THIS MORNING I would like to stay on the same theme of Pastor’s Appreciation Week, because I want to talk about a few men who were Pastor’s that made a difference in my life. I also want to talk about a couple of men who were not exactly Pastor’s, but served in these capacities because of their knowledge, ability and their love for the Lord.
WAYNE OSBORN was a man of character. You wouldn’t see him in a crowd, because he was small in stature; you wouldn’t have paid any of attention to him because of his voice, but you couldn’t help but feel his love for you and his dedication to the Lord. He had a run down old car, but would travel miles to wherever he was needed. He was filling in at one of the churches I attended, even though his health was not good, and during that time, some of churches who knew about his car, went together and bought him a better one. It was a sad day for me when He passed into glory; but oh what an afternoon he had!
I KNEW A MAN name Murray Postles! He was a tall New Zealander, with a strong accent. He was a Pastor friend of the Pastor of my youth, Mr. Ellett. Along with a few other preachers, they were traveling together in an airplane, that was in big trouble, They all had to wear parachutes. As they sat huddled together on the floor of the big plane, they prayed. The way we remember the story; they did have to parachute out of the plane and on the way down, Murray yelled; “Tally ho the fox!” Mr. Ellett kept his parachute and they both used it to talk about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Years later we met up with Murray and his wife. She told me he was still preaching, even though he was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. I believe he was near 80 at the time! You had to be there!
ANOTHER memorable Pastor friend was Keith Sorensen. When you talked with him socially, he stuttered. But when he was in the pulpit, you could not detect that he had any defect. I know singers do this and make big bucks to boot, but Keith was a kind and gentle man with a message that came across in my heart, as one of the most unforgettable preachers I had ever met. You had to be there!
LEE KNAUSS is my brother! I guess you might say, he went to the school of hard knocks because he never attended a bible seminary nor even graduated from high school. When he fell in love with the Lord, he couldn’t keep it a secret. His love grew and grew until one day he discovered he was a Pastor of a small congregation. Most people thought of him as a singer, a member of the Gospel Hymns Quartet. But he was infectious. Sort of grew on you! I always say; “He was the most generous man I had ever met!
JIM CRENSHAW my husband, didn’t start out to be what he is today. He never dreamed he could sing; talk out loud; be an Elder; write poetry; teach a lesson; or preach a sermon. But he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. He thought he was good enough to become a third baseman on a pro baseball team, but instead he became a man of God, and a man after my own heart. He spent almost two years in the pulpit while the church sought a new Pastor. If you ask me, he is one of best preachers, I have ever heard. I guess that is because while God knows his heart, I understand his heart!
DAN CRENSHAW my son, started his piano career at a very young age. He was amazing then and more amazing now. But he astounded me one afternoon, when I overheard him counseling a couple, regarding their children, when he was in his late twenties. Astounded, is a mild word for how I felt. Dan is very much like his Dad, in that he doesn’t offer verbal corrections or admonitions unless the situation warrants it. Dan was working in a church as an Administrator and worship leader. So very talented and now I knew he was also very dedicated to his Lord. Do you know how that feels to a mother when she witnesses her child standing tall in the Lord, with deep concern in his voice? Did I cry? You had to be there!
THROUGH THE YEARS I have come to realize that “As you go” to make disciples is not just talking to the preacher or even to a few men and women, who draw people through their charismatic ways. It is talking to all those who have come to know the Lord, and desire with all their hearts to serve him. Can that be you? Parents who are disciples of Christ, have an awesome responsibility in rearing their children. I am not talking about the usual; I am referring to teaching them about a personal relationship with God. We are all disciples of Jesus Christ and therefore, we should be making disciples of our children and their children. “As we go” we take Jesus Christ with us, and those we meet, love them with God’s love. “And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 13:52 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/17/11
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
WE DON’T usually consider the Pastor as one who would lay down his life for his flock or congregation. We don’t usually put the physical life of the Pastor in the same roll as a martyr; one who gives up his life for another. But many times a Pastor puts his personal life on hold, even when he has his own family. I have often wondered; “How can we do that, to a man of God?” There are times he would willingly lay down his life, for someone in his flock, but we are not privy to that side of him.
AS A YOUNG WIFE, I had many plans for my future. Jim and I loved being together and planning was so much fun. But I soon realized that I needed more conversation than Jim knew how to make. So even while children were to be in our future, I decided I needed children now. When Danny came along and then Jennifer, Jim and I realized our lives were now on hold. Our children consumed all of our attention. Even though we stilled loved being together, and still had plans, we now had other things to think about. We would have laid down our lives for our children, and we still would!
ONE OF JIM’S favorite things to say is; “Here, let me stop this important thing that I am doing, and let me help you!” Can that be laying down your life for another? Another one of Jim’s favorite things to say is; “It’s okay, this isn’t as important as what you are doing!” He doesn’t say these things as much as when we were young. But I remember!
WHEN a Missionary decides, in his heart, that he wants to go into the mission field, the first thing he considers; “Can I lay down my life for another?” Many missionaries have done just that! We have read true stories that tell us about the adventure, the romance and the dangers of real life Missionaries. We have seen their stories portrayed on the big screen. We have heard first hand their stories, when they take time for a home bound furlough from the mission field, to report to those who are interested in God’s church, all over the world.
LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE, does not necessarily mean to die. It means to give up, to change your mind, to replace your plans with other plans that could interfere with a normal life of family and achievements. It could mean, having children and not becoming a school teacher for many years. It could mean, taking a job on land, when you would prefer to be at sea. Perhaps it is wanting to do something, that gnaws at you, until you give in and just do it.
“PETER SAID to Him; “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” John 13:37 Oh yes, Peter was willing to lay down his life for Jesus. He knew he could do it! However, Jesus knew what was in his heart for he said; “Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the cock will not crow, till you have denied me three times.” John 13:38 When the time came, Peter did lay down his life; can we do no less for our Lord?
TO BECOME a Pastor or a Missionary, many things are taken into consideration. “And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29 To become a Pastor or a Missionary, who finds a wife or a husband who wants the same things, and can go into this service together, are blessed!
“FOR WHOEVER would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Mark 8:35 I am not a Missionary, nor did I marry a full time Pastor; but Jim and I serve the Lord with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We are totally blessed in the service of the King. In my heart I believe I would give my life for my Savior but when the count is down, could I? Oh to be like Jesus, and to be so strong in the faith, that I could! Think about it; can you give your life for the Savior? Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/11/11
AS A YOUNG WIFE, I had many plans for my future. Jim and I loved being together and planning was so much fun. But I soon realized that I needed more conversation than Jim knew how to make. So even while children were to be in our future, I decided I needed children now. When Danny came along and then Jennifer, Jim and I realized our lives were now on hold. Our children consumed all of our attention. Even though we stilled loved being together, and still had plans, we now had other things to think about. We would have laid down our lives for our children, and we still would!
ONE OF JIM’S favorite things to say is; “Here, let me stop this important thing that I am doing, and let me help you!” Can that be laying down your life for another? Another one of Jim’s favorite things to say is; “It’s okay, this isn’t as important as what you are doing!” He doesn’t say these things as much as when we were young. But I remember!
WHEN a Missionary decides, in his heart, that he wants to go into the mission field, the first thing he considers; “Can I lay down my life for another?” Many missionaries have done just that! We have read true stories that tell us about the adventure, the romance and the dangers of real life Missionaries. We have seen their stories portrayed on the big screen. We have heard first hand their stories, when they take time for a home bound furlough from the mission field, to report to those who are interested in God’s church, all over the world.
LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE, does not necessarily mean to die. It means to give up, to change your mind, to replace your plans with other plans that could interfere with a normal life of family and achievements. It could mean, having children and not becoming a school teacher for many years. It could mean, taking a job on land, when you would prefer to be at sea. Perhaps it is wanting to do something, that gnaws at you, until you give in and just do it.
“PETER SAID to Him; “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.” John 13:37 Oh yes, Peter was willing to lay down his life for Jesus. He knew he could do it! However, Jesus knew what was in his heart for he said; “Will you lay down your life for me? Truly, truly, I say to you, the cock will not crow, till you have denied me three times.” John 13:38 When the time came, Peter did lay down his life; can we do no less for our Lord?
TO BECOME a Pastor or a Missionary, many things are taken into consideration. “And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” Matthew 19:29 To become a Pastor or a Missionary, who finds a wife or a husband who wants the same things, and can go into this service together, are blessed!
“FOR WHOEVER would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Mark 8:35 I am not a Missionary, nor did I marry a full time Pastor; but Jim and I serve the Lord with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We are totally blessed in the service of the King. In my heart I believe I would give my life for my Savior but when the count is down, could I? Oh to be like Jesus, and to be so strong in the faith, that I could! Think about it; can you give your life for the Savior? Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/11/11
Sunday, October 16, 2011
WHEN I was a girl I met Mr. Ellett! He was out front of the church building unlocking the door in preparation for Sunday morning. My sister Janice was about 13, Layton was 11, I was 9, Lynn was 8 and Joyce was 6. Just kids on our way to a new Sunday School! He was so excited as he greeted us. He took us inside and when the “morning exercises” began he introduced us. Following Sunday School, we were invited to stay for church. At the beginning of the services he introduced us again. At the end of the service he invited us kids, to attend the Friday Night Pot Luck. That was the beginning of a beautiful “love affair” between me and that whole church family. I learned everything I know today from the teachings of that body. Most importantly, I learned how to love God’s people and had a desire to serve God all my life.
JIM AND I had been married 8 years when we moved to Oregon. We began attending a small congregation, where the Pastor was just a few years younger than us. He was a Jack of all trades Pastor; as he would go, he was prepared to help. He painted buildings, worked in the garden, bailed hay and even dug ditches. I remember calling, prospective persons to whom he wanted to visit, and one said she didn’t think this was a good time because they were painting the barn. Vernon said he would go anyway and help. Once he took Jim with him to dig a trench around a garage, where the people were living while they built their house. Vernon was young but willing to learn how to be a man of God by loving His people. He encouraged Jim to read the Bible from cover to cover, which totally convicted Jim , that Christ was Lord! With Vernon, Jim and I learned how to serve God in a more active and personal way!
LYLE McCAW filled the pulpit after Vernon moved on. Now Lyle was young enough to have been my son and I suppose, I treated him as my son. He was in his growing years as a Pastor and learned what worked and what didn’t work. Lyle could sing, play the guitar and was full of energy. It was with Lyle that I was given the opportunity to teach a Ladies Sunday school class that changed my life! He would remind us often that “Go ye therefore;” means “As you go!” I realized “As you go” meant me also!
IN 2001 we moved to Klamath Falls to begin our retirement years. We attended a fairly new body that was led by Ernie Mathes. We had met Ernie many years before, while Jim was singing in the Gospel Hymns quartet. The quartet was asked to sing at their church camp. Ernie became known to me as the hugging Pastor. He had hugs for everyone! Small, big, short, tall, young or old; Ernie showed his Godly affection to all of them. It changed my perspective on hugging those, within the faith!
LATER ON this church merged with another within the same area. David Loser, a very kind, gentle and soft spoken man, was the Pastor and Ernie became the Associate. David and I became friends; so much so, that when Jim and I left to attend another church in the community, we remained friends. He is softly tucked away in my heart as he is a man with many health issues, but he loves the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. Leaving this congregation was hard, because their love was given so freely!
TODAY we attend Shasta Way Christian Church and Don White is our Pastor. He too is a very kind, gentle and soft spoken man. His loving ways, has made him a good Shepherd of his flock, and he has drawn us into his fold. We both sat in Don’s Sunday School class and have learned from him. No matter how old you get, you still have room to learn. We took away from Don’s classes, a method for effective teaching. Jim uses it in his Sunday Class and I use it in leading the Ladies Tuesday morning Bible study. We are living proof that you are never to old to learn new tricks of the trade.
“STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the Word of truth!” 2 Timothy 2:15 This was the second verse I had committed to memory, in my youth! These men in my life, have each continued my training in putting this scripture to use. I praise them and thank them! “As you go; teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:19-20 This is the mantra of all Pastors; their passion!
“AS YOU GO” from congregation to congregation, take what you have learned and build upon it. You may not agree with all Pastors, nor like their methods of teaching, but they have chosen a righteous profession. They have chosen to be the Pastor; and that is a good thing!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/7/11
JIM AND I had been married 8 years when we moved to Oregon. We began attending a small congregation, where the Pastor was just a few years younger than us. He was a Jack of all trades Pastor; as he would go, he was prepared to help. He painted buildings, worked in the garden, bailed hay and even dug ditches. I remember calling, prospective persons to whom he wanted to visit, and one said she didn’t think this was a good time because they were painting the barn. Vernon said he would go anyway and help. Once he took Jim with him to dig a trench around a garage, where the people were living while they built their house. Vernon was young but willing to learn how to be a man of God by loving His people. He encouraged Jim to read the Bible from cover to cover, which totally convicted Jim , that Christ was Lord! With Vernon, Jim and I learned how to serve God in a more active and personal way!
LYLE McCAW filled the pulpit after Vernon moved on. Now Lyle was young enough to have been my son and I suppose, I treated him as my son. He was in his growing years as a Pastor and learned what worked and what didn’t work. Lyle could sing, play the guitar and was full of energy. It was with Lyle that I was given the opportunity to teach a Ladies Sunday school class that changed my life! He would remind us often that “Go ye therefore;” means “As you go!” I realized “As you go” meant me also!
IN 2001 we moved to Klamath Falls to begin our retirement years. We attended a fairly new body that was led by Ernie Mathes. We had met Ernie many years before, while Jim was singing in the Gospel Hymns quartet. The quartet was asked to sing at their church camp. Ernie became known to me as the hugging Pastor. He had hugs for everyone! Small, big, short, tall, young or old; Ernie showed his Godly affection to all of them. It changed my perspective on hugging those, within the faith!
LATER ON this church merged with another within the same area. David Loser, a very kind, gentle and soft spoken man, was the Pastor and Ernie became the Associate. David and I became friends; so much so, that when Jim and I left to attend another church in the community, we remained friends. He is softly tucked away in my heart as he is a man with many health issues, but he loves the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. Leaving this congregation was hard, because their love was given so freely!
TODAY we attend Shasta Way Christian Church and Don White is our Pastor. He too is a very kind, gentle and soft spoken man. His loving ways, has made him a good Shepherd of his flock, and he has drawn us into his fold. We both sat in Don’s Sunday School class and have learned from him. No matter how old you get, you still have room to learn. We took away from Don’s classes, a method for effective teaching. Jim uses it in his Sunday Class and I use it in leading the Ladies Tuesday morning Bible study. We are living proof that you are never to old to learn new tricks of the trade.
“STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the Word of truth!” 2 Timothy 2:15 This was the second verse I had committed to memory, in my youth! These men in my life, have each continued my training in putting this scripture to use. I praise them and thank them! “As you go; teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:19-20 This is the mantra of all Pastors; their passion!
“AS YOU GO” from congregation to congregation, take what you have learned and build upon it. You may not agree with all Pastors, nor like their methods of teaching, but they have chosen a righteous profession. They have chosen to be the Pastor; and that is a good thing!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/7/11
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I REMEMBER a movie in the 80's or 90's that said;
“Who you gonna call? At that time it was Ghost Busters! This was sort of bantered about, until the movie ran it’s course. And so I ask you, when you are tired, no money, running into all kinds of obstacles and no where to turn; Who you gonna call; where you gonna go? I suppose some call their Mom or Dad. Perhaps the Welfare office. Others, the local food bank, perhaps the Gospel Mission or the Salvation Army. Many head for their church! These places can either give you a loan, a place to stay, take your information and put you on a list, or send you to the nearest food bank to fill your needs.
THERE use to be a committee comprised of people from different churches, that would interview persons who were in need of money, food, medicines etc. Most of the time the money was needed to make some payment. The churches would contribute so much a month, to fund the applicable needs. Jim was asked to be on this committee and refused because he didn’t want to set in judgement of these people. If it was up to him he would just say yes, yes, yes! Churches having food pantries and even a clothes closet is a very good thing to have available, not just for the church members, but whomever has a need.
I WANT to tell you about another person that usually is called when you don’t know where to turn. Most people think he is available 24/7 and he doesn’t do much anyway so they might as well call him. That person is their Pastor and friend! A Pastor’s job should be full time in preparation for preaching and teaching the word, calling on the sick, caring for His flock and of course being available to those who need him to listen and to council. However, the Pastors full time runs into his personal time. Mostly because he can’t leave his job at the church building, but takes it home with him, as it fills his entire being.
HAVE YOU EVER thought about what the Pastor does? First of all he has a family. This includes a wife and children, a home with pets and obligations. His church is his chosen profession and he knew it would not be 9:00 to 5:00. So the woman he marries, agrees to his profession and becomes the Pastor’s wife. She isn’t paid for her role in this profession but stands by her man while he is all things to his flock.
THE PASTOR’S family faces the same pressures as other families, however, living in the parsonage and serving in the pastoral role also has some other distinct pressures. Many Pastors end up taking a leave of absence while being treated for depression. Many Pastor’s leave the ministry and become Insurance Salesmen. The pastor fills a never-ending role, solving one problem; one right after another. Congregations expectations are beyond imagination. They believe the pastors credibility must be above reproach within society as well as the church and that he must remain on call 168 hours each week.
THE PASTOR is expected to perform well with a wide range of skills. A scholar, visionary, communicator, administrator, consoler, leader, financier, diplomat, perfect example, counselor and peacemaker. He is expected to bring riveting and life-changing messages on Sunday Morning, not to mention his Sunday school class, Wednesday night meeting and whenever he is called to speak again. Those who work with the Pastor are made up of mostly a volunteer force and not paid help. He and his family live in a fish bowl and often receive harsh criticism from both the community and the congregation. As you can see, the Pastor is a very special person, whom God has set apart, and deserves our attention, love and support.
I DON’T REMEMBER when this started but having a national Clergy Appreciation Day is a good thing. This year it is today, October 9, 2011! When I first heard that it was a day, I felt that for this much needed appreciation, it should be at least a month. Whoever decided that we should have a day, did a good thing. I don’t care who started it and I don’t care that it started with a day. I am happy that there is such a time for this celebration. We should lift up our leaders all through the year, because their task is not easy nor is it always light and cheerful. It is filled with God’s grace and comes with God’s blessings!
“REMEMBER those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct; you imitate their faith.” Hebrew 13:7 My Pastor’s were Mr. Ellett , Vernon Landreth, Lyle McCaw, Ernie Mathes, David Loser, and Don White! These men have brought many into the fellowship of Jesus Christ and from the age of 9, I am still thanking God for these special men in my life. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrew 13:8 Are your roots planted in the word of God? If so, thank the Pastor’s in your life! I thank God, and my husband Jim, everyday! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/3/11
“Who you gonna call? At that time it was Ghost Busters! This was sort of bantered about, until the movie ran it’s course. And so I ask you, when you are tired, no money, running into all kinds of obstacles and no where to turn; Who you gonna call; where you gonna go? I suppose some call their Mom or Dad. Perhaps the Welfare office. Others, the local food bank, perhaps the Gospel Mission or the Salvation Army. Many head for their church! These places can either give you a loan, a place to stay, take your information and put you on a list, or send you to the nearest food bank to fill your needs.
THERE use to be a committee comprised of people from different churches, that would interview persons who were in need of money, food, medicines etc. Most of the time the money was needed to make some payment. The churches would contribute so much a month, to fund the applicable needs. Jim was asked to be on this committee and refused because he didn’t want to set in judgement of these people. If it was up to him he would just say yes, yes, yes! Churches having food pantries and even a clothes closet is a very good thing to have available, not just for the church members, but whomever has a need.
I WANT to tell you about another person that usually is called when you don’t know where to turn. Most people think he is available 24/7 and he doesn’t do much anyway so they might as well call him. That person is their Pastor and friend! A Pastor’s job should be full time in preparation for preaching and teaching the word, calling on the sick, caring for His flock and of course being available to those who need him to listen and to council. However, the Pastors full time runs into his personal time. Mostly because he can’t leave his job at the church building, but takes it home with him, as it fills his entire being.
HAVE YOU EVER thought about what the Pastor does? First of all he has a family. This includes a wife and children, a home with pets and obligations. His church is his chosen profession and he knew it would not be 9:00 to 5:00. So the woman he marries, agrees to his profession and becomes the Pastor’s wife. She isn’t paid for her role in this profession but stands by her man while he is all things to his flock.
THE PASTOR’S family faces the same pressures as other families, however, living in the parsonage and serving in the pastoral role also has some other distinct pressures. Many Pastors end up taking a leave of absence while being treated for depression. Many Pastor’s leave the ministry and become Insurance Salesmen. The pastor fills a never-ending role, solving one problem; one right after another. Congregations expectations are beyond imagination. They believe the pastors credibility must be above reproach within society as well as the church and that he must remain on call 168 hours each week.
THE PASTOR is expected to perform well with a wide range of skills. A scholar, visionary, communicator, administrator, consoler, leader, financier, diplomat, perfect example, counselor and peacemaker. He is expected to bring riveting and life-changing messages on Sunday Morning, not to mention his Sunday school class, Wednesday night meeting and whenever he is called to speak again. Those who work with the Pastor are made up of mostly a volunteer force and not paid help. He and his family live in a fish bowl and often receive harsh criticism from both the community and the congregation. As you can see, the Pastor is a very special person, whom God has set apart, and deserves our attention, love and support.
I DON’T REMEMBER when this started but having a national Clergy Appreciation Day is a good thing. This year it is today, October 9, 2011! When I first heard that it was a day, I felt that for this much needed appreciation, it should be at least a month. Whoever decided that we should have a day, did a good thing. I don’t care who started it and I don’t care that it started with a day. I am happy that there is such a time for this celebration. We should lift up our leaders all through the year, because their task is not easy nor is it always light and cheerful. It is filled with God’s grace and comes with God’s blessings!
“REMEMBER those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct; you imitate their faith.” Hebrew 13:7 My Pastor’s were Mr. Ellett , Vernon Landreth, Lyle McCaw, Ernie Mathes, David Loser, and Don White! These men have brought many into the fellowship of Jesus Christ and from the age of 9, I am still thanking God for these special men in my life. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrew 13:8 Are your roots planted in the word of God? If so, thank the Pastor’s in your life! I thank God, and my husband Jim, everyday! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/3/11
Sunday, October 2, 2011
AT ONE POINT, in my working career, someone had put a screen saver on my computer that said; “Queen of Everything!” I can’t remember why and I can’t remember who, but at that point in time, I am sure I believed I was, Queen of everything! You know, the one that is invincible, that has the power to draw attention and even convince others that you know what you are talking about.
TODAY, I am in touch more with reality than I am with an imaginary friend. I was reminded of this the other day when Jim said, in a nice way; “I was queen of everything.” My memory has become so untrustworthy, that I can’t remember why he even said that; neither does he! But, my mind went back to that time and the screen saver on my computer.
TODAY, I know who I am and where I am headed and it is not being invincible, nor powerful or able to convince others that I know everything there is to know about God’s Word. But I am persuaded that He is able to perfect, even me in all of my insecurities, to become all that He has created me to be. And God can do the same for you! “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9
GOD HAS MADE provision for the Church by giving us a fellowship through all who have accepted His call to salvation. A support group of great magnitude. Often I have suggested to those who call me to pray for them, that they need to call the Pastor or the Elders. Yet, on many occasion, the Holy Spirit gives me the words and the compassion to become the support at that time. God has given each one of us the ability to be listeners. But being a listener does not make us, a king or queen of anything!
I HAVE GREAT ADMIRATION for those who become pastors of a church. A shepherd of the flock. The listener and confidant of those in need! It is not easy for them to hear the heartache of their fellow Christians and friends. It is not easy knowing their heartaches, because they know, these heartaches, will become theirs. When you have reached a point in your walk with Jesus, that others seek you out for comfort, consultation and fellowship, you realize, that to be used of God in this way, becomes embedded in your mystic, your spiritual life. Your spiritual life becomes known to others through the Holy Spirit.
FOR MANY YEARS now, I have been called by some, when they needed to be lifted up or encouraged. I have listened to their stories, felt compassion, and believe me, I am never left untouched. Their name and their concern goes on my list of those I need to remember in prayer. And my prayer always is; “God help me to remember!”
BE CAREFUL when you counsel! “For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:11 We must be walking with God ourselves if we expect to bring another to walk along side us; in fellowship with God! We cannot know the heart of man, only God knows this, but their intentions can be revealed to us.
“THIS is how one should regard us; as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by Him.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 Take care that you hold yourself accountable to the one who shares with you and with God. Let us love one another and hold true to the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; for He is faithful to us! Paul says that we have no grounds for boasting! “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.” 1 Corinthians 10:24
by Jane Ann Crenshaw 9-30-11
TODAY, I am in touch more with reality than I am with an imaginary friend. I was reminded of this the other day when Jim said, in a nice way; “I was queen of everything.” My memory has become so untrustworthy, that I can’t remember why he even said that; neither does he! But, my mind went back to that time and the screen saver on my computer.
TODAY, I know who I am and where I am headed and it is not being invincible, nor powerful or able to convince others that I know everything there is to know about God’s Word. But I am persuaded that He is able to perfect, even me in all of my insecurities, to become all that He has created me to be. And God can do the same for you! “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9
GOD HAS MADE provision for the Church by giving us a fellowship through all who have accepted His call to salvation. A support group of great magnitude. Often I have suggested to those who call me to pray for them, that they need to call the Pastor or the Elders. Yet, on many occasion, the Holy Spirit gives me the words and the compassion to become the support at that time. God has given each one of us the ability to be listeners. But being a listener does not make us, a king or queen of anything!
I HAVE GREAT ADMIRATION for those who become pastors of a church. A shepherd of the flock. The listener and confidant of those in need! It is not easy for them to hear the heartache of their fellow Christians and friends. It is not easy knowing their heartaches, because they know, these heartaches, will become theirs. When you have reached a point in your walk with Jesus, that others seek you out for comfort, consultation and fellowship, you realize, that to be used of God in this way, becomes embedded in your mystic, your spiritual life. Your spiritual life becomes known to others through the Holy Spirit.
FOR MANY YEARS now, I have been called by some, when they needed to be lifted up or encouraged. I have listened to their stories, felt compassion, and believe me, I am never left untouched. Their name and their concern goes on my list of those I need to remember in prayer. And my prayer always is; “God help me to remember!”
BE CAREFUL when you counsel! “For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:11 We must be walking with God ourselves if we expect to bring another to walk along side us; in fellowship with God! We cannot know the heart of man, only God knows this, but their intentions can be revealed to us.
“THIS is how one should regard us; as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.” 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves God, one is known by Him.” 1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 Take care that you hold yourself accountable to the one who shares with you and with God. Let us love one another and hold true to the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; for He is faithful to us! Paul says that we have no grounds for boasting! “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.” 1 Corinthians 10:24
by Jane Ann Crenshaw 9-30-11
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