Friday, July 3, 2009

Years ago my neighbor and I planned a birthday party for my brother Layton. We didn't usually have birthday parties in my family perse' but we did this time. I just felt he deserved a party! I invited him and my brother Larry for dinner that evening and after dinner my neighbor came over and we began to put out all the decorations, the cake and snacks. We planned games and gifts were expected. After everyone arrived Layton, a little embarrassed about all the fuss, came and told me he had to leave. He had a previous engagement! Needless to say, I was a little hurt! However, not surprised because through out my life Layton taught me many things. This time he taught me that no matter how much we plan and how much we want to please others, accept the disappointments and go on. We did! We played the games and opened the gifts. Layton was the only one that missed out but I knew that secretly, he was pleased. Things like this don't cause me stress or anxiety! It's a party! A celebration!

This last year my brother Lynn and His wife Kathleen went through some very difficult days with cancer, chemo, radiation along with diet to keep Lynn's strength up. Tests after tests! Strength ebbing and weakness setting in. But the grace of God permeated their household and prayers were in abundance. Lynn and Kathleen danced, not just once but many times!

Disappoints come and heartbreaks happen. Health issues raise their ugly heads and the economy hurts our pocket books. We lose things and find things that have been missing for ages. Life goes on! Life is a good thing! God thought so, that is why He gave us life. Life is a celebration, a blessing from God. It is how you look at life that makes all the difference.

This weekend we are celebrating our Countries birthday, our Independance from the oppression of England's rule! July 4, 1776 set the tone of our Countries freedoms that were held in gentle hands because it was so precious. It cost us plenty then and still is not free today.

I know our country is in flux. We feel the impending doom and wonder if we will survive the power within the halls of our government. What good does it do for us to worry. We need to be praying about it instead. Why not go instead for a drive and enjoy the wonders afforded to you where you are. Just because you can't go abroad doesn't mean you can't imagine being there. Take up painting or write your memories. God is still in charge!

We are familiar with Ecclesiastes 3, where Solomon tells us there is a time for everything. "Every matter has its time and way, although man's trouble lies heavy upon him." Eccl 8:6 "Conduct yoursleves wisely towards everyone, making the most of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone". Colossians 4:5-6 Trusting in God gives peace! No worry there!

Everyday is new! Everyday is a day to celebrate! Everyday is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us leave our worries and stress behind us. Don't let anxiety set in until we are fully depressed. I read once that a man would rise each morning with; "This is just the kind of day I wanted!" Let us live each day as though it was our last. Let us celebrate and find joy in being alive. Go to church and celebrate the Lord! Take a walk in the rain and let it wash away the cobwebs in your brain. Prepare for the day when you take that walk into heaven, but don't worry about it. Instead, call a friend! Perhaps, eat come chocolate! "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 Jane Ann

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