and downs. It has always been a good investment! Today it is suffering because of the greed that has become common place in our culture. Greed for money; greed for the biggest and the best; greed for more and more. Why is it that we can’t seem to be satisfied? Why do we seem to want more than we need?

If the banks were willing to give loans to those who’s credit were suspect, the banks deserved their up-comings. Those who took out loans when their income was not sufficient deserved what was ahead. I am not being mean, nor am I condescending! I just think that we need to use our common sense. We need to look ahead! It is true that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, but we stretch and stretch until we can’t stretch any further. We burst and ask; "What just happened?" We all fall pray to what the world has to offer, but can it satisfy?

"Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law". Romans 13:8. I find scripture interesting because we live in a society that buys and sells. We buy on credit and we fill our cupboards with lots of stuff and still want more. We have yard sales to get rid of excess stuff and go to yard sales to find bargains. "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another:" Galatians 5:13. We are free in Christ to live Godly lives but often we use our freedom to make us look good.

"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would." Galatians 5:16-17 We all have our opinions as to how we should spend our money. We can’t take it with us and our culture tells us we need it to live our lives to the fullest.

I recently read that God doesn’t mean that owning things is bad. We need clothing, shelter and food. The problems come when our possessions take over our lives and we have no room for God. Living beyond our means is not living in the Spirit. God provided for Elisha through the Shunammite Woman. Within her means she prepared a room for Elisha and he was comfortable when he came into her community; 2 Kings 4:8-17. Living comfortably is a good thing! Can we look past the housing boom and rest in God’s goodness? Can we pick up the pieces of bankruptcy and foreclosure and begin again? Who is your Real Estate Agent? Jane Ann.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In many verses
God refers to the home and the house. God talks about shelter. Godly people, in the old Testament, followed the rules that were set up for the home and the house they lived in. At one point Joshua says; "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Joshua 24:15c. Joshua was referring to his household and not the structure.

When Sarah died, Abraham purchased a cave which was on a piece of land that had grass and trees. A fair size piece of land, in order to purchase the cave of Machpelah, where he could lay Sarah to rest. The Real Estate Agent was Ephron, the son of Zohar who was the owner of the land. After some discussion it was agreed that Abraham could purchase this land to bury Sarah and for others in his family including himself. Did God plan for Abraham to purchase that particular land? I don’t think so! Sarah passed away and this land was convenient, however it was in the land of Canaan that God had already promised to Abraham.

When we decided to move out of California, Jim chose Oregon because I had family living there. The change would be easier for me! I laid fleece out three different times to our Lord when it came down to actually selling our house. One, that if God wanted us to move, my sister’s house would sell first. Found out from a neighbor that the person who bought my sister’s house had asked to see ours first but the Real Estate Agent couldn’t show it that day. The second time I asked the Lord, if He really wanted us to move, our house wouldn’t sell until school was out. The day after school was out the house sold. Then I asked the Lord; "Let Jim be laid off so that he wouldn’t have to quit. That way he could collect his unemployment." He was laid off the same day our escrow closed. Did God want us to move to Oregon?

It was our decision to move to Oregon but God blessed us all the way. God doesn’t care where we live or how fine our home is. God cares whether we will serve Him wherever we live. Many times a move is made and a home is purchased only to discover that this is not working out. So the house is resold and the seller packs up all their belongings and returns to where they had been living. Does that mean that God didn’t want them to move?

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord." Jeremiah 29:11a Many take this verse to mean that God leads us around so that the plan He has for us can be fulfilled. "Plans for welfare and not for evil." Jeremiah 29:11b It is true that God loves us and wants us to do good and leave evil alone "To give you a future and a hope!" Jeremiah 29:11c God’s plan for us is eternity with Him. That’s it in a nutshell! In the next few verses God says when we seek His face we will find Him. When we lose our way, He will restore us. God says He will bring us back to the place from where we have moved from. That place is right beside Him!

Some believe that the Old Testament is basically for those who were living then and not for us today. Some believe that the New Testament is what we are to follow. I believe that God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible. His directions are clear, but we are to; "Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not upon our own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 Who is your Real Estate Agent? Jane Ann

Monday, May 18, 2009


I was a stay at home Mom! After we settled in the Oregon countryside of Sam’s Valley (Central Point) I found myself far away from everything. Jim would go off to work and the kids were picked up by the school bus and returned late in the afternoon. Then I met a neighbor! Margaret and I became fast friends, however she also worked! She was a floor manager at Goodwill where they sorted all the donations and trained the handicapped employees to become self reliant and perhaps employable. She asked me if I would like to come to work for Goodwill and be her ‘sorter of clothes’. I jumped at this opportunity! However, I could only start work after the kids left for school and I needed to be home before they returned. I would also need summers off! It was worked out and I was a working Mom!

Margaret introduced me to a huge round turntable, about 10' in diameter with clothes piled just as high in the middle. She showed me how to separate whites from dark. Those that need dry cleaning and/or mending. Then there was the rag bin! I sorted and sorted and met some of the most interesting people. I did that for 2 ½ years when a job in the office opened up.. We realized that we were in need of a larger home and this job would help us to afford that. Danny was almost 12 and Jennifer was almost 11 when I became the Executive Secretary to the Executive Director of Goodwill Industries in White City, Oregon.

During my employment at Goodwill, I bought all our clothes, shoes and even furniture there. Every January a shoe store in northern California, would donate the previous years shoes. All Goodwill had to do was pick them up. I remember buying Danny a wrist watch for Christmas from a department store in town. At school one of the kids wanted to know what time it was and the other kids said; "Ask the rich kid"! I have to admit I dressed my kids very well at a price we could afford. Sometimes I was able to buy clothes with designer names!

Years passed and of course, Danny wanted more. He wanted what the other kids were wearing. By that time, Danny had a part time job and would buy his own designer shoes and clothes. I refused to pay those prices, but on occasion I did give in because I did understand!
To this day, I still hate to pay big prices for shoes and clothes. Sometimes I do and I will even give the kids gift certificates but I still like to go into the local Goodwill and shop. The prices are more than they were in the 70's but I still feel good about a bargain, especially if it is new. Believe it or not, a lot of the times then and even now they are new! Great bargains!

I love the scriptures where Jesus is sitting on the mountainside and he comes to the point in his sermon where he wants to "consider the lilies". In Matthew 6:25-33, Jesus makes it clear that we are not to worry about our lives when it comes to what we shall eat, or drink. How we will clothe our bodies! He reminds us that our life is more important than what we shall eat, drink or wear. Jesus says that the fowl of the air do not sow, nor do they reap or even gather into barns, yet our heavenly Father sees that they are taken care of. Jesus reminds us that we are much more than they. Jesus says that we should not worry about such things. Even the lilies of the field, without doing anything, grow and are more beautiful than Solomon in all his glory.

In verses 31-32 Jesus goes on with; "Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or; What shall we drink? Or, how shall we be clothed? God the Father knows what we need"! My favorite is verse 33-34 when Jesus says; "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take no thought of tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself". One day at a time is sufficient to deal with the evil in it.
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/23/08

Friday, May 15, 2009

Down through the ages
God has taken the most unlikely people to do extraordinary things. He took a man with a speech impediment to talk to powerful people. He took a beautiful girl to face great odds to protect her people. He guided a wanderer with misguided morals to become a father of nations because of his great faith. He used a relative of this man to fall in the lineage of His one and only Son through unnatural means according to our culture today.

In the New Testament, he took men who did physical labor and some who were not well liked to begin His church. He shaped a man that rebelled against the Way to grow His church throughout all nations. He did miraculous signs and miracles through His Son to show His love and power. God did all this so that He might use each of us, to point the way to His Son.

I have heard; "I have no special talents; I can’t sing or speak; I can’t teach and don’t have the time to be a helper." I have heard many excuses as to why a person cannot be effective in God’s Kingdom. I have heard many say; "I wish I could to that, or I wish I knew how to say those things". I believe you really don’t know if you can do anything unless you give it a try. I am not saying that God helps those who help themselves, but I am saying that a person who is willing to try can be used of God.

Writing a simple letter or sending a birthday card, a greeting card, a thank you note works wonders in the life of an elderly person. A phone call once in a while to share a memory can make someone’s day. Sharing a prayer over the phone can mean all the world to someone in need. I have to admit that I am the worst when it comes to doing some of these things. As I get older I see the importance of these sentiments and kindnesses. Why? Because I appreciate being on the receiving end.

Last year I sent a birthday card to a lady that our family grew to love so many years ago. I would get to see her once in a great while and it would warm my heart to hear her say my name. At 88, she responded to my card and note, which included a handkerchief which was a custom of many years ago, with a hand written letter. What she did for me was far more than what I did for her in this long over due communication. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful birthday gift to me. Your letter took me back to the many years, when I had the privilege and blessing of getting to know and associate with your Mom and your mothers dear family".

Jessie worked with my Mom! Although my mother was older than Jessie they both had school age children. Throughout her letter she praises my Mom! Wow! Nothing can lift a persons spirits than to hear good things about those we love. Jessie continues with; "God is so good. We have a wonderful loving, caring and faithful God, who holds us by our right hand and carries us through life".

God doesn’t pick and choose, he uses all that comes His way. Some are up front; Some are in the shadows; Some are the strong, unbending pillars and some are those who clean up; Many are behind the scenes with smiles and pats on the backs. The encouragers; those who can cry and those whose laughter is infectious. God uses the baby that needs to be held to the child with scuffed knees; God brings unlikely persons and binds them together in love; We embrace and hold the hands of the aged and give them a thumbs up. "I desire you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to apply themselves to good deeds; these are excellent and profitable to men!" Titus 3:8. Paul is encouraging us through Christ and the Holy Spirit to do service, not for salvation but because of His mercy and justification.
Nothing is too small or unlikely, that God can’t use it for a big impact in His Kingdom. Jane Ann

Thursday, May 14, 2009

When Jim
was in his teens, he became acquainted with Jesus through his Highschool baseball coach who was also his Sunday School Teacher. Even though Jim accepted the Lord at that time his walk was not consistent. He would attend church with his Mom and married a girl that was in love with the Savior and her church. An in and out church was not satisfying to his wife but was okay for Jim. I was hopeful because since he met me he became regular in the house of the Lord. But he wouldn’t take communion!

When Jim began to sing in the choir, I discovered he took communion. As time went on I noticed that when he wasn’t in the choir he was still taking communion. I was afraid to ask why! We were married about 8 years when we moved to Oregon. We began to attend the small church that was located fairly close to us, although was still many miles away.

Vernon, the pastor became a mentor to Jim. Without Jim realizing it, Vernon began to disciple him. Jim, a man of few words was a great listener. Vernon would take Jim with him because he was the pastor who called with tools in the trunk of his car. He would fix, repair and help build wherever he went. Jim learned to dig water ditches around a garage to keep the water from flooding the area where the family was living while building their home.

During their visits Jim began to know the Lord through Vernon. Upon one of their visits Vernon encouraged Jim to read the Bible for himself. "Genesis through Revelation and just see what you think!" Jim did and has never put the book down! The Holy Spirit took a hold of a 35 yr old man of few words and turned him upside down. He became a bass in a Gospel Quartet that sang throughout the north west for 14 years. He filled the pulpit during the preachers absence and taught home Bible Studies and Sunday Classes from that day forward. Jim became an elder at the age of 42 even though he felt his age did not give him the right qualifications.

Those who knew Jim’s quiet ways were astounded at the major change in him. Those who knew this man of few words were amazed when they would hear about something he had said and would respond with; "Jim said that?" Many were able to listen and believe because they heard it from Jim.

Other than when the Holy Spirit would come upon those that God used before Christ Church began, I find that the only other place that it is given is mentioned in Acts 2:38; "Repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit".
Jim received the Holy Spirit when he was 16 but it wasn’t until he was 35 years old that he released the Holy Spirit within him, to be free to direct his paths.

In the absence of the preacher, Jim the elder was called to visit a woman who had lost her husband. She was desolate and was threatening to commit suicide! Jim was called by a mother of a child that attended our Sunday School. I went with Jim and as we traveled to this home, Jim was at a loss as to what he could do or say. This was something out of his expertise! We had prayed before we left but he was anxious because God was putting this woman’s life in his hands. I grabbed the Bible and said; "maybe I can find a verse that will help you!" I opened the Bible and there before me was a verse that I read to Jim. He said; "mark that page", because we were pulling up in front of the house. "For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."; Luke 12:12.

We quietly walked into this home and Jim was directed to the woman who was in need. Jim talked with her, prayed with her and read the scriptures of comfort and encouragement.. When the situation became calm we took our leave and the woman who contemplated suicide continued to live. We never heard if she made a place for the Lord in her life, but we knew that He had taken up permanent residence in ours. We felt it! We saw it! He’s real! Jane Ann

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So are you one of those
who does what God says even if you don’t understand it. Can loving the unlovely be walking by faith? Can going out of your way mean walking by faith? Can going the extra mile mean walking by faith? Can you say walking by faith is eating a meal where the hosts lifts the roast out of the pot with his dirty hands and plops it into a dish and announces dinner is served on a table that had remnants of earlier meals still evident and you ate the meal anyway? Can you say that trusting in the Lord in all things keeps you walking by faith? If you can say yes to all of the above; you are walking by faith!

My niece Leslie was always a serious little girl. When she was around 8 or 9, she received a red umbrella for Christmas. I never saw her so excited as she was with that umbrella. After Christmas vacation and with thoughts of school starting the next day - she prayed that it would rain.....The next morning it rained..... she begged her mom to let her carry her umbrella. That evening, Leslie prayed again that it would rain......the next morning it rained.....that night she prayed again.....and again the next morning it rained..... Wednesday night Laura, her little sister came to her mom very unhappy and said; "Mom, don’t let Leslie pray tonight - because I am tired of the rain and I want to play outside during recess". Talk about Faith! Even though they were very young girls with faith as a grain of a mustard seed they believed God would hear and answer their prayers no matter what.....Well, my sister Joetta did ask Leslie not to pray for rain that night so that Laura could play out doors during recess....You know what? It didn’t rain the next day!

Shortly after my brother-in-law Clancy accepted the Lord, he couldn’t get enough of God’s word. He and my sister Janice had a scripture box on their dining room table and would look at a scripture often. One evening Clancy received a call from a close friend from highschool who lived out of town. His 14 year old daughter ran away from home. He thought she might be headed for Hollywood. He asked Clancy to go and see if he could find her! A little bewildered on how anyone could just go to Hollywood and find someone, Clancy said he would give it a try. As he prepared to leave he pulled a scripture from the box. It read; "Jesus looked at them and said; With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". After they prayed Clancy left for Hollywood. He decided he would start at Hollywood & Vine because that name was familiar to him. He pulled into a parking lot, got out and stood on the corner of Hollywood & Vine. He stood wondering which way to turn when he saw this girl across the street from where he was standing. She was his friends daughter! His faith was new, the size of a grain of a mustard seed!.....

"If you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it shall move and nothing shall be impossible to you"; Matthew 17:20b. Do you remember when your faith was new and fresh and God amazed you through His work in you?

"Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge. Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight"; 2 Corinthians 5:5-7. We can walk by faith because this world is not our home, we are just passing through. The Holy Spirit that dwells within us enables us to walk the way of the Master.

Let’s become like those that Paul talks about in Romans 10:15b; "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of ‘good news’". Let the Spirit of the Lord be our guide as we walk all the way home through faith which "comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ"; Romans 10:17. Walking in faith is a way of life, not just a walk in the park! Jane Ann

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tony was a Puerto Rican! I don’t know how long he had been in the US but his speech was spoken with a thick accent and his ways were gentle and kind. His white teeth would sparkle when he smiled and he did a lot of that. His eyes would light up when he saw you! He made you feel that he had been looking forward all week to seeing you again.

I don’t know all the stories about Tony except that he had no place to stay. The church had purchased a corner lot which was behind the church itself. It had a house on it which was rented out, a small garage and an out building that obviously had been used also as a rental. It had a kitchenette and a bathroom. Sort of a one room affair but was now a storage building that was full of stuff. Tony and the pastor looked at it and Tony asked if he couldn’t live in it. There was plenty of stuff that he could use and he knew it would be comfortable enough just for him.

Tony moved into the storage building and right into our hearts. He was a ‘jack of all trades’ and did lots of odd jobs around the church grounds especially during the building of our educational/fellowship building. When the doors were opened for services and/or fellowship, Tony was there. Our Ladies began a ‘clothes closet’ which was open once a week. When it first began, Tony was there to help get it all set up. When we opened the doors, Tony was one of our first customers. He entertained us that day, by trying on clothes. At first we were startled when he took his pants off....but he assured us he came prepared with swim trunks cause he needed some jeans.

I was the church choir director and was a little surprised when Tony showed up for our Christmas Cantata practice. Because of his accent, it was a little hard for him but he gave it all he had. He was always a little out of step, but nobody cared because we just liked having him there.
He came to me and asked if he could sing a solo for morning worship. He had an accompaniment tape. Of course I agreed and encouraged him all the way. When he sang; "People need the Lord", he was so dramatic and sincere. He was wonderful and I couldn’t help but cry. I know there must have been many who felt his passion for the Lord that morning.

Tony was genuine! Tony was never offensive, nor made himself a nuisance with the women. After about three years, Tony decided it was time for him to move on. God uses unlikely people to teach his people how to love one another. During Tony’s stay at our little church we learned to love him unconditionally and he showed us his love by simply being himself. We missed him and through the years the conversation would come to; "remember Tony?" Yes, we remember Tony! And the character, King of Tum Tum that he played during the summer months for our Children’s Church. Email makes it possible for Tony to keep in touch with Vernon and Ellen, the pastor and his wife.

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your forbearing spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:4-6.
Tony’s gentle and patient ways taught me to be more understanding with gentleness, kindness and the love of the Lord. Jane Ann

Monday, May 11, 2009


Janice begins our week with people who have made a difference in not just my life but in the lives of many. These are people who, I am sure, didn't even know they made a difference. Unlikely people!
Janice was 4 years older than me and was the 8th child. She was somewhere in the middle and being the oldest of the younger ones it became her job to take us kids to school and Sunday school. Janice would take me with her when she did her odd jobs. Mrs. Johnson was an invalid. Her furniture and food indicated she had money. She had bananas! We never had bananas! I took a bite of Mrs. Johnson’s banana just as Janice was taking her tray into her. Immediately she saw a bite missing and I couldn’t go anymore. Mrs. Gilmore who lived behind us was bedridden and talked a lot on the old fashioned telephone that seem to be attached to her ear. Janice cleaned bird cages and oil lamps for her. Every night she would boil potatoes that she got out of the eerie dirt basement and Mrs. Gilmore would drink the potato water before Janice mashed the potatoes. Janice always seem to have a job. One Easter she bought me an outfit. She was always generous to me and the other kids. Although she didn’t like it, she let me have the black skirt and white blouse.

After we moved to California Mom told Janice, who was thirteen, to find a church. It was just us little kids that went with Janice. She found a little church on the corner of 147th and Larch, that on the outside looked like a factory. The first Sunday morning we attended, there were five of us. Janice, Layton, me, Joyce and Lynn. The pastor greeted us at the door and took us inside. He introduced us at the beginning of Sunday School morning exercises and again at the morning worship service. We were invited to attend the Friday night potluck. That was the beginning of becoming a part of this family of God that has extended everywhere I have gone.

After I married and had two babies, Janice and I became friends. Jennifer was born during the all cotton era and her little dresses had to be ironed. I was so happy that she had so many clothes. However, I just stuck the ironing into a closet and it began to pile high. Of course it wasn’t all Jennifer’s but Danny’s, Jim’s and mine. Janice suggested she would come and help me iron. She came prepared with her own iron and ironing board. Took us several days, but the job was accomplished. So I loaded up my iron and ironing board and headed to her house and we brought her ironing in check. Joetta along with Clara, Lee’s wife, and Mom decided they needed that kind of help so we grew and went from house to house and caught up the ironing while Mom mended.

I don’t think Janice realized, that even though she didn’t want to, she tried to do what she was told. Have you ever thought; "I wouldn’t be here at this moment, if it hadn’t been for" - you fill in the blanks. I am grateful, when I think about Janice finding that little church and Mom making us go. I thank the Lord everyday for Janice and Mom who directed my paths to the church. I believe that through some of the directions I took in my life, were caused by the influence of this church family.

God has taken some of the most unlikely people to do some extraordinary things. In the Old Testament, the more prominent ones were Moses, Esther, David, Abraham and Lot to name a few. In the New Testament we find the twelve, Paul and all those that walked with him. We have learned of Martha and Mary, sisters who lived in Bethany and who shared their home with the Savior and Lazarus whom He raised from the dead. In Mark 14:8 Jesus talks about Mary after she anointed Him with expensive spices; "She has done what she could"! What an epitaph! You could say about Janice as a young girl; "She did what she was told"! God blesses those who do His will, willingly or otherwise and those who are influenced by it! Janice did what she was told to do but as for me, I am thankful for what she did. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/3/08

Friday, May 8, 2009

I had hoped
to add stories of some of the Mom’s of Morning Glory followers. However, I always end up telling you more about me and mine than you probably want to know. My Mom was of pioneer stock. She handled most situations with calm and fortitude. There have been many women in my life who have nurtured me as I grew to womanhood and have made imprints upon my life but not the footprints that I walk in today. My mother was truth but she was not perfect; My mother was busy because she realized her responsibilities; My mother received the love and respect of her children because of who she was not because of what she was; Because she was not demonstrative I became a mother who was; Because my mother was strict I was not as strict; Because my mother was busy I made time for my children; Because she loved the Lord I too love the Lord with all my heart.

It is quite possible, that there could be more than one virtuous woman as described in Proverbs 31:10-31. We all can strive to be such a woman! I personally did not make up the following list. Nor do I remember where I got it, but it fits so well right here. As you read the following attributes note in your minds the ones that best describe your Mom and/or yourself:
10 She is rare
11 Trustworthy
12 Constant in her love
13 Industrious
14 Thrifty
15 Self-starting
16 Enterprising
17 Willing to do hard work
18 Willing to work long hours
19 Willing to do monotonous work
20 Compassionate
21 Prepared for the future
22 A good seamstress
23 Married to a leader
24 An entrepreneur
25 Not swayed by circumstances
26 Wise and Kind
27 Duty-conscious
28 Blessed by her family
29 Not satisfied with the mediocre
30 A woman of God
31 Praiseworthy

I know that all my siblings saw our Mother differently. Our relationships with her were different and she treated us differently as she would always say that no two children are alike. She also would say that when children are small they walk all over your feet and when they are older they walk all over your heart. She taught us that pretty is as pretty does. She taught her son’s to treat all girls as their sisters and her most famous saying was, "it’s a great life if you don’t weaken".

As we remember our Mom’s this weekend , let us also look to our Heavenly Father for the directions we take, the choices we make and for the many hats we are designed to wear so we can say; "We are who we are because God created in us the desire to please Him", which enables us to also say: "Hats off to Mom" who gave us our start. Jane Ann

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Mom
was a busy Mother.....she was a working Mom which meant in today’s terms we were latchkey kids....She was not demonstrative....we did not receive hugs and kisses.....she did not have time for that.....She was a provider.....she saw to it that we were fed and clothed and had a roof over our heads. She was a disciplinarian! What she said was law and if we disobeyed the law we were punished. She never showed favorites although it seemed like the boys never had to do as much as the girls did. She provided strength for the day and rest for the night and she saw to it that we were in Sunday School and Church even if she did not go herself because her job was never done. She saw to it we had birthdays and celebrated Christmas with the Savior and with Santa Claus. We had new shoes and a new outfit for the first days of school, as well as Easter. Or at least, new to us.

My mother had a sense of humor. In my late teens I mailed her a Mothers day card. I also mailed my best friends, mother, a card. Her card said "you’ve been like a mother to me". One of my sisters later asked why I sent Mom a card that said "you’ve been like a mother to me". I was embarrassed to think I had gotten the cards mixed up. Well, that was one of those times I was never to live down. Every Mother’s Day it was the subject of the day and I would be caught up in my mistake again. Years later (1966 to be exact) after I had my two children, Mom sent me a card for Mother’s Day. At the bottom she writes; "very pleased, I’m your mother"! Not a Mother’s Day passes that I am not reminded of those cards.

All of us have fond memories of the mother of our youth. My Mother had beautiful flowered tea cups with saucers. The younger girls were never allowed to touch them. Not until I was in my 60's did I find out that my two older sisters, Jean and Jewel had tea parties with their little friends and used those tea cups and saucers. Of course that is because the Mother of their youth was younger and had more time. By the time the rest of us came along her days became long and her attention was greatly divided among many. Today the sisters have a tea cup and saucer in each of their cupboards. A cherished piece of our Mom that has spanned the ages!

I am sure that all of us have read Proverbs 31:10-31. The passages that gives praise to a virtuous woman. If you haven’t read this, I suggest this afternoon you take the time to read it.....I have heard that this passage might be called "22 points about the excellent wife" or "the perfect wife from A to Z." I refer to it as; "A Wife, Mother and Homemaker first class".
Tomorrow we will break this passage down and bring it closer to home. Jane Ann

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

DID YOU KNOW that the word Mom is not found in my Webster’s new American
Dictionary dated 1965? However, the word Momus (with a capital M) is and it means The ancient Creek god of ridicule; hence, a fault-finder or a carping critic....pretty much sounds like a Mom doesn’t it? Isn’t that how we see our Mom’s - as one who always seems to find fault?

DID YOU KNOW that the word mother means 1) a female parent 2) Woman serving as head of a nunnery 3) thick substance in fermenting vinegar. It also means to serve in place of a mother and to care for...Hummmm!

Many of us are classified as Moms or Mothers. Giving birth does not make a Mother but caring for someone does. Those of us who have given birth and have loved and nurtured our off springs feel the name Mom belongs to us - and believe me when we hear someone call Mom all of our heads turn. Many can be called Mothers because in someway we have mothered someone or something. Besides Mom’s, we have Aunts who mother their nieces and nephews. We have Mothers who have adopted children and have cared for them as though they came from below their hearts. We have women today, who have cared for their animals (cats and dogs) as though they are their children.

This week I want to talk about Mom’s. If you have something to share please comment or send me an email. Otherwise you are just going to hear about my Mom. I have many things that cause me to remember different things about her. My Mom....My Mother!

When we were children my mother sang to us a cradle song. When our children were small, we would sing them the same little song. For a little girl it would go like this; I’ve a darling small baby and her eyes are blue, she can open and shut them and smile at us to. In the morning we dress her and she goes out to play but I love best to rock her at the close of the day". If it was a boy the eyes would be brown. He would open and shut them and look all around.

I could tell you many stories about my Mom such as she had an 8th grade education and was very smart with numbers, had beautiful penmanship and could talk on many subjects and had common sense. She would read a book while walking to and from her work. She would check our heads for lice if a report came from the schools about head lice, but then she also liked checking the dogs for fleas.

Exodus 20:12 "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Please note it does not say the little word "IF".....It just says do it! Your mother may have been a bad mother and you may never have known your father...but the two of them conceived you and gave you life whereby you could know the Lord and serve Him. Honor that union because it gave you life! Through that union you have been given the opportunity to know the Lord. What you do with that is entirely up to you. Jane Ann

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My brother Lloyd would give me gems when I was young. These were things he would read and memorize. These are things I just repeat and repeat until I had them memorized also.
"I shot a sneeze into the air; it fell to earth I know not where; but later on I am told; a dozen other's caught my cold"! And then there was; "It isn't the cough that carries you off it's the coffin they carry you off in"! I have a cold! It has attacked my sinus and gives me headaches, nose blowing, sneezing and coughing not to mention fever and chills. Please help me out this week by sharing your memories of your Mom's. You can either use the comment space provided at the end of this page or you can click on the email sign and email me directly from the blog. Those of you who have my address can email me directly.

You know that this is one thing that we all have in common. A Mom! Whether she was good or bad we all have had a Mom. Some have been adopted and the woman who raised you became the Mom who nurtured you. Share your stories! Let's remember and appreciate those in our lives that we called "Mom!" Jane Ann

Monday, May 4, 2009


When Jim’s sister
Jo turned 90 some years ago, his family was celebrating her birthday at their annual summer gathering. Jim, Jennifer and I usually attended the summer party but Danny didn’t. However for this occasion he came along with us and he brought Jordan with him. Jordan was 5! A very creative and precocious child! He could entertain himself for hours. I remember Danny telling us that while living in Boise when Jordan was 3 or 4 and Faye wasn’t working, Jordan said to her; "Come on Mom, let’s go to the mall, you’ll have a good time, you’ll see"! On this particular trip I gave Jordan a map. We planned to spend the night in Bakersfield’s Calif., which was approximately twelve hours from our home. A long drive for a 5 year old!

I placed a circle around Bakersfield and Jordan and I marked each major city or town we came to that was on the map. He could see that we were getting closer but he would still ask; "Are we at the fields yet"? I would tell him no and show him on the map where we were. He would yell out to Grandpa where we were and tell him we weren’t to the fields yet. Off and on he would become restless and of course Grandpa stopped often. Sometimes for us but mostly for himself. For the most part Jordan was content as long as he could keep track of where he was on the map. He would nap and wake up with; "Are we at the fields yet"? I am sure this trip was far more memorable to me than it was to him. When we came to the sign that said Bakersfield and I told him we were at the fields, he was excited and told his Grandpa we were at the fields. He then became somewhat puzzled when we pulled into the motel and there were no fields. His first question was; "Where are the fields?"

The next leg of the trip, Jordan wasn’t interested in the map. He just wanted to be there! He was done with traveling and so was I. But then road trips are not my cup of tea when they last longer than 6 hours. However, being with Jim and my children can help generate an atmosphere of complete enjoyment that can carry me on for a long time. Not so with Jordan!
We still had about 3 or 4 hours to go but at least we were refreshed after an evening in the pool, hot tub and a good night sleep. For me, I just needed the good night sleep!

It is amazing when you watch a new born baby develop. First they scoot, turn over, roll, crawl. Then after learning to stand they begin to stumble and before you know it they are walking. They’re Into everything! They learn to say NO! For most, it is up hill all the way. No turning back! Right from the start, they want to do it their way. "Even a child makes himself known by his acts"; Proverbs 20:11a. "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child "; Proverbs 22:15a. 15b says; "but the rod of discipline drives it far from him". Most familiar is Ephesians 6:2-4 where it says that children are to obey their parents in the Lord, and parents are to bring them up in discipline and instruction.

"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God" and everyone one who loves the parent loves the child"; 1 John 5:1. John is likening loving the parent, which causes love for the child. This helps us to understand that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments.

Children first feed on milk before they get the meat. "Every one who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness"; Hebrews 5:13. He is a child! Let us help others to eat the meat. It doesn’t come easy! Keeping Jordan entertained on our road trip was fun, but not necessarily easy. Encouraging a child in Christ can also be fun and not necessarily easy. Our being patient is not as easy as it is for God, but with God all things are possible. I often ask Jim; "Are we there yet"? How about you? "Are you there yet?" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/25/08

Friday, May 1, 2009

When you are connected to God; When your light is shining; When you recognize your defects; When you understand God loves you; Then you have answered the questions of "Why me Lord and Why not me"! Do you recognize that God has chosen to love us regardless of where we have been and who we were? I want to share another story with you today that is precious to me. God has shown our family through this past year that His love is everlasting and He has blessed us with His care and comfort.
Have you ever set out on an adventure not knowing exactly what would be ahead? Have you ever gone into a room with the lights off and it is totally black and you have to feel your way around? Have you ever visited one of the caves where the guide says; "When the lights are turned out this cave will be in total darkness. However, when we light just one small candle you will be able to see corner to corner without difficulty". I believe these thoughts are present no matter where we go or whatever we do. Jesus said that we are to be a light in the darkness of the world. How do we do that? We do that by letting our lives be filled with Jesus so that His light is ever present. We can light the world or cause a blaze with other Christians!

Spending time with friends is one of the highlights of life! April 2008, Jim and I spent a few days at Sun River with some very close friends. Actually, they were my brother Lynn and his wife Kathleen. My sister Joyce and her husband Chuck. My sister Jeri and her husband Ron. Yes, we are related but we are also friends!

We rented this big house at Sun River Resort! It had lots of bedrooms, three bathrooms, nice kitchen and a living room-dining room combination. It also had a pool table in the garage, plus other amenities like TV, bicycles, BBQ and a hot tub. We had a great time visiting, eating and even had a pool tournament. Jeri was the announcer and with photo replays we all had to declare Lynn the winner.

On Saturday evening after dinner, Lynn and Kathleen asked if we couldn’t have a prayer time that evening, instead of church in the morning because they were going to have to go home that evening. We were aware he was having some problems and so during our prayer time, he shared with us that in the area that he had skin surgery a couple of years before, near his left eye, had begun to give him some problems. He had developed a lump on his temple near the left eye. It was causing pain and he also had difficulty opening his mouth. He was scheduled to have this looked at but meanwhile requested prayer on his behalf. The highlight of our time together was the prayer time that ensued after we all shared with one another. The blaze we lit was bright!

Amazing things happen when friends come together in one spirit before the Lord, with prayers and supplications for one another. There were eight of us in one spirit before the Lord!
Yet there was another spirit present! In Matthew 18:20 it says; "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." We found joy being together! We found peace being together! Together, we cried with one another! We felt the presence of the Lord!
None of us knew what would be ahead but we all were assured that our God would have a hand in it, one way or another.

In times of emotional stress two favorite scriptures come to mind. One being the Lord’s Prayer and the other is the 23rd Psalm. The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer that encompasses all things that we need to sustain us in our daily lives. That is why it talks about God and who He is.
It mentions food, living in peace with one another and then gives God the Glory for ever and ever! In the 23rd Psalm it talks about you and me. It places us in the shadow of death! Not necessarily our death but death. It talks about how blessed we are when we are in God. We can lie by still waters; Our cup runs over and God will be with us forever.

Friends, family and even neighbors need the light that is within us. "Don’t hide it under a bush"! Let your light shine! Don’t turn it off to save electricity! Let your light shine! Don’t put in a low watt! Let your light shine! Jesus is the light of the world and He is the light within you. Let your light shine! By: Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/08