I had trouble getting onto post my blog this morning. But I'm there now. Enjoy this story!
I don't know if most are interested in what happened in the 1500's but I am always fascinated in the history of the church. I have read Halley's Handbook many times and He brings the early church from its beginning thru the dispensations of its struggles, successes and deviations of the Christian way. Martin Luther, born November 10, 1483, changed its direction.
'Indulgencies' began as a fund raiser. The Pope had control over Purgatory which was like hell, but you did't stay there as long. The Pope could shorten your stay for a fee. It was so profitable within the hierarchy, that it became open for general use. 'Selling the privilege to sin' became one of the main sources of the Papal Revenue. A salesman came through Germany selling certificates, signed by the Pope, offering pardon of all sins to buyers and their friends.
Martin Luther, a Monk, began to study the Word and discovered that "the just shall live by faith." He discovered that salvation came by "Trust in God," through Christ and not by rituals, sacraments and penances of the Church. This changed his life! He went to Rome and saw first hand the retail service of the salesman for the Pope. He witnessed; "As soon as your coin clinks in the chest the souls of your friends will rise out of Purgatory into Heaven." Luther was appalled! Luther began diligently to bring this shame into the light.
He began a religious revolt in Germany. He began by writing and posting his 95 theses declaring his contempt of the Catholic Church's corruption, on the Wittenberg Church door, October 31, 1517. Others had gone before Luther and put their lives on the line for this same cause but it was Luther who actually started the Protestant Reformation Movement. He labored until Protestantism was born. He and his followers wanted to return Christianity to its roots but instead they changed the Christian world not into idealism but into the restoration movement that put the church in motion again in the 1800's with John Knox, followed by the Campbell's and others who are still being followed by the Christian and Church of Christ theologians today.
There was a time when the Catholic Church called the shots under the guise of Christianity. But they didn't know that God would raise up Martin Luther who became known as the Father of the Reformation. He became one of history's most important reformers. Luther was first to translate and print the whole Bible in German. He was a simple but strong man who was motivated by what he learned by reading God's Word for himself.
Luther could have quietly communicated his thoughts but he wanted to discuss these things in the University he taught at, but instead he had copies printed and posted all over Germany. He was the spark that set Europe on fire and became a very popular man in Germany.
Luther was ordered before the Holy Roman Empire which included; Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Austria. They demanded he retract. He requested some time, to think about this. After 24 hours, he returned to the 'Diet of Worms" and they asked him again to retract his declarations! He replied; "Here I stand; I can do no other! God help me, Amen!" He was condemned to be burned at the stake and was taken away to wait 20 more days or so, until his execution. As the carriage carried him away he could hear many horses behind him and felt desolate. However, as the horsemen closed in on him and his guards, Martin Luther was snatched bodily from the carriage and was carried away by the men of Prince Frederick the Wise.
They took him deep into the forest where he was hidden for about a year and then he returned to Wittenberg to continue his work of speaking and writing. Excommunicated and exiled by Rome, Martin Luther married an ex-nun and lived happily ever after and died of natural causes February 18, 1546, but not before the protestant beliefs took hold throughout Europe. Reads like a fairy tale, doesn't it? But it's all there in our history. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/27/09
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
TRICK OR TREAT - October 31st
Halloween has always been a fun time for getting treats from your neighbors and playing tricks by scaring one another, along with costume parties. Dressing up has always been an element of Halloween that we all looked forward to. Somewhere along came a spider, that said; "This is all wrong!" "This is the work of the Devil!" So many, began to look at Halloween as an element of something that is bad for children, young people and adults.
Somewhere in the 60's bad people began to do bad things to children at Halloween time. Razor blades in apples; poisoned candies; and whatever else could be used that would cause harm to the child that consumed it or played with it. Halloween became a time of "beware!" Parents began to inspect the candies given and threw away anything that was not sealed by the manufacturer. Good fruit was automatically disposed of along with otherwise good treats. The church took a stand and drew a line that separated the church from Halloween festivities and replaced it with Christian activities; which included a carnival atmoshpere along with booths of chance and lots of candy and prizes. Costumes are worn and cake walks are held. Everyone has fun and all go home with their bags brimming over from their goodies and their treats don't need to be inspected. Everyone feels good about where they've been and what they were doing.
The word Halloween is derived from the celebration of "allhallows Eve" which begins on October 31st, the day before "All Saints Day" which was celebrated on November 1st, by the Catholic church. It is true that other secular feast days were being celebrated around the same time which called for spooky spirits coming from death to life. The druid Priests tried to confuse the spirit world by taking part. At the same time the Catholic Priests brought in their known and unknown saints to be celebrated. Perhaps this was an alternative for the church.
Now I am not saying that a parent shouldn't be circumspect when it comes to things given to their children. Nor am I saying that Halloween is a Christian holiday. I am saying that Halloween became a bad children's festival, because of a few, who spoke loudly and could be heard among the masses. Those who wanted to cause havoc brought up the original feast days and said that is why we celebrate witches, goblins and ghosts on Halloween. Perhaps that is so!
As a child I never saw anything sinister about Halloween, nor was I celebrating any ghosts, saints or anything. I was just a child having fun. As a young parent I encouraged the nice costumes but I did check the candies and threw away the fruits. As most parents, I too felt protective of my children and would have anyway, but became more concerned because of the element that was lurking behind the facade of a secular holiday called, Halloween.
When the Pilgrims left England and came to America they left this tradition behind them. As more and more migrated to the New Country, Halloween moved in also. I believe that Halloween is part of the secular world and the Christian world needs to view it for what it is. A secular celebration! It is sad that it has become what it is and probably this is good for the church. Because the church has easily separated itself from the sinister elements and have brought happiness and joy as an alternative to ghosts, goblins, witches and Satanic movies.
"Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17 In other words Christ gave us a ministry of reconciliation. "So we are ambassadors for Christ; God making His appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:20a We want the world to look at us and say; "That is what I want!" We want others to see that the Christian world doesn't need Halloween to have fun but that we can have fun with the Holy Ghost without remorse or condemnation. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/5/09
Somewhere in the 60's bad people began to do bad things to children at Halloween time. Razor blades in apples; poisoned candies; and whatever else could be used that would cause harm to the child that consumed it or played with it. Halloween became a time of "beware!" Parents began to inspect the candies given and threw away anything that was not sealed by the manufacturer. Good fruit was automatically disposed of along with otherwise good treats. The church took a stand and drew a line that separated the church from Halloween festivities and replaced it with Christian activities; which included a carnival atmoshpere along with booths of chance and lots of candy and prizes. Costumes are worn and cake walks are held. Everyone has fun and all go home with their bags brimming over from their goodies and their treats don't need to be inspected. Everyone feels good about where they've been and what they were doing.
The word Halloween is derived from the celebration of "allhallows Eve" which begins on October 31st, the day before "All Saints Day" which was celebrated on November 1st, by the Catholic church. It is true that other secular feast days were being celebrated around the same time which called for spooky spirits coming from death to life. The druid Priests tried to confuse the spirit world by taking part. At the same time the Catholic Priests brought in their known and unknown saints to be celebrated. Perhaps this was an alternative for the church.
Now I am not saying that a parent shouldn't be circumspect when it comes to things given to their children. Nor am I saying that Halloween is a Christian holiday. I am saying that Halloween became a bad children's festival, because of a few, who spoke loudly and could be heard among the masses. Those who wanted to cause havoc brought up the original feast days and said that is why we celebrate witches, goblins and ghosts on Halloween. Perhaps that is so!
As a child I never saw anything sinister about Halloween, nor was I celebrating any ghosts, saints or anything. I was just a child having fun. As a young parent I encouraged the nice costumes but I did check the candies and threw away the fruits. As most parents, I too felt protective of my children and would have anyway, but became more concerned because of the element that was lurking behind the facade of a secular holiday called, Halloween.
When the Pilgrims left England and came to America they left this tradition behind them. As more and more migrated to the New Country, Halloween moved in also. I believe that Halloween is part of the secular world and the Christian world needs to view it for what it is. A secular celebration! It is sad that it has become what it is and probably this is good for the church. Because the church has easily separated itself from the sinister elements and have brought happiness and joy as an alternative to ghosts, goblins, witches and Satanic movies.
"Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17 In other words Christ gave us a ministry of reconciliation. "So we are ambassadors for Christ; God making His appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:20a We want the world to look at us and say; "That is what I want!" We want others to see that the Christian world doesn't need Halloween to have fun but that we can have fun with the Holy Ghost without remorse or condemnation. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/5/09
GOD'S SEASONS - Long Days of Winter!
Depending upon what the weatherman says; Winters can be long or not long at all. As a child I remember cold, snow, rain and more snow. As a young girl and adult I remember wind, rain and we wore sweaters and light jackets. California has wonderful Winters! In my early thirties we moved to Oregon and experienced cold winters with all of the above. It seemed like Winter would never end.
Winters are necessary for our farmers, gardens, lakes and streams. Winters are necessary for our economy and well being. Many places are not pleasant to winter in and so snow birds were coined for those who would go to warmer climate to spend their Winters, just like the snow birds.
It's hard to believe that something so beautiful and yet so treacherous could be so necessary. Something important goes on in the ground during the dormant days of Winter that is very much needed for the farmers and our gardens. The Winter snow packs, melt and replenish the lakes and streams which are so important to water life and to the farmers.
I suppose the soil becomes rejuvenated, the worms and other little critters multiply and the seeds that fell through the Fall have germinated and will be ready to sprout again come Spring. Our God, the master planner and creator left nothing out when it came to our well being. Our God, the master planner and creator knew just what we would need to survive in this big wonderful world and gave us that and more.
Sometimes I wish I could be a bear and hiberate. Nothing I like more than on a cold Winters night than to be suggled up in my blanket in front of the fire, and a cup of something warm in my hands to drink. However, I am not a bear and I do get cold! I am sure Jim wishes I was a bear because I end up laying as close as possible to him to keep warm even though we have many warm blankets on top of us. Could it be I just like being near him?
I remember one snow fall while living in Iowa when I was 7 or 8 years old. The snow would be about 18" or more in our front yard. We would clear out the snow leaving walls for rooms. I can't remember what we did with the floor plan after we finished it but I can still see the frame work in my mind. I remember the milk sitting out with a lump of ice at the top and it was slow pouring to get any milk until the ice had melted some. It didn't matter because I don't ever remember getting much milk except for what was in a can.
In Oregon I loved to make fresh tracks in the snow. I remember getting my family around one evening; putting on our boots so we could go out and make those fresh tracks. I wasn't much into making snow angels but I have watched many others doing just that. Going into the hills to get a fresh Christmas Tree was the highlight of Winter the first few years of living in Oregon. A big pot of chili; standing around the fire; throwing snow balls and just plain, good old fashion family fun. Have you been there? Do you remember family times?
"A devout man who feared God, with all his household, gave alms liberally to the people and prayed constantly to God." Acts 10:2 This is a story about Cornelius, a centurion, who believed; he and all his family. What a blessing for a family who come together in one accord to worship and follow the Lord. "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men and especially to the family who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 Those of us who are also of the family of God are truly blessed as we are about our Father's business, especially as a family.
Sometimes it is difficult to be cooped up with our families or friends when the Winter weather is closing in on us. However, when we have the presence of the Lord, Winter becomes the closeness, love, warmth and the greatest of times. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/09
Winters are necessary for our farmers, gardens, lakes and streams. Winters are necessary for our economy and well being. Many places are not pleasant to winter in and so snow birds were coined for those who would go to warmer climate to spend their Winters, just like the snow birds.
It's hard to believe that something so beautiful and yet so treacherous could be so necessary. Something important goes on in the ground during the dormant days of Winter that is very much needed for the farmers and our gardens. The Winter snow packs, melt and replenish the lakes and streams which are so important to water life and to the farmers.
I suppose the soil becomes rejuvenated, the worms and other little critters multiply and the seeds that fell through the Fall have germinated and will be ready to sprout again come Spring. Our God, the master planner and creator left nothing out when it came to our well being. Our God, the master planner and creator knew just what we would need to survive in this big wonderful world and gave us that and more.
Sometimes I wish I could be a bear and hiberate. Nothing I like more than on a cold Winters night than to be suggled up in my blanket in front of the fire, and a cup of something warm in my hands to drink. However, I am not a bear and I do get cold! I am sure Jim wishes I was a bear because I end up laying as close as possible to him to keep warm even though we have many warm blankets on top of us. Could it be I just like being near him?
I remember one snow fall while living in Iowa when I was 7 or 8 years old. The snow would be about 18" or more in our front yard. We would clear out the snow leaving walls for rooms. I can't remember what we did with the floor plan after we finished it but I can still see the frame work in my mind. I remember the milk sitting out with a lump of ice at the top and it was slow pouring to get any milk until the ice had melted some. It didn't matter because I don't ever remember getting much milk except for what was in a can.
In Oregon I loved to make fresh tracks in the snow. I remember getting my family around one evening; putting on our boots so we could go out and make those fresh tracks. I wasn't much into making snow angels but I have watched many others doing just that. Going into the hills to get a fresh Christmas Tree was the highlight of Winter the first few years of living in Oregon. A big pot of chili; standing around the fire; throwing snow balls and just plain, good old fashion family fun. Have you been there? Do you remember family times?
"A devout man who feared God, with all his household, gave alms liberally to the people and prayed constantly to God." Acts 10:2 This is a story about Cornelius, a centurion, who believed; he and all his family. What a blessing for a family who come together in one accord to worship and follow the Lord. "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men and especially to the family who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 Those of us who are also of the family of God are truly blessed as we are about our Father's business, especially as a family.
Sometimes it is difficult to be cooped up with our families or friends when the Winter weather is closing in on us. However, when we have the presence of the Lord, Winter becomes the closeness, love, warmth and the greatest of times. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/09
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
GOD'S SEASONS - Leaves of Red and Gold!
Autum is spectacular! Autumn is colorful! The beginning of this season becomes most apparent when the nights become noticeably earlier. Of course we change our times in our part of the world which makes it even darker earlier. Many believe tht when the equinox occur; that is when Autumn begins. The equinox is when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are equal everywhere.
For me what heralds the beginning of Autumn is when the leaves change color and begin to fall. The sun causes the trees and plants to make chlorophyll and makes them green. When the sun is lacking, the green trees and plants become red, gold, orange and brown.
Autumn is an Old French word. Before the 16th century, harvest was the term used to refer to this season. Only in North America the English word for the season is Fall. This term is traced back to its origins of Old Germanic languages. Not sure when, where or why but sometimes we just have to put our trust in the encylopedias. Our acceptance of the term Fall for this season dates back to when our country was very young. New settlers brought their language with them. It went out of style in England but became popular in the new world; even though Autumn was preferred in the scientific and literary realms, Fall became America's word of choice.
Why Fall? Why not! It apply describes what is happening. September 21st officially heralds in Fall. Lately as I look out of my bedroom doors I look upon the essence of Fall. I have a bird feeder sitting in the middle of my deck and all the birds in our area find their way there several times during the day. Scattered all around the feeder are tiny yellow leaves that have fallen off of the Aspen tree across the deck. It's a beautiful sight full of poetry, song and majesty.
In years past this season has been celebrated because it came at the end of harvest time. Today, Fall summons the celebrations of back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. This season is a time of maturity, as the harvest is ready and preparations are made for the imminent arrival of winter that begins officially around, December 21st.
Today, I am celebrating the Autumn of Life. Maturity has taken over and I must look forward to the inevitability of old age and yes, death. Autumn marks a melancholy time for me as I remember my past; remember those who have walked with me; those events and times that have brought sorrow and great happiness. Today, Fall brings beauty, peace, comfort and even anticipation of things to come.
Many have read and studied the woman of Proverbs 31. Many look at this woman and say WOW! I believe that God speaks to each woman through these words to lift up and encourage us to become the kind of woman He has created us to be. "She puts on strength and honor as if they were her clothes. She can laugh at the days that are coming. She speaks wisely and she teaches faithfully." Proverbs 31:25-26
Having been a busy wife and mother within the church all my life, I now have wondered, what I should be doing within God's Kingdom. "Bid the older women likewise to be reverent in behavior, not to be slanderers or slaves to drink; they are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, chaste, domestic, kind and submissive to their husbands, that the word of God may not be discredited." Titus 2:3-6 That is my job! As God continues to do His work, I must continue to do His work. Fall, Autumn or Harvest time is my time of life and I must be about my Father's business. Where do you fall into place? How do you see yourself? Are you prepared; are you ready and willing to seek His face and to do His work, as He has outlined for you to do? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/09
For me what heralds the beginning of Autumn is when the leaves change color and begin to fall. The sun causes the trees and plants to make chlorophyll and makes them green. When the sun is lacking, the green trees and plants become red, gold, orange and brown.
Autumn is an Old French word. Before the 16th century, harvest was the term used to refer to this season. Only in North America the English word for the season is Fall. This term is traced back to its origins of Old Germanic languages. Not sure when, where or why but sometimes we just have to put our trust in the encylopedias. Our acceptance of the term Fall for this season dates back to when our country was very young. New settlers brought their language with them. It went out of style in England but became popular in the new world; even though Autumn was preferred in the scientific and literary realms, Fall became America's word of choice.
Why Fall? Why not! It apply describes what is happening. September 21st officially heralds in Fall. Lately as I look out of my bedroom doors I look upon the essence of Fall. I have a bird feeder sitting in the middle of my deck and all the birds in our area find their way there several times during the day. Scattered all around the feeder are tiny yellow leaves that have fallen off of the Aspen tree across the deck. It's a beautiful sight full of poetry, song and majesty.
In years past this season has been celebrated because it came at the end of harvest time. Today, Fall summons the celebrations of back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. This season is a time of maturity, as the harvest is ready and preparations are made for the imminent arrival of winter that begins officially around, December 21st.
Today, I am celebrating the Autumn of Life. Maturity has taken over and I must look forward to the inevitability of old age and yes, death. Autumn marks a melancholy time for me as I remember my past; remember those who have walked with me; those events and times that have brought sorrow and great happiness. Today, Fall brings beauty, peace, comfort and even anticipation of things to come.
Many have read and studied the woman of Proverbs 31. Many look at this woman and say WOW! I believe that God speaks to each woman through these words to lift up and encourage us to become the kind of woman He has created us to be. "She puts on strength and honor as if they were her clothes. She can laugh at the days that are coming. She speaks wisely and she teaches faithfully." Proverbs 31:25-26
Having been a busy wife and mother within the church all my life, I now have wondered, what I should be doing within God's Kingdom. "Bid the older women likewise to be reverent in behavior, not to be slanderers or slaves to drink; they are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, chaste, domestic, kind and submissive to their husbands, that the word of God may not be discredited." Titus 2:3-6 That is my job! As God continues to do His work, I must continue to do His work. Fall, Autumn or Harvest time is my time of life and I must be about my Father's business. Where do you fall into place? How do you see yourself? Are you prepared; are you ready and willing to seek His face and to do His work, as He has outlined for you to do? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/09
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
GOD'S SEASONS - The Lazy Days of Summer!
Vacations, Sunshine, Long nights, Breezes, BBQ's, Swimming parties, and just plain lazy days; is Summer in a nut shell. This is the season that Mom's and kids look forward too. This is the season filled with opportunities and plans and adventures. This is the season for fishing, hiking, camping, traveling and being lazy.
As a kid Summer meant 'summer school.' I don't know if we needed the extra schooling or perhaps we were in the 55% that would not retain what we had learned so needed an extra four to six weeks to keep up. I don't know if it was so that we would not be left home alone; or so that our Mother wouldn't be concern about where we were, at least for a few more weeks. But I loved summer school. It was fun and filled with great memories!
As a parent I loved Summer because it meant my kids would be home with me all day. As a parent I hated it when summer was over and school was to begin again. I think of all the seasons, Summer is the the surprise. It falls right in between Spring which is full of new life and color and Fall that brings the cool early nights and burnt orange, reds and yellows into view.
Summer is a surprise because although its merge is subtle, Spring merges into Summer and Summer into Fall without a hiccup. I like it when the nights get shorter and the heat that warmed up to hot, would just softly cool down and we give a sigh of relief.
When Jim and I retired and because of some health issues I was cold all the time. We moved to Klamath Falls where the seasons are prominent. The Summer sun hits the front of our home in the morning and in the back in the afternoons. We would sit in the swing on the front deck and feel the warmth of Summer and it was sooooo good. God always seems to know what we need when we need it.
We need Summer! In the Summer months we rest; we play; we visit! We have parties outdoor and invite family and friends. We are more open with each other to share our love and experiences. During the Summer we build relationships and smile because we feel good. The warmth of the sun does that for us. The warmth of the sun reinvigorates our whole being and does our body good. It is sort of like the seventh day when God rested.
"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. On the seventh day God finished his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work." Genesis 2:1-2 In other words, it must have been Summer and God took a vacation. He sat back on the front porch and soaked up the sun. He invited all the angels and had a BBQ. I suppose you could call that a little bit of a writer's humor or taking liberties with God's word.
Growing up in my family, we didn't go on vacations. We didn't plan doing anything special but we went on picnics. We had great picnics! Our family was large enough that you would have thought we would have needed to reserve a spot but in those days that was not required. We always seemed to have fried chicken and baked beans. Never had chips or pop but homemade root beer. It was an all day affair and looked forward to with great anticipation.
Remember the story of Noah! When the ark landed on dry ground Noah built an altar to the Lord. When the Lord smelled the pleasing odor, the Lord said in His heart; "I will never again curse the ground because of man." Genesis 8:20-21a We take our seasons for granted. We take the sun, rain, snow and wind in matter of course. But our God created all of the elements for our use and enjoyment. "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, days and night, shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 I ask myself, which season is my favorite? I think, today is my favorite. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/19/09
As a kid Summer meant 'summer school.' I don't know if we needed the extra schooling or perhaps we were in the 55% that would not retain what we had learned so needed an extra four to six weeks to keep up. I don't know if it was so that we would not be left home alone; or so that our Mother wouldn't be concern about where we were, at least for a few more weeks. But I loved summer school. It was fun and filled with great memories!
As a parent I loved Summer because it meant my kids would be home with me all day. As a parent I hated it when summer was over and school was to begin again. I think of all the seasons, Summer is the the surprise. It falls right in between Spring which is full of new life and color and Fall that brings the cool early nights and burnt orange, reds and yellows into view.
Summer is a surprise because although its merge is subtle, Spring merges into Summer and Summer into Fall without a hiccup. I like it when the nights get shorter and the heat that warmed up to hot, would just softly cool down and we give a sigh of relief.
When Jim and I retired and because of some health issues I was cold all the time. We moved to Klamath Falls where the seasons are prominent. The Summer sun hits the front of our home in the morning and in the back in the afternoons. We would sit in the swing on the front deck and feel the warmth of Summer and it was sooooo good. God always seems to know what we need when we need it.
We need Summer! In the Summer months we rest; we play; we visit! We have parties outdoor and invite family and friends. We are more open with each other to share our love and experiences. During the Summer we build relationships and smile because we feel good. The warmth of the sun does that for us. The warmth of the sun reinvigorates our whole being and does our body good. It is sort of like the seventh day when God rested.
"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. On the seventh day God finished his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work." Genesis 2:1-2 In other words, it must have been Summer and God took a vacation. He sat back on the front porch and soaked up the sun. He invited all the angels and had a BBQ. I suppose you could call that a little bit of a writer's humor or taking liberties with God's word.
Growing up in my family, we didn't go on vacations. We didn't plan doing anything special but we went on picnics. We had great picnics! Our family was large enough that you would have thought we would have needed to reserve a spot but in those days that was not required. We always seemed to have fried chicken and baked beans. Never had chips or pop but homemade root beer. It was an all day affair and looked forward to with great anticipation.
Remember the story of Noah! When the ark landed on dry ground Noah built an altar to the Lord. When the Lord smelled the pleasing odor, the Lord said in His heart; "I will never again curse the ground because of man." Genesis 8:20-21a We take our seasons for granted. We take the sun, rain, snow and wind in matter of course. But our God created all of the elements for our use and enjoyment. "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, days and night, shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 I ask myself, which season is my favorite? I think, today is my favorite. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/19/09
Monday, October 26, 2009
GOD'S SEASONS - Spring has Sprung!
Whoever coined the phrase "spring has sprung" surely captured spring. When winter is winding down and the weather becomes sunshiny with beautiful mornings and the smell of newness is in the air, it is called Spring. Spring comes meandering in with calmness and lightness of heart and tiny buds begin to spring forth out of the ground with color, fragrance and diversity. The trees become a painters masterpiece with colored flowers of white, pinks, reds and purples. Not to mention the different shades of yellow and green. With Spring comes many different fragrances all mingled together in one glorious perfume that man has not and will never be able to duplicate.
I remember as a child walking barefoot in the new grasses in the fields and picking my Mom's sweetpea's growing on the vine behind the house. I remember how fresh the mornings were and not only did the world around me come alive but I felt that same spring in my step and was anxious to be outdoors; playing, running and feeling free.
As Spring begins to envelope its surroundings a renewal not only of flowers and trees but of life is bursting out all over. Spring is the time for new life within the fields and the farms around the country. Planting season is beginning for food and sustenance. Animals are giving life to their offsprings. Baseball practice begins and a young mans fancy turns towards girls, or so they say!
I have always loved driving in the country during Spring and watching the lambs and baby goats running and jumping around their mothers while the calves stay as close as they can to their mothers just in case it was near time to feed again. The colts on their wobbly legs learning to feed themselves upon the new grass, just like their mothers do and they call it grazing.
"Thou dost cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth, and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine , and bread to strengthen man's heart." Psalm 104:14-15
It amazes me that man with all of his ingenuity and creative juices has come to the point of ridiculous thinking of how our world began. The seasons alone should give man pause to wonder. The seasons alone should make man sit up and take notice. The season like Spring should set his heart pounding and the question; "How can this be" should be resounding on his lips. "And God said; "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the nights; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so! Genesis 1:14-15
How God set the light in motion in our universe is what dictates the seasons. Our earth is tilted and circles the sun while the moon circles the earth. We will always have seasons depending upon where you live. I remember while living in California our seasons came but not as extreme as they are living in Oregon. Snow was not a yearly event but a catastrophic one. Snow in Oregon is something you can bank on.
Today, there is much talk about global warming. Today many are fearful that because our weather keeps changing, the end must surely be near. Today there are those who are seeking for signs just like in Jesus' day. Remember when Jesus told the Pharisees and the Sadducees; "When it is evening you say; it will be fair weather, for the sky is red. In the morning; It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening; You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times." Matthew 16:1-3
Let's enjoy Spring and the seasons. Let's pay attention to God's gifts as we journey through this life. Let's not worry about what could happen. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/17/09
I remember as a child walking barefoot in the new grasses in the fields and picking my Mom's sweetpea's growing on the vine behind the house. I remember how fresh the mornings were and not only did the world around me come alive but I felt that same spring in my step and was anxious to be outdoors; playing, running and feeling free.
As Spring begins to envelope its surroundings a renewal not only of flowers and trees but of life is bursting out all over. Spring is the time for new life within the fields and the farms around the country. Planting season is beginning for food and sustenance. Animals are giving life to their offsprings. Baseball practice begins and a young mans fancy turns towards girls, or so they say!
I have always loved driving in the country during Spring and watching the lambs and baby goats running and jumping around their mothers while the calves stay as close as they can to their mothers just in case it was near time to feed again. The colts on their wobbly legs learning to feed themselves upon the new grass, just like their mothers do and they call it grazing.
"Thou dost cause the grass to grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth, and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine , and bread to strengthen man's heart." Psalm 104:14-15
It amazes me that man with all of his ingenuity and creative juices has come to the point of ridiculous thinking of how our world began. The seasons alone should give man pause to wonder. The seasons alone should make man sit up and take notice. The season like Spring should set his heart pounding and the question; "How can this be" should be resounding on his lips. "And God said; "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the nights; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so! Genesis 1:14-15
How God set the light in motion in our universe is what dictates the seasons. Our earth is tilted and circles the sun while the moon circles the earth. We will always have seasons depending upon where you live. I remember while living in California our seasons came but not as extreme as they are living in Oregon. Snow was not a yearly event but a catastrophic one. Snow in Oregon is something you can bank on.
Today, there is much talk about global warming. Today many are fearful that because our weather keeps changing, the end must surely be near. Today there are those who are seeking for signs just like in Jesus' day. Remember when Jesus told the Pharisees and the Sadducees; "When it is evening you say; it will be fair weather, for the sky is red. In the morning; It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening; You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times." Matthew 16:1-3
Let's enjoy Spring and the seasons. Let's pay attention to God's gifts as we journey through this life. Let's not worry about what could happen. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/17/09
Friday, October 23, 2009
HOLY LAND AFTERMATH - Happiness is.....
When I see the pictures of all the suffering in the sudan; When I see the starving babies with their extended stomachs; When I watch the devastation caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami's, earthquakes and war, I too wonder; "How do we find peace and understanding in this?" God is there watching the goings on throughout our world. God is patiently waiting! God wonders; "Why does it take them so long to understand me and my ways?"
I read a short story about an essay that was to be written in a class room regarding 'peace'. It tells about a small bird perched on a branch that was protruding from a massive rock near a fierce waterfall. The waterfall was not as huge as Niagra Falls but it was big. The waters cascading down with such force that it could crush anything and everything in it's descent. The waters had a fine spray that showered over all that was around it. The noise was deafening and could be heard from miles around. This little bird who sat perched was neither afraid or worried. He just sat there, calmly taking in his surroundings without a care in the world. This is peace!
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be make known to God. And the 'peace of God' which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 The places that Jim and I visited on our trip of a life time to the Holy Land, showed us the poverty of the world. We saw first hand how people live without Christ. We saw their need and felt compassion.
It is good for us with much, to share with those who have little or nothing at all. It is good for us to share in programs that allow food, clothing and medical supplies to be shipped and taken to these people of need. It is good for us to show the world that God cares and His care comes through the people who share with their wealth. However, their needs are greater than food, clothing and medical supplies. Their need is to know the God who cares for their souls.
"Go ye therefore into all the world, making disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 18:19-20
God's world can be our world if we just reach out and take His gift! God makes it possible for us to walk through fire; through torture; through crisis after crisis by stretching forth His hand and taking ours. I have heard it said; "Sin has no rights!" Before we can fix other worlds, we must return ours to God. There is no job too big for Him! America can turn around! We have men and women who are willling to die for our Country. We should never let their deaths be in vain. So I say; "Wake up America! God is calling us. The answer is Jesus! Seek Him while you may. Know Him today, stand up and be counted.
Come on America! There is work to do! Jesus changed the world with 12 men; Why do we stand around wringing our hands! Jesus has never stopped doing His work, but He wants those who are willing, to follow His lead. Success comes to those who are ready when the opportunities come. Yes, a long time ago it was 12 men; today it can be one country; American and millions of Christian men and women. The world is full of pagans who need Christ. If we understand the church wins, then let's act like winners! We cry because of our failures and losses and yet we know that happiness is Jesus Christ. Let's be a church in motion; "For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!" Romans 10:17 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/30/09
I read a short story about an essay that was to be written in a class room regarding 'peace'. It tells about a small bird perched on a branch that was protruding from a massive rock near a fierce waterfall. The waterfall was not as huge as Niagra Falls but it was big. The waters cascading down with such force that it could crush anything and everything in it's descent. The waters had a fine spray that showered over all that was around it. The noise was deafening and could be heard from miles around. This little bird who sat perched was neither afraid or worried. He just sat there, calmly taking in his surroundings without a care in the world. This is peace!
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be make known to God. And the 'peace of God' which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 The places that Jim and I visited on our trip of a life time to the Holy Land, showed us the poverty of the world. We saw first hand how people live without Christ. We saw their need and felt compassion.
It is good for us with much, to share with those who have little or nothing at all. It is good for us to share in programs that allow food, clothing and medical supplies to be shipped and taken to these people of need. It is good for us to show the world that God cares and His care comes through the people who share with their wealth. However, their needs are greater than food, clothing and medical supplies. Their need is to know the God who cares for their souls.
"Go ye therefore into all the world, making disciples of all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 18:19-20
God's world can be our world if we just reach out and take His gift! God makes it possible for us to walk through fire; through torture; through crisis after crisis by stretching forth His hand and taking ours. I have heard it said; "Sin has no rights!" Before we can fix other worlds, we must return ours to God. There is no job too big for Him! America can turn around! We have men and women who are willling to die for our Country. We should never let their deaths be in vain. So I say; "Wake up America! God is calling us. The answer is Jesus! Seek Him while you may. Know Him today, stand up and be counted.
Come on America! There is work to do! Jesus changed the world with 12 men; Why do we stand around wringing our hands! Jesus has never stopped doing His work, but He wants those who are willing, to follow His lead. Success comes to those who are ready when the opportunities come. Yes, a long time ago it was 12 men; today it can be one country; American and millions of Christian men and women. The world is full of pagans who need Christ. If we understand the church wins, then let's act like winners! We cry because of our failures and losses and yet we know that happiness is Jesus Christ. Let's be a church in motion; "For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!" Romans 10:17 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/30/09
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I know you have asked yourself; "Why is there so much suffering in the world?" "Why should people in the 3rd world countries live in such desolation and poverty?" "Why is there so much sickness and disease and why is it more prevalent in other countries?" I know you can think of more but these will start our discussion.
What does it mean to live in a 3rd world country? Who is 1st and 2nd? According to the "all knowing internet", I found out that the USA and their allies are considered the 1st world order. The 2nd is the Soviet Union and their allies. Leaving the non-aligned and neutral countries, the 3rd. The 3rd was originally coined during the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither part of NATO nor East of the Communist bloc. Beginnings of a new global order?
To bring it all up to date; the Soviet Union fell and so being a 2nd world country is meaningless. I suppose you could say that all countries that are against the USA are considered 2nd. Today 3rd world is used to describe developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. Many poorer nations have adopted it to describe themselves. Where it all came from is probably the media. They have lots of clout and people are inclined to follow their lead.
Let's bring it into a Biblical perspective. In the beginning woman was like Adam, created by God in His own moral and spiritual image. Eve was first deceived by Satan although Adam freely chose to sin and thereby merited guilt and death. Adam's life in the Garden of Eden was conditioned upon obedience. God had warned Adam of the consequences of eating of the forbidden fruit. Adam fell because of his disobedience. He was tempted by Satan to do so although he yielded to temptation by his own free will. "Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons." Genesis 3:7 Sin is now a factor in 'why suffering'. Up until Adam and Eve sinned, they lived in the Garden without spot or wrinkle. Disease was not even heard of nor sickness and death.
Paganism is to live as an unbeliever; One who does not believe in, nor follow God's teaching. "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector." Matthew 18:15-18 We treat them as unbelievers! A Gentile is a pagan! A pagan is one who is not a follower or in todays language; a Christian!
Every convenant has a seal. The first seal was an outward sign called the 'tree of life'. If eaten after Adam sinned, he could live forever. "Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the 'tree of life' with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22:2 God closed the garden and removed this tree and placed it in heaven, where it becomes the restorer of believers on the day of their redemption. That is; Heaven where we can live forever.
Why suffering? When Adam ate of the tree of knowledge, sin was born. Most that are considered 3rd world do not know God! Those without God suffer the most and it looks bleak. Their desolation, devastation is extreme. Everyone experiences desolation, disease and death. Those who walk with the Lord have peace. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/30/09
What does it mean to live in a 3rd world country? Who is 1st and 2nd? According to the "all knowing internet", I found out that the USA and their allies are considered the 1st world order. The 2nd is the Soviet Union and their allies. Leaving the non-aligned and neutral countries, the 3rd. The 3rd was originally coined during the Cold War to distinguish those nations that are neither part of NATO nor East of the Communist bloc. Beginnings of a new global order?
To bring it all up to date; the Soviet Union fell and so being a 2nd world country is meaningless. I suppose you could say that all countries that are against the USA are considered 2nd. Today 3rd world is used to describe developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. Many poorer nations have adopted it to describe themselves. Where it all came from is probably the media. They have lots of clout and people are inclined to follow their lead.
Let's bring it into a Biblical perspective. In the beginning woman was like Adam, created by God in His own moral and spiritual image. Eve was first deceived by Satan although Adam freely chose to sin and thereby merited guilt and death. Adam's life in the Garden of Eden was conditioned upon obedience. God had warned Adam of the consequences of eating of the forbidden fruit. Adam fell because of his disobedience. He was tempted by Satan to do so although he yielded to temptation by his own free will. "Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons." Genesis 3:7 Sin is now a factor in 'why suffering'. Up until Adam and Eve sinned, they lived in the Garden without spot or wrinkle. Disease was not even heard of nor sickness and death.
Paganism is to live as an unbeliever; One who does not believe in, nor follow God's teaching. "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector." Matthew 18:15-18 We treat them as unbelievers! A Gentile is a pagan! A pagan is one who is not a follower or in todays language; a Christian!
Every convenant has a seal. The first seal was an outward sign called the 'tree of life'. If eaten after Adam sinned, he could live forever. "Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the 'tree of life' with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22:2 God closed the garden and removed this tree and placed it in heaven, where it becomes the restorer of believers on the day of their redemption. That is; Heaven where we can live forever.
Why suffering? When Adam ate of the tree of knowledge, sin was born. Most that are considered 3rd world do not know God! Those without God suffer the most and it looks bleak. Their desolation, devastation is extreme. Everyone experiences desolation, disease and death. Those who walk with the Lord have peace. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/30/09
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
In Portland on March 24th we went thru customs without any problems. When it came time to check in for departure from Portland to Klamath Falls we again were filled with anxiety and frustration. Portland was the only airport to scan our luggage in one of those big xray machines. Later we discovered some of our film had been destroyed through that process. Portland was the only airport to search only me. This time a man with his trusty little body scanner checked me all over including my shoes. I realized he had a job to do but by this time I just wanted to be home and he was delaying me. I was a woman in motion and also one that has always been quick to burst into flames. We boarded an Horizon airplane seating 32 people and it bugged me still that I had to be searched. me, a 64 year old Grandmother of three was the only one chosen to be searched by a man before getting onto a 32 passenger flight out of a major airport in America that was transporting me to a little airport in Klamath Falls. Me! Why!
However, the best was to come! Arriving in Klamath Falls we were greeted by the most loveliest sight in the world. My #3 Grandson, Jordan; My Daughter, Jennifer and my Son, Danny! "Praise the Lord!" Walking into our home we were greeted by our Daughter-in-law, Faye; our #1 and #2 Grandsons, Adam and Ryan. We were greeted by the wonderful odors of a beautifully prepared home cooked meal where we sat down together as a family. Life couldn't get any better than this. "Praise the Lord!"
Returning home safely gave us the assurance that God was with us all the way. From the beginning of our trip from Klamath Falls to Portland; to the end of our trip from Portland to Klamath Falls. Being home gave us gladness of heart! Not only were we blessed to make this trip of a life time, but we were blessed to return home to a country full of the freedoms we have enjoyed and also the peace that passes all understanding that was with us every step of the way.
I love the letters of Paul. They are down to earth and easy for me to relate to in my life. "Brethren, join in imitating me, and mark those who so live, as you have an example in us. For many of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will change our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power which enables Him even to subject all things to Himself." Phillippians 3:17-21
These many years after our trip in 2002, we find our country turning a corner and leaving God in the dust. But because we live here, it doesn't mean that we are one of those. Living in America is still the greatest country on earth. God does not just live in me; He lives in you and you and you. We will make the difference! We will let our lights shine! We can show the world that with Christ in us, we can do all things, because He gives us the strength, the will, the power and His glory.
Having walked through the past where Jesus walked gave us an understanding why He came. He came to show us the Father! His Father! Our Father! He came to help us understand that we can survive this time in our country. We can survive the radicals because He did! "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as refuse in order that I may gain Christ. That I may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith." Phillippians 3:8-9 Wow! Let's not forget who our Savior is! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
However, the best was to come! Arriving in Klamath Falls we were greeted by the most loveliest sight in the world. My #3 Grandson, Jordan; My Daughter, Jennifer and my Son, Danny! "Praise the Lord!" Walking into our home we were greeted by our Daughter-in-law, Faye; our #1 and #2 Grandsons, Adam and Ryan. We were greeted by the wonderful odors of a beautifully prepared home cooked meal where we sat down together as a family. Life couldn't get any better than this. "Praise the Lord!"
Returning home safely gave us the assurance that God was with us all the way. From the beginning of our trip from Klamath Falls to Portland; to the end of our trip from Portland to Klamath Falls. Being home gave us gladness of heart! Not only were we blessed to make this trip of a life time, but we were blessed to return home to a country full of the freedoms we have enjoyed and also the peace that passes all understanding that was with us every step of the way.
I love the letters of Paul. They are down to earth and easy for me to relate to in my life. "Brethren, join in imitating me, and mark those who so live, as you have an example in us. For many of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will change our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power which enables Him even to subject all things to Himself." Phillippians 3:17-21
These many years after our trip in 2002, we find our country turning a corner and leaving God in the dust. But because we live here, it doesn't mean that we are one of those. Living in America is still the greatest country on earth. God does not just live in me; He lives in you and you and you. We will make the difference! We will let our lights shine! We can show the world that with Christ in us, we can do all things, because He gives us the strength, the will, the power and His glory.
Having walked through the past where Jesus walked gave us an understanding why He came. He came to show us the Father! His Father! Our Father! He came to help us understand that we can survive this time in our country. We can survive the radicals because He did! "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as refuse in order that I may gain Christ. That I may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own, based on law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith." Phillippians 3:8-9 Wow! Let's not forget who our Savior is! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
HOLY LAND REVISITED - Leaving Amman, Jordan
On March 22nd we were more than ready to go home! We were all physched up for our long flight! We were anxious to get this part of the show on the road. All of the changes since 9/11 came into play at the Jordan Airport. First of all, we checked in our luggage. Should be simple enough but we had porters lined up waiting to just move our luggage 20 ft for a fee. Jim refused to get caught up in that and of course that didn't play well with any of them. each person took forever getting their passports, tickets and the luggage checked in. Short lines took almost as long as the long lines. The ticket takers were not too swift either. Ours told us we needed to go and pay an additional fee at a different window so we headed over there when we heard Marie yelling at us that we didn't need to pay that because it had already been paid.
We left this area and went up a ramp into another waiting room. This time we were to checked in physically. Men went to men and women went to women. I did appreciate that, or so I thought. By this time I had, had enough. However, this was our only way home. Into the women's search booth I went. Two very mean looking ladies were waiting to attack. I waited patiently as they put their hands on me and left as quickly as I could. Obviously, I didn't have anything they wanted! Praise the Lord! Our final waiting station was next, but by this time I need to visit the restroom.
Getting directions I went by myself and came to this little room that had windows all around it. Inside was a lady laying with her head on a pillow, sound asleep. I went through the open door and into the room with many stalls. no doors and no toilets! Only holes in the floor which were wet from use and not from cleaning. Having this devastating internal urge indicates no turning back. Trying to straddle this hole and trying to keep your clothes off the floor was no easy task. It was at this point, I discovered no toilet paper. No signs of paper anywhere! Oh Lord, I prayed; "Help me, to see the adventure in my situation; Help me to think of what to do! Help me to remember, this too shall pass." I had some tissue in my pocket and once again, God saved the day!
As I composed myself enough to leave this area I again looked at the sleeping attendant and realized that her head was not on a pillow but a large package of 12 rolls of toilet paper. I wanted to scream; "What imbeciles you have in this country;" but was afraid they would beat her up. At this time we were led into yet another waiting room which they called the boarding room.
In this room were 5 Jordanians waiting to board the same plane. After 9/11 lots of thoughts were going thru our minds. But again, this was the only way out of Jordan and so leaving all in God's hands we left Jordan and arrived in Amsterdam where we were to board our last flight to the States arriving in San francisco; then to Portland and then a small airplane to Klamath Falls. All went well until we were to board our final plane. A small plane to home!
"Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are of good courage I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 Courage is what we had to muster up in order to accomplish the final legs of our journey. Courage to remain pleasing to Him who sits on the throne. "For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 "We have enjoyed our journey with you, Lord! As we complete our travels, we entrust our souls in your keeping with faith and courage." By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
We left this area and went up a ramp into another waiting room. This time we were to checked in physically. Men went to men and women went to women. I did appreciate that, or so I thought. By this time I had, had enough. However, this was our only way home. Into the women's search booth I went. Two very mean looking ladies were waiting to attack. I waited patiently as they put their hands on me and left as quickly as I could. Obviously, I didn't have anything they wanted! Praise the Lord! Our final waiting station was next, but by this time I need to visit the restroom.
Getting directions I went by myself and came to this little room that had windows all around it. Inside was a lady laying with her head on a pillow, sound asleep. I went through the open door and into the room with many stalls. no doors and no toilets! Only holes in the floor which were wet from use and not from cleaning. Having this devastating internal urge indicates no turning back. Trying to straddle this hole and trying to keep your clothes off the floor was no easy task. It was at this point, I discovered no toilet paper. No signs of paper anywhere! Oh Lord, I prayed; "Help me, to see the adventure in my situation; Help me to think of what to do! Help me to remember, this too shall pass." I had some tissue in my pocket and once again, God saved the day!
As I composed myself enough to leave this area I again looked at the sleeping attendant and realized that her head was not on a pillow but a large package of 12 rolls of toilet paper. I wanted to scream; "What imbeciles you have in this country;" but was afraid they would beat her up. At this time we were led into yet another waiting room which they called the boarding room.
In this room were 5 Jordanians waiting to board the same plane. After 9/11 lots of thoughts were going thru our minds. But again, this was the only way out of Jordan and so leaving all in God's hands we left Jordan and arrived in Amsterdam where we were to board our last flight to the States arriving in San francisco; then to Portland and then a small airplane to Klamath Falls. All went well until we were to board our final plane. A small plane to home!
"Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are of good courage I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 Courage is what we had to muster up in order to accomplish the final legs of our journey. Courage to remain pleasing to Him who sits on the throne. "For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 "We have enjoyed our journey with you, Lord! As we complete our travels, we entrust our souls in your keeping with faith and courage." By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
Monday, October 19, 2009
Amman, Jordan was our last place to visit. We arrived March 20th and stayed at our last beautiful hotel called La Meridian Hotel. This hotel was under renovations. The remodeling caused us to take the freight elevator; the dinningroom was located to a couple of smaller rooms towards the back of the building. However, our room was lovely! We walked into our room and right off couldn't find a light switch. After trying every knob and switch, I finally called the front desk. I was informed there was a box on the wall to the right when you walk through the door. Slide your key card down and the lights will turn on. And they did!
The bathroom included a big closet, dressing room and in the bathroom itself, a bathtub that was very long, narrow and very deep. For Jim, taking a shower, was no problem; for me it was a matter of getting out, that is after I got into the tub. By this time my legs and other things had developed which were problematical and I kept telling myself; "This too shall pass!"
Our first morning in Jordan, I awoke early. I saw something very strange! Out of our hotel window I could see men coming from all different directions and they would line up across the street waiting for a cab. They did not crowd or push each other, they would just form a line. Each new one to arrive would take his place at the end of the line all facing the road. When a cab would come, however many as could, would leave the line and climb in. Those left, would move down. Very orderly; very quiet and well mannered. Once, while we were watching, they all got out their little mats and got down on them to pray. All facing the same direction. They looked very intent and peaceful. No Jihad was evident! No aparent evil! Very puzzling!
March 21st we toured Amman! Our bus had a policeman riding with us. He slept most of the time. We saw only the nice parts of town. We passed the villas, which were beautiful homes with small fenced yards. Mostly dignitaries live in these. We passed a Palestinian refugee camp. It was not the terrible place our news media say they are. These camps looked just like the rest of the Jordanian neighborhoods. We also went to a place called Koresh. These were ruins that were being well kept as we assume it was important to them.
We had lunch at a Bedouin restaurant. There were just as many men serving as there were people to be served. Couldn't imagine how much it cost to cover all the overhead. We sat at round tables with a lazy susan placed in the center and lower than the place settings. First they served fruit and fruit drinks. Wasn't bad! They served lamb prepared in many various ways. Some were twisted and tiny and look like little turd's. The flavor was okay but didn't look appetizing. Needless to say our lunch experience was interesting and alarming for me.
We saw a Bedouin encampment. A tarp stretched over fifty gallon drums for tents. You had to crawl to move around inside. They had many camels so they were not poor. The average camel was worth $1000.00. By our standards they would need at least 50 to get by for a year.
That evening many of our party signed up to go to a bar that had belly dancers. One of the main requisites was that you had to wear dress shoes. Not sure about anything else that was to be worn but it didn't matter to Jim and me because we weren't going anyway.
By this time we were looking forward to our departure from the middle east. By this time we were beginning to experience home sickness. "Be patient, therefore brethren, until the coming of the Lord." James 5:7 Being patient is a virture; Being patient is to be commended; Being patient is a requirement as we wait upon the Lord. However, "We have seen the purpose of the Lord and how He is compassionate and merciful." James 5:11c Being in these countries has given us a new perspective on home and where the heart is. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
The bathroom included a big closet, dressing room and in the bathroom itself, a bathtub that was very long, narrow and very deep. For Jim, taking a shower, was no problem; for me it was a matter of getting out, that is after I got into the tub. By this time my legs and other things had developed which were problematical and I kept telling myself; "This too shall pass!"
Our first morning in Jordan, I awoke early. I saw something very strange! Out of our hotel window I could see men coming from all different directions and they would line up across the street waiting for a cab. They did not crowd or push each other, they would just form a line. Each new one to arrive would take his place at the end of the line all facing the road. When a cab would come, however many as could, would leave the line and climb in. Those left, would move down. Very orderly; very quiet and well mannered. Once, while we were watching, they all got out their little mats and got down on them to pray. All facing the same direction. They looked very intent and peaceful. No Jihad was evident! No aparent evil! Very puzzling!
March 21st we toured Amman! Our bus had a policeman riding with us. He slept most of the time. We saw only the nice parts of town. We passed the villas, which were beautiful homes with small fenced yards. Mostly dignitaries live in these. We passed a Palestinian refugee camp. It was not the terrible place our news media say they are. These camps looked just like the rest of the Jordanian neighborhoods. We also went to a place called Koresh. These were ruins that were being well kept as we assume it was important to them.
We had lunch at a Bedouin restaurant. There were just as many men serving as there were people to be served. Couldn't imagine how much it cost to cover all the overhead. We sat at round tables with a lazy susan placed in the center and lower than the place settings. First they served fruit and fruit drinks. Wasn't bad! They served lamb prepared in many various ways. Some were twisted and tiny and look like little turd's. The flavor was okay but didn't look appetizing. Needless to say our lunch experience was interesting and alarming for me.
We saw a Bedouin encampment. A tarp stretched over fifty gallon drums for tents. You had to crawl to move around inside. They had many camels so they were not poor. The average camel was worth $1000.00. By our standards they would need at least 50 to get by for a year.
That evening many of our party signed up to go to a bar that had belly dancers. One of the main requisites was that you had to wear dress shoes. Not sure about anything else that was to be worn but it didn't matter to Jim and me because we weren't going anyway.
By this time we were looking forward to our departure from the middle east. By this time we were beginning to experience home sickness. "Be patient, therefore brethren, until the coming of the Lord." James 5:7 Being patient is a virture; Being patient is to be commended; Being patient is a requirement as we wait upon the Lord. However, "We have seen the purpose of the Lord and how He is compassionate and merciful." James 5:11c Being in these countries has given us a new perspective on home and where the heart is. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
Friday, October 16, 2009
We have seen pictures of the walk into Petra but on March 19th we actually walked through this secluded passageway. The colors were extraordinary as though the master painter took liberties with color and definition. At the end of one mile we came face to face with the Treasury. It was called this because down through the ages man thought there was treasure hidden within the pillars and walls. Today you can see evidence of where the treasure seekers sought after the treasures. There is a small room at the entrance but it is no bigger than 15 x 20 and empty. heading out to the right and behind the Treasury we took a three mile trek through natures artistry combined with man! It is hard to describe the different shades of colors and the ornate structures carved out of the rocks to house the dead. It is hard to believe that Edomites still are living today in amongst these tombs that outline the tall walls that surrounded us.
We stopped at an old amphitheater and one of the directors began to speak about things that Jim and I didn't agree with, so that peiod of time was frustrating but picturesque. This is where some read only what they believe and don't believe what they read. By the time we reached the restaurant we were wore out. My legs ached and my stomach was growling!
The eatery was at the end of our walk through Petra and we knew that we had a return ascent facing us. But first we ate! Again a buffet was prepared for us and the fact that it was cooler inside made it all the more pleasant. The closest thing to a taxi cab was hitching a ride on a donkey. Marie and I mounted our steeds, such as they were and made it back up the hill without falling off. I kept sliding to the left and would have fallen off except for the guide who walked close beside me with words of encouragement; "Have courage lady!" Courage my eye! However, Jim surprised me and rode a camel.
Marie and I hired a carriage to take us back through the passageway and to the vendors at the entrance, even though we knew it would be bumpy and wild. Our driver a very young Bedouin, had two wives and he owned his horse. The more wives and horses you have shows your wealth. Marie and I did a little shopping while we waited for Jim. To our surprise he came riding up on a horse! What happened to the camel? Even though our exit from Petra was easier on our feet and legs it turned painful for Jim, as he pulled a muscle dismounting the camel and blisters because the padding covered a wooden saddle. Jim thinks they did that on purpose!
Remember the story of Jacob and Esau! Remember when they met up again many years later and parted friends? Their friendship didn't last long. Esau's name had been changed to Edom in memory of his having sold his birthright to Jacob, his brother. If Edom says; "We are shattered but we will rebuild this ruins; the Lord of hosts says; They may build, but I will tear down till they are called the wicked country, the people with whom His Lord is angry for every." Malachi 1:4 Petra is within the boundaries of the Edomites of biblical times. This is where Esau (Edom) took his people and built his domain. It is desolate and nothing but a tourist attraction. The Edomites refused to come to Israel's aid; God did not like that! Israel came from Jacob and the Edomites came from Esau. The animosity was never over.
God says this about Edom and the Edomites; "Behold, I will make you small among the nations; You are greatly despised. The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, you will live in the clefts of the rock, in the loftiness of your dwelling place, who say in your heart; Who will bring me down to earth? Though you build high like the eagle, though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the Lord. Obadiah 1;2-4 The place Petra, is a place to visit because of it's extraordinary beauty and its history. But it is lost! Their only salvation is the same as ours; Jesus Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
We stopped at an old amphitheater and one of the directors began to speak about things that Jim and I didn't agree with, so that peiod of time was frustrating but picturesque. This is where some read only what they believe and don't believe what they read. By the time we reached the restaurant we were wore out. My legs ached and my stomach was growling!
The eatery was at the end of our walk through Petra and we knew that we had a return ascent facing us. But first we ate! Again a buffet was prepared for us and the fact that it was cooler inside made it all the more pleasant. The closest thing to a taxi cab was hitching a ride on a donkey. Marie and I mounted our steeds, such as they were and made it back up the hill without falling off. I kept sliding to the left and would have fallen off except for the guide who walked close beside me with words of encouragement; "Have courage lady!" Courage my eye! However, Jim surprised me and rode a camel.
Marie and I hired a carriage to take us back through the passageway and to the vendors at the entrance, even though we knew it would be bumpy and wild. Our driver a very young Bedouin, had two wives and he owned his horse. The more wives and horses you have shows your wealth. Marie and I did a little shopping while we waited for Jim. To our surprise he came riding up on a horse! What happened to the camel? Even though our exit from Petra was easier on our feet and legs it turned painful for Jim, as he pulled a muscle dismounting the camel and blisters because the padding covered a wooden saddle. Jim thinks they did that on purpose!
Remember the story of Jacob and Esau! Remember when they met up again many years later and parted friends? Their friendship didn't last long. Esau's name had been changed to Edom in memory of his having sold his birthright to Jacob, his brother. If Edom says; "We are shattered but we will rebuild this ruins; the Lord of hosts says; They may build, but I will tear down till they are called the wicked country, the people with whom His Lord is angry for every." Malachi 1:4 Petra is within the boundaries of the Edomites of biblical times. This is where Esau (Edom) took his people and built his domain. It is desolate and nothing but a tourist attraction. The Edomites refused to come to Israel's aid; God did not like that! Israel came from Jacob and the Edomites came from Esau. The animosity was never over.
God says this about Edom and the Edomites; "Behold, I will make you small among the nations; You are greatly despised. The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, you will live in the clefts of the rock, in the loftiness of your dwelling place, who say in your heart; Who will bring me down to earth? Though you build high like the eagle, though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the Lord. Obadiah 1;2-4 The place Petra, is a place to visit because of it's extraordinary beauty and its history. But it is lost! Their only salvation is the same as ours; Jesus Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/29/09
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The morning of March 18th we checked out of the Hyatt Regency, loaded up the buses around 8:30 am and headed for Masada. We stopped at the Dead Sea for lunch. A spa resort with many hotels and lots of people in bathing suits floating on top of the murky waters because of the salt content. Everyone could float! Bathing in the Dead Sea is good for your skin, especially psoriasis. When you got out, it was imperative that you rinse your body off because the salt would dry and become crusted and then would be hard to remove.
Our lunch was provided in a cafeteria. We had french fries! What a treat! Lots of good buys such as a cologne called Essence of Jerusalem. I bought several bottles for me. I also bought gift products made by Ahava which was made out of the mud of the Dead Sea. Items like foot cream, body lotion and hand creams. I love this product!
As we resumed our bus ride through more desolate country, our driver pointed out some hills and said that they were where the Dead Sea Scrolls were located. Pointing towards the caves above Qumran, we could only imagine the Monks placing them there so they would be protected when their land was taken captive. We finally arrived at Masada. Masada has always held some mystery and romance for me. I could hardly believe I was here and wanted so desperately to see this place. However, my fear of heights overrode my desires as they had a cable tram that took you to the top. Then you were to walk up a narrow path on the side of the wall. I couldn't do it! Why couldn't I just repeat to myself; "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? Psalm 27:1 Jim and Marie took the tour that I insisted we do. The incredible story of a small band of people and how they held their fort against the Romans, is powerful. When the siege was completed the Romans found all dead except for a couple of women and a few children. This story is not bibilical, but of history.
Another place I had dreamed of seeing was Petra. To get there we had to go through Jordan. The border crossing was scarey to say the least. We were removed from the buses and ordered to turn over our passports to the officials. Several hours later they finally returned them to us and let us go on our way. Leaving Israel and entering Jordan took over two hours. Not a good time! It was after 9:00 pm when we finally arrived at the Movenpick Hotel in Wadimosa, Jordan, just outside of Petra. The Movenpick was my favorite hotel. It looked like something out of Greek mythology. Lots of pillars and greenery. A solarium was in the center about the size of a basketball court. You could look down from all floors upon this site. It was filled with live plants, flowers and running water. Had benches to sit on and mediate. Very beautiful! You would come into this area each time you went to the wonderful dining room. The food there was also very delightful. It had a roof top you could walk out on with pillars and urns filled with greenery. On one of the floors it had a beautiful ice cream parlar. I just described the inside of the hotel. But outside of the hotel it was hot, dry and desert. Desolate! Poverty stricken! "Better is a little with righteousenss." Proverbs 16:8a This was the first hotel in all the countries to have wash clothes, including the ship. Wash clothes were a luxury item to me.
The elegance of this hotel gave us pause about how poor the people were and how desolate the countries appeared. Yet out of nowhere we find these beautiful, gracious and overwhelming accommodations. Of course it cost a pretty penny to stay within these walls and to eat their beautifully prepared food. Our experience outside of America told us why some do not like Americans. The poorest of the poor in America live far better than the middle class in these countries. We take it all for granted! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/28/09
Our lunch was provided in a cafeteria. We had french fries! What a treat! Lots of good buys such as a cologne called Essence of Jerusalem. I bought several bottles for me. I also bought gift products made by Ahava which was made out of the mud of the Dead Sea. Items like foot cream, body lotion and hand creams. I love this product!
As we resumed our bus ride through more desolate country, our driver pointed out some hills and said that they were where the Dead Sea Scrolls were located. Pointing towards the caves above Qumran, we could only imagine the Monks placing them there so they would be protected when their land was taken captive. We finally arrived at Masada. Masada has always held some mystery and romance for me. I could hardly believe I was here and wanted so desperately to see this place. However, my fear of heights overrode my desires as they had a cable tram that took you to the top. Then you were to walk up a narrow path on the side of the wall. I couldn't do it! Why couldn't I just repeat to myself; "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? Psalm 27:1 Jim and Marie took the tour that I insisted we do. The incredible story of a small band of people and how they held their fort against the Romans, is powerful. When the siege was completed the Romans found all dead except for a couple of women and a few children. This story is not bibilical, but of history.
Another place I had dreamed of seeing was Petra. To get there we had to go through Jordan. The border crossing was scarey to say the least. We were removed from the buses and ordered to turn over our passports to the officials. Several hours later they finally returned them to us and let us go on our way. Leaving Israel and entering Jordan took over two hours. Not a good time! It was after 9:00 pm when we finally arrived at the Movenpick Hotel in Wadimosa, Jordan, just outside of Petra. The Movenpick was my favorite hotel. It looked like something out of Greek mythology. Lots of pillars and greenery. A solarium was in the center about the size of a basketball court. You could look down from all floors upon this site. It was filled with live plants, flowers and running water. Had benches to sit on and mediate. Very beautiful! You would come into this area each time you went to the wonderful dining room. The food there was also very delightful. It had a roof top you could walk out on with pillars and urns filled with greenery. On one of the floors it had a beautiful ice cream parlar. I just described the inside of the hotel. But outside of the hotel it was hot, dry and desert. Desolate! Poverty stricken! "Better is a little with righteousenss." Proverbs 16:8a This was the first hotel in all the countries to have wash clothes, including the ship. Wash clothes were a luxury item to me.
The elegance of this hotel gave us pause about how poor the people were and how desolate the countries appeared. Yet out of nowhere we find these beautiful, gracious and overwhelming accommodations. Of course it cost a pretty penny to stay within these walls and to eat their beautifully prepared food. Our experience outside of America told us why some do not like Americans. The poorest of the poor in America live far better than the middle class in these countries. We take it all for granted! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/28/09
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The bus took us to the top of Mt. Carmel. you remember Mt. Carmel; where Elijah confronted the priests of Baal. We stood in front of a ten foot statue of Elijah that overlooks the Jezreel valley below. This is also known as the Valley of Armageddon. Many believe that the final battle between good and evil will take place in this valley. Many believe that this is where the end will begin. "And they assembled them at the place which is called in Hebrew Armageddon." Revelation 16:16 I don't preted to understand all of Revelation. I don't pretend that it is telling us about things that actually will take place; but I do believe John chose this name to describe the final battle at the end of the age however it comes about. What I do know is that the church wins and those who remain steadfast have nothing to worry about.
Later the same day we checked into a beautiful hotel called the Hyatt Regency. Our room was wonderful! The dining room was very elaborate and a buffet was prepared with no holds barred. Everywhere we stayed we were treated with exceptional accommodations.
The next morning, March 17th was Sunday. We went to church! We attended "Christ Church!" A messianic church that was at the entrance of the Jaffe Gate. We took a cab and the cabby directed us down a covered walkway that goes into a Moselm shopping area. We walked and walked and finally Jim asked a man dressed in black with a turban on his head, where we could find Christ Church. This Moslem man told us to go back the way we came and if we liked he could take us. So we followed him back where we had gotten out of the cab and he pointed down the street and there it was. It would have bitten us if we had gotten any closer. Of course, Jim had to pay this man $15.00 for his trouble. By the time we entered the door of Christ Church, we were worn out from our walk. Even so, I was excited!
The service was about 2 1/2 hours. The music was very modern and wonderful. Had nothing on our worship services in America but was close. The small attendance filled the church and yet we sounded like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Losts of tradition! Did not partake of communion although I wanted to. They drank from one cup and I just couldn't do that. Marie said she would if Jim did; well Jim didn't! I loved it all! I loved the whole service! We even experienced some speaking in tongues, not to mention the lady who prayed forever.
We were on our own for lunch. Jim and I went for a walk around the hotel neighborhood and discovered Alominos Pizza. The clerk didn't speak much English but took our credit card willingly. I prayed he would only put in the cost of the pizza and nothing else. We ate our pizza outside on his porch. We then walked hand in hand back to the hotel and called the kids in Klamath Falls just to reassure them, that we were okay in spite of the news. There was political unrest in the area, however, we didn't see it nor feel it. Both sides of this argument that plagued the area, didn't want to upset the tourist industry, or so we thought. The day after we left, a Hebrew College was bombed. A month later a nearby hotel hosting a wedding was bombed. For He says to Moses; "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." Romans 9:14-16
"Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say; "And to seeds", as referring to many, but rather to one; That is Christ." Galatians 3:16 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law." Galatians 3:13a I suppose Israel will never find their way out of chaos until they realize that Christ has indeed come and has given us a way to go to the Father. To those who have ears; let them hear! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/28/09
Later the same day we checked into a beautiful hotel called the Hyatt Regency. Our room was wonderful! The dining room was very elaborate and a buffet was prepared with no holds barred. Everywhere we stayed we were treated with exceptional accommodations.
The next morning, March 17th was Sunday. We went to church! We attended "Christ Church!" A messianic church that was at the entrance of the Jaffe Gate. We took a cab and the cabby directed us down a covered walkway that goes into a Moselm shopping area. We walked and walked and finally Jim asked a man dressed in black with a turban on his head, where we could find Christ Church. This Moslem man told us to go back the way we came and if we liked he could take us. So we followed him back where we had gotten out of the cab and he pointed down the street and there it was. It would have bitten us if we had gotten any closer. Of course, Jim had to pay this man $15.00 for his trouble. By the time we entered the door of Christ Church, we were worn out from our walk. Even so, I was excited!
The service was about 2 1/2 hours. The music was very modern and wonderful. Had nothing on our worship services in America but was close. The small attendance filled the church and yet we sounded like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Losts of tradition! Did not partake of communion although I wanted to. They drank from one cup and I just couldn't do that. Marie said she would if Jim did; well Jim didn't! I loved it all! I loved the whole service! We even experienced some speaking in tongues, not to mention the lady who prayed forever.
We were on our own for lunch. Jim and I went for a walk around the hotel neighborhood and discovered Alominos Pizza. The clerk didn't speak much English but took our credit card willingly. I prayed he would only put in the cost of the pizza and nothing else. We ate our pizza outside on his porch. We then walked hand in hand back to the hotel and called the kids in Klamath Falls just to reassure them, that we were okay in spite of the news. There was political unrest in the area, however, we didn't see it nor feel it. Both sides of this argument that plagued the area, didn't want to upset the tourist industry, or so we thought. The day after we left, a Hebrew College was bombed. A month later a nearby hotel hosting a wedding was bombed. For He says to Moses; "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." Romans 9:14-16
"Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say; "And to seeds", as referring to many, but rather to one; That is Christ." Galatians 3:16 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law." Galatians 3:13a I suppose Israel will never find their way out of chaos until they realize that Christ has indeed come and has given us a way to go to the Father. To those who have ears; let them hear! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/28/09
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
HOLY LAND REVISITED - Galilee/Jordan River
For lunch we headed for a little shopping district to get the best 'Falafels' in town. It was arranged for our group to choose between three small fast food places. The passageway was very narrow and the court yard was very small and belonged to the pizza place. Unless we bought their faire we couldn't sit there. We ended up in some chairs along a wall next door to a little boy who was washing his floor and pushing the water outside. We decided they were getting ready for the Sabbath. Marie ordered our lunch because she was pushier than we were. You had to be pushy because we were practically on top of each other. The Falafels were interesting, sort of like pita bread with a salad in it. We went back to the ship for our last evening where we experienced a night club act put on by all of the ships staff that were willing to participate. I understood why most didn't.
The morning of March 16th we said goodbye to the Aegean I and left Haifa and traveled to Galilee. On the way we passed Nazareth and Cana. A chartered boat was waiting for us at the Sea of Galilee. About 1/2 mile out the crew raised our American Flag and played our National Anthem. How soothing after 9/11 to be comforted in a foreign land by such a simple act. Sitting on this boat we could visibly take in a large area of Christ's ministry. The sea was bigger than we expected. The valley around was very rich and plush. Lots of farming of bananas, mangos, avocados and pomegranates. After this we drove to Capernaum and saw what the Catholics have designated as Peter's mothers home. It was hard to tell because the Catholic's had built upon it. Entering the gate which was covered with beautiful large bougainvilleas, we were taken back into a time of a memory that we only had read about in God's word. Nothing but ruins including a synagogue and an old olive press.
A short ways into the hills our of Capernaum was the place where Jesus preached the sermon on the mount. "Seeing the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and when He sat down His disciples came to Him. He opened his mouth and taught them." Matthew 5:1-2 Most walked down the hillside from that spot along the Mt of the Beatitudes which was provided by the Catholics. Here there was a great view of the Sea of Galilee and I could only imagine the crowd sitting on the ground listening intently to the master preacher of all times, as He spoke of who they could be in Him. As He spoke of Godly things!
We lunched by the Jordan River. Our lunch was in a large room with long tables. We shared our table with 5 others. After lunch we visited some small shops and went out into the courtyard and walked down and looked at the river. The Jordan is pretty much like Bear Creek in Medford and some say it looks like the Lost River that runs through Klamath Falls. It is small with losts of over hanging branches and bushes winding its way down the valley, into the Dead Sea. "Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John." Matthew 3:13
Jim wanted to have our picture taken together standing near and overlooking the Jordan. He stopped a man who didn't know much English and of course we didn't know his language at all, but it was understood when Jim put a camera in the mans hand that we wanted a picture. Low and behold, the man sent his wife to join us. Just another added bonus of a trip of a life time as we looked, pondered and experienced the part of the world where our Savior lived.
"And when Jesus was baptized, He went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying; "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:16-17 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/28/09
The morning of March 16th we said goodbye to the Aegean I and left Haifa and traveled to Galilee. On the way we passed Nazareth and Cana. A chartered boat was waiting for us at the Sea of Galilee. About 1/2 mile out the crew raised our American Flag and played our National Anthem. How soothing after 9/11 to be comforted in a foreign land by such a simple act. Sitting on this boat we could visibly take in a large area of Christ's ministry. The sea was bigger than we expected. The valley around was very rich and plush. Lots of farming of bananas, mangos, avocados and pomegranates. After this we drove to Capernaum and saw what the Catholics have designated as Peter's mothers home. It was hard to tell because the Catholic's had built upon it. Entering the gate which was covered with beautiful large bougainvilleas, we were taken back into a time of a memory that we only had read about in God's word. Nothing but ruins including a synagogue and an old olive press.
A short ways into the hills our of Capernaum was the place where Jesus preached the sermon on the mount. "Seeing the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and when He sat down His disciples came to Him. He opened his mouth and taught them." Matthew 5:1-2 Most walked down the hillside from that spot along the Mt of the Beatitudes which was provided by the Catholics. Here there was a great view of the Sea of Galilee and I could only imagine the crowd sitting on the ground listening intently to the master preacher of all times, as He spoke of who they could be in Him. As He spoke of Godly things!
We lunched by the Jordan River. Our lunch was in a large room with long tables. We shared our table with 5 others. After lunch we visited some small shops and went out into the courtyard and walked down and looked at the river. The Jordan is pretty much like Bear Creek in Medford and some say it looks like the Lost River that runs through Klamath Falls. It is small with losts of over hanging branches and bushes winding its way down the valley, into the Dead Sea. "Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John." Matthew 3:13
Jim wanted to have our picture taken together standing near and overlooking the Jordan. He stopped a man who didn't know much English and of course we didn't know his language at all, but it was understood when Jim put a camera in the mans hand that we wanted a picture. Low and behold, the man sent his wife to join us. Just another added bonus of a trip of a life time as we looked, pondered and experienced the part of the world where our Savior lived.
"And when Jesus was baptized, He went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying; "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:16-17 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/28/09
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Garden Tomb, although has olive tree's and an old olive press, is different from Gethsemane and far more emotional. Our guide was also an archeologist and through his scriptural story telling and explanations through archeological finds we were convinced that this was in fact the garden that housed the tomb of Christ. At the far end we sat on benches near a wall. On the other side of the wall was a clear view of Golgotha or Calvary. The hill was not any taller than a large mound that could easily be walked up with no crosses on top as a monument to our Saviors sacrifice. Just below, the face of the scull was clearly defined in the shelf of the rocks. We saw two sculls! "And when they brought Him to the place called Golgotha (which means the place of a skull)." Mark 15:22 The scriptures marked the spot.
About 100 yds on a beautiful path, we came to the tomb. The one we have seen in pictures. The one that the Catholic church does not accept as the tomb. "And he bought a linen shroud and taking Him down, wrapped Him in the linen shroud and laid Him in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb." Mark 15:46 In front of the door of the tomb was a stone trough which you had to step over. It was about a foot wide and 18 inches deep. The trough slanted upwards to the left of the door which would have been difficult to roll back. Our guide said that the stone was probably a millstone and was not rolled away but thrown away altogether, by someone with super human strength. Up on the right of the tomb was a tiny window. The door originally was small and you would have to stoop or crawl inside. The door was now much larger so that people like us could go inside.
"Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new tomb where no one had ever been laid." John 19:41 Just inside the door, we were separated from the actual place where Jesus laid, by a gate. Many were peering beyond the gate but we immediately felt the presence of the Lord so strongly that tears welled up into our eyes. I caught my breath as Jim pulled me back towards the wailing wall and held me close. We clung to each other, as we felt the impact of where we were; the place where Jesus was laid!
A communion service was held in a place under the trees and foliage. We sat on benches while we listened to the communion sermonette. I was troubled as he spoke of our Savior as a man of sorrows, despised and rejected. "Gave my back to those who strike Me and My cheeks to those who plucked out my beard." Isaiah 50:6 Our surroundings were peaceful and I was reminded I always like being in cemeteries. Looking at the grave sites and reading the markers; wondering about those who had been laid to rest. Here I was at the grave site of Jesus Christ, "The King of the Jews" and my Lord and Savior. I was here in a place I have only read about, and it was empty as they said it was. One important fact that our Savior had risen! The angel said; "Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He has risen as He said. Come see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell His disciples that He has Risen from the dead." Matthew 28:5-7b
Imagine your standing inside the empty tomb; Imagine yourself sitting outside the tomb in a beautiful, serene garden like the one described in the scriptures; Imagine sharing communion with fellow Christians remembering our Savior; Imagine walking where Jesus walked and feeling His presence everywhere. Jim and I did! It is now engraved within our memory banks but it is also just as real to those of who have never visited this holy place. "In Him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in Him, are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit." Ephesians 1;13 by Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/27/09
About 100 yds on a beautiful path, we came to the tomb. The one we have seen in pictures. The one that the Catholic church does not accept as the tomb. "And he bought a linen shroud and taking Him down, wrapped Him in the linen shroud and laid Him in a tomb which had been hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a stone against the door of the tomb." Mark 15:46 In front of the door of the tomb was a stone trough which you had to step over. It was about a foot wide and 18 inches deep. The trough slanted upwards to the left of the door which would have been difficult to roll back. Our guide said that the stone was probably a millstone and was not rolled away but thrown away altogether, by someone with super human strength. Up on the right of the tomb was a tiny window. The door originally was small and you would have to stoop or crawl inside. The door was now much larger so that people like us could go inside.
"Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new tomb where no one had ever been laid." John 19:41 Just inside the door, we were separated from the actual place where Jesus laid, by a gate. Many were peering beyond the gate but we immediately felt the presence of the Lord so strongly that tears welled up into our eyes. I caught my breath as Jim pulled me back towards the wailing wall and held me close. We clung to each other, as we felt the impact of where we were; the place where Jesus was laid!
A communion service was held in a place under the trees and foliage. We sat on benches while we listened to the communion sermonette. I was troubled as he spoke of our Savior as a man of sorrows, despised and rejected. "Gave my back to those who strike Me and My cheeks to those who plucked out my beard." Isaiah 50:6 Our surroundings were peaceful and I was reminded I always like being in cemeteries. Looking at the grave sites and reading the markers; wondering about those who had been laid to rest. Here I was at the grave site of Jesus Christ, "The King of the Jews" and my Lord and Savior. I was here in a place I have only read about, and it was empty as they said it was. One important fact that our Savior had risen! The angel said; "Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He has risen as He said. Come see the place where He lay. Then go quickly and tell His disciples that He has Risen from the dead." Matthew 28:5-7b
Imagine your standing inside the empty tomb; Imagine yourself sitting outside the tomb in a beautiful, serene garden like the one described in the scriptures; Imagine sharing communion with fellow Christians remembering our Savior; Imagine walking where Jesus walked and feeling His presence everywhere. Jim and I did! It is now engraved within our memory banks but it is also just as real to those of who have never visited this holy place. "In Him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in Him, are sealed with the promised Holy Spirit." Ephesians 1;13 by Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/27/09
Friday, October 9, 2009
Later, in the afternoon we found ourselves standing at the edge of the Pool of Bethesda. The ruins were just that. Ruins! It was hard to distinguish that these five rectangular holes in the ground, shooting off from each other, had been the pools of healing. The weeds and the unkept area gave us pause to wonder; can this really be the pool? The scriptures tell the story, how the Angel would come and stir the waters. The first ones in the pools, when they began to stir would be healed. "Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool, which is called Bethesda, having five porticoes." John 5:2 Much discussion has been held on it's authenticity. The conclusion is that since all speak of the pools being near a church; and explicitly near the church of St. Anne, this, therefore, is probably the true historic site.
Next door to the pools, is a church built of stone called "St. Anne's Church." The acoustics were supposed to be phenomenal. We found the echo's to be intense and confusing. We tried singing but the sound seem to just bounce from one wall to another. However, the echo was there and so were we.
Later, our buses parked outside of a gift shop! An arched sign across the road said; Garden of Gethsemane. Oh my heart! To the left of the bus was half of the garden and thru the shop on our right was the other half of the garden. Of course we were directed towards the gift shop first. We exited the shop from the other side and entered the garden on the right and were faced with 2000 year old olive trees that the Catholic church had taken control of and built a church along side them to give further credence as to their authority. I suppose at one time this was one garden but now a road, gift shop and a church separates it. There were even instructions "do not touch" which gave us pause to wonder.
As we entered the gate to the other side of the garden which was set apart from the gift shop and church, we felt here was where Jesus prayed. Directly in front of us was a worn path taking us to a small incline in the far corner up ahead on our right. Jim took my hand and we slowly walked towards the incline. "He went forth with His disciples over the ravine of the Kidron where there was a garden into which He Himself entered with His disciples." John 18:1
Many trees and large stones covered the area. Modern times placed bleachers in the upper right hand corner as you first come into the garden. Our guide left us to ourselves. Perhaps because he didn't want to talk about Jesus and/or perhaps he too couldn't find words to speak. We were moved again to think we were where Christ had been. Jim held me close as we prayed; thanking God for allowing us to be in this place; to experience even yet a closer walk with him. As we left the garden, Jim reached down and picked up a few small stones to remember this moment in time. To remember this feeling of absolute peace and joy that we felt in this place.
On the way to the Garden Tomb we stopped at a place where Caiaphas was known to have lived. Beneath the place where his house was, there was a hole that was used as a temporary holding cell. It is believed that Jesus may have spent some time there during His trials. Close to Caiaphas house there were some stairs; the stairway of the trials, which were carved into the rock on the slope of the hill. At one time these stairs ran all the way from the temple to the Garden of Gethsemane. It is almost certain that Jesus was up and down these stairs during His trials. Jim stood on the stairs and was again moved by his having the opportunity to experience first hand, what he has read about for years. It was Caiaphas who said; "It was expedient for one man to die on behalf of the people." John 18:14b Once again, God using those He wishes to prophesy for Him. Yes, Christ died once for all! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/25/09
Next door to the pools, is a church built of stone called "St. Anne's Church." The acoustics were supposed to be phenomenal. We found the echo's to be intense and confusing. We tried singing but the sound seem to just bounce from one wall to another. However, the echo was there and so were we.
Later, our buses parked outside of a gift shop! An arched sign across the road said; Garden of Gethsemane. Oh my heart! To the left of the bus was half of the garden and thru the shop on our right was the other half of the garden. Of course we were directed towards the gift shop first. We exited the shop from the other side and entered the garden on the right and were faced with 2000 year old olive trees that the Catholic church had taken control of and built a church along side them to give further credence as to their authority. I suppose at one time this was one garden but now a road, gift shop and a church separates it. There were even instructions "do not touch" which gave us pause to wonder.
As we entered the gate to the other side of the garden which was set apart from the gift shop and church, we felt here was where Jesus prayed. Directly in front of us was a worn path taking us to a small incline in the far corner up ahead on our right. Jim took my hand and we slowly walked towards the incline. "He went forth with His disciples over the ravine of the Kidron where there was a garden into which He Himself entered with His disciples." John 18:1
Many trees and large stones covered the area. Modern times placed bleachers in the upper right hand corner as you first come into the garden. Our guide left us to ourselves. Perhaps because he didn't want to talk about Jesus and/or perhaps he too couldn't find words to speak. We were moved again to think we were where Christ had been. Jim held me close as we prayed; thanking God for allowing us to be in this place; to experience even yet a closer walk with him. As we left the garden, Jim reached down and picked up a few small stones to remember this moment in time. To remember this feeling of absolute peace and joy that we felt in this place.
On the way to the Garden Tomb we stopped at a place where Caiaphas was known to have lived. Beneath the place where his house was, there was a hole that was used as a temporary holding cell. It is believed that Jesus may have spent some time there during His trials. Close to Caiaphas house there were some stairs; the stairway of the trials, which were carved into the rock on the slope of the hill. At one time these stairs ran all the way from the temple to the Garden of Gethsemane. It is almost certain that Jesus was up and down these stairs during His trials. Jim stood on the stairs and was again moved by his having the opportunity to experience first hand, what he has read about for years. It was Caiaphas who said; "It was expedient for one man to die on behalf of the people." John 18:14b Once again, God using those He wishes to prophesy for Him. Yes, Christ died once for all! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/25/09
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Such an inspiring morning and then we found ourselves being directed towards a Roman restaurant, upstairs in a mall. Who knew! When in Rome do as the Romans do! We looked cute in our togas (well, some of us did) and some wore olive wreath crowns. We ate Roman style except not all of us could recline or perhaps more like, we wouldn't recline. I didn't enjoy this! Even when they carried the sort of naked lady overhead thru the dining area, I was not entertained. I did enjoy the bread cubes dipped in the sauces and of course I was with Jim. Have to admit everything we did thru out our trip in the middle east, was an experience!
The morning of March 15th, our guide took us to a lookout point and told us that across the valley was Bethlehem. It was sad to think we had come so close but were still so far from the place our Savior was born. Because of so much turmoil we could not enter Bethlehem; we could only look at the view. The little town of Bethlehem looked much bigger than the town we sing about. However flashes of pictures we had seen as though looking in an album, crossed our minds. The thoughts of our Savior's meager beginnings come to life.
A little further on in our journey, we stopped at a market. We browsed a little then stepped outdoors facing yet another view. We were on the Mount of Olives! Here is where Jesus would come to weep and pray over His beloved city; Jerusalem! "And when He approached, He saw the city and wept over it saying; If you had known to this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes. For the days shall come upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank before you, and surround you and hem you in on every side." Luke 19:41-42 Sounds like today, doesn't it?
Between Jerusalem and the Mt of Olives there is a rather deep ravine called the Kidron Valley. The Kidron brook runs through it. This is the valley that kings and prophets of Israel and Judah walked. Men like David; Solomon, Hezekiah; Elijah and Elisha.
To the south of the city there is another ravine called the Valley of the Lepers. There are caves in the walls of this ravine where people with leprosy had to go to live out their lives. Away from family and friends! The Lord said; "Command the people of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper, and every one having a discharge, and every one that is unclean through contact with the dead; You shall put out both male and female, putting them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell." Numbers 5:2-3 Could these be those who could be likened to sin of which God could not associate with? "And behold, a leper came to Him and knelt before Him, saying; Lord, if you will, you can make me clean. And He stretched out His hand and touched him saying; I will; Be clean! And immediately his leprosy was cleansed." Matthew 8:2-3 Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly!
Having been a layman scholar of God's word for most of my life and with Jim in our married life, walking through these places is like a vivid declaration that is being brought to life; jumping right out of the scriptures and feeding our souls with food never tasted before.
Having read, studied, along with discussing our thoughts and our think so's, not to mention the questions unanswered; were laid wide open before us as we continued to walk where Jesus walked. Thank you Lord; Thank you Lord; Thank you Lord for the experience to see first hand the places you walked, talked, healed, and comforted those who were to play a large role in your kingdom and for those who would follow. Even so many years later, here we are; wanting to know more; wanting to understand; wanting to be the servant of all. Amen! "And He sat down and called the twelve; and He said to them; "If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." Mark 9:35 Where do you stand among the followers of Christ? Where is your heart? Think on these things as we come closer to the Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/25/09
The morning of March 15th, our guide took us to a lookout point and told us that across the valley was Bethlehem. It was sad to think we had come so close but were still so far from the place our Savior was born. Because of so much turmoil we could not enter Bethlehem; we could only look at the view. The little town of Bethlehem looked much bigger than the town we sing about. However flashes of pictures we had seen as though looking in an album, crossed our minds. The thoughts of our Savior's meager beginnings come to life.
A little further on in our journey, we stopped at a market. We browsed a little then stepped outdoors facing yet another view. We were on the Mount of Olives! Here is where Jesus would come to weep and pray over His beloved city; Jerusalem! "And when He approached, He saw the city and wept over it saying; If you had known to this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes. For the days shall come upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank before you, and surround you and hem you in on every side." Luke 19:41-42 Sounds like today, doesn't it?
Between Jerusalem and the Mt of Olives there is a rather deep ravine called the Kidron Valley. The Kidron brook runs through it. This is the valley that kings and prophets of Israel and Judah walked. Men like David; Solomon, Hezekiah; Elijah and Elisha.
To the south of the city there is another ravine called the Valley of the Lepers. There are caves in the walls of this ravine where people with leprosy had to go to live out their lives. Away from family and friends! The Lord said; "Command the people of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper, and every one having a discharge, and every one that is unclean through contact with the dead; You shall put out both male and female, putting them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell." Numbers 5:2-3 Could these be those who could be likened to sin of which God could not associate with? "And behold, a leper came to Him and knelt before Him, saying; Lord, if you will, you can make me clean. And He stretched out His hand and touched him saying; I will; Be clean! And immediately his leprosy was cleansed." Matthew 8:2-3 Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly!
Having been a layman scholar of God's word for most of my life and with Jim in our married life, walking through these places is like a vivid declaration that is being brought to life; jumping right out of the scriptures and feeding our souls with food never tasted before.
Having read, studied, along with discussing our thoughts and our think so's, not to mention the questions unanswered; were laid wide open before us as we continued to walk where Jesus walked. Thank you Lord; Thank you Lord; Thank you Lord for the experience to see first hand the places you walked, talked, healed, and comforted those who were to play a large role in your kingdom and for those who would follow. Even so many years later, here we are; wanting to know more; wanting to understand; wanting to be the servant of all. Amen! "And He sat down and called the twelve; and He said to them; "If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." Mark 9:35 Where do you stand among the followers of Christ? Where is your heart? Think on these things as we come closer to the Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/25/09
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We cruised from Port Said to the city of Haifa in Israel. This city is built into the side of the hills that come right down to the sea. As we approached, Jim went out on deck to watch. March 14th we docked at Haifa and spent two days touring Jerusalem and spent our last two nights on board ship. It was interesting to see the great contrast between the Jews and the Moselms. Our tour guide was Jewish and did not have the passion or reverence in the Holy Places of Jesus. On the bus trip to Jersalem we passed through the Negev. In bible days the Negev was called the wilderness but today the Israelis have transformed it, into beautiful farm land. Old Town Jerusalem is old, but trying to accommodate modern day automobile traffic. For the most part, it is a traffic nightmare!
Our anticipation was exciting; we were going to visit the Wailing Wall. First there was a security check point. One side was for men and the other for women, and never the twain shall meet. The men wearing black and with the long curls were called Hessidic Jews. Very high in their own importance as they crowded into the front, of the lines. It turns out that our tour was not allowed to go and touch the wall. We could only stand back and watch.
However, our guide took us instead inside a building off to the left of the Wall and gave us a tour thru the tunnel of the "Western Wall." Of course this was most interesting and there was a small portion of the back side of the Wailing Wall which we were encouraged to touch or to leave notes. This walk included periodic glass floors which exposed the depth of the walls below. Very full of history and thoughtfulness as we considered; Jesus had been there.
This tunnel passed by an ancient cistern that had been used by a nunnery as their own private swimming hole. We exited onto a shop lined passageway. Long, narrow and windy! The passage was fairly empty and the shops appeared to be closed. It wasn't until we came to the end and saw the signs that we realized we had just walked the Via Dela Rosa; Nothing was said to indicate that this is where Christ carried the cross; Nothing was said about the stations posted remembering each portion of the suffering Christ; Nothing was mentioned how he sacrificed all on our behalf. Nothing! When we realized where we were, we stopped and looked back the way we came and then it fully impacted us as to where we had just been and where we were standing.
"And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe upon Him and plaiting a crown of thorns, they
put it on His head and put a reed in His right hand. And kneeling before Him they mocked Him, saying; "Hail King of the Jews!" "And they spat upon Him and took the reed and struck Him on the head. And when they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the robe and put His own clothes on Him and led Him away to crucify Him." Matthew 27:28-31 "And as they led Him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country and laid on him the cross, to carry behind Jesus. And there followed Him a great multitude of the people, and of women who bewailed and lamented Him." Luke 23:26-27" "So they took Jesus, and He went out bearing His own cross to the place called the place of a skull!" John 19:17a "They brought Him to the placed called Golgotha." Mark 15:22 Oh, my heart!
The Temple Mt is not much to look at because there is not much there. It is presently occupied by Islam and is covered with a golden dome which we were not allow to enter. The steps coming up to an ancient gate to this area, are still there. Christ taught from these steps! Some believe that Christ will return first to Jersualem and enter through this gate. The Muslims have sealed the Eastern Gate not realizing they are fulfilling prophesy! I sat down on the steps to ponder the presence of Christ, who had stood here so many years ago. What an experience! "I walked today where Jesus walked and felt His presence there!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/24/09
Our anticipation was exciting; we were going to visit the Wailing Wall. First there was a security check point. One side was for men and the other for women, and never the twain shall meet. The men wearing black and with the long curls were called Hessidic Jews. Very high in their own importance as they crowded into the front, of the lines. It turns out that our tour was not allowed to go and touch the wall. We could only stand back and watch.
However, our guide took us instead inside a building off to the left of the Wall and gave us a tour thru the tunnel of the "Western Wall." Of course this was most interesting and there was a small portion of the back side of the Wailing Wall which we were encouraged to touch or to leave notes. This walk included periodic glass floors which exposed the depth of the walls below. Very full of history and thoughtfulness as we considered; Jesus had been there.
This tunnel passed by an ancient cistern that had been used by a nunnery as their own private swimming hole. We exited onto a shop lined passageway. Long, narrow and windy! The passage was fairly empty and the shops appeared to be closed. It wasn't until we came to the end and saw the signs that we realized we had just walked the Via Dela Rosa; Nothing was said to indicate that this is where Christ carried the cross; Nothing was said about the stations posted remembering each portion of the suffering Christ; Nothing was mentioned how he sacrificed all on our behalf. Nothing! When we realized where we were, we stopped and looked back the way we came and then it fully impacted us as to where we had just been and where we were standing.
"And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe upon Him and plaiting a crown of thorns, they
put it on His head and put a reed in His right hand. And kneeling before Him they mocked Him, saying; "Hail King of the Jews!" "And they spat upon Him and took the reed and struck Him on the head. And when they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the robe and put His own clothes on Him and led Him away to crucify Him." Matthew 27:28-31 "And as they led Him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from the country and laid on him the cross, to carry behind Jesus. And there followed Him a great multitude of the people, and of women who bewailed and lamented Him." Luke 23:26-27" "So they took Jesus, and He went out bearing His own cross to the place called the place of a skull!" John 19:17a "They brought Him to the placed called Golgotha." Mark 15:22 Oh, my heart!
The Temple Mt is not much to look at because there is not much there. It is presently occupied by Islam and is covered with a golden dome which we were not allow to enter. The steps coming up to an ancient gate to this area, are still there. Christ taught from these steps! Some believe that Christ will return first to Jersualem and enter through this gate. The Muslims have sealed the Eastern Gate not realizing they are fulfilling prophesy! I sat down on the steps to ponder the presence of Christ, who had stood here so many years ago. What an experience! "I walked today where Jesus walked and felt His presence there!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/24/09
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The "Men's House" was very garish! So ornate and totally out of place in this desolate desert. The chandeliers were ostentatious! It was obviously a restaurant/hotel where the name implied the lack of simplicity and morality. We were led into a very beautifully prepared room with many large round tables decorated elegantly and the faire that was laid out for us was elaborate. As we took part in the buffet that seem to go on forever, we felt guilty being there because of the poverty we had seen so far in Egypt. Upon leaving we stood in the beautifully landscaped parking lot and looked off into the distance behind the restaurant and we could see the peeks of the Pyramids and again, it was hard to believe, we were in Gisa!
We again gathered into the buses and road from Gisa to Cairo by way of "The City of the Dead." We would call it the cemetery. It was about a mile long and 2 city blocks wide. It was filled with above the ground tombs. Some large, some small and some on top of each other. No doors! Black caverns were visible as we tried to peer inside. The truly sad thing is that although it is against the law, the poorest of the poor live there with their families. Can you imagine being a child, playing in and amongst the tombs just like the man of the Gaderines. He was living among the tombs until Jesus sent his demons into the swine that ran into the waters and drown.
The people in Cairo are obnoxious! They are "in your face" and are 2000 years behind the times. Cairo is filthy and something out of a movie! Vendors everywhere which caused it to be so crowded that as Jim bargained for a carved camel from $65.00 down to $20.00, it was standing and elbow to elbow room only. We decided to get some air by sitting in a small park that was fenced off with one gate. To get to the gate we passed a policeman with a German Shepherd Dog. The officer motioned to Jim to come over to him and asked Jim if he wanted to pet his dog. Obeying the law, Jim stooped down to pet the dog. The officer held out his hand and said; "one dolla" please! I couldn't help wonder about these people. I also found it interesting that wherever we went in Egypt the vendors were interested in my flag pin. Do they really love America?
From Bible history to today, I see that Egypt has always had definite distinctions between rich and poor. The affluent and the depressed. We saw the Pharaohs in all their glory and their slaves. "God gives the desolate a home to dwell in; He leads out the prisoners to prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a parched land." Psalms 68:6 Is this scripture saying that God brings hope to those he leads but when they cease to follow they fall into snares of despair?
I realize that third world countries are in a state of desolation and despair because they are not God fearing countries with God fearing people. I realize that many souls have come to know Christ and His Father but continue living in their worldly cultures without assuming a Godly identity. "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2
Growing up in America I have seen and felt God's blessings upon this country. As I have become older I have witnessed despair and desolation within the boundaries of America, because of the position that our Government has taken with politcal correctness and the separation of church and state. At a Bible Study recently; "legal does not mean it is moral", was discussed. God has removed His umbrella of protection! "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he mediates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalms 1:1-3 We live in a new cultural America. We must choose to whom we will follow; I choose Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/24/09
We again gathered into the buses and road from Gisa to Cairo by way of "The City of the Dead." We would call it the cemetery. It was about a mile long and 2 city blocks wide. It was filled with above the ground tombs. Some large, some small and some on top of each other. No doors! Black caverns were visible as we tried to peer inside. The truly sad thing is that although it is against the law, the poorest of the poor live there with their families. Can you imagine being a child, playing in and amongst the tombs just like the man of the Gaderines. He was living among the tombs until Jesus sent his demons into the swine that ran into the waters and drown.
The people in Cairo are obnoxious! They are "in your face" and are 2000 years behind the times. Cairo is filthy and something out of a movie! Vendors everywhere which caused it to be so crowded that as Jim bargained for a carved camel from $65.00 down to $20.00, it was standing and elbow to elbow room only. We decided to get some air by sitting in a small park that was fenced off with one gate. To get to the gate we passed a policeman with a German Shepherd Dog. The officer motioned to Jim to come over to him and asked Jim if he wanted to pet his dog. Obeying the law, Jim stooped down to pet the dog. The officer held out his hand and said; "one dolla" please! I couldn't help wonder about these people. I also found it interesting that wherever we went in Egypt the vendors were interested in my flag pin. Do they really love America?
From Bible history to today, I see that Egypt has always had definite distinctions between rich and poor. The affluent and the depressed. We saw the Pharaohs in all their glory and their slaves. "God gives the desolate a home to dwell in; He leads out the prisoners to prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a parched land." Psalms 68:6 Is this scripture saying that God brings hope to those he leads but when they cease to follow they fall into snares of despair?
I realize that third world countries are in a state of desolation and despair because they are not God fearing countries with God fearing people. I realize that many souls have come to know Christ and His Father but continue living in their worldly cultures without assuming a Godly identity. "Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2
Growing up in America I have seen and felt God's blessings upon this country. As I have become older I have witnessed despair and desolation within the boundaries of America, because of the position that our Government has taken with politcal correctness and the separation of church and state. At a Bible Study recently; "legal does not mean it is moral", was discussed. God has removed His umbrella of protection! "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he mediates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalms 1:1-3 We live in a new cultural America. We must choose to whom we will follow; I choose Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/24/09
Monday, October 5, 2009
We disembarked at Port Said on March 13th. During our 3 hour bus ride, we noted how desolate the country was. How the people lived in such despair. There were many towers along the road with soldiers and guns manning them. We drove in a bus caravan with a jeep in front and in back with approximately 6 Egyptian Soldiers in each of them. Once we stopped and these men jumped out of the jeeps and strategically placed themselves along each side of the buses with guns in hand. Very scarey to say the least! This is something we have never seen in America!
Lots of farm land! The homes were small mud huts where families lived together along with their animals. Generations of family plus many wives, work together farming and I suspect they sleep wall to wall. In areas where there would be groups of houses, sort of like apartments, the trash was thrown from windows and it would pile up very high along side of the buildings. Rebar was sticking out of the walls above the roofs to show that they were unfinished. As long as your home was still in the building process you didn't have to pay taxes. At one point we crossed the Nile River which was less than a half mile wide. Remember the Nile? Moses; the bulrushes and Pharaoh's daughter? We arrived at Gisa, Egypt and stood in wonder.
The Pyramids stood majestically right in front of us. Pictures we have seen are much more romantic because in person you can see the disrepair and how dirty and dusty the area is. The Pyramids! What a sight! They were old but very impressive. The trek inside one of them was not easy. It consisted of a tunnel with the ceiling so low that everyone including me had to bend over. The tunnel rose upward and we climbed stairs at a 35 degree angle and was approximately 70 yards long. The room at the top was about 15 x 20 x 10 and not very impressive, except it was at the top of the Pyramid and empty. In order to reach the sacred room you had to crawl thru a space just off the landing. I stayed where I was! Jim crawled thru the small space along with everyone else. I waited for his return and quietly watched others slowly making their ascent to where I was standing.
We left this area and took the buses to where we could view the Sphinx, which was behind a wire fence to protect it from souvenir seekers. Our guide said that the nose had been 'shooted off by the French' and the eyes were showing signs of massive decay. It was not as large as I imagined. Imagine yourself standing in front of the Sphinx! Imagine the blending of history.
Not all people hate America or Americans. Many wanted my little flag pin! One young man exclaimed he should have it because he loved America; "High Ho Silver, and Howdy!" A little boy about ten years old approached Jim to sell him some book marks. "Four dollar?" The boy was ragged and poor so Jim gave him five dollars. The boy ran away and bent over a little disheveled girl who then came to Jim and took his hand. "No momma, no pappa!" She said! She kept repeating this trying to get Jim to respond. Jim tried to free his hand from hers. We walked thru the gate that was housing the buses and she got angry and more anxious. Finally she hit Jim on the bottom and ran away. So Sad! We were not sure if she wanted us to take her home with us or if she just wanted money. We noticed two men sitting on a bench watching. Were they part of this scene or were they just watching? No matter how poor America can be; we are rich!
You've heard it said that we all will face death and taxes. You've heard it said that the one with the most toys win. But then we have heard; you can't take it with you! "Do not marvel; for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs shall hear His voice and shall come forth; those who did the good deeds, to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds, to a resurrection of judgment." John 5:28-29 God has promised life everlasting with Him in heaven. What joy! Jesus said; "He who has ears to hear, let him hear! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/09
Lots of farm land! The homes were small mud huts where families lived together along with their animals. Generations of family plus many wives, work together farming and I suspect they sleep wall to wall. In areas where there would be groups of houses, sort of like apartments, the trash was thrown from windows and it would pile up very high along side of the buildings. Rebar was sticking out of the walls above the roofs to show that they were unfinished. As long as your home was still in the building process you didn't have to pay taxes. At one point we crossed the Nile River which was less than a half mile wide. Remember the Nile? Moses; the bulrushes and Pharaoh's daughter? We arrived at Gisa, Egypt and stood in wonder.
The Pyramids stood majestically right in front of us. Pictures we have seen are much more romantic because in person you can see the disrepair and how dirty and dusty the area is. The Pyramids! What a sight! They were old but very impressive. The trek inside one of them was not easy. It consisted of a tunnel with the ceiling so low that everyone including me had to bend over. The tunnel rose upward and we climbed stairs at a 35 degree angle and was approximately 70 yards long. The room at the top was about 15 x 20 x 10 and not very impressive, except it was at the top of the Pyramid and empty. In order to reach the sacred room you had to crawl thru a space just off the landing. I stayed where I was! Jim crawled thru the small space along with everyone else. I waited for his return and quietly watched others slowly making their ascent to where I was standing.
We left this area and took the buses to where we could view the Sphinx, which was behind a wire fence to protect it from souvenir seekers. Our guide said that the nose had been 'shooted off by the French' and the eyes were showing signs of massive decay. It was not as large as I imagined. Imagine yourself standing in front of the Sphinx! Imagine the blending of history.
Not all people hate America or Americans. Many wanted my little flag pin! One young man exclaimed he should have it because he loved America; "High Ho Silver, and Howdy!" A little boy about ten years old approached Jim to sell him some book marks. "Four dollar?" The boy was ragged and poor so Jim gave him five dollars. The boy ran away and bent over a little disheveled girl who then came to Jim and took his hand. "No momma, no pappa!" She said! She kept repeating this trying to get Jim to respond. Jim tried to free his hand from hers. We walked thru the gate that was housing the buses and she got angry and more anxious. Finally she hit Jim on the bottom and ran away. So Sad! We were not sure if she wanted us to take her home with us or if she just wanted money. We noticed two men sitting on a bench watching. Were they part of this scene or were they just watching? No matter how poor America can be; we are rich!
You've heard it said that we all will face death and taxes. You've heard it said that the one with the most toys win. But then we have heard; you can't take it with you! "Do not marvel; for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs shall hear His voice and shall come forth; those who did the good deeds, to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds, to a resurrection of judgment." John 5:28-29 God has promised life everlasting with Him in heaven. What joy! Jesus said; "He who has ears to hear, let him hear! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/09
Friday, October 2, 2009
HOLY LAND REVISITED - Bible Conference
So far so good except for the motion sickness. Jim's stomach is now beginning to feel the movement of the ship. Even though I have been sick ever since our first flight, it took his discomfort to remember the 'patch'. Yes, the Doctor gave us the 'patch' to use for motion sickness. On March 12th we put the patch on and within a few hours our stomachs settled down. However my legs were still swollen and painful.
More noticeable than usual because it was during the day, the waters were choppy and very rough. A Bible Conference was scheduled for all day, while the ship soared across the sea at record speed as though we had someone or something chasing us. It was too cold to walk outside on the deck and chancy because of the possibility you could fall overboard. Walking inside gave us the impression that all were drunk on something other than God's word. I could hardly wait for the ship to reach a port so we could get off and walk on land. Precious land!
Jim and I were disappointed in the conference. We originally signed up to go on this cruise with the Institute of Creation Research (ICR) out of Sand Diego, Ca. But because of the trouble in the middle east they transferred our passage to a group called Compass Bibleland Cruise, out of Idaho. Their interest was in Prophesies and not Creation. The bible studies were like listening to wild eyed prophetic speculations, which of course we did not enjoy. Although we loved the people, their views were not ours. So instead of actually attending the conference we spent our time checking out the ship.
We found ourselves holding onto the rails, walls and anyting we could balance ourselves against to keep from falling. I Had an appointment with the hairdresser for another day but cancelled, when I found out it was next door to the movie theater, which was in the belly and I wouldn't go there. We spent much of our time in the bar looking out the windows eating peanuts and drinking diet cokes. The people we met were wonderful and the buffets were more beautiful than tasteful. Our evening meals were in a beautiful diningroom at tables for eight. Good dinner companions at this table and even the food was good! Our traveling companions throughout our trip, were wonderful. We enjoyed the cities we visited but life aboard the ship was questionable!
So, why did we take this trip? We retired in 2001 and Dan, our son, suggested we take a cruise. Jim jumped on the idea and booked us up with ICR. Our plans were exciting! Our anticipation was so out of control that when we learned it had been changed we just went with it. After all we were going to the Holy Land! We loved our trip! We loved the people! We loved visiting the different cultures and walking where Jesus had walked. Why wouldn't we go!
Creation versus Prophesies is like a choice between ice cream or pudding. Which would you choose? Ice Cream of Course! Pudding is okay and it has some merit as to taste, texture comfort but ice cream is filled with the thrill of taste, texture and the surprises of whatever kind you choose. Creation comes with evidence of God's power, majesty and love. Prophesies as taught by man, comes with puzzlement, wonder and questions.
"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." Romans 1:20 Here we clearly understand our God through His creation. We have no excuse! "For no prophecy was every made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." 2 Peter 1:21 As Christians we read and have confidence that the scriptures are the word of God. However, we must be careful with man's interpretations. Revelations tells us to be ready, because the Church wins! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/09
More noticeable than usual because it was during the day, the waters were choppy and very rough. A Bible Conference was scheduled for all day, while the ship soared across the sea at record speed as though we had someone or something chasing us. It was too cold to walk outside on the deck and chancy because of the possibility you could fall overboard. Walking inside gave us the impression that all were drunk on something other than God's word. I could hardly wait for the ship to reach a port so we could get off and walk on land. Precious land!
Jim and I were disappointed in the conference. We originally signed up to go on this cruise with the Institute of Creation Research (ICR) out of Sand Diego, Ca. But because of the trouble in the middle east they transferred our passage to a group called Compass Bibleland Cruise, out of Idaho. Their interest was in Prophesies and not Creation. The bible studies were like listening to wild eyed prophetic speculations, which of course we did not enjoy. Although we loved the people, their views were not ours. So instead of actually attending the conference we spent our time checking out the ship.
We found ourselves holding onto the rails, walls and anyting we could balance ourselves against to keep from falling. I Had an appointment with the hairdresser for another day but cancelled, when I found out it was next door to the movie theater, which was in the belly and I wouldn't go there. We spent much of our time in the bar looking out the windows eating peanuts and drinking diet cokes. The people we met were wonderful and the buffets were more beautiful than tasteful. Our evening meals were in a beautiful diningroom at tables for eight. Good dinner companions at this table and even the food was good! Our traveling companions throughout our trip, were wonderful. We enjoyed the cities we visited but life aboard the ship was questionable!
So, why did we take this trip? We retired in 2001 and Dan, our son, suggested we take a cruise. Jim jumped on the idea and booked us up with ICR. Our plans were exciting! Our anticipation was so out of control that when we learned it had been changed we just went with it. After all we were going to the Holy Land! We loved our trip! We loved the people! We loved visiting the different cultures and walking where Jesus had walked. Why wouldn't we go!
Creation versus Prophesies is like a choice between ice cream or pudding. Which would you choose? Ice Cream of Course! Pudding is okay and it has some merit as to taste, texture comfort but ice cream is filled with the thrill of taste, texture and the surprises of whatever kind you choose. Creation comes with evidence of God's power, majesty and love. Prophesies as taught by man, comes with puzzlement, wonder and questions.
"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." Romans 1:20 Here we clearly understand our God through His creation. We have no excuse! "For no prophecy was every made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." 2 Peter 1:21 As Christians we read and have confidence that the scriptures are the word of God. However, we must be careful with man's interpretations. Revelations tells us to be ready, because the Church wins! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/09
Thursday, October 1, 2009
HOLY LAND REVISITED - Turkey 10/1/09
Further on up from "Oh my God Hill" we came into a vendors cove. The sellers were in your face. Surrounding me at every point! Several times Jim had to get between me and a seller to discourage them. My first purchase was a blue vase for Faye. It was fun! This little girl had just opened her store and was still putting her wares out. When Jim offered to pay her for the vase, she said; In Turkey, it was their custom for their first sale, that the customer was to throw the money on the floor of the store. Jim didn't want to do it, but she insisted. He took the bills and threw them on the floor at her feet. We turned to walk out but couldn't resist turning back just in time to see her picking up her first sale from the floor.
Our ship was docked just outside of a town called Kusadase where we were told we could visit, shop and then return to the ship on our own since it was within walking distance. Surprisingly enough there were no duties to be paid here. We watched a carpet maker weaving a carpet just outside of his store. But Jim took me into a Jewelry store instead. He bought me a ring! Actually it was a set of three small matching rings. 18 carrot gold with little rubbies, diamonds and emeralds. I was thrilled! In Turkey money it was 576,265,150 (or just over a half a billon) dinars, but in American it was $428.00 We refer to it as my Turkey ring.
As we headed towards the ship we walked through a small strip mall with many of the shop owners standing outside to wave you into their shop. One young man came up to us and said, in perfect English; "Hi Jim and Jane Ann." Boy were we startled! How did he know our names? He saw our surprise and pointed to our name tags. We smiled and nodded but continued on our way. What a trip! What a morning! We made our way back to the ship and rested.
That afternoon we took a little boat called a Tender to the Island of Patmos to see John's cave where he wrote the book of Revelation. However, what we saw was an inhabited village with a monastery situated on top of John's cave. Very disappointing! Inside we saw it was small. A priest and a woman were working in there and you could tell that they didn't like the tour crowd in their domain. It was obvious that with Catholic influence everywhere, it was no longer John's cave but a Catholic monument. I am sure when John was there it was probably empty and looked bigger. I felt very uncomfortable so we went outside and looked at the view that John would have seen. It was spectacular! The rolling green hills flowing down into the sea. Large rocks here and there but not obstructing the view. perhaps it was more rugged when John was there but this day it was gorgeous and we could see forever.
I am sure that when John was exiled to Patmos by the Roman Emperor, Domitian, about AD95, the emperor was pleased with himself and the punishment he delivered. However; "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 John was visited by God and gave us a book of promise; Promises made to those who overcome. However, it is also a book of fear; because it contains promises made to those who do not obey.
Did you know that the world 'Revelation' comes from the first word of the book in Greek. That word is apokalypsis which means; "the unveiling of something previously unrevealed." In other words this book provides a capstone to the New Testament; i.e. Jesus Christ! "He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." Rev. 21:7
Later on after John was released, he went to Ephesus where he spent his later years. To be used of God is the most precious existence in this world. To be used of God knowingly and to remain humbled is only a gift from God. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/09
Our ship was docked just outside of a town called Kusadase where we were told we could visit, shop and then return to the ship on our own since it was within walking distance. Surprisingly enough there were no duties to be paid here. We watched a carpet maker weaving a carpet just outside of his store. But Jim took me into a Jewelry store instead. He bought me a ring! Actually it was a set of three small matching rings. 18 carrot gold with little rubbies, diamonds and emeralds. I was thrilled! In Turkey money it was 576,265,150 (or just over a half a billon) dinars, but in American it was $428.00 We refer to it as my Turkey ring.
As we headed towards the ship we walked through a small strip mall with many of the shop owners standing outside to wave you into their shop. One young man came up to us and said, in perfect English; "Hi Jim and Jane Ann." Boy were we startled! How did he know our names? He saw our surprise and pointed to our name tags. We smiled and nodded but continued on our way. What a trip! What a morning! We made our way back to the ship and rested.
That afternoon we took a little boat called a Tender to the Island of Patmos to see John's cave where he wrote the book of Revelation. However, what we saw was an inhabited village with a monastery situated on top of John's cave. Very disappointing! Inside we saw it was small. A priest and a woman were working in there and you could tell that they didn't like the tour crowd in their domain. It was obvious that with Catholic influence everywhere, it was no longer John's cave but a Catholic monument. I am sure when John was there it was probably empty and looked bigger. I felt very uncomfortable so we went outside and looked at the view that John would have seen. It was spectacular! The rolling green hills flowing down into the sea. Large rocks here and there but not obstructing the view. perhaps it was more rugged when John was there but this day it was gorgeous and we could see forever.
I am sure that when John was exiled to Patmos by the Roman Emperor, Domitian, about AD95, the emperor was pleased with himself and the punishment he delivered. However; "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 John was visited by God and gave us a book of promise; Promises made to those who overcome. However, it is also a book of fear; because it contains promises made to those who do not obey.
Did you know that the world 'Revelation' comes from the first word of the book in Greek. That word is apokalypsis which means; "the unveiling of something previously unrevealed." In other words this book provides a capstone to the New Testament; i.e. Jesus Christ! "He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." Rev. 21:7
Later on after John was released, he went to Ephesus where he spent his later years. To be used of God is the most precious existence in this world. To be used of God knowingly and to remain humbled is only a gift from God. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/09
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