A PICNIC is always the way to go when celebrating with a lot of people. When I was a very small child I remember going on a picnic in Iowa. I remember it was not a park. It was not in town. It was on the way to no where! At least to my very young way of thinking. I could have been the youngest child at the time. We stopped, got out of the car, set up our lunch on the side of the road, with lots of tall green grass, trees and birds singing. I don’t remember what we ate. I don’t remember doing anything special. But I do remember that my oldest brother Lisle, was there.
FUNNY how your mind works, isn’t it1 I have always been able to see that picnic, but that is all I remember. As a young girl, living in California, we went on many picnics, with lots of food, always in a park, and when we would first get there, we would move from spot to spot until it was just the right spot for our family picnic. My mother would make coffee, and why anyone would drink it, is beyond me. She put the coffee in a cloth, and tie it up in a ball. Put the ball in into the bottom of the large blue coffee pot, with white spots, and boiled it on the park stove. It was a late morning, all afternoon, affair. No one was in a hurry to go home!
FOOD was then a big part of the picnic, just as it is today. Home fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans and cake. There may have been other dishes but that is all of my favorites! The adults sat around on blankets, while all the kids ran too and fro without a care in the world.
Sometimes there would be a soft ball game. Some times just talking, and yelling at the kids!
WITH MY own little family, we would picnic, meeting up with other family members at a park. Good times are spent with family! Good times are relaxing around the picnic table, wading in the river, kids chasing one another; and just being together. I Can’t help it; but those were some of my favorite things to do. I still like a picnic, but I am now one of those sitting around the table talking.
DID YOU KNOW that the feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle that can be found in all four Gospels? I don’t know about you, but I believe that Jesus had a thing for great picnics. In this story the picnic was held on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee. A spot two miles southeast of the Jordan entrance. The time was the Passover. One year before Jesus’ death! This was a time, when many were on their way to Jerusalem. But this year Jesus didn’t go to Jerusalem, because it was not yet time for Him. He celebrated this Passover on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. All the food that the Apostles had were five loaves and two fishes. So Jesus planned a picnic! He invited all that had been gathered around Him. He gave the orders that the people sit down in groups of 50 and 100. He fed five thousand men plus women and children that day! And Jesus wasn’t wasteful! After everyone had their fill, He commanded that the twelve baskets of left-overs be gathered up. A divine principle for us to live by; “the more we give, the more we have left over!”
LATER ON Jesus had another picnic where He fed 4000 people! Same menu with seven baskets left over. You would have thought the disciples would have been used to Jesus’ miraculous ways. But evidently not! Not long after the second picnic Jesus overheard His disciples discussing food! “They started discussing among themselves, about not having any bread. Jesus responded saying; Why are you discussing about not having any bread? Don’t you know or understand yet? Are your minds so dull? You have eyes, can’t you see? You have ears, can’t you hear? Don’t you remember when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand? How many baskets of leftovers did you take up? They answered “Twelve!” Jesus said; And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand?’ “Seven!” And you still don’t understand?” Mark 8:16-21 Do you understand who Jesus is? Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/24/16
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
I DON’T believe I have ever been at a loss for words, however, I am still learning to be quiet! The scripture on my office wall says; “Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalms141:3 I have always had a lot to say on any given subject, even if I didn’t know anything about it. It is just in me, to talk! I have never been profound, nor do I experience other’s clinging to every word I say. So when I say I am confounded by God’s gift these past 30 some years, you have to understand why I keep writing. Why I keep teaching. Why my desire is to delight in the Lord!
TEACHING children is cool, because children put their trust in you and listen, participate, and encourage you to keep keeping on; teaching children. Teaching adults is an altogether, different story. You have to be one step ahead, because there is always someone who knows more on the subject, and who is articulate to boot. You may have stories, but adults, have stories too, and learning how to let every one share, is a key that opens the door to teaching; especially women!
I BELIEVE that in teaching God’s Word, He has made the process so much easier, and so much fun, that you don’t even realize your teaching. Today, the term ‘facilitator’ is used when leading a Bible Study, or a Sunday School class. I don’t facilitate, as most facilitators do, except thru the process of teaching. In the old Webster Dictionary the word facilitate means; to make easy! The word teach, means; To give instruction; to impart knowledge to; to cause to learn; to direct the development of. I have found that when only facilitating is the process, I leave with every ones story, and opinions. When teaching takes place I have learned, what the scripture is saying. I can take it with me, and do further searching, into God’s Word.
A YOUNG pastor, in his Wednesday night studies, showed me how to facilitate and to teach. I loved it and I learned from it, how to become a better teacher, thru facilitating. Does that make sense to you? I very seldom take one verse and talk about it for an hour. I love to take a subject and see how God directs me on the subject at hand. It is easier for me to grab hold of, and walk with it thru my daily living! I am not boasting, just offering my true confessions!
I HAVE always been a slow learner. Tests were not easy! I am a hands on kind of girl! When I am shown what to do, it is easier for me to do it! I once was told there was a name for how I learn, but it must not be important, since I can’t remember anymore what that was.
SINCE I started writing my memories, and began adding how God’s Word has redirected me in my walk, it has been easier and easier for me to teach, even as I write. Thru this process I have been able to take what I have written, and prepare lessons to teach Women’s studies. Our amazing God has helped me to teach adults, and not be afraid, because of my feeling of inadequacies. Our Amazing God has given me a desire to lift up and encourage others to reach out, and trust Him, in all ways, so that they can become all that God has created them to be.
I AM LIVING proof of God’s amazing life altering skills. Instead of sitting around wishing you could, or wanting for something to fall into your lap; give it to God and let Him mold you, and make you into a vessel of completeness, in Him. “Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long. Psalms 25:4-5
GOD HAS always been with me, because He has kept me from falling to far into the pit!
The temptations that came my way, I was always pulled out of, one way or another. My brother Lloyd, use to say; “everything just goes over your head!” To God be the Glory forever and ever! He is my rock and my shield! Am I perfect? No! Am I lost? No! I am saved by the grace of my Lord and Savior. Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/21/16
TEACHING children is cool, because children put their trust in you and listen, participate, and encourage you to keep keeping on; teaching children. Teaching adults is an altogether, different story. You have to be one step ahead, because there is always someone who knows more on the subject, and who is articulate to boot. You may have stories, but adults, have stories too, and learning how to let every one share, is a key that opens the door to teaching; especially women!
I BELIEVE that in teaching God’s Word, He has made the process so much easier, and so much fun, that you don’t even realize your teaching. Today, the term ‘facilitator’ is used when leading a Bible Study, or a Sunday School class. I don’t facilitate, as most facilitators do, except thru the process of teaching. In the old Webster Dictionary the word facilitate means; to make easy! The word teach, means; To give instruction; to impart knowledge to; to cause to learn; to direct the development of. I have found that when only facilitating is the process, I leave with every ones story, and opinions. When teaching takes place I have learned, what the scripture is saying. I can take it with me, and do further searching, into God’s Word.
A YOUNG pastor, in his Wednesday night studies, showed me how to facilitate and to teach. I loved it and I learned from it, how to become a better teacher, thru facilitating. Does that make sense to you? I very seldom take one verse and talk about it for an hour. I love to take a subject and see how God directs me on the subject at hand. It is easier for me to grab hold of, and walk with it thru my daily living! I am not boasting, just offering my true confessions!
I HAVE always been a slow learner. Tests were not easy! I am a hands on kind of girl! When I am shown what to do, it is easier for me to do it! I once was told there was a name for how I learn, but it must not be important, since I can’t remember anymore what that was.
SINCE I started writing my memories, and began adding how God’s Word has redirected me in my walk, it has been easier and easier for me to teach, even as I write. Thru this process I have been able to take what I have written, and prepare lessons to teach Women’s studies. Our amazing God has helped me to teach adults, and not be afraid, because of my feeling of inadequacies. Our Amazing God has given me a desire to lift up and encourage others to reach out, and trust Him, in all ways, so that they can become all that God has created them to be.
I AM LIVING proof of God’s amazing life altering skills. Instead of sitting around wishing you could, or wanting for something to fall into your lap; give it to God and let Him mold you, and make you into a vessel of completeness, in Him. “Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long. Psalms 25:4-5
GOD HAS always been with me, because He has kept me from falling to far into the pit!
The temptations that came my way, I was always pulled out of, one way or another. My brother Lloyd, use to say; “everything just goes over your head!” To God be the Glory forever and ever! He is my rock and my shield! Am I perfect? No! Am I lost? No! I am saved by the grace of my Lord and Savior. Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/21/16
Sunday, May 15, 2016
ACRYLIC NAILS! WHEN I WAS working at a Title Company, in a department that brought me before the public, I began having my nails done, so my hands would look a little bit nicer. Actually they began to look a whole bunch nicer!
SINCE I retired I haven’t been so inclined to spend the time or the money, caring for my nails. I had learned to live again with broken, peeling, chipped and just plain ugly nails. Never was good at keeping them polished but I do keep them filed! During the process of cleaning my house and other chores, I must break every nail except for my thumbs.
MY #1 GRANDSON was getting married last year, and after many years of bad nails, I decided it was time to go back to having my nails done! New processes are available, and so if I should stop again, it won’t be so hard in the recovery! Why shouldn’t my hands look nice? Even if what I did was fake. Today they are not fake, but still a little over the top!
EVERY SINCE the wedding I have continued to have my nails done. Even started taking vitamins for “Hair, Nails and Skin”. Why not! Wasn’t sure they would work, but they have. Not so much my hair or my skin, (which needs help), but my nails are doing great! Part of the process is that when I do break a nail, or if it peels, or chips they put on an acrylic to fix it while it grows back again. Fake? I guess so!
I AM GLAD that I have continued having my nails done because I am a woman, and women like to look nice. I do have a problem, though. My Nail Technician is working two jobs. When she does my nails, she is just getting off of her other job. She is tired but willing to keep keeping on. To my chagrin, the color on my toes do not match the color, on my hands!
WHEN GOD instituted marriage, He designed it to last for the life time of the couple. When God instituted marriage He designed it for a man and a woman. When God instituted marriage He meant for it to be a lasting legacy passed down for generations. Marriage is not for fakes or even close to it. I have loved being married! I have loved being a Mom! I love being a Grandma, and I love being a family! But I especially love being a woman!
“LET MARRIAGE be held in honor among all.” Hebrews 13:4a God designed marriage because it was to be viable between a man and a woman. “And Jesus said to them, The sons of this age, marry and are given in marriage; but those who are accounted worthy to attain age, and to the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage.” Luke 20:34-35 From this scripture we know that only the living is given in marriage and those who are dead, and have risen to live with God, do not marry, nor are given in marriage.
“AND GOD blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28a I believe this scripture is clear that God designed marriage for a man and a woman because only a man and a woman can multiply and fill the earth. Today’s thinking is completely off the wall; thinking that the marriage bed between two men or two women can produce anything but abomination is ludicrous! Later on in Genesis 9:1 God tells Noah and his family the same thing. So time doesn’t change anything because God is the same yesterday, today and forever! This is the legacy that is passed down from generation to generation. To consider marriage between anything other than a man and a woman is to consider a fake relation. It doesn’t go anywhere, it can’t do anything, and it takes a long time to heal when the relation ends!
“HAPPY is the pair that gives much thought to being well acquainted, both before marriage and afterwards; For to be married to a stranger fills the heart with loneliness, but to be married to one who is also a friend, makes marriage and friendship more sweet.” Leland Foster Wood Marriage is designed to enjoy to the fullest! Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/6/16
SINCE I retired I haven’t been so inclined to spend the time or the money, caring for my nails. I had learned to live again with broken, peeling, chipped and just plain ugly nails. Never was good at keeping them polished but I do keep them filed! During the process of cleaning my house and other chores, I must break every nail except for my thumbs.
MY #1 GRANDSON was getting married last year, and after many years of bad nails, I decided it was time to go back to having my nails done! New processes are available, and so if I should stop again, it won’t be so hard in the recovery! Why shouldn’t my hands look nice? Even if what I did was fake. Today they are not fake, but still a little over the top!
EVERY SINCE the wedding I have continued to have my nails done. Even started taking vitamins for “Hair, Nails and Skin”. Why not! Wasn’t sure they would work, but they have. Not so much my hair or my skin, (which needs help), but my nails are doing great! Part of the process is that when I do break a nail, or if it peels, or chips they put on an acrylic to fix it while it grows back again. Fake? I guess so!
I AM GLAD that I have continued having my nails done because I am a woman, and women like to look nice. I do have a problem, though. My Nail Technician is working two jobs. When she does my nails, she is just getting off of her other job. She is tired but willing to keep keeping on. To my chagrin, the color on my toes do not match the color, on my hands!
WHEN GOD instituted marriage, He designed it to last for the life time of the couple. When God instituted marriage He designed it for a man and a woman. When God instituted marriage He meant for it to be a lasting legacy passed down for generations. Marriage is not for fakes or even close to it. I have loved being married! I have loved being a Mom! I love being a Grandma, and I love being a family! But I especially love being a woman!
“LET MARRIAGE be held in honor among all.” Hebrews 13:4a God designed marriage because it was to be viable between a man and a woman. “And Jesus said to them, The sons of this age, marry and are given in marriage; but those who are accounted worthy to attain age, and to the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage.” Luke 20:34-35 From this scripture we know that only the living is given in marriage and those who are dead, and have risen to live with God, do not marry, nor are given in marriage.
“AND GOD blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28a I believe this scripture is clear that God designed marriage for a man and a woman because only a man and a woman can multiply and fill the earth. Today’s thinking is completely off the wall; thinking that the marriage bed between two men or two women can produce anything but abomination is ludicrous! Later on in Genesis 9:1 God tells Noah and his family the same thing. So time doesn’t change anything because God is the same yesterday, today and forever! This is the legacy that is passed down from generation to generation. To consider marriage between anything other than a man and a woman is to consider a fake relation. It doesn’t go anywhere, it can’t do anything, and it takes a long time to heal when the relation ends!
“HAPPY is the pair that gives much thought to being well acquainted, both before marriage and afterwards; For to be married to a stranger fills the heart with loneliness, but to be married to one who is also a friend, makes marriage and friendship more sweet.” Leland Foster Wood Marriage is designed to enjoy to the fullest! Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/6/16
Saturday, May 7, 2016
MOTHERS! 5/8/16
MOTHERS! “SHE CARRIED me under her heart, loved me before I was born. Took God’s hand in hers and walked through the valley of shadows that I might live. Bathed me when I was helpless, clothed me when I was naked and fed me when I was hungry. She rocked me to sleep when I was weary and sang to me in the voice of an angel. Held my hand when I learned to walk; suffered with my sorrow and laughed with my joy. She glowed with my triumph and while I knelt at her side, she taught my lips to pray. Through all the days of my youth she gave strength for my weakness, courage for my despair, and hope to fill my hopeless heart. Was loyal when others failed; was true when tried by fire; was my friend when other friends were gone. Prayed for me through all the days when flooded with sunshine or saddened by shadows. Though we lay down our lives for her we can never pay the debt we owe to a mother.” Author unknown. I suppose I will never meet “Author unknown” this side of heaven. I have read his or her works for many years and have pondered the person.
ON MAY 8, 1914 the U.S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mothers Day. The following day, May 9th, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first National Mothers Day as a day to show the flag, to honor Mothers who sons, had died in the war. I never knew that the flag was raised to honor mothers on Mothers day. I believe that is a fact, that is good to know!
MY MOTHER was a note taker. I found many of her notes in an old file cabinet many months after she had passed away. I want to share a couple of her notes on mothers. The first one is entitled; “Blessed is Mother!” “Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love, for she translates duty into privilege. Blessed is she who mends socks and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to humanity. Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles at every meal, for she shall be blessed with goodness. Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity.”
MY MOTHER wanted things, for her children, but could only give what she had. The second note is entitled; “Mothers Prayer!” “Dear Father; as I light this candle may I be faithful to the tasks you have given me to do as a Mother. I pray for a loving heart when I would be unkind; patience when things go wrong; understanding when my children come to me for guidance; wisdom in the decisions I must make as a Mother. I do not ask for a starry crown, just may I be a Christ like Mother.” Needless to say, I loved finding her little notes! My Mother wasn't always like the notes she wrote down, but she was a mother to be reckoned with. Her kids turned out okay!
I HAVE LOVED being a mother. I loved watching my children grow and grow and grow. Today my son has children of his own and I know through thick and thin, he enjoys being a father as he has watched his three sons grow and grow and grow. My daughter lives with me still and has continued to amaze me with her ability to live life to the fullest. I was asked once; “How do you feel about your two children?” This was a preacher friend asking me this question and I told him; “I would have to think about that.”
WHEN YOU love your children it is hard to separate your love and how you feel because God supplies you with all the love you need for each one. I gave his question a lot of thought and finally concluded that Danny is my joy! He makes me laugh and pleases me with his intelligence, his creativity and talents. Jennifer is my heart! She had many obstacles to overcome which gave way to fear, frustrations and tears; unceasing prayer gave way to victory. She is strong and courageous, loving and kind. One is my joy and one is my heart; how can I live without either one? They have taught me how to have the fruit of the spirit in me. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 Enjoy being a Mother on this special day! By Jane Ann Crenshaw (5/6/16 updated)
ON MAY 8, 1914 the U.S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mothers Day. The following day, May 9th, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first National Mothers Day as a day to show the flag, to honor Mothers who sons, had died in the war. I never knew that the flag was raised to honor mothers on Mothers day. I believe that is a fact, that is good to know!
MY MOTHER was a note taker. I found many of her notes in an old file cabinet many months after she had passed away. I want to share a couple of her notes on mothers. The first one is entitled; “Blessed is Mother!” “Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love, for she translates duty into privilege. Blessed is she who mends socks and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to humanity. Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles at every meal, for she shall be blessed with goodness. Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity.”
MY MOTHER wanted things, for her children, but could only give what she had. The second note is entitled; “Mothers Prayer!” “Dear Father; as I light this candle may I be faithful to the tasks you have given me to do as a Mother. I pray for a loving heart when I would be unkind; patience when things go wrong; understanding when my children come to me for guidance; wisdom in the decisions I must make as a Mother. I do not ask for a starry crown, just may I be a Christ like Mother.” Needless to say, I loved finding her little notes! My Mother wasn't always like the notes she wrote down, but she was a mother to be reckoned with. Her kids turned out okay!
I HAVE LOVED being a mother. I loved watching my children grow and grow and grow. Today my son has children of his own and I know through thick and thin, he enjoys being a father as he has watched his three sons grow and grow and grow. My daughter lives with me still and has continued to amaze me with her ability to live life to the fullest. I was asked once; “How do you feel about your two children?” This was a preacher friend asking me this question and I told him; “I would have to think about that.”
WHEN YOU love your children it is hard to separate your love and how you feel because God supplies you with all the love you need for each one. I gave his question a lot of thought and finally concluded that Danny is my joy! He makes me laugh and pleases me with his intelligence, his creativity and talents. Jennifer is my heart! She had many obstacles to overcome which gave way to fear, frustrations and tears; unceasing prayer gave way to victory. She is strong and courageous, loving and kind. One is my joy and one is my heart; how can I live without either one? They have taught me how to have the fruit of the spirit in me. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 Enjoy being a Mother on this special day! By Jane Ann Crenshaw (5/6/16 updated)
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