Saturday, October 26, 2013


SOME YEARS ago Jim had a little book called “Cowboy sayings!” The kind of things that made you laugh or say ouch! I only remember a couple of them, one being the title of this Morning Glory and the other is; “Don’t squat with your spur’s on!” Spitting into the wind can cause your saliva to slap you in the face and squatting with spur’s can hurt. Remember as a kid trying not to step on a sidewalk crack? Oh yes! To step on a crack would mean you would break your mother’s back.

THE INTELLIGENCE of man confounds the animals and sometimes, each other, but the perplexities of man comes from our being set apart from the animals, because we are created in God’s image. That should astound you, but it rolls off our backs like water on a duck! Man is good at giving pictures and that picture of the duck says it all, doesn’t it!

MAN has the tendency of listening to stupid things and considering them to be worthy of our thoughtful compliance. When I was a little girl, my older sister by a few years, said to cover my mouth when I saw a creepy crawly thing because if it counts my teeth, I would die! To this day, in my old age, I still cover my mouth! I know you can attest to that, because we all do stupid things and consider them to be cause and effect.

GUIDELINES were given to our universe by God and they’re still in effect. We like to think that global warming, along with our keeping the habitat’s in place is man’s doing and our job to fix. When in fact our job is to be good stewards of what God gave us. Now, I agree that we should not be damaging to our surroundings, but what about our minds? Garbage in, garbage out!

“THEREFORE gird up your minds, be sober, set your hopes fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as He who called you is holy, be holy yourselves, in all your conduct.” (1 Peter 1: 13-15)    Christian, consider yourselves holy; keeping in mind we are God’s children. Take your place among God’s stewards and live as those who belong to God!

“I APPEAL TO YOU therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)    Life is so much easier in this place, when we listen to God’s guidelines. Our world say’s one thing and God says another; what are we to do? When our law makers say “no praying to God in the schools; pray anyway! God asks us to pray to Him; what can the law do to you? Okay, you pay a fine; go to jail, even kill you?

“IF THEN YOU have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.”  ( Colossians 3 :1-4)    Let the world know who you are! Don’t be afraid to speak up when you are being compromised. I know I talk far to much, but I find it difficult to stay quiet when I feel God’s Word is being mis-used and mis-understood.

RECENTLY, I saw a book with a title I thought was worth reading. I read a little bit and was disappointed, so I left it for Jim who also was intrigued by it’s title. He read a little bit and came and told me it was trash and threw it away. $13.00 down the drain and far quicker than when we throw money away on a meal we don’t need. I mentioned that to Jim, his reply was “this loss didn’t add to our hips!” Those who live as enemies to the cross of Christ, make laws for sin to be acceptable in all of mans sight. “Their end is destruction, their god is the belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.” Philippians 3:19 A Christian’s home is heaven, and not here on earth, so take heart Christian; a better day is coming! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/26/13

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"HOW TO" BOOKS! 10/20/13

MY FAVORITE “how to” book is filled with recipes and pictures. I love learning how to bake something or to cook something as long as I have a picture to show what it is to look like! Since I have retired I have read, downloaded and watched all the cooking shows imaginable. I love it! Especially if what I am reading, downloading and watching, have pictures or the finish product for me to see.

THEN THERE are ‘how to’ books on furniture refinishing; creating stuff out of nothing; crocheting; bridge playing; short hand; computer made easy; play the piano, guitar; quilt making; calligraphy and on occasion, you can do it all in five days or less. There are many books out there that indicate we are dummies and because the name is offensive to me, I discovered that I rebel in allowing them to teach me anything. Maybe that is why I can’t make heads or tails of them!

MANY TIME’s when we see a title that has “how to” in it, we are incline to set it aside, because just the phrase “how to” means we have to do something. Which means we have to learn something, and many times the indication is that we have to think in order to do it. I have to have a real desire in order to peruse a “how to” book!

WHEN I was a young girl, I learned the variables in how to study the Bible. These were valuable instructions and they have stayed with me throughout my life. Recently I have seen little booklet’s on “How to study the Bible!” I really mean, little books! I have attended studies that go through steps on how to study the Bible. These methods all have good ways to read and study God’s Word. In all fairness to the way I learned, and how helpful booklets and studies are, the very first thing that has to happen is you need a Bible. Secondly, you need to open it and begin to read.

“STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth!” 2 Timothy 2:15 My desire for God’s Word began many years ago but it has not been until recently that I discovered my hunger for the Word! It never fails anymore, that after a study, or reading and discussing, that I want to set down and write a Morning Glory!

IN ANCIENT English, study meant to do your best! Whenever we are doing our best we are seeking to win full approval, aren’t we! It is God whom we must please, and not our teacher or our neighbor. In regards to God’s Word we are to seek diligently for the truth so that we can teach correctly; presenting the truth clearly and accurately.

THOSE WHO are still on the milk may have trouble digesting a lot of God’s Truth. Being patient with their understanding is our task, but the Holy Spirit is the one that will bring them to understanding. The following are two more translations of the verse in 2 Timothy. These will give us a better understanding as to how we can use this passage to prepare ourselves as God’s workman.

“D0 YOUR BEST to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth.”    Here is another;   “Do your best to win
full approval in God’s sight, as a worker who is not ashamed of his work, one who correctly teaches the message of God’s truth!”

GOD’S “HOW TO” book leads the way in many categories. It has over 40 different author’s, and many had never met each other, and yet each one received their directions from the same person; the Holy Spirit. This book does not contradict itself; nor does it cause confusion. God begins with His creation, His people, His son, His Church and His return. God made His plans before He created and He will bring it to it’s full fruition, when His Son returns. Open the book and begin reading it again! You will be surprised what God will reveal to you. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and yet His mercies are new every morning and His Word will continue to refresh us! Oh how glorious it is to be in the service of the King!  By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/17/13

Saturday, October 12, 2013


IF YOU are like me when watching TV, you spend most of your time cruising the menu looking for something that would not compromise your walk with Jesus. A lot of the old favorites come without disgraceful language, innuendo’s and the like. But for the most part, I know all the words and don’t feel compromised! I wanted something new and exciting, something I would not be so familiar with, knowing all the stories, although I like knowing how they end! I tried to change by watching Castle, and you can imagine how far I got with that. I tried it even though I was warned by those who know me, and of course they were proven right!

THIS MORNING, I discovered a thoughtful food show on television called “The Food Nanny!” The first show talked about an organization that helped in rehabilitation. I noticed that a lot of her conversation was about when they ate. I thought that the show was not really about food but about helping others. Hummmmm......perhaps the shows got crossed. I began to watch the next show and discovered her main objective were families, sitting around the dinner table.

ACCORDING to the Nanny, the most important part of any day is at the dinner table. You know what, I agree! I remember sitting around the dinner table! I don’t remember if every member of our family was there. I know that my brother Lonnie didn’t sit at the table and on Sunday’s, when everyone and their families were there, very few sat at the table! In my last two years of highschool, I was the cook, and I always set the table for dinner! Lots of discussions were held around that table! Sometimes we had left overs, but if we stayed too long at the table, nothing was left!

YOU HAVE heard “the family that prays together, stays together!” Perhaps we should add another; “the family that sits at the table together, grows together!” No pun intended! The Scripture only speaks about one time when Jesus sat at the table with all of His Apostles. I know we like to refer to the twelve as His disciples; His close friends and sometimes His followers. But at this particular time He had set the table for the twelve whom He had called into service; and Himself!

REMEMBER the things that took place around the table that night? Jesus washing their feet? Jesus bringing them up to speed regarding what was to happen? Jesus pointing out that one would betray him? Were you aware that Satan asked that Peter be proven a failure? And were you aware that Jesus allowed it to happen and even let Peter know that when all was said and done, he would become an inspiration to all!

AS THE TWELVE sat around the table engrossed in the Passover and themselves, Jesus brought them up short when He gave them the bread to eat and the wine to drink He was giving them a picture of remembrance for them to take out and look at in the future. He wanted them to remember what He was about to do and what He did, not just for them, but for you and me!

“AND HE took bread, and when He had given thanks He broke it and gave it to them saying; “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. And likewise the cup after supper, saying, this cup which is poured out for you, is the new covenant in my blood.”
Luke 22:19-20    When we sit around His table during our communion service what is it you are remembering? Do you put away the cares of the world and your own desires? Do you think about what Jesus suffered as He went before the courts of that day? Do you consider His body, that was abused beyond recognition, and with nails in His hands and feet so He could be placed upon a wooden, ugly, cross? What do you think about as you sit in your place at the Lord’s table?

WE ARE TO come to this meal, having already examined ourselves. Our daily walk should prepare us and make us ready, to set at His table. To be unworthy at the table, is to grieve the Holy Spirit; repentance is required. “For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgement upon himself.” 1 Corinthians 11:29    Let us judge ourselves, so that we are not condemned along with the world. Only good things come from God! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/13/13

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I NEED TO REST! 10/6/13

EARLY in the summer I received an email from a pastor friend of mine; I printed it! The other day I received another email from Pastor Roland, and it caused me to remember the first one. Both were about 10 things! Things that God can’t do and things that will disappear in our life time! I’m going to address the first item on the list of things God can’t do.

“HAVE YOU not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, His understanding is unsearchable.” Isaiah 40:28   This truth is a sermon unto itself! We could talk about God the Creator because in Him was nothing made except what He has made! Because He is the Creator He understands everything! But is it true He doesn’t get tired or weary?

WHEN WE study about His creation we see that after six days, He rested! Did God rest because He was tired? Did He rest because He didn’t want to create anymore? Did He rest to teach us a lesson? Rested is a translation of the Hebrew word for shabath; “to cease, rest.” So we understand that the seventh day was designated a Shabbath, the holy day of rest, which later through the influence of the Septuagint, came to be spelled Sabbath. Some say Sabbath means seven! Some say it indicates Sunday for Christians and for the Jew, Saturday!

IF GOD rested after creating, He rested because He stopped creating! So what was Isaiah talking about? In heaven there is no night, so to sleep doesn’t seem a requirement for our heavenly beings. However, God is everlasting! His love for us is everlasting; His patience with us is everlasting! He does not faint or grow weary of waiting for all to come to repentance! Isaiah calls the majesty of the Lord, the comforter. He never ceases to comfort and care for His children!

“HE WILL feed His flock like a shepherd, He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11    Here portrayed by Isaiah, Christ is the divine shepherd. In other scriptures, He is called the ‘good shepherd; the chief Shepherd; the great shepherd’! As shepherd, He was to lay down His life for His sheep. He gives His sheep eternal life. His knows His sheep and His sheep know Him! He calls them, guides them and keeps them so He can cherish and feed them. He never faints or becomes weary; because He loves them!

OUR GOD is forever faithful and through His empowering grace we are drawn to Him through our faithfulness! God never faints or grows weary but God does turn the wicked over to their own devices and waits no more! “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might He increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:29-31

SATAN seeks to destroy and God seeks to Save! I often ask myself, WHY can’t the world see the difference between he who destroys and HE who gives life? God is a living God and gives light, and the world only gives allegiance to dead idols, that includes self, which brings darkness. I would say that God never faints or grows weary, but God did send a flood and God still sent His Son! God did destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and God still sent His son! The world is evil; God gave His son!

THRU GOD’S Son, the Church began and the world has been shaken! God does not grow faint or weary, because when His son returns, those who are faithful get to go home! We should be happy that this is one of the things that God chooses not to do! Because, those who remain, God merely, and calmly, says; “Sorry, I never knew you!” God has all power, and can destroy; but through His love, He chooses to wait for you! Hear the call and quickly respond by giving your all, because in the long run, He is all that matters! Trust and obey! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/4/13