Saturday, November 30, 2013


MY SON Dan and his family brought home a little black miniature pincher mix, some years ago! He was and is so cute! On his first visit to our house he had gone to the front door but nobody was aware of it. He didn’t bark or make any signs of wanting out! But soon I noticed he was not where the gang was, so I called his name; “Chester!” Very slowly he made his way from the direction of the front door with his head down. Soon he stopped! I motioned to him to come to me and of course in a voice designed just for babies and puppies, I said; “come here Chester, come on, come to me!”

CHESTER moved slowly towards me although his head was still down. He stopped about 18 inches from me and put his little nose into the carpet, and at the same time lifted his eyes up to look at me with the most sorrowful look I had ever seen on a puppy! Broke my heart, but it was so funny; what was up with Chester?

RIGHT AWAY, Dan and Faye knew what happened! They had seen this before! We went to check out the front door and sure enough a little puddle was there! We turned to look at Chester and he was so unhappy! He knew he had done wrong, but he didn’t know what to do when no one was there to let him out! So he just let go and did what comes naturally to little puppies in training.

WHEN I remember this moment in the life of Chester, I am reminded of us Christians when we allow a temptation to take hold of us and we sin! We are angry with ourselves, we feel the remorse and our countenance falls and it is difficult to face family and friends, because we just know, they know and are going to want an accounting as to why we allowed Satan to tempt us and to fall into his trap. I can write about this because I have been there and done that, and so have you!

“JESUS SAID to His disciples; ‘Things that make people fall into sin are bound to happen; but how terrible for the one who makes them happen!’”   Luke 17:1    The scriptures are clear that temptations will come, and the hand that tempts us will wish he had never been born! The scriptures talk about causing a child of God to sin; the culprit will find themselves in a large amount of WOE!

“WOE TO THE world for temptations, to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but WOE to the man by whom the temptation comes! And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame, than with two hands or two feet, and to be thrown into the eternal fire!” Matthew 18:7-8    There are many temptations in the world designed to make people turn away from Christ. However, this does not alleviate the punishment for the one who causes such things. As Christians we are always in training!

TO CUT OFF your hands or feet is merely symbolic to the one who allows themselves to be dragged into sin. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time is not an excuse with merit. You shouldn’t be there at all! This illustration is merely showing how detrimental sin is to our salvation. If you continue in sin by choice or habit, you are heading for the eternal fire. Eliminating the sin factor is the Holy Spirit giving you a way of escape, so that you can avoid the price of continuing to sin!

LIVING MOMENT by moment for Jesus Christ, comes a little bit easier, the older one gets! You understand the importance of coming to the Father with clean hands and a pure heart. Living lives within Satan’s entrapments, keeps us from enjoying the fulness of life that comes through Jesus Christ.

“AND THAT repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in His name to all nations!”   Luke 24:47a   When Christ arose from the dead, all things came into place for those who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior! His resurrection, has made it possible for our repentance and forgiveness of sin. Chester, didn’t want to be bad, but couldn’t help himself. We don’t want to do bad things, and we have help; use it! Don’t let a thrill for the moment, overshadow a life time of great moments in Jesus Christ as we walk daily with Him! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/29/13

Saturday, November 23, 2013


EVERY YEAR we go around wishing everyone "Happy Thanksgiving!"  I have said this all my life, when it comes close to the third Thursday in November.  Even when it is so common place and so very familiar, and we love this time of year; saying thanksgiving is a measure of faith, in a faithless world!

I LOVE to remember 'Thanksgiving pasts'!  I come from such a large family, that around thanksgiving it was an exciting time.  We came together under one roof, sitting at tables all lined up, like a banquet table. Hunting for enough chairs so we could all sit around this long L shaped table!  And, oh yes, the small table for all the little kids.  And believe me, there were lots of kids!

WHEN I was a little girl still living in Iowa, I had a little friend who was having turkey for thanksgiving dinner.  I wanted to eat turkey!  But it was too expensive, I think, because we never had turkey in Iowa.  But we did have a large goose!   Years later after we had moved to California and I was in my teens, we had a turkey, a goose and a duck!  I can still see that table and thought WOW; "What a happy thanksgiving we are having!"

BUT IT is good to give thanks to the Lord for all of His blessings!  We take so much for granted!  We want to prosper and to succeed in big things so that we  can declare God's blessings in helping us to achieve.  But God's blessings can come in small measures with big successes, and big measures in small things!   

"IT IS GOOD to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to His name, O Most High; to declare the steadfast love in the morning and your faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre.  For you, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands; yes, I sing for joy!"   Psalms 92:1-4
THANKING GOD for big things is easy because we are so proud of some of the big things in our lives. They are easy to see and they are easy to touch!  But the small things are the things that have meant the most to each of us.  The love of my mother and my father, who even through difficulties were still my mother and my father when they passed away!  It seems so small, but it is HUGE to me!

"I WILL PRAISE the name of God with a song; I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.  This will please the Lord more than an ox or a bull with horns and hoofs!"  Psalms 69:30-31    It sounds simple, that a song would please the Lord!  I haven't been able to sing for many years because of medicines I was taking.  Today I am not taking those medicines and I can sing.  To most that is a small thing but to me that is HUGE!   It is true I can't sing as I did ten years ago, and I probably will never sing like that again; but just being able to sing and hold a note during worship is HUGE!  I praise God and thank Him that I can sing praises to his name!

BABIES are a legacy to those who love the Lord!  It s so sad that others find babies an inconvenience and even from a circumstances of chance, can make a decision to discard them!   These are the small things that God blesses us with and they grow into big things that cause us to cry as they walk all over our feet, and hurt our hearts when they grow up, but they are a blessing that is HUGE!

I AM so thankful for my husband Jim, because he also has had a steadfast love for me that has endured over 50 years.  Jim's walk with the Lord, has made it easy for me to have a steadfast love for him!  I am so thankful for my children, who's lives have been a blessing to all!   None of this is because of what we have done, but all because of what Christ has become to us and that is HUGE!

"MAKE A JOYFUL noise to the Lord, all the lands!  Serve the Lord with gladness!  Come into His presence with singing!  Know that the Lord is God!  It is He that made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.  Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise!   Give thanks to Him, bless His name!  For the Lord is good; His steadfast love endures for ever, and His faithfulness is to all generation.    Psalms 100:1-5    By Jane Ann Crenshaw   11/22/13

Saturday, November 16, 2013


JIM and I were browsing through Wal Mart the other day, when I spied some “crackers!” I got excited! Many years ago I learned about “crackers” and went from store to store looking for them, because it was Christmas Eve, and those in the know had already bought them up. Finally located a store, out of town, and bought the last two packages.

WHAT are crackers. You ask? An English tradition! A Christmas “cracker” is a brightly colored paper tube, twisted at both ends. There is a ‘banger’ inside and when pulled by two people, will create a loud snapping ‘crack’ or ‘bang!’ Thomas Smith, a London Pastry cook during 1846, discovered a sugar almond wrapped in tissue paper, twisted on both sides of the treat. He like the idea so much he created his own treat by adding a romantic message inside, and called them “Kiss Mottos!”

SMITH’S product didn’t sell well until he added a ‘cracker - pop’ when pulled apart. Today you will find within each “cracker,” a paper crown made from tissue paper, a riddle or joke and a small gift. Our first “crackers” seem relatively small, compared to the ones I saw this week. I didn’t know until now that it was to have two people pulling the two sides. That surely would make it easier and fun. One way to do that is by crossing your arms at the table and with your right hand you pull your neighbors cracker and with your left hand you hold your cracker while your neighbor on the right pulls!

WHAT would be even more fun is if you all pulled at the same time, and all the snaps and pops sounded with a bang. Sort of reminds me of a Bible Study when everyone gets excited and involved and when you leave that place you are filled with the Holy Spirit saying; “God’s Word is amazing; go and share it with everyone you meet!”

READING through the Bible can be an adventure, especially if you are sharing your reading adventure with someone else. There is talk about the church I am attending, having a reading program this next year. Not just asking you to read; not just leaving everyone at the starting gate; not hoping that everyone will do this, and then forget. I hear it will be a moving together in the scriptures with questions, answers, discussions, and a little of that fire being ignited with a snap, crackle and pop!

HOLIDAYS are upon us, and for some it is slow starting because of all the money that is required to do them up big. As I get older, I have found that bigger is not always better. Dollar’s are not always as wisely spent as pennies are. Taking a look back is not always the answer, but looking ahead can reveal promises kept.

WHY is it we are always frustrated, when this time of the year rolls by. We act as though it is a surprise it’s that time again! We knew it was coming! As the weather changes we knew time was drawing near! Yet, here we are with Thanksgiving around the corner and we are bogged down with all the things we have to do to be ready because company is coming; there are turkeys to be bought and whether or not to have cranberry sauce or whole berries!

“FOR EVERY matter has its time and way, although man’s trouble lies heavy upon him. For he does not know what is to be, for who can tell him how it will be!   Ecclesiastes 8:6-7   Solomon has a way with words doesn’t he? We sit around muddled in our own thoughts, when we have our very own “cracker” given to us by God. God’s word brings us joy, and peace! We can open it by ourselves or together and receive a real crown, read the nugget’s He has left for us, and receive the prize of eternal life. Just learning about Jesus is not enough, the Word clearly spells out what we are to do to be His!

“FOR EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven!”   Ecclesiastes 3:1   Get all excited, go tell everybody that Jesus Christ is King! Purchase some “crackers”, you will find them on the shelves in the stores. Take them home and place them at each setting of your table; have fun together as a family. Open God’s Word, hopefully you will find it on the shelf in your home, and read about God and His promises for you! What a Holiday season this can be, when we forget about the things of the world, and seek Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/15/13

Saturday, November 9, 2013

TIME AND AGAIN! 11/10/13

IF SOMEONE were to ask you how many times do you get a knock on your door from nicely dressed young men, sometimes a young family with a bible in hand, and a paper to give you, and says; “This is for you, this is your personal copy;” what would your number be? Time and again, we get these visitors and I often wonder why they knock on our door, when we let them know before they even get there, where we stand!

WE HAVE a plague above our front door that says; “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” We also have a plaque on the side of our house, next to the front door, which is a cross that says; “We walk by faith and not by sight!” 2 Corinthians 5:7

TIME AFTER TIME we take the copy that has been handed to us and look at it and immediately know it is either, Jehovah Witness or Mormon’s. The paper has familiar phrases on them like; “Can the dead really live again?” Some say; “If you should die today, will you go to heaven?” And my favorite is “Do you know Jesus?”

MANY years ago, I was handed a “Watch Tower” and when I asked what it was, part of the explanation was, it was written by the Holy Spirit, who was locked in a tower in New York. My quick response was, they had better let Him out! I wonder why they didn’t know that the Holy Spirit belongs to the followers of Jesus Christ and not locked in a tower. Of course that was many years ago and I have sense learned that confrontation is not the way to treat people who have been mislead to believe that the Jesus they follow, is the Christ the Son of God!

I RECEIVED an email from a Pastor friend that was about confrontation! It said, in one paragraph; “Jesus calls us to a different paradigm: “I Win, You Win.” Confrontation was never meant by Him to estrange and separate us from a brother or sister. We are to restore relationships and we are to walk in love! When we receive these visitors, I don’t turn them away with a negative attitude. Instead, I have on occasion, prayed for them in their presence! I never let them feel they have changed my mind, or that I agree with them. Often, when I see them I will pray for them to know Jesus; the Jesus, I know!

TIME AND AGAIN Jesus says; we are to forgive our brothers when they sin and even when they do and say things about Jesus, without understanding. Jesus says; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Both of these things, that we are to do as followers of Jesus Christ, are not without a struggle! We know what God’s Word says, and we want to press the issues and make the other person change their minds and believe as we do. We cannot do the Holy Spirits job; it is not our job! Far better for us to show our Faith by doing, than by telling someone they are totally off base!

“TAKE HEED to yourselves; if your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, and says; “I repent,’ you must forgive him.” Luke 17:3-4     Is this a struggle for you? We are not to enable those who are sinning, nor those without understanding as they teach. Instead we are to become equippers of the saints. We are to love, forgive and love some more!

“AND JESUS said to them; “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” Mark 1:17     Many of us who have chosen the Way, find ourselves in positions of either contradicting those who misunderstand God’s Word, or teaching God’s Word to those of like mind, and to those who have been taught a different way. God calls us to love one another, and these moments of teaching, are to be done in LOVE.

MY PRAYER is that   “I will set my mind on the things above and not on the things of this earth.”    Colossians 3:2     I will not set myself above anyone, nor will I keep God’s Word hidden within me! His Word is for teaching, reproof, and must be shared! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/9/13

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I DON”T know if most are interested in what happened in the 1500's but I am always fascinated in the history of the church. I have read Halley’s Handbook many times and He brings the early church from its beginning thru the dispensations of its struggles; successes and deviations of the Christian way. Martin Luther, born November 10, 1483, changed its direction.

‘INDULGENCES’ began as a fund raiser. The Pope had control over Purgatory which was like hell, but you didn’t stay there as long. The Pope could shorten your stay for a fee. It was so profitable within the hierarchy, that it became open for general use. ‘Selling the privilege to sin’ became one of the main sources of the Papal Revenue. A salesman came through Germany selling certificates, signed by the Pope, offering pardon of all sins to buyers and their friends.

MARTIN LUTHER, a Monk, began to study the Word and discovered that “the just shall live by faith.” He discovered that salvation came by “Trust in God,” through Christ and not by rituals, sacraments and penances of the Church. This changed his life! He went to Rome and saw first hand the retail service of the salesman for the Pope. He witnessed; “As soon as your coin clinks in the chest the souls of your friends will rise out of Purgatory into heaven.” Luther was appalled! Luther began diligently to bring this shame into the light.

HE BEGAN a religious revolt in Germany. He began by writing and posting his 95 theses declaring his contempt of the Catholic Church’s corruption, on the Wittenberg Church door, October 31, 1517. Others had gone before Luther and put their lives on the line for this same cause but it was Luther who actually started the Protestant Reformation Movement. He labored until Protestantism was born. He and his followers wanted to return Christianity to its roots but instead they changed the Christian world into a reformation and broke away from the present corruption. Later on in the 1800's, the restoration movement put the church back into motion with John Knox, followed by the Campbell’s and others, who are still being followed by the Christian and Church of Christ theologians today.

THERE was a time when the Catholic Church called the shots under the guise of Christianity. But they didn’t know that God would raise up Martin Luther who became known as the Father of the Reformation. He became one of history’s most important reformers. Luther was first to translate and print the whole Bible in German. He was a simple but strong man who was motivated by what he learned by reading God’s Word for himself. Luther could have quietly communicated his thoughts and he wanted to discuss these things in the University he taught at, but instead, he had copies printed and posted all over Germany. He was the spark that set Europe on fire and became a very popular man in Germany.

LUTHER was ordered before the Holy Roman Empire which included; Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Austria. They demanded he retract. He requested some time, to think about this. After 24 hours, he returned to the ‘Diet of Worms’ and they asked him again to retract his declarations! He replied; “Here I stand; I can do no other! God help me, Amen!” He was condemned to be burned at the stake and was taken away to wait 20 more days or so, until his execution. As the carriage carried him away he could hear many horses behind him and felt desolate. However, as the horsemen closed in on him and his guards, Martin Luther was snatched bodily from the carriage, and was carried away by the men of Prince Frederick the Wise. They took him deep into the forest where he was hidden for about a year and then he returned to Wittenberg to continue his work of speaking and writing. Excommunicated and exiled by Rome, Martin Luther married an ex-nun and lived happily ever after and died of natural causes February 18, 1546, but not before the protestant beliefs took hold throughout Europe. Reads like a fairy tale, doesn’t it; but it’s part of church history!     By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/27/09