Saturday, August 25, 2012

ONE OF A KIND! 8/26/12

HOW MANY things can you think of, that you would consider ‘one of a kind!’ Recently I was reading a little pamphlet that was talking about God’s Word. The Bible, just by it’s name, indicates it is one of a kind! It is referred to as being ‘holy’ which means it is set apart from other books. The word Bible says it is many books in one! Those of us who are in the know, regarding God and His Word, believe that these many books in one, were inspired by God, written by men who were set apart, for the task.

MANY ARE ignorant to God’s teaching, because they refuse to believe that the Bible is God’s Word. But they all agree that it is one of a kind! When you consider that all are called but only few answer the call, it is easy to understand the ignorance of man.

YEARS AGO Jim and I moved from the country into the city. Our first spring was exciting as we watched the plants and flowers come to life that had been previously planted. We didn’t plant them of course, so we were not aware of all that was there. We recognized some, especially the row of lilac trees which turned out to be white and lavender. So beautiful! The following year we saw a strange plant, that broke the ground with a burst and grew about 2 feet, very fast. At the top was a elongated bulb with colors of deep purple mixed with black. brown edges and tinges of deep red. It looked like a big ugly tongue; not very pretty! We kept an eye on it because it kept growing taller, and we asked around if anyone knew what kind of plant it was.

ONE MORNING the bulb opened. We went out to examine the flower and was turned away by it’s odor; the smell was so offensive and pungent. Every evening we would go out and look at it. We wanted to cut it down but still wanted to know what it was. Jim did take a picture and many years later I saw it in a book. Today, I can’t remember what it was called. All I can say is that it was ‘one of a kind’ and we were both happy to see it go when it was finally cut down.

IT HAS BEEN said that everyone has a twin somewhere. But even biological twins, even though they are identical or even mirror twins; are still ‘one of kind!’ Personalities; coloring; and even the way we cock our heads, gives us our own personification. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth!” Genesis 1:1 In this scripture we find God’s personification. He is the master creator. More than that, He was in the beginning. If we are to believe in God and in His Word we must believe that God is!

“YET FOR US there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we exist.” 1 Corinthians 8:6 God’s purpose of revealing Himself, is for us to know Him. If God did not want us to know Him, He never would have created our existence and where we exist. God is a ‘one of a kind’ God! Oh yes, there are many god’s that take precedence over God, but that is truly from the ignorance of man.

“FOR THERE is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5 The scriptures tell us that Jesus was there in the beginning. Not anything was made, that was made, without His knowledge and His permission. Jesus also is a ‘one of a kind!” For anyone to say that He was just a good man, hasn’t a lick of sense.

“THERE IS ONE body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; One God and Father of us all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6 When I was reminded of that ugly plant and how badly it smelled; I realized that many who have been called and have rejected the call, are just like that stinky, smelly plant. They are really not a one of a kind, but just like so many others who have rejected the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They too become filled with a pungent odor that God turns away from. Don’t be like them, be one who is set apart and belongs to Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/12

Saturday, August 18, 2012


A FEW YEARS ago I wrote about an experience I had with a Hummingbird that was visiting our neighbor across the street. She was flitting from flower to flower when she spied me watching her as I sat on our porch swing, enjoying the sun. As I watched this little bird moving quickly about, she all of a sudden changed direction, and flew directly towards me and planted herself on the rail right in front of me. My deck at that time, had a bench that ran around one end of it with a support back. Underneath this bench was this rail, upon which my visitor sat perched, and began to lecture me.

I WAS so bewildered because I had never seen a hummingbird do anything like that. After she ended her tirade, she flew back to the garden. I watched more intently and again she changed directions and flew back to perch on my rail. This time I tried to talk to her! I asked her if she had come a long way to find the garden across the street. She replied but again I felt she was chastising me. She cocked her tiny head from one side, then to the other. She made a couple of tiny turns and then starred at me again. I had to laugh, because it all seem so absurd! Startled, she flew back to the garden! I continued to watch and she returned one more time. This time she just sat there and then she flew away. Needless to say, for several days after that I looked for her. She may have returned to the Garden but she never perched on my rail again.

THIS YEAR, the Hummingbirds have decided that our beautiful and profuse Hollyhocks have the kind of nectar they have been searching for. They are busy, busy, busy! Our neighbor on our left commented on the activity which drew my attention, and also down memory lane again. A question still bothers me about my visitor. Why did she do that and why was she so angry? Perhaps she felt threatened. Perhaps she had been making a nest and wanted to do that in secret.

I KNOW many of you have experienced these tiny miracles of life when it comes to observing the Hummingbird. Watching them is almost like watching something so unbelievable, and yet so real. My sister-in-law had a teeny tiny Hummingbirds nest just outside her back door. The nest itself was no bigger than a thimble and it sat upon a post that only God could create. It was so enchanting to watch this teeny tiny mother bird, feeding her teeny tiny baby in it’s teeny tiny home.

I THINK that God sends these little splashes of joy into our lives to remind us of who He is.  He is the one that created all things. He is the one that brought the world and all that is in it, into existence. God said let there be and there was! God’s sense of humor is evident with the fish in the seas; the birds in the air; the flowers and trees; the hills and mountains; the rock walls and rim rocks that circle the hills; the winds; the rains; the snow that falls so lightly; the changes of the seasons which delight our eyes; the smells that permeate our surroundings and cause us to remember. When God was through indulging Himself through His creation, He saw that everything was good! Then He looked around and saw that He wanted more!

SO HE created animals of all species; babies and full grown. Then His greatest masterpiece of all; man! Again, God looked around and saw that everything was good! Adam and Eve’s experience in the beautiful garden of Eden, must have come with puzzlement, wonderment, joy and awe. Genesis 3:1-24 gives us the story about how the perfect picture of Adam and Eve in the garden came to an end. Satan deceived Eve and she ate! Eve gave the fruit to Adam and he ate! Sin destroyed the beautiful world that God created for them!

GOD’S PLAN from the beginning, was for man to live forever in the garden. Today we can endure living in a sinful world, amongst God’s beautiful creation; because ultimately through Christ, we can live forever with Him in heaven. In the meantime we have questions, we are amused, we are amazed, and totally in awe as we enjoy God’s world. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/17/12

Saturday, August 11, 2012


IT WAS 1956! I was fresh out of high school! The political debate was in full swing! Would Ike win the Presidency for the Republicans or would A. Stevenson, for the Democrats? During this phase of the arena our small group of politically minded Americans formed a Young Republican’s offshoot in our district. Long after hours, we would put up posters, after taking the opposing candidates posters down. We cleaned up buildings for the GOP headquarters and for returns. We held recruiting affairs to entice other like minded young people to participate in our fun. We had dinner meetings and served Eisenhower stew. We wore badges that said; “I like Ike”! Well, Ike did win the Presidency. Our local candidates lost to the Democrats and now all of this is remembered only in history. That was one of the highlights of my late teens.

HISTORY was in the making four years ago! We had a woman, and a man of color seeking the Democratic nomination for President. We had six men running for the GOP. All touting their experiences in no uncertain terms. If we have a woman, or a man of color holding any position for the presidency or vice president makes no difference because both would set a precedence that is unheard of in our country. On the GOP side, it became a free for all because no incumbent was running. In the final debate it has come down to a man of color on the Democratic side and a woman sharing the ticket as vice president on the GOP side. Things were pretty heated up and got even hotter until the decision was made. Through the few years following we watched the roller coaster descent very quickly.

MY MOTHER use to be a registrar! She received a nominal amount for each person she registered, who was 21. On my sister Joyce’s 21 birthday, and still in bed, my mother stood at the foot of her bed and said; “ raise your right hand!” My mother already had her paper filled out. She went through the steps and while still in bed, Joyce signed her request to register for the Republican party. Not many years later the age was changed to 18 and even still later, registrar’s were not the only means used . Today, you can go to the DMV, on line or the Post Office and get a form. We use to have deadlines to be registered by, but today you can do it the hour before elections and even in some states, apparently you can register many times. Bad form!

WE THINK we elect a candidate to office but actually God allows them there. Paul writes; “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Romans 13:1-8 Paul continues with; “When we resist those in office we resist what God has appointed and therefore we incur judgment. Rulers want good conduct not bad. When we do good we will receive the rulers approval and Gods. The ruler is God’s servant for your good.” In the book of Esther, we love the phrase; “Who knows whether you have not come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!” I believe because of the state of God’s people and the world, God establishes the government within the United States of America to reflect that condition. You may disagree and that is alright! We are to remember that the ruler is the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer. How this takes place is up to God. It comes down to cause and effect. Man causes trouble and God renders judgement, the effect.

1 PETER 2, the scriptures tells us the same things. Because of God, we are to submit to our human institutions. It is Gods will that by doing this we silence the ignorance of foolish men. We are to live as free men, yet not using our freedom as a pretext for evil. “But I will warn you whom to fear: “Fear the One who after He was killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!” Luke 12:5 When we live apart from God we have much to fear. When we respect and honor those in authority, we bring honor to our God! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/10/12

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I CAN’T SAY that I have always been a goal setter. I can’t even say that I always make the goals I have set. But I do know that when you have reached a goal, you can’t help but feel the satisfaction and the feeling of joy overflowing. That’s a good feeling isn’t it? Knowing that you have accomplished something that you have set out to do.

DID YOU KNOW that the highest goal any Christian can have set for his life, is to enjoy God? Did you know that one of the greatest accomplishments in our lives is to enjoy what you are doing? Did you know that God wants us to have joy; to be happy?

I HAVE TO confess that one of my pet peeves is to walk into a room that is a mess. I know I didn’t leave it that way and why do I have to walk into it this way? I hate that! However, when I have cleaned a room; putting everything into its place; leaving it company ready, I have a joyful feeling of a job well done. A job well done is a great accomplishment and makes me happy. A satisfied attitude helps us to walk into a mess and just set it right.

RECENTLY I was reminded of the story of the man lying near the pool of Bethesda. Remember how he had been trying for 38 years to get into the pool when the angel would trouble the waters, but because he was unable to get there himself he depended upon someone coming at the right time to help him. Jesus came along and said; “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool.” Jesus said to him; “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” John 5:2-8

DID YOU notice that Jesus told him to GET UP; make your bed! In other words; clean up your mess! Set some goals! Don’t wait for someone else. Get your attitude off of poor me and start inching yourself to the edge so that when the waters are moving you can roll into it all by yourself. Now, I realize Jesus didn’t say it that way exactly but can you see the implications?

SOMETIMES we are so busy fighting the devil that we turn our backs, on what pleases God by putting our hands on our hips and firmly planting our feet against what could bring us satisfaction and joy. We shouldn’t stand around waiting for our joy. Don’t allow your emotions to rule your happiness when God says; “I came so that you may have joy!” His coming brought JOY!

IN ROMANS 5 we are reminded that through Christ and His grace we can rejoice in our hope. More than that, we can rejoice in our sufferings. Let us not stand around wishing for joy because that is when Satan moves in and steals it. Someone once said that we should look for our God in the middle of our mess.

IF YOUR MINISTRY isn’t going the way you thought it would, perhaps you should clean your house thoroughly and try again. Be strong and prepare yourself! Set your goals and stop the ups and down of your thoughts. Check your hands; your heart; and even your giving of your tithes. Look at yourself and like David say; “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, O Lord, and take not thy holy Spirit from me, restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalms 51:10-12.

JESUS SAID;Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul and mind, and second to this is to love your neighbor as yourself,” Matthew 22:36-40 We use to sing a chorus that said; “If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy; Let Jesus come into your heart. If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy; let Jesus come into your heart. Your sins He’ll wash away; your night He’ll turn to day; your life, He’ll make it over anew. If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy, let Jesus come into your heart.” God has promised to help us as we walk in Him. Let your prayer be, to walk in love with Jesus in your heart. Then you will find joy, real joy, wonderful joy and the messes in your life will no longer have priority over your goals. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/4/12