HAVE YOU EVER thought about what lies just around the corner? It could be fame and fortune; excitement and pleasure; a long awaited surprise like a birthday, a wedding or perhaps a birth of a baby? Many times it takes a while to get to the corner but when we finally reach it, a feeling of anticipation can overtake us.
THE PROMOTION in the work place is anticipated, not quite in sight but, just around the corner it hangs in the balance. You have heard about moving into the corner office which meant you had basically arrived. I never quite made the corner office and even the one around the corner. However, I have experienced many different corners in my life, some with excitement and some with trepidation!
THE YEARLY moving up in a grade for me was a relief that I got promoted again. Graduation led to my becoming employed. My employment brought Jim into my life and with Jim, we became parents of two babies that grew and grew until one day we became in-laws and then the greatest corner of all to this day; three grandsons!
EACH YEAR I have celebrated a birthday and with each birthday I would round another corner of my life. I once was a baby; a toddler; then a child; a student; a teenager; a young adult; a young woman; a woman; a wife; a mother; middle aged woman; a grandmother; a mature woman; a retired woman; an old woman. Have you noticed that we all obtain titles each time we round a corner! All of the above come with the same wage! But titles are nice, aren't they!
IT AMAZES ME that I am married to a 74 year old man. I keep telling him I never thought about being married to an old man; but here I am! I suppose he feels the same way, since I am just right behind him! I don't exactly feel older; that is until I look in the mirror or when I experience yet another health issue that slows me up even more. I still want to be active in certain things like reading and teaching God's Word. I still want to see the light come on in the eyes of those wanting to know more about their Savior. I still want to be found ready just in case He comes in all His glory, while I am yet here in this place.
"SO THEN you are no longer strangers and sojourners but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built into it for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit." Ephesians 2:19-22
AS WE HAVE GROWN in Jesus Christ we have built a firm foundation. We have only to stand firm in our belief; our faith and in our service within the Kingdom. I know very little about the construction of a building nor do I understand their terminology. I realize that to keep our faith from collapsing we must be strong just like buildings that have iron girders inside them to keep them from collapsing.
"FOR IT STANDS in scriptures; Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone,a cornerstone chosen and precious and he who believes in Him will not be put to shame." 1 Peter 2:6 What is the cornerstone? It is a stone at the corner of two walls. This is important and demands attention. The signing of the Declaration of Independence was declared a cornerstone in American history.
JESUS IS THE CORNERSTONE OF THE CHURCH! Clear and simple! He was rejected and despised but yet He is the rock of ages that holds the church together. He is the cornerstone! He is the stone that causes men who do not believe to fall for they disobey the word. The church is the chosen race; God's own people! At age 10 I turned the corner and discovered hope eternal. You can too! Give Him your life; you'll be glad you did! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/27/10
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
WHEN I WAS A GIRL we walked everywhere. My brothers had cars and would take us places; especially my mother for grocery shopping; but if there was anyplace to go and things to do we usually walked. Even my mother walked to and from work! I can't remember how we got the money to go to the movies but I do remember selling pop bottles and the brown beer bottles; we collected iron in a wagon and would sell it at the same place we would sell the bottles and newpapers. Anyway, on Saturday we went to the movies. I can't remember how far the Plaza Theater was from our house, perhaps a couple of miles, but when you are a child anything longer than a block is a long, long ways from home.
THE PLAZA THEATER was sort of like an island unto itself. It had a sidewalk all around it and to me it looked very majestic sitting there all alone. It had lodges with big, velvety seats that we never could afford to set in. We took our own big bag of popcorn, popped in bacon grease which you could smell throughout the theater. We would set through the newsreel which always came first. Then there were the weekly serials, usually two of them and sometimes three. They were about 10minutes long and were continued every week. You just didn't want to miss them! Then the cartoons! Tom and Jerry; Donald Duck; Mighty Mouse; my favorite the Tasmanian Devil came much later! However, I hated the Roadrunner!
YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT all of what we just watched was enough, but no; we would then watch two movies. Can you believe that; two movies for the price of one! In Iowa it cost 10 cents, in California it was also 10 cents; then 25 cents and today? I don't go to the movies and when I do Jim pays, but I know he needs at least $30 to $40 for the two of us on a date night at the movies!
SOME THINGS I hate and one of them is what movies have become. I remember love stories that filled your hearts with pleasure. Today they are lessons in how to become alluring to the opposite sex and your sexual fantasies are filled with explicit pictures that leave nothing to the imagination. The story is no longer valid it is what you see that sets the tone. Blood, guts and gore are the name of the game. The bloodier, the merrier! It is clear that blood, guts, gore and sex make money for those who produce films. The victim pays the price not only financially but mentally and emotionally. I don't want any part of it! How about you? I love a good mystery but even they are hard to find!
"SET YOUR MINDS on the things above and not on the things of this earth!" Colossians 3:2 Can God be any more explicit then that? The mind is the devils playground. When we take in the things that we see and let them take root, Satan couldn't be any happier! Jesus says that the 10 Commandments were taken a step further and became far more damaging than just "thou shalt not!" Jesus says, even if you think it in your mind and let it dwell in your heart you are just as guilty as if you committed the sin. Oh my! What tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive!
"WHO SHALL ASCEND the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart; who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from the God of His salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek Him; who seek the face of the God of Jacob." Psalms 24:4-6 This has become one of my daily prayers that when I come to Him; "I come with clean hands and a pure heart!"
AS I WRITE THESE THOUGHTS I give thanks for Jesus the Christ and the promise that when I strive to follow in His footsteps, God can see through my filthy rags and see's His Son. Please forgive me Lord for the things that I do that I do not want to do! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/23/10
THE PLAZA THEATER was sort of like an island unto itself. It had a sidewalk all around it and to me it looked very majestic sitting there all alone. It had lodges with big, velvety seats that we never could afford to set in. We took our own big bag of popcorn, popped in bacon grease which you could smell throughout the theater. We would set through the newsreel which always came first. Then there were the weekly serials, usually two of them and sometimes three. They were about 10minutes long and were continued every week. You just didn't want to miss them! Then the cartoons! Tom and Jerry; Donald Duck; Mighty Mouse; my favorite the Tasmanian Devil came much later! However, I hated the Roadrunner!
YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT all of what we just watched was enough, but no; we would then watch two movies. Can you believe that; two movies for the price of one! In Iowa it cost 10 cents, in California it was also 10 cents; then 25 cents and today? I don't go to the movies and when I do Jim pays, but I know he needs at least $30 to $40 for the two of us on a date night at the movies!
SOME THINGS I hate and one of them is what movies have become. I remember love stories that filled your hearts with pleasure. Today they are lessons in how to become alluring to the opposite sex and your sexual fantasies are filled with explicit pictures that leave nothing to the imagination. The story is no longer valid it is what you see that sets the tone. Blood, guts and gore are the name of the game. The bloodier, the merrier! It is clear that blood, guts, gore and sex make money for those who produce films. The victim pays the price not only financially but mentally and emotionally. I don't want any part of it! How about you? I love a good mystery but even they are hard to find!
"SET YOUR MINDS on the things above and not on the things of this earth!" Colossians 3:2 Can God be any more explicit then that? The mind is the devils playground. When we take in the things that we see and let them take root, Satan couldn't be any happier! Jesus says that the 10 Commandments were taken a step further and became far more damaging than just "thou shalt not!" Jesus says, even if you think it in your mind and let it dwell in your heart you are just as guilty as if you committed the sin. Oh my! What tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive!
"WHO SHALL ASCEND the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart; who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from the God of His salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek Him; who seek the face of the God of Jacob." Psalms 24:4-6 This has become one of my daily prayers that when I come to Him; "I come with clean hands and a pure heart!"
AS I WRITE THESE THOUGHTS I give thanks for Jesus the Christ and the promise that when I strive to follow in His footsteps, God can see through my filthy rags and see's His Son. Please forgive me Lord for the things that I do that I do not want to do! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/23/10
Saturday, July 24, 2010
TODAY would have been my brother Layton's 74th birthday. He was quite a character! He was full of spontaneous moments. He would drive by and say; "you want to go to the pawn shop; the junk store; get an ice cream; a drive." If you went along, you soon knew that you had to plan to be gone for several hours because none of these places would be close by. He loved eating at out of the way places and most times you questioned; "how did he ever find this place?"
I REMEMBER one summer there was a group of traveling Christian young people that were scheduled to put on a play in a park in San Bernardino. "We could leave right after work and be there before it started;" he said! I never could say no to Layton and was always pleased if I was included in his plans. Of course he wanted to take my car and so we went.
LAYTON was not one to chatter as I was but we would talk. We were about an hour from our destination and on part of the freeway that wasn't really a freeway as we know them today, when a young hitchhiker caught Layton's eye and he pulled over before I realized what he was doing. The young man got in the back seat! I looked at Layton and he smiles his crooked smile and said; "It's okay!" In my heart I wondered by who's standards, this was okay, it wasn't mine!
LAYTON TALKED with the young man and for once in my life I kept quiet! The early 60's were nothing like today but they were also nothing like the 50's. When we reached our destination, we parked the car on the street and stepped out into a soft gentle summer breeze which filled the air. I stumbled in my heel's across the green grass to many rows of chairs facing a 12 x 12 stage. Lots of activity taking place as I sat down. Layton left me so he could circulate through the small crowd.
THE PLAY was a picture of the end times with futuristic ideas. I don't remember much about it. Afterwards we visited and then got back in the car for the long, long drive home. With Layton I always felt safe but never really knew what our time together was going to be like.
WHEN HE DIED at the age of 32 I felt my world had ended. When he no longer was stopping by for lunch or to watch a ball game I felt lonely. Through the years these feelings have left me but the longing never goes away. My husband and children and my other siblings fill the gaps and crevices but the desire to head out to the unknown with Layton is always there. Strange isn't it how some people impact your life in such a way that you never seem to let go. I have lost several more of my siblings since that time, with Lynn leaving just recently. Makes me anxious for heaven and to see them again! Do you ever feel anxious for heaven?
"BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3 What does it mean to be poor in spirit? I think it means to be humble; not pretentious or proud. Are you poor in spirit? In Matthew chapter 13 Jesus talks about what heaven is like. He is using parables which are earthly stories with a heavenly meaning; spiritual truths that unfold in everyday events.
JESUS LIKENS HEAVEN to a man who sowed good seed in his field; the planting of a grain of mustard seed; leaven used for bread; a treasure hidden in a field; goodly pearls; a net cast into the sea to gather every kind of fish; and a master of a household that is filled with new and old treasures of great worth. All of these things are worth much in their day and time, but heaven is more than these; heaven is priceless.
JESUS SAYS TO THE RICH YOUNG RULER; "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven! Matthew 19:21 I know that heaven is beyond my imagination. "For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me." John 6:38 Jesus was sent by God and together they live in heaven! Oh how I want to go there; don't you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/21/10
I REMEMBER one summer there was a group of traveling Christian young people that were scheduled to put on a play in a park in San Bernardino. "We could leave right after work and be there before it started;" he said! I never could say no to Layton and was always pleased if I was included in his plans. Of course he wanted to take my car and so we went.
LAYTON was not one to chatter as I was but we would talk. We were about an hour from our destination and on part of the freeway that wasn't really a freeway as we know them today, when a young hitchhiker caught Layton's eye and he pulled over before I realized what he was doing. The young man got in the back seat! I looked at Layton and he smiles his crooked smile and said; "It's okay!" In my heart I wondered by who's standards, this was okay, it wasn't mine!
LAYTON TALKED with the young man and for once in my life I kept quiet! The early 60's were nothing like today but they were also nothing like the 50's. When we reached our destination, we parked the car on the street and stepped out into a soft gentle summer breeze which filled the air. I stumbled in my heel's across the green grass to many rows of chairs facing a 12 x 12 stage. Lots of activity taking place as I sat down. Layton left me so he could circulate through the small crowd.
THE PLAY was a picture of the end times with futuristic ideas. I don't remember much about it. Afterwards we visited and then got back in the car for the long, long drive home. With Layton I always felt safe but never really knew what our time together was going to be like.
WHEN HE DIED at the age of 32 I felt my world had ended. When he no longer was stopping by for lunch or to watch a ball game I felt lonely. Through the years these feelings have left me but the longing never goes away. My husband and children and my other siblings fill the gaps and crevices but the desire to head out to the unknown with Layton is always there. Strange isn't it how some people impact your life in such a way that you never seem to let go. I have lost several more of my siblings since that time, with Lynn leaving just recently. Makes me anxious for heaven and to see them again! Do you ever feel anxious for heaven?
"BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3 What does it mean to be poor in spirit? I think it means to be humble; not pretentious or proud. Are you poor in spirit? In Matthew chapter 13 Jesus talks about what heaven is like. He is using parables which are earthly stories with a heavenly meaning; spiritual truths that unfold in everyday events.
JESUS LIKENS HEAVEN to a man who sowed good seed in his field; the planting of a grain of mustard seed; leaven used for bread; a treasure hidden in a field; goodly pearls; a net cast into the sea to gather every kind of fish; and a master of a household that is filled with new and old treasures of great worth. All of these things are worth much in their day and time, but heaven is more than these; heaven is priceless.
JESUS SAYS TO THE RICH YOUNG RULER; "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven! Matthew 19:21 I know that heaven is beyond my imagination. "For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me." John 6:38 Jesus was sent by God and together they live in heaven! Oh how I want to go there; don't you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/21/10
Sunday, July 18, 2010
TOE TO TOE! 7/18/10
I KNOW YOU HAVE HEARD IT SAID hand to hand; face to face and toe to toe. But do you know what they mean? I can find hand to mouth; hand over fist; face off or face the music but not toe to toe. I know that it means close, direct confrontation or competition, etc. But where did it come from? I love checking out why we say things, don't you?
JIM GAVE ME HIS BEST THINK SO'S and until I know better; it works for me! Boxers use to box facing toe to toe. One boxer would put his foot in the middle and his opponent would touch the toe of his shoe to the extended shoe. TOE TO TOE! Then Jim explained; "this would keep the boxers in one place instead of dancing around as Joe Frazier, or any other favorites in the rings, as we see them today. Toe to toe doesn't have the same romantic ring to it as dancing cheek to cheek does, but I guess if you were a boxing fan it would be a nostalgic moment in time.
IF YOU THINK ABOUT HAND TO HAND, you automatically think of unarmed combat which is a military tactic. However, more often than not weapons are being allowed. Now face to face is my personal favorite. This one I can do! Face to face has no immediate response factor nor any physical injury. You might get your feelings hurt but most times it is just being a witness because you were there; up front and personal.
IN MORNING GLORY I try to tell you about up front and personal experiences. I also tell you stories that were related to me by those who were there. In a sense you could call me a reporter of the past. In doing what I do, my goal is to bring God's word alive in every personal and motivational way that I can. God's word covers all of what we experience today except for the ones that never entered His mind. Even so, we know what is right and wrong just by reading His word. We understand how we are to be treated and how we should treat others. We realize that our obedience is crucial to our daily lives and to obtain eternal life.
"STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 Please don't get me wrong, reading Morning Glory is for your pleasure to read, just as it is my pleasure to write. Reading God's word is not only a pleasure but priceless. It holds the truth and nothing but the truth!
"NOW THE BEREANS were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." Acts 17:11 I would have fit right in with the Bereans for I am a believer in checking the Scriptures. I love KJV to read but when I am studying, I prefer the early editions of Harper's Study Bible RSV. Everyone has their favorites and I pray they are using them not just owning them. Gathering dust is not what God intended them for!
I REALIZE I am not the preacher but I want to know; I want to be sure of what I know; I want to be ready, just in case, don't you? Right now I have four translations surrounding me and a program on my computer that has what I have and many more. I want my feet firmly planted toe to toe with God's adversaries. I want to be armed for hand to hand combat, my only weapon, God's Word! I want to have a cheerful face to face encounter with those who are seeking Jesus Christ, because I know that I could be the only Jesus they may ever meet.
SOME TIMES we are afraid to take a stand and become all that God asks us to be but as the Scriptures says; "O love the Lord, all you His godly ones! The Lord preserves the faithful and fully recompenses the proud doer. Be strong and let your heart take courage; all you who hope in the Lord." Psalms 31:23-24 Throughout the Scriptures God is saying the battle is His we only have to learn to act upon His Word! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/12/10
JIM GAVE ME HIS BEST THINK SO'S and until I know better; it works for me! Boxers use to box facing toe to toe. One boxer would put his foot in the middle and his opponent would touch the toe of his shoe to the extended shoe. TOE TO TOE! Then Jim explained; "this would keep the boxers in one place instead of dancing around as Joe Frazier, or any other favorites in the rings, as we see them today. Toe to toe doesn't have the same romantic ring to it as dancing cheek to cheek does, but I guess if you were a boxing fan it would be a nostalgic moment in time.
IF YOU THINK ABOUT HAND TO HAND, you automatically think of unarmed combat which is a military tactic. However, more often than not weapons are being allowed. Now face to face is my personal favorite. This one I can do! Face to face has no immediate response factor nor any physical injury. You might get your feelings hurt but most times it is just being a witness because you were there; up front and personal.
IN MORNING GLORY I try to tell you about up front and personal experiences. I also tell you stories that were related to me by those who were there. In a sense you could call me a reporter of the past. In doing what I do, my goal is to bring God's word alive in every personal and motivational way that I can. God's word covers all of what we experience today except for the ones that never entered His mind. Even so, we know what is right and wrong just by reading His word. We understand how we are to be treated and how we should treat others. We realize that our obedience is crucial to our daily lives and to obtain eternal life.
"STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 Please don't get me wrong, reading Morning Glory is for your pleasure to read, just as it is my pleasure to write. Reading God's word is not only a pleasure but priceless. It holds the truth and nothing but the truth!
"NOW THE BEREANS were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." Acts 17:11 I would have fit right in with the Bereans for I am a believer in checking the Scriptures. I love KJV to read but when I am studying, I prefer the early editions of Harper's Study Bible RSV. Everyone has their favorites and I pray they are using them not just owning them. Gathering dust is not what God intended them for!
I REALIZE I am not the preacher but I want to know; I want to be sure of what I know; I want to be ready, just in case, don't you? Right now I have four translations surrounding me and a program on my computer that has what I have and many more. I want my feet firmly planted toe to toe with God's adversaries. I want to be armed for hand to hand combat, my only weapon, God's Word! I want to have a cheerful face to face encounter with those who are seeking Jesus Christ, because I know that I could be the only Jesus they may ever meet.
SOME TIMES we are afraid to take a stand and become all that God asks us to be but as the Scriptures says; "O love the Lord, all you His godly ones! The Lord preserves the faithful and fully recompenses the proud doer. Be strong and let your heart take courage; all you who hope in the Lord." Psalms 31:23-24 Throughout the Scriptures God is saying the battle is His we only have to learn to act upon His Word! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/12/10
Saturday, July 17, 2010
HAND IN HAND! 7/17/10
REMEMBER WHEN you were a kid and you and your best friend would walk hand in hand? Many times you would walk with your arm aorund each others shoulders. Of course that was a hard one for me because I was always way shorter than any of my friends. As you grew older you would touch but didn't hold hands until you fell in love. Then you would walk with your new found love hand in hand.
I HAD A FRIEND in the fourth grade and by the fifth grade she had a boy friend. They would walk hand in hand. I can still see her as they walked around the playground. She seemed to always have a boy friend! I sang at her wedding shortly after highschool!
JIM HAS ALWAYS held my hand. It is an automatic movement of our arms that as we start to walk, our arms lift our hands towards each other. We connect simultaneously as though choreographed. He probably wants to hold my hand so I won't get lost but I want to hold his hand because it makes me feel so safe. I love the feel of his hand in mind!
HANDS ARE SPEAKERS OF OUR SOULS! They tell a lot about who we really are! They shout gentleness; firmness; quietness and even helpfulness. A man's handshake shows their physical strength and indicates their possible prowess. The looks of a woman's hands and the smoothness of their touch bespeaks their softness and their possible life of hardships.
A DOCTOR SOMETIMES looks at our hands because they can also help them to diagnose a condition. God looks at the works of our hands more than He see's their condition. Whether it is the Doctor or God we know that our hands are far reaching. I have a picture in my mind that shows the hands of God reaching out towards the world. I have this picture of Jesus walking hand in hand with me and my children. Do you see these mental pictures?
DO YOU KNOW what it means to become some ones right hand? Jim and I became each other's right hand when we married. I never realized that I was his right hand until I looked in God's word where a wife was to be a help mate. Do you ever see yourself as being some ones right hand? In the politcal arena the Vice President is basically the President's right hand. In business the Vice President or Principal is the President's or Principal's right hand. If you are the CEO, the board declares you as their right hand. A secretary is a right hand!
REMEMBER what happened when it was time for Jesus to ascend into heaven? Remember the disciples standing around Him; "So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God." Mark 16:19 Remember when the church began and our hero Steven was standing firm calling the movers and shakers of that day; "You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit, just as your fathers did!" Acts 7:51
ONE OF THE SADIST DAYS in church history and yet one of my favorite stories is when they took Steven out and stoned him. "But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; and he said, Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God!" Acts 7:55-56 WOW! An eye witness that proves to me that Jesus is where the scriptures say He is; at the right hand of God!
WHERE ARE YOU? Are you walking hand in hand with your spouse and your family? Are you standing firm as a witness to the Jesus who is standing at the right hand of God? Are you walking and talking with the one who has saved you and are you sharing the good news with those you love? as the Psalmist says; "Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the works of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands." Psalms 90:17 Let's become the movers and shakers according to God's word. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/12/10
I HAD A FRIEND in the fourth grade and by the fifth grade she had a boy friend. They would walk hand in hand. I can still see her as they walked around the playground. She seemed to always have a boy friend! I sang at her wedding shortly after highschool!
JIM HAS ALWAYS held my hand. It is an automatic movement of our arms that as we start to walk, our arms lift our hands towards each other. We connect simultaneously as though choreographed. He probably wants to hold my hand so I won't get lost but I want to hold his hand because it makes me feel so safe. I love the feel of his hand in mind!
HANDS ARE SPEAKERS OF OUR SOULS! They tell a lot about who we really are! They shout gentleness; firmness; quietness and even helpfulness. A man's handshake shows their physical strength and indicates their possible prowess. The looks of a woman's hands and the smoothness of their touch bespeaks their softness and their possible life of hardships.
A DOCTOR SOMETIMES looks at our hands because they can also help them to diagnose a condition. God looks at the works of our hands more than He see's their condition. Whether it is the Doctor or God we know that our hands are far reaching. I have a picture in my mind that shows the hands of God reaching out towards the world. I have this picture of Jesus walking hand in hand with me and my children. Do you see these mental pictures?
DO YOU KNOW what it means to become some ones right hand? Jim and I became each other's right hand when we married. I never realized that I was his right hand until I looked in God's word where a wife was to be a help mate. Do you ever see yourself as being some ones right hand? In the politcal arena the Vice President is basically the President's right hand. In business the Vice President or Principal is the President's or Principal's right hand. If you are the CEO, the board declares you as their right hand. A secretary is a right hand!
REMEMBER what happened when it was time for Jesus to ascend into heaven? Remember the disciples standing around Him; "So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God." Mark 16:19 Remember when the church began and our hero Steven was standing firm calling the movers and shakers of that day; "You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit, just as your fathers did!" Acts 7:51
ONE OF THE SADIST DAYS in church history and yet one of my favorite stories is when they took Steven out and stoned him. "But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; and he said, Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God!" Acts 7:55-56 WOW! An eye witness that proves to me that Jesus is where the scriptures say He is; at the right hand of God!
WHERE ARE YOU? Are you walking hand in hand with your spouse and your family? Are you standing firm as a witness to the Jesus who is standing at the right hand of God? Are you walking and talking with the one who has saved you and are you sharing the good news with those you love? as the Psalmist says; "Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the works of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands." Psalms 90:17 Let's become the movers and shakers according to God's word. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/12/10
Sunday, July 11, 2010
RECENTLY Jim went to replace two light bulbs in the ceiling light fixture in our office. We had been operating on one bulb for a while and then the one in the hall went out so obviously it was time to get some light bulbs. He climbed upon a stool and I looked up to watch as he began to unscrew the light fixture. I noticed it had a lot of little black things in it. I thought to myself; "I need to look up more often!"
AS HE LOOKED INSIDE OF THE FIXTURE, Jim said; "If I didn't know better I would say a mouse has been there!" He handed the fixture to me and sure enough; a scattering of mouse tracks filled the base of the fixture, along with some smatterings of chalky stuff from the ceiling. I took it out to the kitchen and poured them onto a paper towel, washed the fixture and handed it back to Jim. I asked; "How could a mouse get into that light fixture and why would bits and pieces of the ceiling plaster fall into the fixture unless something had been up there. He said; "Maybe the mouse pottied on the floor of the attic and it dropped through the socket into the fixture."
I DIDN'T LIKE THE SOUNDS OF THAT! I didn't like the idea of a mouse on my ceiling which would indicate it climbed the wall which means it must have crawled there from the floor which also indicates they could be around my feet. My sister Jeri reminded me that we just had a new roof put on. "These are probably old tracks and they fell through the light socket, landing on the fixture." That was much easier to swallow than perhaps a live mouse running around in the attic. Jim agreed that was probably how the tracks got there. I'm relieved, but not enough!
"BUT THE WICKED PERISH; the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures, they vanish, like smoke they vanish away. The wicked borrows and cannot pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives; for those blessed by the Lord shall possess the land, but those cursed by Him shall be cut off." Psalms 37:20-22 God's word says it very well; that is exactly how I feel about mice! Don't you? Don't you consider them a wicked vermin?
WHEN GOD CONSIGNS judgement upon the wicked; "Those who santify and purify themselves to go in the center, who eat swine's flesh and other detestable things and mice, shall come to an end together, says the Lord." Isaiah 66:17 You see God likens the judgement upon the wicked to eating mice; they all come to the same end together. So I don't think I am wrong to classify mice right along with snakes. I realize they are part of the ecogystem but in my book they are also filthy; an abomination.
BEFORE WE HAD CHILDREN we had our Beagle, Frosty. Whatever she did we thought it was cute. Before Jim bought our first dryer, I hung our laundry on the clothes line that came with the house. Whenever I had a basket of clothes to hang up Frosty was right there playing around my feet. This particular afternoon she was more animated than usual. She was jumping in circles in the air; she would roll over and sit up and beg by pawing the air. Several times I had to tell her to stop because she was distracting me and I had work to do.
WHEN I FINISHED I picked up the clothes basket and headed for the back door to the garage and she prompty followed but she was faster than I. She ran into the garage and came flying back and dropped a teeny tiny mouse at my feet and sat up and pawed the air. I jumped and ran back to the clothes line and discovered several other teeny tiny mice. No wonder she was so playful around the clothes line. She was wanting me to see her find and probably wanted me to play with her as she played with them. No such luck!
I TOOK FROSTY INTO THE HOUSE; hoping that the birds would come and find these tasty treats. When I checked later, they were gone. Yes God's creation is beautiful and all that breath are part of the ecosystem. However, my home is not their home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/5/10
AS HE LOOKED INSIDE OF THE FIXTURE, Jim said; "If I didn't know better I would say a mouse has been there!" He handed the fixture to me and sure enough; a scattering of mouse tracks filled the base of the fixture, along with some smatterings of chalky stuff from the ceiling. I took it out to the kitchen and poured them onto a paper towel, washed the fixture and handed it back to Jim. I asked; "How could a mouse get into that light fixture and why would bits and pieces of the ceiling plaster fall into the fixture unless something had been up there. He said; "Maybe the mouse pottied on the floor of the attic and it dropped through the socket into the fixture."
I DIDN'T LIKE THE SOUNDS OF THAT! I didn't like the idea of a mouse on my ceiling which would indicate it climbed the wall which means it must have crawled there from the floor which also indicates they could be around my feet. My sister Jeri reminded me that we just had a new roof put on. "These are probably old tracks and they fell through the light socket, landing on the fixture." That was much easier to swallow than perhaps a live mouse running around in the attic. Jim agreed that was probably how the tracks got there. I'm relieved, but not enough!
"BUT THE WICKED PERISH; the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures, they vanish, like smoke they vanish away. The wicked borrows and cannot pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives; for those blessed by the Lord shall possess the land, but those cursed by Him shall be cut off." Psalms 37:20-22 God's word says it very well; that is exactly how I feel about mice! Don't you? Don't you consider them a wicked vermin?
WHEN GOD CONSIGNS judgement upon the wicked; "Those who santify and purify themselves to go in the center, who eat swine's flesh and other detestable things and mice, shall come to an end together, says the Lord." Isaiah 66:17 You see God likens the judgement upon the wicked to eating mice; they all come to the same end together. So I don't think I am wrong to classify mice right along with snakes. I realize they are part of the ecogystem but in my book they are also filthy; an abomination.
BEFORE WE HAD CHILDREN we had our Beagle, Frosty. Whatever she did we thought it was cute. Before Jim bought our first dryer, I hung our laundry on the clothes line that came with the house. Whenever I had a basket of clothes to hang up Frosty was right there playing around my feet. This particular afternoon she was more animated than usual. She was jumping in circles in the air; she would roll over and sit up and beg by pawing the air. Several times I had to tell her to stop because she was distracting me and I had work to do.
WHEN I FINISHED I picked up the clothes basket and headed for the back door to the garage and she prompty followed but she was faster than I. She ran into the garage and came flying back and dropped a teeny tiny mouse at my feet and sat up and pawed the air. I jumped and ran back to the clothes line and discovered several other teeny tiny mice. No wonder she was so playful around the clothes line. She was wanting me to see her find and probably wanted me to play with her as she played with them. No such luck!
I TOOK FROSTY INTO THE HOUSE; hoping that the birds would come and find these tasty treats. When I checked later, they were gone. Yes God's creation is beautiful and all that breath are part of the ecosystem. However, my home is not their home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/5/10
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I WATCH a lot of house hunters on HGTV. I am a 'lookie leu' at heart! I can watch the same ones over and over again. I look at the curb appearl; the bathrooms; the master bedroom; especially the kitchen. I'm not into stainless steel but I do like the island and the eat in kitchen area. Most people looking for a new or new to them home, want a guest room. I discovered that not always do they want a guest room for guest, but for an office; workout room or an extra room for the babies to play in.
GROWING UP IN A LARGE FAMILY we didn't have a guest room. Every bedroom or extra room was filled with beds, a small closet and a dresser, if we were lucky. We never had a guest room! I once had a friend stay over and she slept in the same bed with my sister and me, in the garage. As I look back on that, all I can say is; bless her heart for staying!
AFTER I MARRIED, I never really thought of a guest room until Danny married. Jim made Danny's old room part of the living room during a remodel project which included a master bedroom with bath and a small walk in closet. The extra bedroom became the guest room for when Dan and Faye came to visit. When the grandkids came along we bought a hide-a-bed!
LAST SUMMER my brother Lynn and his wife Kathleen were coming to visit along with some close friends, Kathy and Leon. We decided to combine Jim's paint studio with the office and create a guest room. What fun! We painted, shampooed the carpet bought an antique bed; an old chair and a bedside stand with drawers. our colors were a little strained because the bed frame is a deep walnut stain; the chair is black fabric top to bottom; I think it belonged to a diningroom set. The bedside stand is blue. The walls and the bedcover with shams are two different shades of green. The valance is a different color of green with white sheers. The wall frames are painted white. The room is very small so if I was to describe it in a few words it would be; "green walls with bed!"
I SAY A GUEST ROOM IS A GUEST ROOM IS A GUEST ROOM! At least if Jesus just dropped in I would have a room all ready for Him! That makes me happy! That makes me feel set a part! Have you ever wondered if Jesus came to visit where would He sleep; where would He set at the table; what you would talk about and how you would act? I always imagine scenario's in my mind. For instance; Jesus would come to the door and after the initial surprise full of exclamations, I would usher Him quickly into the living room. I would be yelling for Jim and at the same time telling Jesus I was so happy He came over. He would be my favorite visitor!
IN MY IMAGINATION my house is already for company and yet,I am just so happy to have Jesus there, I really don't care. I offer Him a glass of peach tea; I know He will love it because it is Jim's favorite. Jesus is just standing there looking around as Jim walks into the room. A man of few words, Jim is speechless! Together we set with Jesus in our living room and I am so excited I ask Him; "How long can you stay; Jesus? "I make killer scones, please stay for breakfast!" "I will make the guest room ready for you!" I leave to turn down the bed!
"NOW AS THEY WENT ON THEIR WAY, He entered a village and a woman named Martha received Him into her house. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to His teaching." Luke 10:38-39 Jesus visited Martha's home so often, I bet she had a room just for Him. "Six days before the Passover, jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was , whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; Martha served and Lazarus was one of those at the table with Him. Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and whiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." John 12:1-3 "WOW!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/5/10
GROWING UP IN A LARGE FAMILY we didn't have a guest room. Every bedroom or extra room was filled with beds, a small closet and a dresser, if we were lucky. We never had a guest room! I once had a friend stay over and she slept in the same bed with my sister and me, in the garage. As I look back on that, all I can say is; bless her heart for staying!
AFTER I MARRIED, I never really thought of a guest room until Danny married. Jim made Danny's old room part of the living room during a remodel project which included a master bedroom with bath and a small walk in closet. The extra bedroom became the guest room for when Dan and Faye came to visit. When the grandkids came along we bought a hide-a-bed!
LAST SUMMER my brother Lynn and his wife Kathleen were coming to visit along with some close friends, Kathy and Leon. We decided to combine Jim's paint studio with the office and create a guest room. What fun! We painted, shampooed the carpet bought an antique bed; an old chair and a bedside stand with drawers. our colors were a little strained because the bed frame is a deep walnut stain; the chair is black fabric top to bottom; I think it belonged to a diningroom set. The bedside stand is blue. The walls and the bedcover with shams are two different shades of green. The valance is a different color of green with white sheers. The wall frames are painted white. The room is very small so if I was to describe it in a few words it would be; "green walls with bed!"
I SAY A GUEST ROOM IS A GUEST ROOM IS A GUEST ROOM! At least if Jesus just dropped in I would have a room all ready for Him! That makes me happy! That makes me feel set a part! Have you ever wondered if Jesus came to visit where would He sleep; where would He set at the table; what you would talk about and how you would act? I always imagine scenario's in my mind. For instance; Jesus would come to the door and after the initial surprise full of exclamations, I would usher Him quickly into the living room. I would be yelling for Jim and at the same time telling Jesus I was so happy He came over. He would be my favorite visitor!
IN MY IMAGINATION my house is already for company and yet,I am just so happy to have Jesus there, I really don't care. I offer Him a glass of peach tea; I know He will love it because it is Jim's favorite. Jesus is just standing there looking around as Jim walks into the room. A man of few words, Jim is speechless! Together we set with Jesus in our living room and I am so excited I ask Him; "How long can you stay; Jesus? "I make killer scones, please stay for breakfast!" "I will make the guest room ready for you!" I leave to turn down the bed!
"NOW AS THEY WENT ON THEIR WAY, He entered a village and a woman named Martha received Him into her house. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to His teaching." Luke 10:38-39 Jesus visited Martha's home so often, I bet she had a room just for Him. "Six days before the Passover, jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was , whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; Martha served and Lazarus was one of those at the table with Him. Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and whiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." John 12:1-3 "WOW!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/5/10
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Today is one of our countries biggest celebration days. It has been going on since 1776 or there about; our day of independence as a nation! Our day of freedom from oppression placed upon us by other countries. Our day of breaking away from the old laws we were under and eventually placed under the newly written Constitution which allows us freedoms under the Amendments to the Constitution called the "Bill of Rights!" What about the Preamble to the Constitution?
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
That first celebration, many hundreds of years ago, must have been full of pride; expectations and a complete feeling of accomplishment. Many had died to secure this day and many lived their lives maimed in body and felt the pride of spirit of being a part of what took place. Many were so thankful for those who stood tall on the front lines to make that day a reality. We still celebrate! We still call to remembrance those who came before us!
Somehow, today seems to be a little flat. The air of then has slowly seeped out of the small holes that have been punctured through generations of watering down what the Constitution stands for. If we were to point fingers, the blame game would touch us all. We are all responsible for our condition. We are all held accountable!
Getting on our knees and seeking God's face is the only solution out of our mess today. Getting on board with God will give us reason to celebrate with all our being. Perhaps, if the scriptures were to have an introduction as the preamble to the Constitution it would read like this; "But because of false brethren secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into bondage again; to them we did not yield submission even for a moment, that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you." Galatians 2:4-5 "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you bite and devour one another take heed that you are not consumed by one another." Galatians 5:13-15
As followers of God we live by a separate code than the world does. We forget that our freedoms are in Christ and not necessarily given to us by our government. However, the Constitution of the United States is there to protect our worldly freedoms; and should be remembered for those reasons. God is the giver of our passport into eternity and not necessarily easy access throughout our country. However, we do want it all, don't we?
"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17a Freedom in Christ is being free from going with the crowd; peer pressures; you can say no; wear no masks and you can deal honestly and forthrightly with your neighbor. The freedom we have in Christ is not to be used to walk; trample or degrade others. Being honest is not hurting others with your idea of being truthful. Being honest is learning to love one another with Godly love.
Thank you for calling us to freedom, Jesus! Freedom from sin, fear and death paves the way for us to be transformed. Use us Lord; let us be willing servants in your kingdom, free from the oppressor who wants our allegiance. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/29/10
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
That first celebration, many hundreds of years ago, must have been full of pride; expectations and a complete feeling of accomplishment. Many had died to secure this day and many lived their lives maimed in body and felt the pride of spirit of being a part of what took place. Many were so thankful for those who stood tall on the front lines to make that day a reality. We still celebrate! We still call to remembrance those who came before us!
Somehow, today seems to be a little flat. The air of then has slowly seeped out of the small holes that have been punctured through generations of watering down what the Constitution stands for. If we were to point fingers, the blame game would touch us all. We are all responsible for our condition. We are all held accountable!
Getting on our knees and seeking God's face is the only solution out of our mess today. Getting on board with God will give us reason to celebrate with all our being. Perhaps, if the scriptures were to have an introduction as the preamble to the Constitution it would read like this; "But because of false brethren secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into bondage again; to them we did not yield submission even for a moment, that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you." Galatians 2:4-5 "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 "For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you bite and devour one another take heed that you are not consumed by one another." Galatians 5:13-15
As followers of God we live by a separate code than the world does. We forget that our freedoms are in Christ and not necessarily given to us by our government. However, the Constitution of the United States is there to protect our worldly freedoms; and should be remembered for those reasons. God is the giver of our passport into eternity and not necessarily easy access throughout our country. However, we do want it all, don't we?
"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17a Freedom in Christ is being free from going with the crowd; peer pressures; you can say no; wear no masks and you can deal honestly and forthrightly with your neighbor. The freedom we have in Christ is not to be used to walk; trample or degrade others. Being honest is not hurting others with your idea of being truthful. Being honest is learning to love one another with Godly love.
Thank you for calling us to freedom, Jesus! Freedom from sin, fear and death paves the way for us to be transformed. Use us Lord; let us be willing servants in your kingdom, free from the oppressor who wants our allegiance. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/29/10
Saturday, July 3, 2010
DO NOT TOUCH! 7/3/10
I believe it is a natural phenomenon that when we are instructed with DO NOT we want to immediately do it. Do not touch; do not step; do not walk; do not try; do not; do not; do not! Right away, our first inclination is to do the opposite of what the sign says.
I always hate it when my desires override my common sense button. Haven't you experienced looking right at the sign that says; "Do not touch" and you reach out merely to point it out to someone else? Haven't you experienced the guard standing at the door seeing you with your hand out stretched towards the rare painting of one of the masters; grabbing for his billy club ready to pounce on you while yelling at the top of his voice; "Do not touch the painting! Read the signs!"
I remember taking my two teenagers and a couple of their friends to Crater Lake. There are many signs that say "Do not go beyond the wall!" It is obvious as to why you are not to go beyond the wall. The gravel is sandy and can easily shift causing one to begin sliding down the hill towards the lake. To retrieve someone who has fallen to the bottom is a very difficult task and sometimes they are never recovered. One of the friends stepped over the wall. I yelled to him to get back where he was and then I told him why. I read in the paper several days later that a teenager visiting from the East Coast fell to his death, in just about the same spot our young man found himself.
Haven't you touched an object in an exclusive glass exhibition and found you had a guard on your tail throughout the display, which was quite noticeable to everyone except for you? You knew that you weren't going to break or destroy anything. You are an adult and are aware of the dangers. Don't tell me I am the only one that does that sort of thing! I know and you know that most signs of this nature are for our own good and protection. Sometimes it is just wanting no problems when these signs are posted.
Even in God's word we are instructed with things we are not to do or touch. God is explicit in what we are to do; in what we are not to do and the consequences of either path we take. In the Old Testament we are all familiar with what we call the Ten Commandments. The thou shalt nots are plainly spoken and easy to understand. The world finds it hard to comply with these instructions for happiness, perhaps it is because they are from God! Yes, happiness is the right word! When we don't do any of those things our lives are much happier. As Christians we conciously make an effort to keep in control the wanton desires of our natural bodies.
In the New Testament God gives us Two Commandments which refines the Ten. They give us license to do something. "And He said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great first commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:37-40
I find it ironic that I have no problem with keeping these two commandments. I didn't ever have a problem with the ten. But the signs I read, still give me pause and I want to reach out and touch. I pray that God who is continally working in me will give me another ounce of patience; understanding and a willingness to adhere to the signs.
"Oh be careful little hands what you do!" "Oh be careful little feet where you go!" "Oh be careful little eyes what you see!" "Oh be careful little ears what you hear!" "For the Father up above is looking down with love, Oh be careful little one what you do!"
Taking into account that we are the only Jesus that some will see, we need to be more circumspect in regard to reading the signs. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/28/10
I always hate it when my desires override my common sense button. Haven't you experienced looking right at the sign that says; "Do not touch" and you reach out merely to point it out to someone else? Haven't you experienced the guard standing at the door seeing you with your hand out stretched towards the rare painting of one of the masters; grabbing for his billy club ready to pounce on you while yelling at the top of his voice; "Do not touch the painting! Read the signs!"
I remember taking my two teenagers and a couple of their friends to Crater Lake. There are many signs that say "Do not go beyond the wall!" It is obvious as to why you are not to go beyond the wall. The gravel is sandy and can easily shift causing one to begin sliding down the hill towards the lake. To retrieve someone who has fallen to the bottom is a very difficult task and sometimes they are never recovered. One of the friends stepped over the wall. I yelled to him to get back where he was and then I told him why. I read in the paper several days later that a teenager visiting from the East Coast fell to his death, in just about the same spot our young man found himself.
Haven't you touched an object in an exclusive glass exhibition and found you had a guard on your tail throughout the display, which was quite noticeable to everyone except for you? You knew that you weren't going to break or destroy anything. You are an adult and are aware of the dangers. Don't tell me I am the only one that does that sort of thing! I know and you know that most signs of this nature are for our own good and protection. Sometimes it is just wanting no problems when these signs are posted.
Even in God's word we are instructed with things we are not to do or touch. God is explicit in what we are to do; in what we are not to do and the consequences of either path we take. In the Old Testament we are all familiar with what we call the Ten Commandments. The thou shalt nots are plainly spoken and easy to understand. The world finds it hard to comply with these instructions for happiness, perhaps it is because they are from God! Yes, happiness is the right word! When we don't do any of those things our lives are much happier. As Christians we conciously make an effort to keep in control the wanton desires of our natural bodies.
In the New Testament God gives us Two Commandments which refines the Ten. They give us license to do something. "And He said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great first commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:37-40
I find it ironic that I have no problem with keeping these two commandments. I didn't ever have a problem with the ten. But the signs I read, still give me pause and I want to reach out and touch. I pray that God who is continally working in me will give me another ounce of patience; understanding and a willingness to adhere to the signs.
"Oh be careful little hands what you do!" "Oh be careful little feet where you go!" "Oh be careful little eyes what you see!" "Oh be careful little ears what you hear!" "For the Father up above is looking down with love, Oh be careful little one what you do!"
Taking into account that we are the only Jesus that some will see, we need to be more circumspect in regard to reading the signs. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/28/10
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