Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When we were kids,
one of the things I hated most was having two team captains and the rest of us stood around while these two captains would choose their team. Of course the friends were all chosen first and the rest of us would stand on one foot and then the other and each one just new they would be chosen last. I hated that! Probably because since I wasn’t the greatest school ground or front yard athlete. I was a girl and always chosen last!

I don’t remember my having bad sportsmanship but I remember others who did. If they didn’t get on the team they wanted, they would pout and/or cry and stomp off the field. Even some of the good players would do that. I always just felt bad , but tried to keep it to myself because I wanted to play on a team, regardless.

Whatever activity, requiring many participants and even if chosen last, I wanted to be on the team. Not until I was older was I able to take charge and of course that was within my Sunday School and/or Church. I never was in charge or a number one player while in school. The competition was great, but on the church grounds I was always at home and in my element.

Even so, there were many that had hurt feelings and would slam the door while running from the room because they didn’t get the part they wanted in a play or quit the choir because they didn’t get the solo they wanted. Left the church because they couldn’t be on the main ‘worship team’. Sportsmanship is something we have to develop and perhaps never perfect until we are mature enough in Christ, to recognize that we can’t always get our way, no matter what it is we want. Especially with or without consequences!

It has been said; "It isn’t whether we win or lose, but how we play the game!" For me, I was happy to just be included. How about you? What did you learn, coming up the ranks of good or bad sportsmanship? Did you always win the blue ribbon or get a trophy? Were you one of the honorable mentioned? Or were you one of the forgotten few that never even got mentioned.

Most don’t realize that within the church we are all team players. The interesting thing about church team players is that we have a tendency to criticize one another. In other words we examine sharply to form a judgment. When we find a fault we want to put blame on someone. The most amazing thing is that we don’t even have to be on a team and actually participating, but be just one of the members making deliberate judgements because it is not our favorite. We want something different, regardless of the hearts that are on the teams.

Most remember Ecclesiastes for; "There is nothing new under the sun!" However; "The words of the wise heard in quiet, are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good." Eccl. 9:17-18 The complaints and criticism of those in charge and the fools can destroy what is good. Think before you bring down those who are willing to use their talents and sacrifice their time for the sake of the Lord. "But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but to please God who tests our hearts." 1 Thess. 2:4

Only God knows the hearts of the team players. Only God knows if the ‘worship team’ is worth their metal; Only God knows the hearts of those in the Women’s Ministry. Only God knows you inside and out. Don’t make judgements unless you are judging a sin not a service. Jane Ann

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