RECENTLY I heard a term that I had to ask Jim what it meant; “Dead Heading!” I saw a big truck with a very long empty bed following behind. I said; “It seems that an empty bed is making a trip for nothing!” That is when Jim explained to me about dead heading. It is when a trucker takes a load to a destination and doesn’t have a load waiting for him to haul. He tries to get a load and many times fails and returns empty. Hence; dead heading! As usual this got me to thinking!
THE TERM long haul is a trucker who travels for the most part, interstate. Makes long trips which brought to my mind a journey I began 50 years ago. When I began the journey I was in it for the long haul because it did take me across state lines. However, long haul is staying on course and not letting anything cause you to throw in the towel. Now I know what throwing in the towel means, do you?
JANUARY 27th Jim and I will be celebrating our 50th anniversary! I know many probably thought; “Will this even last a decade?” Well it did and as Jim says; “Life is like a roller coaster, It has it’s ups and downs, but oh what a ride!” In waiting for this day to roll around Jim and I have already experienced many 50th celebrations throughout this past year. Our first real date; when he asked me to marry him; when he put the ring on my finger and we became engaged; our first Christmas; our first beginning of a new year; and now it’s our wedding.
IN OUR simple celebrations throughout our 49th year, we are now at the year of our jubilee! “And you shall count seven weeks’ of years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the seven weeks of years shall be to you 49 years. Then you shall send abroad the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the day of atonement you shall send abroad the trumpet throughout all your land and you shall hallow the 50th year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants; it shall be a jubilee for you.” Leviticus 25:8-10a
WISH I had trumpeters’ to send out announcing our jubilee but just the reminder of God instituting a 50th celebration for the Israelites is a comforting thought for Jim and me while we celebrate in our quiet way. Reflecting on our atonement of divine truth and love which is Jesus Christ as the head of our home.
DID YOU KNOW that the day of jubilee was called by a variety of names? The year of liberty; the year of redemption and even the year of the Lord’s favor. It was also referred to as a holy year. During the 50th year all labor ceased and the people were to eat of what they had stored up from the previous year. You could redeem some urban properties that you had sold, and inheritances were restored, and you would free your slaves from their service to you. Of course you must understand that these things that could take place on the year of jubilee where contingent on your conditions. You must read the whole statute of the year of jubilee to fully understand.
WHEN YOU marry and remain married you too will reach your year of the Lord’s favor and can celebrate your roller coaster ride because you stayed on course for the long haul. In our society it is called the “golden anniversary,” but in God’s Word it is called “the year of Jubilee!” So far I have found the golden years to be suspect. Staying the course has brought to Jim and me a sense of joy and peace. Loving God has set us on the course of satisfaction and hope!
“MAY THE GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13 Reaching this mile stone and still having a good time reminds me of a line in our wedding ceremony; “Remember your courtship smiling days, by treating each other as though you were still courting!”
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/14/12
NOTE: I will not be blogging next weekend since Jim and I will be on our Jubilee! Be back on February 5th; until then, go and enjoy your day!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
LOVE IS! 1/15/12
JUST HOW MANY books have been written entitled “Love is?”
Teeny tiny ones; small; medium and regular size books have been purchased by many of you. Have you thought; “I could write my own!” I think you could. We all have experienced love in many different sizes, shapes and ways. At the time we don’t exactly classify it as love, but in retrospect we know that it is.
I LOVE the one that says; “Love is mud prints on your back!” I remember mud being tracked on my freshly mopped kitchen floor. I remember muddy shoes and trousers that I needed to clean before I washed them. I remember mud pies and catching little muddy hands before the pies made it into their little mouths. The first time I read that, I said; “now just where is the love in the mud?” Aging allows us to find the love in mud; in bugs and in just about anything that makes up the world we have journeyed through. I am talking about the journey of raising children. Even if you did not have children of your own, you know exactly what I am talking about.
CHILDREN grow up and it may surprise you that the mud prints on your back are still there. I see a little boy and a little girl many times when I am looking at my adult children. I have watched my grandson’s in the same way. The problem is that those pictures of muddy shoes and hands can still be seen when they walk into a room with strength and purpose, and yes, with graying at the temple.
THE ONLY difference today, is now they plan without your approval. They make their own arrangements and they might share them with you, or not! “Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it!” Proverbs 22:6 Many of us have raised our children in a Christian atmosphere; home and church. Many have gone their own directions when they grew up. My understanding is that they will return when the going gets tough. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:1-4
I THANK THE LORD every day for my husband Jim and my two children; my daughter-in-law and my three grandsons. I praise His goodness within our walls. I know that every day is a day by day journey and that things could change drastically. But today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I praise God that my little family walks with the Lord today!
JIM AND I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary the end of this month. A couple of nights ago, Danny, Faye and Jennifer planned and executed a ‘surprise’ party in our honor with our weekly Bible Study group. This group has become family, because we not only have been together for a lot of years but our common bond is Jesus Christ. They were all there with their congratulations and well wishes for more years to come. Jim and I were totally surprised and blessed!
LOVE IS having grown children that think about your pleasures and go about it in their own personal best ways, to create an evening that is not soon forgotten. These same children when they were 25 years younger, gave us another ‘surprise’ anniversary party to celebrate our 25th. I am excited to be around when my son and his beautiful wife celebrate theirs. But for their 50th, they will have loving children to share it with. That is God's plan for His Christian families!
LOVE IS the theme of a Christian home! LOVE IS the theme of Christian parents! LOVE IS the theme of Christian children. It can be in every home because it is written; “Let us love one another, for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God...for God is love!” 1 John 4:7-8 Write your own little book of LOVE IS and “taste and see that the Lord is Good!” Psalms 34:8
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/12/12
Teeny tiny ones; small; medium and regular size books have been purchased by many of you. Have you thought; “I could write my own!” I think you could. We all have experienced love in many different sizes, shapes and ways. At the time we don’t exactly classify it as love, but in retrospect we know that it is.
I LOVE the one that says; “Love is mud prints on your back!” I remember mud being tracked on my freshly mopped kitchen floor. I remember muddy shoes and trousers that I needed to clean before I washed them. I remember mud pies and catching little muddy hands before the pies made it into their little mouths. The first time I read that, I said; “now just where is the love in the mud?” Aging allows us to find the love in mud; in bugs and in just about anything that makes up the world we have journeyed through. I am talking about the journey of raising children. Even if you did not have children of your own, you know exactly what I am talking about.
CHILDREN grow up and it may surprise you that the mud prints on your back are still there. I see a little boy and a little girl many times when I am looking at my adult children. I have watched my grandson’s in the same way. The problem is that those pictures of muddy shoes and hands can still be seen when they walk into a room with strength and purpose, and yes, with graying at the temple.
THE ONLY difference today, is now they plan without your approval. They make their own arrangements and they might share them with you, or not! “Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it!” Proverbs 22:6 Many of us have raised our children in a Christian atmosphere; home and church. Many have gone their own directions when they grew up. My understanding is that they will return when the going gets tough. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:1-4
I THANK THE LORD every day for my husband Jim and my two children; my daughter-in-law and my three grandsons. I praise His goodness within our walls. I know that every day is a day by day journey and that things could change drastically. But today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I praise God that my little family walks with the Lord today!
JIM AND I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary the end of this month. A couple of nights ago, Danny, Faye and Jennifer planned and executed a ‘surprise’ party in our honor with our weekly Bible Study group. This group has become family, because we not only have been together for a lot of years but our common bond is Jesus Christ. They were all there with their congratulations and well wishes for more years to come. Jim and I were totally surprised and blessed!
LOVE IS having grown children that think about your pleasures and go about it in their own personal best ways, to create an evening that is not soon forgotten. These same children when they were 25 years younger, gave us another ‘surprise’ anniversary party to celebrate our 25th. I am excited to be around when my son and his beautiful wife celebrate theirs. But for their 50th, they will have loving children to share it with. That is God's plan for His Christian families!
LOVE IS the theme of a Christian home! LOVE IS the theme of Christian parents! LOVE IS the theme of Christian children. It can be in every home because it is written; “Let us love one another, for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God...for God is love!” 1 John 4:7-8 Write your own little book of LOVE IS and “taste and see that the Lord is Good!” Psalms 34:8
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/12/12
Saturday, January 7, 2012
PROCRASTINATION is a non productive trait! Putting off doing something is common place in most households. I think one of the biggest of all procrastination’s is cleaning. Cleaning cupboards; drawers, closets, cabinet’s and perhaps, throwing stuff away is the second. A few years ago, I decided I would clean one room at a time. One of the rooms was the linen closet and last year Jennifer cleaned it again and threw away everything I didn’t. Needless to say she is a lot more disciplined in throwing away than I am or ever will be.
IT IS EASY for me to accomplish more today than I use to. However, I still have boxes on the shelf in the closet that are marked Jane Ann’s stuff, or close to that. When I want to locate a certain memory, I usually ask Jim to bring those boxes out and I quickly look in them again, find what I want and then put them back until the next time. I realize they don’t mean anything to anyone else but me. But that is okay! I too, am important!
AROUND the first of the New Year getting organized is somewhat of a priority. Doesn’t mean it happens, because that nasty word “procrastination” creeps in, causing us to anticipate tomorrow. Ah, tomorrow! What would we do without tomorrow’s! Jennifer strives after every Christmas, to organize all of the decorations before she puts them away. The plan is solid and so it begins. Somewhere before completion it reaches the point of just putting it all away. Getting it done. Perhaps next year we will try again to organize.
I ASKED Jim what he thought about procrastination and he said; “I think it is a failure of man!” Jim is always thoughtful and logical! He is right, you know! Each time we put something off, we are showing our inability to stay on top of things. He hangs our clothes fresh out of the dryer. I fold the clothes he dumps on our bed fresh out of the dryer. Why is it I can take care of those kinds of things but put off cleaning my bath tub. I rationalize it with; I am the only one that uses that tub. Okay, I know that is not really appropriate for cleanliness!
WHAT kinds of things do you put off doing; procrastinating! I remember a small box that was passed around year after year, in which a Christmas gift would be given. Someone had written on it “do not” which was just left hanging in the air. The next time it was used someone wrote on it “procrastinate.” Another time someone wrote on it; “or you will be lost forever!” I often wonder if anyone else remembers that little box. I was pretty young so probably don’t remember it quite right.
SO I ASK you again; “What kinds of things do you put off doing?” I agree that some things are important and should be handled immediately, or at least as soon as possible. Other things are not critical to your well being or success. They are perhaps mundane things that can wait. But what about the things that cause clutter; that restrict your movement; that hamper your happiness and cloud your path.
“THEN the kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, “Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!" Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish said to the wise, “give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.” But the wise replied, “Perhaps there will not be enough for all of us; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.” Matthew 25:1-9 If you are not ready for the Master when He comes, will you be lost forever? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/4/12
IT IS EASY for me to accomplish more today than I use to. However, I still have boxes on the shelf in the closet that are marked Jane Ann’s stuff, or close to that. When I want to locate a certain memory, I usually ask Jim to bring those boxes out and I quickly look in them again, find what I want and then put them back until the next time. I realize they don’t mean anything to anyone else but me. But that is okay! I too, am important!
AROUND the first of the New Year getting organized is somewhat of a priority. Doesn’t mean it happens, because that nasty word “procrastination” creeps in, causing us to anticipate tomorrow. Ah, tomorrow! What would we do without tomorrow’s! Jennifer strives after every Christmas, to organize all of the decorations before she puts them away. The plan is solid and so it begins. Somewhere before completion it reaches the point of just putting it all away. Getting it done. Perhaps next year we will try again to organize.
I ASKED Jim what he thought about procrastination and he said; “I think it is a failure of man!” Jim is always thoughtful and logical! He is right, you know! Each time we put something off, we are showing our inability to stay on top of things. He hangs our clothes fresh out of the dryer. I fold the clothes he dumps on our bed fresh out of the dryer. Why is it I can take care of those kinds of things but put off cleaning my bath tub. I rationalize it with; I am the only one that uses that tub. Okay, I know that is not really appropriate for cleanliness!
WHAT kinds of things do you put off doing; procrastinating! I remember a small box that was passed around year after year, in which a Christmas gift would be given. Someone had written on it “do not” which was just left hanging in the air. The next time it was used someone wrote on it “procrastinate.” Another time someone wrote on it; “or you will be lost forever!” I often wonder if anyone else remembers that little box. I was pretty young so probably don’t remember it quite right.
SO I ASK you again; “What kinds of things do you put off doing?” I agree that some things are important and should be handled immediately, or at least as soon as possible. Other things are not critical to your well being or success. They are perhaps mundane things that can wait. But what about the things that cause clutter; that restrict your movement; that hamper your happiness and cloud your path.
“THEN the kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, “Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!" Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish said to the wise, “give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.” But the wise replied, “Perhaps there will not be enough for all of us; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.” Matthew 25:1-9 If you are not ready for the Master when He comes, will you be lost forever? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/4/12
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