Sunday, January 31, 2010


"Strive to retain by your virtues the heart you have won by your graces and do not be quick to take offence. Let not your voices lose the tender tones of affection. Let not your eyes forget the gentle rays that they wore in courtships smiling day. Continue to be considerate of one another's feelings. Do not allow the driving urge of your romance to please your loved one to ever give way to any other interest except God's will. And do not forget to pray to God together every night, that He may help you to heal any differences during the day so you may find in your union an unfailing source of joy".

These words were taken from the marriage ceremony Jim and I submitted to 48 years ago, this last week. These words I have remembered above all the others that were said because they were the glue that held us always in the stage of our courtship's smiling day. Do you remember your courtship days? Ours was around clam chowder at Tony's on the Pier in Redondo Beach! What do you remember?

Usually around our anniversary we remember the courtship days; the wedding plans; the wedding and our first place together. We remember when Jim learned to sing bass and when I learned how to cook for two. We remember looking at houses, and when we settled on the one that we made an offer on. We remember losing our first baby through mis-carriage and the disappointment and wonder that followed.

This past week, while spending time with my brother Lynn and Kathleen, his wife, we were privileged to be a part of their evening devotions. Lynn's health has been an issue for several years and this time together gives them strength and a renewed perspective of God in their lives. First Kathleen reads a short thought from "My Hearts Cry" by Anne Graham Lotz. Her message is for those who have a longing for more of Jesus. This is followed by a book of daily devotions called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Each devotion concludes with scriptures of assurance. So the Bible is then opened and read. Even though we were welcomed to participate, I felt we were intruding upon a very personal and intimate time in their walk with the Lord. However, I wouldn't have wanted to miss that time shared with them for anything in the world.

"Happy is the family that is bound together by inner ties stronger than marriage laws; whose members would still prefer one another, if all marriage laws were relaxed. When together they are one, when apart they still remember the ties that bind their hearts together, and even though alone they are not utterly lonely, for the blending of their lives gives fellowship." By Leland Foster Wood

So many times we take our relationships for granted! Many times we go about our day doing our whatever's not realizing that a smile, a touch or just a hug when meeting in the hallway, can make the difference and cause the heart to grow fonder. I have mentioned before that marriage is a gift from God and we know that all gifts from God should be received by us as more precious than Gold.

Make the most of your days with your husband or wife! Take the time to be in one mind! Share your days and be content. "Whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14 Take into consideration that each moment spent with each other, with your family and loved ones, is time well spent. Our few days last week was time well spent and I know God is pleased. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/30/10
(Beatitudes for the Family; by Leland Foster Wood)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


A week ago I had nails put on again!   When I was working at a Title Company, in a department that brought me before the public, I began having my nails done so my hands would look a little bit nicer.  Actually they looked a whole bunch better!

Since I retired I haven't been on inclined to spend the time or the money caring for my nails.  I had learned to live again with broken, peeling, chipped and just plain ugly nails. Never was good at keeping them polished but I did file them, until a week ago.  During the process of cleaning my house for expected company I must have broken every nail except for my thumbs.

I called Julie who for well over the past 8 years, had a station at the beauty salon where I have my hair done.  She was more than willing to put on a set of acrylic nails and I thought that would be all I needed.  But now, I think am hooked again.  My hands look so much better and so far I don't even have age spots, just lots and lots of freckles. Why shouldn't my hands look nice?

The last few days Jim and I have spent time with my brother Lynn and his wife Kathleen.  We were celebrating our anniversaries!  I am glad I decided to fix my hand dilemma because this was to be a special time for me, as well as for all of us and I especially wanted to look good for Jim.  Nothing perks a gal up as much as getting a perm and a manicure.  I did both!

48 years ago Jim and I were married; 38 years ago Lynn and Kathleen were married!  Even though January in Oregon is not quite the same as being in California, we enjoyed our celebration, which could be because of the company we were keeping and because of the spectacular view of the ocean from our windows. The Oregon coast has many perks!  The smells and the ambiance is always enticing and the shops are delightful. 

When God instituted marriage, He designed it to last for the life time of the couple. When God instituted marriage He designed it for a man and a woman.  When God instituted marriage He meant for it to be a lasting legacy passed down for generations.  I have loved being married!  I have loved being a mom!  I love being a Grandma and I love being a family! 

"Let marriage be held in honor among all."  Hebrews 13:4a  God designed marriage because it was to be viable between a man and a woman.  "And Jesus said to them the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage; but those who are accounted worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage."  Luke 20:34-35 From this scripture we know that when we die our marriage is over here on earth, but we will know more when we enter our eternal life in heaven.

"And God blessed them, and God said to them "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it."  Genesis 1:28a   I believe this scripture is clear that God designed marriage for a man and a woman because only a man and a woman can multiply and fill the earth.  Todays thinking is completely off the wall; thinking that the marriage bed between two men or two women can produce anything but abomination is ludicrous.  Later on in Genesis 9:1 God tells Noah and his family the same thing.  So time doesn't change anything because God is the same yesterday, today and forever!  This is the legacy that is passed down from generation to generation.

"Happy is the pair that gives much thought to being well acquainted, both before marriage and afterwards; For to be married to a stranger fills the heart with loneliness, but to be married to one who is also a friend, makes marriage and friendship more sweet."  Leland Foster Wood   I encourage all who read this to be kind to one another  Enjoy the relationship of marriage to the fullest.  Dreaming together at the beginning; making memories; and growing closer as the years go by are gifts from God.    By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/30/10


Sunday, January 24, 2010


Sunday is my favorite day of the week! As long as I can remember Sunday has been my favorite. I liked getting dressed up; I loved dressing the kids in their finest and Jim always looked so handsome! I guess you could say I was as proud as a peacock on Sunday mornings with my family and I still am.

Sunday morning also brought me into a special fellowship with other members of my family, and friends that I had known most of my life. As the years moved on and we did too, we met more friends and family and the fellowship only got better and better. Today, it always amazes me how God brings so many different people together in one place and we find love, joy and peace within the bond of Jesus Christ and we call it; the Family of God.

However, Sunday is also a day of reckoning! Setting aside the Sunday School classes and listening to the preacher; lets talk about meeting in a place that has been dedicated for our Lords family, that comes together to sing His praises; to worship Him and to sit at His table. Some call it a habit and maybe it is; but something is missing in my week if I have not been in church on Sunday. Something is gone from my spirit if I miss sitting at His table. I feel dull when I haven't been sharing in the songs of praise and worship at the beginning of the week.

Jim and I have grown so close during our years together; our closeness is because of our bond in Jesus Christ. Didn't start out that way but we have been married 48 years this next week and we are inseparable, not because we are married but because we have the same heart felt desire to stay as close to Jesus as possible. I realize not all look at their relationships the same as we do; but it works for us! We are still in love with each other but better than that we are in love with Jesus Christ, our Savior!

The early church at the very beginning "devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers." Acts 2:42 We too are devoted to those very same things aren't we? Paul instructed the Ephesians with; "Address one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart." Ephesians 5:19 We call that 'Praise and Worship' today!

John writes in Acts 20:7 "On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread!" Because the early church came together on the first day of the week, we do too. We come together to sit at the Lord's Table. I love this time of reflection upon our Savior and His gracious gift to us through His death on the cross and His resurrection.

We are told that we are to examine ourselves and many times I hear it said in the meditation, that we should take this time around the table to do just that. I believe we are only to reflect upon the Christ, not ourselves. Yes we are to examine ourselves but we should have been doing that throughout the week so that we are ready to come to His table. "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart!" Psalms 24:3-4a

Wherever Paul went he would encourage the people; "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful! Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom and sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3;15-16

Yes, Sundays are my favorite! Sundays beckon me! I may forget what day of the week it is, but I always know when it is Sunday. Lots of things have changed since I was a young mother dressing my children for this special day, but my heart is still anxious to be in the house of the Lord with the family He has given me. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/21/10

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A FELLOW TRAVELER! Saturday 1/23/10

Recently on a computer dialogue called 'facebook' there was a sort of conversation between many who were responding to a question regarding character versus reputation. I find it interesting how the relatively young people of today, that is those who are in their 40's and 50's, view words and the world. The consensus was character was who you are and reputation is how people view you. I believe they go hand in hand! Mainly because I like to look at the good more than the bad; therefore, if you have good character, your reputation denotes that and that is how you are seen. The discussion was basically right on but I want to take it a step further.

As a young woman, when a young man began to spread rumors about me, my brother Lloyd heard it. Lloyd went to the preacher! The preacher said; "Those who know Janie won't believe it." Mr. Ellett, took care of the situation and I never heard any of the rumors. But I appreciated his kind words and even to today, have never heard the rumors. Mr. Ellett said my character defined my reputation, whereby the rumors would be nil and void.

"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5 In Hebrew's chapter 6, Paul shows us that God's character is unchanging, however, our character is. When we seek good our character has hope but when we are seeking things of the world our character becomes tarnished. The same is true for our reputation.

"Now a bishop must be above reproach." 1 Timothy 3:2a "Moreover he must be well thought of by outsiders, or he may fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." 1 Timothy 3:7 Character does count! The preacher, the elder and a member of the body of Christ must have good character so those that view him will know of his Godly reputation. You can see, I can't get to far from God's words when it comes to how we live and are seen by others.

Many of us who follow the teachings in the Old Testament know of King Solomon; David's son. God gave Solomon a wise heart to lead his people but he did not always exhibit a character above reproach, but the things he did for God were. "The Lord gave Solomon a great reputation (or repute) in the sight of all Israel and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel." 1 Chronicles 29:25 God gave solomon riches and a reputation known throughout their world.

Many times we consider ourselves to be in fellowship as we go down certain roads of thought. Many times we want to be like those we believe in and follow. Many times we get confused as to what it is we really think. In 1965 a new term was coined and put into the up-to-date Webster's New American Dictionary. However, the phrase, a fellow traveler was actually a person who favors Communist doctrines, but is not a member of the Communist Party. Be careful who you are in fellowship with. Be careful when you think character is only in secret.

Viewing ones reputation is not enough, but knowing their character is. Ones moral strength and/or qualities defines character. A person of good character has a good standing worthy of esteem which defines a good reputation. Jesus talks about good and bad fruit. He says that every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A good tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. This is logical! "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruit." Matthew 7:19-20

When considering character and/or reputation be sure you consider the fellowship of Jesus Christ. I know whom I believe in; do you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/18/09

Friday, January 15, 2010


An opportunity has opened up for me to teach a women's weekly Bible Study. A passion I have developed, through all my training as a Sunday School teacher, which didn't take hold of me until I became involved with teaching women. I began teaching when I was 18 years old. I had a bunch of rambuncticus Kindergartners. I love it and found I had hidden creative juices just bursting at the seams to be used. Through the years I have been in every class room afforded me and never anticipated teaching adults.

We had a young woman with many children attending our church, who's live style was not wholesome. She had some children who had been attending our Sunday School. I wanted desperately to reach her. I became encouraged by her regular attendance and knew she was searching for answers. I requested to start a women's Sunday School class and teach on the "Women of the Bible." I felt I could show how God used women of many ethnic and diverse backgrounds to do his work. I wanted to show that when Jesus Christ came, he elevated womanhood to a higher level and placed them in his kingdom right along side men. I wanted to cause the scriptures to jump out and to speak for themselves to lead her and other women to an understanding that God is truly love and is waiting with baited breath to forgive the worst of sinners and to bring them into his family with peace, understanding and most of all forgiveness.

After many years, this young woman came to the Lord! Not thru me per se, but through God's word. She said I made it easy for her to understand! At the same time something happened to me! I fell in love with God's word eagerly; with the desire to learn more; to understand how I could become the woman God had created me to be. What happened is that I had allowed the Holy Spirit in and He was revealing to me, in so many ways, His desires for me. I not only wanted to teach the world to sing but I have learned to discern His word, so I can speak it with adults and not just children; I also could write my thoughts down. I know I am not brilliant, nor am I a great orator. I teach simply, so that others might understand! I am not profound! My passion for God's word has become a staple in my life. My passion keeps me wanting to keep, keeping on.

God gave me a great companion, because not only does Jim have a passion and understanding for God's word which far exceeds many, he has taught me! That is how I have learned! SOOOoo it brings me to a new direction again in my life. My blogging days will be limited! Mondays thru Fridays will be a thing of the past and Morning Glory will appear on Saturday and Sunday mornings only, beginning on the 23rd and 24th of this month. I hope you, who have been following, will continue but since I don't know who most of you are; I just want to say Thank you! Thank you for letting me share with you my stories and God's word! Thank you for enabling me to continue to grow in My Christian walk through such a technological way! What a time to be alive!

Please let me know your stories. You can find me on face book! Meanwhile; May you discover the path God wants you to take by getting deep into His word and; "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman needing not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 So until the next time; May God richly bless each of you and; May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from the other." Genesis 31:49b
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/13/09

Thursday, January 14, 2010


"And the anger of the Lord burned against Uzzah and God struck him down for his irreverence and he died there by the ark of God." 2 Samuel 6:7 Remember this story of Uzzah who touched the ark of the covenant and died? David took some of his men and went to Abinadab's house which was on a hill, to bring home the ark of God. They placed the ark on a new cart. Abinadabs two sons Ahio and Uzzah were leading the new cart. While they were proceeding along the path, David and all of Israel danced and sang before the Lord in celebration, for the ark was coming home.

"When they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it." 2 Samuel 6:6 Uzzah had good intentions and reached out and touched the ark. The scriptures do not indicate God giving instructions to not touch the ark but this act upset God. God's anger could be because it was called; "ark of God, the very name of the Lord of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim." 2 Samuel 6:2b This upset David who became angry at God and became afraid and so he refused to go any further with the ark and left it at the house of Obededom the Gittite for three months. God blessed the Gittite the whole time he had the ark within his home. But Uzzah died!

"The purpose in a man's mind is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out." Proverbs 20:5 We understand Uzzah automatically reached out to keep the ark from falling but God was not pleased. Seems like such a simple responsive act; doesn't it? "Even a child makes himself known by his acts, whether what he does is pure and right." Proverbs 20:11 It is natural for children to do things; well within the learning curve of childhood. Whether it is right or wrong, we applaud or we correct. Seems like a natural response; doesn't it?

God created us in such a way that it is possible for us to attain the purposes for which He created us. We merely need to purpose in our minds the direction we want to go. Off times we think what we are doing is right but if we do not understand God's will for us, we can fall short. We must pay attention to God's will!

"For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord's sight but also in the sight of man." 2 Corinthians 8:21 We are to adhere to God's word, by not watering it down, to tickle the ears of our friends, family or those who are seeking God. It is not our place to be full of good intentions and give answers; it is God's message and it is God's invitation not ours. Say it like God has already said it in His word. Our good intentions can bring destruction; our well meaning can leave those we love high and dry on the day of salvation.

Have you ever done something with good intentions that brought about an adverse reactice which either brought you shame, punishment or both? I am always doing things with good intentions. I am always getting into trouble! Jim and I are so different in the way we respond to the needs of people. He is always a little bit reticent and has sound instruction, but I have been noted to be like a bull in a china shop. Now I don't exactly agree with this assessment but it simply clarify's how I can get easily into trouble.

Many years ago I wrote in a letter some grumbling about my marriage. Not that there was actually anything wrong with my marriage, but the one I was writing to did have some problems. I didn't want her to feel bad. Good intentions are okay but; "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct, since it is written; "You shall be holy, for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:14-16 The question is; "What would Jesus do?" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/11/10

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


No matter how old you get, those who are my age will never forget playing out doors and especially at night. The sun has gone down; the few street lights would shine brightly; the neighborhood kids would gather around one and before you knew it we were playing truth or dare; red rover; kick the can or hide and seek....Such fun and oh what memories! I don't recall very many kids being considered obese!

I believe all kids go through a phase of telling lies and hiding things. They were always willing to be tattle tales but could easily lie to save their own skins and even hide when they were caught in something they shouldn't. I know you all have been there, because I was! You all will agree that when you learned to read, you found out a lot of things. Things that were exciting and things you shouldn't be reading. When I began to read God's word for myself, I became convinced God knew me inside and out.

I realize this passage is in respond to Reuben and Gad's families wanting to settle on the other side of the Jordan. They promised Moses and God to continue helping all of Israel to take possession of the promised land but meanwhile they wanted to begin taking possession of Jazer, Gilead and beyond. Moses agrees with their request but only if they kept their promise to take up arms and continue in the Lord's battle. "But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out." Numbers 32:23 This verse was one of the most enlightening passages I had ever read in the Bible as a young girl; something I would never forget!

Have you ever thought about your sins being found out? Have you ever thought that the things you have done in secret and have kept hidden could be found out? Have you ever wondered if anybody knows? Let me tell you; someone knows! God see's in secret! All things are revealed to God! I am one who believes that God chooses not to know what we are going to do and where we plan to go but he finds out one way or another. God chooses to let us live our lives and he chooses not to know how we are going to live it until we do it.

I have chosen to let my life be an open book! Even if you can't see what I am doing, believe me, I will have already told Jim and if you are around I will eventually get around to telling you. I can't eat in secret, I can't walk out of a store with something in my pocket without going back inside and making it right. I always check the sales slip and if charged too much or not charged enough I will take it up with the sales girl. I want my transactions to be above board and I do not want to worry about being found out, because I know God already knows.

"He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully; He will receive blessings from the Lord and vindication from the God of his salvation." Psalms 24:4-5 This shows the character of God's people. Before we seek God's face we must come with repentance and requesting forgiveness so that we can stand before our Lord with clean hands and a pure heart.

I used to think my Mother had eyes in the back of her head, because she always seemed to know what we were doing; even if she wasn't around. She had so many children to keep track of, how did she do it? She had spies! A neighbor called her at work to let her know if her children were not behaving well at home while she wasn't there. Can you believe that!

"But the hour is coming and now is,when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth." John 4:23 To worship in spirit and truth is to leave our carnal nature behind. Believe me, you do not like it when someone tries to deceive you so don't try to deceive God. Clean hands and a pure heart is our hearts desire! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/9/10

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


To knock on wood is something we carried from childhood into adulthood. Keeping up with the Jones' came about when we were inspired by what our neighbors had. How about; the grass is greener on the other side? Perhaps these are not in your mental phraseology book but sometimes apply to our wicked ways of wishing on a star and wanting what our neighbor has. My problem is wondering how come those who do not obey God's commandments seem to be more prosperous and have more stuff than me. My problem is wondering why we seem to be out of the loop when it comes to being found in the magazines of the 'homes of the rich and famous' and are never found within the top 10 of the 'Wall Street Journal'. Jim says it is because we spend our millions before it can accumulate.

Does this mean that all Christians are poor and live within the sub-standard of life? Does this mean that most of us always live within our means. Does this mean that God doesn't want us to be among the haves and only remain among the have nots? Maybe it means that possession could be 9/10th of the law but not required for salvation? Does this mean that the one who wins really doesn't have the most toys? "Take heed and beware of all greed or covetousness; for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." Luke 12:15 I think this all means that when we seek God's kingdom, all that we need will be ours.

I think it is truly funny that we all seem to reach for something we can knock on when we want something or want something to happen. Some are more secretive than others and cross their fingers behind their backs. Which are you; the out in the open knocker or a little bit secretive and cross your fingers quickly before anyone can notice. I remember knocking on wood and as a girl crossing my fingers right along with the other girls and then we would giggle. One of the things we had to learn early on in life is that we do not have a fairy godmother, nor can we rely on our horoscope; we must use our heads and our hearts.

I have often used the term; "I settle!" This means that if I can't have what I actually want then I settle for what I can have. This is not a bad thing but when I revealed this recently to Jim, I think he thought I was complaining. I wasn't! I was just stating a fact. He doesn't want me to settle. In life we often settle. God is good because even when I settle I am content. "Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be be content." Philippians 4:11 This verse is a staple in my spiritual life! This verse helps me to settle with joy! My life is so filled with so much, how can I be otherwise!

I was once a stay at home Mom but desperately wanted to be a working woman again. For a while, I did part time office work for a company I can't even remember the name of. I took a two week job at a local hospital helping out in the Patient File Library. I loved it! At this time in my life I did cross word puzzles and read my horoscope everyday. When my two weeks were completed I read in my horoscope that I would receive a job offer and I should take it. Boy was I surprised when this hospital called me and asked if I would like a full time job in their library. I was afraid to refuse because of my horoscope and so I said yes and was to report the following Monday. I was filled with mixed emotions! I am a Christian; could this be from God? The more I fretted, the more confused I became! Jim reminded me I was responding to the horoscope and not to God or my heart. The following Monday, I called the hospital and told them I wouldn't be takng the job. Whew!

Knocking on wood; crossing our fingers or paying attention to astrology is not within God's will. Listening to God through His scriptures is! "It is better to trust in God than to put your confidence in man." Psalms 118:8 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/9/10

Monday, January 11, 2010


I love getting snippets of information out of a little book called; "Why You Say It" by Webb Garrison published 1992. My teen years were spent growing up in the 50's. A great time, as most of you know and those who came along later, now see it as possibly the best of times. That was the time I first heard about Riley. Riley was the figment of the imagination of a man named Rooney, who wrote about his feelings of the 'rich and famous' in a song, in the 1880's. The crux of it all was that Riley was a daydreamer. He would be so rich he wouldn't buy a ticket for a train ride, he would own the train. Get the picture!

I use to be a daydreamer. I gave my teachers problems because I would be looking out the window daydreaming instead of writing the assignment that was written on the chalkboard. Needless to say my homework left much to be desired. I loved reading books. It has been said that you can go anywhere you want, and be whomever you wished, through the pages of a book. Oh how true that is! I was always the heroine that saved the day; the princess who the prince fell in love with and the one who came home with all the gold and medals of achievement.

When I began reading I would start at the end and still do. As I ventured into the pages I would become so engrossed that I couldn't put it down until I read that last page again. I already knew how the story ended but knowing was not enough, I needed to know how the story teller reached the conclusion. Sometimes even when I read the last page I would dream the story on. Many times I was so glad that it ended that I didn't even bother reading the last few pages again. I would put that book down and never pick it up again. I could reread a good book!

Living the life of Riley is like becoming the heroine of the book. I was Nancy Drew, the nurse in the Cherry Ames series. I was always the nanny, the housekeeper's assistant in the Gothic's who eventually was discovered to be the owner of the manor and all the grounds. It is funny how much I read as a child and even in my young adult life compared with today. Now I read only God's word and the helps I seek when writing Morning Glory and my blog. I find it hard to imagine myself reading fiction again because it has even become difficult for me to become interest in a movie. If I do, I still would read the ending first. I have to know how the movie ends! I want to be entertain and not become conflicted.

God wants us to be satisfied with who we are in Him. God wants us to not covet our neighbors nor does He want us to covet riches to the point of creating a lifestyle that we cannot afford. In the parable of the sower Jesus tells about how the word is sown and how it is received. If the soil is questionable, then Satan immediately comes and takes away the word. As Jesus looks at the soil on where the word falls, He concludes with; "but the cares of the world, and the delight in riches, and the desire for other things, enter in and choke the word and it proves unfruitful." Mark 4:19

Paul says; "Not that I complain of want; for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be brought low and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13

I suppose it would be fun to live the life of Riley. To buy the Jet instead of having to make reservations. But the rewards of living a Godly life, comes only from the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ. Getting up each morning, welcoming in the day with a clear conscience and with praises on your lips for the one who says; "your life with me is already bought and paid for." Lord help me to be content and to search no further! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/7/10

Friday, January 8, 2010

NEW YEAR! What a difference a day makes!

One day! Twenty four hours! One thousand four hundred and forty minutes! Each time we change the status the number gets larger and larger. Each time we try to explain it we become more frustrated. We say; give me a minute and I'll be there! Or we say; I'll be ready in a minute! Mmmmm; perhaps we need to rethink the calculation.

Give me a day and I can begin to make things right. Give me a day and I can wash my hands and ask the Lord to give me a clean heart through forgiveness. Give me those 24 hours and I can do the same things; just watch me use those 1440 minutes to share Jesus Christ as I walk through my daily routine. We will have the same amount of time in a day as we do 24 hours or even with 1440 minutes. Time is relative! It is how we use it that makes a difference.

A man born in 1892 in Italy moved to Brooklyn in 1905. Changed his name to Charles Atlas and became a famous body builder. It is said that he worked hard to develop his physique through success and losses until he discovered exercising muscle against muscle and it changed his life. He developed his bodybuilding method that many of our prominent body builders today emulate. His company; Charles Atlas Ltd is still in business and is said to use the following advertisement. "I turned myself from a 97 lb weakling into the worlds most perfectly developed man. And I can change your body too." Charles Atlas proclaimed he did it, one day at a time!

One day at a time is all we need to bring ouselves out of the depths of despair and into freedom. Dieting is a one day at a time process. Starting and stopping doesn't bring success, but day after day brings the achievement we are looking for. The medical profession offers pills or patches to help control and stop smoking. Counseling and proper diet will help you to curtail or stop excessive drinking habits. All of these help, require one day at a time! Going to the gym and eating right gives you the proper balance to enhance your metabolism and give you a healthier life style. Starting and stopping will not help you to reach your goal, but one day at a time will.

I heard someone say that it was easy to quit smoking because he had done it a thousand times. I understand! I have found it easy to diet, because I have done it at least that many times. I like the feeling of being in control though; don't you? When you are in control you can call the shots. You can decide what, where and when you are going to eat. You can choose to not smoke anymore or when you take that last drink and it is your last, it is your choice. I love and admire that kind of control. I have met many who have quit some of these habits, cold turkey.

"But he who stands firm in his heart, being under no constraint, but has authority over his own will and has decided this in his own heart, he will do well." 1 Corinthians 7:37 I realize this is talking about waiting to consummate your marriage before you are married. I content that if you can exercise control in one area of your life you can have control period. I am still learning this and I imagine you are too, but God says we can do all things and these things are in His will.

"For the love of Christ controls us, because we are convinced that one has died for all." 1 Corinthians 5:14a As Christians we want to be in control of our carnal nature. We want to do what is right with our bodies and our lives. Paul struggled with the desires of his carnal nature. He said; "I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." Romans 7:15 "Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin which dwells with me." Romans 7:20 How can we get control? "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God." Colossians 3:2-3 What a difference a few minutes with God can make! Give God every day and you will see complete transformation. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/29/09

Thursday, January 7, 2010

NEW YEAR! Does your brand show?

Metal workers of classical Greece developed a special tool used in marking. In time, this tool was referred to as a character or instrument. Through being passed around, down through several languages, it began to be called by the designation any mark made by it. Medieval courts made much use of characters. In the movie; "The Three Musketeers" the fleur-de-lis was found on the upper left arm of the villainess and it was readily known that she was a murderer. However, that was to give a mere touch of romance to the story. It actually was an "M" branded on the person who was convicted of murder and was given prison instead of the gallows. In the same fashion, an arsonist's forehead or shoulder was branded with the character "A".

Anyone branded by authorities was marked for life. One glance at a character told a stranger what offense had been committed. As a result, the term indicating a branded letter came to stand for the sum total of a person's moral qualities.* (Why you say it by Webb Garrison) I know I have talked about character before but I believe it is important because character does count. Our character is the brand we use to show the world who we are.

The character of Jesus Christ was that He was a man without sin, the son of God. The Rich Young Rulers brand was his wealth; Mary was a woman who 'did what she could' when she took the alabaster vase and washed Jesus feet with oil. Paul became the first great missionary for Christ after he was forgiven much. Steven was called the first martyr because he was the first recorded to give his life for the cause of Jesus Christ. Peter will always be remembered for his denying Jesus but at the same time he was the great orator upon the day when 3000 souls were pricked in their hearts and were baptized.

What is in your character that stands out and shouts to the world who you are? Do you have to toot your own horn or is your brand visible? Do heads turn when you walk into a room? Are you readily noticed because of how you dress, how you adorn yourself or because of who you are? Many times we buy tickets to attend a performance because we have seen or heard about the performer. We can hardly wait until we can be in the audience and enjoy the show.

I have heard many preachers! I have seen many perform their sermons! Some are very entertaining; some are serious; some are very dry; and some can keep you on the edge of your seat. I like continuity when I hear a preacher preach. Oh, I don't mind digressing once in a while. But I don't like it when their thought gets lost at the first turn and they have trouble getting back on track by using familiar cliche's and phrases. I especially like it when I learn something new. Something I hadn't thought of before and I like it when I am lifted up and encouraged to continue my walk in Jesus Christ.

"An Elder, then must be above reproach." 1 Timothy 3:21. Above reproach means to have no handles. Nothing you can grab a hold of and see their hidden brand. "And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he may not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." 1 Timothy 3:7 This is again talking about the Elders but I think it includes all those who take part in leadership.

The brands speak loud and clear to me! There are many avenues of service within God's kingdom and even if you come with credentials for a type of service but your life style and character speak otherwise, you need to serve in other areas. I am not being judgmental I am being circumspect. You want to bring others into the kingdom, not cause them to turn away.

"That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:6 Clean hands and a pure heart! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/29/09

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

NEW YEAR! Ready Set Go!

Remember "one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go?" Who ever came up with that? I see that Warner Bros used it in three different cartoons during the 40's. Some say Elvis Presley bought it for one of his hits. Who did he buy it from? But as for us kids, it was always the thing to say that would get us to run, be first in line or whatever. I hated competition but this would always set us up to run the race. I read a sermon with that title, but can't remember now what he was talking about except for the Rich Young Ruler. Oh well! I guess it came to my mind because I wanted to talk about being ready.

Jim has a book called "Ready set Remember!' It gave him methods on how to remember faces, places and things. He was able to teach the whole church how to memorize the books of the bible through a picture method. Lots of fun and lots of people joined our Books of the Bible Club, just by using this method to memorize the books. The point is, to remember immediately through association. It enables us to be ready, set remember.

Whenever we are planning to go someplace, we are usually ready long before it is time to go. I hate waiting! I would rather be early and upset the host than to be on time or late. Mostly because when I am ready, I am ready to go, now! Did I say I hate waiting? Conversely, when whatever we have attended is over, I am ready to leave; after all we were there early enough to get our visiting done.

When baking a cake, we set the timer and when it goes off we know that the cake is ready to take out of the oven. Timers are good to alert us to something being done. However, life doesn't run on timers. If it did we would always be in the starting and stopping mode.

Were you ready to be married? Were you ready to become parents? Were you ready for the open house to sell your home? Are you ready for tomorrow? Are you ready for the kingdom? In the days of Noah and after the ark was finished, were the people ready for rain; the flood; the end? No! They were still eating, drinking and marrying and being given in marriage. The good book says the people were not ready and that's how it will be at the coming of the Son of man.

Remember Jesus talking about the thief who comes in the night and the householder who should be watchful and not let his house be broken into. "Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Matthew 24:44

Remember the story of the servant, who's master was delayed and so becomes unruly? "The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know." Matthew 24:50 Are you faithful and ready for His coming again? Or are you unfaithful; eating, drinking and playing the field thinking I will prepare for his coming tomorrow.

Remember the story of the 10 virgins? "And while they went to buy more supplies, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut." Matthew 25:10 That is a scary thought; "and the door was shut!" Will you be among the 5 virgins who stood at the closed door and said; "Lord, Lord, open to us!" Matthew 25:11b "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour." Matthew 25:11-13

This is 2010; are you ready for the kingdom? There is no time like now! "For He says; At the acceptable time I have listened to you and helped you on the day of salvation. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Corinthians 6:2 Yes, today is the day of salvation. Don't let the things of the world come between you and your being ready for the coming of the Lord. I realize it appears that He is taking His time, but in reality His timing is always perfect. It is our place to be ready! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/28/09

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

NEW YEAR! Beginning Again!

It's a new year, starting all over with new plans; moving the furniture; beginning the weight loss program. Stopping the smoking habits along with excessive drinking, or what's even better, is stopping them altogether. We make our lists of do's and don'ts and set back with a sigh; we are on our way for sure, this time. The important thing about beginning again is that we can; begin again!

Jim, Jennifer and I have been on a weight loss program since the end of last June. We have lost weight and through the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and even new Years Eve we have maintained because we know that we are still on our weight loss program and each morning after celebrating, we just begin again. We have learned a plan and we are working the plan. It is not for a time but for the rest of our life time. Beginning again is the key! This being the first week of the new year, marks the beginning of the first week of the rest of our life in 2010.

Think about the times you have failed and felt discouraged. I know you have probably heard that old cliche'; "Dust yourself off, pick yourself up and start all over again!" I know that I have said this to many of the youth in our youth groups years past, which at the time didn't mean anything to them. But I believe today each one of them knows exactly what it means. How many times have we had to do just that, start all over again!

Remember the story of the Israelites being taken captive? The false prophets had assured them they wouldn't be held captive for long but Jeremiah told them they would be in Babylon for a long time. He said go ahead and build houses, marry, raise families and pray for the well being of the land in which you now live. He went on to say that discouragement might lead them to think they would never leave Babylon because it would be a long, long time. However Jeremiah said; "For thus says the Lord; when 70 years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you and I will fulfil to you my promise and bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you; says the Lord and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you,
says the Lord, I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you." Jeremiah 29:10-14

God was talking to the Israelites through Jeremiah then. He was not telling us that he was going to take us from here and set us up there. He was not saying that no matter where you are headed I will lead you here. God was saying to us that his plan is for us to be happy and to have a future of hope within our life with Him. One way to do that is to seek His face because He has promised when we do, we will find Him. When we stray from the path, we can seek God with all our heart and find Him waiting. We can begin again! We can only be restored by repenting and renewing our walk of unending faith through our Savior.

Israel's exile was brought about because of sin. Our failures are brought about because of sin. When sin is forsaken, gotten rid of, and we ask God's forgiveness; His purposes in mercy are then given. Forgiveness, gives us the avenue of 'beginning again.' Let's start this new year of new beginnings by getting on our knees. Let's begin today as a clean slate before our God! "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Beginning again helps us to understand that God declares sinners righteous, not because they are intrinsically righteous or have anything righteous in themselves, but simply because of their faith through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/26/09

Monday, January 4, 2010


It has always been a practice to make new year resolutions. I remember as a kid making them and even as an adult. My sister Jean and I use to throw wonderful New Year parties. We would invite all our friends within the young people at our church. Ages were from my age up to Jean's age which was a span of 15 years. Jean would prepare slips of paper for writing down our new year resolutions. The next year she would pass around the old year resolutions after we had written our new ones. My what a difference a year makes! However, we would laugh a lot!

Have you ever written a resolution that you actually kept? Have you ever written a resolution and within a few months let it go by the wayside? Have you ever thought this time I am going to keep my resolution? I assume since I have done this, you have too.

Jim said this last year; "How would you like to go to Iowa and visit with your brother Lisle and his family next year?" I haven't been to Iowa since I left as a child of 9, and the thought of visiting with Lisle and Harriet could set me up for possible disappointment. I have mental scenario's! I know things happen and plans don't always fall into place as you want them to. So I don't want to get my hopes up by planning as a resolution, but with reservations.

"Come now, you who say; "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain." In reality, you do not not know about tomorrow! What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say; "If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that." James 4:13-15 I guess I always have this scripture in the back of my mind when making long range plans.

One of the things I always set out to do for a new year is to be organized. At work I would make new files for the new year and move all the old ones to a different, less used file. However through the new year I found myself going back to the old year for something or other. I never could quite leave them out of the current picture. But the new files were always fresh and easy to begin using. I liked new and fresh files!

In my mind I am always beginning to clean drawers, cupboards and rooms. Last year I made a good start but somewhere along the way I discovered I never finished. So a few weeks ago, I heard Jennifer say; "I need to clean this room, meaning the linen closet!" Of course, I remember thinking that, at the first of last year, but Jennifer is more apt to do it. I am thankful for Jennifer!

Keeping in mind that I want to always be in God's will, I need to think of the things I need to be doing. I know that God's will is for me to be about His business; to put my trust in Him; to pass His love onto others; to teach His word and to keep His commandments. I realize that some things I need to be doing, should not take the place of my servant hood. I have learned that I can leave many things undone so that I can do what He needs from me today. My tomorrow may or may not come but someone so beautifully said; "Only one life will soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last!"

Where are you today in your walk? Where are your priorities? When you arise in the morning are you looking toward the heavens or feeling your way among the briars and the thorns. Do you still seek the one who came to save the lost? Someone said and I love to repeat it year after year, but in different ways to be able to rhym with the new year; "In 2010, I have all the time; to do, all that God wants me to!" Our days are numbered; let's use them wisely, for as the Psalmist says; "My days are like an evening shadow; I wither away like grass." Psalm 102:11 Let's be mindful of our days and plan as if there is no tomorrow! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/26/09

Friday, January 1, 2010


"A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation.  Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more."  Matthew 2:18   It was prophesied by Jeremiah that this calamity was to come.  It is not determined how long after the birth of Christ the wise men arrived in Bethlehem.  But they did not see him on the night of his birth.  Although it is possible the star in the sky appeared that very night.  When Herod hears about the new born king, and when they first saw it, he becomes enraged; violent and uncontrolled.

When Herod discovered he had been tricked by the wise men, he began to formulate a plan.  A plan of evil content; a plan so wickedly devised that you could almost smell his wickedness and furious rage.  "He sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men."  Matthew 2:16

In an old book written in the 1800's, tells of Herod giving a birthday party for his son who was 2 years old.  He invited all the boy toddlers of 2 years and younger to celebrate with his son.  Invitations were sent out and the children were even escorted to the palace.  As they arrived they were to wait in the outer room near the parapet.  When they were all there one child would be allowed into the room which led out onto the terrace in front of the parapet.  Unknown to the parent and even the child; death awaited him on the other side of the door.

As the child went thru the door, a soldier would lift him up and throw him over the parapet to his death below.  This was Herod's way of insuring all baby boys were killed and there would be no king to take his place.  Makes no difference how it all actually took place, what Herod did was evil.  Even today it is hard to be consoled just thinking about it, for as the prophet said; "they were to be no more".  

When God told Joseph to take his family and go to Egypt; Joseph remained there until Herod died!  "But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying; rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child's life are dead.  And he rose and took the child and his mother and went into the land of Israel.  But when he heard that Archelaus reigned over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there and being warned in a dream he withdrew to the district of Galilee."  Matthew 1:19-22

Mary and Joseph returned to their home in Nazareth to fulfill the words spoken by the prophets;  "He went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth.  He shall be called a Nazarene."  Matthew 2:23   Because nothing more is said until Jesus is 12 years old, we assume their lives became that of a normal, Jewish family.  Other children came, but all these things that happened 12 years earlier, Mary pondered in her heart.  Joseph became the father that God created him to be and together he and Mary became the parents that God knew they would be.

We can only marvel at this story.  We can only imagine the anxiety and discomfort as they walked thru this.  We can assume that their trust and obedience was above reproach.  I love happy endings!  What more could you want if this was a fiction book that you began to read and just couldn't put down.  However, this is not fiction, it is truth; it is fact!  It is the history of our beginning! "God sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!"  John 3:16  If you haven't made this decision to believe in Jesus, remember it is your choice and God will honor your choice.  By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/21/09