Thursday, September 10, 2009

On 9/11/68 I returned from grocery shopping to hear the news that my brother Layton drowned. He was 32! On 9/11/78 I received news that the pastor of my youth, Mr. Lertis R. Ellett was killed in a car accident. On 9/11/01 I had just gotten out of bed and walked into the livingroom, Jim greeted me with; "A plane just flew into one of the twin towers in New York." I stopped in my tracks and twenty minutes later, together we watched as another plane flew into the other twin tower. Our world, as we knew it changed forever!

Jim got up and went outdoors. The tears streaming down my cheeks I watched as though I was cemented into the carpet on my floor. I watched as the people ran for their lives and the cloud of dust that filled the air on my TV, began to choke me. I went outdoors to be with Jim and he held me as we began our grieving process for those who were murdered in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania that morning; And for America who, has not and probably will never recover from these acts of terror, because of their separation of church and state mentality.

For 41 years, 9/11 has been a day of memory for me, and for America only 8 years. It took me many years to stop reeling from Layton's death but with God my grieving has given me new purpose. Because America has moved so far away from God their grieving has turned to anger and disagreement. Their grieving has become a shouting match and greed. Their grieving has turned to insubordination with the government and 'we the people'. The only way through this grieving process is to turn back to God. America needs to return and become a nation, under God! Not a nation for the republic of the government but a republic of the people and by the people and for the people. We must seek God first and foremost; The rest will come!

Grieving is a natural state! Many fight the process but it is necessary for our well bring. Grieving is necessary because without the process we can't fully regain our stability of reality. I was one that fought the process because I was not able to let go. God is patient not only in His coming again but He is patient with us as we deal with the major blows that life brings us. He allows us to flounder but when we seek his face, He has promised we will find Him. How many times would I call His name and wait for Him to pick up the pieces and mend my heart again. How many times since the 'war on terror' began have I called His name and have begged Him to heal our land. How many times have I wished that I could gather the saints of the church and offer protection through the Son of God. How many times!

Our God has given us life through His son and yet His son lamented over Jerusalem and even for us today. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings and you would not! Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say; 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'."

After 9/11 God answered our prayers by sending the Firemen; Policemen; The Coast Guard; The National Guard and even the President to find the lost, raise up the down trodden and to give encouragement to our whole country. God answered our prayers by bringing the volunteers and the retired veterans together to the forefront and creating a military force second to none in the world. The Army, Marines, the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and the National Guard putting their lives on the line to defend and to protect the freedoms of the United States of America not to mention the countries that need to be liberated from tyranny. Get down on your knees America! Get down and seek God's forgiveness! Allow God to raise us up once again so we can declare; 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/5/09


elandreth said...

Since I am teaching a class right now on how to write your life story, we talk about these moments that are seared into our memories. We remember the very spot where we stood when we heard the news on 9/11. And when we heard about John Kennedy's death.

Our memories are a wonderful gift from God that knits our whole life together. God can use even the knots and tangles we have woven to create a masterpiece. We are each a unique masterpiece, created to bring glory to God.

Your blog, Jane Ann, makes me glad I was part of your life. I would hope that scores of those who came out of the White City church were still as connected to God as you are. What an example you are! I'm thankful my children can see your faithfulness down through the years. Unfortunately, the truly faithful ones are few and far between.

You are doing a marvelous thing in writing your blog. You are writing the story of your life in a very unique and natural way. It will be cherished forever by your family long after you are waiting for them in glory. I hope you are printing out a hard copy of them all--not just storing them on the computer. In doing so you could include pictures scanned and put into each episode as it talks about certain people or events. Google is a great source for images of about anything or anyplace you need a image.

In writing the story for this missionary they told me about a ship they rode on when they left for Africa--The Queen Mary. I did a google search and found the very ship. Dale mentioned sailing past the Statue of Liberty. I found a picture of the statue with that very ship in the background. They were thrilled.

There probably isn't a way you can add pictures to your blog but that would be great as you talk about your dear friends and Mr. Ellet (sp?). I'd love seeing pictures of you and your siblings as children. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of Lee's 80th birthday on facebook.

Keep writing--you are a great writer and Jesus shines through bright and clear.

Donald W White said...

I woke up to the ABC News broadcast on my radio telling us that the second tower of the World Trade Center had been hit. Minutes later I called my girls to the living room as they were getting ready for the day. I showed them the pictures on the TV screen and told them, "This day will be one you remember for the rest of your lives." As I took my girls to school, I examined the faces of all those around me in our little town of Lakeview. It was the only day I know of where I could look at people and know EXACTLY what was on their minds. I wore black the rest of the day.

Unknown said...

I remember.Thank you Aunt Jane Ann. I love reading MORNING GLORY.