Thursday, December 31, 2009


The journey from Bethlehem to Egypt, although longer, was more adventurous in that they had a child with them to enjoy along the way. Have you ever camped out with a two year old? We have, and one of the highlights was giving our first grandson a bath. We would set him in a large pan with water in it and the adventures just never stopped.

Joseph didn't have time to prepare for this trip as he did when he left Nazareth. Joseph could only take time to pack up his donkey with necessities; the rest he would have to purchase along the way. He was to get out of town fast! He probably took the quickest route to Egypt which by Jim's Bible map showed it could have been about 220 miles through the Sinai Peninsula and could have crossed the area's where today's Suez Canal is.

Perhaps, because Egypt's borders were not well defined at that time; the place they came to, could have been 150 miles and they would have been safe because God had said to go to Egypt. The Bible doesn't indicate where they ended up just that; "He rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt." Matthew 2:14

I have read that the flight of Joseph and Mary to Egypt with Jesus, was merely to protect Him and that there may be the hint of God wanting and expecting His children to use His working in their lives as part of His providential care. God could have protected Christ where he was as well as in Egypt; but He chose this way instead. In order to protect and forward His work among men, God often uses ways and means that are not necessarily miraculous. However, He wants His people to work out their salvation but at the same time to Trust in Him for their care.

"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:12-13 Paul is encouraging the believer to take responsibility to achieve the purposes for which God has set before them. But in the same light, we are to know that God's grace is available to help achieve His purposes in furthering His kingdom.

The Bible doesn't speak to what kind of life Mary, Joseph and Jesus experienced while living in Egypt. However, I find it interesting that 1700 years earlier, God providentially sent Joseph and eventually his family to Egypt where they multiplied into the thousands before he brought them out of Egypt as one nation, to be His people; through Moses and his brother Aaron.

In this story, Joseph and Mary are also sent to Egypt where they were to begin teaching Jesus about His Father. Their time spent there was sort of a waiting period. Waiting until God felt it was time or perhaps safe for them to return to their home in Nazareth. Much speculation has been made about the childhood of Jesus. Many questions have been left unanswered. Our imagination seems to take wings when it comes to what they did and how they survived. Our God never left them alone; His goodness to them is everlasting.

I don't suppose Joseph expected this kind of life when he accepted Mary to be his betrothed and I don't suppose that Mary, with a young girls heart and fantasies of being married, came with anything other than what her mother told her. However, here they find themselves uncertain about everything. Here they have had to leave their little house in Bethlehem in the middle of the night as though they were being chased out of town on a rail. However, God knew best and He had promised Mary in the beginning; "For with God nothing is impossible." Luke 1:37 And we know, all things are possible with God!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/21/09

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


"Behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem." Matthew 2:1b We have glamorized the three kings with gifts but in reality they were magoi's which was a name taken from old Persian language. It originated in Media. The magi specialized in dreams and omens and even claimed the gift of prophecy. Later on the name magi was watered down and was applied to others like the Jew Bar-Jesus and the Samaritan, Simon who used incantations and magical methods.

These men in the East were learned men and today are thought to have been also astronomers/astrologers. But no way were they kingly except, perhaps for their gifts of worth. It is possible, because they studied the stars in their profession, they probably were aware also of the Messianic King which was to be born in Judea. The star appeared to them shining ever so brightly in the Western skies, and claimed their full attention which caused these men in the east to follow this strange astronomical event. A moving star intrigued their inquisitive natures and they packed up and began their journey of a life time. God uses those He wants!

When they arrived in Jerusalem they made a courtesy call to Herod, the king of the Jews. "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him." Matthew 2:2 "When Herod, the king heard this, he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born." Matthew 2:3-4

We know that Herod was up to no good! Why? Because we have read about the Herod dynasty and know the kind of kings they were and this Herod was one of the worst. His counselors told him about the prophecy that would take place in bethlehem of Judea. Herod called the wise men secretly before him and he talked with them about the star they had seen and when it first appeared. Then Herod said; "Go and search diligently for the child and when you have found him bring me word, that I too may come and worship him." Matthew 2:8

"When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy; and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And being warned in a dream, not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way." Matthew 2:9-12
I have read that their adoration of the Christ child was a token of the later submission of the Gentile world towards the Jewish Messiah. Do you suppose that is why God brought first the Jewish shepherds and then the wise men representing the Gentile's? Mmmm!

God is still working His plan; "When Israel was a child, I loved Him and out of Egypt I called my son." Hosea 11:1 Israel was God's chosen people and Jesus is the son called out of Egypt. Prophesy is still being fulfilled! "Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said; "Rise take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him." Matthew 2:13

I often thought the gifts brought by the wise men were so Joseph could afford the travel to Egypt and to stay there until God called them out. I often thought that Joseph and his trade was used to support them while they lived in Bethlehem the few years they were there. I often thought that their amazing trust and dependence upon God should be an example for us for He is our strength, our joy and our peace day by day. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/21/09

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


On the eighth day after the birth of a boy, he was circumcised according to the covenant that was made by God with Israel in Genesis 17:12-14. This was a simple medical procedure where the foreskin of the penis is removed. This was practiced in early history and is still followed today by many Jewish and non-Jewish people. However most people don't remember why it originated but contend that it is for health purposes. This has been a long standing theory which has some merit. Bacteria is less likely and it is believed that women have less cancer when their husbands have been circumcised. However, this is not a rule of thumb or a criteria for having this procedure done.

The reason God insituted this procedure was to create an act of commitment between the parents and God; It would set His people apart from others, like the church does today. However it had been used before and many continued to do it, after it had become a requirement within Judaism. Today, as Christians our covenant is now our acceptance through baptism and belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior and being obedient to His word.

"And at the end of eight days, when he was circumsied, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb." Luke 2:21 40 days later a firstborn male had to be taken to the temple in Jerusalem to be consecrated before God. "And when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. (As it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord") and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord." Luke 1:22-24a Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to be dedicated!

Simeon, a righteous and devout man who had the Holy Spirit upon him and who revealed to him; "he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ"' was directed by this same Spirit to go to the temple that day and it was there he saw the Lord's Christ. He took him in his arms and praised God and sang a song; "Lord, now let your servant depart in peace according to your word. My eyes have seen thy salvation; which you have prepared in the presence of all people. A light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people." Luke 2:29-33

Mary and Joseph were amazed! Simeon blessed them and said to Mary; "Behold, this child is set for the fall and rise of many in Israel and for a sign to be opposed; a sword will pierce even your own soul. In this way many hearts will be revealed." Luke 2:34-35

Anna, the daughter of Phanuel from the Tribe of Asher lived at the temple. She had married at the age of 33 and was married for seven years. She had no children and when her husband died she had no one and felt empty and alone. Anna new that God promised to care for her because in Psalm 68:6 it says that He would provide for those who were alone and who followed Him. Anna was content to remain in the temple because she had a gift from God; she was a prophetess! The years passed and as she continued to fast and pray, God continued to take care of her. Now, after 44 years in the temple, her reward of personal sacrifice and dedication had come to her. One morning as she was making her rounds she found her dear friend Simeon talking with a young woman and her husband who had brought their child to the temple to sacrifice according to their law. Anna knew immediately who this child was. Her heart began to pound inside her breast and she began to proclaim praises unto God and from that day forward she told everyone about the child that had come and would bring redemption in Jerusalem.

God's gift was beginning to be shared in those days of old and is still being presented as the beginning of the greatest story every told. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/22/09

Monday, December 28, 2009


"And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night." Luke 2:8 At this time of the year the Shepherds would watch together their different flocks. They would take turns watching the sheep, some watching the fires and so with many together it made the work easier during the cold nights.

This particular night as they were gathered together around the fire something out of the ordinary happened. It was so spectacular that all that were there that night stopped their watch and turned their attention on the skies above. "An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were filled with fear." Luke 2:9 We can only imagine! We can only read this story with wonder and amazement!

"And the angel said to them; "Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good news of great joy which will come to all the people; For to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 We can only imagine! We imagine, their wonderment!

"And this will be a sign for you; you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." Luke 2:12 "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying; Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased!" Luke 2:13-14

I find it interesting that the angel said this good news was for all the people. However, His peace was only for those He is pleased with. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 The gift of His Son was intended for all the people! His Godly peace is given to those who accept His Son and are obedient to His word.

"Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us." Luke 2:15b The Shepherds were not in Bethlehem, but in the fields near by. They had to go and look for the place where the child lay. I have often wondered if the star was visible to the Hepherds. How did they know where to find the babe that would be wrapped in swaddling cloths. Did they draw lots to see who would go and see this thing that they were told and who would stay behind keeping watch.

"And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe lying in a manger." Luke 2:16 The Shepherds began to speak of the things they had just seen and heard from the angels and those who heard this, began to marvel at what was being said. "But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart." Luke 2:19

As the Shepherds returned to their flocks, they were glorifying and praising God for all they had seen and heard. Everything was as the angel said! And to think it was them, the Shepherds out in the fields, that heard it all first. It was so personal! It was life changing! It was amazing!

Who first told you about Jesus? When did you first meet the child wrapped in swaddling cloths? Did you go with haste to find the Savior? What was your response? In John 3:16 where it is written "that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish" gives me to understand that even if we believe we can still perish if we are not pleasing to Him. Wow! I was a child of 10 when I was buried in the waters of baptism, since then, my walk has intensified; I pray I am pleasing to Him.

Much speculation has been made as to why God announced His Son's birth to the Shepherds. Some have decided it was because they were lowly and poor. I believe God's announcement in a panoramic vision that had surround sound, was because He wanted it to be the most spectacular event ever saw. The most climactic event of grandeur, along with His Heavenly Host singing; "Glory to God in the highest." It would never be forgotten! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/18/09

Friday, December 25, 2009

CHRISTMAS STORY HALL OF FAME! The First Christmas Morning

Mary lay quietly, gasping ever so often to allow her submission to the pain. The pain doesn't seem to be so bad right now she thought; perhaps I can get some sleep and her mind drifted off. Joseph , a man before his time wondered if he should go and get a mid-wife. He was torn; should I leave her now and get someone else or should I wait. he couldn't sleep, let alone rest! Joseph prayed; "Oh Lord, I need help! What am I to do?" Just as he was about to go and search, Mary stirred. She quietly said; "Joseph." "Joseph!" He ran to her side and said; "I am here Mary!" "I think it is time Joseph!"

"Are you sure, Mary?" Joseph responded. "My water broke!" Okay, thought Joseph; it is time! "Mary, I will go and get a mid-wife, I'll be back as soon as I can." "No, Joseph; there is no time, you must help me!" Joseph was beside himself; men don't deliver babies! Only women, the mid-wives do this! But the task at hand was developing and Joseph was the onyl help Mary had. He put aside his fears and became his wife's help as new life began unfolding before them.

"Tell me what to do, Mary." "First, go and get some water, it should be hot! If you can, ask about a mid-wife, but don't take the time to search for one. Upon Joseph's return he came near her cubicle and he stopped! He could hear Mary's smothered cries and almost panicked. He took a deep breath and went to her. She grabbed his arm and pulled until he thought she would tear it off. Her pain was great; her agony reached through her hands and into his body.

Mary relaxed for a moment; Joseph put his arm around her and gently laid her back on her bed of straw. He went to the donkey and began to unload the items that they would need. A basin; bowls; linens; so many things. "I wish a mid-wife would come" he thought! Using some of the water, he washed his hands. He must be ready! I'm but a man; I have no knowledge of these things. "I am willing Lord; use me here;" was Joseph's prayer.

When Mary awoke, she had more instructions. "Make a fire and warm the swaddling cloths. Keep the water hot, at least warm to wash our baby. A knife! Dip a knife in the hot water before cutting the cord." "A knife? The cord?" Joseph asked! "Yes, a knife! Prepare the salt for cleansing his little body. Joseph? Do you hear me?" "Yes, Mary; I'm listening!"

She laid back and the pain came forth as though it was water rushing over the falls. It didn't stop and she pushed! Joseph bent near and said; "I can see His head; push harder!" He was amazed at how calm he felt. He was amazed how Mary pushed as though her insides were exploding from her. How brave and how wonderful she is, he thought!

As Joseph took the baby into his large rough hands and lifted him up so Mary could see, they both looked upon him in wonder and total amazement. Mary relaxed as she watched Joseph take his son and with the knife cut his cord and tied it. He then washed him in the warm water and salt solution and then rinsed him off. Joseph gently wrapped the baby in a cloth and handed him to Mary. He gave her the swaddling cloths and Mary wrapped them firmly around his tiny body. He was covered with several layers, even his arms and legs were held tightly as if in bandages. "She gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger. Luke 2:7a In the still of the night, Jesus the Christ was born!

Mary took the water and asked Joseph to leave her alone for a while. She did her ablutions and wondered about herself. Her body was already in the process of recovering from the assault it had just experienced. She said in her heart; "Thank you Lord for this gift you have given Joseph and me! Thank you for preparing my body and healing my soul through this great experience of becoming your Son's mother." By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/18/09

MERRY CHRISTMAS this beautiful Christmas morning as we remember HIS birth and share with one another in the giving and receiving of gifts. "Thank you Lord for your child; the first gift of CHRISTmas!"

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Although Joseph wasn't happy that they had to succumb to such degradation as to spend the night in a stable and one that was a cave, he was only to happy to give Mary a place to call her own for the night. She was in such pain and despair; her time was now and this was all he had to give her. I am sure Joseph felt, perhaps forgotten. I can imagine he felt in his heart; "Lord, where are you?"

Mary immediately found her place and begin to nest. She fluffed the hay and put new hay in the manger that Joseph placed by her side. The contractions had been pretty close for many hours but God was good and held off the delivery. "Joseph"; Mary called! "Yes, Mary!" "Please Joseph, rub my back, it aches so; I can barely stand it." Joseph kneels down and she lets her body fall back as he begins to massage her back very gently. "While they were there, the time came for her to be delivered." Luke 2:6

Bethlehem is about 5 miles from Jerusalem! The most popular view is from a distance which is across a valley. As you stand just outside of Jerusalem and look across, you can see a small village on a ridge running East and West. It is a picturesque picture; seeing the town with naturally terraced hillsides and especially at night when you see the lights and can't help but think of the song; "O Little Town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie."

Bethlehem means 'house of bread'; Jesus is the bread of life! "But you, O Bethlehem, Ephrathah, who are little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me, one who is to be ruler in Israel." Micah 5:2b Bethlehem was to be the birthplace of hope! David was born in Bethlehem and shepherded his flocks there. Ruth gleaned the fields of Boaz in this area. Since King David, it was has been referred to as the 'City of David'.

There were caves along the ridge, used mainly for sheltering live stock. It is the natural conclusion that the child Jesus was laid in a manger in one of these caves. The Catholic church under Constantine had the 'Church of the Nativity' built over one of these caves in which is a star bearing the inscription; "Here Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary." Of course this place has no proof but then no place has this proof.

Israel was noted for its hospitality. Often travelers stayed in the homes of friends, relatives or even strangers. However, the history of the public inns goes back before Christ. During the Roman empire, inn's were mainly used to supply food and fresh mounts for the couriers. Sounds very much like our pony express.

Most inns were full service facilities, pretty much like our motels today. Today you get breakfast, but in some you can get three meals for a price and can even do your laundry. In Bethlehem the inns were strategically located at well traveled intersections. They would offer care for animals plus food; beds; baths and other traveler's needs. Large caravans were welcomed; so no wonder Joseph didn't think anything about lodging in Bethlehem.

Not all inns were acceptable because some of their services included women of the night and a place for a den of thieves to meet and re-coop. Many a weary traveler was robbed or even murdered in a place of lodging where he thought he would be safe.

The actual inn in Bethlehem where Mary and Joseph sought shelter is uncertain. But because he had a stable, we assume it was a regular inn, very popular and this night, very full! Because the stable was connected to the inn, we can assume that the animals were not necessarily the innkeepers but belonged to his customers. God's plan was in full swing, for He would be born in a stable! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/17/09

(Information re Inns and Jerusalem taken from Today's Handbook of Bible Times and Customs)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It was early! Joseph got up long before Mary to check the caravan one more time. He checked the ropes and ties on the wagon; He wiggled every knot to be sure they were secure. He fed the animals and counted the water jugs one more time. he knew there would be places to refill along the way but he wanted to be on the safe side. He checked the hoofs on the smallest donkey, the one Mary could use, if she wanted to. Everything seems to be in order. He began to hear Mary moving about! It was near time!

"Mary; Mary, are you okay?" He noticed Mary holding the lower part of her belly. He wondered if she was feeling that same soft discomfort again. "Oh, I'm okay Joseph; He is just a little more active this morning." Mary continued putting the things together that she personally wanted to have near her on this trip. No sense in trying to search for her personal items in all that stuff; but having them near her will be much more comforting as the would be long trip. "When did you say we would stop for the night; Joseph?"

The first few days were long but exciting. Their first real trip together! It was good to stop and when their camp was set up; the pause felt not only welcoming but restful and refreshing. The third night as Mary laid her head down, the baby inside her began to move about with a little bit more vigor. She moved her hand slowly around her tummy and thought about when she would be holding him in her arms. Every now and again she would fill a cramp, every so

As Joseph moved the door flap to welcome the morning, he wondered about this part of the journey. Mary is not as refreshed as she was when they started. He himself is becoming a bit more weary. I must not let her see that I am tired; I know most of it is worrying about her! Mary got up feeling somewhat invigorated! She wondered; "Where is this energy coming from?" She helped as much as they would let her, to get ready to be back on the road. She helped Joseph inspect the wagon again. They smiled at each other as though they had a secret!

Even though they had known each other for sometime; now that they were living together they have found an unexpected solace in each other. Mary was already comfortable with Joseph and he was becoming enamored with her. This trip was good for both of them because they were finding their need for each other growing more and more everyday.

As they slowly came upon a well, Joseph began to get the water jugs down. Mary felt that pain again but this time it was a little stronger. She tried to control her breathing, but Joseph looked up at her. She knew he was worried, so she pointed her finger and said; "Look!" He turned and noticed some birds flying over head. Good, he thought; we are getting closer.

As they both laid down near each other, Joseph thanked the Lord quietly that they would be in Bethlehem tomorrow. It has been a long trip and a fairly good trip but his thoughts were filled with Mary and her condition. Mary, on the other hand still was not use to laying in a room with a man near her. They weren't together, but he was right there! Mary thanked the Lord that after tomorrow she would be able to rest much longer and perhaps her time would time.

Joseph couldn't believe his ears! Mary was filled with anxiety! What does the Inn Keeper mean? How can this be? No room! Their little band of travelers stood there in the cold, damp street, looking all around; wondering what to do next. The Innkeeper opened the door wider and said; "I am so sorry there is no room in the Inn; I do have a shelter where the animals stay. At least you would be dry, but as you can see, everyone has come to town to take part in the census." "Because there was no place for them in the Inn!" Luke 2:7c Mary looked at Joseph and was comforted. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/17/09

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

CHRISTMAS STORY HALL OF FAME! The Journey's Preparation!

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth!" Proverbs 17:1 But it is fun to plan!

When a journey is planned we take a lot of things into consideration. Our mode of travel; the clothes we will pack; how much money we will need; preparation of food; making reservations and keeping all things in moderation. Of course we have choices in all of these things. We have choices in our mode of travel; to fly, to drive, to take the train or a boat, but never walking or riding a donkey! We even set a time to arrive, depart and how long to stay.

The roads we travel on today are for the most part paved. Some mountainous roads that are called county roads and are not fit for man or beast, are left to the adventurous, or to the county. When we travel we stay to the highways and byways that are mapped out for us.

We have this beautiful picture painted in our memory banks that depict Mary riding on a donkey with Joseph walking in front of her and sometimes along side her. However, the scriptures do not say this. Joseph being a business man by trade probably had the means to travel on occasion by donkey or even a camel. So the assumption that Mary road on a donkey is possible. However, in her condition, she didn't ride on a donkey for over 80 miles. I can attest to a ride on a donkey is far mor uncomfortable than walking even when not pregnant. However, wagons, carts and beasts of burden were a common choice for travel even among the common people. But in the early Israelite history the donkey was the steed of the wealthy.

I can't attest to the conditions of the roads but the Roman network of main roads comprised of over 50,000 miles with almost a quarter million more miles of second-class arteries. Most of their roads were not only well graded and leveled, but normally they were solidly constructed with a top layer of stone for paying. I am almost sure this was not the case from the little town of Nazareth to Jerusalem; it was more likely, a county road with ruts and ridges along with rocky, pebbly defined roadway which was considered useable for travel.

It is possible Joseph had traveled this road before because many required religious functions, were held at the Temple in Jerusalem and he would have wanted to be there. The time duration of this journey would have depended upon the mode of travel, the weather and the physical condition of those who were traveling. Traveling by foot would have taken Joseph and Mary 10-15 miles a day because of her condition; "being great with child!" During this time, traveling the roads were safer because the Romans were patrolling during the time of Christ.

God's timing is everything, even on the road to Bethlehem. The Roman emperor , Caesar Augustus was responsible for bringing the war warriors into action that brought the fighting to an end and called the empire to rest. This was providential since it granted open roads to spread the gospel. But for now it offered safety to the new parents-to-be!

The Bethlehem entourage probably consisted of more than Joseph and Mary. Could be there were servants, beasts of burden carrying their home away from home which would include a shelter; food; clothing; utensils and whatever else is required for a family in those days. We must keep in mind she was soon to deliver! Time was not as crucial during these days of travel. It was easy to set aside a month and journey off to see or do whatever was on the agenda. It probably took our traveler's about a full week to reach their destination along with many others.

"And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary his wife, who was with child." Luke 1:3-5
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/17/09 (Handbook of Bible Times & Customs)

Monday, December 21, 2009


"In the days of Herod, king of Judea!" Luke 1:5a During these days of Caesar's rule of Rome, his power was felt down through the ranks of Quirinius who was governor of Syria and Herod, who the emperor allowed to continue to be the king of the Jews. I suppose, each one in their own right, have sheets and sheets written about them. In the Christmas story all three are mentioned in this Hall of fame.

The name Caesar refers to the Roman Emperor. The Jews paid tribute to Caesar and all Roman citizens were allowed the privilege of appeal to him. Caesar is portrayed throughout history as the peoples god! He rules with authority and a heavy hand. He appointed governors for all provinces and this governor would rule his province as though he was Caesar himself. The governor was even over the Jewish king!

"In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria." Luke 2:1-2 Originally, many believed that Quirinius had nothing to do with this enrollment. However, through Sir W. M. Ramsey's research, he concluded that Quirinius had control over Syria's foreign relations and supervised the census, therefore, it has been widely accepted that he was indeed the governor at the time of the census.

An interesting point to be made here, is that unknown to Caesar and Quirinius, they were pawns in God's fulfillment of prophesy. Unknown to those who worked for the Roman establishment who were to take part in the census, were fulfilling prophesy. "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, from you shall come forth for me, who is to be ruler in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days." Micah 5:2 Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem!

Again, God uses whomever He wants! It doesn't matter what the background is; what the profession is; how clean their hands are; God will use them! Here the census was called which caused Mary to be in the right place at the right time for the righteousness of God. "And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his wife, who was with child." Luke 1:4-5

This life, that was to be born, was described earlier as coming from old, from ancient days. In other words, this baby had already existed in the heavenly realms with God the Father. Here is a revelation that Jesus existed before anything ever existed. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life and His life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:1-5

Today Rome is Italy and it has a Prime minister, which is similar to our President. The rule of the emperor has long since been abolished. The peoples god is no more! "Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth." Philippians 2:9-10

No matter how man tries to elevate himself in a position of rule and authority, he will never outlive the power and majesty that Jesus Christ was given through His father which is in heaven. No matter how man sees himself as a powerful mover and shaker, he will never obtain the never ending stature of God. "Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let thy glory be over all the earth." Psalms 57:11 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/15/09

Friday, December 18, 2009


Even though the story of John doesn't unfold until he is found in the wilderness eating locust and honey, we realize that he was important to the Christmas story. John was the cousin of Jesus! Because both of their childhoods are obscure in the word, we know they probably knew of each other but perhaps not exactly their purpose to each other.

"And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, "His name is John;" and they marveled. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed. He spoke, blessing God! Fear came on all their neighbors and these things were talked about through all the hill country of Judea. All who heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying; "What then will this child be?" For the hand of Lord was with him." Luke 1:63-66

The story of Elizabeth and John, in the middle of our Christmas story is important. Not only did it bring comfort to Mary to be able to share her story, her pregnancy and God's using her in this magnificent way, but it gives us a picture of John and the plan God had already established for his life. The plan that God would give us a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!

John's early life may be summarized in several sentences. 1) The hand of the Lord was with him (1:66); 2) He grew and became strong in spirit and he was in the wilderness till his manifestation (1:80); 3) He will be great before the Lord, and filled with the Holy Spirit (1:15). Later on when his ministry was coming to an end, he was imprisoned by Herod prior to his execution in A.D. 28. (Harper's Study Bible RSV 1971 comentary)

We know that John was the one to make straight His path; his ministry was prophetic; his main purpose was to preach about the coming kingdom; calling for repentance and confession of sins. Jesus said; "Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist." Matthew 11:11a

Because Jesus was born in Bethlehem, moved to Egypt and then to Nazareth; John, who lived in the hill country and Jesus, probably didn't become acquainted until they were boys and perhaps off and on in their teen years. Because there is no mention of their having grown up together, I believe they knew about each other. Could be from their mothers and it could be from visits from time to time. John being 6 months older than Jesus, probably didn't start his ministry until he was 30. Jesus didn't start his ministry until he was 30. John only knew about Jesus., as his cousin.

John had been on the job for many months telling the people that there was one coming that was greater than he. "The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said; "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29 John continues; "I myself did not know him, but for this I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel." John 1:31 The difference between John knew Jesus and John didn't know Jesus is that he knew this man was his cousin. It is possible they didn't have any contact with each other as adults.

However, I think John knew that Jesus was to be the Christ but did not know him when he began his ministry as the Christ. When John recognized Jesus, as the Lamb of God, we can only assume that the Holy Spirit revealed this to him at the appropriate time. John knew that he would decrease as Jesus began to increase and that time had come. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/15/09

Thursday, December 17, 2009


It was a quiet afternoon as Elizabeth rested her eyes. It was a habit of hers to take a few minutes every day so she could have a quiet time with the Lord and just rest. Being old had its draw backs but this was one thing that Elizabeth always looked forward to. Elizabeth's thoughts were drawn to Zacharias. As a Temple Priest Zacharias would serve Sabbath to Sabbath. But this week he was chosen to go into the sanctuary to burn incense. Oh what a privilege for Zacharias to have been selected. A priest is only selected once in their life time and this is the time for Zacharias. A smile crept across Elizabeth's face. She opened her eyes and realized it was almost time for him to return home from his time of service. When Zacharias came in the door he was beaming but couldn't talk or make any sound for that matter. Elizabeth's heart did a flip flop and then he handed her a piece of paper that he had written on. She read the note and looked up at him and again that smile crept across her face and his face, because they felt the way all Godly couples do when they realize it was possible they could become pregnant. To become pregnant had always been her prayer and she didn't even care that she was now old. To have that stigma removed, to be a mother and to think God had already given him his name. John, meaning the mercy or favor of God! For five months Elizabeth kept to herself. She never revealed why she wanted to be alone. Perhaps she didn't think it looked proper for an old woman to be traipsing around in this way, or perhaps she wanted to savor this time, or perhaps, just perhaps, she was a Godly woman who wanted to give of herself in this pregnancy to God alone. Unknown to her, Mary her cousin had been visited by the Angel Gabriel, and she too was pregnant and not by any man. Mary was just pregnant when she felt the need to visit Elizabeth. When Mary walked into Elizabeth's home the baby within Elizabeth's womb jumped for joy. The Holy Spirit was already present in John and He immediately felt the presence of Jesus! Elizabeth exclaimed a welcome and called Mary the mother of the Lord! The three months they spent together was full of praise and wonder and laughter as these two women talked of their coming experiences. The future was not fully revealed to them except that they both would have extraordinary sons. One son, that would prepare the way for the other son and in doing so both would change the world forever. (Jane Ann)

Elizabeth was a daughter of Aaron which would give her genealogy as coming from a priestly family. She also was married to a priest, who we know as Zachariah. Both of them were considered righteous before God because they both walked in all the commandments and laws of the Lord without blame. What a blessing for the people he served as a priest for God; What a legacy to have and to leave to your children!

"And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. And she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb! Luke 1:41-42 Through the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth was the first to acknowledge that Mary was to be the mother of our Lord. Elizabeth was the first to recognize and fully understand what was taking place because the Holy Spirit, through John revealed it to her. Elizabeth 6 months and Mary barely pregnant gives us proof that a fetus is a person at conception because John recognized Jesus as soon as He was brought into the room, while still in his mother's womb.

Elizabeth praises Mary by saying; "And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord." Luke 1:45 Elizabeth delivers and gives birth to a son and his name is John! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/14/09

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Angels have always been a fascinating subject. Only two of God's Archangels are mentioned by name; Gabriel and Michael. Gabriel was God's most profound messenger. Although Gabriel was sent to Daniel, to explain a vision several times, he was also the one that handled many delicate siutations. Believe me Mary was a most delicate situation! Many stories are told of the Angels who brought similar messages but their names weren't given. Perhaps it was Gabriel! But the few times Gabriel's name is mentioned it is because his name means; 'Strong man of God' or God is my strength!' His visits were important!

Zachariah questions Gabriel with; "How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years." His question was not received well by God's Archangel! "I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God; and I was sent to speak to you, and to bring you this good news." Luke 1:18-19 Gabriel not only had God's ear but he was given authority to act when the occasion warranted it. Zachariah was stricken silent; unable to speak until the child, he was just told would be born to him and Elizabeth, was born. Why was he stricken? Because he did not believe Gabriel's words.

Being an Archangel means you are an angel of the highest order. I don't believe there was a hierarchy in the Angel order because God is supreme, but there were those who were closest to God and did His bidding in extreme matters. Whether it was matters of war or establishing the "horn of salvation; the mighty Savior", these Angeles were prepared and ready!

When Gabriel came to Mary he was far more gentle than he was with Zachariah. His first greeting to her, set her back. "Hail, O favored one, the Lord is with you!" Luke 1:28b I believe Gabriel's appearance had something to do with Mary's response to his greeting. If he had looked like a man, she might have turned and ran but supposing he looked like someone she had never seen before and was dressed in wonderment to keep her feet planted to the ground. Albeit, she was troubled by the greeting. However, Gabriel sensing her discomfort gave her God's message with further delay.

When Zachariah questioned Gabriel, he was left speechless. When Mary said; "How shall this be, since I have no husband", Gabriel was gentle and calmly explained the process; "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called Holy, the Son of God." Luke 1:35

Have you ever been visited by an Angel? "Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrew 13:1-2
The idea of entertaining angels has a mystical view but when you are not aware that they could be angels sent by God, the idea becomes astronomical!

If the Archangel Gabriel would visit you with a message sent from the Most High, how would you respond! If any of the Angels would visit you and offer help or consolation, how would you respond? If a stranger offered you help in any way, how would you respond? If you meet someone who is a stranger to you and they needed your immediate help, do you see yourself as the angel sent by God to help them? Because God says that we could entertain angels unawares we should be loving, kind and helpful to all we meet.

"For He will give His angels charge of you, to guard you in all your ways!" Psalms 91:11 This same passage is also found when Jesus was being tempted in the wilderness. Matthew 4:6 This passage comes with conditions for you and me. We must "dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the Shadow of the Almighty!" Psalms 91:1 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/14/09

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Because the scriptures don't tell us much about Joseph we assume through the customs of the period that his betrothal of marriage to Mary was arranged and/or prescribed at an early age for both of them. In all probability Mary, was not much older than 12 or 13. Some think Joseph was much older because he died sooner. I believe Joseph was older because the age of manhood was about 30 years old. Frequently couples were matched by parents without prior consent from the boy and girl. Not always but this was the usual method; although some objected and overturned the decision.

Arranged marriages did not eliminate love. Love was expected to follow after the marriage was consummated. Great significance was placed on the betrothal or engagement period which normally lasted for one year. Often a ceremony, a feast and the exchange of gifts took place to make it official. After the engagement the couple were referred to as wife and husband, however, they did not consummate the union and some chose not to live together for another year.

If a man had sexual relations with another man's betrothed wife, the offender could be stoned to death as an adulterer. The custom of finding blood on the bedding after the husband and wife came together was extremely important. If no such evidence was found, he could terminate the marriage and bring disgrace to the bride's family. In some places the bride could be stoned.

Joseph was a carpenter by trade! He probably learned his trade from his father. Carpenters were not usually house builders because they were not made of wood. However, wooden trim and fixtures would be some of the things that they built, along with fashioning ox yokes, stools, plows, cabinets, carts and lattice windows. I read once they also made teeth!

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeard to him in a dream saying; Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." Matthew 1:18-21

Imagine Joseph's predicament. Imagine remembering what the scriptures had said about "a child being born of a virgin and His name shall be called Emmanuel." Imagine the perplexity of the situation and the decision that needed to be made. However, when Joseph woke from his sleep, he did as the Lord commanded of him as instructed by the angel. God fulfilled His promise and made arrangements with Joseph thru Gabriel. Mary and Joseph were married quietly and she remained a virgin until after Jesus was born.

As you read the genealogy of Jesus as found in Matthew 1:1-16 you find that it begins with Abraham and concludes with Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. This record shows the ancestry of the legal father of Jesus, not the natural. On the other hand, Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus through Mary. It begins with his earthly father, Joseph, the son of Eli who was actually Mary's father and therefore Joseph's father-in-law. The Luke genealogy ends with the son of Adam, the son of God. Can you imagine!

While it is popular to 'fall in love'. This marriage was made to grow in love. "Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church." Ephesians 5:25a Love was something one could choose. With this attitude most marriages had great potential. In Matthew 19:8-9 Jesus indicates that the unfaithful, can be forgiven; you can choose to love them again. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/13/09

Monday, December 14, 2009


For the next three weeks, lets walk down the hall of fame of names, places and events of the story that began the 'greatest story' of all time. The birth of Christ began the world changing event that not only brought the peace of God but gave us a bridge to cross over into the Kingdom of God. We begin today with Mary!

"In the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth; to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary." Luke 1;26-27

Mary was very young when she became betrothed to Joseph, who was much older than she was. Maybe she was 14 with Joseph perhaps around 30. Just like a young woman, her head was filled with plans for her trousseau and what will her husband be like after they were married. Being engaged was almost like being married in those days and sometimes the bride to be, even moved into the husband's home. She probably thought about her new home and especially about children because as a Jewish woman it was important to have children. Even if she had remained in her father's home, she was now under the rule of her father and her husband.

She was a alone when she met Gabriel. He told her the most ridiculous thing. God had chosen her to bear His child? What does that mean? How can this be? Her heart began to race and the palms of her hands began to perspire. What was she to do? What about Joseph? She had so many questions and no one to talk to! Gabriel assured her that God would take care of everything. Finally Mary said; "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." Luke 1:38a

Mary's heart was full! Everything that the Angel had told her had come to pass and so she continued to put her trust in God and to lean upon her new husband for strength and continued support. Mary had no one to talk to about what had happened and so she would ponder these things in her heart. But fortunately, according to the Angel, her cousin who lived about 60 miles away, was also pregnant, even in her old age. What a comforting thought!

Our God never does anything halfway. He has a plan and He works His plan, according to how He sees it. "Behold a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel." Isaiah 7:14b Mary had heard the stories about God's plan to send a Savior. Mary probably wondered at the time of first hearing that; "could it be me!" Mary as well as many other young girls raised in a Jewish home looked for the Messiah! But when it happened, she couldn't believe what she saw, what she heard and what was being demanded of her.

"Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty." 1 Timothy 2:15 Here Paul explains in verse 14 that woman was the one to be deceived and not Adam and therefore her transgressions needed to be dealt with differently. We have Eve to thank for our life but it is thru Mary that women are saved thru childbirth. Our salvation would come through a long line of women who would give birth. Eventually the chosen one, Mary, would give birth to the Savior. The Messiah! The Son of God!

What was God's plan for Mary? "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus." Luke 1:31 She was to have His child! Why Mary? "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God." Luke 1:30b Obviously there was more to Mary than her arranged marriage to Joseph!

What were some of the risks Mary faced in yielding her body to God to accomplish His plan? She was a virgin and yet pregnant and could be stoned. She would be ridiculed! It would hurt Joseph.

Are we to be responsible to understand everything that God asks of us before we obey him? No! We are to; "Trust in the Lord with all our heart, and do not rely on our own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 How did God reward Mary? She and Joseph were married quietly and no one was the wiser. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/11/09

Friday, December 11, 2009


The Sycamore girls are a group of widow's that live on a street of the same name, or very near the street. It's a lovely residential area, well kept with nice curb appeal. I believe Frances was the first and then we met Marion. LaVera is Marilyn's sister, who we knew while living in Medford and so we became acquainted with her just to say hello. Lena who is married to Red became a part of this elite group and others from this district have joined in and they all attend Living Faith; the 50's Plus; the pot lucks and enjoy the fellowship that is provided in a wonderful, Christian atmosphere.

I suggested to Marion that I should write a Morning Glory about them but wondered what I should call them and she said; "We are called the Sycamore Girls!" If I should ever be without Jim, I would want to be one of the Sycamore Girls. They go grocery shopping together. They attend the same Bible Study together. They go to musicals at the Ross Ragland Theater and to whatever is being presented at other churches or local schools. They are a lively bunch of spirited Christian ladies not given to gossp but to encouraging and lifting up one another.

There are others at Living Faith that find themselves without partners and so the Sycamore Girls and these ladies are sharing in this time of their lives with joy, peace and everlasting kindness. They have become the fan club of the Praise Teams; they support the Women's Ministry and two of them, Frances and Marion are faithful and can be found at the Church on Thursdays, cleaning. "She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27

Frances is in her 80's and still tends to her 30 plus rose bushes. LaVera is a quilter and her works is absolutely beautiful. Marion seeks me out with a smile and a hug and makes me so glad to be called her friend. Even though I no longer attend their church, they still consider Jim and me part of their very close knit family. As I have said before; "I'm so glad to be a part of the family of God!" Aren't you?

I have taught many times 'Women of the Bible' to Women of the Church. Many times I have taught how the women in the Bible would show us how God would use them where they were and take them into places they never dreamed of. He does the same for the Women of the Church. With God you can never say; "I don't know how or we've never done it that way," because with God, you can do all things. You can change your ways and you can find all the time you need when you are about God's business.

Remember the story about Martha and Mary? Martha was a widow, the wife of Simon. She had a lovely home with probably a lot of curb appeal of the day. Mary was a single woman who lived with her sister, as did her brother. Martha was a hostess of renown! Although, Jesus said that Martha was worried about many things, he didn't say what she was doing was wrong. He only commented that Mary had chosen the greater service. God's will for us is to know His son, Jesus and to listen to Him.

Loving one another is being within God's will; Serving one another is within God's will; a Smile, a hug or a word of encouragement are within God's will. I have discovered the Sycamore Girls are serving within God's will. They are a joy to have around and a pleasure to include in my memories of the Saints I have met.

Are you familiar with 'Author unknown'? Using woman in place of man, lets see if you don't agree that it fits within our discussion today about the'Sycamore Girls'! "The question for each woman to settle, is not what she would do for the Lord if she had more money, time or education, but what she will do with the things she has. It's not who you are or what you have that matters, but whether Christ controls you." By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/9/09

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Many years ago a stately old man walked through the doors of our church. It was summer and it was quite warm but he was dressed in a suit, tie and a chapeau on his head. Very dapper and his presence demanded our attention. Mr. Williams brought his two grandchildren with him. For many summers he would visit his daughter and would come to the church we attended. On occasion he would be dressed in an all purpose coat with a warm hat on his head and we knew he was visiting his daughter for Christmas

Mr. Williams was pleasant, generous and we looked foward to his coming. When he would walk through the door, he was part of the family. He came to the pot lucks, Sunday School, Church! We became his church family home, away from home. One of the amazing things about this friendly saint was that he would learn everyone's name.

Then one summer, we didn't see him. We learned that he was not able to travel as he did. We were sad to think we wouldn't be seeing him any more, but we knew that we would meet up with him again some day and until then, we had our memories.

During one of his visits he told Jim about his home and Jim discovered that he had gone to school with Mr. Williams Son, Scott. Jim discovered that Mr. Williams was a retired preacher and Scott was now a Minister at a church in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In 2004 Jim and I attended Jim's 50th highschool reunion that was held in El Monte, California. He met up with Scott and talked about his having met his father many years ago in Oregon while he was visiting Scott's sister. Talk about being a small world.

Dick was another man who came to visit while living with his son and became another one of those who just moved into the heart of our church. Dick didn't sing, teach or anything particularly special, except he was so friendly with a smile and a cheerful greeting that set my heart on fire. The first morning I met him, he said; "Morning Glory!" My heart took a somersault and it was a love affair that took wings. Morning Glory is very special to me!

After a while he began to share his life with two of his children. One lived in Washington, the other near our church. When he didn't come we knew he was with his daughter. Always delighted though, when he was home with his son. I remember him getting ready to attend his 60th highschool reunion. He was excited! He had attended many in the past but he was curious to know who was still around. He was in his late 70's! Anxious to go and had stories to tell.

I felt very sad when Dick became ill. He knew his time wasn't long but he made the most of it. He came to church when he could; we went to see him when he was up to visitors. He worked jigsaw puzzles and on good days, paint his pictures by numbers.

Remember when Jesus talks in Chapter 25 of Matthew about separating the sheep from the goats? He mentions feeding the hungry; inviting the stranger in; clothing the naked and visiting the sick and the imprisoned. When Jesus was asked; "But when did we see you hungry, thirsty, as a stranger, naked, sick or in prison?" Jesus replied; "When you did this to the brethren and even to the least of these, you did it to me." Have you ever wondered; "Am I a sheep or a goat?"

What if the visitor was a person who was not as friendly as these two men? What if the sojourner was quiet, standoffish and perhaps grumpy. Would we be as receptive to them as we were to Mr. Williams and Dick? I sat next to a young women this last Sunday and in talking with her afterwards I suggested she come again and sit next to us next Sunday. Her needs are many! On Sunday morning she got up and said; "I'm going to church!" I am glad she did and I am glad she chose to sit next to us. I am glad she was pleasant but more than that I am glad she sat next to us. We want to be sheep and do the will of God! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/7/09

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Howard was a builder! He built houses! He would buy a piece of property and build a house; then he and Ruby would move in. I don't know how many he built but after they sold the last one, they moved into a nice mobile home closer to his son. When he lived near the church, you could set your clock as you watched him walk, with bible in hand, to church. At first Ruby didn't come with him but after they moved further away from the church, he would drive and she would come.

Ruby and Howard were in Jim's flock and that was how we came to visit them often. We loved listening to Howard and his stories. he was only 17 when one morning he climbed onto his trusty horse and road across the prairie away from the only home he knew and never looked back. He had only the shirt on his back, no saddle on his horse, no shoes on his feet.

He told us how, he came upon a farm house towards evening that had smoke coming from the chimney. He stopped and asked if he could spend the night in the barn. The farmers wife welcomed this young man into her kitchen where the pot of soup had been cooking all day just in case a traveler came by. Howard ate his fill and then she took him to the barn where he spent the night. In the morning he was on his way again. Where were you going, Howard?

Howard didn't know where he was going, he only knew if he didn't go then he never would. He married a young girl who had a son, while he was gone to war. He received a dear John letter that he had a son but she would be gone. He later married Ruby who raised his son as her own, as she never had any children.

Towards the end of Howard's sojourn here, we would always find him in good spirits. He was always glad to see us no matter what condition he was in. His battle with cancer was long but Howard was patient to the end. Such a man of gentleness and strength!

Another one of these fine Saints, was Ray. Ray, in his elderly years was faithful in Sunday School. We always had breakfast snacks along with coffee available each Sunday morning. We had a basket on the table where you could contribute to the cost of the goodies and the first Sunday of the month Ray would put his contribution in and say; "I'm paid up!" When Ray wasn't able to attend as his time for departure was drawing near, we would go and visit with him. He had a wiry build, very much on the thin side and so with his illness, he looked a little more gaunt. His twinkle was still there and pleasure would show on his face when we would show up.

I remember once as he laid on his couch across the room, propping his head up with his arm, Jim and he would discuss the things that are always invigorating to men. The wars they have served in! Remembering the physical confrontations caused the adrenaline to flow once again as the two of them discussed their male prowess. Ray told Jim how he had fought in the 'battle of the bulge, in World War II.' They had taken a town called Bastogne and subsequently became surrounded by the Germans. The Germans were confident they would take the town but our American Fighters including Ray, stood them off until help came. This was a battle of renown!

This day Ray was again fighting a battle of renown! Some would have said he was losing but Ray knew as we did, that his battle was being won and his victory was at hand.

Many look at the passing of family and friends as just another part of life. I always find it hard! I find that these changes in my life cause me to feel the pain, even if it is for a moment; a day; or years. I soon become conditioned to their being gone but the initial shock to my being is an ache to my soul. I miss these men still, but their being in my life have been priceless to me. Recounting just a portion of their story is a pleasure; remembering them is a joy! Taking the time to listen to them has been a gift from God. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/4/09

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Jessie was a mother with 3 sons and 1 daughter. I was older than her oldest son and she worked at the garment factory that my mother did. I would see Jessie on visits to our old church and would ask about her from time to time. I would think about her on her birthday and finally got a card off to her last year with a short letter.

8/18/08 Every August 16th I am reminded of you! At my brother Lonnie's memorial service in 1992, you came up to me and said; "Now I know why your Mom always remembered my birthday. It was because it was also Lonnie's birthday." Ever since then, I think of Lonnie and you on your birthdays. I was talking with Iona Kay and mentioned this to her and so she gave me your address. I hope you remember me as well as I remember you. You were a good friend to my mother and she loved you. You were always good to us little kids at Lawndale. You watched us grow up just as we watched your family grow up. As I have gotten older, I realize memories are short. On occasion something will be said, or I will see something and I am in a world of remembering. That is how it is on August 16th! My note today is to say; "Thank you for being a part of my youth! Thank you for loving my Mom! Thank you for your bright smile and your family." Not because of who they were long ago but because of who you all have become in Christ today. Our Father in heaven is looking down with pleasure. "Happy Birthday Jessie!"

8/16/09 Today is another birthday for you! I had planned all month to get your card off but as Jim says; "Every day is Saturday except for Sunday" and of course I never get anything done on Saturdays. However, when I spoke with my sister Jean this afternoon I asked her about you, as I always do and I remembered again, your birthday. I hope these days are finding you well. Because I am now, one of the older folks and I have become familiar with daily aches and pains not to mention all kinds of health issues that seems to accompany being in this age group. It is true that becoming elderly is not for wimps. It is for those who are facing life courageously, with hope and love in their hearts. You are one of those Jessie! You ask me how I how? Well, I remember you when I was a girl. I remember you as a co-worker with my mother and how she would talk so highly of you. I remember your children and how much we have admired you through them. I remember your letter to me last year which gave such praise to my mother and told me I wasn''t wrong about your loving kindness towards other. Remember the little birthday greeting we use to say to each other at church when we had a birthday? "May God bless you on this special day and every day throughout the year; May you in His presence stay and the Lord be always near!" We said this every Sunday, all the years I attended Lawndale and so it is right there in my memory bank, right along side you and your family. My prayer for you is; "Oh Lord, keep my friend Jessie close by your side as you walk together. Give her joy in her heart, knowing how she has graced many lives with her loving kindness just as you have graced hers. Give me Lord, the same tenderness and soft spoken words as our Jessie has always given us." In Jesus Name; Amen! Jessie is now 89 years old!

Jessie's letter to me is one of the most cherished letters because she only had wonderful things to say about my Mom and my family. She wrote about her memories of her friendship with my Mom and how my mother would give her motherly advice from time to time. She was so complimentary towards me and in her sweet and precious way reminded me of the wonderful fellowship we all shared while at Lawndale. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/2/09

Monday, December 7, 2009


Betty L. is one of those most unforgettable character's I have ever met. So talented, friendly and down to earth. She also was sensitive, with a strong desire to share God's love through music. When she was criticized or not taken seriously, she could be offended. I found we had a lot in common. It is funny how people won't hesitate to complain about what you are doing, especially when it is music that they don't particularly like. This past year I tracked Betty down and called her, then I followed up my call with a letter.

5/20/09 What a joy talking with you yesterday. I find that as I have gotten older I love looking back at all the wonderful people that have crossed my path. you, of course, were one of the great ones! When I am writing one of my devotions I tell a story from my past or about someone who made a difference in my life. I always bring the memory or thought to a close with God's word and how it can be applied to our everyday lives. I wish you could read some of them and know that you are there amongst my memories.

I was sorry to hear about your Jerry. He was such a kind and gentle man, just like my Jim is. The world can never experience the kind of marriage we have known, because they can't know the kind of men we have known. God has truly blessed you!

I was also happy to hear that you are still singing. I can only assume that the piano hasn't gathered any dust either. You always thrilled me with your talent and how willing you were to lift up and encourage others just by your sitting at the keyboard and leading in song. How your talent shown! I am happy to think that God is still using you in such a marvelous way.

We didn't get around to your telling me about your family. How is your daughter! I can see her, very vividly in my minds eye and remember she came to work at the title company during the time I was still working there. Jim and I retired 2001 and moved to Klamath Falls to watch the grand kids grow up. I am still adjusting to the extreme seasons because 10 degrees is a lot when you are me. However, Jim and Jennifer have settled in real well and of course Dan and Faye wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I am not a letter writer but would like to keep in touch. Take care and again, it is such a joy to have talked with you again....Love calling you my friend! Jane Ann

I will write to Betty again and since I didn't hear back from her I probably assume too many things. However, if she could, she would have answered me. If she was up to it, she would have called me and we would have talked again. But this is one of those times when I just keep writing off and on to lift her up and encourage her. It thrills me to think she is stilling singing and I pray she is still playing that piano. With Betty, the two went hand in hand.

God brings people into your life and it is up to you to cherish them or not. I choose to cherish them! I choose to think they like me too! "With God all things are possible;" We can move mountains if we have "the faith of a mustard see;" I trust that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God says; "He is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:9 We are to reach out; lift up; weep with those who weep and laugh with those who laugh. We are one in the Spirit; we are one in the Lord!

Many times I hear; "Well, you have a phone!" Many times I hear; "is your arm broken?" When all the time those who are saying these htings are actually saying; "I don't want to be bothered!' It is no bother for me to life up and encourage the Saints. When I think of what the Savior did for me, I set my hand to the task before me with pleasure and diligence. His love sets me free! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/2/09

Friday, December 4, 2009


Harry greeted us the first Sunday we attended Church in Klamath Falls, the summer of 2001. He was a man of few words because he had a throat condition that kept him to a whisper most of the years we knew him. His heart was big as all outdoors. He loved the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. he greet us with a smile of all smiles and we fell in love with Harry and his collection of ties.

This past year his throat required yet another surgery but this time they were to remove his voice box and give him a device that would enable him to talk again. As plans go many times in our life, this plan didn't come off as well as it did on paper. Cancer was involved and Harry's days became few. As daunting as all that sounds, Harry smiled and mouthed; "I'm going home!" We made our last visit in person with Harry on Monday the 2nd of November. I saw first hand how much more difficult it was for him to even whisper anymore, although he still had his note pad and pen. The following week I sent him a letter.

November 9, 2009 We were happy to finally get to visit with you the other morning at the hospital. We are always uplifted when we are with you. We know these are difficult days for you and your family but God is with you. Take hold of His hand and feel His presence.
One of our most favorite scriptures that is usually read at memorial services is really for our days of living and not necessarily after we die. It is most famous because it depicts Jesus as the "Good Shepherd." Jim many years ago started paraphrasing the 23rd Psalm by putting the name of the person he wanted to read it to, within the context of the scripture. I want to do that for you Harry. It not only becomes personal, but it brings you and Christ into focus, together.
"Harry, the Lord is your shephered; You shall not want. He will make you to lie down in green pastures. He leads you beside still waters; and He restores your soul. The Lord, Harry, will lead you in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil; for He is with you; His rod and His staff will comfort you. Harry, the Lord prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies; He anoints your head with oil, and your cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life; and you Harry, shall dwell in His house, forever." Psalm 23
This is a hppay scripture! This is a comfort to our souls! God wants us to always feel safe. Remember the story as Jesus approached the boat while walking upon the water? When the Apostles saw Him they thought it was a ghost and were filled with fear. Jesus spoke to them and said; "Take heart, it is I; have no fear." Mark 6:50c In other words, Jesus says; "Do not be afraid, I will be with you always, even to the end." Matthew 28:20b
Harry, we love you and your family. If there is anything we can do or to be helpful in any way, please let us know. It is our joy to help make you as comfortable as possible. We praise the Lord for bringing you into our lives and may His peace and joy surround you completely. Our prayer is that you will let the Lord walk with you and your family through out all the days ahead. Harry never read my letter! He went home instead!

11/10/09 During prayer time at our weekly Bible Study I prayed for Harry. I asked the Lord to take him gently and was content knowing our Lord is faithful! I received a call the following morning; Harry passed away the evening before. The Lord answered my prayer and the prayers of others. He took Harry gently; without pain nor further suffering. "The memory of the righteous is a blessing." Proverbs 10:7a Jim and I have had our lives enriched by these Saints of God. We are truly blessed! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/30/09

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Betty shared with me daily, her physical decline. She would let me know when she was to see a Doctor and on occasion we would go to Medford and see her when she was in the hospital. She knew that her time was getting shorter and shorter. But Jennifer baked her goodies and we took one to Betty and also to Mabel on the same trip at Christmas time. Although Betty's illness was taking its toll on her, her skin was soft and supple; her color was beautiful and her white hair was gorgeous. However, even if on the outside she was lovely to look at, her insides were rotting away. She was more than ready to meet her Savior and was anxious for the day.

1/28/09 am Betty: I was afraid that this is what was happening. You have been such a dear friend and such an encouragement to me. Sometimes I wonder why we wait so long to open ourselves to each other. We wait until it is time to say goodbye. However, I feel we have made up for lost time in these past few years. Praise God for email, huh?

Some take this final step with trepidation but God has promised us peace all the way. Recently I read; "Sing praises to the Lord, O you His saints, and give thanks to His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, and His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." Psalms 30:4-5 What a glorious morning it will be for you when you come face to face with our Savior! Thank you for sharing some of your life with me! Thank you for our wonderful friendship! Have Peggy call me or email me. I want to be kept informed. I will let you rest now, even though all of this is far from what I want. Loving you! Jim and Jane Ann.

1/28/09 pm It is with sadness OR gladness that I must give you this news. I went in the hospital last night; after seeing my primary Doctor. They ran an ultra sound on my tummy and put me to bed. Then they came in this morning and said that my tummy is full of cancers and they believe I will die in the next couple of days. I am at peace with that Jane Ann and Jim. I know where I am going. They have told me to stop dialysis and that I will simply fall asleep in a couple days and you and I know where I will awaken, don't we? I called Peggy at work and she came down to get instructions from me. She is doing fairly well with the information. One of my sons is on his way up here already. He will be doing the funeral! I am making him promise to make it a celebration of the wonderful life I have had on earth and now I will be forever with my Lord. Do not weep for me! Sing a song of gladness! I love you dearly! Betty

1/29/09 am The following day I received an email from Betty's grandson who let me know Betty passed away during the night. Her mind was sound! her body became more frail day by day. At the end, she was more willing to meet Jesus and not the dialysis. As the Doctor said; when you discontinue dialysis you will just go to sleep. Oh what a glorious morning Betty had!

I knew that she had been in the Navy when she was a young woman during World War II. I knew that she had a great sense of humor as she shared her life with me. I didn't know that she would be receiving full honors of a Military Memorial Service at the Veteran's Cemetery. I was honored to know her! I am honored to have been considered her friend. When you recall how lives are intertwined with your own, you discover how comforting that is to your soul and yet it yields tears because you can't help but long for that comfort still. Times, places and things that are comforting to our souls is what makes us anxious and cause us to cry out; "You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand." James 5:8 Betty was 86 her last birthday and thought she was old, but today her youthful spirit has returned. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/29/09

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Betty and I knew each other for many years while attending White City Christian Church but we became Email buddies for over seven years after we moved away. I thoroughly enjoyed her matter of fact ways and was pleased when she became a follower of Morning Glory and would read my blog. Betty was always willing to share some of her stories with me and as always I would be amazed at what these friends of mine did when they were young and full of vitality; when they were young parents and the life they lived was full of activity and promise. We forget that old people were not always old, you know!

11/28/08 Jane Ann, I thank you for the birthday card and the handkercief. It was lovely and brought back fond memories of years past. It was a tradition in our family as well to pass pretty handkerchiefs to family and friends that were special. My dad's sister even sent him some for his birthday. When Mom died, I grabbed her big collection of hankies. No one else wanted to be bothered with them, but to me they were wonderful memories of days gone by. Through the many years, the collection is finally gone, but it was such a sweet memory for me to look through them and pick one to give to someone else. It made me feel like my mother was joining me in giving them away. Betty

12/3/08 Hello again. I just remembered something from my past. I used to teach Good News Club at my home in California. I had most of the neighborhood kids coming. Some were church going kids, some never got to church or Sunday School. We would always have a memory verse, of course; and I would write the Bible verse number on my front window where anyone on the street could read it. I was amazed at how many of the kids told me that their parents were so curious they would go home and look it up in their Bible. Hey, whatever works to get them to read the Bible, right? Thought you would get amused with that story. Betty

12/17/08 I was reading the Morning Glory Devotionals and in one you asked about traditions that have gone by the wayside. Well when we lived in Germany, one of their traditions was to go visiting. Prior to the day, all houses smelled like fresh baked cookies. These were not put on a plate. No, these were hung on the Christmas tree. Of course, When someone came to visit, they were supposed to each take a cookie from the tree. Of course, the tree most admired was the tree that only had a couple cookies left. That meant, that house had been honored by many guests and well wishers. I kind of liked that idea. How about you?

Another time, I remember when my kids were very young (5 and under) we were still in Germany. I had been telling the kids about Jesus birth and they asked if we were having a birthday party for Jesus. It seemed like a good idea to me, so we invited all the kids on the street to Jesus birthday party. We did request a parent come with the kids, since they were all so young. It was a nice party, but I am afraid the parents did not control their kids, because our tree had almost all the ornaments broken when the party was over. Germany has really beautiful ornaments and I was sorry to lose most of them. Betty

My friend, Betty, was full of wisdom, gentleness and womanly grace. You could tell that she had had hip replacements but that didn't keep her from volunteering at the local Elementary School as a teachers aide for almost 20 years or so. It is always hard when our bodies begin to fail us; it is always hard to look on the bright side of life when we are filled with aches and pains. It is always difficult when you have dialysis three times a week and know, that is what is keeping you alive. This was Betty's lot in life these past years. She didn't complain except to worry about her daughter, Peggy, who she had to call upon for transportation and help. Financially, Betty was good, but physically she was worse for wear. Together we praised God for His goodness and His spiritual guidance. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/29/09

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Mabel and I worked at my brother Lee's Dry Cleaners and continued to have lunch once a week until we moved to Klamath Falls. Neither of us were letter writers so our correspondence was far and few between until Mabel had a stroke. Then I would write to her once a month, even though she couldn't write to me. The following is excerpts of my last letter to Mabel and two short notes I received from her daughter Butch.

July 7, 2009 Dear Mabel and Ken: Here I am again with my short notes. About a year ago, we had a new Wendy's built right across the street where the old one was. We still haven't been to the new one but each time we stop at a Wendy's I think about our weekly visits over lunch there. We had some good times didn't we?

How is your family doing? I think about Butch often as well as you and Ken. I can't remember your grandchildren's names anymore but I remember you had a lot of them. I suspect they are all grown. I get confused when it comes to your daughters names but I remember you had four of them and of course your son. All of them love you dearly! Our summer has finally arrived. Even though it gets pretty warm I think I like it better than the cold winter. Jim turns the AC up and then I freeze even when it is 85 outside. So, I sit around with my blanket on, even in the summer. We have had some pretty good thunder storms and bright flashes of lightning but all in all our summer is what I expected, even with the intermittent showers.

Jim is out working in the flowerbeds today, watering the front yard and just puttering around. He was going to refinish his shower with a kit but I called a place this morning to see how much it would be to have it done. They sand, clean the shower and then they put a finishing glaze on it that is suppose to last at least 15 years. Makes it look like new. For a nominal price, Jim wouldn't have to do it and so I think we will go that route and have it done.

Well, I hope my note finds you two doing good. Miss you a lot and think about the good ole days often. Continue to watch out for each other....loving each other is what makes our lives good, isn't it? God bless you both; Jim and Jane Ann

July 10, 2009 Dear Jane Ann & Jim: A short note to let you know Mom has been in the hospital 8 days; coming home today. Were having a nurse come and hospice. I hate to tell you this but Mom only has about a week to live, give or take. I appreciate all your letters and coming to see her. And most of all Thank You for being her friend. She thought a lot of you both. Again, Thank you; Sincerely Butch!

We went to visit with Mabel July 13th. She was in a hospital bed in the middle of her living room. She didn't seem to notice we were there but when we were leaving, Ken her husband, said to her; "Jim and Jane Ann are here!" She responded with; "I know!" Bless her heart and Ken's. He has been a good husband in taking such good care of her.

August 5, 2009 Dear Jane Ann and Jim: Thank you for the pretty card. We all miss her so much. It's to bad you weren't there on July 16th; As the Lord gave Mom a special gift. Her eyes opened for 2 hours and she talked loud and clear to everyone. Just like she did over a year ago, before her stroke. He also blessed us by giving her that time to say her goodbyes. She will always be with us. Thanks again! You people were special friends of hers. Love to you both! PS: Kenny wants me to thank you and Jim also...Thank You!

"Rejoice always; pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 It is important for us to pray for one another at all times. It is important that we take time for others. Mabel would have been 86 on September 18, 2009! Her celebration is complete, for she is at home. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/28/09