Sunday, May 30, 2010


When we moved from California to Oregon we bought six and one half acres in a place called Sam's Valley. We knew immediately our property because, because it had a fence that set the boundaries. However, when we put some cows in the back pasture the fence didn't keep them within their boundaries; instead they saw their world as being boundless. Many times we had to round up the cattle and wondered; "how did they ever get out?" Can you picture citified youngsters with sticks in hand encouraging two huge cows down the dirt road onto a very busy highway and back into their fields of green pasture?

My mother set boundaries for her children; young and old. It began with; "This is my home and as long as you live here you will abide by my rules." Remember hearing that? As a child growing up I don't remember hearing bad words; alcohol being served nor back mouthing my parents, although I argued. Just because my father was an alcoholic and some older brothers and sisters may have drank some, I don't remember it being in our home.

When we are raised without limit's we don't know when to stop or when to go home. Without border's we think the world is our oyster and want to eat and eat without limits. Not only did I grow up with boundaries in my home, but also within the confines of the school system; the work place; in marriage and especially with rearing my own children.

Jim and I both felt that what we did influenced our children. We knew that contrary to popular belief, that if we raised our children to know God and God's family they had a better chance of growing up knowing God as we do. Did we badger them into accepting Christ? No! Did we tell them unless they did they would go to hell? No! They could have rebelled against everything but they didn't. They embraced it and have established boundaries for themselves!

Although being perfect parents did not streamline our game plan, but trying to live wholesome Christian lives rubbed off on our children anyway. Our Jennifer said once; "I hated school but when I would get home I was happy again." Home should be a happy, carefree place for children to come home to. Yes, with boundaries but the kind of boundaires that creates satisfaction to encourage growth and anticipation of all the possibilities that lie ahead.

In chapter 8 of Proverbs we learn about wisdom. You ask what does wisdom have to do with knowing our boundaries? Boundaries has everything to do with having wisdom! "Does not wisdom call and understanding lift up her voice? On top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand. Beside the gates at the opening to the city, at the entrance of the doors she cries out. To you, O men I call, and my voice is to the sons of men. O naive ones, discern prudence and O fools, discern wisdom." verses 1-5

Without wisdom under our belts we have a tendency to overstep our bounds. We act unwisely; we cause ourselves to fall and reap the consequences. "When He set for the sea its boundary, so that the water should not transgress His command, He also marked out the foundations of the earth." verse 29 Even in creation God set boundaries for his handy work; for our safety and our pleasures. God say; "While you are living under my guidance, in my kingdom; you are to keep my commandments." Sounds a little like Mom's rules doesn't it?

"Now therefore, O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep my ways. Heed instruction and be wise and do not neglect it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord!" verses 32-35 Growing up we tug constantly at the restraints, but as we grow older we begin to understand that faith in God reigns us in; pulling us towards His love; keeping us within the boundaries of His kingdom. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/11/10

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A NEW NORMAL! 5/29/10

Memorial Day for most has become a 'new normal' for many. We have heard this phrase bantered about this past year because of the recession, the economic decline and/or the depression, not to mention the odysseys of those holding office within our government. Our local news calls it 'living in the new normal.' However, since Lynn's passing, his family and his siblings are now beginning a 'new normal.'

You can go on the internet and type in 'The New Normal' and learn all you ever wanted to know about it. Beginning new normals is not easy, when it comes upon you without your being willing to change. However, when we plan for the change the new normal is welcomed and we are excited about it. Whether it is getting married; having children; moving to a new place or into a different house; a new job or career can all be classified as a new beginning or 'the new normal!'

As a child, when we moved from Iowa to California we began a new normal. When Jim and I moved from California to Oregon, we began a new normal and even more of a new normal when we moved to Klamath Falls. And so it goes! Everyday can hold many new experiences that changes our daily routine and can be considered our 'new normal.'

March 1st of 2008 I suffered a heart event. At least that is what they kept calling it. We usually say; heart attack! They put a stint in an artery that was 80% blocked. Upon my recovery I discovered I had energy that I had never had before. As a blah morning person where I did what I had to do, I was moving about doing what I had to do and things I didn't think about doing until they had to be done. I didn't realize it right away but Jim and I both began to take notice of my energy level, especially in the mornings. I was living a 'new normal' and didn't even know that my normal before was perhaps abnormal. I just knew I wasn't a morning person!

Have you been there? Abnormal, I mean! Before you became a Christian you belonged to the world and when you became a Christian, the scriptures say you became peculiar; abnormal in the world. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:1-2

After March 2nd I began living my 'new normal' because the blood was flowing easier through my arteries to my heart giving me new energy. When Christ suffered on the cross over two thousands years ago, his shed blood gave us the opportunity to have a new life which gives us a 'new normal' to live free from sin. "Therefore, we are buried with Him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." Romans 6:4

God has promised us a 'new normal' life when we walk with Him because; "Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him." Romans 6:8 Sometimes I feel like my new life in Christ becomes routine and doesn't feel new but just normal. However, there is nothing normal about walking with Christ. Just like an old chorus of my childhood; "Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before! Everyday with Jesus I love Him more and more!"

I don't know how you feel about the 'new normal' but this Memorial Day is another 'new normal' for me, as I remember the passing of Lynn and the reunion he had in the promised land. I am thankful that I know the Father through my Savior, Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/28/10

Thursday, May 20, 2010

THE JOURNEY! 5/20/10

When Lynn was about 7 years old, he dropped a pop bottle and a piece of glass flew up and put a deep gash very near the upper part of his right eye. It caused some damage but he still had vision and a nice scar to remind him all of his life of that incident. Lynn always has had a spontaneous sense of humor and fun to be around. He was sensitive and could cry with you! He was personable and caring! Everyone who met him, loved him! When he was young all the kids wanted to be around him at church and school. He would draw people like a magnet! Even now, he can still work his charm.

He was 8 when we moved to California! He was always interested in sports and dreamed of becoming a football player. Throughout his school years he was quick witted and athletic. Lynn not only had red hair and blue eyes but he had freckles. He was movie star material but he only wanted to play football. He was good and his team mates like him, even those on the opposing team.

When he was discharged from the Air Force his physical showed him with an enlarged heart. In 1967, at the age of 28, Lynn began to experience health issues. He had a tumor behind his heart! When they went to take a biopsy the tumor began to push it's way thru the small incision. A nurse applied pressure to the incision for over 30 minutes while the Doctor's and nurses prepared for open heart surgery. When they got in there, they discovered it was inoperable. It looked like a mass of bubble gum surrounding his heart and lungs. While thanking the surgeon afterwards, we were told by the surgeon to thank the nurse who applied the pressure to the incision, because that is what saved him that day. Lynn had Hodgkin's Disease! This is cancer of the lymph nodes but I never understood what the large tumor was all about and even though they removed a portion of his right lung, his recovery was questionable.

Through the days following, his body had built up approximately 2 quarts of liquid around his heart which needed to be removed immediately. I was at the hospital, along with our pastor and Lynn's wife. We sat in the waiting room, pacing and praying because Lynn's life was solely dependent upon God. It wasn't long when the Doctors had rolled Lynn away, that they came back and said his body had absorbed the liquid. The Doctor had no explanation for this and so Lynn's journey continued with a strong resolve; God was not finished with him yet!

Lynn underwent cobalt treatments everyday for quite a few weeks to shrink the tumor. He would go in early each morning, be sick the rest of the morning and then go to work. He was very sick and yet so strong! Lynn learned that he was to take one day at a time. Some years later the Doctors thought the cancer had returned and did more cobalt. Turns out it was scar tissue and the extra treatment was not a good thing. Lynn continued to grow in the Lord; along with his wife Kathleen and he remained cancer free for many, many years.

As a Military Reservist Lynn joined the oregon Army National Guard. He sang in the Gospel Hymns Quartet, owned a Bible Book Store and was even a Janitor at the Armory. During these years, Lynn became more and more interested in the Guard! He went to El Paso, Texas for leadership training. Upon completion, Lynn became the State Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard for the state of Oregon. This is the highest noncommissioned position in the Guard. He served in this capacity for 10 years, even though it usually was held for 5. At Lynn's retirement his ability and character were recognized by many top notch officials and others who had known him. Lynn's journey led him in different paths but all kept him on the road to Glory, where God lives.

The cobalt and subsequent treatment caused the flaps with the heart valve to thicken, Sun and fair skin has caused his head and face to pay the price with various skin cancers and subsequent surgeries. The last one, near his left eye, was deep and considered a 4. Many months following, he began to have pain near his left eye. A Cat Scan showed he had more squamous cells and a tumor. Some would say Lynn had been living on borrowed time since 1967.

The truth is, Lynn's years were a gift from God! It was not borrowed because he owned them! Time is relative! God gave him time to affect many lives such as family, friends the guardsmen and their officers. During this last bout with radiation and chemo, Lynn suffered Spetic Shock. Coming so close to death again, it was evident that his life was still resting in God's hands. "May the hope of God fill you with joy and peace believing that hope abounds through the Holy Spirit within us." Romans 15:13

These past few years Lynn's brush with death, was just the shadow that has followed him all the days of his life; ever since he began this journey. We can only praise God for the work He has done in Lynn's life and for all of us who have been around to reap the benefits. God doesn't look at how much we do, but with how much love we do it.

Lynn experienced a gall bladder attack. Because of his heart condition, the Anesthetist said his heart could not handle the surgery. The Doctor's agreed and said any more surgeries were questionable. However they did one more; thinking they could repair his heart. Again, it was inoperable!

Lynn has experienced miracle after miracle throughout his life. However, the greatest miracle of all is to be used of God in ones life's journey. Watching Lynn through his walk has been a journey for all of us. The trust he has shown in his Savior has been worth our journey. The rest of his story climaxed early last Sunday morning. He arrived into Glory whole; at peace and full of joy, experiencing the reunion with the Father and all his loved ones that arrived earlier. I would like to say that God is not finished with Lynn here and perhaps his witness will last for the many years we have left of our lives. However, the blessing is that we knew him; he gave us pleasure and we will miss him terribly.

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15 I believe that God is; I believe that His word is truth; I believe that when we put our trust in Him we have achieved the peace that passes all understanding. It has been said; "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." We praise God for what He did in Lynn's life and praise Him for what He is going to continue to do in Kathleen's life and all those he touched. How about you? Do you know where you are headed? I pray you too are on the road to Glory! By Jane Ann Crenshaw started 6/3/08, updated 9/16/09 and completed 5/18/10

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16th 2010

This morning around 2:30 am my brother Lynn passed from this life and woke up in the heavenly places as promised by our Lord. It was difficult letting go! It was difficult saying our goodbyes! It was easy for him when he left. "Precious in the sight of our Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15 Lynn was precious to all of us, but he is even more precious to our Lord. He has found his rest but I ask for your prayers for continued strength and peace for Kathleen his wife and his two daughters and son-in-laws; Layton and Sean; Pamala and Rick. Two grandchildren; Ryan and Riley! Lynn is survived by two brothers and 5 sisters who will miss him very much! Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/16/10

Saturday, May 15, 2010

GROUNDED! 5/15/10

This morning I ask prayer for my brother Lynn. He was taken to the ER in the Salem Hospital around 1:30 am. Having trouble breathing. Not long ago his heart stopped but they restarted it and now it is a matter of prayer. The term 'touch and go' comes to mind. Thank you! Jim and Jane Ann

I don't believe my Mother knew about grounding her children as a punishment for wrong doing. I don't believe she understood anything other than instant correction which was usually with a razor strap or as she sometimes referred to it as; the "cat of nine tails." Whatever that was! When the need arose I would spank my children; yes, I said spank! I at one time used a belt. However, the buckled end came lose from my hand and the belt rapped itself around my son. Needless to say, I never used a belt again.

When they were small I used my hand but when they reached the age of either being taller than me or squirmy my hand was not a threat. They weren't intimidated by me in the least. My greatest weapon was; "Wait until your Dad gets home!" I suppose spanking and "wait until your Dad gets home" are both considered No No's amongst child physchologists; as damaging to a child's self esteem not to mention 'child abuse!'

Once Jim and I decided we would give 'grounding' a try. Dan and Jennifer were in their early teens. No TV for a week! Dinner; homework; then to their rooms. Sounded like a plan! Of course we felt that if we watched TV the kids would be able to hear it. So we opted to no TV for us also. By the second day, we were not happy with our decision. Wasn't working for us! The real problem was it didn't seem to bother the kids in the least. When the end of the week came we discovered the kids, who loved reading and listening to music, spent the week in their own world of fiction and fantasy with surround sound. Needless to say grounding was out and 'wait until your Dad gets home" was back in.

Jim's punishment was to have them wait on their bed in their room until he came in. Many times it was a long wait! When he would go in, he would talk with them but I don't think he ever lifted a hand. We never punished them more than once for each crime committed. Of course this is how I remember it. You would have to ask the kids what happened behind closed doors with their Dad because I wasn't there.

I had a habit of saying; "Come here!" I would point to the floor right in front of me. Jennifer would come sheepishly, but Dan would refuse. I remember once chasing him around his bed and gave up in exasperation and yelled; "Wait until your Dad gets home!"

In the story of King David God sends the Prophet Nathan to talk to him about the covenant that was made between him and God. It was an aspect of the covenant that had been made between Abraham and God but now it was more in anticipation of the coming of the Christ. "When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come forth from your body and I will establish His kingdom." 2 Samuel 7:12 Solomon would be the one to build God's temple not David. "He shall build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his father and he shall be my son. When he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, with the stripes of the sons of men; but I will not take my steadfast love from him as I took it from Saul, whom I put away from before you." 2 Samuel 7:13-15

Here God says He would chasten Solomon with His love still intact. "Blessed is the man whom thou hast chastened, O Lord, and whom thou dost teach out of thy law." Psalms 94:12 Here the writer is saying that those God chasten's, will be blessed. "But when we are judged by the Lord, we are chastened so that we may not be condemned along with the world." 1 Corinthians 11:32 We are to seek God's corrections so that we may walk straight. "Those whom I love, I reproved and chasten; so be earnest and repent." Revelation 3:19 To spare the rod and spoil the child is not literal but the premise is scriptural. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/7/10

Sunday, May 9, 2010

MOTHER'S! 5/9/10

"She carried me under her heart, loved me before I was born. Took God's hand in hers and walked through the valley of shadows that I might live. Bathed me when I was helpless, clothed me when I was naked and fed me when I was hungry. She rocked me to sleep when I was weary and sang to me in the voice of an angel. Held my hand when I learned to walk; suffered with my sorrow and laughed with my joy. She glowed with my triumph and while I knelt at her side, she taught my lips to pray. Through all the days of my youth she gave strength for my weakness, courage for my despair, and hope to fill my hopeless heart. Was loyal when others failed; was true when tried by fire; was my friend when other friends were gone. Prayed for me through all the days when flooded with sunshine or saddened by shadows. Though we lay down our lives for her we can never pay the debt we owe to a mother." Author unknown! I suppose I will never meet "Author unknown" this side of heaven. I have read his or her works for many years and have pondered the person.

96 years ago this weekend the U.S. Congress passed a law on the 8th of May, 1914 designating the second Sunday in May as Mothers Day. The following day, May 9th, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first National Mothers Day as a day to show the flag to honor Mothers who sons had died in the war. I never knew that the flag was raised to honor mothers on Mothers day. I believe that is a fact that is good to know!

My Mother was a note taker. I found many of her notes in an old file cabinet many months after she had passed away. I want to share a couple of her notes on mothers. The first one is entitled; "Blessed is Mother!" "Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love, for she translates duty into privilege. Blessed is she who mends socks and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to humanity. Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles at every meal; for she shall be blessed with goodness. Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity."

My Mother was one for wanting for her children but could only give what she had. The second note is entitled; "Mothers Prayer!" "Dear Father; as I light this candle may I be faithful to the tasks you have given me to do as a Mother. I pray for a loving heart when I would be unkind; patience when things go wrong; understanding when my children come to me for guidance; wisdom in the decisions I must make as a Mother. I do not ask for a starry crown, just may I be a Christ like Mother."

I have loved being a mother. I loved watching my children grow and grow and grow. Today my son has children of his own and I know through thick and thin he enjoys being a father as he has watched his three sons grow and grow and grow. My daughter lives with me still and has continued to amaze me with her ability to live life to the fullest. I was asked once; "How do you feel about your two children?" This was a preacher friend asking me this question and I told him; "I would have to think about that."

When you love your children it is hard to separate your love and how you feel because God supplies you with all the love you need for each one. I gave his question a lot of thought and finally concluded that Danny is my joy! He makes me laugh and pleases me with his intelligence, his creativity and talents. Jennifer is my heart! She had many obstacles to overcome which gave way to fear, frustrations and tears; unceasing prayer gave way to victory. She is strong and courageous, loving and kind. One is my joy and one is my heart; how can I live without either one? They have taught me how to have the fruit of the spirit in me. "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/4/10

Saturday, May 8, 2010


My mother did her mother's laundry and every Saturday morning we carried a large basket of laundry to my Grandmother's house. It took two of us to carry it and in my mind I imagine it was a long way. My Grandmother had jars of money on her buffet and after we would deliver the laundry, she would give us each a dime so we could go to the movies. Imagine, a dime to see the movies. My mother's reward was just that she loved her!

Around Thanksgiving and Christmas you could get in the movies just by bringing canned goods. After the can good drive was over they would be divided up and always my Mom would get a box of canned goods. This wasn't because they loved my mother but it was a Christian act of love.

During this period in my life I remember walking home through the train graveyard. This was a place where all the cars would be for cleaning, dismantling etc. It had lots and lots of box cars sitting on tracks. Once, after dark we were walking through and I noticed the door to a box car was pushed all the way back. I stopped and stretched my body up so that I could just barely peek inside and heard a low, gruff voice say; "hit the road toad!" We ran out of there for all we were worth, being scared half to death. When we finally slowed up long enough to catch our breath, my sister Janice said; "I told you never to do that!" Her reprimand was not out of love but her love for us was evident in the instructions.

Have you ever done something that you were told never to do? Have you ever gone someplace that you were told never to go? Have you ever been in a situation that you wished you weren't or perhaps no one would ever find out? Of course you have! We all have placed outselves in places and situations which involved us in doing things we knew we shouldn't.

Because I loved my mother and my family I never wanted to cause them disappointment in me or be ashamed. That didn't mean I wasn't argumentative or that I was always obedient; but I tried! It wasn't until I moved out that I was able to listen to my mother instead of arguing with her. It wasn't until I became a mother that I understood about the relationship between a mother and her children. If I could redo my relationship with my mother when I was young, I would!

Love is funny! It means I would give my life but does it mean I will do as you say? Jesus and His Apostles talk about this word so much you would think it would be ingrained in us. "And He said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Matthew 22:37 Just that verse should be enough for us to be Holy but Jesus takes it further; "This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:38-40

We place much credence in the Ten Commandments" as found in Exodus and are disappointed that our country wants them out of the buildings of liberty. However, we never seem to understand that loving God first and others second is the Ten condensed and should be evident in our lives day in and day out. When we love God first and others second we are putting our faith where our heart is.

"God hath not promised skies always blue, flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; God hath not promised sun with rain, joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way, grace for the trials, help from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love." By Annie Johnson Flint My mother's love was evident in that she cared for us even though her being was spent. My mother's love was calming because she gave us a place and the knowledge of a loving God.

Lord, thank you for your great love! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/4/10

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Our Jennifer is an avid reader and has had a Library Card ever since I can remember. Recently she told us about an addition to our local Library and she wanted to us to go and see it. It housed old books from the Library and many that had been donated to the Library. Basically a used book store. I've been looking for a Harper's study Bible with a copyright date for the Old Testament 1952 and the New Testament first edition 1946 and second edition, 1971; which apparently is out of print. I bought a Newly Revised Standard but the commentaries are too liberal for me so I gave it away. I am drawn to early editions where I can trust the translations to be more in line with the King James version.

The Bookie Joint is a room behind the Library with it's entrance in the back with volunteer's who are excited about what they are doing. Last Saturday we went and looked. Couldn't find what I am looking for but as Jennifer says; "you just have to keep going back because they get new ones everyday." Had to chuckle about that; old new ones for a new old book store.

Somewhere in my teens our pastor rented movie length reel to reels from Moody Bible Institute and once a month we had movie night at church. The characters were always played by the same actors so by the time we finished watching the Bible on the screen, we could recognize the characters and their faces as they became synonymous with the characters they were portraying. We must have done this for years because jim remembers seeing some of them.

I wish I knew the man's name that played Paul because there were many mvoies with Paul and I suppose that is one reason why he is one of my favorite biblical characters. Many of his stories were so exciting and even now as I read them I can visually see them because of the work that Moody put into those movies. They were scripturally based but also sound in their interpretations. I wonder if they are still available for rent. We watch old movies on TV why not watch old movies about our God; brought to life based on fact and not fiction.

Many times as I am looking for one scripture in the Bible, when I come across something I had forgotten; so I stop and read it and am always amazed how the old familiar story will bring about a new thought within my minute mind. How many times did God protect Paul from danger and caused him to live another day. How many times did God turn Paul away from danger and yet let him walk through death; causing him to live yet another day. The scars that must have been evident were covered over by his faith in Jesus Christ. I don't show scars but I have memories of how he has changed my life; and how he is still working in me.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinithians 5:17 Recently I heard the expression "remove your mask!" Those who really are in Christ through a heart changing experience have allowed themselves to become a new creature. Those who pretend to have a heart changing experience and wear a mask for others to see, have great difficulty understanding Christs new commandment. "That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." John 13:34

Truth brings about true love whether it is between a husband wife; mother daughter, father son; friends and neighbors. Truth is what Christianity is all about. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you." John 15:13-14 Can you abide in God's love and not love one another? Can we say we are a Christian and do what the world does? Let there be truth among us for we know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/26/10

Saturday, May 1, 2010


When I was a little girl in Iowa we recognized May 1st as May Day.  I remember going around and picking dandy lions in all the yards.  Bright little yellow flowers that grew just about everywhere and nobody cared if you picked them.  We would make little paper baskets that had a handle glued across the top.  The easiest basket was coned shaped.  We would draw flowers on the paper baskets; fill them with the dandy lions and walk to my Grandmother's house and leave them on her stoop.  Once we made a basket for our Grandfather and filled it with matches.

When May Day rolled around , after we moved to California, my teachers in school would help us to make the baskets and we would take them home for our mothers.  At the Civic Center we had a couple of tetherball poles that would be decorated from top to bottom and would have long streamers that would be used for the annual May Pole Dance.  I never got chosen to do that although secretively I yearned for the chance to get to wear the frilly little dress and weave in and out covering the pole with the colorful streamers.

Years later I learned that May Day was actually a communist celebration.  At one time, during my life time, Russia was an ally of the United States.  When we became not quite so friendly, May Day celebrations quieted down within the borders of America.  I understand many countries, even America still celebrate May Day in one form or another.  However, like so many things it has just become a memory amongst most of the old folks.  Now Cinco De Mayo on May 5th is celebrated in memory of Mexico's independence day.

May and flowers have become synonymous in most cultures.  Spring brings forth new growth sprouting up all over not to mention babies taking their first breaths in the pastures lining most country roads.  New life; new flowers; long days and the smell of fragrant bouquets fill the air; making Spring a special time of the year.

"For lo, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.  The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land."  Song of Solomon 2:11-12    Isn't that beautiful?  Of course the maiden is talking about her beloved.  She is praising him for his beauty and grace.  We liken much of Solomon's words in our praise to our Savior.  "My beloved is mine and I am His, He pastures His flock among the lilies."  Solomon 2:16    And I give a long sigh; aaaaaaahhh!

Yes, it is spring time and poet says; "A young mans fancy turns to thoughts of love!"  I wonder if that is true!  Springtime only lasts for a little while.  While flowers are in bloom and the grasses and trees are green we feel good!  We feel free and love to bask in the sun!  We welcome the spring showers and feel refreshed.

"A voice says, "Cry!"  All flesh is grass and all its beauty if like the flowers of the field.  The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people is grass."  Isaiah 40:6-7    Wow!  Have you ever thought about yourself as grass that the Lord breathes upon?  Have you ever thought when you were young that your life would wither away as the grass and flowers do?  Our being like grass is merely a metaphor but we do fade away!

"The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever!"  Isaiah 40:8   Wow!  We may wither and fade away but God's word doesn't.  It stands forever!  That is why Mr. Ellett's instructions about Jesus and His love are still evident in me and many others, even though he has withered and gone.  I will soon fade away but what I have taught from God's word will stand and live on.  Spring continues to come and flowers continue to bloom; God remains in His glory throughout eternity!   By Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/24/10