Friday, February 27, 2009

"How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures" Psalm 104:24.

Let’s consider the Bombardier Beetle! This beetle has a unique defense system. At the back of this creature are two nozzles that can be rotated in any direction. When the beetle is approached by any of it’s enemies, it fires a steaming hot spray at it so violently that it seems and sounds like an explosion. True marksman with this defense system. It is deadly accurate! The formula is as follows: Chemical A is hydrogen peroxide; chemical B is hydroquinones; A + B makes hot noxious gases (212 degrees F). Chemical C is an inhibitor which keeps A + B from happening. Chemical D is an anti-inhibitor which neutralizes C which causes A + B to happen. All of these elements must be present or this defense won’t work. It is foolish to think that this complex system came about through evolution. Any one of these elements missing or any of the firing sequences being out of order results in a dead beetle.

Let’s consider the eye! Charles Darwin once said that the very thought of the complexity of the eye gave him chills. It should! Because if it took as long as deemed by evolution for the eye to evolve we would all still be blind as new born kittens. Yes the eye is complex, but God designed it! "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well". Psalm 139:13-14.

The eye has an ‘auto focus’ which is a lens that can actually change its shape to accomplish that. It also has an ‘auto iris’ adjustment. The ‘retina’ is thinner than a sheet of Saran Wrap; far more sensitive to light than any man made film. It has 10, 000,000 ‘receptors’ in the retina; these photo receptors replace themselves every seven days; each photo receptor is vastly more complex than the most sophisticated man made computer. 10 million calculations every second in each receptor before the light image even gets to the brain.

It would take more than a hundred years of Cray super computer time to accomplish what takes place in your eye many times a second. "Take heed, you senseless ones among the people; you fools, when will you become wise? Does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see?" Psalm 94:8-9.

When I was in school, evolution was talked about but it wasn’t being taught. Most listened to the ideas being bantered about but we had our own thoughts and beliefs. Today, evolution is referred to as a theory but most believe it is fact. I believe, it has been said, that it takes more blind faith to believe in evolution than to believe in God’s creation. God’s creation began with all the i’s doted and the t’s crossed. A tail was already there and didn’t have to evolve. An eye could already see without having to wait until the receptor was in place.

In Revelation chapter 14 it is talking about an angel flying in midair spreading the gospel to those who live on the earth. He was talking to every nation, tribe and people of varied languages. In verse 7 he said with a loud voice; "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." Believe me, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get me to pay attention when it says the hour of his judgement has come.

Man in all his foolishness cause me to wonder; Man with all his creativity makes me stop and look; but man cannot convince me that I came from the ancestry of Apes. There is no way that I will accept a man’s concept when God has given me his son. If you knew what was on the other side would you hesitate to choose God? I know very little but what I do know is that; "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands" Psalm 19:1.
Jane Ann

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Did you know
that the Golden Plover is a bird that migrates from Alaska to Hawaii for the winter? This flight is 2400 miles over open sea and there are no islands in this flight path. This bird cannot swim, it must stay in the air all the way. To make its way from Alaska to Hawaii requires 250,000 consecutive wing beats and lasts 88 hours (3.6 days). The Plover must store up fat in Alaska to provide the energy to make the flight. If it stores up too much fat, it can’t complete the flight. If it stores up too little, it can’t make the flight. They must fly at the most economical cruising speed which they invariably do. How do they know this?

Did you know that even though there are about 200 species of true woodpeckers they all have the same construction and design and purpose. Their feet; tail; skull; beak; neck muscles; nostrils; shock absorbers; tongue play a major role in their gathering of food because they eat as they go. The woodpecker doesn’t store up food it pecks and eats! He can eat 900 beetle larvae or 1000 ants at a single sitting. He can eat up to 2000 ants in a single day. He plays a major role in the control of insects and the preserving of many of the world’s forest. The Evolutionists would like us to believe that their body parts slowly evolved over millions of years. If this was so they would have died the first year. No tongue; no dinner! No shock absorber, no brains left! No stiff tail, he couldn’t hold his position on the tree! No strong beak; no hole! No strong neck muscles; broken neck!

Did you know there are many large fish with big teeth that roam the ocean floors. As they feed on smaller fish and shrimp, their mouths begin to accumulate food debris and parasites. This calls for a visit to the local cleaning station, or in our case the Dentist. These are special areas usually marked by the presence of certain shrimp and small, brightly colored fish, such as wrasses and bogies. The big fish swim up to the cleaner fish and open their jaws. The cleaner fish swim inside to eat the debris and parasites. The big fish even opens it’s gill chamber so they can get cleaned also. After the cleaning is done, the big fish allows the cleaner fish and shrimp to leave. Big fish swims off and starts looking for small fish and shrimp, to eat again.

These are three of the unbelievable creations that we are encouraged to believe came about through the random processes of the theory of evolution. These complex systems boggles the mind when you think about a bird who’s flight patterns are not a matter of trial and error but must be perfect each time. When you realize that the tongue of the woodpecker is twice as long as his beak with sticky stuff on the end so that he can reach into the hole he has made to capture the larvae he’s after and then recoils his tongue up inside his right nostril. To consider that the big fish seeks out the same kind of fish to clean their teeth that they ate in the first place to get them cruddy. This mutual arrangement could not have come about through evolution. This was programmed into these creatures from the beginning.

"You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:6-9. The only reasonable explanation, is that it was designed and created by God! His creation laughs at the foolishness of the theory of evolution. We must laugh too! Jane Ann

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In 1963, Jim and I were pretty settled into our first real home together. I was pregnant and life was good! One sunny afternoon we pulled up in front of our home and after getting out of the car we stood amazed starring at the unprecedented event taking place. I can’t tell you how far and wide the event was unfolding, because our eyes were fixed upon the whole width of our property and the roof of our house and garage.

As though to a distant drummer we saw hundreds of every size, make and color of caterpillar, marching across the width of our house, garage and the surrounding yard, coming towards us as though we were the drum majors waiting for our signal to turn and lead the march.

I remember our wanting to get inside our house to see if there were caterpillars inside but to get there we had to squish many caterpillars along the way. There was no room to walk without squishing the caterpillars. Thankfully, we heard no sounds nor saw any caterpillars.

The marathon didn’t last long! Behind our home was a huge vacant lot that spanned the whole track of homes we lived in. Where the marathon began we did not know and where it ended we never heard. However, we figured they climbed our retaining wall in the back, crawled up over the trees and bushes right over our house, crossed the street and over those houses and possibly ended up in the ocean which was about 3 miles to the right of us and about 10 miles straight ahead of us. To get there from either direction, the caterpillars had their work cut out for them.

The interesting thing is, I never read about it in the papers, nor did I hear anything about it on the news. No one wrote a book about it and I have never heard anyone talk about it except for Jim and me. Now why is that? Were we the only ones to witness such a phenomenon? If so why? Perhaps it was the beginning of global warming! Perhaps it was a confined event!

I like to think they were headed for a little park that was in the middle of our housing development and they were preparing to begin their metamorphous into butterflies. There are many plants that caterpillars love and hundreds of them will attack such plants, eat the leaves and then hang from their cocoons until the time is ripe and they become free to fly away for yet another adventure, but this time, in the sky as butterflies.

Nature is amazing and yet we take it all for granted. The world around us is such a spectacular panoramic display and yet we say; "Oh hum"! We learn about the caterpillar and the butterfly in school and we teach about the metamorphosis that takes place, in Sunday school. This process completely befuddles the evolutionists! There is no explanation for it except for the great designer and creator, God Almighty!

This metamorphous that happens with these two creatures, is the same that we experience when in 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says; "Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come". We are like the caterpillar, the old creation, becoming the new creation, the butterfly. Our natural bodies become spiritual! More incredible
than the caterpillar becoming a butterfly is that when our natural body dies the corruption and mortality attached to the mortal body is removed. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 says; "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed." Furthermore, it says; "It is important that we remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord". Personally, I don’t care for caterpillars but I love to watch the butterflies, don’t you? Our God is Awesome! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/29/09

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our neighbor across the street transformed her front yard into a garden of color and beauty. One afternoon while sitting on the lawn swing on my front porch, my attention was drawn to a hummingbird that was in it’s very own heaven of color and fragrance in my neighbors garden.
As I watched this little bird moving quickly from flower to flower, it all of a sudden changed direction and flew across the street right into my yard and planted herself upon a rail right in front of me. My deck had a bench that ran around one end of it which had a support back. Underneath was this rail upon which my visitor sat perched and began to lecture me.

I was so bewildered because I had never seen a hummingbird do anything like that. After she ended her tirade, she flew back to the garden. I watched more intently and again she changed directions and flew back to perch on my rail. This time I tried to talk to her! I asked her if she had come a long way to find the garden across the street. She replied but again I felt she was chastising me. She cocked her tiny head from one side then to the other. She made a couple of tiny turns and then starred at me again. I had to laugh, because it all seem so absurd!
Startled, she flew back to the garden! I continued to watch and she returned one more time. This time she just sat there and then she flew away. Needless to say, for several days after that I looked for her. She may have returned to the Garden but she never perched on my rail again.

Whenever I think of this tiny miracle of life, I am reminded of the story/movie "The Secret Garden". I know those who have read this story have experienced tiny miracles of life also. They are almost unbelievable and yet I know they are real. My question was why did she act like that? Why was she so angry at me? Perhaps she felt threatened by my proximity to her garden. Perhaps she had been planning on making a nest and wanted to do that in secret.

I think that God sends these little splashes of joy into our lives to remind us who He is.
He is the one that created all things. He is the one that brought the world and all that is in it, into existence. God said let there be and it was! God’s sense of humor is evident with the fish in the seas; the birds in the air; the flowers and trees; the hills and mountains; the rock walls and rim rocks that circle the hills; the winds; the rains; the snow that falls so lightly; the changes of the seasons which delight our eyes; the smells that permeate our surroundings and cause us to remember. When God was through indulging Himself through His creation, He saw that everything was good!

Then He looked around and saw that He wanted more! So He created animals of all species; babies and full grown. Then His greatest masterpiece of all, man! Again, God looked around and saw that everything was good! Somewhere during or after His creations, a situation occurred in heaven and God commanded Lucifer to leave in no uncertain terms. During Adam and Eve’s sojourn in the beautiful garden of Eden, that God had created for them, a most disturbing incident took place. Lucifer, now called the serpent confronted Eve with a most disparaging question; "Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?"

Genesis 3:1-24 gives us the story about how the perfect picture of Adam and Eve in the garden came to an end. Satan deceived Eve and she ate! Eve gave the fruit to Adam and he ate! Sin destroyed the beautiful world that God created for them! Now we must endure, what was once perfect, living in a sinful world among God’s, still beautiful, creation. In verse 22 God says that Adam and Eve must leave the garden so they cannot eat of the tree of life and live forever. Man was intended to live forever on earth but through Christ we can live forever with Him in heaven. God was prepared and had a plan from the beginning! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/24/08

Monday, February 23, 2009

NOW THAT I AM OLD! 2/23/09

"Now that I am old and gray....give me the time to tell this new generation (and their children too) about all your mighty miracles"; Psalm 71:18.

Remember learning about the old one room school house where reading, writing and arithmetic was taught? The teacher could speak on all subjects! I have discovered that our one room school master who can speak on every subject ever thought about, is God’s Word. This school master speaks of things of old and even speaks of the things of today. Of course I am speaking of things that are important; that have merit; things we need to know about.

Mr. Darwin thought he knew more and devised a plan that is referred to today as "The Theory of Evolution". Others clearly believe that "The Big Bang Theory" is evident that the worlds came into being through compacted gases. No matter how clearly defined through practical evidence’s that creation came through intelligent design as man wants to call it; man still thinks he knows more.

Jim has been a student of ‘creation v evolution’ and has taught these contrasts in many Sunday Schools and evening services. The more he has studied and the more he has talked about it, the more he is convinced that God’s Word’s found in Genesis and in the book of Job and in scientific fact, confirms God’s creation.

Recently my Son Dan and his Son Adam watched a Nova production on PBS regarding a court case taking place is a small remote town that was wanting to have creation taught in their schools along with evolution. As you know all schools can teach evolution but cannot teach creation, even though it is not a theory but fact. Those who were brought in to speak on behalf of creation had passion but were inept when called upon to speak. Those who were brought in to speak on behalf of the theory of evolution not only had passion but spoke qualitatively. You already know the outcome since this took place in 1995. Creation still cannot be taught in public schools and the theory of evolution is again embraced.

"Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse"; Romans 1:20. I find it interesting that anyone can look around themselves and see the majesty of nature and the various elements that sustain us and think it evolved over many years, or perhaps still evolving.. The Bible says we are not to call anyone fools or stupid but sometimes I find it hard to control myself.

"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened"; "Claiming to be wise, they became fools"; Romans 1:21-22. Men, thinking they are wise, do their best to confound the many by using words and scare tactics so people will listen. Those who do, will buy their books and become afraid and begin to mentally prepare themselves for global warming. Afraid the various animals on the planet will become extinct, like the Polar Bears. The list is long on the things we must be afraid of. Jim started making the list just by listening to the news beginning in the early 1990's; sheets and sheets.

"How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God"? Hebrews 10:29a "For we know Him who said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, and again, The Lord will Judge His People". Hebrews 10:30 . Who should we listen to? What should we fear? "And again, I will put my trust in Him"! Hebrews 2:13 Listen to those who speak of Godly things; for the world is to be pitied! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/16/09

Friday, February 20, 2009

To complete our dialogue for this week we will add a shared memo that will include an element that gives us just one more avenue to the would be complexities and the relevancy of todays issues of being single.
God has used many single women to change the trends of the world. We have read about Mary and Martha; Mary Magdalene; we are reminded of Dorcas who as a widow gave of her time and talents for others! We have heard of women such as Florence Nightingale and even women of today like Condolisa Rice. As single women we can be all that God has created us to be - If we haven’t done that so far, we need to begin doing just that.

God has used many single men to lead the way down many adventurous roads. Of course Paul comes to mind, even though many wonder if perhaps he had been married. My brother Lonnie who loved and lost took care of his siblings financially for most of our lives. He never resented his lot in life. My brother Layton who loved many times, died before he could leave blessed singleness, taught me about relationships. Another brother, Larry who also loved and lost, left us with many memories of a tough guy who wanted to be all that he could be.

My daughter Jennifer is single! What a blessing she is to us, her parents. However, if that day should come that she changes this status for marriage, God will give her that edge to become all that he has created her to be in that role. Meanwhile, happiness is a state of mind and she is happy!

A dear friend, who follows Morning Glory says; "It seemed like you were speaking right to me today. Of course, I really do know all of those things, but it is good to be reminded. But as singleness was thrust upon me by circumstances beyond my control, I am not really all that happy about it. I lament the fact that I have no one in my bed at night. That is the most lonely time. Ah...the empty bed... Someday I am going to write about the empty bed and the loss of one’s sexual partner. But as yet, I have not. Most people in my groups skirt around it and a few brave souls sometimes mention it. It is a fact! But all of those things you mention and Paul mentions are very true. So we who are left behind take comfort in those words and try to apply them to our lives". "A real widow, who has been left alone has fixed her hope on God, and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day"; 1 Timothy 5:5 "I claim the promise, that God takes the place of my husband and rely on Him a lot. I pray for wisdom many times during the day and since I don’t have my husband to talk it over with I talk to the Lord about it."

Through circumstances it is always hard to adjust from marriage to singleness. God never said we must be single or we must be married. God said to love one another! God never said that being married brings more happiness than being single. Paul says about the single person; "And he who refrains from marriage will do better"! and about the widow; "But in my judgment they will be happier if they remain as they are"; (1 Corinthians 7:38b and 40a) God says that being single or married is only good when He is part of the equation. Loving God is what brings happiness! Loving God is what makes life work to it’s fullest! Jane Ann

Thursday, February 19, 2009

If you
are one of the ‘blessed singles’ and wonder what to do with yourself, here is a set of rules for being creative in your unique state of singleness.

1. Set goals for yourself. Dream a little; be an individual who likes creativity.
2. As a Christian, you have no great problems; just a lot of opportunities.
3. Are you lonely? Visit the sick and shut-ins. Become involved.
4. Discipline yourself in Bible study and prayer....Know God!
5. Become a part of worship, let God’s goodness overwhelm you.
6. Have a special friend in whom you may confide.
7. Singles need to be concerned about their recreational habits - learn to play wholesomely.
8. Avoid self-pity. This is a luxury you can’t afford.
9. A single person has a problem only as they allows themselves to have one.
10 Enjoy a lively sense of humor. Join a Christians singles group!
11 Think of yourself as a person - a Christian man/woman - be a whole person.
12 Life is a struggle - use Godly choices.
13 Be content in self and circumstances.
14 No one is on the shelf unless they choose to be.
15 Consider being single as a blessing and your way of life.
16 Put your trust in God.

This list was compiled by a group of ladies in a Sunday School class. It is not complete and not all of them have been necessarily tried and perfected. Think of your own set of goals and make a list that works for you or for someone you know and could benefit from it. You have heard the phrase; "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"! Will, I say when life finds you single, embrace it with all your heart and look for surprises around every corner.

I love chapter 12 in 1 Corinthians where Paul is talking about the body and how all parts are important for the whole. He ends with; "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together"; Verse 26 . If you are married, that is wonderful; if you are single, Praise the Lord! Together, we make a body to behold as we praise and worship our Lord and Savior! Jane Ann

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My brother Lloyd was 16
when he suffered a stroke. At the time it appeared to the Doctors that Lloyd was a victim of Infantile Paralysis which was the disease of the time. He spent many years in therapy and even the ‘iron lung’. Eventually Lloyd was able to walk with a cane because his right side didn’t fully recover. His speech was never affected! Lloyd no longer attended school but became Mom’s very own babysitter or in today’s language, our Nanny.

Nothing was wrong with Lloyds brain process. He remembered most things he read about and was aware of what was going on in the world, with the church and home. Nothing got past him! Jim and I were engaged to be married the end of January. Jim experienced his first Christmas with my family the month before. He brought his gift for me, into the house and placed it under the tree. It was in two separate boxes. Lloyd said’ "What did you get her? A four track stereophonic tape recorder!" How did he Know?

Lloyd held a job and worked for many hears. When his muscles and tendons began to deteriorate, he became less active. However, he kept his mind active by learning a new word a day and he would use it frequently. I believe he liked showing off! He was always giving me new verbal ammunition to use! I guess I like showing off too!

Lloyd fell in love and I believe she cared for him, but the situation, although was sweet, was not practical for her. Lloyd never loved again but he always appreciated the fair sex.
"I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." Romans 12:1.

There is another young man that uses a mobile wheelchair and travels from his foster home to the closest, friendly bar as often as he can. His beer is the most important thing to him!. I pray for him to find the Lord so that he could find contentment in his condition.

Whatever condition we find ourselves in, we must consider the cost. Keep yourself pure, kind and loving. Sometimes showing bitterness is normal but most of the time we must find peace within ourselves and contentment. "Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content." Philippians 4:11.

Many people who have either been afflicted through disease, by accidents or through a lose of a loved one can make a difference whether they remain single or marry. "I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me’. Galatians 2:20
Most of us know someone who has never married or is single through circumstances. The Bible teaches that a happy and meaningful life begins with God. A fulfilling life is being what and where God wants you to be. It means acceptance of self and circumstances. Where are you in your walk? Jane Ann

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When I share a story
it is as I remember. I can’t remember what is in the mind of those I talk about but I can tell what I observe. My sister Jean was 15 years older than I. Very attractive, full of energy and funny. As the eldest of the girls in our large family of 7 boys and 7 girls, Jean was the primary helper in raising and caring for her younger siblings. I know that she could have married but for her reasons only, she didn’t. Her being single was an advantage for me and those who came after me.

The younger kids would not have done things and gone places if it were not for Jean. We went shopping, to the movies and the baseball games at the old Wrigley Field to watch the Angels play and later we became Dodger fans. When I was about 20, Jean and I moved into an apartment together. After the siblings grew up, she began to dote on little nieces and nephews. She even attended their school programs. When they grew up she then focused her attention on the great nieces and nephews.

Jean became a Sunday School Teacher in her 30's and is still teaching the 6th grade class at 85. She has filled positions in the women’s ministry, was the church wedding hostess and in her early 80's was the VBS Director more than once. Today she is a greeter and sits on a tall stool so she can be seen and just like the ‘energizer bunny’ she just keeps going and going and going.

If you would ask Jean, she would tell you, she has had a full life and thank God she never had a husband, because she wouldn’t have been able to give him much of her time. She has had so many places to go, things to do and people to see! Another mission in life is to save cats!
"And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seem good to the potter to do" Jeremiah 18:4; Whatever state we find ourselves in we are to let the Lord mold us and make us His own.

I referred to the years after highschool and before marriage as my years of ‘single blessedness’! I enjoyed this time of growing up! I had a job, opened charge accounts and eventually, I learned to drive and bought a car. Took short trips, flew in an airplane and even took a train. I enjoyed these things with Jean and never allowed peer pressure to take me where I didn’t want to go.

By the time I married I was ready for a husband, a home and children. God is good! Whatever we choose to do, as long as we walk with the Lord, he will continually bless us. However, a single woman has an opportunity to serve the Lord in a way that a married woman cannot! Perhaps you ask yourself; "What can we do as single women"? "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4.

Jesus uses allegories because all the details in the story are relevant. Here he speaks of the robber and or thief. They sneak in to steal and kill and have no concern except for what they want. "I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly"; John 10:10b! Jesus is talking about the good shepherd.. Jesus uses the door because He is the door! He loves His sheep and wants them to feel safe and secure. "I am the good shepherd; I know my own and my own know me"! John 10:14. Whatever way we choose to live whether it is married or single, God holds us up in high esteem as we walk hand in hand with Him. His love is everlasting! Jane Ann

Monday, February 16, 2009


Being single is not a bad thing. After highschool I remained single for almost 6 years. I wouldn’t have traded those single years for anything. Many of my siblings remained single all their lives. I think Jean remained single mostly by necessity and as the years passed it was just the way it was. She had offers but I believe in the end she would say that she had the best of both worlds. After all she has mothered more children than our mother did. Lloyd and Lonnie never married! Layton and Larry died so young, marriage was just not to be. Our Jennifer has never married, however, if that should come to pass, it would be wonderful, because marriage is a good thing, and so is being single!

Most, who have either chosen to remain single or because of circumstances have remained single, have not felt abnormal about it and nor should they. Jesus Christ, our savior was also single! He understands our innermost needs and calls us to walk in partnership with Him. Those who do, find His yoke easy and His burden light. I don’t know about the world but I do know that when you are in Christ your ‘singleness’ can also be ‘blessedness’.

As a single person you can have a special relationship with Christ, a dedication to His purpose because you have no one else pulling on your strings that demand your attention. The responsibilities of being single are no different than those of any Christian. They can be an influence, or an hindrance to those around them. If they are willing to develop and use their talents in the Church, they can share in the ongoing of the Kingdom of God. They can give more of themselves to God. What a glorious privilege!

The Bible teaches that a happy and meaningful life begins with God. God is more concerned that we belong to Him than whether we are married or single. A fulfilling life is being what and where God wants you to be. It means acceptance of self and circumstances! As we look in 1 Corinthians 7:25-35 the counsel of Paul to remain single was not because he opposed marriage. Paul thought very highly of marriage! Neither did he suggest that singleness was best for all, for all times.

When Paul wrote this passage he was concerned about the impending distress that the church was to face. Paul was suggesting that those who could control themselves with a sincere purpose of devoting themselves to Christian service, to refrain from marriage and all that it entails so they would not be put under additional pressures when the siege came. Paul puts it this way in verse 32-33; "I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man or woman is anxious about the affairs of the Lord. But the married man or woman is anxious about worldly affairs, and how to please each other. Therefore, their interests are divided".

In Luke 2:36-38 there is a short story about Anna, the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher. At 33 years old she married and was happy for 7 years. When her husband died she had no one and felt empty and alone. However, God promises in Psalm 68:6 that He will provide for those who are alone and who follow Him. Anna lived 44 years in the Temple serving God exclusively. One day she saw a couple with a child talking with Simeon. She knew immediately who this child was. Her heart pounding inside her breast, she began praising God. Just like Mary Magdalene, Anna spent the rest of her days exclaiming; "I’ve Seen the Lord!"

Take advantage of your single state and become one of those who spend their days exclaiming; "I have all I need and I never walk alone for Christ is with me"! Take advantage of all of God’s promises whatever state you are in and receive His blessings. Take advantage of the life and the pursuit of happiness that is yours in Christ. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/28/08

Friday, February 13, 2009

In the 50's
there was a recording by Joanie James called; "Little Things Mean a Lot"! A lovely little song! I am not sure how far on the charts it went but everybody was singing it. Can you remember the little things that were endearing to you? Can you remember the little things you would do for that special person? We celebrate a day called ‘Valentines Day’ because the card companies picked up on a sad story about a man named Valentine. Apparently there were many Valentines of record but the one I believe started it all was taken from the legend of Aurea. This version was a priest who refused a law that required young men to remain single because they would make better soldiers. However, priest Valentine secretly performed marriage ceremonies and was arrested and thrown into jail. Before he was executed on February 14th, he is reported to have performed a miracle by healing the blind daughter of his jailer. This priest supposedly wrote the first "valentine" himself which was addressed to either his beloved or perhaps the young girl he befriended and healed. It was a note that read "From your Valentine."

I remember being required to bring valentines to all my class mates. I always wanted to buy the cards that had envelopes but we couldn’t afford those. At the end of the day, the cards would all be passed out among the classmates. It always became a contest as to who received the most cards. I never won!

Valentines Day is okay! I can’t say it is important to me. Once in a while Jim and I remember to give each other cards but mostly we remember the grand kids and my daughter. Very seldom is it a special night out, just for the two of us. However, there are many out there who place a special emphasis on this day.

As the song says; "Throw me a kiss from across the room; Say I look nice when I’m not;
Little things mean a lot". I suppose I am more sentimental than most but then I have had a lot of years to think about all the little things. Jim never fails to take my hand when we are walking; I never fail to reach for his! We meet in the hall way or come into a room and find ourselves in each others arms. A kiss, a smile and then we go on our way! When the sun goes down, I can walk into my bedroom and find the bed has been turned down and I feel like I am in a grand hotel that includes special services. When I want a package that is way in the back on the bottom grocery shelf, he has laid on his belly to reach as far as possible to get me the last one. What a guy! Little things mean a lot!

Many times we read the story of Mary and Martha and we have heard it preached from the pulpit, but I prefer to refer to this story as Martha and Mary. We seem to think that God looked more favorably upon Mary than he did Martha but I know that all the little things that Martha did were more appreciated by Jesus than we could ever imagine. Obviously, she had a lovely home; Enough room for her brother and sister to live with her; She always looked forward to having Jesus and his disciples come. Martha had a servants heart!

Even though Martha was busy and Mary sat at his feet, Martha had listened because she gave the right responses to Jesus when he arrived after her brother died. "Yes, Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ, the Son of God, even He who comes into the world"; John 11:27. Sometimes being busy gives the appearance of not paying attention to what is going on around us. But not so with Martha! Not so with Jesus, as he watched Mary; "When Jesus therefore saw her weeping and the Jews who came with her, also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit, and was troubled; and said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to Him, Lord, come and see"; Jesus wept!"; John 11:33-35. Little things mean a lot! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/4/09

Enjoy your day of flowers, chocolates and all the little things that mean a lot!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Flowers and chocolates are synonymous with Valentines day. You can't go wrong with either one when giving a gift nor receiving one of these Valentine favorites. Today we are going to zero in on a favorite of mine; chocolate!
As a child, I don’t ever remember having much chocolate except for chocolate pudding. My Dad was a cook! Later on he told me he was a breakfast cook but that he could cook anything. Most of the time I loved my Mom and Dad’s cooking. My biggest struggle was when Daddy made chocolate pudding. Of course it was home made and was cooked on top of the stove. I am sure the chocolate he used was Baker’s non-sweeten chocolate squares. It always looked inviting and surely it would taste as good as it looked. Wrong! The unspoken rule in our household was to clean your plate. It was hard to eat this pudding without tasting the bitterness. However, I learned to hold my breath as I would take a bite and immediately swallow.

Years later chocolate morsels such as cake, cookies with chocolate chips along with boxes filled with delectable delights found there way into our home. Whoever thought that even the name of chocolate could tantalize the tastebuds was clever.

I was looking at a book and thought I saw the word, ‘chocolate. Immediately, I said to Jim; "Chocolate! I think we should have a chocolate"! Everyone who is not allergic will have a chocolate moment every now and again. I usually have a package of dark chocolate in a drawer for such a time as that.

When Jim puts a piece of chocolate in his mouth he allows it to melt and then when it is very small, he chews it. Now me, on the other hand, I take a small bite and savor it by feeling it’s smoothness with my tongue and then I chew it up. Then, I take another small bite. I find it difficult to let it melt in my mouth. I need that burst of smooth, velvet chocolate exploding in my mouth with every bite.

I suppose if a psychologist were to explain the differences between Jim and me eating chocolate it would go like this; "Jim is one that mulls over a matter in his mind with forethought and concentration before he opens his mouth to speak . Jane Ann is more apt to make a quick response". Perhaps with this evaluation in mind, you will understand why I listen to Jim when I need to ponder a subject and/or when I have responded too quickly.

James 1:18-19 says; We are to be first fruits among His creation. We know this! But we are also to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. James 4:10 says; "Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you". Whenever I look at the word humble it makes me think of slowing down. Taking your time! Using good behavior! Also in James 3:13 it says; "Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom". In verse 17 James continues with; "But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy." I am an impatient person! I am also an introvert but when it comes to God’s word I can’t wait. I’ve just got to say whatever is in my mind. I am not saying that what I do is a good thing. I am saying, if I can control my chocolate moments I need to learn to control my desire to speak His truth and not step into confusion that can be caused when impatience overtakes the moment. Is there such a thing as a "wise moment"?

Many scriptures in Psalm lift us up and encourages us. There is a passage in Psalm 37:27-34 where the Psalmist talks about those who trust and obey the Lord. He also talks about the rewards of the wicked. "We are to do good, for the Lord loves justice and does not forsake those who follow Him. It says that the mouth of the righteous utters wisdom and his tongue speaks justice. The law of God is in his heart and his steps will not fail". A controlled ‘chocolate moment’ is tasty; but a controlled ‘wise moment’ is tasteful! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/14/08

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This mornings blog is one I had used early on in Morning Glory but because we are coming up on Valentines Day I thought these next few days we should dwell upon the subject of love, chocolates and little things that mean a lot.

The movie "Rooster Cogburn and the Lady", with John Wayne and Kathryn Hepburn, had a line in it that both Jim and I began to use as ours. Rubin was a blustery type of fellow and Kathryn was an outspoken spinster who was bent on following God’s word as she knew it. On the trail to safety they became fond of the battles of wit between them and became comfortable with each other. At one point Rubin says to her; "It pleases me to be with you". Through the years Jim has remembered our favorite lines from movies and would say them to me or write them on cards. Even though these lines are second hand, I always feel Jim’s love for me when he uses them. Makes me feel very warm and special, especially this line, It is not only fun, it is true!

Love is such a simple word to describe the magnitude of emotions that love is. Love can be full of excitement which fills your stomach with butterflies and the feeling of being on a roller coaster. Love can fill you with heartache because of unrequited love or because of watching a Love One in heart wenching situations. When you lose a loved one your love is torn and tossed about as you grieve. But then Love can be filled with the pleasures of just being together. This kind of love is full of peace and comfort and fun. It allows us to see beauty in all things and when you feel that special someone take a hold of your hand, you feel safe and secured.

Why is it that we can’t just be satisfied with what we have. We think we would be much happier if we had that or if we had a bigger one. This color is not me, but oh look at that color! We have a tendency to use the word love for foods that we like. We love that house. I love that movie! I love this or I love that. We are certainly a complex people, aren’t we? I can’t remember what it was that Danny loved, but he was exclaiming how he loved it and his Grandma quickly set him straight. "You can’t love an inanimate object, because it can’t love you back". All of these things that I have just mentioned, that we say we love, have never loved us back and eventually they are gone. This word love, has become so common, we forget what it means and how we should be using it.

God thought the word "love" was so important that He placed it in the greatest commandment of all as the chatelaine that holds His Kingdom together. Mark 12:30-31 says; "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these". There is a song that says; "I Love Him because He first loved me". Sometimes that is how it works! When Jim told me for the first time that he loved me, I knew I did not love him like he loved me. I liked him! He was a nice guy! Today, I love him so much I am sure it makes the angels shout for joy. It pleases me to be with him! In John 3:16 it is recorded; "That God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." In other words, God is saying; "It pleases me to be with you"!

What is your response to the Father? Does it please you to go to Him in prayer? Does it please you to be in His house when the doors are open? Does it please you to see His face in nature all around you? Do you relish the moments of watching others praising God? I would like to think my response would be; "Lord, it pleases me to be with you, today and everyday! It reminds me of a chorus that says; "I love you Lord and I lift my voice, to worship you, oh my soul rejoice"! Yes, it pleases me to be with Him and It pleases me more, that Jim and I find pleasure in our Lord together. Think on these things! Finding pleasures in our world brings pleasure to our Lord who gave us our world. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/28/08

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear followers; this entry is our last until February 11th. This heavy subject must be considered because of the possibility of great changes ahead. Don't just ponder these in your hearts but share with one another and ask the Lord for courage to face what is what is ahead.
The Freedom of Choice Act is a measure that will codify Roe v. Wade’s protections and guarantee the right to choose for future generations of women. It would allow partial birth abortions; it would do away with requirements of information given to women getting abortions; Anyone could perform abortions; It would do away with parental involvement. In short FOCA would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide. FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions and will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.

Psalm 139:13-15; For thou hast possessed my reins: thou has covered me in my mothers womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee; when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

This is what David wrote concerning himself and how God knew him. If we truly believe
that God is......then we will want to keep his commandments no matter how inconvenient it is....God loves us and wants us to be happy.....we can only be happy if we do what is right, that is how through Christ, we can put on His righteousness.

Why is this important for us as Christians who do not believe in abortions? It is important for us to know where God stands so that we can let others know how we stand. You may never have considered this option for yourself....but I know that you know of somebody who has. Have you been prepared to stand for what is right or have you given in to the situation and agreed upon the option taken? Perhaps you experienced this yourself! Sometimes when we talk about it with a loving friend or loving family member it helps us to take the guilt and place it before the Lord and allowed Him to cleanse our soul.

As we are in Christ we must show love and understanding to these girls and women who find themselves in situations that are difficult for them to handle alone. Don’t shun them! Don’t avoid them! Reach out to them! Mistakes happen and so do criminal acts of rape and incest. I believe we can help them to lift their heads and square their shoulders back and say; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

AUL; ‘Americans United for Life’. A pro-life law and policy organization, that is prepared for battle and a battle it will be. Become involved and don’t turn away, "For our struggle is not against rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places"; Ephesians 6:12. Lets remember that aborting babies was "never commanded by God", "and it never entered His mind"! Satan is at work!

PRAYER OF SERENITY: God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot
change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference. Anonymous
1. The Defenders Study Bible (NKJ)
2. Center for Reclaiming America for Christ (Abortion)
3. The Oregon Family Council reports 1996 & 2006
4. Bill O’Reilly’s TV show; "The Factor"
5. (Internet) A Project of AUL Action
6. (Internet) Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

On 2/2 I referred to the Freedom of Choice Act as the Fair Choice Act. Later I tried to go back and edit it but the format appeared changed and I didn't know how to do it - so I am making the correction here, because today and tomorrow I refer to it again, but as Freedom of Choice Act.

Years ago when I used this subject
for one of my Sunday School lesson’s, an elderly lady, age 84, came to me after church and asked to speak to me privately in the office. She has long since passed away so I think I can use her story here today. When she was a young woman and before she met Jesus and accepted Him as her savior, she had an abortion. She already had two children, when she became pregnant. Her husband at the time didn’t have a "real" job but was working with a neighboring farmer and they barely had enough to live on as it was. She didn’t tell her husband of her predicament but confiding in a neighbor lady, they decided between the two of them to abort the baby and no one would be the wiser. Their preparation was for my friend to drink some kind of liquid and the neighbor lady had a coat hanger handy if that didn’t work. My friend was very ill afterwards but then later was fine. She knew in her heart that she had done the right thing! Later she became pregnant again but their circumstances were better and she gave birth to her youngest daughter, whom she loved very much. She was telling me this story because she still felt that she did the right thing, but knew that she needed to ask God for forgiveness, even though she still felt justified. I encouraged her to keep talking this out with God and that the Holy Spirit would convict her of her guilt. I knew she was telling me about this in hopes I would condone her actions and assure her that she had done the right thing and then she could be convinced again that her actions were correct. We prayed about her situation, leaving it with the Holy Spirit to convict her of this. Doing something that is wrong certainly does not make it right, even in the long run. She did not hate me for my counsel and even continued to attend the Ladies Class. I know when we come to Christ all is made new but in her heart she had not repented of her actions. I know that our God's love is much greater than ours!

We live in a society that says "it is your body and you have the choice to make decisions concerning it". Those of you, who have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior need to understand that your body is the Temple of the Living God who dwells in us. You may say that it is Jesus or you may say it is the Holy Spirit, but in either case it is the Living God! He dwells in you and you are commanded to keep yourself a living sacrifice unto Him. The scriptures tell us that "whatever we say or do, we are to do it as though unto the Lord".

Now, the world we live in is depraved! It wants to curse God and live for the flesh! We are in the world but we are not of the world. If we obey God’s commandments "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us:" (Phil. 4:13) If we accept the way of the world, like the Israelites accepted the pagan world before us...Well then.....GOD HELP US ALL!

I couldn’t sleep one night and so I turned on Joyce Myers, who was interviewing a popular TV evangelist (I can’t remember his name and I don’t remember ever seeing him before). It showed a video of his earlier ministry working with his wife in missions - as the video started the commentator says; "a product of rape" he mentioned his name and began to show and tell about himself. You have to understand it was about 3:00 am so I wasn’t picking up everything that was being said but I caught that very first line "a product of rape". When we choose to abort our babies we deny the world and God’s Kingdom of possible, wonderful, children of God.

Our new President said as part of his campaign that the first thing he would do as President is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act. This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support. We must stand firm for It is written; "God never commanded it and it never entered His mind". Jane Ann

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It amazes me
that our world allows decisions to be made to placate the whims of those not
wanting to face a situation because of how it may look to others. I believe this is one of those places where God says; "It never entered my mind!"

There are many birth control methods on the market. Some like the IUD, or the morning after pill, which aborts the fertilized egg. The pill, patch, the catchers mitt, micro chips under the skin, condoms and probably more, that I haven’t even heard of, prevent you from becoming pregnant.. If you look at some of these realistically they are in the same category as an abortion. Remember what God did to Tamar’s second husband for spilling his semen on the ground. It cost him his life! The Catholic Church, for years has prescribed to abstain during the woman’s ovulation period so she would not become pregnant. Abstinence, the true method of birth control.

When I was young and first married the Doctor told me I wouldn’t get pregnant the first three days after my period ended. After I had my babies he prescribed a pill....I tried it but couldn’t take them. Lost control of my fingers - couldn’t hold objects in my hands. So he prescribed the IUD. This is a coil that is wrapped around the wall of the uterus so that the fertilized egg has no place to land. I used that for a few years but didn’t want to go in often enough to have it changed so I discontinued that. Years later, Jim and I realized that we had been aborting possible babies. Ignorance is no excuse for aborting babies!

Last October, Faye was in a stage production at the Ross Ragland Theater. It was called "Quilters". It was done very well! One scene is a woman who does not want another baby. It would be her 12th and her last one laid her up for two months afterwards. As the women stand around her telling about all the babies they gave birth to, the Doctor is telling her that there was nothing he could do. You wonder why so many women of long ago had such large families!

My mother used to tell me that she used everything in the book to keep from getting pregnant, which made me wonder what books she was reading. She had 14 single births and 5 miscarriages. After the sixth child the Doctor told her she should not have anymore because it was possible she would die. I don’t know what I would have done without all of my siblings. Each one was unique and brought much love and pleasure to me. I could not imagine my life without them. I know that most of Mom’s pregnancies were a surprise. I heard her say once that if she lost one, she knew the Lord would give her another. However, when she was old that was not possible. I think my mother knew in her heart she needed each child when she discovered that another baby was on it’s way. You wonder why today some women have so many children when there is so many things on the market to keep them from getting pregnant. Perhaps it is because they are aware that it is not God’s plan that we abort our pregnancies. In Genesis 1:27-28 God says; "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it."

As the result of Eve’s sin, we find in Genesis 3:16, God tells Eve that her sorrow will be multiplied and she would conceive in sorrow and have pain in childbirth as a penalty and also women would desire their husbands in spite of it. Usually we only remember the pain in childbirth and skip over conceiving in sorrow and the desire. What do you suppose it means to conceive in sorrow? Could that be because of rape, incest, promiscuity or having to many babies? Which do you think is more blessed by God? The ones who take preventive measures or the ones that don’t? In Luke 11:27-28, Christ states that giving birth does not make mothers more blessed. Those who are more blessed are those who know the Lord and do His will. Common Sense needs to play a role in possible conception. When conception is by force we still need to use our common sense. Mistakes and/or crimes are not the fault of the child! Jane Ann

Monday, February 2, 2009

In searching the scriptures, I do not find anything regarding "abortions" per se’, but what I
found was most interesting. Many pagan religions involved fertility gods and also gods who required living sacrifices. God’s command to His people was to not intermarry or become involved with these pagan practices ....but they disobeyed.

Jeremiah 7:31; 19:5; 32:35; I prefer you read these scriptures for yourself. As you can see, in regards to Baal worship and sacrificing baby boys and girls to their god Molech, God says; "I never commanded it, and it never entered my mind"! You will note that God mentions this situation three times. Obviously, it was important to stress that God never thought about His people killing their own babies. This tells me that God has chosen not to know what his people intend to do - that is how choice works.

In Jeremiah, God is very disappointed with His people and He brings down Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnon. Later this place is called the valley of slaughter. Eventually the valley became the continually burning refuse dump for Jerusalem. In the New Testament it is referred to as Gehenna (or Hell), because it had the appearance of a "lake of fire". The name then was adapted to describe the actual future hell, the lake of fire, as noted in Revelation 20:15, to which all those who reject Christ and His commandments, will ultimately be consigned..
We know that aborting babies is wrong but you may not know that many people in the world and some of the Christian community do it not for sacrificing to a pagan god Molech but to their god of convenience, embarrassment and in addition, for financial reasons.. That was the exact reason the people of old, sacrificed their baby’s - they sacrificed to their fertility god so that their crops would be abundant. However, today, some have chosen to abort from the womb because our laws say that is not murder - a murder charge is given when killed outside of the womb. In the mind of many women, because it is their body, it is their decision of choice as to whether they should carry the child or not. It is not a moral issue to them!

On "The Factor", Bill O’Reilly’s show, October 10, 2006 he was giving some results from a CNN poll, that I thought were interesting; 35% of women have had abortions; 45% of women oppose abortions, except to save the life of the mother; 90% of Doctors don’t want to do abortions.

The Oregon Family Council conducted their 1996 election survey and 2006 election survey, of all the people running for political office with the following results:
1) Do you consider yourself pro-life? (Opposed to abortions)
1996 1.2% yes (D); 58% yes (R)
2) Do you support legislation requiring that a parent or guardian be notified before an abortion may be performed on a minor? In 2006 it says with 48 hour notification.
1996 10% yes (D); 83% yes (R)
2006 11% yes (D); 70% yes (R) note this measure lost in the 2006 Oregon election!
3) Would you support a law restricting abortion with exceptions only for rape, incest and the life of the mother? 1996 this poll was not taken
2006 4% yes (D); 67% yes (R)

Because of the changes in the 2009 White House administration, ‘The Fair Choice Act’ is once again being considered as law. If that should happen, we are in trouble! Jane Ann

Sunday, February 1, 2009

There has been a plague sweeping over the face of the earth for many years now.
It has killed more people than all of the wars ever fought, heart attacks, disease and pestilence. The victims are children. Children who are living in the most dangerous place on earth.......the womb of their mother. In the United States alone, fifty four million babies have been aborted since 1970! "ABORTION" or PREGNANCY TERMINATION" are just polite names for killing unborn children. One of the arguments in favor of abortion is this; "a fetus is not a living person and has no rights". I believe this argument can be put to rest by looking at just a few Bible verses....that is, if you are a Bible believing Christian, it can.

Luke 1:41-44 This section of scripture says that Elizabeth’s baby "leaped for joy" at the sound of Mary’s voice. I submit that only a "person" can "leap for joy". That person was John the Baptist, a "person" while still in the womb!
Galatians 1:15 Paul says here that he was chosen by God "even from his mother’s womb"! The Apostle Paul was a "person" while still in his mother’s womb!
Isaiah 49:1 Isaiah says "The Lord called me from the womb"! Isaiah was a "person" while still in his mother’s womb!
Jeremiah 1:5 God said to Jeremiah "before you were born I consecrated you". Jeremiah was a "person" while still in his mother’s womb!

It begins at conception! That could be through a sound marriage of love or through rape or incest - but the baby is there and he/she is real. To kill that baby is murder! Just because at conception it looks like a piece of liver, it’s genetic code already exists and it is completely
different from the mother. At 11 weeks (the first trimester) the baby is formed; it’s organ systems are complete and functioning. He/she from this point on, grows only in size. Once a person realizes that a baby in the womb is a real live person, all of the arguments about rape and incest should fall apart.

There are many different ways that is used to abort. I am not going into all of them today but there are a couple particularly repugnant methods of abortions, one of which is referred to as "partial birth abortion and it goes like this. The Doctor reaches into the womb and turns the full term baby around. Then he proceeds with a breach birth. However when the baby is all the way out except for the head, the doctor stops the birth process. He then uses a pair of scissors to open a hole in the back of the baby’s head. He then inserts a tube through the hole into the baby’s brain. He then vacuums the baby’s brains out through this tube which, of course, produces the desired result....a dead baby.

THIS ABOMINATION has been approved by some of the very highest officials of our government!. I heard of another method which I want to share with you. I heard a young woman talk about her experience at the age of 14. She went to a clinic for 5 days when she was about 20 weeks along. She went through a preparation process, beginning with the first day by inserting a device in the birth canal to start the uterus to dilate, which ended on the fifth day. Then the Doctor inserted a saline solution into the embryonic sac, which caused the baby to suffocate and burn. Then she was instructed to sit upon a toilet where she aborted the baby. After the Doctor removed the after birth and cleaned her out, she was sent to a hotel for the night and then went home. Mentally and physically she has never recovered! Jane Ann