(a father’s observations of his 4 year old daughter, his grandmother, and the hands of Jesus) “OUR LAURA had fallen asleep on the way into our Easter service. With my head bent, I began to study her as she slept on my lap. Hands! I studied her little hands. Have you ever noticed how small and delicate a four year old’s hands are? How unmarked by this life’s cares? She slept on, unaware of all that was going on around her!
HANDS! My mind wandered to another set of hands. Two weeks earlier, we watched and tried to comfort my Grandmother as she lay on her death bed. At ninety-six, she had lived a full life! Her greatest struggle was evident as we each took turns holding her hands and stroking her forehead. We spoke words of love and comfort to ease her anxious heart. Reminding her of Jesus and how His resurrection is giving her passage into His home. Her hands were not nearly as pretty to look at. They were now worn and gnarled by a long life of labor for those she loved. Now they were cold and mottled black with blown IV”s and approaching death. I remember that for at least two weeks, I couldn’t get the smell of death off my hands!
I ASKED MYSELF; Was Grandma not once a little girl herself? Did she ever fall asleep on her parents’ lap, to have her Mother or Father study her hands? Did they wonder what she would become? Did they wonder what those hands would do in life, for God and for others? Hands! We go through a cycle of life, and death is well known to each one of us. I caressed Laura’s hands, and she grabbed my finger in her sleep. Why do such tiny, beautiful hands, straight from our Creator, have to grow old and knobby and finally molder in a grave?
WITH THESE thoughts, I looked through my tears to the service. I listened to the words and music presented. Hands! There is another set of hands. Hands that were as small as any newborn’s. Hands that grew and handled woodworking tools in a masterful manner. Teen-age hands that grew to share meals with the hungry and to comfort the homeless. Hands that created this world with love. Hands that gestured to the surrounding meadows, water or pointed to the heavens while their owner shared eternity with His listeners. Hands of love that reached out and healed countless diseases, including the untouchable leprosy. Hands that defied death itself and, coursing with the Creator’s power, returned life to the lifeless. Hands that were nailed to a rough-hewn tree, until they too were lifeless. Hands that touched each of with His love!
THE ENORMITY of what Jesus did for us hit me with a power I have not known before. Death seems so final, so certain, but Jesus died for each one of us. Those nail-marred hands made it possible for us to be restored to eternal life. To restore the original cycle. Death will not always be able to lay claim to us. As I studied those little hands, I thanked God for what He has done for us. I pray that we will use our hands to hasten Christ’s return and to share His love with those around us. Jesus said; “if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away!” Matthew 5:30a Hands! What will our hands do for God today?”
WHAT will your hands do? Solomon says in the 9th chapter of Ecclesiastes, that men are in the hand of God. “For I have taken all this to my heart and explain it that righteous men, wise men, and their deeds are in the hand of God. Man does not know whether it will be love or hatred; anything awaits him. Eccl 9:1 One fate is for the wicked, and one fate is for the righteous. Kind of scary but we have a choice. “Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or wisdom in hell where you could end up.” Eccl 9:10 Love is of God! You have heard it said that God loves the sinner but not the sin! Consider what your hands find to do. Knowing what is right or wrong only works when you do what is right! “For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning; that we should love one another!” 1 John 3:11 HANDS! Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/29/16
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
I LOVE dictionary searches. I love an old dictionary because they have the original meanings before the world took charge, and gave us new meanings. Webster in 1965 says that to be reverent is to show deep respect; expressing a mixture of love and awe. To be reverential means, to manifest reverence. I have listened to many discussions regarding fearing the Lord. Many conclude that it means to respect Him because He is God! Some say; we should have a fear of God because He is the one that can kill not only the body, but the soul! I suppose then we should say we have respect for His nature. Our loving Him has to be shown by how we treat Him! He asks for our obedience to His ways. How does any of this have to do with our reverential fear of the Lord?
LET”S LOOK as some ways that we know God. We believe and know that God is the creator! He hears our prayers! He punishes the rebellious and rewards the righteous. We are taught He is our Father and dwells in heaven. Jesus, His Son has made it possible, with his death and resurrection, for us to go directly to the Father in prayer! Upon our acceptance of Christ as our Savior, and thru baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit that comes to live within us. The Word tell us that He not only hears our prayers but answers them! The Holy Spirit knows His mind! He understands His thoughts and His desires for us. He wants us to walk the walk!
“YET FOR US there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.”
1 Corinthians 8:6 We do not exist for ourselves but for Him! “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, To Him be glory for ever. Amen!” Romans 11:36 God is the source of all we need. “Yet Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand!” Isaiah 64:8 He molded us and made us!
WHEN JIM paints a picture; he owns it? He can keep it or give it away! Would you say since God is the potter and we are the clay that He owns us? He can keep us or let us go? He designed the process through a man and a woman and he designed the hidden place in the women to nurture and grow us until the time we are ready to live outside of her body. You may want to argue that God knew us before we were even born, and he knew who and what we would even become. I believe that God designed the church for all those who would believe in Him and follow His Word. I have chosen to believe, how about you!
WHEN I was a child I knew that if I defied my mother I would be punished. I knew if I did something, even when she couldn’t possibly see or know, she would find out. I tried very hard to not bring her any grief, or shame upon my family. Oh I argued a lot! Never won but if she said it was white, then I knew it was black. She was my mother, and during that era, she was law! She ruled, and saw to it that I was cared for, and my needs were met. I didn’t always get what I wanted, but my needs were met. Why would I want to disappoint her or not give her the respect, along with fear, that was due her while living in her home! She loved me!
I LOOK upon God in the same way! I don’t want to grieve Him, nor disappoint him. I want to be obedient and I strive to walk the path He has set out for me. I fail many times, but God has promised to always be there for me! He not only supplies my needs but I even receive some things that I want. God is with me wherever I go! He waits for me to repent when I sin and is ready to forgive. However, His forgiveness is conditional on my forgiving others!
WE NEED to know God the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We need to have reverential fear because He is our maker, our keeper, and our Savior. When we remain in Him we are in the safest place, when we do not remain in Him; beware! I am not afraid of God because I love Him and I know He loves me! But what if? Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/22/16
LET”S LOOK as some ways that we know God. We believe and know that God is the creator! He hears our prayers! He punishes the rebellious and rewards the righteous. We are taught He is our Father and dwells in heaven. Jesus, His Son has made it possible, with his death and resurrection, for us to go directly to the Father in prayer! Upon our acceptance of Christ as our Savior, and thru baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit that comes to live within us. The Word tell us that He not only hears our prayers but answers them! The Holy Spirit knows His mind! He understands His thoughts and His desires for us. He wants us to walk the walk!
“YET FOR US there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.”
1 Corinthians 8:6 We do not exist for ourselves but for Him! “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, To Him be glory for ever. Amen!” Romans 11:36 God is the source of all we need. “Yet Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand!” Isaiah 64:8 He molded us and made us!
WHEN JIM paints a picture; he owns it? He can keep it or give it away! Would you say since God is the potter and we are the clay that He owns us? He can keep us or let us go? He designed the process through a man and a woman and he designed the hidden place in the women to nurture and grow us until the time we are ready to live outside of her body. You may want to argue that God knew us before we were even born, and he knew who and what we would even become. I believe that God designed the church for all those who would believe in Him and follow His Word. I have chosen to believe, how about you!
WHEN I was a child I knew that if I defied my mother I would be punished. I knew if I did something, even when she couldn’t possibly see or know, she would find out. I tried very hard to not bring her any grief, or shame upon my family. Oh I argued a lot! Never won but if she said it was white, then I knew it was black. She was my mother, and during that era, she was law! She ruled, and saw to it that I was cared for, and my needs were met. I didn’t always get what I wanted, but my needs were met. Why would I want to disappoint her or not give her the respect, along with fear, that was due her while living in her home! She loved me!
I LOOK upon God in the same way! I don’t want to grieve Him, nor disappoint him. I want to be obedient and I strive to walk the path He has set out for me. I fail many times, but God has promised to always be there for me! He not only supplies my needs but I even receive some things that I want. God is with me wherever I go! He waits for me to repent when I sin and is ready to forgive. However, His forgiveness is conditional on my forgiving others!
WE NEED to know God the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We need to have reverential fear because He is our maker, our keeper, and our Savior. When we remain in Him we are in the safest place, when we do not remain in Him; beware! I am not afraid of God because I love Him and I know He loves me! But what if? Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/22/16
Saturday, April 16, 2016
THE DICTIONARY says; suitable to the occasion; proper, suitable. The opposite of appropriate is unfit; incongruous, irrelevant and unsuitable! Recently it came to my attention that those in the world could consider God’s Word as inappropriate on occasion. Didn’t surprise me but still causes me to ponder when and where God’s Word would be appropriate to the world.
THE WORLD considers everything and everywhere appropriate for what they subscribe to. Most Christians do not subscribe to the ads on TV, radios, movies and even in some songs as appropriate. I always turn them off, amazed that anyone would watch that smut! But they are out there for all society to see, hear and be bombarded with. How come the Christian has to be submissive to the worlds desires but the world can complain, ridicule and deem God’s Word as offensive and inappropriate?
I SUPPOSE many would consider this topic, as in-material and even much to do about nothing. Although those in power in America have interpreted the Constitution to say there should be a separation of church and state, however, it was not designed for that reason. As a matter of fact, that idea is only an interpretation, not fact! Laws now declare the mere mention of God is inappropriate in the schools, and sign of allegiance in government buildings is forbidden. No wonder the world considers God’s Word as being inappropriate on occasion.
“WHOEVER teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the teaching of our religion is swollen with pride and knows nothing. He has an unhealthy desire to argue and quarrel about words.” 1 Timothy 6:3-4a The believer does not destroy social and political differences. Instead of leading others to rebel, it helps to make them better and more faithful. Christianity changes the attitude of those in charge to become more understanding and even cause them to become a believer too. Many fight against becoming anything, other than what they deem suitable for themselves alone.
“DO NOT be afraid of those who can kill the body but, not the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both, body and soul in hell!” Matthew 10:38 I remember the little things kids would say to one another when they were hurt by someone. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” That always seemed to sooth our broken spirit. In my mature years I have discovered that I do not have to shrink back from teaching God’s Word, because it is God’s Word of thought; not mine. However, I believe that what I believe is real! Sorry about those who hear but do not have ears to hear! The teacher does not have to defend God’s Word. God will do that! I merely share what I have learned in God’s Word!
“USE SOUND words that cannot be criticized, so that your adversary’s may be put to shame by not having anything bad to say about us.” Titus 2:8 Paul is saying here that we are to rebuke, but do it in a spirit of love and be careful about making rash statements. Your purpose is to produce a healthy faith in those whom you teach. God says that even if the world rejects you; you continue to teach my Word to the world!
“FOR THE message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for us who are being saved, it is God’s power. So then, where does that leave the wise men? Or the scholars? Or the skillful debaters of this world? God has shown that this world’s wisdom is foolishness! For God, in His wisdom, made it impossible for men to know Him by means of their own folly (wisdom). 1 Corinthians 1:18-21a People divide themselves into two groups on the basis of Christ. Those who are being lost make fun of the whole idea. Those who are being saved believe that God’s Word is medicine for their souls! The Lord’s love endures forever and ever! Again, I say Amen! Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/13/16
THE WORLD considers everything and everywhere appropriate for what they subscribe to. Most Christians do not subscribe to the ads on TV, radios, movies and even in some songs as appropriate. I always turn them off, amazed that anyone would watch that smut! But they are out there for all society to see, hear and be bombarded with. How come the Christian has to be submissive to the worlds desires but the world can complain, ridicule and deem God’s Word as offensive and inappropriate?
I SUPPOSE many would consider this topic, as in-material and even much to do about nothing. Although those in power in America have interpreted the Constitution to say there should be a separation of church and state, however, it was not designed for that reason. As a matter of fact, that idea is only an interpretation, not fact! Laws now declare the mere mention of God is inappropriate in the schools, and sign of allegiance in government buildings is forbidden. No wonder the world considers God’s Word as being inappropriate on occasion.
“WHOEVER teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the teaching of our religion is swollen with pride and knows nothing. He has an unhealthy desire to argue and quarrel about words.” 1 Timothy 6:3-4a The believer does not destroy social and political differences. Instead of leading others to rebel, it helps to make them better and more faithful. Christianity changes the attitude of those in charge to become more understanding and even cause them to become a believer too. Many fight against becoming anything, other than what they deem suitable for themselves alone.
“DO NOT be afraid of those who can kill the body but, not the soul; rather be afraid of God, who can destroy both, body and soul in hell!” Matthew 10:38 I remember the little things kids would say to one another when they were hurt by someone. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!” That always seemed to sooth our broken spirit. In my mature years I have discovered that I do not have to shrink back from teaching God’s Word, because it is God’s Word of thought; not mine. However, I believe that what I believe is real! Sorry about those who hear but do not have ears to hear! The teacher does not have to defend God’s Word. God will do that! I merely share what I have learned in God’s Word!
“USE SOUND words that cannot be criticized, so that your adversary’s may be put to shame by not having anything bad to say about us.” Titus 2:8 Paul is saying here that we are to rebuke, but do it in a spirit of love and be careful about making rash statements. Your purpose is to produce a healthy faith in those whom you teach. God says that even if the world rejects you; you continue to teach my Word to the world!
“FOR THE message about Christ’s death on the cross is nonsense to those who are being lost; but for us who are being saved, it is God’s power. So then, where does that leave the wise men? Or the scholars? Or the skillful debaters of this world? God has shown that this world’s wisdom is foolishness! For God, in His wisdom, made it impossible for men to know Him by means of their own folly (wisdom). 1 Corinthians 1:18-21a People divide themselves into two groups on the basis of Christ. Those who are being lost make fun of the whole idea. Those who are being saved believe that God’s Word is medicine for their souls! The Lord’s love endures forever and ever! Again, I say Amen! Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/13/16
Saturday, April 9, 2016
HOW'S IT GOING? 4/10/16
I HAVE heard many say that we talk about Satan too much. We should be teaching about Jesus and God’s love, instead of lessons on dealing with Satan, and who he is. I guess some don’t need a reminder that we have an adversary and he is the same one that Jesus viewed as His adversary while in the desert. If Jesus was tempted by Satan, what makes us think that we can avoid the same kind of encounters?
HOW SERIOUS are you? Are you having a one sided relationship with God? Recently, my attention was drawn to a scripture, that indicated, we should not be afraid to pay attention, and to learn about the Adversary. “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgement. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication from me, says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17
ARE YOU COMMITTED, serious, whole hearted? If you are, then do not be ashamed to invite the Lord into every room in your life. Many times we have fallen into the pit of the adversary and would prefer that God didn’t visit us. God always visits His children and believe me, He is never surprised, only saddened.
WHEN WE UNLEASH ourselves from Satan, the old landlord; it is as though we have changed the locks to our lives. When the Holy Spirit takes residence, He becomes our new landlord and has full access to our living arrangements. We then can live in victory, and when this happens, God is filled with joy. And so are we!
IT IS written that we must forgive if we want God to forgive us. Satan loves to keep us harboring anger, hatred and keep our wounds festering. God’s plan of forgiveness is to heal us and to make us whole. Satan doesn’t like it! He goes jumping around looking for ways to keep us from forgiving others. We have all kinds of excuses, don’t we? What about forgiving our brothers and sisters in Christ? We are to help one another and to forgive, but what if the offense is too great? We see it as a sin against God? How can we forgive without judgement? Paul addresses an issue in first Corinthians which seems harsh and reconciles it in 2nd Corinthians which seems to go against the grain.
“WHEN YOU forgive someone for what he has done, I forgive him too. For when I forgive, if indeed, I need to forgive anything, I do it because of you, in Christ’s presence. “In order to keep Satan from getting the upper hand over us; for we know what his plans are.” Corinthians 2:10- 11 The story is that the church in Corinth joined with Paul in punishing the offender, now Paul joins with the church in forgiving the man. We as a body of Christ must do the forgiving. Paul says, that he could only confirm it when the church did it. Interesting, huh!
TO KEEP SATAN from anything, seems ominous. A harsh, unforgiving spirit, will allow Satan to get an upper hand over us! Satan, making us think it is a matter of duty and loyalty, tempts us to adopt harsh measures, to drive offenders to despair and make them give up completely, and to turn outsiders away from the Good News!. Satan is crafty, and makes it hard for us to recognize doing good, verses doing wrong. Loving one another is so important to our well-being!
WE MUST become educated in the ways of Satan and not be ignorant; remaining in the dark. Know your adversary and stop allowing him in your decision making. Satan is a liar, a deceiver and there is no truth in him. Don’t let anyone say “you worry to much about Satan.”
“Whoever continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the beginning. Jesus appeared for this very reason, to destroy the Devil’s works. 1 John 3:8 Habitually sinning shows who we serve! Jesus died so that Satan could not have a hold on us anymore. The war is on, and we know that the Church wins! Hallelujah! Know God’s Word and let it direct your path! Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/7/16
HOW SERIOUS are you? Are you having a one sided relationship with God? Recently, my attention was drawn to a scripture, that indicated, we should not be afraid to pay attention, and to learn about the Adversary. “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgement. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication from me, says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17
ARE YOU COMMITTED, serious, whole hearted? If you are, then do not be ashamed to invite the Lord into every room in your life. Many times we have fallen into the pit of the adversary and would prefer that God didn’t visit us. God always visits His children and believe me, He is never surprised, only saddened.
WHEN WE UNLEASH ourselves from Satan, the old landlord; it is as though we have changed the locks to our lives. When the Holy Spirit takes residence, He becomes our new landlord and has full access to our living arrangements. We then can live in victory, and when this happens, God is filled with joy. And so are we!
IT IS written that we must forgive if we want God to forgive us. Satan loves to keep us harboring anger, hatred and keep our wounds festering. God’s plan of forgiveness is to heal us and to make us whole. Satan doesn’t like it! He goes jumping around looking for ways to keep us from forgiving others. We have all kinds of excuses, don’t we? What about forgiving our brothers and sisters in Christ? We are to help one another and to forgive, but what if the offense is too great? We see it as a sin against God? How can we forgive without judgement? Paul addresses an issue in first Corinthians which seems harsh and reconciles it in 2nd Corinthians which seems to go against the grain.
“WHEN YOU forgive someone for what he has done, I forgive him too. For when I forgive, if indeed, I need to forgive anything, I do it because of you, in Christ’s presence. “In order to keep Satan from getting the upper hand over us; for we know what his plans are.” Corinthians 2:10- 11 The story is that the church in Corinth joined with Paul in punishing the offender, now Paul joins with the church in forgiving the man. We as a body of Christ must do the forgiving. Paul says, that he could only confirm it when the church did it. Interesting, huh!
TO KEEP SATAN from anything, seems ominous. A harsh, unforgiving spirit, will allow Satan to get an upper hand over us! Satan, making us think it is a matter of duty and loyalty, tempts us to adopt harsh measures, to drive offenders to despair and make them give up completely, and to turn outsiders away from the Good News!. Satan is crafty, and makes it hard for us to recognize doing good, verses doing wrong. Loving one another is so important to our well-being!
WE MUST become educated in the ways of Satan and not be ignorant; remaining in the dark. Know your adversary and stop allowing him in your decision making. Satan is a liar, a deceiver and there is no truth in him. Don’t let anyone say “you worry to much about Satan.”
“Whoever continues to sin belongs to the Devil, because the Devil has sinned from the beginning. Jesus appeared for this very reason, to destroy the Devil’s works. 1 John 3:8 Habitually sinning shows who we serve! Jesus died so that Satan could not have a hold on us anymore. The war is on, and we know that the Church wins! Hallelujah! Know God’s Word and let it direct your path! Jane Ann Crenshaw 4/7/16
Saturday, April 2, 2016
I HEARD recently a new song titled; “Bless This Road”, and was amazed with what it conjured up in my mind. I have learned to pay attention when these things happen because new thoughts bring new growth in my life. I have always prayed for those who find themselves on a new path; a new direction, new train of thought. Paths are sometimes short lived, dusty and fruitless. However, life can become completely different when we find ourselves on a road of no return. A direction without twists or turns but hard, and long with no obvious detours. Living life is more like a road than it is a path!
PATH or ROAD can be a way of life, or course of action. Usually a path is one beaten down by man, or animals, just by walking on it. A road can be an open way, which is followed in a journey, or a project. Either one can be considered, when our lives take a sharp turn, and our way has been re-directed; many times without our consent.
HOW MANY times have I asked the Lord to bless the path someone is on. But this song title helped me to see that the way of the road is really a very long road, filled with questions, heartache and sorrow. Usually one is thrust upon this road when it was the furthest
from their mind. They feel lost; no way to turn; what do I do now? Their feelings are so complex, that I find myself without words. All I can do is hold them in my arms and even cry with them. Tears can bring comfort, but warm arms, bring them in out of the cold.
JESUS found Himself on such a road. Even thought He knew it would be coming, His work kept Him occupied until it was time. Then He went to the garden with some of His companions and asked them to wait while He prayed. His prayer was for strength, guidance and even three times He asked His Father; “could there be some other way; take this cup from me! Finally thru complete submission, Jesus said; “never the less, your will be done!”
HOW DOES that make you feel? It brings tears to my eyes every time I read that! Jesus knew before God’s creation, that this would take place. The man Jesus felt the same kind of pain and anguish that you and I feel when we have been given a life changing sentence. “You have cancer; you have had a severe stroke and are now paralyzed; your heart is very bad and you need to change your diet, and your life style; I am sorry but you will not be able to conceive and have children.” Oh how my heart aches for those who’s lives change, in a moment.
ARE WE like blind Bartimaeus, on the Jericho road? When he heard Jesus was there
He shouted out; “Jesus! Son of David! Have mercy on me!” Even though others told him to be quiet and not bother Jesus, he shouted even louder; “Son of David, have mercy on me!” This man’s determination caught Jesus’ ear, and He stopped. Jesus told His friends to call the man to Him. “Get up, He is calling you!” Bartimaeus threw off his cloak, jumped up, and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him; “What do you want me to do for you?” “Teacher, I want to see again!” “Go,” Jesus said to him, “your faith has made you well.” At once he could see!
YOUR FAITH has made you well. Bartimaeus showed his faith by calling to Jesus, going to Jesus, believing that Jesus was the Messiah, being persistent even though others scolded him, he threw off everything that held him back and by obeying Jesus, he went to Him when He called him to come, and he followed Jesus, praising his name, after he was healed.
WHEN Jesus prayed to His father to let this cup pass from Him, the Fathers will was for Him to free us from our sins. We live in a sinful world and we die because of sin in the world. No matter what takes our physical life from here, our eternal life can be with God in His home, in heaven. The roads of this world are just like the road to Calvary, but our ticket to heaven has already been paid. We don’t have to stand in line, we have reservations. Together, we Christians can ask the Lord to BLESS THIS ROAD! (Mark 10; 46-52) Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/30/16
PATH or ROAD can be a way of life, or course of action. Usually a path is one beaten down by man, or animals, just by walking on it. A road can be an open way, which is followed in a journey, or a project. Either one can be considered, when our lives take a sharp turn, and our way has been re-directed; many times without our consent.
HOW MANY times have I asked the Lord to bless the path someone is on. But this song title helped me to see that the way of the road is really a very long road, filled with questions, heartache and sorrow. Usually one is thrust upon this road when it was the furthest
from their mind. They feel lost; no way to turn; what do I do now? Their feelings are so complex, that I find myself without words. All I can do is hold them in my arms and even cry with them. Tears can bring comfort, but warm arms, bring them in out of the cold.
JESUS found Himself on such a road. Even thought He knew it would be coming, His work kept Him occupied until it was time. Then He went to the garden with some of His companions and asked them to wait while He prayed. His prayer was for strength, guidance and even three times He asked His Father; “could there be some other way; take this cup from me! Finally thru complete submission, Jesus said; “never the less, your will be done!”
HOW DOES that make you feel? It brings tears to my eyes every time I read that! Jesus knew before God’s creation, that this would take place. The man Jesus felt the same kind of pain and anguish that you and I feel when we have been given a life changing sentence. “You have cancer; you have had a severe stroke and are now paralyzed; your heart is very bad and you need to change your diet, and your life style; I am sorry but you will not be able to conceive and have children.” Oh how my heart aches for those who’s lives change, in a moment.
ARE WE like blind Bartimaeus, on the Jericho road? When he heard Jesus was there
He shouted out; “Jesus! Son of David! Have mercy on me!” Even though others told him to be quiet and not bother Jesus, he shouted even louder; “Son of David, have mercy on me!” This man’s determination caught Jesus’ ear, and He stopped. Jesus told His friends to call the man to Him. “Get up, He is calling you!” Bartimaeus threw off his cloak, jumped up, and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him; “What do you want me to do for you?” “Teacher, I want to see again!” “Go,” Jesus said to him, “your faith has made you well.” At once he could see!
YOUR FAITH has made you well. Bartimaeus showed his faith by calling to Jesus, going to Jesus, believing that Jesus was the Messiah, being persistent even though others scolded him, he threw off everything that held him back and by obeying Jesus, he went to Him when He called him to come, and he followed Jesus, praising his name, after he was healed.
WHEN Jesus prayed to His father to let this cup pass from Him, the Fathers will was for Him to free us from our sins. We live in a sinful world and we die because of sin in the world. No matter what takes our physical life from here, our eternal life can be with God in His home, in heaven. The roads of this world are just like the road to Calvary, but our ticket to heaven has already been paid. We don’t have to stand in line, we have reservations. Together, we Christians can ask the Lord to BLESS THIS ROAD! (Mark 10; 46-52) Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/30/16
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