Today, there is lots of discussion as to which soap to use to keep your whites white. Years ago it wasn’t the soap as much as it was time, muscle and help. Growing up in a large family you are given jobs. One of the first jobs my sister Joyce and I were given was the laundry. I was 13 and Joyce was 10. I just know you are saying; "Big deal"! Well it was a big deal! My Dad had built sort of a lean to behind the garage. It had a dirt floor with old linoleum on it and not totally inclosed and it was called the laundry room. The washer was old but most of the time it worked. When it was broke, Crazy Johnnie was called to repair it. That’s another story!
One of my favorites was the one with the wringer we turned by hand. The other one had a small spin dry hole which I hated. To empty the washer you would lay the hose on the ground and let it empty into the yard. When it wasn’t working we would wash in the big tub next to the washer and use the scrub board. It was also emptied by laying the hose on the ground. I suppose all of that was much better than pounding them on a rock in the lake, huh.
It gets better! We washed clothes on Saturday mornings only, which means we washed 8 twin size sheets, 4 standard bed sheets, enough towels that were hung double on 7 clothes line that were approximately 17 ft long. We had a total of 14 clothes lines. At this time we had around 16 people living at our house. Go ahead, you do the math! After Daddy died we moved. My brother Lonnie bought Mom a new washer with a wringer and eventually a "dryer". Our prayers for Mom going onto the TV show, Queen for a Day, was totally squashed. Well, by that time, my new job was ironing. Ugh!!!
When the sheets were dry we made the beds. I didn’t get Lonnie’s bed made once, and around 1:00 am he knocked on my bedroom door. I had to get up and make his bed. A job isn’t done until it is done! I don’t remember who folded the towels but I know they got used again because we washed the same towels every weekend. Joyce and I talk and laugh about that time in our lives. We agree, It was hard, but when our job was done we were done until next Saturday. Life is like that isn’t it....
My mother had a lot of obstacles to face in raising and caring for her family. When I look back on it I applaud her fortitude and resilience. She knew she had a job to do and she did it with all her might. Her children may have grumbled and rebelled; Some silently complained and some were vocal; But she was the law! She fed us! She made sure we were clean inside and out. She made sure we attended school and even Sunday School. I believe her motto was; "You do as you are told"! I don’t know how it was with the older kids but as one of the younger ones, I didn’t want to find out what would happen if I didn’t do as I was told. I may have argued a lot, but I did what I was told.
Isaiah 1:16-20 tells us to wash yourselves, make yourselves clean by removing the evil from your lives. He further instructs us to do good and seek justice. God points out that our sins are scarlet but He can make us "white as snow". However, all of that comes with conditions. We are to say yes to God and obey Him. When we do, we are His and He will care for us. If we refuse and rebel, we are lost. In Matthew 23:27-28 Jesus talks about the hypocrites, being as white washed tombs. Outwardly they appear beautiful and righteous but on the inside they are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Some times it is hard to follow the rules! Sometimes it is hard to toe the line! Sometimes we just don’t want to! I learned as a child to obey my parents. Wasn’t easy but that is what it is all about. In Joshua 24:15 it says; "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". It’s as simple as that! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/19/08
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
We gather together 9/29/08
My biological family use to "gather together" every Sunday after church! I don’t think invitations were issued it was just something that happened. At Mom’s house there was always plenty of food and it was always fun being together. It would be no small gathering because with 9 children still living in the area and at least 5 of them married with children, the number was big. The only real hardship, was the cleaning up, which was left to us teenagers who were still at home. I can’t say that we were always thrilled as we gathered together, but looking back, it was a great time of family fun and fellowship.
In 1963 we held a family reunion and took lots of pictures. Through the years following, the family was spread out to the point where we didn’t see each other except for short visits to this one or to that one, but never all together. In 1985 our family held another a reunion. Families came from Iowa, Idaho and Oregon to meet up with those still living in California. What a time that was! We spent several days together remembering, getting caught up and just loving one another. Camera’s were clicking and flashing as we tried to capture these wonderful moments. Not all were at the reunion, but their presence was felt as we remembered them and the impact they had made on our lives.
When Jim and I became parents we discovered we now had our own little family. What a blessed and joyful time that has been. Danny & Jennifer were 13 months apart so it was almost like having twins. We began to wonder what it was like before we had children. Even though we wondered we never wanted to go back. Danny & Faye have given us three delightful grandsons. How great is that? Jennifer takes care of us which relieves some of the pressures from us as we have grown "older". It has been said that; "God never promised us a rose garden" but I beg to differ. With every rose garden comes thorns and weeds but the beauty overshadows all the problems. The fragrance permeates our lives with sweetness and pleasures. No, God may never have promised us a rose garden but He gave us one anyway and oh how wonderful it
has been.
Have you ever watched a family of quails? The Mom and Dad scurrying around the babies guiding them to safety. Whether it is in crossing the street or to a place where they can find food, they are together. I have seen ducks in the canals swimming from one side to the other, taking their young to the safest side at the moment. That is how God watches over us!
We can look back and remember when we were young, and how we were ushered through life by concerned parents. But what about today? In God’s word it says that He is watching over us in just the same way. A concerned parent! That is why we can look forward to when we will one day gather together around the table that God has prepared for His family. One thing is certain, there will be plenty of food at His table..
Families are important to God! That is why He gave us a family that goes on forever. Wherever we go we can find this extended family and feel the warmth and comfort that He has intended for us. In Acts 11:26c we are for the first time called Christians. In Revelation 19:9 John writes about the marriage supper of the Lamb. "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb". Blessed are those who have accepted the invitation! The Lord has prepared the wedding feast for His bride. The church is the bride! God’s Kingdom is His family! As for me, I plan to be there and my deepest desire is for you to be there also. We will gather together at the wedding feast and come face to face with our Lord. What a great and wonderful family reunion that will be! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/22/08
My biological family use to "gather together" every Sunday after church! I don’t think invitations were issued it was just something that happened. At Mom’s house there was always plenty of food and it was always fun being together. It would be no small gathering because with 9 children still living in the area and at least 5 of them married with children, the number was big. The only real hardship, was the cleaning up, which was left to us teenagers who were still at home. I can’t say that we were always thrilled as we gathered together, but looking back, it was a great time of family fun and fellowship.
In 1963 we held a family reunion and took lots of pictures. Through the years following, the family was spread out to the point where we didn’t see each other except for short visits to this one or to that one, but never all together. In 1985 our family held another a reunion. Families came from Iowa, Idaho and Oregon to meet up with those still living in California. What a time that was! We spent several days together remembering, getting caught up and just loving one another. Camera’s were clicking and flashing as we tried to capture these wonderful moments. Not all were at the reunion, but their presence was felt as we remembered them and the impact they had made on our lives.
When Jim and I became parents we discovered we now had our own little family. What a blessed and joyful time that has been. Danny & Jennifer were 13 months apart so it was almost like having twins. We began to wonder what it was like before we had children. Even though we wondered we never wanted to go back. Danny & Faye have given us three delightful grandsons. How great is that? Jennifer takes care of us which relieves some of the pressures from us as we have grown "older". It has been said that; "God never promised us a rose garden" but I beg to differ. With every rose garden comes thorns and weeds but the beauty overshadows all the problems. The fragrance permeates our lives with sweetness and pleasures. No, God may never have promised us a rose garden but He gave us one anyway and oh how wonderful it
has been.
Have you ever watched a family of quails? The Mom and Dad scurrying around the babies guiding them to safety. Whether it is in crossing the street or to a place where they can find food, they are together. I have seen ducks in the canals swimming from one side to the other, taking their young to the safest side at the moment. That is how God watches over us!
We can look back and remember when we were young, and how we were ushered through life by concerned parents. But what about today? In God’s word it says that He is watching over us in just the same way. A concerned parent! That is why we can look forward to when we will one day gather together around the table that God has prepared for His family. One thing is certain, there will be plenty of food at His table..
Families are important to God! That is why He gave us a family that goes on forever. Wherever we go we can find this extended family and feel the warmth and comfort that He has intended for us. In Acts 11:26c we are for the first time called Christians. In Revelation 19:9 John writes about the marriage supper of the Lamb. "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb". Blessed are those who have accepted the invitation! The Lord has prepared the wedding feast for His bride. The church is the bride! God’s Kingdom is His family! As for me, I plan to be there and my deepest desire is for you to be there also. We will gather together at the wedding feast and come face to face with our Lord. What a great and wonderful family reunion that will be! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/22/08
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Mother's are like that! 9/28/08
My Mom was the most no nonsense mother that I had ever met. That probably surprises you that I say it like that. Well, there have been other mothers in my life who have nurtured me as I grew to womanhood and have made imprints upon my life but the footprints of my mother were the ones I was to follow. My mother was truth but she was not perfect.....My mother was busy because she realized her responsibilities.....My mother received the love and respect of her children because of who she was not because of what she was......
As a child my mother would talk about how much she loved the Lord. She would send her younger children to Sunday School and Church and encourage them to participate in all the church activities but she never went or participated. When I was 15 my father died, she began to attend church. She would say she didn’t go before because of my Dad. I am sure that is true and I know because of her schedule of working, caring for a growing family and keeping all of her 14 children under control kept her from doing many things that she would have loved to do.
However, none of that kept me from resenting her renewed faith in the Lord and the fact that she seemed all of sudden, holier than thou. I became a Christian at the age of 10 and I knew so much more than she did. Why is it that now, she has become "so wonderful"!
It seemed that I couldn’t let my self accept this change in her. I thought she was now trying to tell me how to be a Christian instead of seeing that she just wanted to be one with me. I couldn’t see that she was trying to understand me. I harbored mixed emotions regarding this situation for a couple of years. I held it deep inside where no one could see, except for God. I knew my feelings were wrong and I was ashamed of how I felt. I had trouble understanding!
One evening service, the pastor was talking about how personal our relationship was with God. No one relationship was the same as another. When we come to the Lord it is on a personal basis and no one can say it is or isn’t real. I began to think about my feelings regarding Mom’s relationship with the Lord. Wow! Was that an eye opener! For years Mom kept her feelings to herself and when she was free to express her love for the Lord I wanted to pounce all over it. 1 Corinthians 13 talks about Love. Especially verse 4, where it says; " Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant". Believe me, that put me in my place. I realized that my feelings were resentful! I should have been happy that she was now free. Free to live and love the way she wanted to!
Mothers love their children differently than husband and wives love each other. It is even different than how siblings love each other. A mothers love is sort of like playing the ‘waiting game’. She teaches a child something and then waits to see if it is taking hold. Her love doesn’t falter when some things take longer to learn than others. She waits! I was the child that when she said to jump, I didn’t ask; "How high"! I was the child that asked; "Why"! Her only response to that was; "Your middle name should have been, why"!
Because she was not demonstrative I became a mother who was....because my mother was strict I was not as strict.....because my mother was so busy I made extra time for my children.....because she loved the Lord, I too love the Lord with all my heart. Life is too short for us to take sides as to who is a better Christian. Life is too short for us to criticize each others walk. Verses 5-7 says; "Love does not act unbecomingly, seeking its own. It does not provoke nor keep records of being wronged. Rejoices in the truth! Bears, believes, hopes and endures all things. Growing up in Christ takes time! Growing up takes time! When I finally grew up, my mother and I became free in Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/21/08
My Mom was the most no nonsense mother that I had ever met. That probably surprises you that I say it like that. Well, there have been other mothers in my life who have nurtured me as I grew to womanhood and have made imprints upon my life but the footprints of my mother were the ones I was to follow. My mother was truth but she was not perfect.....My mother was busy because she realized her responsibilities.....My mother received the love and respect of her children because of who she was not because of what she was......
As a child my mother would talk about how much she loved the Lord. She would send her younger children to Sunday School and Church and encourage them to participate in all the church activities but she never went or participated. When I was 15 my father died, she began to attend church. She would say she didn’t go before because of my Dad. I am sure that is true and I know because of her schedule of working, caring for a growing family and keeping all of her 14 children under control kept her from doing many things that she would have loved to do.
However, none of that kept me from resenting her renewed faith in the Lord and the fact that she seemed all of sudden, holier than thou. I became a Christian at the age of 10 and I knew so much more than she did. Why is it that now, she has become "so wonderful"!
It seemed that I couldn’t let my self accept this change in her. I thought she was now trying to tell me how to be a Christian instead of seeing that she just wanted to be one with me. I couldn’t see that she was trying to understand me. I harbored mixed emotions regarding this situation for a couple of years. I held it deep inside where no one could see, except for God. I knew my feelings were wrong and I was ashamed of how I felt. I had trouble understanding!
One evening service, the pastor was talking about how personal our relationship was with God. No one relationship was the same as another. When we come to the Lord it is on a personal basis and no one can say it is or isn’t real. I began to think about my feelings regarding Mom’s relationship with the Lord. Wow! Was that an eye opener! For years Mom kept her feelings to herself and when she was free to express her love for the Lord I wanted to pounce all over it. 1 Corinthians 13 talks about Love. Especially verse 4, where it says; " Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant". Believe me, that put me in my place. I realized that my feelings were resentful! I should have been happy that she was now free. Free to live and love the way she wanted to!
Mothers love their children differently than husband and wives love each other. It is even different than how siblings love each other. A mothers love is sort of like playing the ‘waiting game’. She teaches a child something and then waits to see if it is taking hold. Her love doesn’t falter when some things take longer to learn than others. She waits! I was the child that when she said to jump, I didn’t ask; "How high"! I was the child that asked; "Why"! Her only response to that was; "Your middle name should have been, why"!
Because she was not demonstrative I became a mother who was....because my mother was strict I was not as strict.....because my mother was so busy I made extra time for my children.....because she loved the Lord, I too love the Lord with all my heart. Life is too short for us to take sides as to who is a better Christian. Life is too short for us to criticize each others walk. Verses 5-7 says; "Love does not act unbecomingly, seeking its own. It does not provoke nor keep records of being wronged. Rejoices in the truth! Bears, believes, hopes and endures all things. Growing up in Christ takes time! Growing up takes time! When I finally grew up, my mother and I became free in Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/21/08
Saturday, September 27, 2008
So what do you want, a medal? 9/27/08
Have you ever considered a New Year’s resolution? Many have, even to the point of writing them down, only to realize into the year that the resolutions had been forgotten. Have you ever set goals for yourself? How about losing 20 lbs in 4 months! Perhaps it is to eventually run in the Boston marathon or Hawaii. I have never done that except in my dreams. But I suppose you would have to work up to the marathon by beginning with running one mile. However, the goal is there and you know with perseverance you will achieve it.
I have never wanted to compete for anything let alone a medal. I never really ran for an office unless I knew it was a sure thing. I suppose it comes from some insecurities I have about myself. Nevertheless, many reach for the baton and go onto win the ribbon, the gold or silver medal or even perhaps the corner office. There is nothing wrong with winning but in reality it all comes down to the race, doesn’t it.
What if you lose? What if all your time and money was put on the line and then you lost. It happens, you know! I’ve known some who lost the game, but was so exhilarated playing the game, it didn’t matter that they lost. However, I’ve known some who won and were very poor winners. Again, in reality it all comes down to how the game was played.
When I was a young girl my brother Lloyd, said to me one morning as I got ready for school; "Are you ready for the race"? My reply was; "What race"? He would grin and say; "The human race silly". Are any of us ever quite ready for the human race each morning? I don’t think I ever was or am I ready even now. There are so many bumps and turns that jump into our paths that we are not prepared for. I think I discovered the remedy for that mode of preparation however and it still surprises me how it works. Give Jesus a try!
In the late 50's a cliche, or phrase was being bantered around, especially with TV comedians; "What do you want, a medal"? I think my nephew Lance was around 4 or 5 years old. He and his family were visiting Grandma’s house. Lance came running into the house pretty proud of himself and was anxious to tell his Mom and Dad. My brother Lloyd was there. Lance began to tell his story and boy was he excited. After he quieted down, Uncle Lloyd said; "Well, what do you want a medal"? And Lance sobered right up and said; "No! I just want to go to heaven and see Jesus"! How simple is that? Through the years my husband and I have used that answer many times to each other, especially when the question is asked; "What do you want? Or what should we do"? Sometimes it is; "Lets go get an ice cream" but most of the time it is; "I just want to go to heaven and see Jesus"!
I think Paul says it more eloquently in Philippians 1:21-23 when he says; "To live is Christ and to die is gain". He goes on to say; "Sometimes it is difficult as to what I want to do - stay here a little longer? Yet, I have the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better". Writing resolutions, setting goals, setting out to be an achiever are all good things as long as we know what lies ahead. Keeping your eyes fixed on the Savior and getting all excited about going to that place called heaven to see Jesus, face to face. How good is that!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/21/08
Have you ever considered a New Year’s resolution? Many have, even to the point of writing them down, only to realize into the year that the resolutions had been forgotten. Have you ever set goals for yourself? How about losing 20 lbs in 4 months! Perhaps it is to eventually run in the Boston marathon or Hawaii. I have never done that except in my dreams. But I suppose you would have to work up to the marathon by beginning with running one mile. However, the goal is there and you know with perseverance you will achieve it.
I have never wanted to compete for anything let alone a medal. I never really ran for an office unless I knew it was a sure thing. I suppose it comes from some insecurities I have about myself. Nevertheless, many reach for the baton and go onto win the ribbon, the gold or silver medal or even perhaps the corner office. There is nothing wrong with winning but in reality it all comes down to the race, doesn’t it.
What if you lose? What if all your time and money was put on the line and then you lost. It happens, you know! I’ve known some who lost the game, but was so exhilarated playing the game, it didn’t matter that they lost. However, I’ve known some who won and were very poor winners. Again, in reality it all comes down to how the game was played.
When I was a young girl my brother Lloyd, said to me one morning as I got ready for school; "Are you ready for the race"? My reply was; "What race"? He would grin and say; "The human race silly". Are any of us ever quite ready for the human race each morning? I don’t think I ever was or am I ready even now. There are so many bumps and turns that jump into our paths that we are not prepared for. I think I discovered the remedy for that mode of preparation however and it still surprises me how it works. Give Jesus a try!
In the late 50's a cliche, or phrase was being bantered around, especially with TV comedians; "What do you want, a medal"? I think my nephew Lance was around 4 or 5 years old. He and his family were visiting Grandma’s house. Lance came running into the house pretty proud of himself and was anxious to tell his Mom and Dad. My brother Lloyd was there. Lance began to tell his story and boy was he excited. After he quieted down, Uncle Lloyd said; "Well, what do you want a medal"? And Lance sobered right up and said; "No! I just want to go to heaven and see Jesus"! How simple is that? Through the years my husband and I have used that answer many times to each other, especially when the question is asked; "What do you want? Or what should we do"? Sometimes it is; "Lets go get an ice cream" but most of the time it is; "I just want to go to heaven and see Jesus"!
I think Paul says it more eloquently in Philippians 1:21-23 when he says; "To live is Christ and to die is gain". He goes on to say; "Sometimes it is difficult as to what I want to do - stay here a little longer? Yet, I have the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better". Writing resolutions, setting goals, setting out to be an achiever are all good things as long as we know what lies ahead. Keeping your eyes fixed on the Savior and getting all excited about going to that place called heaven to see Jesus, face to face. How good is that!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/21/08
Friday, September 26, 2008
It was carved out of marble! 9/26/08
As our tour guide led us past the shop selling its wares of pagan idols which were mostly of the goddess Diana, I was surprised to see that Ephesus was totally corrupt. The path we were on was dirt. Somewhat disappointed and yet exhilarated we began a most rewarding adventure reliving a time that up until then was only on the pages penned by Paul in God’s Word. At one time this was a plush and fertile valley. It was a sea port of renown with much activity of buying, selling and trading of wares. Now the port had been filled in with silt, sand and dirt which brought trees and bushes and pushed the sea out so far it was no longer a port of renown nor could it any longer support activity of any kind.
As we passed the only living thing in this city, I was reminded of the pleasures that God gives us in the most unexpected times and places. In the middle of a patch of unkept green grass, laid out on hard ground filled with rock and stone, was a small daisy like flower. It’s stem was short but the flower was bright and full of color. In the middle was deep red with a ring of yellow gold around it. The flower petals were painted with the same deep red that colored the inner circle. This beautiful flower was poking his little head up as though to say; "look here, I am beautiful, even here in the rubble". This flower was perfect and yet was placed in an imperfect and even more unlikely place. We had just entered into the area that began our visit to the ancient city of Ephesus. Ephesus, a bustling town full of color and splendor in its day was now a barren town very much like a jig saw puzzle that had not been fully put together. However, its marbled streets rumored of days gone by, filled us with great expectations of the journey we were about to take. As we walked, stopped and looked it was as though we had moved from the pages right into the middle of splendor.
When something is excavated it never quite fits into place. Hugh marble pillars were placed but obviously not where they were originally. Even so, it was beautiful and caused us to speculate on its beauty, that once was. We could almost feel and smell many generations before, going about their daily activities even to the point of hearing the rustle of clothing as they passed by us intent on their day. Our guide would fill us in on the times of the scriptures....pointed out where they thought Mary’s house was. Pointed out the mosaic tiles outlining the marble paved roads which gave direction to a house of ill repute. We were fascinated with the Library with only the front portion completed, which was enough for us to get an idea of how grand it must of been. We sat in the theater were Paul spoke. Climbed to the top just to see if we really could hear as well from up there as we could in the front row. It was carved out of marble. Just sitting there gave us an idea how it might have been so many years ago when Paul pleaded with the people to change their ways.
At one point in time Ephesus was a great metropolis but today it was corrupt and no matter how much they excavated and tried to piece it all back together it will never be what it was. In Revelations 2 verses 1-7 we find that God removed their lamp stand because they did not repent. You see, they had left their first love. Yes, there were some things that God did like but that was not enough. "He who has an ear, let him hear"! "To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life"! Sometimes, I wonder about my life. Am I whole or part of a jig saw puzzle?. Are there some things that God likes about me or am I still wanting? When I stood at the end of the journey and look back, Ephesus took my breath away. They call it the; "Oh my God" hill, because the view is wonderful. Ephesus, a once upon a time, could be you..... Unless you "overcome" you will not enter the "Paradise of God"! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/18/08
As our tour guide led us past the shop selling its wares of pagan idols which were mostly of the goddess Diana, I was surprised to see that Ephesus was totally corrupt. The path we were on was dirt. Somewhat disappointed and yet exhilarated we began a most rewarding adventure reliving a time that up until then was only on the pages penned by Paul in God’s Word. At one time this was a plush and fertile valley. It was a sea port of renown with much activity of buying, selling and trading of wares. Now the port had been filled in with silt, sand and dirt which brought trees and bushes and pushed the sea out so far it was no longer a port of renown nor could it any longer support activity of any kind.
As we passed the only living thing in this city, I was reminded of the pleasures that God gives us in the most unexpected times and places. In the middle of a patch of unkept green grass, laid out on hard ground filled with rock and stone, was a small daisy like flower. It’s stem was short but the flower was bright and full of color. In the middle was deep red with a ring of yellow gold around it. The flower petals were painted with the same deep red that colored the inner circle. This beautiful flower was poking his little head up as though to say; "look here, I am beautiful, even here in the rubble". This flower was perfect and yet was placed in an imperfect and even more unlikely place. We had just entered into the area that began our visit to the ancient city of Ephesus. Ephesus, a bustling town full of color and splendor in its day was now a barren town very much like a jig saw puzzle that had not been fully put together. However, its marbled streets rumored of days gone by, filled us with great expectations of the journey we were about to take. As we walked, stopped and looked it was as though we had moved from the pages right into the middle of splendor.
When something is excavated it never quite fits into place. Hugh marble pillars were placed but obviously not where they were originally. Even so, it was beautiful and caused us to speculate on its beauty, that once was. We could almost feel and smell many generations before, going about their daily activities even to the point of hearing the rustle of clothing as they passed by us intent on their day. Our guide would fill us in on the times of the scriptures....pointed out where they thought Mary’s house was. Pointed out the mosaic tiles outlining the marble paved roads which gave direction to a house of ill repute. We were fascinated with the Library with only the front portion completed, which was enough for us to get an idea of how grand it must of been. We sat in the theater were Paul spoke. Climbed to the top just to see if we really could hear as well from up there as we could in the front row. It was carved out of marble. Just sitting there gave us an idea how it might have been so many years ago when Paul pleaded with the people to change their ways.
At one point in time Ephesus was a great metropolis but today it was corrupt and no matter how much they excavated and tried to piece it all back together it will never be what it was. In Revelations 2 verses 1-7 we find that God removed their lamp stand because they did not repent. You see, they had left their first love. Yes, there were some things that God did like but that was not enough. "He who has an ear, let him hear"! "To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life"! Sometimes, I wonder about my life. Am I whole or part of a jig saw puzzle?. Are there some things that God likes about me or am I still wanting? When I stood at the end of the journey and look back, Ephesus took my breath away. They call it the; "Oh my God" hill, because the view is wonderful. Ephesus, a once upon a time, could be you..... Unless you "overcome" you will not enter the "Paradise of God"! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/18/08
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How old are You? 9/25/08
This year, I became 70! Unlike the last two decades, I was able to face this one without remorse. Now, why is that? One reason is because when I look in the mirror, the woman looking back not only looks 70 but is 70. I hope that makes sense! I don’t really feel old!
When I turned 60 my sister Jean told me that I was not old unless I wanted to be old.
She, herself was not old!. Today, she is 84, but she doesn’t intend to live like she is! She is still teaching the 6th grade Sunday school class and has been since she was in her 30's. I heard recently that to reach 80 is a great milestone because many do not live to be 80. Age is a condition of life, but it should not be a determining factor as to how to live life.
This year, I will have become the youngest of the old folks and the oldest of the young folk. This is a metaphor that can be used for any age ending with a zero. I am 70 therefore it applies to me today. You have heard "you are as old as you feel". Some mornings I feel old! However, some mornings I feel great and every bone in my body works. I love those mornings and I am not a morning person.
I love to hear stories by old people. You know, the kind where they tell you how they lived when they were children. The schools they went to and people they had met. I am now one of them and I wonder if others would really want to hear my stories. Books are filled with stories that tell us much about nothing but I would want my stories to say something. Even though my life hasn’t been colorful or eventful, my stories, should still be worth hearing. Don’t you think?
Did you know that the aged were revered in the Bible for their wisdom? In Job 5:26 age was regarded as a token of God's favor. In Leviticus 19:32 the Mosaic law required the young to honor old people. Being old is like coming of age. With age comes honor, respect and God's favor. Not so bad when you put it all in perspective. With God all things are possible even becoming old!
You can almost count on the fact that with age comes health problems. But then, these kinds of problems can come at any age. What do we do with them, when these issues rear their ugly heads. Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:11_13; "To be content in all circumstances and to be satisfied because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us". I know that some weaknesses and illnesses cause us to become unable to participate in life as we want. My husband once said he read that life is like a roller coaster. It has many ups and downs but oh what a ride. If we step up to the challenge in God’s word we certainly can continue to enjoy the ride for as long as we live.
My question this morning is "how old are you"? God needs you at any age to teach the
world to sing His praises. A little elderly lady was known for passing out tracks at local places of business. A smile of encouragement across the room is a trade mark of Frances, another delightful lady that I have met. Harry, a man who can barely talk above a whisper carries cards in his pocket so he can lift up and encourage those around him. The desire of his heart is to reach others for Christ! He visits other congregations and attends Men’s Bible Studies besides those at his own church. How about you? Are you ready for a rocking chair or is the rocking chair ready for you? Are you prepared and ready to wait patiently like Simeon at the Temple serving the Lord; seeing the Christ child and then going home to see the morning. Are you Ready? Colossians 3:2 says; "Set your mind on the things above and not on the things of this earth". Come on! Get all excited! Be ready, for the Lord is near! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/20/08
This year, I became 70! Unlike the last two decades, I was able to face this one without remorse. Now, why is that? One reason is because when I look in the mirror, the woman looking back not only looks 70 but is 70. I hope that makes sense! I don’t really feel old!
When I turned 60 my sister Jean told me that I was not old unless I wanted to be old.
She, herself was not old!. Today, she is 84, but she doesn’t intend to live like she is! She is still teaching the 6th grade Sunday school class and has been since she was in her 30's. I heard recently that to reach 80 is a great milestone because many do not live to be 80. Age is a condition of life, but it should not be a determining factor as to how to live life.
This year, I will have become the youngest of the old folks and the oldest of the young folk. This is a metaphor that can be used for any age ending with a zero. I am 70 therefore it applies to me today. You have heard "you are as old as you feel". Some mornings I feel old! However, some mornings I feel great and every bone in my body works. I love those mornings and I am not a morning person.
I love to hear stories by old people. You know, the kind where they tell you how they lived when they were children. The schools they went to and people they had met. I am now one of them and I wonder if others would really want to hear my stories. Books are filled with stories that tell us much about nothing but I would want my stories to say something. Even though my life hasn’t been colorful or eventful, my stories, should still be worth hearing. Don’t you think?
Did you know that the aged were revered in the Bible for their wisdom? In Job 5:26 age was regarded as a token of God's favor. In Leviticus 19:32 the Mosaic law required the young to honor old people. Being old is like coming of age. With age comes honor, respect and God's favor. Not so bad when you put it all in perspective. With God all things are possible even becoming old!
You can almost count on the fact that with age comes health problems. But then, these kinds of problems can come at any age. What do we do with them, when these issues rear their ugly heads. Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:11_13; "To be content in all circumstances and to be satisfied because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us". I know that some weaknesses and illnesses cause us to become unable to participate in life as we want. My husband once said he read that life is like a roller coaster. It has many ups and downs but oh what a ride. If we step up to the challenge in God’s word we certainly can continue to enjoy the ride for as long as we live.
My question this morning is "how old are you"? God needs you at any age to teach the
world to sing His praises. A little elderly lady was known for passing out tracks at local places of business. A smile of encouragement across the room is a trade mark of Frances, another delightful lady that I have met. Harry, a man who can barely talk above a whisper carries cards in his pocket so he can lift up and encourage those around him. The desire of his heart is to reach others for Christ! He visits other congregations and attends Men’s Bible Studies besides those at his own church. How about you? Are you ready for a rocking chair or is the rocking chair ready for you? Are you prepared and ready to wait patiently like Simeon at the Temple serving the Lord; seeing the Christ child and then going home to see the morning. Are you Ready? Colossians 3:2 says; "Set your mind on the things above and not on the things of this earth". Come on! Get all excited! Be ready, for the Lord is near! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/20/08
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Morning Glory 9/24/08

My brother Lloyd at the age of 16 suffered a stroke. At the time the Doctors did not know it was a stroke, they thought it was Infantile Paralysis or something like that. An MRI, in his 50's, indicated that he had a stroke. His illness interrupted his school/sports and his life which kept him at home during my youth. He took care of us kids and we loved him. He became a creative cook long before the creative cooking network show on TV. Every morning he would greet me with; "Morning Glory"! I loved that! When I married and eventually moved to Oregon I didn’t hear that anymore but I always longed to hear Lloyd say it just one more time. One Sunday morning an old man in his 80's came to our church to visit. I went over to welcome him and to introduce myself. He greeted me with; "Morning Glory"! I immediately loved this old man. I gave him a hug and told him what that greeting meant to me. It brought back floods of great memories of Lloyd and my early childhood. Dick was pleased and we became fast friends.
The morning-glory is a twining plant with white, purple or pink flowers, which opens it’s blossoms in the mornings and then closes them at night. I love morning-glories! I really don’t remember them except they are a beautiful little flower with a lovely name. At this writing, I am attending a church where Nikki greets me with "Morning Glory" and again I become all warm and fuzzy. It’s a comfort greeting if I ever heard one.
I have often wondered about the word "glory". I was listening to a radio preacher and his congregation would yell out "Glory" along with other exclamations of praise! Why? I see that word in many places of the scriptures and each one indicates a different meaning. Sometimes I think the word "glory" is used when God just needs a word to fill in until He can come up with the word He wants. I do that! I use the word "gidgewopper". Others have used words like "whachitmacallit" or "thingamajig". Most people say "Glory" means honor or splendor. The dictionary includes those but goes further with renown, to rejoice or exult. I’ve heard it referred to heaven as in "I’m on my way to Glory". I love word searches; don’t you?
In Romans 2:8-11 Paul is telling us that God will render to every man according to his deeds. According to the scriptures those who persevere in doing good, seek for glory and honor and eternal life. Those who seek to do evil will find themselves enmeshed in trials and tribulations, because they seek unrighteousness . In verse 10 it says that "glory and honor and peace to every man who does good".
In Luke 2:9 it says: "The glory of the Lord shone all around the Angel when it appeared before the shepherds in the field". How magnificent to have the glory of the Lord shone round about you! The word glory is always used to define the total essence of God!
I have never claimed to understand all that God says in His word, but I do find it exciting when he uses a word like glory to explain something completely out of the ordinary. But like it’s counterpart, the "morning-glory", the word "Glory" in the bible is just as beautiful and refreshing as any wild flower you can find. The word glory makes us feel special. I suppose that is why the greeting; "morning glory" gave me such pleasure.
Greet each morning with "Morning Glory" and see how it makes you feel. He is the reason for our coming and going. Romans 11:36 says; "For from Him, through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory for ever. Amen". Regardless of how we perceive the word "glory" it is how God bestows it upon us that matters. God’s glory is revealed in Jesus. Take pleasure in your day and seek out the Lord and His glory! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/19/08
Introduction to Morning Glory
My name is Jane Ann ! When I was a child I sat at the feet of my 9 older brothers and sisters and listened to their stories about their lives in the 20's, 30's and 40's. They seemed to have had so many adventures that it would bring the Dead End Kids, The Hardy Boys and Little House on the Prairie to tears. I would laugh and laugh and as I got older I saw the hardships were more than the good times but it didn't matter, I wanted stories like that of my own to tell. Needless to say, I never did! I thought when I became 30 I would have a few stories but I had two children instead. I began teaching Sunday School at 18 and have continued through out my life and it took me through all grades. In 1996, my final teaching experiences were with Ladies. I discovered my most favorite place in the Sunday School classroom. After retirement in 2001, we moved closer to my son and his family so we could become more involved in my 3 grandson's lives. I was asked to teach a Ladies class at our new church home. I began to update the lessons I had taught before but this time I included more of my own stories and even began to write my own version of biblical stories to make them a little more up front and personal. I taught this class for about 14 months and decided I wanted to try my hand at writing. Started out with writing memories about my 13 siblings. My mother and father! My husband and son and daughter. This led me into writing devotionals which included my stories which concluded with God's word and how it is to influence our daily walk with Him. I was amazed that I could do this! I am still amazed how God could take a little freckled faced girl with very little confidence in herself and place her in a world that needs the Lord. I continue to be amazed that at the age of 70 I have finally discovered I could put words together that contain a thought and carry it through to the end. Each page I wrote I would take it to my husband Jim and have him read it. Believe me, he was just as amazed as I still am. I chose to call my treasures "Morning Glory". This is a greeting from my childhood and makes me feel warm. Hebrews 2:9 says; "But we do see Him who has been made for a little while lower than the angels, namely Jesus. Because of His suffering of death was crowned with glory and honor, but by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone." Reading God's word fills me with pleasure. This is the beginning of my first taste of blogging.....Let me share His story with you through Morning Glory.
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