Sunday, May 29, 2011

END OF MAY! 5/29/11

ACTUALLY the end was scheduled to take place on May 21st. This was the day when the “rapture” was to take place, according to Mr. Harold Camping. I understand there was to be a devastating earthquake that was to destroy life as we know it. Apparently this was the second try with this prediction. His first prediction failed, due to a numerical mistake. I didn’t hear as to why the May 21st prediction failed but obviously it did, because I am still blogging Morning Glory and hopefully you are still reading it.

IT HAS come to my attention that it is now scheduled for October? Does this mean nobody was raptured on May 21st and in October Christ will come and take those who repented or maybe were forgotten the first time around? This man must be unbalanced to think he could schedule anything where God is concerned; let alone, schedule it again and again.

WHY IS IT that so many have felt it necessary to predict when Christ will come again, when the scriptures clearly state; “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” Matthew 24:36 Why is it that so many listen to this kind of garbage and get on board. Is it because they are bored? Maybe they do not believe God’s word!

I LIKE excitement; I like planning; I like looking forward to something special. We all do! But do we go out of our way, spending all our money to prove our foolishness; do we? Actually, I don’t have to go very far at all, to show how foolish I can be. I just have to get out of bed! At some time during my day I will do something foolish or stupid. When I do, I either can be ashamed or I can laugh at myself. Either way, I am sure my face is red!

I LOVE reading Matthew 24; some call it the Olivet discourse. This is because Jesus is sitting on the Mount of Olives with the disciples when this discussion takes place. Jesus had just left the temple when His followers asked Him about His statement that “there will be a time when there would not be one stone left upon another; they would all be torn down.”

CAN YOU imagine a time when everything that you know would be destroyed; gone? Can you imagine seeing Jerusalem coming down and the old earth would be gone and you would be standing upon a new earth and a new heaven? I can’t, but with my minds eye I sort of can visualize the thought.

“TELL US, when will this be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” Matthew 24:3 The disciples were curious then and apparently many are just as curious today. “Jesus answered them; “Take heed that no one leads you astray, for many will come in my name, saying; ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead you astray, and you will hear of wars and tumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places; all this is but the beginning of the suffering.” Matthew 24:4-8

I SEE Jesus as being very patient with His disciples. I see Jesus looking off into the sky’s as He comforts His followers with; “But the end is not yet!” Can you accept, all that is happening in our world today as; “but the beginning of the suffering?”

I SUPPOSE many then, felt after 40 years this would all take place, because that seemed to be the period of time given for many events. Most of Jesus’s disciples didn’t live that long after Jesus ascended into heaven. However we know they were living in the last days! “But in these last days, God has spoken to us by a Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the world.” Hebrews 1:2 I’m going to put my trust in Him that created the world! I’m going to wait until I see Him coming in all His glory. Meanwhile I will continue to be ready; how about you? After all, we will all see Him at the same time! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/29/11

Sunday, May 22, 2011


BEAGLES are notorious for keeping their noses to the ground and running. You can call them until you are blue in the face but they just keep on running. Our first Beagle was our first child! She was loving, fun and very rambunctious. She loved kids and would sit on her hind quarters and paw the air, begging us for whatever she wanted. She could sit like that forever and ever. She loved Christmas ribbon candy; packaged prunes and wanted more of the bed than she needed.

OFTEN I would find her looking sorrowfully out the front screen door. She wanted the kids to just come play with her; but mostly, she wanted to be out there with them. After her first litter of 6 puppies were safely in their new homes, Frosty looked for greener pastures when she discovered that the screen wasn’t locked and she was on the other side. Free at last; free at last!

WHEN WE discovered she was gone, I felt panic and began the long search. Jim and I went up and down the neighborhood, thinking she couldn’t have gone far. We looked and hollered for days! My mother asked if we had put her in the lost and found of the newspaper. Of course not, I said. If someone stole her they wouldn’t respond anyway. Early the following week Mom called; “It’s in today’s lost and found.” “You put it in the paper?” Of course! They will bill you!

LATER that evening we received a call. A couple who lived clear on the other side of a major highway call 190th, which was not actually a part of our neighborhood, had taken in a beagle who seemed to match the description in the paper. We quickly went to check. We drove up to a house that on the outside looked quite a bit like ours. The master of the home let us in and curled up on one corner of the couch was our Frosty. They let her get up on the couch!

THE MAN told us that she appeared at their front door during a rain storm. They heard someone pounding on the front door and when they opened it, there was this dog sitting up begging. I closed the door and she pounded on the front door again. I opened it and there she sat begging; pawing the air for all she was worth. We let her in! We fed her! The next morning we gave her a bath; went to the vet; bought a collar and some dog food. We decided to keep her!

I WAS so happy to see her again! I was so glad she hadn’t got hurt! I was amazed that these people were going to keep her. But then, they have a couple of small children just like us and Frosty thought she was already home. We offered to pay these people for their kindness and taking such good care of our first born, but they refused! We gathered Frosty and all her new stuff, and quietly leaving some money on the table next to the door, we took our lost, but now found, home.

JESUS SPEAKS to that which is lost and how much rejoicing takes place when the lost is found. You know how it feels to lose something and how lost you feel without it. Many times you know what it means when, what you have lost is found again. The lost coin in Luke 15:8-10 says; “when it is found she gathers her friends and neighbors in to celebrate.” We say, that is not as important as the parable of the lost sheep! But they are connected.

“AND WHEN he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost.” Luke 15:6 In verse 7 Jesus says; “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

FURTHER ON in chapter 15, we read about the lost son. “Bring quickly the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” Frosty slept at the foot of Jennifer’s bed for two days after returning home. When the lost sinner is found, he finds rest in the saving grace of Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/18/11

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I HAVE received many e-mails that talk about times passed. Usually they are referring to the 50's and earlier. I was just a teen in the 50's and think about it as being just yesterday. My youngest sister Jeri asked one of my older brothers if he lived during the days of the bow and arrows. Of course she was only in the single digits at the time and that question had merit. Lonnie was quite a bit older than she was!

THIS PAST WEEK I received an e-mail about the changes that will be coming. I mean changes from what has been, to never be again. It is hard to imagine never having some of the things that we do have today. But when you think about not having things, that us old folks have had all our lives, seems a little bit preposterous.

ACCORDING to this e-mail, in our lifetime 9 things are going to disappear! Without details, here are the 9. The post office; the check; the newspaper; the book; the land line telephone; music; television; things that you own, and privacy. The most curious is the things we own. All of the above are or will be replaced by the computer in the sky. Meaning that we use to own some of these things but in the future they will simply reside in the clouds. We will be storing everything on our hard drives. That is if you buy a computer and know how to use it.

I CAN’T imagine these little hand held computer books, could ever take away the book. I can’t imagine walking into a library of little hand held computer books, sitting on little shelves. I can still remember looking for the isle of my favorite author; smelling the smell of old books and hearing my leather sole shoes clicking across the hardwood floors of the silent cathedral that is filled with the mysterious adventures of childhood, teen years, satisfying my adulthood with wisdom and knowledge besides gothic romances.

I REMEMBER televisions and peeking through the neighbors screen door to watch “Kookla, Fran and Ollie,” until they closed the door which meant we were to go home. When Lonnie bought his first TV we would watch boxing and Gorgeous George in the wrestling matches and when we got bored we always had the radio and the outdoors. Losing TV might not be a bad thing but replacing it with hand held, little gidgeewoppers, is not necessarily a good move in the right direction.

IF YOU are interested in history and I am sure you are, then you are saddened when things come to an end but are excited about the advancement and the ease in which we live today. I love modern conveniences. The washing machine, the clothes dryer, the dish washer, electricity, heating and cooking with gas. The pony express had seen it’s day and the modern post office has filled the communication gap. We grumble about the cost of stamps but we pay it because we still love the convenience.

“KEEP YOUR LIFE free from love of money and be content with what you have; for He has said, “I will never fail you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 If we lose the way of life as we know it today, and exchange it for the new technology that we have seen coming with continued progress, don’t be afraid because in Hebrews 13:6 it says; “Hence we can confidently say, the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid; what can man do to me?” Jesus never changes no matter how progressive we become in our society.

“JESUS CHRIST is the same yesterday, today and forever!” Hebrews 13:7 No matter how many changes we have seen in our life time, be sure that through Jesus, we are equipped with everything good so that we may do His will. When we do this, we are pleasing in His sight. According to this e-mail we are to learn to adapt because, ready or not, they are coming. Well, brother and sister in Christ and those of you who may still be pre-Christian; ready or not, He is coming soon; just any day now; His face I’ll see! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/12/11

Sunday, May 8, 2011


DID YOU KNOW that several unsuccessful attempts were made in the 1880's and 90's to establish a Mother’s Day? Did you know that in 1908 a movement began again and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation making it an official national holiday? Did you know that it wasn’t long after that, that Mother’s Day became the most highly commercialized holiday and remains the biggest day for flowers, greeting cards, candy and long distance telephone calls? Did you know that it is also classified as the most popular day for dining out in America?

AS A CHILD, I don’t remember ever eating out on Mother’s Day. I do remember it being a big day! My mother had so many children that were good cooks, that I don’t believe it ever entered anyone’s mind to eat out. Besides that, nobody had enough money to pay for the whole family. My years of celebrating my own day as a mother was short lived, because my son took a wife and they had 3 sons. Our lovely Faye became the honoree! I love celebrating this special mother!

FAYE has been a perfect Mom to our three perfect grandsons. She refers to herself as the Mom of a locker room. I know there are many Mom’s out there that just have sons, but she is as tough as they are; she can handle them! I know it has been said; “Boys will be boys!” Believe me, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

TALKED with Dan the other day and he gave us our instructions. Mother’s day would be at their home; Dan and the boys will prepare dinner. Jim is to bring the drinks and Jennifer dessert. That means Garnet, Faye’s mom, Faye and me, just get to come. How grand is that?

RECENTLY, at our Soul Sister’s Bible Study we talked about Mary. Many times we want to leave Mary in the barn. But Jesus grew up! We see her as a disciplinarian when she finds Him in the temple. We cry with her at the foot of the cross! “When Jesus saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing near, He said to His mother; “Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the disciple; “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.” John 19:26-27 Jesus valued His relationship with His mother, and as a person. He made arrangements for her, for after He was gone.

“AND WHEN THEY had entered, they went up to the upper room where they were staying. Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, Simon and Judas the son of James. All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary, the Mother of Jesus along with His brothers.” Acts 1:13-14 Can you imagine how Mary must have felt being included in this special fellowship of her son’s friends and follower’s?

MANY OF US think of Mary having gone to John’s home, but I imagine she refused to be anywhere other than where the followers were. What comfort and peace she received from being with them and with her other children who realized, that their older brother, was indeed, the son of God!

PICTURE YOURSELF, sitting in the upper room, right next to Mary; the mother of Jesus. Picture yourself amongst the Apostles and close disciples as they made their plans to establish this memorial to Mary’s son. Imagine Mary as she took an active part during the time of worship and listened as Peter brought the first message where she could also have witnessed, over 3000 claiming the promises of her Son Jesus, who repented of their sins and were baptized.

BEFORE, she wondered what God’s plan for her son involved! Now, with constantly renewed faith, she rejoiced at what the plan would accomplish for the world. Daily she carried on her God-given mission through prayer. Yes, as a member of the newly formed Church, she could enjoy constant fellowship with her son, in prayer. WOW! Every day is Mother’s day for a mother. Every day we are included in the circle of Jesus’ closest friends! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/2/11

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I SEE this phrase on many sales items. Clip boards,
stationery; clothes; cups not to mention cards. It has a certain ring to it; doesn’t it? I like it! Last Sunday my small family came together and shared our Easter dinner. We didn’t have the traditional meal of ham or lamb but instead we BBQ’d. I know; it rained in the morning but the sun came out. With jackets on, Jim and Danny prepared Petite Sirloins and Salmon steaks. It was a very good weekend from Good Friday through Easter Sunday. To live, love and laugh is what Easter is all about. I wouldn’t trade a Christian gathering for anything else in the world.

LET ME share my thoughts on what Christianity is all about. Many believe that being a Christian is all doom and gloom. Filled with sadness; worry and like a dripping faucet; continuous complexities of life. It is true, that the Christian experiences all the things that the world experiences. We go through wars and rumor’s of wars; we get fat or become anemic. We lose loved ones and also our hair. Our skin ages and we become prey to all kinds of diseases. Our bodies are just as frail and fragile as everyone else. But the Christian, has an edge!

JESUS CHRIST came as God in the flesh. Jesus was the Son of God but liked to be called the Son of man! Why do you suppose He liked to be called that? As a child I remember the pictures I would see of Jesus. He was depicted as somber; very serious; intent on His mission! In the 60's a man called Hook, painted pictures of Jesus with laughter in His eyes and a smile that caused you to smile back. His countenance was filled with life, love and laughter. These pictures changed the way we saw the Lord. We saw Him as the Son of man; filled with the spirit of God. We were created in God’s image; these pictures showed us how we can be like Christ!

WHAT DO YOU find interesting, when you think about Christ taking on the very nature of man; especially a servant man? Do you see yourself as a servant? Do you consider yourself a servant to your Boss or are you in the category of being an employee of distinction. The scriptures refers to those, as slaves. Jesus showed us how to serve one another; to care for one another and to hold one another up as better than yourself.

“LET EACH OF YOU, look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which you have in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:4-7 Christ in human form was both God and man; two distinct natures united in one person. We do not understand the full implication of that, nor do we find it clearly defined in the scriptures. However, we hold Jesus up in faith, as the son of God and the son of man.

REMEMBER when Eric Liddel, the 400 meter runner in the 1924 Olympics, was questioned about how he ran? His reply; “When I run, I feel God’s pleasure.” Can we say that? Do we feel God’s pleasure as we sing praise and worship. Are we living, loving and laughing, perhaps aching, weeping and picking ourselves up again; while all the time feeling God’s pleasure? I have always looked at myself as a servant within the church. I feel my calling is to lift up and encourage the saints. I want to cry with them and laugh with them, and I want them to do the same for me.

I WANT to see things happen that create a continuous bond between us. Whether I am planning a function, leading a Bible Study or singing praise and worship with the body; I look for God’s pleasure and not my own. Paul says in verse 13 “For God is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. “Do all things without grumbling or questioning!” Philippians 2:14 The Christian life is not free; it was paid for with a huge price. It comes with sacrifice and responsibility. Jesus says; “Come; today is the day of salvation!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/29/11