Saturday, December 31, 2011


REMEMBER the big hit without instruments, but gave the listener a toe tapping calypso beat, and hit the music charts with a bang, and made Bob Marley a household name? It starts out with; “In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double don’t worry, be happy don’t worry be happy, now don’t worry be happy don’t worry be happy don’t worry be happy ain’t got no place to lay your head somebody came and took your bed, don’t worry, be happy.” The words of the song all run together, but make sense!

IT CONTINUES with “cos when you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down, so don’t worry, be happy. Listen to what I say in your life expect some trouble when you worry you make it double don’t worry be happy be happy now. Put a smile on your face, don’t worry, it will soon pass whatever it is, don’t worry, be happy, I’m not worried!”

I AM A WORRIER! I first feel the warmth on my neck and slowly it creeps up until my mind feels the heat and I become anxious. I am the fire starter and Jim is always ready to put the fire out. He says; “Deal with it!” What he means is get in touch with God! However, before I can get in touch with God, I must deal with Satan. I have to yell, stomp my feet and declare my allegiance to God and then I can calm down and stand in the presence of God with clean hands!

I HAVE a tendency of putting off today what I can do tomorrow. I know many of you have been there and done that. When tomorrow comes, I wish I had already done that, but now I am faced with doing it today, that which I could have done yesterday. Knowing if I had done it yesterday, I wouldn’t have to do it today! Do you live in a bubble circle? When I don’t plan, that is where I am.

READING THROUGH THE BIBLE is usually a Christians New Years Resolution. Reading so many chapters a day is not a bad thing. But this year do it without feeling an obligation, so you can check those chapters off. Approach it instead with eagerness, excitement and anticipation because you get to do it again! Reading God’s Word can change your life and continuing to read it, keeps changing your life. One day you will wake UP and be that person God has created you to be. Not sure when that day will come, but I know it is on it’s way.

HERE WE ARE at the door of a brand new year, 2012. Who would have thought twenty years ago, that this day would ever come? But it has! Interestingly enough, we still have bills to pay and food to buy. For some, we go to work and for some we wish we had work to go to. Today we can start our tomorrow by changing our mind set by doing today what we could have left for tomorrow. That way we don’t have to worry about tomorrow. God says; “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.” Matthew 6:34

“IN THE BEGINNING was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God!” John 1:1-2 Do you know just how profound this verse is? It is saying that God and the Word (Jesus) were together from the very beginning and that God became the Word (Jesus)!“ ”In Him (Jesus) was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it!” John 1:4-5 Do you know just how profound this verse is? It is saying that Jesus is the light and life of men. Jesus dispels the darkness that overshadows man. Jesus is the Word that we read. When we read it we have life and live in the light. Darkness has no power over us!

SOMETIMES we forget just what the scriptures are all about. The Word is the living and breathing soul of our Savior, Jesus Christ. When we read it and apply it to our own personal lives, we can’t help but be happy. So don’t worry, be happy now! Live every day as though it was your last and tomorrow will take care of it’s self.
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/29/11

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


TRADITIONS have taken over when it comes to Christmas mornings. Traditions are the handing down of beliefs and customs from one generation to another. In some households it can be anything handed down from the past and so strongly rooted as to be considered a law. Thanksgiving is mostly rooted with turkey and pumpkin pie. Christmas is rooted under the Christmas tree!

I HAVE nothing against traditions. As a matter of fact; I love keeping up with family traditions; it is something that can be counted on! When I was a girl, I knew we would have Christmas because my mother was Christmas oriented. No matter what the financial condition was, we had Christmas. My mother was a creative planner long before her time and besides that, she had lots of children before me and had a lot of experience. I learned years later that she was not all that creative.

BECAUSE of family traditions it is hard to get a handle on the real meaning of Christmas. Out of my 1965 Webster’s Dictionary, Christmas means “anniversary of the birth of Christ celebrated on December 25th.” However the word when broken into two words, Christ mass, means Savior of the masses. The one who came to save the world!

A NEW TRADITION was instituted by Jesus when He died on the cross, and rose again. No longer was a trip to the temple needed for sacrifices, nor to the Priest for purification. A yearly visit was done away with because now we could worship our Savior moment by moment, hour after hour, day in and day out. The bridge that was built by Jesus, gave us passage into the throne of our heavenly Father!

CELEBRATING birthdays has been a worldly tradition for most. Growing up in my family we didn’t have a party but always a cake. When I was invited to a birthday party, taking gifts was customary. I always wanted a birthday gift! Didn’t get many, but then cake was good! To celebrate Christ’s birth is almost as grand as God’s birth announcements. We cannot hold a candle to God’s way of giving honor and praise but we can try, can’t we!

BIRTHDAY GIFTS for Jesus was a tradition at a church we attended for many, many years. The first of December we decorated the sanctuary and invited the church to come for the “hanging of the green’s!” After the tree was decorated we invited all to bring gifts for Jesus and place them under the tree. During our Birthday party for Jesus all the children would come up on the stage and sit around the tree.

YOU GUESSED IT! With some supervision, the children took turns opening the gifts for Jesus. Much needed supplies were unwrapped. Office supplies, Sunday School supplies, kitchen supplies, and bathroom supplies; supplies and more supplies. At home, we put gifts under the tree for our loved ones whether they have been good or bad. “And going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, of gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11 Gifts are a tradition that we love to keep passing on!

“THESE THINGS I remember, as I pour out my soul; how I went with the throng and led them in procession to the house of God, with glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival.” Psalms 42:4 David is remembering His joy in the Lord! Christmas is a time for us to remember our joy in the Lord also. This Christmas let’s “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!” Psalms 100:4 Pray with thanksgiving in your heart and you will find the peace that passes all understanding. Merry Christmas! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/20/11

Saturday, December 17, 2011


TODAY is the week before Christmas and a thought occurred to me. Is your house quiet, is it full of activity, are the sugar plums dancing in your heads? Do the children help you with the shopping, especially this week when it all comes down to the wire? Or are you worrying about the cost!

IN REMEMBERING Christmas when I was a child, us kids never went shopping but we did look all over the house to see if there were toys, hidden somewhere, out of our reach. I remember my mother heading for her room shortly before we were all tucked into bed and you could hear the whirring of her sewing machine into the wee hours of the morning.

JIM and I never took our children shopping with us. We took them shopping when it was time for them to shop, and I believe that was at a very early age. Whatever they pointed at, was purchased as their gift for Jim or me. I still believe that children should be left at home during this season. Makes it much easier on the shoppers all around, and for the kids, it gives great expectations for Christmas morning. Something they could look forward to would be under the tree!

NOW baking and decorating is a different story. I always tried to encourage the kids to help me in the kitchen. I remember making santa jars and the kids filling them with hard Christmas candies. I invited an old man who’s name was Bob to have lunch with us. I had worked with him and always thought about him, because he reminded me of my Dad. This one Christmas I called him and the kids and I went to pick him up and brought him home. When it was time for us to take him back, the kids gave him the Christmas candy jar. He was very pleased! I cried when I said goodby, because I knew I would not see him again!

WE ALSO gave those candy jars to some of the men in Jim’s and my family. Uncle Bud, even when the candy was gone, sat the jar out and it became part of the decorations. When he passed away I took the jar as a memory of Uncle Bud.

CHRISTMAS is a time that is full of memories. We all have our patterns of celebrations. Many of us, instead of finding the joy, are filled with sadness. I can’t help but remember Christmas past, because mine were always filled with joy. So many of my brothers and sisters are celebrating in heaven in the presence of God. We are still celebrating here on earth in memory of the Christ child, who grew to be the man of sorrows. We need to celebrate in the now because the present is where we are living. We live today, with Christ within us because we have chosen Him as Savior!

WHAT IS IT about the present that makes our Christmas today so special? It is because we are still waiting and preparing for His return. We have placed our hope in that Christ child born over 2000 years ago, and who grew to be a man. The difference is that He is our Savior! Thirty three years after his birth He went and suffered on a cross of shame to take the sins of the world upon himself. No one could do that but God! “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!” John 3:16

THIS SCRIPTURE says; “should not perish.” Does that mean belief is just not enough! When God says “whosoever believes in Him, should not perish,” He is saying that Satan believes and is condemned. John the Baptist came making straight the path that leads to Jesus. He came to prepare us with repentance through baptism. Jesus came to give us forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, through baptism, which was established in the beginning of the church.

TWAS THE NIGHT before Christmas, and all through the house, let’s arise in anticipation, to celebrate the Christ. His love is everlasting and He brings us life! He softly says; “Come, you who are favored;” Hallelujah, what a Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/12/11

Saturday, December 10, 2011

APPLE OF ONE'S EYE! 12/11//11

THIS IS an age-old expression! One of my favorite things to do is search the meanings behind some of the things we say. The round pippin apple grew in Israel and for some reason reminded them of an eye. Sort of a vernacular comparison between the two objects; the apple and the eye. In the modern world we use this term to draw attention to anything extremely precious to us. We don’t look at the shape or color but just that they are, the apple of our eye!

WHEN I am shopping for apples my eyes are drawn to the bright shiny color of red. These look so beautiful in my fruit bowl. However, I love to eat the gala or fuji’s. When I am shopping, I can’t help but look at the cost. Today, apples are good, but pricey! But we buy them anyway!

DID YOU know that this phrase; “Apple of the Eye” is referenced in God’s Word? David writes in Psalms 17:8; “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Thy wings.” Of course he is saying; “God hide me and love me always!” God says in Proverbs 7:1-2 “My son, keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye.” Here God is saying; “Love my Word and live in my commandments!”

HAVE you ever thought of yourself as being the apple of God’s eye? Have you ever thought of yourself being the apple of anyone’s eye! I never really thought about myself being that precious to anyone, except for God. He sent His son and His son died for me so that I would be free. Still, the apple of His eye? Can I really be that?

HEZEKIAH 2:8, tells us that during the days of Hezekiah, God favored Zion, Israel; because of His love for Hezekiah. He laid out a decree that no one was to touch Israel, His chosen people, while Hezekiah was alive. God said; “do not touch the apple of my eye!” Of course, as the story goes, Israel fell out of favor with God later on, and then His greatest plan began to unfold.

“FOR GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 We find that God delivered His only begotten Son, who was and is the Savior of the world. Through Jesus and the magnificent twelve the Church was to be established. Now that God’s Kingdom is outfitted with the church as His chosen people, do you believe that we have become “the apple of His eye!"

“HUSBANDS, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:25-27 Jesus liken’s the church to a bride. Don’t you imagine that most husbands view their brides as “the apple of their eye?” I view Jim that way!

I REMEMBER watching Jim’s brother, when he was looking at his wife! His eyes sparkled with adoration. I would wish that Jim would look at me like that! The funny thing was, he did look at me like that, but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it. Girls are enamored with the idea of love. We read romance novel’s and poetry that depict torrid feelings of love. We are enchanted with fairy tales where everyone lives happily ever after. But we can’t imagine someone loving us!

I BELIEVE that realizing we are the apple in God’s eye should give us an entirely different picture of God’s love for His church. I believe that if we are His bride, then the church should be intimately involved with her husband, Jesus! I believe that we should be devoted and in love with whom we have believed in. I believe that God says a wife and husband here, can share their intimacy with God when they become one. If I can understand this, so can you! God’s Word is not difficult to understand, you just have to be opened to it’s splendor!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/6/11

Saturday, December 3, 2011

WHO AM I? 12/4/11

WHO are you? I know we have all asked that question of
ourselves and some know the answer. Probably the most asked question is; where am I headed; or where am I going? If you are anything like Jim, when he gets behind the wheel of the car, he starts heading for the church. I mean that literally! Jennifer and I always have to remind him when we get to the corner, so he will turn in the right direction. However, his response is always; “Well, we can go this way!”

I WAS watching a young preacher on TV who was preaching in Singapore. Very western oriented and spoke with halted English, but what caught my attention, he was talking about a scripture that I always had trouble understanding. I have had good instructors but this scripture just seemed to elude me. However, I get excited when I hear preaching on any scripture that I have had trouble with. But then I get excited just hearing God’s Word!

HE reminded me that Satan was a master when the old Law was in place. But Satan is no longer in charge of the mezzanine, and to the Christian he is hardly visible from the back of the balcony, because we are under the new covenant; established by Jesus Christ. Who are we? We are called Christians! We are baptized believers in the Son of God and according to Vines Dictionary of New Testaments words, His name Jesus Christ suggests His glory and His name Christ Jesus suggests His grace! His grace was shown on the cross!

IN 1 JOHN 4 we read about the source of love. John repeats often in his books that God is the source of love. God is not only love but He abides in love! In verse 17 John says; “In this, is love perfected with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgement, because as he is now, so are we in this world.” Because of Jesus’s love and our connecting to Him though water baptism, we are perfected in His love by being as He is, right now. That is while Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, in His most Holy state, we too are just like Him, right now, here on earth; right now! He was crucified on the cross, buried and raised whole. We were buried and raised into a new life; we are whole!

IN OTHER WORDS; while we are being told by the Doctor that we have a lump in our breast, we can say okay; because we also know that we are in His perfect Love, right now; at the same time! Therefore we are just the same as Jesus is RIGHT NOW and He is without a lump in His breast! The lump in our breast means nothing compared to our being the same as Jesus is now. This gives us a better picture of understanding that while we were sinners God could not look upon us, but through the Cross where Christ became as us, God can now see us because when He looks upon us, He see’s His Son; Jesus Christ, as He is now.

ANOTHER aspect of this verse says we have confidence for the day of judgment. That judgment is when man is judging us, not God. Man looks at us before our transformation and sees us, as they are! After Christ becomes our Savior, then we don’t have to worry about what man thinks! Walking in the footsteps of our Savior gives us the boldness and the confidence to become the person He has created us to be. He created us to be like His son, as He is right now!

A STORY GOES that a Sunday School teacher was walking down the street. At the same time a boy from her Sunday School class saw her and tugged at his mothers sleeve. “Look Mom, there is God; see her, she is across the street.” Following in the footsteps of Jesus is not easy. Jesus walked in unison with His father. Teaching God’s Word is not easy; because the teacher will be judged with that in mind. Knowing that we are to be like Christ as He is now, is not an easy thought, is it? But I am thankful that I have met the Master!

WHO AM I? I belong to Jesus; He has set me free! Where am I going? He prepared a place for me when He died on the cross; that place is heaven! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/18/11

Saturday, November 26, 2011

JUST A DASH! 11/27/11

JIM TELLS ME that his Mom never followed a recipe.
In order to get her biscuit recipe, you had to watched her make biscuits. It was a dash here, a pinch there and enough liquid to mix together. In order for me to make anything, I have to have a recipe or just make it up as I go and then make it up again. I have learned to write it down as I make it up, then it isn’t as hard to make it again and get the same results as the first time around.

CHRISTIANITY is pretty much like following a recipe. The Word says we are to have salt in us, so we can savor the world. The Word says we are to have just enough light in us that shows the world God’s way. The Word says we are to just use a pinch of kindness, and the Holy Spirit in us, will do the rest. The Word says, don’t use gossip because it will grow and overflow and make a very bad mess.

WHEN we are forever faithful to God and His Word, we have an abundance of just the right amounts of salt in us and the light shines just bright enough. Our abundance is filled with the fruits of the spirit because the Spirit is within us. Being forever faithful keeps us on our toes so that we no longer have a container in our cupboards called ‘gossip!’

I AM REMINDED about gossip because even though I strive not to, I realize that on occasion, I gossip. Makes me totally ashamed of myself and I am so thankful for God’s patience with me, when I find myself on my knee’s begging His forgiveness. Have you been there? On your knee’s? Gossip is killer! It not only makes God’s recipe for us to spoil, but it can cause a canker sore between friends and families.

PBPWMGINFWMY! If I have hurt someone; if I have caused someone to gossip with me; I want to make amends by apologizing here and now. When I see you face to face, I probably will apologize again! The letters that appear to spell nothing is saying; “Please be patient with me, God is not finished with me yet!” God is not finished with you either! Together, we can make amends by striving to become the persons God has created us to be!

I LOVE the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi; “Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

JESUS says that when we pray, pray like this; “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Matthew 6:9-13 Both prayers asks God to forgive us as we forgive! I believe that forgiveness is the key to this prayer in the book of Matthew.

WHEN WE SEEK biblical truths and apply them to our lives we find that we receive blessings after blessings. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive yours; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive yours!” Matthew 6:14-15 Our goal of eternal life can only result from us putting to death our old sinful ways and putting on the identity of Christ.

MY PRAYER is to meet the needs of others by sharing God’s Word! We know that in giving, we receive! I know that I cannot earn eternal life, and I know I am not bold enough, but what God has given me, I can’t keep to myself. I am on my way to Glory and I want as many as possible to go with me! Will you accept His gift? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/10/11

Sunday, November 20, 2011

THANKSGIVING 2011! 11/20/11

I WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL during the 50's. A movie
came out called “Frankenstein 1970". I thought; “WOW” 1970; that hast to be a futuristic movie! Here we are in 2011 and the future is still before us. I am more and more convinced that knowing our past, prepares us for the future. Today I realize that historical revisionism was taking place even while I was in Highschool, but didn’t become a term until the last decade. “What is historical revisionism?” I thought you would never ask! It is changing our history to suit those who want to change the mind set of people.

WE HAVE BEEN reviewing “The Truth Project!” It is a series of 12 video’s created by Focus on the Family and taught by Del Tacket. If you haven’t seen this world view material, it is a must for all Christians. The 6th video is on history; biblical, world and American! If you haven’t been aware that many school books have been rewritten to eliminate all references to God, or factual documentation has been altered to create a different past to those being taught today, then you are being blind sided.

EVER SINCE 1859, when the book “The Origin of the Species” written by Darwin came out, our history has been degraded to theory , and slowly became integrated into our educational system When I was in school it was just beginning to show it’s ugly head but not able to change what we had already been taught. Today, many have chosen to be politically correct and have become tolerant and paid no mind, to how books have changed and newer methods have taken the place of reading, writing and arithmetic.

WITH THANKSGIVING upon the horizon, Mr. Tacket showed us once again how the Mayflower pact has been changed to eliminate any reference to God. It is being taught that it was not Godly men who basically moved their church to America to further the kingdom of God, but some foolish men with a cause that did not have anything to do with divine providence.

WHAT ARE WE thankful for on this third Thursday of the eleventh month, that we sit around a table to share our bounty? Is it for family and friends? Is it for our jobs and homes? Is it for the food that is set before us? What is it we should be thanking God for? Could it be home and family? The country we live in? The size of our garage for our many cars? What is it? Why did our first president in 1989 set aside a day for national thanksgiving? Why do we look forward to it every year with anticipation?

AS I WATCHED this video for the third time, I realized that our thanksgiving should be entirely focused on God the Father who gave us a place called America where we could, from our youth, know him and serve him without interference or persecution. Because of all the alterations that have come upon our learning institutions, those being taught today are leaning towards destruction. Not just of their minds but also their souls. I am serious when I say; “Wake Up America!” “Look at the changes that have been made within our own country since you were a child!” “What were you taught?” “What do you still believe?”

IN THE BOOK of John, Jesus talks about the good shepherd. In verse 1 and 2 He talks about those who do not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way. He calls them a thief and a robber! But the one who enters by the door is the shepherd! The sheep that follow the shepherd, knows his voice and follows him. “The thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Who are we to follow? The thief who enters secretly or the Shepherd who comes through the door and calls us by name! I believe it is the Shepherd we follow!

MY SUGGESTION to you is to get a very old set of Encyclopedias; history books; parliamentary procedures; Art of Language and English, Beginning Arithmetic and anything else that was written in the early 1800's and the early 1900's, to recapture our history as we were taught. Many bible translations are circumspect so I suggest you learn who the commentaries are written by, before you purchase. Early revisions are probably more sound than later ones. It depends who the writers were taught by!

OH, I am not talking totally doom and gloom! Our Savior came to seek and to save the lost. We, who claimed Him as our Savior are no longer lost. We may be persecuted today by the world wanting God out of public places, but they can never take Him out of our hearts and our lives! When Jesus said we would have life abundantly, He wasn’t kidding! My life is full; His love is everlasting; My joy is complete; His love is everlasting; My soul finds peace and content because His love is everlasting. Oh, if only the world could come to know His love! Let that be our prayer this thanksgiving! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/14/11

Sunday, November 13, 2011


MY BROTHER Lisle passed into Glory October 28th. He enter the gates of heaven, and I know you are asking; “How do you know that for sure?” I have learned to stand on the promises of God! We all are familiar with Proverbs 3:5 that says; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding.” I do not understand how it happens, nor do I understand when it happens but I do understand that I can trust in God’s word. To the thief on the cross, Jesus said; “today you will be with me in paradise.” Now I don’t how you explain that, but I see that thief, when he died on that cross, immediately in Paradise. With God as the judge, I can only trust in His Word!

LISLE’S DAUGHTER Robin, shared with some, that the last words Harriet had with Lisle were “wait for me at the Pearly gates! And when you see my Mom; tell her that you kept your promise to take care of me.” With my understanding of God’s words, Lisle and Harriet were in fellowship with the Savior. Lisle was prepared to enter into the same Paradise that the thief entered. Lisle knew where he was going and arrangements were made for Harriet to meet him there. WOW!

GRIEF is not a new thing to me. I imagine it is not a new thing for many of you! We grieve over lost jewelry; a pet, even gold fish. We grieve when we have lost weight to a certain extent; and we grieve a lot when we gain weight. Grief is common to man, but that is not to say, we get use to it. I have been grieving the loss of siblings since 1968. It never completely goes away, nor do we experience the same grief with each loss. One thing we can be assured of is; that in God, we are never alone!

LOVED ONES bring different elements into your life. A mother or father are different than brothers and sisters. Even Children bring to us what other’s cannot! Each loss is the worst, because with that loss, you lose something unique. With Lisle it was the fact that he was my eldest brother. He was the first; he was the beginning of our family of 14 children!

DID YOU KNOW, when Jesus was on the cross, he too knew where he was going. He was so sure of what he was doing that He let John take His place with regard to His mother. Did you know that He placed His mother in John’s care for the rest of her life? Both John and Mary had such trust in Jesus that this arrangement was concluded without question. It began at the cross; then they witnessed His resurrection from the grave by seeing Him in the upper room and walking among His people. They were one of the first to become a part of the new church and they remained together until Mary preceded John in death.

MANY PREACHERS ask the question; “When you leave this place this morning, do you know for sure, that if you should die today, you will go to heaven?” Then the preachers says; “Let’s bow your heads right now and pray this prayer and mean it with all your heart.” “Dear Lord, forgive me of my sins and save me now. I put my trust in you Jesus, and you only, as my Lord and my Savior, and I know You will take me to Heaven when I die. Amen!” The preacher concludes this portion of the service by saying; “For those of you who prayed this prayer and meant it, Jesus says you are saved!”

BE CAREFUL if you believe this is all there is to it! Be careful when you ignore what God’s Word says about believing, repenting,. confessing, being baptized, receiving forgiveness and receiving the Holy Spirit. You may fully believe that Christ can save you, but that is not enough. You must act on that faith by receiving Him as Lord and Savior through the process defined in God’s Word. Satan believes and shudders!

IN 1 CORINTHIANS 1:21 Paul says; “It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching, to save them that believe!” In Luke Jesus talks about hearing and responding to the message, that is heard. In Romans 10:17 Paul says; “Faith cometh by hearing the Word of God!” Do you accept the testimony of those who testify to having walked with the Master, and saw Him die and then live again? In Luke 13:3 Jesus said; “Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish!” Many suggest they are too wicked to repent. But recognizing your guilt is a giant step towards repentance. God included two more steps to salvation and they are confession and baptism. A public declaration of faith is important according to Romans 10:9-10, and in Act 2:38, we find that upon our baptism we receive forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit.

AS a baptized believer, all of the above steps must be continued throughout our lifetime, except for baptism, which is a one time event. I believe in what I read in God’s Word. I don’t read only what I believe. Daily I confess , “Jesus, is the Son of the Living God!” How about you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/2/11

Friday, November 4, 2011


RECENTLY I received an email that I forwarded to many of my family and friends. It was called Pink Heart! It had nothing to do with a cause or keeping a candle lit in remembrance. It was a reminder that we should live our lives without regrets. It has been said that God never promised us a rose garden, but I believe He did! We just have to watch out for the thorns, weeds and mildew.

FOR THE MOST PART, family and friends returned the email to me, to let me know they care about me also. As usual there were some things said that I didn’t completely agree with. It said; “So love the people who treat you right; forget about the ones who don’t.” That is not entirely a Godly trait. God says to love your neighbor as yourself! But on the whole, it had some good things to say.

MY NEPHEW Bob’s wife, Cindy, sent me a return email with a story that she said I could post in this morning’s Morning Glory. I love stories, I guess that is why I tell so many of them. Cindy writes; “A lot of these little sayings sound like something my sweet grandmother would say. She always said to be kind, speak kind words, and remember your prayers. She told me a story about her big garden, that she had when she was about 23 years old.. Knowing my Grandmother, I’m sure it was beautiful with all her veggies and flowers. Anyway, she had gone down the road to visit her friend Daisy. While visiting, she told Daisy about her tomatoes, so Daisy wanted to show Grandmother, her tomatoes!”

“AS GRANDMOTHER looked at Daisy’s tomatoes, she said; “those are the ugliest tomatoes I have ever seen!” I was shocked to hear that Grandmother would say something like that! Anyway, immediately, Grandmother saw the hurt in Daisy’s face and felt terrible! Grandmother has told that story over and over through the years. She apologized every day of her life to Daisy and it continued to bother her clear up to when she was dying. Even then it was on her mind because she said to me; “do you think Daisy has forgiven me?” Of course Daisy had forgiven Grandmother! They were best friends for over 75 years. I had never heard my Grandmother ever speak a mean word to anybody. So every time I get grumpy, I think of my Grandmother and the tomatoes.”

SO MANY TIMES we speak without thinking; and our tongue becomes sharp. Many times we forget that our expression is more impressive, than what we are wearing. Many times we forget that our thoughts can decide whether we are happy or not, because happiness is a state of mind! We should not carry a grudge, because it can weight us down. You can’t reclaim wasted time, any more than you can restart an old dead battery. Remember that your word can be given and also kept! You may pursue happiness but it is senseless if you do not have Jesus.

“BE KIND to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you!” Ephesians 4:32 It is not as difficult as you may think, to be kind to one another. We are tenderhearted to babies and the elderly, and we can be loving towards each other! “Put on then, as God’s children, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness and patience. Be forbearing and forgiving. And above all these, put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful!” Colossians 3:12-15

TO QUOTE Pink Heart; “Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” Many are knee deep in the muck and mire of this world, so if a tomato can help spread the Gospel then you can too! Let them see Christ in you! Let them know your Savior, by sharing God’s love and peace! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/27/11

Sunday, October 30, 2011


THIS MORNING I would like to stay on the same theme of Pastor’s Appreciation Week, because I want to talk about a few men who were Pastor’s that made a difference in my life. I also want to talk about a couple of men who were not exactly Pastor’s, but served in these capacities because of their knowledge, ability and their love for the Lord.

WAYNE OSBORN was a man of character. You wouldn’t see him in a crowd, because he was small in stature; you wouldn’t have paid any of attention to him because of his voice, but you couldn’t help but feel his love for you and his dedication to the Lord. He had a run down old car, but would travel miles to wherever he was needed. He was filling in at one of the churches I attended, even though his health was not good, and during that time, some of churches who knew about his car, went together and bought him a better one. It was a sad day for me when He passed into glory; but oh what an afternoon he had!

I KNEW A MAN name Murray Postles! He was a tall New Zealander, with a strong accent. He was a Pastor friend of the Pastor of my youth, Mr. Ellett. Along with a few other preachers, they were traveling together in an airplane, that was in big trouble, They all had to wear parachutes. As they sat huddled together on the floor of the big plane, they prayed. The way we remember the story; they did have to parachute out of the plane and on the way down, Murray yelled; “Tally ho the fox!” Mr. Ellett kept his parachute and they both used it to talk about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Years later we met up with Murray and his wife. She told me he was still preaching, even though he was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. I believe he was near 80 at the time! You had to be there!

ANOTHER memorable Pastor friend was Keith Sorensen. When you talked with him socially, he stuttered. But when he was in the pulpit, you could not detect that he had any defect. I know singers do this and make big bucks to boot, but Keith was a kind and gentle man with a message that came across in my heart, as one of the most unforgettable preachers I had ever met. You had to be there!

LEE KNAUSS is my brother! I guess you might say, he went to the school of hard knocks because he never attended a bible seminary nor even graduated from high school. When he fell in love with the Lord, he couldn’t keep it a secret. His love grew and grew until one day he discovered he was a Pastor of a small congregation. Most people thought of him as a singer, a member of the Gospel Hymns Quartet. But he was infectious. Sort of grew on you! I always say; “He was the most generous man I had ever met!

JIM CRENSHAW my husband, didn’t start out to be what he is today. He never dreamed he could sing; talk out loud; be an Elder; write poetry; teach a lesson; or preach a sermon. But he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. He thought he was good enough to become a third baseman on a pro baseball team, but instead he became a man of God, and a man after my own heart. He spent almost two years in the pulpit while the church sought a new Pastor. If you ask me, he is one of best preachers, I have ever heard. I guess that is because while God knows his heart, I understand his heart!

DAN CRENSHAW my son, started his piano career at a very young age. He was amazing then and more amazing now. But he astounded me one afternoon, when I overheard him counseling a couple, regarding their children, when he was in his late twenties. Astounded, is a mild word for how I felt. Dan is very much like his Dad, in that he doesn’t offer verbal corrections or admonitions unless the situation warrants it. Dan was working in a church as an Administrator and worship leader. So very talented and now I knew he was also very dedicated to his Lord. Do you know how that feels to a mother when she witnesses her child standing tall in the Lord, with deep concern in his voice? Did I cry? You had to be there!

THROUGH THE YEARS I have come to realize that “As you go” to make disciples is not just talking to the preacher or even to a few men and women, who draw people through their charismatic ways. It is talking to all those who have come to know the Lord, and desire with all their hearts to serve him. Can that be you? Parents who are disciples of Christ, have an awesome responsibility in rearing their children. I am not talking about the usual; I am referring to teaching them about a personal relationship with God. We are all disciples of Jesus Christ and therefore, we should be making disciples of our children and their children. “As we go” we take Jesus Christ with us, and those we meet, love them with God’s love. “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 13:52 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/17/11

Sunday, October 23, 2011


WE DON’T usually consider the Pastor as one who would lay down his life for his flock or congregation. We don’t usually put the physical life of the Pastor in the same roll as a martyr; one who gives up his life for another. But many times a Pastor puts his personal life on hold, even when he has his own family. I have often wondered; “How can we do that, to a man of God?” There are times he would willingly lay down his life, for someone in his flock, but we are not privy to that side of him.

AS A YOUNG WIFE, I had many plans for my future. Jim and I loved being together and planning was so much fun. But I soon realized that I needed more conversation than Jim knew how to make. So even while children were to be in our future, I decided I needed children now. When Danny came along and then Jennifer, Jim and I realized our lives were now on hold. Our children consumed all of our attention. Even though we stilled loved being together, and still had plans, we now had other things to think about. We would have laid down our lives for our children, and we still would!

ONE OF JIM’S favorite things to say is; “Here, let me stop this important thing that I am doing, and let me help you!” Can that be laying down your life for another? Another one of Jim’s favorite things to say is; “It’s okay, this isn’t as important as what you are doing!” He doesn’t say these things as much as when we were young. But I remember!

WHEN a Missionary decides, in his heart, that he wants to go into the mission field, the first thing he considers; “Can I lay down my life for another?” Many missionaries have done just that! We have read true stories that tell us about the adventure, the romance and the dangers of real life Missionaries. We have seen their stories portrayed on the big screen. We have heard first hand their stories, when they take time for a home bound furlough from the mission field, to report to those who are interested in God’s church, all over the world.

LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE, does not necessarily mean to die. It means to give up, to change your mind, to replace your plans with other plans that could interfere with a normal life of family and achievements. It could mean, having children and not becoming a school teacher for many years. It could mean, taking a job on land, when you would prefer to be at sea. Perhaps it is wanting to do something, that gnaws at you, until you give in and just do it.

“PETER SAID to Him; “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” John 13:37 Oh yes, Peter was willing to lay down his life for Jesus. He knew he could do it! However, Jesus knew what was in his heart for he said; “Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the cock will not crow, till you have denied me three times.” John 13:38 When the time came, Peter did lay down his life; can we do no less for our Lord?

TO BECOME a Pastor or a Missionary, many things are taken into consideration. “And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29 To become a Pastor or a Missionary, who finds a wife or a husband who wants the same things, and can go into this service together, are blessed!

“FOR WHOEVER would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Mark 8:35 I am not a Missionary, nor did I marry a full time Pastor; but Jim and I serve the Lord with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We are totally blessed in the service of the King. In my heart I believe I would give my life for my Savior but when the count is down, could I? Oh to be like Jesus, and to be so strong in the faith, that I could! Think about it; can you give your life for the Savior? Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/11/11

Sunday, October 16, 2011


WHEN I was a girl I met Mr. Ellett! He was out front of the church building unlocking the door in preparation for Sunday morning. My sister Janice was about 13, Layton was 11, I was 9, Lynn was 8 and Joyce was 6. Just kids on our way to a new Sunday School! He was so excited as he greeted us. He took us inside and when the “morning exercises” began he introduced us. Following Sunday School, we were invited to stay for church. At the beginning of the services he introduced us again. At the end of the service he invited us kids, to attend the Friday Night Pot Luck. That was the beginning of a beautiful “love affair” between me and that whole church family. I learned everything I know today from the teachings of that body. Most importantly, I learned how to love God’s people and had a desire to serve God all my life.

JIM AND I had been married 8 years when we moved to Oregon. We began attending a small congregation, where the Pastor was just a few years younger than us. He was a Jack of all trades Pastor; as he would go, he was prepared to help. He painted buildings, worked in the garden, bailed hay and even dug ditches. I remember calling, prospective persons to whom he wanted to visit, and one said she didn’t think this was a good time because they were painting the barn. Vernon said he would go anyway and help. Once he took Jim with him to dig a trench around a garage, where the people were living while they built their house. Vernon was young but willing to learn how to be a man of God by loving His people. He encouraged Jim to read the Bible from cover to cover, which totally convicted Jim , that Christ was Lord! With Vernon, Jim and I learned how to serve God in a more active and personal way!

LYLE McCAW filled the pulpit after Vernon moved on. Now Lyle was young enough to have been my son and I suppose, I treated him as my son. He was in his growing years as a Pastor and learned what worked and what didn’t work. Lyle could sing, play the guitar and was full of energy. It was with Lyle that I was given the opportunity to teach a Ladies Sunday school class that changed my life! He would remind us often that “Go ye therefore;” means “As you go!” I realized “As you go” meant me also!

IN 2001 we moved to Klamath Falls to begin our retirement years. We attended a fairly new body that was led by Ernie Mathes. We had met Ernie many years before, while Jim was singing in the Gospel Hymns quartet. The quartet was asked to sing at their church camp. Ernie became known to me as the hugging Pastor. He had hugs for everyone! Small, big, short, tall, young or old; Ernie showed his Godly affection to all of them. It changed my perspective on hugging those, within the faith!

LATER ON this church merged with another within the same area. David Loser, a very kind, gentle and soft spoken man, was the Pastor and Ernie became the Associate. David and I became friends; so much so, that when Jim and I left to attend another church in the community, we remained friends. He is softly tucked away in my heart as he is a man with many health issues, but he loves the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. Leaving this congregation was hard, because their love was given so freely!

TODAY we attend Shasta Way Christian Church and Don White is our Pastor. He too is a very kind, gentle and soft spoken man. His loving ways, has made him a good Shepherd of his flock, and he has drawn us into his fold. We both sat in Don’s Sunday School class and have learned from him. No matter how old you get, you still have room to learn. We took away from Don’s classes, a method for effective teaching. Jim uses it in his Sunday Class and I use it in leading the Ladies Tuesday morning Bible study. We are living proof that you are never to old to learn new tricks of the trade.

STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the Word of truth!” 2 Timothy 2:15 This was the second verse I had committed to memory, in my youth! These men in my life, have each continued my training in putting this scripture to use. I praise them and thank them! “As you go; teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:19-20 This is the mantra of all Pastors; their passion!

“AS YOU GO” from congregation to congregation, take what you have learned and build upon it. You may not agree with all Pastors, nor like their methods of teaching, but they have chosen a righteous profession. They have chosen to be the Pastor; and that is a good thing!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/7/11

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I REMEMBER a movie in the 80's or 90's that said;
“Who you gonna call? At that time it was Ghost Busters! This was sort of bantered about, until the movie ran it’s course. And so I ask you, when you are tired, no money, running into all kinds of obstacles and no where to turn; Who you gonna call; where you gonna go? I suppose some call their Mom or Dad. Perhaps the Welfare office. Others, the local food bank, perhaps the Gospel Mission or the Salvation Army. Many head for their church! These places can either give you a loan, a place to stay, take your information and put you on a list, or send you to the nearest food bank to fill your needs.

THERE use to be a committee comprised of people from different churches, that would interview persons who were in need of money, food, medicines etc. Most of the time the money was needed to make some payment. The churches would contribute so much a month, to fund the applicable needs. Jim was asked to be on this committee and refused because he didn’t want to set in judgement of these people. If it was up to him he would just say yes, yes, yes! Churches having food pantries and even a clothes closet is a very good thing to have available, not just for the church members, but whomever has a need.

I WANT to tell you about another person that usually is called when you don’t know where to turn. Most people think he is available 24/7 and he doesn’t do much anyway so they might as well call him. That person is their Pastor and friend! A Pastor’s job should be full time in preparation for preaching and teaching the word, calling on the sick, caring for His flock and of course being available to those who need him to listen and to council. However, the Pastors full time runs into his personal time. Mostly because he can’t leave his job at the church building, but takes it home with him, as it fills his entire being.

HAVE YOU EVER thought about what the Pastor does? First of all he has a family. This includes a wife and children, a home with pets and obligations. His church is his chosen profession and he knew it would not be 9:00 to 5:00. So the woman he marries, agrees to his profession and becomes the Pastor’s wife. She isn’t paid for her role in this profession but stands by her man while he is all things to his flock.

THE PASTOR’S family faces the same pressures as other families, however, living in the parsonage and serving in the pastoral role also has some other distinct pressures. Many Pastors end up taking a leave of absence while being treated for depression. Many Pastor’s leave the ministry and become Insurance Salesmen. The pastor fills a never-ending role, solving one problem; one right after another. Congregations expectations are beyond imagination. They believe the pastors credibility must be above reproach within society as well as the church and that he must remain on call 168 hours each week.

THE PASTOR is expected to perform well with a wide range of skills. A scholar, visionary, communicator, administrator, consoler, leader, financier, diplomat, perfect example, counselor and peacemaker. He is expected to bring riveting and life-changing messages on Sunday Morning, not to mention his Sunday school class, Wednesday night meeting and whenever he is called to speak again. Those who work with the Pastor are made up of mostly a volunteer force and not paid help. He and his family live in a fish bowl and often receive harsh criticism from both the community and the congregation. As you can see, the Pastor is a very special person, whom God has set apart, and deserves our attention, love and support.

I DON’T REMEMBER when this started but having a national Clergy Appreciation Day is a good thing. This year it is today, October 9, 2011! When I first heard that it was a day, I felt that for this much needed appreciation, it should be at least a month. Whoever decided that we should have a day, did a good thing. I don’t care who started it and I don’t care that it started with a day. I am happy that there is such a time for this celebration. We should lift up our leaders all through the year, because their task is not easy nor is it always light and cheerful. It is filled with God’s grace and comes with God’s blessings!

“REMEMBER those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct; you imitate their faith.” Hebrew 13:7 My Pastor’s were Mr. Ellett , Vernon Landreth, Lyle McCaw, Ernie Mathes, David Loser, and Don White! These men have brought many into the fellowship of Jesus Christ and from the age of 9, I am still thanking God for these special men in my life. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrew 13:8 Are your roots planted in the word of God? If so, thank the Pastor’s in your life! I thank God, and my husband Jim, everyday! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/3/11

Sunday, October 2, 2011


AT ONE POINT, in my working career, someone had put a screen saver on my computer that said; “Queen of Everything!” I can’t remember why and I can’t remember who, but at that point in time, I am sure I believed I was, Queen of everything! You know, the one that is invincible, that has the power to draw attention and even convince others that you know what you are talking about.

TODAY, I am in touch more with reality than I am with an imaginary friend. I was reminded of this the other day when Jim said, in a nice way; “I was queen of everything.” My memory has become so untrustworthy, that I can’t remember why he even said that; neither does he! But, my mind went back to that time and the screen saver on my computer.

TODAY, I know who I am and where I am headed and it is not being invincible, nor powerful or able to convince others that I know everything there is to know about God’s Word. But I am persuaded that He is able to perfect, even me in all of my insecurities, to become all that He has created me to be. And God can do the same for you! “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9

GOD HAS MADE provision for the Church by giving us a fellowship through all who have accepted His call to salvation. A support group of great magnitude. Often I have suggested to those who call me to pray for them, that they need to call the Pastor or the Elders. Yet, on many occasion, the Holy Spirit gives me the words and the compassion to become the support at that time. God has given each one of us the ability to be listeners. But being a listener does not make us, a king or queen of anything!

I HAVE GREAT ADMIRATION for those who become pastors of a church. A shepherd of the flock. The listener and confidant of those in need! It is not easy for them to hear the heartache of their fellow Christians and friends. It is not easy knowing their heartaches, because they know, these heartaches, will become theirs. When you have reached a point in your walk with Jesus, that others seek you out for comfort, consultation and fellowship, you realize, that to be used of God in this way, becomes embedded in your mystic, your spiritual life. Your spiritual life becomes known to others through the Holy Spirit.

FOR MANY YEARS now, I have been called by some, when they needed to be lifted up or encouraged. I have listened to their stories, felt compassion, and believe me, I am never left untouched. Their name and their concern goes on my list of those I need to remember in prayer. And my prayer always is; “God help me to remember!”

BE CAREFUL when you counsel! “For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:11 We must be walking with God ourselves if we expect to bring another to walk along side us; in fellowship with God! We cannot know the heart of man, only God knows this, but their intentions can be revealed to us.

“THIS is how one should regard us; as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by Him.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 Take care that you hold yourself accountable to the one who shares with you and with God. Let us love one another and hold true to the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; for He is faithful to us! Paul says that we have no grounds for boasting! “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.” 1 Corinthians 10:24
by Jane Ann Crenshaw 9-30-11

Sunday, September 25, 2011


JIM WAS scheduled this week for a stress test. The first day was “resting” with nuclear stuff injected into this arm, and then lying on his back in a semi covered contraption that encircled his whole body; and tells the Doctors what they want to know. The second day was the tread mill. Now this is where they hook him up to a heart monitor, and IV with encouragement to walk very fast, for a short period of time, causing his heart rate to increase rapidly. This also will cause his blood pressure to become elevated. The Doctor is happy when the numbers are like 132 for his heart rate and the blood pressure is over 200. Strange procedures when they are always giving you medicines to keep these numbers low. But then, this was a test!

I WAS reading a cure all magazine while I was waiting for Jim. It had a great article on the benefits of hydrogen peroxide. Most of us have this brown bottle under the bathroom sink, and use it to clean wounds. I have always liked the way it would foam up when you poured it over an open wound. But did you know that you can use this liquid to sanitize things, whiten your teeth, get rid of various gum diseases and even cure the fungus under your finger and toe nails? This amazing liquid can also be used as an astringent when cleansing your face. Not to mention the removal of age spots. But then, I would imagine the label would read “comes with patience!”

I VAGUELY remember my Mother giving us younger kids a spoonful of sugar, with a little turpentine sprinkled on top. I think it was to get rid of worms! I remember the Cod Liver oil also, but it didn’t come with a spoonful of sugar. In cooking, I have discovered a little sugar helps to balance many recipes. Even Mary Poppin’s suggested in one of her songs; “Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!”

WHY IS IT that we like a little sugar at the end of a meal? No matter how full you are, there is always room for dessert! I’ve heard it said; “we should eat dessert first!” I have also heard it said; “The elderly should eat whatever they want to, whenever they want!” Of course those who say these things are probably not prone to diabetes or heart disease. Could be, they are not even prone to seeking a Doctor regularly.

JIM’S MOM would crush an aspirin in a spoon, then add a little bit of water and put it in his mouth. I can almost see your faces scrunching up, thinking of the bitterness of that medicine. Could be that sugar, would have help this medicine go down without the faces being made. Brings to mind the commercial of the little boy finding all kinds of places to hide when it was time for a spoonful of medicine to go down.

WE HAVE COME to depend upon the medicines we take for various ailments and conditions, and we have come to rely upon their effectiveness to make us feel better. We are especially happy when the coating is flavored with a little fruit and sweetness, which encourages us to be faithful in taking them. “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 Proverbs is always a good place to go when you need a pick me up. When we feel sorry for ourselves, we have no room for a cheerful heart! But if we have a cheerful heart, we have no time for self pity!

OUR HEAVENLY FATHER has a prescription for us to have filled, and to begin using immediately. We are to follow the directions and remember to take everyday for the rest of our lives. He promises us that if we do, His steadfast love will endure forever. “It is He who remembered us in our low estate, for His loving-kindness is everlasting, and has rescued us from our adversaries; for His loving-kindness is everlasting. He gives food to all flesh, for His loving-kindness is everlasting. Let’s give thanks to the God of heaven, for He is faithful, and His loving-kindness is everlasting.” Psalms 136:23-26

SUGAR, CAN MAKE it easier for us to take our medicines. A little sugar at the end, or at the beginning of a meal, can make it more pleasant. Sugar coating has helped on many occasion in bringing peace among friends. So a special sugar, which can come in many different colors, shapes and sizes; could bring a sweetness that can’t be denied. As you begin your day, lining up your pills next to your cereal bowl, perhaps adding one more, won’t hurt anything. Even God says that just having this, is a good thing! So what if we began our day with a parfait dish full of something wonderful. Something good! How about a little dish of cheerfulness to bring about a renewed spring in our step? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/23/11

Sunday, September 18, 2011

AS TIME GOES BY! 9/18/11

AS YOU get older it becomes easier to think about how time flies! As a child you can hardly wait for Christmas to come again, even though it was just last week. But it seems like a life time, until it rolls around again. Birthdays are looked forward to but it goes by so fast, it makes your head spin. I remember being 10 and wishing I was 15. When I was 15 I wanted to be 18 and out of highschool. When I was in my early twenties, I was wishing I had paid closer attention to my studies, while I was in school.

MANY of my young friends went on to school and became teachers, lawyers and educated in whatever field they were looking toward. I wanted to become a missionary but was encouraged by my pastor to because a missionary close to home. He felt that a Christian young woman in the work place was the field I should go into. And so I did! I became a clerk in an office, later a secretary and low and behold a bookkeeper; me, who had failed general math in my freshman year and had to retake it, in my senior year. I became a bookkeeper! Go figure!

AS TIME went by, I was married and became a mother! I probably could have failed at that but I had a husband who was a father before his time. He did not help to deliver my babies, as young men do today; but he delivered my children from me, by helping in every possible way. He bathed them, fed them, dressed them, rocked them to sleep. In the middle of the night; he would get up with them; “just one more time!” I was a stay at home Mom and he was a working Dad. But when I would say; “Jim, just one more time?” He would!

AS I SIT HERE at the computer, I am again reminded how time goes by. Yesterday, I was able to get up without help and maybe I will tomorrow, but just 10 years ago I was able to not only get up, but I could run if I had to. I don’t think I remember how to run now! You may have to show me how that is done again! While you’re at it show me how to hop!

AS TIME GOES BY I have noticed how my heart is comforted! As time goes by I realize my anger has softened! As time goes by, the taste of home is more pleasant and as time goes by the smells are less fragrant, and sometimes, fleeting. Age comes softly as time goes by!

HAVE YOU noticed that the man you married is walking a little more stooped and his walk is not as sure as it used to be? Have you noticed that his smile is just for you and the gleam in his eye brightens your day? God planned that we should grow old together! The plan doesn’t always work for many; but for Jim and me it is still working. We still walk hand in hand, even though we know the day is quickly fading, as time goes by.

CHRISTIAN take your God seriously! Wake up and smell the roses! Don’t you know that your time is just a puff of smoke? “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 Knowing God’s will is to “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength and mind; second to this is to love your neighbor as yourself!” Luke 25:27 You can do this, as time goes by! Give it a try!

CHRISTIAN if we do this, everything else will fall into place! Love is the first fruit in the list of the fruits of the Spirit. With the Holy Spirit within us, how is it we go wrong? Are you waiting for the Spirit to move you? He did that when you accepted Jesus and were baptized. He convicted you; now it is your move! It is time for you to give the Spirit the go ahead and become the person God has created you to be, before too much more time goes by!

“BE STRONG, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” Psalms 31:24 In Revelation 1:3d it says; “for the time is near!” Jesus is talking about reading the book of Revelation. I say, time is of the essence! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/11/11

Thursday, September 8, 2011

THE TOWERS! 9/11/11 Composed by Jim Crenshaw

A LION was prowling the earth one day, seeking someone to devour.
His attention was caught as he passed our way, in the shadow of the twin towers.

THOSE TOWERS, he thought, represent the nation, that was founded on the law of God.
So I’ll bring them down, on all the people around, and they’ll know where Satan has trod.

THE 737 was his weapon of choice, and those that flew them, were filled with hate.
Their targets were the towers that stood so tall, and the crash ,would seal their fate.

THERE WAS fire and smoke and blood and tears when the towers hit the ground.
And the devil danced in glee, and pranced, through the rubble of America’s town.

THEY WOUNDED us again, that very same day, as they struck the Pentagon.
And the devil screamed out his terrible hate, as he thought, that he had won.

BUT THERE was trouble on the next,737, that set the devil’s plans back.
“Let’s roll” was the cry in the passengers cabin, as American people struck back.

SATAN TREMBLED, when he saw the Sleeping Giant wake up, and he retreated in fury and fear. When God’s people resisted, he could do no more, than turn and run away from here.

IN THE ten years since, that evil event, Al Qaeda has wondered; “What happened?”
They’re on the run and Osama is done, and their organization is flattened.

SO LOOK UP Church to the Head of yourself, and know, that He’s still there.
Our commander in chief still calls the shots; He is, beyond compare.

NO FEAR Christian, He’s in your corner, where He promised to be; always.
So trust in the Lord and know He loves you, and He will, for all of your days.

Note: Jim writes his poems as “say a song” and plays along on his guitar. If you are a guitar player then say this poem and play along using (D) (A7) (Somewhere along (G) back to (D) (A7) chords....He thinks it would sound better playing in the minor chords but he doesn’t know how. If you remember Johnnie Cash and his style, you will get the hang of a “say a song!” Have fun and remember 9/11

Sunday, September 4, 2011

LABOR DAY 9/4/11

LIFE IN the fast lane gives us the first weekend in September
off to celebrate the first Monday in September. This year that Monday is tomorrow; September 5th! For some, it is a celebration denoting the end of summer and the last camping out hurrah; for others it is an occasion for parties, parades and athletic events. But actually it is to celebrate the economic and social achievements of the American workforce.

IT ALL BEGAN in the later part of the 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. For the Labor Union movement, this day gave credence to their strengths and contributions to the prosperity and well being of the American workers. For the most part, the Union began as a good thing for the common laborer. But in the long haul, it has become a chatelaine around our necks. Looking at today’s spread sheet, gives me this viewpoint!

AMERICA has been, indeed an economic success story until about the last decade or so. Because of inflation more money has been needed to keep up with the cost of living. Because of the financial burden of wars and rumors of wars; and the banking system encouraging more and more debt, the national treasure began to print more money to satisfy the bellies of the coffers.

I GREW UP in a low income household! I remember my brother Lloyd fixing lunch for us kids. Sometimes it was just tomatoes; sometimes potatoes; and then there was bread, spread with mustard, and sugar sprinkled on top. I think we became healthy, wealthy and wise! Use up what is in the cupboard before worrying about when you have enough to refill the cupboard.

YOU AND I have lived during the most successful period in America’s history. When Congress got involved with the financial bargaining table; the seller’s market, with rinky dink homes, began to sell beyond a reasonable housing market. The buyer, who should beware, began to buy far beyond their means! This was made possible because Congress encouraged the banks to give loans on outrageously priced properties and those of substandard quality, whether credit was good or not! Banks agreed, jumping upon this profit building scheme. Then foreclosures; repossessions by the hundreds and bankruptcies, became an everyday event. In the end, it all crashed! The stock market suffers and our pockets are close to being empty.

“TAKE COURAGE, all you people of the land, says the Lord; work, for I am with you, says the Lord of hosts, according to the promise that I made you when you came out of Egypt. My Spirit abides among you; fear not. For thus says the Lord of hosts; Once again, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all the nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with splendor says the Lord of hosts. The silver and gold is mine, says the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:4b-7 God was talking through Haggai to the leaders of that day. This was a prophecy of political upheavals and earthquakes that would be used by God to accomplish His purposes. The earthly confusion would be evidence, that God was preparing to act.

WHEN I READ THIS, I couldn’t help but think of our world today. I couldn’t put aside the idea that if we would seek His face and turn from our wicked ways as is stated in 2nd Chronicles 7:14, that God would truly save our world from this economical disaster. However, Haggai is not talking about external splendor as much as he is referring to the spiritual glory that would abound when Jesus Himself, began to preach His gospel. Celebrating our labor of Love for our Lord, would be more in line for a celebration on Labor Day than to give glory to our sinking economy. My choice is; “Labor day of Love”! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/27/11

Sunday, August 28, 2011

WHY ME LORD! 8/28/11

I SUPPOSE, that just about everyone one of us, has whispered that line to ourselves. We were all, able to identify with Chris Christopherson when he sang that song with such a tired, lonesome voice. Recently I heard this song again, on Bill Gaither’s homecoming reunion TV show. And even then I felt this wave of sorrow and self pity wash over me and once again I was reminded of God’s grace and the place I am in today.

THOSE WHO have known me for a long, long time, have known a girl who grew into womanhood in the church. I have blossomed, I have aged, I have failed, I have felt lost! I have lost ground and gained some. We all go through many secret and wide open spaces which can develop us into maturity and even hold us back from realizing our potential.

YEARS AGO, shortly after we got a computer, Jim decided he should write his memories and leave it as a legacy for those who follow after him. A family history of sorts! I thought that was a good idea so I began to write mine. I found it tedious and not very worthwhile! I began with my earliest memory and got as far as nine years old. That was when we moved from Council Bluffs Iowa to California. But then I began to write my memories of my siblings. Then neither of us touched that program again, until 2008 when I began writing Morning Glory Devotionals.

MORNING GLORY was more for my benefit than in letting others read it. I was amazed I could do this and felt great satisfaction. Putting my thoughts down on paper was not something that I could easily do. I could formulate in my mind, but by the time I would try to put it down, it was gone. Where did that come from? Why couldn’t I do that before; how am I able to do that now? Why me Lord? The perplexity of the whole matter weighed on me. Jim just thought it was wonderful. Somewhere along the way, I felt an urgency and so excited; I couldn’t stop writing!

YEARS AGO, when I began teaching a women’s Sunday school class, a lesson on “How to pray,” I came across “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully, He will receive blessings from the Lord and vindication from the God of his salvation.” Psalms 24:4-5 This became my motto! We often sing a song that says; “Open my eyes, that I may see, glimpse’s of truth thou hast for me!” WOW!

THIS SCRIPTURE opened my eyes to God’s truths for me! I began to examine who I was in Christ and discovered that I was not as whole as I should be. The Holy Spirit within me took me to task and I began to pray asking the Lord for clean hands and a pure heart. And now I ask you, who read Morning Glory; “Please be patient with me, for God is not finished with me yet.”

I HAVE pretty much used up all of my memories and have begun to write in the present. Using this new gift that God has allowed me to use keeps me on my toes, just wondering what I should write about for Sunday’s, Morning Glory. I pray that each of you have discovered the Holy Spirit within you. I pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a boldness and will unleash the creative person that God has in store for you and for His purpose.

“AND PETER said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 I realize many churches do not offer God’s invitation to receive Him and His gift through baptism. However, the way I see it; baptism is important, because this is the only place that the scriptures offer you and me the gift of the Holy Spirit; through baptism is when we receive the gift!

“FOR THE KINGDOM of God does not mean food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; he who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up building.” Romans 14:17-19 Engage the Holy Spirit and become all that you can be in Christ Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/11

Sunday, August 21, 2011


WHEN YOU hear those words you automatically visualize the picture of three little monkey’s, don’t you? I do! We are such a visual people, aren’t we? Today’s technology has made it possible for us to see with our mind’s eye, just about every unimaginable, unthinkable atrocity, as well as a great futuristic, beautiful world, there is to imagine. Good or bad we can visualize it!

IN THE fifties I remember talking about seeing who you were talking to on the telephone. That came into the picture because of television. There was a song that didn’t make it onto the charts that phrased; “I can tell a vision when I see one and I can tell that you’re the vision for me!” We call that a play on words but I think you get the picture.

WE NOW have cell phones; Ipod’s; hand held computers and we can actually see who we are talking to. We can actually take pictures while talking to them. We can use our phones as cameras and even as a daily planner! I use the word we, rather loosely because I don’t do any of those things and personally, I don’t want to. I am not into texting and yet I probably can type faster than most, except for my son!

I AM NOT complaining about today’s technology, instead I applaud it. Today is amazing but many amazements come with evil! Yes, I said evil! When I was a girl my mother saw evil in a lot of things; even a brown paper bag lying in the street. Today, I still am cautious when I see a brown paper bag lying in the street. I told this story to Jim and he too points out the brown paper bag in the street. After all, it could contain a baby that someone was wanting to get rid of!

AT THE TIME of my youth, I thought that was ridiculous, but obviously not to my mother. She probably had seen that, or heard about that and it made an impression upon her as it did me! If you thought about it, you could define evil through something you have seen or heard! If you thought about it, you probably see it on the news everyday!

“AVOID the appearance of evil!” 1 Thessalonians 5:22 How do we avoid the appearance of evil? The way I see, it is; “Don’t make companions of those who are or appear evil. Don’t dress like them; don’t act like them; don’t hang out with them or mimic them. You can witness to the world by not becoming one of them. You could be the only Jesus they will ever see. “Whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” James 4:14

REMEMBER the cradle roll song; “Oh be careful little hands what you do; Oh be careful little tongue what you say; Oh be careful little feet where you go; Oh be careful little eyes what you see!” I imagine you would have to have been a member of the cradle roll or a helper in the cradle roll to know that little song. Children brought up in Sunday School learn how to love Jesus. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

GETTING back to today’s technology, be careful little hands, ears, eyes and feet what you do with it. Holding one of those small gadget’s in your hands seems relatively small and harmless but they are filled with deadly poison. You can’t smell it; nor do you feel it; but how you use it can destroy you or someone close to you. Without your realizing it, it can bite where it will hurt you the most. It can cause you pain, shame and claim your identity.

“FOR GOD knows the secrets of the heart.” Psalms 44:21b No matter how you deny evil intentions “your sins will find you out!” for God knows the secrets of your heart. Don’t play with fire, when it is not easy to put out! Be careful! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/17/11

Sunday, August 14, 2011


HOW MANY times have we decided we are among the have nots? How many times do we wish upon a star and know that it probably will never come true? How many times do we place all our oranges in one basket and then find out, they were just apples all the time? Maybe Mickey Mouse can make dreams come true, but mostly dreams are just dreams. They are wishful thinking! These are little Scenario’s we conjure up to prepare us, just in case!

I USE to be a dreamer. If the school class room had windows, you could find me looking out those windows; day dreaming. What did I day dream about? I can’t remember! A lot of good it did me. If I had paid more attention in the class room, I could have become someone with letters after my name. I could have become someone important! Maybe because I could have, but didn’t, means I am now among the have nots? I don’t think so!

WE HAVE a tendency to classify possessions such as a big house, new cars, beautiful furnishings, fine clothes and the like as being among the rich and famous. We have a tendency when carrying a big wad of dough in our pockets, that it sets us apart from the lower class and sometimes, even the middle class. I don’t think so!

DURING THIS period of economical crunch, many of us have found ourselves, on occasion, living from paycheck to paycheck. We are still doing the things we want to do, but we are just a little more circumspect on what we spend our money on. Now you may think this is ridiculous, but sometimes you have to be frugal and rely on God. I don’t know how many times I would suggest (I hate to think I am telling Him what to do); “Lord, this is all we can spend right now, please let this come out all right!” And you know what? It does!

JIM AND I just got back from the grocery store. We planned to spend only what he had in his pocket. Jennifer is cooking this week so we were picking up a few things just for her. The debit card is great, but sometimes you need to see if you can handle things on your own, just like in the olden days. Add up the prices as you go! Well, we did not take the can cream or the small can of tomato sauce; and even though another customer offered to pay the extra 15 cents, we laughed and said; “No thank you, we’ve got it covered!” Usually, God brings us just under the wire, but I prayed after we did the shopping. Do you suppose?

“ONE MAN pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.” Proverbs 13:7 This is an interesting scripture, isn’t it? Have you ever met someone who claims riches and yet goes deeper into debt, day by day? Have you ever met someone who was quite wealthy but lived in a few small rooms behind a store? Owning the biggest and newest car on the block does not mean you are wealthy, it just says you want to live above mediocrity.

ONE WHO is affluent usually lives comfortably. One who is poor usually lives with less than most. But one can live in peace through Jesus Christ who gives abundantly in all things. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 Who is the thief, in this story? The thief is the one, or the one thing that takes your eyes and mind off of the Savior. The thief steals your heart and makes you live life seeking after worldly things and wanting more.

I LIKE nice things! We even had some curb appeal done on our house. We shop at Penney’s and at Goodwill; and our lives are good! I have learned to give away things that I love because I don’t love them as much as I use to. Got no diamonds; got no pearls? We have the sun in the morning and the moon at night; what more do we need! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/8/11


Sunday, August 7, 2011


HAVE YOU ever come to the realization that you not only are to
serve and be served, but that you should also love it? Being the one serving should be far more pleasurable, than the one being served? When I was a girl my brothers, Lloyd and Lonnie, would just hold their coffee cup up when I was in the room and expect me to get up and fill it for them. I didn’t mind doing that but now I realized that I really loved waiting on them. Maybe I partially did it because they expected me to and partially because they knew I would do it; but I really loved it! I know I wanted to, because I always did it! Of course my attitude would choose the times I would be more willing. Being willing doesn’t come naturally, does it? Wanting to be served or taken care of, does come naturally! We learn that from the time we are born!

I KNOW I have tried to wait upon Jim from the time we married, but through the years I feel he waits on me more that I do him. I love the way he shows me, he loves me! My grandson’s use to say; “Grandpa will give Grandma anything she wants, all she has to say is; “If you love me!” Of course, that was not true! But then, who’s keeping count; especially when it’s a joy to serve your husband and your children!

AS I HAVE gotten older, it gets easier to say “what can I do for you?” Many times I hear myself saying; “can I help with that!” Most of all, Jim and I just do it! We have made an effort to visit the elderly. Especially the ones who are ill; at that point, it matters not the age! We have made it a practice to make clam chowder and put it in a container filled to the brim; that when emptied can be thrown away. I have to admit, Jim’s chowder is pretty special!

“BUT JESUS called them to Him and said; “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles, lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant and whoever would be first among you must be your slave.” Matthew 20:25-27 Jesus is saying; we are to receive service and be glad!

CHRIST IS calling attention to the contrast between the ambition of the natural, once-born, man who covets power and glory for himself; and the born again man who is a Christ centered believer who’s ambitions are performed only in the will of God and are displayed by self-sacrificing love. Do you see the difference? Are you a Godly servant? Do you expect recompense when offering self-sacrificing love? If you are wanting something in return, you can’t call it self-sacrificing at all! Jesus is saying; we are to give service and love doing it!

THE PICTURE of everyone being a servant is amazing. It mean’s that everyone is being served! The picture of everyone being served by everyone causes a moment of, no imagination, because I’ve never seen that done before! Let me ask you this question. Can you be served when you are the servant? Can you be the servant while being served? My answer to both questions is YES! Jesus has served us and in return we serve Him! We can be served and we can serve!

“EVEN as the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 Jesus came to show us how to serve one another, not how to receive service. He came to sacrifice His life for each one of us. When we serve one another, we are sacrificing our natural being to give of ourselves without expectations. We have already received the promise of eternal life with our God. That is the servant hearts, reward!

ANOTHER WORD for service is love. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40 Insert the word serve, for the word love and see how it reads. Fit’s doesn’t it? I love serving my grandsons! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/31/11

Sunday, July 31, 2011


YEAR’S AGO Jim and I lived in a small house in Southern California; close to the beach. We had company once! A young girl who lived in Oregon and a friend of my brother Layton. He wanted her to know what a real home could be like. Of course, Jim and I had not arrived at perfection, but I loved having company.

DURING our life in Sam’s Valley, our summers were full of company, especially after Grandma Crenshaw came to stay. It was wonderful! Our car knew the way to Crater Lake without reservation. In Medford, while living closer to town, we would have company. Of course most of the time it was Dan, Faye and the boys who lived over the mountain, and some missionaries would come to spend the weekend. For the kids it was sort of getting out of town, kind of thing!

AFTER WE moved to Klamath Falls, we were going to use Jennifer’s little apartment as our guest rooms. Well, since that didn’t work out we eventually dressed up a teeny, tiny room and called it our “guest room!” It excites me when company is coming! We clean the bathrooms, the floors and go shopping! Danny use to say; “This cleaning the house takes all the fun out of having a party or having company!” Someone once said; “God created company so the house would get cleaned!” I think that works for me, how about you?

SO FAR this summer Marie, Jim’s sister came. This past week my sister-in-law Kathleen and her daughter and son-in-law were here. Having company is always something out of the ordinary, isn’t it? You change the sheets and your schedule. You do things that you normally wouldn’t plan for. You eat foods that usually aren’t on the menu and praise the Lord for the occasion. This bed and breakfast even had candies on the beds! Oh, My goodness!

IN TEACHING faith lesson’s for women; one of the questions that will come up once in a while is; “what if Jesus came to your house to visit.”? He would visit Martha and Mary’s quite often. I imagine when they knew He was on His way, there would be a lot of hustle and bustle; “Jesus is coming!” But what if He should just show up on their doorstep? How would they feel then? Would they be somewhat ready, or would they be embarrassed? Would their faces turn red with surprise or beam with joy? How would you feel?

MY THEORY has always been when we go to visit, that we are not there to critique the home but to see those who live there! Shouldn’t that be the case when someone comes to visit you? I know it is nice to have notice! You could at least throw everything on the kitchen counter into the dishwasher but, is that really necessary? Is it? Come on.....think about it!

YES, IT IS a good thing to keep your home in order! God has created in us to be good stewards, but we don’t always act like it. I am an avid watcher of “House Hunters” on HGTV. When the home is furnished, believe it or not, it helps to sell the home. When you walk into some homes, you immediately feel comfortable. Some homes, you sit on the edge of the chair because there usually is not enough room for the rest of you. For me it is not unusual to sit on the edge of the seat; my legs are short, so I feel more comfortable. I think you get the point!

“IF A MAN loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” John 14:23 What kind of home does our body need so that the Father and His son can live in it? Is it to be a clean and orderly place; a place that is acceptable and pleasing to them? If our body is not acceptable, it means we do not love him, nor keep His word! Shouldn’t our house also be acceptable to them?

WE ARE to walk by faith and not by sight, so let’s be of good courage while we are here in our house and in our body! “Because, whether we are at home or away, we are to make it our aim to please Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9 You got company? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/18/11

Sunday, July 24, 2011


ACCORDING to the national weather report our country is having a heat wave with record breaking temperatures mostly in the mid west and on the east coast. Here on the western front our weather is pretty much on target; except for the occasional storm clouds that bring a few buckets here and there and the threatening of thunder storms. For the most part having the four seasons, doesn’t assure us of having them, in the literal sense of the word.

IN MY OLD AGE, I have welcomed the warm weather. When the A/C comes on, I go out into the sun to get warm. For me that is a strange kettle of fish! When Jim turns the A/C on in the car, I freeze! I try to wear long sleeves and usually long for a blanket. Just give me a cool drink of water or turn the A/C off; that is until I get too hot! Meanwhile, where is my sweater?

THE PROBLEM with high temperatures is dehydration. For some, the very young and the elderly, this is a problem. With dehydration you perspire a lot! When the salt water leaves your body that shows your body is functioning as it should. If you stop perspiring you could be on the verge of a heat stroke. You must replenish the water by drinking lots of it and in some cases you must replenish the salt. Remember your salt tablets; when working outside!

MANY YEARS AGO, I heard a preacher tell the story of a man driving through the Mojave desert. He was the only driver on the road, and so his eyes were drawn, to the now extinct,"Burma Shave" road signs, that were popping up everywhere along the road. After a while he saw one that just said; “Cool Water!” He begin to think; “cool water sounds good!” After seeing that sign for a while, he noticed the sign now read; “Cool Water just ahead!” “Boy, cool water is beginning to sound very good;” He thought! Then the sign read; “Turn Left, go 3 miles for Water!”

WITHOUT THINKING, he turned left and drove 3 miles and found a little shack of a house at the end of the road. On the gate was a sign that read; “Cool Water.” As he got out of the car an old gent came out of the front door with a tall class of water. He handed him the glass and said; “Cool Water!” The man drank the cool water down without stopping, because by this time he was so thirsty just thinking about it, and indeed, it quenched his momentary thirst.

THE MAN asked the old guy; “Do you get many visitors stopping for a drink of water?” The old guy responded slowly, with; “Oh, on some days, more than others!” The visitor soon realize the old man must be lonely, because he didn’t stop there. He continued with; “It gets lonely out here so I decided to offer drivers a diversion and a gift. The diversion is reading the signs with anticipation and the gift of a cool drink of water.”

OF COURSE Jim and I remember this story differently. And of course, because I am old, I probably don’t remember it as well as Jim, whose memory is far better than mine ever was. But, this gets my point across. Many years ago, the Mojave was pretty barren without any places to stop and refuel your car or yourself. Many years ago it was just dust and more dust!

OUR BIBLE gives us many pictures of living water doesn’t it! In Jeremiah 2, God likens Himself to the springs of En Gedi as living water. In Jeremiah 17 water is compared to a person who trust in himself rather than in God. In Psalms 63 David compared water to his thirst for God. In Psalms 78, Isaiah 41 and 58 you find images of living water and an oasis that illustrate what God provides for His people. These are similar to the images of the springs of the En Gedi. But Jesus says; “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14 We turn on our faucets and we drink the water that replenishes our bodies for physical life. But God gave us Jesus and His words, it is like a cool drink of water in a dry, parched land. The refreshment is beyond words! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/23/11