REMEMBER the big hit without instruments, but gave the listener a toe tapping calypso beat, and hit the music charts with a bang, and made Bob Marley a household name? It starts out with; “In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double don’t worry, be happy don’t worry be happy, now don’t worry be happy don’t worry be happy don’t worry be happy ain’t got no place to lay your head somebody came and took your bed, don’t worry, be happy.” The words of the song all run together, but make sense!
IT CONTINUES with “cos when you worry, your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down, so don’t worry, be happy. Listen to what I say in your life expect some trouble when you worry you make it double don’t worry be happy be happy now. Put a smile on your face, don’t worry, it will soon pass whatever it is, don’t worry, be happy, I’m not worried!”
I AM A WORRIER! I first feel the warmth on my neck and slowly it creeps up until my mind feels the heat and I become anxious. I am the fire starter and Jim is always ready to put the fire out. He says; “Deal with it!” What he means is get in touch with God! However, before I can get in touch with God, I must deal with Satan. I have to yell, stomp my feet and declare my allegiance to God and then I can calm down and stand in the presence of God with clean hands!
I HAVE a tendency of putting off today what I can do tomorrow. I know many of you have been there and done that. When tomorrow comes, I wish I had already done that, but now I am faced with doing it today, that which I could have done yesterday. Knowing if I had done it yesterday, I wouldn’t have to do it today! Do you live in a bubble circle? When I don’t plan, that is where I am.
READING THROUGH THE BIBLE is usually a Christians New Years Resolution. Reading so many chapters a day is not a bad thing. But this year do it without feeling an obligation, so you can check those chapters off. Approach it instead with eagerness, excitement and anticipation because you get to do it again! Reading God’s Word can change your life and continuing to read it, keeps changing your life. One day you will wake UP and be that person God has created you to be. Not sure when that day will come, but I know it is on it’s way.
HERE WE ARE at the door of a brand new year, 2012. Who would have thought twenty years ago, that this day would ever come? But it has! Interestingly enough, we still have bills to pay and food to buy. For some, we go to work and for some we wish we had work to go to. Today we can start our tomorrow by changing our mind set by doing today what we could have left for tomorrow. That way we don’t have to worry about tomorrow. God says; “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.” Matthew 6:34
“IN THE BEGINNING was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God!” John 1:1-2 Do you know just how profound this verse is? It is saying that God and the Word (Jesus) were together from the very beginning and that God became the Word (Jesus)!“ ”In Him (Jesus) was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it!” John 1:4-5 Do you know just how profound this verse is? It is saying that Jesus is the light and life of men. Jesus dispels the darkness that overshadows man. Jesus is the Word that we read. When we read it we have life and live in the light. Darkness has no power over us!
SOMETIMES we forget just what the scriptures are all about. The Word is the living and breathing soul of our Savior, Jesus Christ. When we read it and apply it to our own personal lives, we can’t help but be happy. So don’t worry, be happy now! Live every day as though it was your last and tomorrow will take care of it’s self.
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/29/11
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
TRADITIONS have taken over when it comes to Christmas mornings. Traditions are the handing down of beliefs and customs from one generation to another. In some households it can be anything handed down from the past and so strongly rooted as to be considered a law. Thanksgiving is mostly rooted with turkey and pumpkin pie. Christmas is rooted under the Christmas tree!
I HAVE nothing against traditions. As a matter of fact; I love keeping up with family traditions; it is something that can be counted on! When I was a girl, I knew we would have Christmas because my mother was Christmas oriented. No matter what the financial condition was, we had Christmas. My mother was a creative planner long before her time and besides that, she had lots of children before me and had a lot of experience. I learned years later that she was not all that creative.
BECAUSE of family traditions it is hard to get a handle on the real meaning of Christmas. Out of my 1965 Webster’s Dictionary, Christmas means “anniversary of the birth of Christ celebrated on December 25th.” However the word when broken into two words, Christ mass, means Savior of the masses. The one who came to save the world!
A NEW TRADITION was instituted by Jesus when He died on the cross, and rose again. No longer was a trip to the temple needed for sacrifices, nor to the Priest for purification. A yearly visit was done away with because now we could worship our Savior moment by moment, hour after hour, day in and day out. The bridge that was built by Jesus, gave us passage into the throne of our heavenly Father!
CELEBRATING birthdays has been a worldly tradition for most. Growing up in my family we didn’t have a party but always a cake. When I was invited to a birthday party, taking gifts was customary. I always wanted a birthday gift! Didn’t get many, but then cake was good! To celebrate Christ’s birth is almost as grand as God’s birth announcements. We cannot hold a candle to God’s way of giving honor and praise but we can try, can’t we!
BIRTHDAY GIFTS for Jesus was a tradition at a church we attended for many, many years. The first of December we decorated the sanctuary and invited the church to come for the “hanging of the green’s!” After the tree was decorated we invited all to bring gifts for Jesus and place them under the tree. During our Birthday party for Jesus all the children would come up on the stage and sit around the tree.
YOU GUESSED IT! With some supervision, the children took turns opening the gifts for Jesus. Much needed supplies were unwrapped. Office supplies, Sunday School supplies, kitchen supplies, and bathroom supplies; supplies and more supplies. At home, we put gifts under the tree for our loved ones whether they have been good or bad. “And going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, of gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11 Gifts are a tradition that we love to keep passing on!
“THESE THINGS I remember, as I pour out my soul; how I went with the throng and led them in procession to the house of God, with glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival.” Psalms 42:4 David is remembering His joy in the Lord! Christmas is a time for us to remember our joy in the Lord also. This Christmas let’s “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!” Psalms 100:4 Pray with thanksgiving in your heart and you will find the peace that passes all understanding. Merry Christmas! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/20/11
I HAVE nothing against traditions. As a matter of fact; I love keeping up with family traditions; it is something that can be counted on! When I was a girl, I knew we would have Christmas because my mother was Christmas oriented. No matter what the financial condition was, we had Christmas. My mother was a creative planner long before her time and besides that, she had lots of children before me and had a lot of experience. I learned years later that she was not all that creative.
BECAUSE of family traditions it is hard to get a handle on the real meaning of Christmas. Out of my 1965 Webster’s Dictionary, Christmas means “anniversary of the birth of Christ celebrated on December 25th.” However the word when broken into two words, Christ mass, means Savior of the masses. The one who came to save the world!
A NEW TRADITION was instituted by Jesus when He died on the cross, and rose again. No longer was a trip to the temple needed for sacrifices, nor to the Priest for purification. A yearly visit was done away with because now we could worship our Savior moment by moment, hour after hour, day in and day out. The bridge that was built by Jesus, gave us passage into the throne of our heavenly Father!
CELEBRATING birthdays has been a worldly tradition for most. Growing up in my family we didn’t have a party but always a cake. When I was invited to a birthday party, taking gifts was customary. I always wanted a birthday gift! Didn’t get many, but then cake was good! To celebrate Christ’s birth is almost as grand as God’s birth announcements. We cannot hold a candle to God’s way of giving honor and praise but we can try, can’t we!
BIRTHDAY GIFTS for Jesus was a tradition at a church we attended for many, many years. The first of December we decorated the sanctuary and invited the church to come for the “hanging of the green’s!” After the tree was decorated we invited all to bring gifts for Jesus and place them under the tree. During our Birthday party for Jesus all the children would come up on the stage and sit around the tree.
YOU GUESSED IT! With some supervision, the children took turns opening the gifts for Jesus. Much needed supplies were unwrapped. Office supplies, Sunday School supplies, kitchen supplies, and bathroom supplies; supplies and more supplies. At home, we put gifts under the tree for our loved ones whether they have been good or bad. “And going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts, of gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11 Gifts are a tradition that we love to keep passing on!
“THESE THINGS I remember, as I pour out my soul; how I went with the throng and led them in procession to the house of God, with glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival.” Psalms 42:4 David is remembering His joy in the Lord! Christmas is a time for us to remember our joy in the Lord also. This Christmas let’s “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into His presence with singing!” Psalms 100:4 Pray with thanksgiving in your heart and you will find the peace that passes all understanding. Merry Christmas! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/20/11
Saturday, December 17, 2011
TODAY is the week before Christmas and a thought occurred to me. Is your house quiet, is it full of activity, are the sugar plums dancing in your heads? Do the children help you with the shopping, especially this week when it all comes down to the wire? Or are you worrying about the cost!
IN REMEMBERING Christmas when I was a child, us kids never went shopping but we did look all over the house to see if there were toys, hidden somewhere, out of our reach. I remember my mother heading for her room shortly before we were all tucked into bed and you could hear the whirring of her sewing machine into the wee hours of the morning.
JIM and I never took our children shopping with us. We took them shopping when it was time for them to shop, and I believe that was at a very early age. Whatever they pointed at, was purchased as their gift for Jim or me. I still believe that children should be left at home during this season. Makes it much easier on the shoppers all around, and for the kids, it gives great expectations for Christmas morning. Something they could look forward to would be under the tree!
NOW baking and decorating is a different story. I always tried to encourage the kids to help me in the kitchen. I remember making santa jars and the kids filling them with hard Christmas candies. I invited an old man who’s name was Bob to have lunch with us. I had worked with him and always thought about him, because he reminded me of my Dad. This one Christmas I called him and the kids and I went to pick him up and brought him home. When it was time for us to take him back, the kids gave him the Christmas candy jar. He was very pleased! I cried when I said goodby, because I knew I would not see him again!
WE ALSO gave those candy jars to some of the men in Jim’s and my family. Uncle Bud, even when the candy was gone, sat the jar out and it became part of the decorations. When he passed away I took the jar as a memory of Uncle Bud.
CHRISTMAS is a time that is full of memories. We all have our patterns of celebrations. Many of us, instead of finding the joy, are filled with sadness. I can’t help but remember Christmas past, because mine were always filled with joy. So many of my brothers and sisters are celebrating in heaven in the presence of God. We are still celebrating here on earth in memory of the Christ child, who grew to be the man of sorrows. We need to celebrate in the now because the present is where we are living. We live today, with Christ within us because we have chosen Him as Savior!
WHAT IS IT about the present that makes our Christmas today so special? It is because we are still waiting and preparing for His return. We have placed our hope in that Christ child born over 2000 years ago, and who grew to be a man. The difference is that He is our Savior! Thirty three years after his birth He went and suffered on a cross of shame to take the sins of the world upon himself. No one could do that but God! “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!” John 3:16
THIS SCRIPTURE says; “should not perish.” Does that mean belief is just not enough! When God says “whosoever believes in Him, should not perish,” He is saying that Satan believes and is condemned. John the Baptist came making straight the path that leads to Jesus. He came to prepare us with repentance through baptism. Jesus came to give us forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, through baptism, which was established in the beginning of the church.
TWAS THE NIGHT before Christmas, and all through the house, let’s arise in anticipation, to celebrate the Christ. His love is everlasting and He brings us life! He softly says; “Come, you who are favored;” Hallelujah, what a Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/12/11
IN REMEMBERING Christmas when I was a child, us kids never went shopping but we did look all over the house to see if there were toys, hidden somewhere, out of our reach. I remember my mother heading for her room shortly before we were all tucked into bed and you could hear the whirring of her sewing machine into the wee hours of the morning.
JIM and I never took our children shopping with us. We took them shopping when it was time for them to shop, and I believe that was at a very early age. Whatever they pointed at, was purchased as their gift for Jim or me. I still believe that children should be left at home during this season. Makes it much easier on the shoppers all around, and for the kids, it gives great expectations for Christmas morning. Something they could look forward to would be under the tree!
NOW baking and decorating is a different story. I always tried to encourage the kids to help me in the kitchen. I remember making santa jars and the kids filling them with hard Christmas candies. I invited an old man who’s name was Bob to have lunch with us. I had worked with him and always thought about him, because he reminded me of my Dad. This one Christmas I called him and the kids and I went to pick him up and brought him home. When it was time for us to take him back, the kids gave him the Christmas candy jar. He was very pleased! I cried when I said goodby, because I knew I would not see him again!
WE ALSO gave those candy jars to some of the men in Jim’s and my family. Uncle Bud, even when the candy was gone, sat the jar out and it became part of the decorations. When he passed away I took the jar as a memory of Uncle Bud.
CHRISTMAS is a time that is full of memories. We all have our patterns of celebrations. Many of us, instead of finding the joy, are filled with sadness. I can’t help but remember Christmas past, because mine were always filled with joy. So many of my brothers and sisters are celebrating in heaven in the presence of God. We are still celebrating here on earth in memory of the Christ child, who grew to be the man of sorrows. We need to celebrate in the now because the present is where we are living. We live today, with Christ within us because we have chosen Him as Savior!
WHAT IS IT about the present that makes our Christmas today so special? It is because we are still waiting and preparing for His return. We have placed our hope in that Christ child born over 2000 years ago, and who grew to be a man. The difference is that He is our Savior! Thirty three years after his birth He went and suffered on a cross of shame to take the sins of the world upon himself. No one could do that but God! “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!” John 3:16
THIS SCRIPTURE says; “should not perish.” Does that mean belief is just not enough! When God says “whosoever believes in Him, should not perish,” He is saying that Satan believes and is condemned. John the Baptist came making straight the path that leads to Jesus. He came to prepare us with repentance through baptism. Jesus came to give us forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, through baptism, which was established in the beginning of the church.
TWAS THE NIGHT before Christmas, and all through the house, let’s arise in anticipation, to celebrate the Christ. His love is everlasting and He brings us life! He softly says; “Come, you who are favored;” Hallelujah, what a Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/12/11
Saturday, December 10, 2011
APPLE OF ONE'S EYE! 12/11//11
THIS IS an age-old expression! One of my favorite things to do is search the meanings behind some of the things we say. The round pippin apple grew in Israel and for some reason reminded them of an eye. Sort of a vernacular comparison between the two objects; the apple and the eye. In the modern world we use this term to draw attention to anything extremely precious to us. We don’t look at the shape or color but just that they are, the apple of our eye!
WHEN I am shopping for apples my eyes are drawn to the bright shiny color of red. These look so beautiful in my fruit bowl. However, I love to eat the gala or fuji’s. When I am shopping, I can’t help but look at the cost. Today, apples are good, but pricey! But we buy them anyway!
DID YOU know that this phrase; “Apple of the Eye” is referenced in God’s Word? David writes in Psalms 17:8; “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Thy wings.” Of course he is saying; “God hide me and love me always!” God says in Proverbs 7:1-2 “My son, keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye.” Here God is saying; “Love my Word and live in my commandments!”
HAVE you ever thought of yourself as being the apple of God’s eye? Have you ever thought of yourself being the apple of anyone’s eye! I never really thought about myself being that precious to anyone, except for God. He sent His son and His son died for me so that I would be free. Still, the apple of His eye? Can I really be that?
HEZEKIAH 2:8, tells us that during the days of Hezekiah, God favored Zion, Israel; because of His love for Hezekiah. He laid out a decree that no one was to touch Israel, His chosen people, while Hezekiah was alive. God said; “do not touch the apple of my eye!” Of course, as the story goes, Israel fell out of favor with God later on, and then His greatest plan began to unfold.
“FOR GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 We find that God delivered His only begotten Son, who was and is the Savior of the world. Through Jesus and the magnificent twelve the Church was to be established. Now that God’s Kingdom is outfitted with the church as His chosen people, do you believe that we have become “the apple of His eye!"
“HUSBANDS, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:25-27 Jesus liken’s the church to a bride. Don’t you imagine that most husbands view their brides as “the apple of their eye?” I view Jim that way!
I REMEMBER watching Jim’s brother, when he was looking at his wife! His eyes sparkled with adoration. I would wish that Jim would look at me like that! The funny thing was, he did look at me like that, but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it. Girls are enamored with the idea of love. We read romance novel’s and poetry that depict torrid feelings of love. We are enchanted with fairy tales where everyone lives happily ever after. But we can’t imagine someone loving us!
I BELIEVE that realizing we are the apple in God’s eye should give us an entirely different picture of God’s love for His church. I believe that if we are His bride, then the church should be intimately involved with her husband, Jesus! I believe that we should be devoted and in love with whom we have believed in. I believe that God says a wife and husband here, can share their intimacy with God when they become one. If I can understand this, so can you! God’s Word is not difficult to understand, you just have to be opened to it’s splendor!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/6/11
WHEN I am shopping for apples my eyes are drawn to the bright shiny color of red. These look so beautiful in my fruit bowl. However, I love to eat the gala or fuji’s. When I am shopping, I can’t help but look at the cost. Today, apples are good, but pricey! But we buy them anyway!
DID YOU know that this phrase; “Apple of the Eye” is referenced in God’s Word? David writes in Psalms 17:8; “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Thy wings.” Of course he is saying; “God hide me and love me always!” God says in Proverbs 7:1-2 “My son, keep my words, and treasure my commandments within you. Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye.” Here God is saying; “Love my Word and live in my commandments!”
HAVE you ever thought of yourself as being the apple of God’s eye? Have you ever thought of yourself being the apple of anyone’s eye! I never really thought about myself being that precious to anyone, except for God. He sent His son and His son died for me so that I would be free. Still, the apple of His eye? Can I really be that?
HEZEKIAH 2:8, tells us that during the days of Hezekiah, God favored Zion, Israel; because of His love for Hezekiah. He laid out a decree that no one was to touch Israel, His chosen people, while Hezekiah was alive. God said; “do not touch the apple of my eye!” Of course, as the story goes, Israel fell out of favor with God later on, and then His greatest plan began to unfold.
“FOR GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 We find that God delivered His only begotten Son, who was and is the Savior of the world. Through Jesus and the magnificent twelve the Church was to be established. Now that God’s Kingdom is outfitted with the church as His chosen people, do you believe that we have become “the apple of His eye!"
“HUSBANDS, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:25-27 Jesus liken’s the church to a bride. Don’t you imagine that most husbands view their brides as “the apple of their eye?” I view Jim that way!
I REMEMBER watching Jim’s brother, when he was looking at his wife! His eyes sparkled with adoration. I would wish that Jim would look at me like that! The funny thing was, he did look at me like that, but I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it. Girls are enamored with the idea of love. We read romance novel’s and poetry that depict torrid feelings of love. We are enchanted with fairy tales where everyone lives happily ever after. But we can’t imagine someone loving us!
I BELIEVE that realizing we are the apple in God’s eye should give us an entirely different picture of God’s love for His church. I believe that if we are His bride, then the church should be intimately involved with her husband, Jesus! I believe that we should be devoted and in love with whom we have believed in. I believe that God says a wife and husband here, can share their intimacy with God when they become one. If I can understand this, so can you! God’s Word is not difficult to understand, you just have to be opened to it’s splendor!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/6/11
Saturday, December 3, 2011
WHO AM I? 12/4/11
WHO are you? I know we have all asked that question of
ourselves and some know the answer. Probably the most asked question is; where am I headed; or where am I going? If you are anything like Jim, when he gets behind the wheel of the car, he starts heading for the church. I mean that literally! Jennifer and I always have to remind him when we get to the corner, so he will turn in the right direction. However, his response is always; “Well, we can go this way!”
I WAS watching a young preacher on TV who was preaching in Singapore. Very western oriented and spoke with halted English, but what caught my attention, he was talking about a scripture that I always had trouble understanding. I have had good instructors but this scripture just seemed to elude me. However, I get excited when I hear preaching on any scripture that I have had trouble with. But then I get excited just hearing God’s Word!
HE reminded me that Satan was a master when the old Law was in place. But Satan is no longer in charge of the mezzanine, and to the Christian he is hardly visible from the back of the balcony, because we are under the new covenant; established by Jesus Christ. Who are we? We are called Christians! We are baptized believers in the Son of God and according to Vines Dictionary of New Testaments words, His name Jesus Christ suggests His glory and His name Christ Jesus suggests His grace! His grace was shown on the cross!
IN 1 JOHN 4 we read about the source of love. John repeats often in his books that God is the source of love. God is not only love but He abides in love! In verse 17 John says; “In this, is love perfected with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgement, because as he is now, so are we in this world.” Because of Jesus’s love and our connecting to Him though water baptism, we are perfected in His love by being as He is, right now. That is while Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, in His most Holy state, we too are just like Him, right now, here on earth; right now! He was crucified on the cross, buried and raised whole. We were buried and raised into a new life; we are whole!
IN OTHER WORDS; while we are being told by the Doctor that we have a lump in our breast, we can say okay; because we also know that we are in His perfect Love, right now; at the same time! Therefore we are just the same as Jesus is RIGHT NOW and He is without a lump in His breast! The lump in our breast means nothing compared to our being the same as Jesus is now. This gives us a better picture of understanding that while we were sinners God could not look upon us, but through the Cross where Christ became as us, God can now see us because when He looks upon us, He see’s His Son; Jesus Christ, as He is now.
ANOTHER aspect of this verse says we have confidence for the day of judgment. That judgment is when man is judging us, not God. Man looks at us before our transformation and sees us, as they are! After Christ becomes our Savior, then we don’t have to worry about what man thinks! Walking in the footsteps of our Savior gives us the boldness and the confidence to become the person He has created us to be. He created us to be like His son, as He is right now!
A STORY GOES that a Sunday School teacher was walking down the street. At the same time a boy from her Sunday School class saw her and tugged at his mothers sleeve. “Look Mom, there is God; see her, she is across the street.” Following in the footsteps of Jesus is not easy. Jesus walked in unison with His father. Teaching God’s Word is not easy; because the teacher will be judged with that in mind. Knowing that we are to be like Christ as He is now, is not an easy thought, is it? But I am thankful that I have met the Master!
WHO AM I? I belong to Jesus; He has set me free! Where am I going? He prepared a place for me when He died on the cross; that place is heaven! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/18/11
ourselves and some know the answer. Probably the most asked question is; where am I headed; or where am I going? If you are anything like Jim, when he gets behind the wheel of the car, he starts heading for the church. I mean that literally! Jennifer and I always have to remind him when we get to the corner, so he will turn in the right direction. However, his response is always; “Well, we can go this way!”
I WAS watching a young preacher on TV who was preaching in Singapore. Very western oriented and spoke with halted English, but what caught my attention, he was talking about a scripture that I always had trouble understanding. I have had good instructors but this scripture just seemed to elude me. However, I get excited when I hear preaching on any scripture that I have had trouble with. But then I get excited just hearing God’s Word!
HE reminded me that Satan was a master when the old Law was in place. But Satan is no longer in charge of the mezzanine, and to the Christian he is hardly visible from the back of the balcony, because we are under the new covenant; established by Jesus Christ. Who are we? We are called Christians! We are baptized believers in the Son of God and according to Vines Dictionary of New Testaments words, His name Jesus Christ suggests His glory and His name Christ Jesus suggests His grace! His grace was shown on the cross!
IN 1 JOHN 4 we read about the source of love. John repeats often in his books that God is the source of love. God is not only love but He abides in love! In verse 17 John says; “In this, is love perfected with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgement, because as he is now, so are we in this world.” Because of Jesus’s love and our connecting to Him though water baptism, we are perfected in His love by being as He is, right now. That is while Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, in His most Holy state, we too are just like Him, right now, here on earth; right now! He was crucified on the cross, buried and raised whole. We were buried and raised into a new life; we are whole!
IN OTHER WORDS; while we are being told by the Doctor that we have a lump in our breast, we can say okay; because we also know that we are in His perfect Love, right now; at the same time! Therefore we are just the same as Jesus is RIGHT NOW and He is without a lump in His breast! The lump in our breast means nothing compared to our being the same as Jesus is now. This gives us a better picture of understanding that while we were sinners God could not look upon us, but through the Cross where Christ became as us, God can now see us because when He looks upon us, He see’s His Son; Jesus Christ, as He is now.
ANOTHER aspect of this verse says we have confidence for the day of judgment. That judgment is when man is judging us, not God. Man looks at us before our transformation and sees us, as they are! After Christ becomes our Savior, then we don’t have to worry about what man thinks! Walking in the footsteps of our Savior gives us the boldness and the confidence to become the person He has created us to be. He created us to be like His son, as He is right now!
A STORY GOES that a Sunday School teacher was walking down the street. At the same time a boy from her Sunday School class saw her and tugged at his mothers sleeve. “Look Mom, there is God; see her, she is across the street.” Following in the footsteps of Jesus is not easy. Jesus walked in unison with His father. Teaching God’s Word is not easy; because the teacher will be judged with that in mind. Knowing that we are to be like Christ as He is now, is not an easy thought, is it? But I am thankful that I have met the Master!
WHO AM I? I belong to Jesus; He has set me free! Where am I going? He prepared a place for me when He died on the cross; that place is heaven! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/18/11
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