Sunday, May 30, 2010


When we moved from California to Oregon we bought six and one half acres in a place called Sam's Valley. We knew immediately our property because, because it had a fence that set the boundaries. However, when we put some cows in the back pasture the fence didn't keep them within their boundaries; instead they saw their world as being boundless. Many times we had to round up the cattle and wondered; "how did they ever get out?" Can you picture citified youngsters with sticks in hand encouraging two huge cows down the dirt road onto a very busy highway and back into their fields of green pasture?

My mother set boundaries for her children; young and old. It began with; "This is my home and as long as you live here you will abide by my rules." Remember hearing that? As a child growing up I don't remember hearing bad words; alcohol being served nor back mouthing my parents, although I argued. Just because my father was an alcoholic and some older brothers and sisters may have drank some, I don't remember it being in our home.

When we are raised without limit's we don't know when to stop or when to go home. Without border's we think the world is our oyster and want to eat and eat without limits. Not only did I grow up with boundaries in my home, but also within the confines of the school system; the work place; in marriage and especially with rearing my own children.

Jim and I both felt that what we did influenced our children. We knew that contrary to popular belief, that if we raised our children to know God and God's family they had a better chance of growing up knowing God as we do. Did we badger them into accepting Christ? No! Did we tell them unless they did they would go to hell? No! They could have rebelled against everything but they didn't. They embraced it and have established boundaries for themselves!

Although being perfect parents did not streamline our game plan, but trying to live wholesome Christian lives rubbed off on our children anyway. Our Jennifer said once; "I hated school but when I would get home I was happy again." Home should be a happy, carefree place for children to come home to. Yes, with boundaries but the kind of boundaires that creates satisfaction to encourage growth and anticipation of all the possibilities that lie ahead.

In chapter 8 of Proverbs we learn about wisdom. You ask what does wisdom have to do with knowing our boundaries? Boundaries has everything to do with having wisdom! "Does not wisdom call and understanding lift up her voice? On top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand. Beside the gates at the opening to the city, at the entrance of the doors she cries out. To you, O men I call, and my voice is to the sons of men. O naive ones, discern prudence and O fools, discern wisdom." verses 1-5

Without wisdom under our belts we have a tendency to overstep our bounds. We act unwisely; we cause ourselves to fall and reap the consequences. "When He set for the sea its boundary, so that the water should not transgress His command, He also marked out the foundations of the earth." verse 29 Even in creation God set boundaries for his handy work; for our safety and our pleasures. God say; "While you are living under my guidance, in my kingdom; you are to keep my commandments." Sounds a little like Mom's rules doesn't it?

"Now therefore, O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep my ways. Heed instruction and be wise and do not neglect it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord!" verses 32-35 Growing up we tug constantly at the restraints, but as we grow older we begin to understand that faith in God reigns us in; pulling us towards His love; keeping us within the boundaries of His kingdom. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/11/10


elandreth said...

I'm happy to live within the boundaries God has established for my life. What a wonderful green pasture he has provided for me. Here I find complete joy and peace. I want to invite more people to share in God's great pasture of provision and peace.

Anonymous said...

We are "reaping what we sow" right now from the 60s - a time when they threw away all boundaries. Now, not only their children, but their grandchildren are also being raised without boundaries. People have tossed aside God and his Word because they don't want boundaries. As bad as things are now, I am even more pessimistic about the world my grandchildren will inherit. As Christians, we have to continue to remind ourselves that, no matter how bad things get, God is still God and Christ is still on the throne.