Thursday, February 19, 2009

If you
are one of the ‘blessed singles’ and wonder what to do with yourself, here is a set of rules for being creative in your unique state of singleness.

1. Set goals for yourself. Dream a little; be an individual who likes creativity.
2. As a Christian, you have no great problems; just a lot of opportunities.
3. Are you lonely? Visit the sick and shut-ins. Become involved.
4. Discipline yourself in Bible study and prayer....Know God!
5. Become a part of worship, let God’s goodness overwhelm you.
6. Have a special friend in whom you may confide.
7. Singles need to be concerned about their recreational habits - learn to play wholesomely.
8. Avoid self-pity. This is a luxury you can’t afford.
9. A single person has a problem only as they allows themselves to have one.
10 Enjoy a lively sense of humor. Join a Christians singles group!
11 Think of yourself as a person - a Christian man/woman - be a whole person.
12 Life is a struggle - use Godly choices.
13 Be content in self and circumstances.
14 No one is on the shelf unless they choose to be.
15 Consider being single as a blessing and your way of life.
16 Put your trust in God.

This list was compiled by a group of ladies in a Sunday School class. It is not complete and not all of them have been necessarily tried and perfected. Think of your own set of goals and make a list that works for you or for someone you know and could benefit from it. You have heard the phrase; "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"! Will, I say when life finds you single, embrace it with all your heart and look for surprises around every corner.

I love chapter 12 in 1 Corinthians where Paul is talking about the body and how all parts are important for the whole. He ends with; "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together"; Verse 26 . If you are married, that is wonderful; if you are single, Praise the Lord! Together, we make a body to behold as we praise and worship our Lord and Savior! Jane Ann

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