I know you have heard this phrase! The definition is "keep quiet; shut up; stop talking so I can say something; and on and on and on!" When we first learned that Jennifer had a thickness around her tongue and had her tongue clipped, the speech therapist who brought this to our attention, worked with Jennifer so she could learn to use her tongue and talk. She literally used corks!
Ever watch a baby's tongue! The baby smiles and grins and the tongue is like a loose cannon with no control. They stick it out, roll it around, all the while the little mouth is filling up with saliva. They soon learn how to control it and one of those ways is thru nursing or the bottle. Their tongue controls the position of the nipple and the muscles in the mouth squeeze out the milk. The signs were all there but no Doctor ever saw it nor brought it to our attention.
The speech therapist told us to buy various size corks. Jennifer was to start with one cork and record her reading out-loud. As she learn to control the cork we would graduate to two, then three and so on until her little mouth couldn't hold any more. We then used larger corks using the same process. Years later we found the cassette tape and had the hardest time trying to figure out what it was. It was Jennifer learning to talk one summer at the budding age of 13 going on 14.
In Jennifer's situation the cork was used to teach her to control her tongue so she could learn to talk and even to sing. This was a positive procedure, that helped Jennifer to overcome a very difficult learning process. The other use for corks was as a bottle stopper; keeping the liquid in. I suppose that is where 'put a cork in it, comes from!'
The Morning Glory blog I posted June 25th is called "NIT PICKER." I likened myself as a having been a nit picker but realized I am still one. That was evident at our Wednesday night Bible Study! We were reading Hebrews 4 verse 8. In reading my KJV, it read Jesus. I mentioned this to our leader and he quite apply explained that it would work with Jesus but he felt in this case it was referring to Joshua. He explained that some times translations have a way of becoming interpretations. I didn't want to let it go! I wanted to discuss this further! However, in realizing I was still a nit picker, I said under my breath; "It doesn't matter!" I think Jim was saying under his breath; "Put a cork in it Jane Ann!"
I have a scripture neatly framed and on my office wall that says; "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3 We all, on occasion, need to have a guard over our lips. We all find ourselves carrying on as if our life depended upon it. Is it because we have a need to be right? Or is it just because we have a need to be heard?
Even though it is one of my favorite verses I need to pay closer attention to; "Be still and know that I am God!" Psalm 46:10a When I keep my mouth shut and listen when the Pastor is teaching or when Jim is leading our Sunday School class, that is a good thing. Many times I ask the question or even approach a subject before the leader has a chance to get there. I get anxious and excited. I think in my mind; "perhaps they are not going to mention this!"
Asking God to set a guard over my mouth is asking God to take my responsibility. However Proverbs 30:32 says; "If you have been foolish, exalting yourself, or if you have been devising evil, put your hand on your mouth." In other words; "Put a cork in it!" I don't think I have ever said that to anyone but I can say it to myself. "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart; be acceptable in they sight, oh Lord, my God and my redeemer!" Psalms 19:14 As the old song says; "When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, what a glory He sheds on our way!" Let's trust and obey! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/24/10
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
NIT-PICKER! 6/25/10
Have you been called a nit-picker or perhaps you have called someone else a nit-picker? Are you a nit-picker? I guess that once upon a time I could be called a nit-picker because I was interested in the details no matter how minute they were or even how insignificant the matter was. In just about every group there are those we would classify as the token nit-picker because they are prone to concentrate upon the insignificant and complain about them. Belly-aching is one of their strong suits.
The term nit-picker came from Middle English which is different from Old English which is different from modern English. The egg of any parasitic insect was called a nit. In watering down the usage, the tiny body louse egg is also called a nit. Usually they can't be seen with the naked eye but can be found by feeling them and picking them off with your fingertips.
You have watched monkeys in cages digging at themselves, removing tiny eggs from their fur and eating them, because they have nothing else to do. Even a person who doesn't seem to have a life with important things to do will concentrate upon very small mistakes and faults. I have heard the expression; "they need to get a life!"
My sister Janice would peel the peeling of the potato with a pairing knife because they had worms under the skin. She wanted to remove the flesh just under the skin to insure there would be no worms. She also told me that our bodies have microscopic insects or bugs just under the skin because we had microscopic eggs on top of the skin. I never believed or at least didn't want to believe her until I read about the nit-picker. Makes my skin crawl!
In my younger days I would argue with the teacher about things that would have no importance at all. My Senior English teacher was playing a game with the class towards the end of the hour. The question I got was; "What is it called when the baseball team plays two consecutive games on the same day?" I answered; "Doubleheader!" "Wrong!" He replied! I said; "I am not wrong!" And so we argued, taking up a lot of the little time we had left for the class. I was a stickler and wouldn't give in when I knew I was right.
I still hold my ground but I have learned when to let go. Jim has taught me that it is okay for me not to always be right. Husbands and wives eventually need to learn this! Takes a while but so well worth it in the end. I certainly want to be under Jim's skin in a good way and not become an irritation at the same time. Becoming an irritation can rub anyone the wrong way!
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17 If we are always nit-picking we hinder the works of the Lord. Sometimes because of our concern over small matters we allow Satan to get under our skin. He can't be seen but we know his works. When Peter exclaimed that Jesus would not suffer and be killed, Jesus turned on him; "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me; for you are not on the side of God, but of men." Matthew 16:23b
Being mindful of our mission in the Lord's kingdom is essential to our well being. Being washed in the blood of the Lamb, has washed away the teeny tiny eggs that would cling to us; keeping us encumbered with the inconsequential wordly affairs of nit-picking. Don't get me wrong, we are to be concerned about wordly affairs but not to the extent that God's kingdom takes second place.
"Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:7-9 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/23/10
The term nit-picker came from Middle English which is different from Old English which is different from modern English. The egg of any parasitic insect was called a nit. In watering down the usage, the tiny body louse egg is also called a nit. Usually they can't be seen with the naked eye but can be found by feeling them and picking them off with your fingertips.
You have watched monkeys in cages digging at themselves, removing tiny eggs from their fur and eating them, because they have nothing else to do. Even a person who doesn't seem to have a life with important things to do will concentrate upon very small mistakes and faults. I have heard the expression; "they need to get a life!"
My sister Janice would peel the peeling of the potato with a pairing knife because they had worms under the skin. She wanted to remove the flesh just under the skin to insure there would be no worms. She also told me that our bodies have microscopic insects or bugs just under the skin because we had microscopic eggs on top of the skin. I never believed or at least didn't want to believe her until I read about the nit-picker. Makes my skin crawl!
In my younger days I would argue with the teacher about things that would have no importance at all. My Senior English teacher was playing a game with the class towards the end of the hour. The question I got was; "What is it called when the baseball team plays two consecutive games on the same day?" I answered; "Doubleheader!" "Wrong!" He replied! I said; "I am not wrong!" And so we argued, taking up a lot of the little time we had left for the class. I was a stickler and wouldn't give in when I knew I was right.
I still hold my ground but I have learned when to let go. Jim has taught me that it is okay for me not to always be right. Husbands and wives eventually need to learn this! Takes a while but so well worth it in the end. I certainly want to be under Jim's skin in a good way and not become an irritation at the same time. Becoming an irritation can rub anyone the wrong way!
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17 If we are always nit-picking we hinder the works of the Lord. Sometimes because of our concern over small matters we allow Satan to get under our skin. He can't be seen but we know his works. When Peter exclaimed that Jesus would not suffer and be killed, Jesus turned on him; "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me; for you are not on the side of God, but of men." Matthew 16:23b
Being mindful of our mission in the Lord's kingdom is essential to our well being. Being washed in the blood of the Lamb, has washed away the teeny tiny eggs that would cling to us; keeping us encumbered with the inconsequential wordly affairs of nit-picking. Don't get me wrong, we are to be concerned about wordly affairs but not to the extent that God's kingdom takes second place.
"Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart." Galatians 6:7-9 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/23/10
Sunday, June 20, 2010
When the Doctor told me that Jim and I were to become parents and that we could plan on a boy, I asked Jim; "Will you be proud to be a father of a son?" Jim's reply surprised me but then he was a quiet man. "No;" he said! "Everybody has children!" That was one of Jim's more philosophical thoughts!
Within a few hours after our son Danny was born, Jim was standing at the foot of my hospital bed. He grabbed onto the bed rail and said; "Remember when you asked me if I would be proud to have a son and I said no!" I replied; "Yes?" Jim smiled; "Well, I am proud!" Jim was wonderful father to our children. He was so happy to have a son and then a daughter! His life was complete!
He not only fed them; bathed them; dressed them; walked the floor with them; got up in the night more times than I did, but he loved them and took his new position as Father very seriously. I was the one that played with them but he was the one that worried about providing for them. Our world changed the instant the children came. Our world was our children We loved our world!
In Genesis 33 the story of Jacob and Esau unfolds where they meet up again after many years in exile from one another. When Esau greets Jacob he asks in verse 5; "Who are these with you?" Jacob replies; "The children whom God has graciously given me." I love that! Children are a gift from God but many times we think it is our doing altogether. We think, oh no not another mouth to feed; we can't afford anymore children or the best one yet is; Let's wait until we can afford it! If we all waited until we could afford it; life would have ceased eons ago!
When our son became a father, his life also changed forever. But he too, like his father has taken his role very seriously. Times have not always been easy; plenty was not always the name of the game but when love is in large amounts the blessings of God overflows. I remember thinking when their third one came along; "We needed Jordan!" Now that all three boys have grown into fine young men, it is still clear that we needed these boys! Life has never been the same.
Watching my son grow from a very quiet and unobtrusive, except at the piano, young man, has been a delight unto my soul. He is a responsible, loving father and husband which has made my heart glad. I know many times he probably has wondered; "How can I do this?" But he has seen it all come together. I realize as a mother I probably see things with rose colored glasses but I have seen enough of the worldly effects on many young fathers and know their struggles compared to the positive successes of a Christian father. There is a difference, you know!
"Hearken to your father who begot you." Proverbs 23:22a But you say; "My father has abused me; how can I listen to him?" "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1 These scriptures have always been received with; "What if they ask us to do wrong things?" My answer is; "The verse says 'in the Lord'! "Honor your father and mother that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth." Ephesians 6:2-3 My contention is no matter how good or bad your biological parents were they gave you life. "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4 Parents who treat their children in love are loved in return!
When fathers, mothers and children lean upon their own understanding, they can become dysfunctional. Danny came home one afternoon from school and declared he learned we were dysfunctional. I asked; "Why are we dysfunctional?" "Well," he replied; "Because we don't set down together at the dinner table." My response was; "Well, whose fault is that?" As a pianist Danny was playing for most functions at the school. He wasn't home to set down with us at the table. He was required before, after and even for evening practices. However, I suppose all families can be dysfunctional, but with God all things have a balance. Happy Father's Day! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/16/10
Within a few hours after our son Danny was born, Jim was standing at the foot of my hospital bed. He grabbed onto the bed rail and said; "Remember when you asked me if I would be proud to have a son and I said no!" I replied; "Yes?" Jim smiled; "Well, I am proud!" Jim was wonderful father to our children. He was so happy to have a son and then a daughter! His life was complete!
He not only fed them; bathed them; dressed them; walked the floor with them; got up in the night more times than I did, but he loved them and took his new position as Father very seriously. I was the one that played with them but he was the one that worried about providing for them. Our world changed the instant the children came. Our world was our children We loved our world!
In Genesis 33 the story of Jacob and Esau unfolds where they meet up again after many years in exile from one another. When Esau greets Jacob he asks in verse 5; "Who are these with you?" Jacob replies; "The children whom God has graciously given me." I love that! Children are a gift from God but many times we think it is our doing altogether. We think, oh no not another mouth to feed; we can't afford anymore children or the best one yet is; Let's wait until we can afford it! If we all waited until we could afford it; life would have ceased eons ago!
When our son became a father, his life also changed forever. But he too, like his father has taken his role very seriously. Times have not always been easy; plenty was not always the name of the game but when love is in large amounts the blessings of God overflows. I remember thinking when their third one came along; "We needed Jordan!" Now that all three boys have grown into fine young men, it is still clear that we needed these boys! Life has never been the same.
Watching my son grow from a very quiet and unobtrusive, except at the piano, young man, has been a delight unto my soul. He is a responsible, loving father and husband which has made my heart glad. I know many times he probably has wondered; "How can I do this?" But he has seen it all come together. I realize as a mother I probably see things with rose colored glasses but I have seen enough of the worldly effects on many young fathers and know their struggles compared to the positive successes of a Christian father. There is a difference, you know!
"Hearken to your father who begot you." Proverbs 23:22a But you say; "My father has abused me; how can I listen to him?" "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Ephesians 6:1 These scriptures have always been received with; "What if they ask us to do wrong things?" My answer is; "The verse says 'in the Lord'! "Honor your father and mother that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth." Ephesians 6:2-3 My contention is no matter how good or bad your biological parents were they gave you life. "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4 Parents who treat their children in love are loved in return!
When fathers, mothers and children lean upon their own understanding, they can become dysfunctional. Danny came home one afternoon from school and declared he learned we were dysfunctional. I asked; "Why are we dysfunctional?" "Well," he replied; "Because we don't set down together at the dinner table." My response was; "Well, whose fault is that?" As a pianist Danny was playing for most functions at the school. He wasn't home to set down with us at the table. He was required before, after and even for evening practices. However, I suppose all families can be dysfunctional, but with God all things have a balance. Happy Father's Day! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/16/10
Saturday, June 19, 2010
OLD LEVI'S! 6/19/10
Once I found an old pair of Levi's and wanted to wear them but they had a couple of holes in the seat. Now today that would be fashionable, but back then it wasn't. I asked Daddy to fix them for me. As I wore them I knew there were some chuckles coming my way but I paid no attention because I was wearing Levi's! My cousin Vern was visiting when I returned home and Daddy had me turn around so he could show off his handy work. Vern burst out laughing and so did my Dad. He had sewn one large patch across the seat of my pants which showed all the rough edges. I might as well of worn them with the holes! I felt so embarrassed and never wore them again.
I think my father was happiest when he was home cooking and cleaning. The only thing I didn't like about his cooking was his chocolate pudding! It was made from scratch of course and it was sort of bitter. I would hold my breath on each bite and then swallow quickly so as to not taste it. I always ate it but I didn't like it! It was not a good thing for Mom and Daddy to be in the kitchen together. She would come after him and taste, then re-season. He would come after her, taste and then re-season.
My father was an alcoholoic and didn't hold a job for long. However, I remember he was a good housekeeper and cook. I loved it when I came home from school and he would be there. He would play the piano and I would sing. Many times when I baby sat my niece Linda, I would bring her over and Daddy would play and put her right to sleep. I have many fond memories of my Dad but I also have many troublesome memories of when he was drinking. However, we lived in a different time and grew up with wholesome attitudes which gave us healthy directions for our lives.
When Father's day roles around, I think about my Dad. I think about pictures I have of him and remember times that were good when he was sober. Other times, that were not so good, I just push to the back of my memory because they do me no good. Why set around remembering the hard times when you can't do anything about them. Even though life has its problems, with God all things are possible. The day before my Father died he was buried in the watery grave of baptism. He was brand spanking new when he strolled into heaven. I have no doubts that regardless of his fleshly life, I will meet him one day in glory.
We often think of our Fathers making us happy. It is the custom that our Fathers work so we have plenty. It is up to the Father to be sure we have a roof over our heads and food in our tummies. But did you ever think about you making your father happy? "A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother." Proverbs 10:1 I think if I were to paraphrase this I would say; "A wise son or daughter makes a father happy but when foolish, saddens the heart of their mother!" Think back; have you made your father happy?
It has been said; "Like father like son!" I take this to mean that the son is just like his father; don't you? "So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45 Jesus is saying that we are to love like the Father loves; Our heavenly Father, that is!
I don't recall my brothers taking much after my father, at least not as much as I have seen my mother in sisters and myself. I have heard it said; "Don't be like your father!" I take this to mean that your father has some bad habits and you should not copy them. If we base our thoughts on who we should be in Christ, it matters not who our biological father was or how we were treated. If we strive to become who God has created us to be, we should start looking like him.
"You therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:58 The only way for us to become perfect is through Jesus Christ. To even resemble the Father we must look to the son for His instructions. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/15/10
I think my father was happiest when he was home cooking and cleaning. The only thing I didn't like about his cooking was his chocolate pudding! It was made from scratch of course and it was sort of bitter. I would hold my breath on each bite and then swallow quickly so as to not taste it. I always ate it but I didn't like it! It was not a good thing for Mom and Daddy to be in the kitchen together. She would come after him and taste, then re-season. He would come after her, taste and then re-season.
My father was an alcoholoic and didn't hold a job for long. However, I remember he was a good housekeeper and cook. I loved it when I came home from school and he would be there. He would play the piano and I would sing. Many times when I baby sat my niece Linda, I would bring her over and Daddy would play and put her right to sleep. I have many fond memories of my Dad but I also have many troublesome memories of when he was drinking. However, we lived in a different time and grew up with wholesome attitudes which gave us healthy directions for our lives.
When Father's day roles around, I think about my Dad. I think about pictures I have of him and remember times that were good when he was sober. Other times, that were not so good, I just push to the back of my memory because they do me no good. Why set around remembering the hard times when you can't do anything about them. Even though life has its problems, with God all things are possible. The day before my Father died he was buried in the watery grave of baptism. He was brand spanking new when he strolled into heaven. I have no doubts that regardless of his fleshly life, I will meet him one day in glory.
We often think of our Fathers making us happy. It is the custom that our Fathers work so we have plenty. It is up to the Father to be sure we have a roof over our heads and food in our tummies. But did you ever think about you making your father happy? "A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother." Proverbs 10:1 I think if I were to paraphrase this I would say; "A wise son or daughter makes a father happy but when foolish, saddens the heart of their mother!" Think back; have you made your father happy?
It has been said; "Like father like son!" I take this to mean that the son is just like his father; don't you? "So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45 Jesus is saying that we are to love like the Father loves; Our heavenly Father, that is!
I don't recall my brothers taking much after my father, at least not as much as I have seen my mother in sisters and myself. I have heard it said; "Don't be like your father!" I take this to mean that your father has some bad habits and you should not copy them. If we base our thoughts on who we should be in Christ, it matters not who our biological father was or how we were treated. If we strive to become who God has created us to be, we should start looking like him.
"You therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:58 The only way for us to become perfect is through Jesus Christ. To even resemble the Father we must look to the son for His instructions. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/15/10
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Several times we have moved into a different house and come spring time we were surprised by the colors, fragrance and ambience that takes place in our yard. Not knowing what had been planted before we arrived, it was with anticipation watching the yard come alive. Once it was wild flowers throughout the pasture; in the city there were many rose bushes lining the driveway and many lilac trees lining the back fence. We even had a tulip tree where the flowers would open up in the spring and close back up in the fall and winter, only to open again come spring.
In the back yard of the home we are presently living, there were several trees and two in the front. The two in the front eventually were blown over by the wind, but the ones in the back have been surprises. One in particular, although unknown to us, was fairly young. The first couple of years it just had green leaves and looked dead the rest of the year. The branches grow down and out, then turn upwards! The third year it developed long stringy things and bright golden flowers appeared. The first time around it was rather sparse and we wondered what it was called.
The following year the long stringy things that never went away, became longer and more appeared. This time when they bloomed it was absolutely the most spectacular, glowing tree I had ever seen. When the sun shown round about it, it was as though it was a statue covered in gold! Asking around, we were told it was a Golden Chain Tree. Since then I have seen many of them throughout the area but none as radiant as ours.
In the world it is hard to determine if some plant life is God created or man's hybrid. I have had several hybrid rose bushes and trees that eventually return to their natural state. One of them was a beautiful bare root with lavender roses. After two years it was a yellow centered rose with small red petals that were loose like a wild climber you might see on the side of a road. This happens often when grafting takes place in order to create a special flower. When that which was grafted in with the existing bare root loses its strength, the flower becomes what it was in the beginning.
But when the grafting is successful the old remains as part of the new foundation that has been laid; but it continues to be renewed because of the strength of the grafting. "A man shall not be established by wickedness; but the root of the righteous shall not be moved." Proverbs 12:3 When our old self joins in newness with God we become something beautiful; our existence has new potential to become all that God created us to be.
In Matthew 7:24b-25 Jesus talks about the wise man who built his house upon the rock and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. "As the whirlwind passes, so is the wicked no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation." Proverbs 10:25 When we choose to hold onto what we have been given in Jesus Christ our foundation will remain firm; we will be grounded upon the rock.
"And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell; and great was the fall of it." Matthew 7:26-27
I am sure our Golden Chain Tree is a hybrid, but the grafting of the root took hold and even though it has great beauty today it probably will not last as long as the mighty oak that is planted by the streams of water. We wear gold rings; gold earrings; we buy gold as an investment and yet we overlook the fact that even though gold is an earthly material it will become glorified in heaven. Yes, in heaven! It is mentioned in Revelation 21:18 "And the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass!"
Meanwhile, I will enjoy our tree that sets just outside our diningroom window in all its splendor and majesty. It will cause me to think of the grandeur of heaven with all its precious stones; where there is no temple because both the Father and the Son will be present in all their glory. A place where there is no need of sun, neither the moon to shine for the glory of God will be all the light that is needed.
Can you imagine? Can you fix your mind on things above? Can you see yourself glorified in the heavenly places? Perhaps the Golden Chain Tree will be there, along with golden glass covered pathways strewn with God's love! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/10/10
In the back yard of the home we are presently living, there were several trees and two in the front. The two in the front eventually were blown over by the wind, but the ones in the back have been surprises. One in particular, although unknown to us, was fairly young. The first couple of years it just had green leaves and looked dead the rest of the year. The branches grow down and out, then turn upwards! The third year it developed long stringy things and bright golden flowers appeared. The first time around it was rather sparse and we wondered what it was called.
The following year the long stringy things that never went away, became longer and more appeared. This time when they bloomed it was absolutely the most spectacular, glowing tree I had ever seen. When the sun shown round about it, it was as though it was a statue covered in gold! Asking around, we were told it was a Golden Chain Tree. Since then I have seen many of them throughout the area but none as radiant as ours.
In the world it is hard to determine if some plant life is God created or man's hybrid. I have had several hybrid rose bushes and trees that eventually return to their natural state. One of them was a beautiful bare root with lavender roses. After two years it was a yellow centered rose with small red petals that were loose like a wild climber you might see on the side of a road. This happens often when grafting takes place in order to create a special flower. When that which was grafted in with the existing bare root loses its strength, the flower becomes what it was in the beginning.
But when the grafting is successful the old remains as part of the new foundation that has been laid; but it continues to be renewed because of the strength of the grafting. "A man shall not be established by wickedness; but the root of the righteous shall not be moved." Proverbs 12:3 When our old self joins in newness with God we become something beautiful; our existence has new potential to become all that God created us to be.
In Matthew 7:24b-25 Jesus talks about the wise man who built his house upon the rock and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. "As the whirlwind passes, so is the wicked no more; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation." Proverbs 10:25 When we choose to hold onto what we have been given in Jesus Christ our foundation will remain firm; we will be grounded upon the rock.
"And every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell; and great was the fall of it." Matthew 7:26-27
I am sure our Golden Chain Tree is a hybrid, but the grafting of the root took hold and even though it has great beauty today it probably will not last as long as the mighty oak that is planted by the streams of water. We wear gold rings; gold earrings; we buy gold as an investment and yet we overlook the fact that even though gold is an earthly material it will become glorified in heaven. Yes, in heaven! It is mentioned in Revelation 21:18 "And the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass!"
Meanwhile, I will enjoy our tree that sets just outside our diningroom window in all its splendor and majesty. It will cause me to think of the grandeur of heaven with all its precious stones; where there is no temple because both the Father and the Son will be present in all their glory. A place where there is no need of sun, neither the moon to shine for the glory of God will be all the light that is needed.
Can you imagine? Can you fix your mind on things above? Can you see yourself glorified in the heavenly places? Perhaps the Golden Chain Tree will be there, along with golden glass covered pathways strewn with God's love! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/10/10
Saturday, June 12, 2010
GREEN PUNCH! 6/12/10
While living in Sam's Valley many years ago, we had new carpet laid in the living room; music room and the dining room which was all open to each other. Great for entertaining as they say on HGTV. The carpet was a high low, variegated light browns, tans and was very nice. In our bedroom we had a high low variegated green. We loved having parties especially around the holidays. As usual we hosted a Christmas Eve gathering for the family which as usual, was a large number.
Jim always made the punch, his own recipe and this Christmas was no different. Red punch was usually his choice at this time of the year and so red punch it was. In cleaning up afterwards we found a punch spill in the middle of our open concept for entertaining. It jumped out at us and immediately was a problem which of course caused me to become very unhappy. I tried all of the products that would take out carpet stains. I called everyone I knew and tried their suggestions.
I finally contacted a home extension person and they suggested a number for me to call and to try a scientific product that consisted of several ingredients; that in combination would eradicate the red stain perfectly, even though it is the hardest color to remove. I don't know if because of all that I had already dumped on the stain, or because this scientific miracle was just another hoax, the stain remained. I covered it over with a rug as a temporary measure and later on had a plug (of new carpet) inserted. Jim never served red punch again! Years later and even today we have had green carpet in our living area and when serving punch, it is green.
Today when you don't want to plant grass and wait for it to grow you can put in sod which is grass already sprouted and green. Cost a little more but over night you have green grass and can even walk on it. We have so many things we can use to cover up flaws especially in makeups. You can cover up freckels (to some extent), wrinkles, acne and even scars. Our world makes millions on coverups and I know that many fall into the trap of looking younger by even using body pads that bring on the curves giving us more shapely figures.
If you want to look younger and have the big bucks, you go for it and still it is just a cover up, because you are perhaps looking younger but in reality you are still the age you were before the cover up. Come on now; face the facts! Looking older comes with age for most of us. Only the few have soft, supple skin at the grand age of 90 but the majority end up looking and feeling their age. We should not fear the aging of the body; we should not fear growing old.
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul." Matthew 10:28a Let us not pretend to be something we are not, nor should we wear masks disguising who we really are because God sees through these coverups. Jesus goes onto say; "But rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell!" Matthew 10:28b
"He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out. He who winks the eye causes trouble, but he who boldly reproves makes peace. The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life; but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence." Proverbs 10:9-11
Walking free of lies helps us to walk tall and being free of all encumbrances is walking in truth!
As a child I experienced telling lies; tattle telling and stories. All children do! To say that your children never lie is making yourself out to be a liar. However, somewhere along the way you find that your children have integrity. You can trust them; and you believe them. They outgrow the lies, tattle telling stories, just as you did. I am a positive thinker! I want to believe and trust in those I love and unless proved otherwise I believe and trust them.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth!" 1 Timothy 2:15 If we desire the will of God in our lives, we must regularly and diligently study God's word and understand its proper meaning. When we do this the applications become a part of ourselves. We no longer walk in the shadows of God's word but walk out in the sunlight to be seen by all that we meet. Let our lights so shine that those we meet will want what we have and not just a copy of what they think they see in us. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/9/10
Jim always made the punch, his own recipe and this Christmas was no different. Red punch was usually his choice at this time of the year and so red punch it was. In cleaning up afterwards we found a punch spill in the middle of our open concept for entertaining. It jumped out at us and immediately was a problem which of course caused me to become very unhappy. I tried all of the products that would take out carpet stains. I called everyone I knew and tried their suggestions.
I finally contacted a home extension person and they suggested a number for me to call and to try a scientific product that consisted of several ingredients; that in combination would eradicate the red stain perfectly, even though it is the hardest color to remove. I don't know if because of all that I had already dumped on the stain, or because this scientific miracle was just another hoax, the stain remained. I covered it over with a rug as a temporary measure and later on had a plug (of new carpet) inserted. Jim never served red punch again! Years later and even today we have had green carpet in our living area and when serving punch, it is green.
Today when you don't want to plant grass and wait for it to grow you can put in sod which is grass already sprouted and green. Cost a little more but over night you have green grass and can even walk on it. We have so many things we can use to cover up flaws especially in makeups. You can cover up freckels (to some extent), wrinkles, acne and even scars. Our world makes millions on coverups and I know that many fall into the trap of looking younger by even using body pads that bring on the curves giving us more shapely figures.
If you want to look younger and have the big bucks, you go for it and still it is just a cover up, because you are perhaps looking younger but in reality you are still the age you were before the cover up. Come on now; face the facts! Looking older comes with age for most of us. Only the few have soft, supple skin at the grand age of 90 but the majority end up looking and feeling their age. We should not fear the aging of the body; we should not fear growing old.
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul." Matthew 10:28a Let us not pretend to be something we are not, nor should we wear masks disguising who we really are because God sees through these coverups. Jesus goes onto say; "But rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell!" Matthew 10:28b
"He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out. He who winks the eye causes trouble, but he who boldly reproves makes peace. The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life; but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence." Proverbs 10:9-11
Walking free of lies helps us to walk tall and being free of all encumbrances is walking in truth!
As a child I experienced telling lies; tattle telling and stories. All children do! To say that your children never lie is making yourself out to be a liar. However, somewhere along the way you find that your children have integrity. You can trust them; and you believe them. They outgrow the lies, tattle telling stories, just as you did. I am a positive thinker! I want to believe and trust in those I love and unless proved otherwise I believe and trust them.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth!" 1 Timothy 2:15 If we desire the will of God in our lives, we must regularly and diligently study God's word and understand its proper meaning. When we do this the applications become a part of ourselves. We no longer walk in the shadows of God's word but walk out in the sunlight to be seen by all that we meet. Let our lights so shine that those we meet will want what we have and not just a copy of what they think they see in us. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/9/10
Sunday, June 6, 2010
GLORY GIRL! 6/6/10
In September 2008, around the time my sister Jewel was recovering from bladder surgery; subsequent heart attack and stroke, I began blogging Morning Glory Devotionals on the internet. Jewel was not doing well! My brother Lynn was recovering from Squamish Cancer surgery and was beginning Chemo and radiation treatment. I had started writing Morning Glory earlier that year and wanted to look into having them published but discovered blogging instead.
Lynn began reading them and became a follower from the beginning. I was so happy to give him pleasure in any way that I could. He knew I was praying for him unceasingly and I felt that even though these were my memories, they were his also. Perhaps reading them would give him some pleasure ever so slightly, but pleasure all the same. I read them to Jewel when she was able to listen.
Upon one of our visits with Lynn and Kathleen, we celebrated Sunday morning with a lesson I had recently given on "Glory". The word means so many things in the scriptures. That morning we looked up many of the scriptures that talked about God and His Glory. We discussed many aspects relating only to God's Glory and God blessed us that morning with peace and understanding as we sat around their table.
Each time we visited after that Sunday morning Lynn called me his "Glory Girl!" He will never know how much that meant to me. But I will always remember until that day I too enter into God's Glory, a home of which I long for. As time passed he didn't call me that anymore and I think it was because he wasn't able to read Morning Glory as before.
Moments like these give me pause to remember all of God's blessings, even when they appear in the midst of sorrow and turmoil. God's blessing surround us when we are not even conscious of them. I have learned through the years to look for God's blessings at the time of the happening; I have learned to accept his peace at the time it is offered. This doesn't mean I do not grieve; nor does it mean that I am happy all the time, but it does mean that putting my trust in God lifts me up when I am down. We are to live moment by moment in Jesus Christ!
"If a man loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with Him." John 14:23b This means that the Holy Spirit; the comforter; will come and live in those who believe and trust in Him! Paul talks about the mystery in Colossians 1:27b "Which is Christ in you, the hope of GLory!"
Why is it that we fight against living our faith in Christ Jesus? Why is it that we want to partake in God's Glory and be a member of His body and yet we want our cake and to eat it too! If we are to live moment by moment in Jesus Christ we need to be aware of the Holy Spirit living within us. "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he mediates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:1-3
"Pease I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 Jesus is talking with His disciples here and this promise is for us also. Losing Jewel and then Lynn in such a short period of time of each other, is hard on the physical body. My heart aches; my mind wanders; my emotions are like a roller coaster. Written by "Glory Girl" (J.A.Crenshaw) 6/2/10
Lynn began reading them and became a follower from the beginning. I was so happy to give him pleasure in any way that I could. He knew I was praying for him unceasingly and I felt that even though these were my memories, they were his also. Perhaps reading them would give him some pleasure ever so slightly, but pleasure all the same. I read them to Jewel when she was able to listen.
Upon one of our visits with Lynn and Kathleen, we celebrated Sunday morning with a lesson I had recently given on "Glory". The word means so many things in the scriptures. That morning we looked up many of the scriptures that talked about God and His Glory. We discussed many aspects relating only to God's Glory and God blessed us that morning with peace and understanding as we sat around their table.
Each time we visited after that Sunday morning Lynn called me his "Glory Girl!" He will never know how much that meant to me. But I will always remember until that day I too enter into God's Glory, a home of which I long for. As time passed he didn't call me that anymore and I think it was because he wasn't able to read Morning Glory as before.
Moments like these give me pause to remember all of God's blessings, even when they appear in the midst of sorrow and turmoil. God's blessing surround us when we are not even conscious of them. I have learned through the years to look for God's blessings at the time of the happening; I have learned to accept his peace at the time it is offered. This doesn't mean I do not grieve; nor does it mean that I am happy all the time, but it does mean that putting my trust in God lifts me up when I am down. We are to live moment by moment in Jesus Christ!
"If a man loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with Him." John 14:23b This means that the Holy Spirit; the comforter; will come and live in those who believe and trust in Him! Paul talks about the mystery in Colossians 1:27b "Which is Christ in you, the hope of GLory!"
Why is it that we fight against living our faith in Christ Jesus? Why is it that we want to partake in God's Glory and be a member of His body and yet we want our cake and to eat it too! If we are to live moment by moment in Jesus Christ we need to be aware of the Holy Spirit living within us. "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he mediates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:1-3
"Pease I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 Jesus is talking with His disciples here and this promise is for us also. Losing Jewel and then Lynn in such a short period of time of each other, is hard on the physical body. My heart aches; my mind wanders; my emotions are like a roller coaster. Written by "Glory Girl" (J.A.Crenshaw) 6/2/10
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I have had so many special days in my life that sometimes it is hard to remember that some of those days were special and some were more special than others. Today my #2 grandson is graduating from high school. This is a great milestone in his life and will always be remembered by him. Today causes me to become a little melancholy; Ryan is grown up and doesn't need an old Grandma as much as he did when he was small. Then he was learning to walk, to run, to tumble and graduating into back flips; forward flips which caused most of those watching to just flip out altogether.
With Ryan graduating and Adam just being back from Iraq gives me pause as to what the future holds for these two wonderful young men. Then I take a deep breath and remember that #3 is still in school! Jordan is beginning to stretch his legs to become all that he can be; following in his brothers footsteps! I couldn't be any more pleased with my role as a Grandmother, having these 3 young men as my grandsons. Today is just another button popping day! Special? You bet it is!
I graduated in 1956 from Leuzinger High School! Our big day was Thursday night and the following Monday morning I reported to work on my very first job. Was I excited? Of course I was! Thursday night was full of excitement and expectations but Monday morning was full of fear and anticipation. Everybody is different but we face the same obstacles no matter what color or what place we find ourselves. My story keeps unfolding and I find it amazing at all of the turn of events that have taken place. Today is all about Ryan, but because of who I am to him, I am in his story during this time in his life.
Go ahead! Take time out to remember the day you graduated; the first day on the job; leaving for more education or perhaps the military. Go ahead! Take time and walk down the aisle, remembering the choice you made right out of highschool. Putting your lives on hold to have a family and resuming more education or taking a job further on down the road. Your life is amazing no matter if you think you are a failure or not accomplished enough. Lives are more important than jobs, education and/or how you have traveled. Life is all about who you were and who you have become.
When I write my thoughts of remembrances I cannot leave out the road I chose as a young girl to follow Jesus. I know that many of you can agree that making the choice to follow Him has made all the difference in your life; in your world! I have known some who made the same choice, but later on changed their minds and decided to become a part of the world and make plans to join back up with Jesus later on in life. I have discovered as I have witnessed this that the problems that occur sometimes are insurmountable. Sometimes that second chance doesn't come. Perhaps you have heard; "the best laid plans of mice and men!"
Remember the story in Jeremiah 29? The exile was brought about because of sin, but when sin was forsaken by the people, God's purposes in mercy could then be realized. In verse 11-14 we read; "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart!"
God was talking to the Israelites because further on He says he will restore their fortunes and bring them back to the place from which He sent them when they went into exile. However, the promise of verses 11-14 are good for us today. His plan and hope is for us to inherit the eternal life that is promised through Jesus Christ. When we seek Him with all our hearts we will find Him waiting and ready to receive us with open arms. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/2/10
With Ryan graduating and Adam just being back from Iraq gives me pause as to what the future holds for these two wonderful young men. Then I take a deep breath and remember that #3 is still in school! Jordan is beginning to stretch his legs to become all that he can be; following in his brothers footsteps! I couldn't be any more pleased with my role as a Grandmother, having these 3 young men as my grandsons. Today is just another button popping day! Special? You bet it is!
I graduated in 1956 from Leuzinger High School! Our big day was Thursday night and the following Monday morning I reported to work on my very first job. Was I excited? Of course I was! Thursday night was full of excitement and expectations but Monday morning was full of fear and anticipation. Everybody is different but we face the same obstacles no matter what color or what place we find ourselves. My story keeps unfolding and I find it amazing at all of the turn of events that have taken place. Today is all about Ryan, but because of who I am to him, I am in his story during this time in his life.
Go ahead! Take time out to remember the day you graduated; the first day on the job; leaving for more education or perhaps the military. Go ahead! Take time and walk down the aisle, remembering the choice you made right out of highschool. Putting your lives on hold to have a family and resuming more education or taking a job further on down the road. Your life is amazing no matter if you think you are a failure or not accomplished enough. Lives are more important than jobs, education and/or how you have traveled. Life is all about who you were and who you have become.
When I write my thoughts of remembrances I cannot leave out the road I chose as a young girl to follow Jesus. I know that many of you can agree that making the choice to follow Him has made all the difference in your life; in your world! I have known some who made the same choice, but later on changed their minds and decided to become a part of the world and make plans to join back up with Jesus later on in life. I have discovered as I have witnessed this that the problems that occur sometimes are insurmountable. Sometimes that second chance doesn't come. Perhaps you have heard; "the best laid plans of mice and men!"
Remember the story in Jeremiah 29? The exile was brought about because of sin, but when sin was forsaken by the people, God's purposes in mercy could then be realized. In verse 11-14 we read; "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart!"
God was talking to the Israelites because further on He says he will restore their fortunes and bring them back to the place from which He sent them when they went into exile. However, the promise of verses 11-14 are good for us today. His plan and hope is for us to inherit the eternal life that is promised through Jesus Christ. When we seek Him with all our hearts we will find Him waiting and ready to receive us with open arms. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/2/10
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