My brother Lloyd at the age of 16 suffered a stroke. At the time the Doctors did not know it was a stroke, they thought it was Infantile Paralysis or something like that. An MRI, in his 50's, indicated that he had a stroke. His illness interrupted his school/sports and his life which kept him at home during my youth. He took care of us kids and we loved him. He became a creative cook long before the creative cooking network show on TV. Every morning he would greet me with; "Morning Glory"! I loved that! When I married and eventually moved to Oregon I didn’t hear that anymore but I always longed to hear Lloyd say it just one more time. One Sunday morning an old man in his 80's came to our church to visit. I went over to welcome him and to introduce myself. He greeted me with; "Morning Glory"! I immediately loved this old man. I gave him a hug and told him what that greeting meant to me. It brought back floods of great memories of Lloyd and my early childhood. Dick was pleased and we became fast friends.
The morning-glory is a twining plant with white, purple or pink flowers, which opens it’s blossoms in the mornings and then closes them at night. I love morning-glories! I really don’t remember them except they are a beautiful little flower with a lovely name. At this writing, I am attending a church where Nikki greets me with "Morning Glory" and again I become all warm and fuzzy. It’s a comfort greeting if I ever heard one.
I have often wondered about the word "glory". I was listening to a radio preacher and his congregation would yell out "Glory" along with other exclamations of praise! Why? I see that word in many places of the scriptures and each one indicates a different meaning. Sometimes I think the word "glory" is used when God just needs a word to fill in until He can come up with the word He wants. I do that! I use the word "gidgewopper". Others have used words like "whachitmacallit" or "thingamajig". Most people say "Glory" means honor or splendor. The dictionary includes those but goes further with renown, to rejoice or exult. I’ve heard it referred to heaven as in "I’m on my way to Glory". I love word searches; don’t you?
In Romans 2:8-11 Paul is telling us that God will render to every man according to his deeds. According to the scriptures those who persevere in doing good, seek for glory and honor and eternal life. Those who seek to do evil will find themselves enmeshed in trials and tribulations, because they seek unrighteousness . In verse 10 it says that "glory and honor and peace to every man who does good".
In Luke 2:9 it says: "The glory of the Lord shone all around the Angel when it appeared before the shepherds in the field". How magnificent to have the glory of the Lord shone round about you! The word glory is always used to define the total essence of God!
I have never claimed to understand all that God says in His word, but I do find it exciting when he uses a word like glory to explain something completely out of the ordinary. But like it’s counterpart, the "morning-glory", the word "Glory" in the bible is just as beautiful and refreshing as any wild flower you can find. The word glory makes us feel special. I suppose that is why the greeting; "morning glory" gave me such pleasure.
Greet each morning with "Morning Glory" and see how it makes you feel. He is the reason for our coming and going. Romans 11:36 says; "For from Him, through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory for ever. Amen". Regardless of how we perceive the word "glory" it is how God bestows it upon us that matters. God’s glory is revealed in Jesus. Take pleasure in your day and seek out the Lord and His glory! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/19/08
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