I HAVE DISCOVERED through my many years that there are many kinds of intimate relationships. Yesterday afternoon Jim and I were sitting on the front porch; as always, enjoying just being together. Our attention was interrupted with the loud urgency in the chirping of a Blue Jay or Scrub Jays as they are called here. He was obviously anxious about something, while perched in our small young tree. Across the street we saw another bird of the same stature, yet smaller. Could this be a mating call?
AT ONE POINT they both were perched in our other small young tree. He was far more beautiful with his blue coat, than she was; but she was also beautiful in her own right, although her coloring was more of a gray blue. Together they flew away, oblivious of the onlookers! What a treat for us but how exciting for these two love birds.
HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED young love? Have you ever pondered the idea of an intimate relationship? Have you or are you enjoying an intimate relationship that fills your whole being with joy and happiness? When you and the one you have intimacy with are separated, do you feel free or do you feel a little bit at a loss?
I USE TO HAVE crushes on the boys. Most of the time I would not share that information with anyone. Now that I am old and happy with my own intimate relationship I can confess my crushes. I can talk about those moments of unfulfilled passions in the secret places of my heart. However, even in my dreams I never imagined the place I could be, in a intimate relationship.
WHO DO YOU know, that you can feel intimate with? Your husband or wife; your children and grandchildren; how about your close friends? Remember the story of Job? He remembers the days of his youth and his Autumn days; "when the intimate friendship of God was upon my house!" Job 29:4b Can you say that your relationship with God is or has ever been intimate?
GOD CREATED us to have a hunger for a relationship with Him. Without God's presence in our lives we are left searching and desperately seeking a purpose for our mere existence. With God we not only feel the love and intimacy of fellowship and friendship, but "when we take delight in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4
TO HAVE INTIMACY we need visual, verbal and a personal relationship. God wants us to know Him! He already knows us; He created our being and gave us life. Did you know that God knows all your secrets? Did you know that God has loved you from the beginning? Are you aware that His Son gave His earthly life up for you? Can you give your life to Him!
THE FIRST KEY to an intimate relationship with God is prayer. The second is to study His word so that you can know Him. The third is to recognize Him through His creation. "Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made." Romans 1:20
HAVING A PERSONAL intimate relationship with God is nothing short of a miracle. Paul tells us at the end of verse 20; "So they are without excuse!" My relationship with God is just as real and intimate as my relationship with Jim. Jim walks with me and holds my hand! God walks with me and holds my hand! My heart is in Jim's hand and he knows it! God holds Jim's and my heart in one of His hands, because we are one.
RELATIONSHIPS can be good or bad. When we seek God and allow Him to change us we are on holy ground. We are made perfect in Jesus Christ because we can do nothing on our own. "The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He makes known to them His will." Psalms 25:14 Oh how He loves you and me! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/17/10
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
THE SUMMER OF 1947! 9/18/10
I WAS 9 years old in the summer of 47. Short red hair with freckles; not very tall and I wore high top brown shoes. I remember boarding a train at the Union Pacific railroad in Iowa which was to take my family to California, the land of milk and honey; or perhaps a place with jobs, oranges and palm trees.
IN IOWA there are four seasons. School being out was summer; winter heralded in Christmas. Flowers, popping up everywhere meant it was spring and in the fall the rains came. In California the weather was pretty much the same year round but we knew when it was Christmas time because a large box would come in the mail. That box was loaded with presents for everyone. Once in a while we would receive a very large fruit basket. Harriet would write the nicest letters to Momma and also sent beautiful cards.
LISLE WAS THE ELDEST of the children and he married Harriet! They didn't move to California. They stayed in Iowa and raised their family! They still live in Iowa! And that is where Jim, Jennifer and I are headed this next week.
I KEEP DRAGGING my feet because I really don't like car trips. I wasn't always that way but I am now! 5 to 6 hours on the road is enough for me. A few nights in someone else's bed is enough for me. A 5 to 6 hours return trip home is enough for me! We will leave on the 21st and return home on October 2nd. Please pray for Jim and Jennifer that their adventure will be great in spite of me.
YOU MIGHT THINK I really don't want to go home. You might think that leaving at age 9 means I have no memory of home. You could be right! When some of the family moved to Oregon and Idaho, Lisle and Harriet would always visit wherever Mom was. During the time she lived in Oregon where we live, we got to see them. While Mom lived in California, you were lucky if you were also visiting when Lisle and Harriet were there.
LISLE CAME when Mom, Lonnie & Lloyd were ill. Lisle came to Daddy's Layton's Mom's and Lloyd's memorial services. Lisle was very attentive to his family even though he lives many miles away.
LISLE JUST CELEBRATED his 88th birthday! Harriet is not far behind at 86 and they have been married over 60 plus years. I am excited about seeing them once again. I am excited about visiting with my nephew Bob and Cindy; also my niece Robin and her family. Family is so important even when we are absent from one another!
JESUS THOUGHT family life was important. He developed a close relationship with His Apostles and visited frequently with Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus. He said to allow the children to come to Him and best of all, He calls us family. We are His brothers and sisters! We have the same Father and are striving to achieve that family resemblance.
THE SCRIPTURES talk of the man who gives freely of himself. Especially one within a family! "He who troubles his household will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise." Proverbs 11:29 Have you seen this happen within families? Do you understand the root problem?
SOMETIMES when we follow the path of the fool our judgements are hindered. Not sound or of good report. "He who is greedy for unjust gain makes trouble for his household, but he who hates bribes will live." Proverbs 15:27 We must walk circumspect becasue we are Christ's ones. We have a Father who cares for us! "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn awawy from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:7-8 As part of the family of God, we are always home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/17/10
IN IOWA there are four seasons. School being out was summer; winter heralded in Christmas. Flowers, popping up everywhere meant it was spring and in the fall the rains came. In California the weather was pretty much the same year round but we knew when it was Christmas time because a large box would come in the mail. That box was loaded with presents for everyone. Once in a while we would receive a very large fruit basket. Harriet would write the nicest letters to Momma and also sent beautiful cards.
LISLE WAS THE ELDEST of the children and he married Harriet! They didn't move to California. They stayed in Iowa and raised their family! They still live in Iowa! And that is where Jim, Jennifer and I are headed this next week.
I KEEP DRAGGING my feet because I really don't like car trips. I wasn't always that way but I am now! 5 to 6 hours on the road is enough for me. A few nights in someone else's bed is enough for me. A 5 to 6 hours return trip home is enough for me! We will leave on the 21st and return home on October 2nd. Please pray for Jim and Jennifer that their adventure will be great in spite of me.
YOU MIGHT THINK I really don't want to go home. You might think that leaving at age 9 means I have no memory of home. You could be right! When some of the family moved to Oregon and Idaho, Lisle and Harriet would always visit wherever Mom was. During the time she lived in Oregon where we live, we got to see them. While Mom lived in California, you were lucky if you were also visiting when Lisle and Harriet were there.
LISLE CAME when Mom, Lonnie & Lloyd were ill. Lisle came to Daddy's Layton's Mom's and Lloyd's memorial services. Lisle was very attentive to his family even though he lives many miles away.
LISLE JUST CELEBRATED his 88th birthday! Harriet is not far behind at 86 and they have been married over 60 plus years. I am excited about seeing them once again. I am excited about visiting with my nephew Bob and Cindy; also my niece Robin and her family. Family is so important even when we are absent from one another!
JESUS THOUGHT family life was important. He developed a close relationship with His Apostles and visited frequently with Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus. He said to allow the children to come to Him and best of all, He calls us family. We are His brothers and sisters! We have the same Father and are striving to achieve that family resemblance.
THE SCRIPTURES talk of the man who gives freely of himself. Especially one within a family! "He who troubles his household will inherit wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise." Proverbs 11:29 Have you seen this happen within families? Do you understand the root problem?
SOMETIMES when we follow the path of the fool our judgements are hindered. Not sound or of good report. "He who is greedy for unjust gain makes trouble for his household, but he who hates bribes will live." Proverbs 15:27 We must walk circumspect becasue we are Christ's ones. We have a Father who cares for us! "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn awawy from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:7-8 As part of the family of God, we are always home! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/17/10
Sunday, September 12, 2010
FOR MANY YEARS I have heard; "The children are the church of tomorrow!" I don't know when or why that was started but I have to agree it has a profound sound. However, children have always been the church of today! Without children within the church, no matter when, there would be no church of tomorrow. As far as I can remember I have been involved with the church of the day. I was 12 years old when the preacher asked me to be on the drapery committee. 12 years old! Drapery committee!
I AM NOT SURE I influenced the others on the committee, but they acknowledged me and I was pleased as punch to be a part of that decision. I learned to help plan and execute many functions with the youth group. I learned just about everything I know today, in Sunday School and in Junior Church. I attended the youth groups from the time I was old enough until I married and then I helped with the high school Christian Endeavor group in planning their youth banquets.
THE COLLEGE AND CAREER group were a little more adventurous because they would go to the large Los Angeles General Hospital, once a month, to help the Chaplain hold the Christian church service and serve communion. For as long as I can remember we attended the sings held at various churches, not to mention the once a month Sing held in Compton, California. Many churches would fellowship together at the 5th Sunday Rallies. Those were happening times!
WE HAD BASEBALL teams and basketball teams that would participate in the church league; some within the community and some with churches of like faith. Didn't matter whether it was soft ball, slow pitch or the hoops; it was a grand time for those who coached, played and the ones who came to cheer the teams on. You may think I am merely nostalgic for times past, and I suppose you could be right. After all, the church was a home away from home for all of us kids who were the church then and grew up to be the church now. The church doesn't stand still, it keeps moving. Those who are a part of it, start at the beginning and keep moving with it.
THROUGH THE YEARS, many of those young people that I knew as a teenager, still get together once a year. Their lives have taken them in different directions and they are part of the body in other towns. They still have that longing in their hearts to reunite with old friends and families; to get caught up with one another and to remember those who have already reached their final destination.
WE EXPERIENCED song leading classes; Bible drills; planning and leading in the youth meetings, along with Sunrise services on Easter Morning. We memorized scriptures and had lengthy biblical discussions. As a young woman, I became a chairman of the month as part of the women's ministry. My committee would prepare and clean up for the communion service. We planned the monthly fellowship and also planned a table for the annual birthday banquet.
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE has nothing on the life in a happening church. Today, I have heard people complain because the church is planning another pot luck or they need money to send some kids to camp. Today, we have allowed our worldly commitments over shadow the obligations we have established within the church. Have we forgotten our first love?
"PREACH THE WORD, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings. And will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths." 2 Timothy 4:2-4 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Joshua 24:15c Let's forget about ourselves and magnify the Lord, He is coming soon! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/9/10
I AM NOT SURE I influenced the others on the committee, but they acknowledged me and I was pleased as punch to be a part of that decision. I learned to help plan and execute many functions with the youth group. I learned just about everything I know today, in Sunday School and in Junior Church. I attended the youth groups from the time I was old enough until I married and then I helped with the high school Christian Endeavor group in planning their youth banquets.
THE COLLEGE AND CAREER group were a little more adventurous because they would go to the large Los Angeles General Hospital, once a month, to help the Chaplain hold the Christian church service and serve communion. For as long as I can remember we attended the sings held at various churches, not to mention the once a month Sing held in Compton, California. Many churches would fellowship together at the 5th Sunday Rallies. Those were happening times!
WE HAD BASEBALL teams and basketball teams that would participate in the church league; some within the community and some with churches of like faith. Didn't matter whether it was soft ball, slow pitch or the hoops; it was a grand time for those who coached, played and the ones who came to cheer the teams on. You may think I am merely nostalgic for times past, and I suppose you could be right. After all, the church was a home away from home for all of us kids who were the church then and grew up to be the church now. The church doesn't stand still, it keeps moving. Those who are a part of it, start at the beginning and keep moving with it.
THROUGH THE YEARS, many of those young people that I knew as a teenager, still get together once a year. Their lives have taken them in different directions and they are part of the body in other towns. They still have that longing in their hearts to reunite with old friends and families; to get caught up with one another and to remember those who have already reached their final destination.
WE EXPERIENCED song leading classes; Bible drills; planning and leading in the youth meetings, along with Sunrise services on Easter Morning. We memorized scriptures and had lengthy biblical discussions. As a young woman, I became a chairman of the month as part of the women's ministry. My committee would prepare and clean up for the communion service. We planned the monthly fellowship and also planned a table for the annual birthday banquet.
LIFE IN THE FAST LANE has nothing on the life in a happening church. Today, I have heard people complain because the church is planning another pot luck or they need money to send some kids to camp. Today, we have allowed our worldly commitments over shadow the obligations we have established within the church. Have we forgotten our first love?
"PREACH THE WORD, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings. And will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths." 2 Timothy 4:2-4 "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" Joshua 24:15c Let's forget about ourselves and magnify the Lord, He is coming soon! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/9/10
Saturday, September 11, 2010
LAST WEEKEND my Morning Glory honored the Lawndale Christian Church's 90th birthday. It is only fitting that today I talk about Lertis Ellett, a preacher; a pastor and a shepherd of the first order. "5/3/1906 = 9/11/78" As the five of us Knauss kids walked up the street we could see a man opening the front door of the church we were headed for. Janice was the oldest at 13 and Joyce was the youngest at 6. Layton, Lynn and I were in the middle. As we walked up the small incline at the front of the building, Mr. Ellett came quickly with his hands outstretched towards us.
HIS GREETING set the tone for our first adventure into Christianity. He introduced us kids at the SS opening exercises; again, at the beginning of the church service and then at the end, he invited us 5 little Knauss' to their scheduled Friday night pot luck. Can you believe that? Inviting 5 kids to attend a pot luck without their parents! Mom let us go, but she fed us at home first.
THIS PASTOR and this congregation loved us kids. They were openly loving, each one of us, to the point that the journey we began in 1947, is till moving in the lives of the whole family who followed for one reason or another. One of the things about Mr. Ellett was that he was organized and even created a card system of keeping track of his congregation. However, his desk left a lot to be desired. Anyone looking at it would shake their heads and all the while their hands were aching to straighten it up. No signs said it, but it was understood; 'hands off!'
MR. ELLETT would plan and arrange every year for a two week evangelistic meeting. One year we had the Evangelist, Reggie Thomas and a gospel Quartet called 'The Gospel Four' on the docket. Every year was outstanding but that year I fell in love with the idea of an Evangelistic centered program. I was lifted higher than I could ever remember. This was my very first mountaintop experience.
EVERY YEAR the youth put on a youth banquet that was centered around a missionary who would be visiting Lawndale. The youth banquets didn't start out that way, but Mr. Ellett's mind was mission oriented and couldn't help himself when he could combine a function to encompass more than one purpose. Our banquets were exceptional! Pearl Watkins could feed an army and she did it very well when it came to the youth banquet. My favorite was Swiss Steak! It was smothered in brown gravy which was also poured over mash potatoes. Did I mention the green beans, salads and dessert? Oh my!
MR. ELLETT'S dream was to become a professor or administrator of a Bible College. He worked for years on his doctorate but never fulfilled his dream or even became a Doctor. However, he Shepherded a congregation full of young people who later went on to have families who continued in the faith. Without realizing it Mr. Ellett was obedient to God's great commission when Jesus said; "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:19-20
That is the mission he achieved during his life time!
MR. ELLETT had a physical deformity! His left side dropped ever so slightly, but enough to be noticed. Some might have thought his suit jacket didn't fit him well. The problem was he carried his bible in a shoulder holster that he had made specially for his bible and he was never seen without it. Without ever saying it, his motto was; "Have Bible will travel!" His theme was; "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 God set me on a path that led directly to Lawndale Church and Mr. Ellett! Hallelujah! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/8/10
HIS GREETING set the tone for our first adventure into Christianity. He introduced us kids at the SS opening exercises; again, at the beginning of the church service and then at the end, he invited us 5 little Knauss' to their scheduled Friday night pot luck. Can you believe that? Inviting 5 kids to attend a pot luck without their parents! Mom let us go, but she fed us at home first.
THIS PASTOR and this congregation loved us kids. They were openly loving, each one of us, to the point that the journey we began in 1947, is till moving in the lives of the whole family who followed for one reason or another. One of the things about Mr. Ellett was that he was organized and even created a card system of keeping track of his congregation. However, his desk left a lot to be desired. Anyone looking at it would shake their heads and all the while their hands were aching to straighten it up. No signs said it, but it was understood; 'hands off!'
MR. ELLETT would plan and arrange every year for a two week evangelistic meeting. One year we had the Evangelist, Reggie Thomas and a gospel Quartet called 'The Gospel Four' on the docket. Every year was outstanding but that year I fell in love with the idea of an Evangelistic centered program. I was lifted higher than I could ever remember. This was my very first mountaintop experience.
EVERY YEAR the youth put on a youth banquet that was centered around a missionary who would be visiting Lawndale. The youth banquets didn't start out that way, but Mr. Ellett's mind was mission oriented and couldn't help himself when he could combine a function to encompass more than one purpose. Our banquets were exceptional! Pearl Watkins could feed an army and she did it very well when it came to the youth banquet. My favorite was Swiss Steak! It was smothered in brown gravy which was also poured over mash potatoes. Did I mention the green beans, salads and dessert? Oh my!
MR. ELLETT'S dream was to become a professor or administrator of a Bible College. He worked for years on his doctorate but never fulfilled his dream or even became a Doctor. However, he Shepherded a congregation full of young people who later went on to have families who continued in the faith. Without realizing it Mr. Ellett was obedient to God's great commission when Jesus said; "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:19-20
That is the mission he achieved during his life time!
MR. ELLETT had a physical deformity! His left side dropped ever so slightly, but enough to be noticed. Some might have thought his suit jacket didn't fit him well. The problem was he carried his bible in a shoulder holster that he had made specially for his bible and he was never seen without it. Without ever saying it, his motto was; "Have Bible will travel!" His theme was; "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 God set me on a path that led directly to Lawndale Church and Mr. Ellett! Hallelujah! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/8/10
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I MAY HAVE TALKED about this before, but recently,I looked it up on the internet and discovered the way I learned it, is a lot different than anyone else; and I like mine best. "30 days hath Septober, April, June and no wonder; all the rest have butterscotch, except for Grandma and she can't ride a bicycle no how!" The 1st version says; "30 days hath Septober, April, June and no wonder; all the rest have peanut butter, except for Grandma who has a red wagon!" What do you think?
WHEN I WAS 9 years old I became acquainted with the Sunday School Superintendent at Lawndale church. He was the one that rang the big school bell that was in the belfry. He would pull the long rope and the bell would call all the Sunday School classes to order. I always wanted to pull the rope but I wasn't tall enough. Each Sunday morning he would greet me with some quirky saying. One September Sunday morning he quoted the 30 days hath Septober. I loved it! I wanted it for my own! Every Sunday morning I would ask him to say it again and again, until I finally had it memorized. I will never forget Keith Hamilton!
MY FIRST SUNDAY in the 4th grade Sunday School class, they were memorizing Matthew 28:19-20. The kids kept encouraging me to get it memorized before the class ended cause I would get a prize. I remember trying to memorize that verse and believe it or not, I had it by the end of the class time. I said it and received a prize! I don't remember the prize but I still remember Matthew 28:19-20.
WHAT WAS THE FIRST scripture you ever memorized? What was your second? Memorizing scripture is important to our well being. I was told the story about a missionary to China who was arrested and put into prison. He was held captive for many years and when he was finally released he said; "The only thing that kept me alive and sane were the many scriptures I had learned by memory. Reciting those scriptures over and over kept my mind upon Jesus Christ and not on my condition of life."
"STUDY TO SHOW thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 This was the second scripture I learned as a child. It is the scripture that has grounded me in the Bible; God's Holy Word! During my life time I have learned many scriptures but I can't remember where they are found. Has that ever happened to you? It doesn't matter because most of those scriptures, I use when dealing with the Devil. He knows where they are found; I am just confident in using them, so I can send him packing.
AS AN EXERCISE, write down all the scriptures you have memorized. Out to the side of each scripture write down what the scripture means and how it has helped you in your walk with our Savior. Let's make it a practice to never forget the words that God speaks to us personally and the ones He wants us to use to reach others. I love God's Word and I love studying it!
"THE SAYING IS SURE; If we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him; if we endure, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself." 2 Timothy 2:11-13 "God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal; "The Lord knows those who are His, and Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity." 2 Timothy 2:19 We must remain faithful and knowing God's Word is one of those ways to stand firm. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/2/10
WHEN I WAS 9 years old I became acquainted with the Sunday School Superintendent at Lawndale church. He was the one that rang the big school bell that was in the belfry. He would pull the long rope and the bell would call all the Sunday School classes to order. I always wanted to pull the rope but I wasn't tall enough. Each Sunday morning he would greet me with some quirky saying. One September Sunday morning he quoted the 30 days hath Septober. I loved it! I wanted it for my own! Every Sunday morning I would ask him to say it again and again, until I finally had it memorized. I will never forget Keith Hamilton!
MY FIRST SUNDAY in the 4th grade Sunday School class, they were memorizing Matthew 28:19-20. The kids kept encouraging me to get it memorized before the class ended cause I would get a prize. I remember trying to memorize that verse and believe it or not, I had it by the end of the class time. I said it and received a prize! I don't remember the prize but I still remember Matthew 28:19-20.
WHAT WAS THE FIRST scripture you ever memorized? What was your second? Memorizing scripture is important to our well being. I was told the story about a missionary to China who was arrested and put into prison. He was held captive for many years and when he was finally released he said; "The only thing that kept me alive and sane were the many scriptures I had learned by memory. Reciting those scriptures over and over kept my mind upon Jesus Christ and not on my condition of life."
"STUDY TO SHOW thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 This was the second scripture I learned as a child. It is the scripture that has grounded me in the Bible; God's Holy Word! During my life time I have learned many scriptures but I can't remember where they are found. Has that ever happened to you? It doesn't matter because most of those scriptures, I use when dealing with the Devil. He knows where they are found; I am just confident in using them, so I can send him packing.
AS AN EXERCISE, write down all the scriptures you have memorized. Out to the side of each scripture write down what the scripture means and how it has helped you in your walk with our Savior. Let's make it a practice to never forget the words that God speaks to us personally and the ones He wants us to use to reach others. I love God's Word and I love studying it!
"THE SAYING IS SURE; If we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him; if we endure, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself." 2 Timothy 2:11-13 "God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal; "The Lord knows those who are His, and Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity." 2 Timothy 2:19 We must remain faithful and knowing God's Word is one of those ways to stand firm. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/2/10
Saturday, September 4, 2010
IT USED TO BE when someone turned 90, we considered that to be the one of last aged milestones. Fern is 90 and acts and thinks like she is 70 plus. I have met others who are in their late 90's and still counting. The average life span was considered 3 score and 10 or by reason of strenth 4 score. This means 70 or 80 years! I am 72 so I must be on the down swing. It's okay; I can finally say I am happy where I am.
LAST WEEKEND,the church of my youth celebrated 90 years of existence in Lawndale, California. The Mayor spoke and many old timers were recognized for their faithfulness along with many who came from all over to celebrate a reunion of beginnings, so many years ago.
I AM SO HAPPY that Pastor Eddie is interested in the history of this church. I remember walking down the halls and looking at baby pictures of the cradle roll when I was a girl. Many of those who were in those photo's I still consider as my friends. My age group never made it in the picture gallery, only because we came into the church long after that period of picture taking.
RECOGNITION was given to Dorrie, who had attended there for 75 years. She was probably around 2 or 3 years old when she made the scene at Lawndale. And a grand entrance, towards the end of the service, was the honorary candle bearing birthday cake which was rolled down the isle. What can be better than that! It was one of those "feel good" moments within a church families life time.
I UNDERSTAND the walls on Sunday were filled with many old pictures and memorabilia that told the story of this glorious church, that in Christ, was without spot or wrinkle. We know that the church is subject to Jesus Christ and because of that we are to be subject to one another. "That He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27
DON'T GET ME WRONG; I am not saying that this body was without its problems! However, 90 years is a good long time for a continuous run; don't you think? The church is commanded to keep itself above reproach. "I charge you to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Timothy 6:14 Paul is instructing Timothy to keep the Word of God unstained. Timothy was a preacher, many have preached at Lawndale and it is still going strong. Hallelujah! We continue to pray for Pastor Eddie!
I UNDERSTAND the sermon was based on "I am the vine and ye are the branches!" In the book of John, Jesus calls His Father the vine dresser and He is the vine. We are His branches! Many have labored in the vineyard at Lawndale Christian Church during the past; some are laboring even now and those in the future are still to come. The invitation was given to all who would belong to the root and become branches fulfilling the legacy that Jesus established upon the cross.
THOSE OF US who could not attend were surely there in spirit; I know I was! I was thrilled to hear the excitement in my sister Jean's voice as she related to me the happenings on Sunday. I was pleased as my friend, Iona Kay filled in with some of the details and between the two of them I felt like I was there. I imagined the cake and the candles along with the oohs and aahs. I can imagine the tears of those visiting with one another after such a long absence, one from another.
THE DOORS CLOSED on a church we had attended for many years, because church doors close throughout Christendom for one reason or another; we know these things happen! To hear of a church building and it's location, with the doors still open for 90 years and counting, can only warm our hearts and bring pleasure to our Lord. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/1/10
LAST WEEKEND,the church of my youth celebrated 90 years of existence in Lawndale, California. The Mayor spoke and many old timers were recognized for their faithfulness along with many who came from all over to celebrate a reunion of beginnings, so many years ago.
I AM SO HAPPY that Pastor Eddie is interested in the history of this church. I remember walking down the halls and looking at baby pictures of the cradle roll when I was a girl. Many of those who were in those photo's I still consider as my friends. My age group never made it in the picture gallery, only because we came into the church long after that period of picture taking.
RECOGNITION was given to Dorrie, who had attended there for 75 years. She was probably around 2 or 3 years old when she made the scene at Lawndale. And a grand entrance, towards the end of the service, was the honorary candle bearing birthday cake which was rolled down the isle. What can be better than that! It was one of those "feel good" moments within a church families life time.
I UNDERSTAND the walls on Sunday were filled with many old pictures and memorabilia that told the story of this glorious church, that in Christ, was without spot or wrinkle. We know that the church is subject to Jesus Christ and because of that we are to be subject to one another. "That He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27
DON'T GET ME WRONG; I am not saying that this body was without its problems! However, 90 years is a good long time for a continuous run; don't you think? The church is commanded to keep itself above reproach. "I charge you to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Timothy 6:14 Paul is instructing Timothy to keep the Word of God unstained. Timothy was a preacher, many have preached at Lawndale and it is still going strong. Hallelujah! We continue to pray for Pastor Eddie!
I UNDERSTAND the sermon was based on "I am the vine and ye are the branches!" In the book of John, Jesus calls His Father the vine dresser and He is the vine. We are His branches! Many have labored in the vineyard at Lawndale Christian Church during the past; some are laboring even now and those in the future are still to come. The invitation was given to all who would belong to the root and become branches fulfilling the legacy that Jesus established upon the cross.
THOSE OF US who could not attend were surely there in spirit; I know I was! I was thrilled to hear the excitement in my sister Jean's voice as she related to me the happenings on Sunday. I was pleased as my friend, Iona Kay filled in with some of the details and between the two of them I felt like I was there. I imagined the cake and the candles along with the oohs and aahs. I can imagine the tears of those visiting with one another after such a long absence, one from another.
THE DOORS CLOSED on a church we had attended for many years, because church doors close throughout Christendom for one reason or another; we know these things happen! To hear of a church building and it's location, with the doors still open for 90 years and counting, can only warm our hearts and bring pleasure to our Lord. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/1/10
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