Saturday, June 19, 2010

OLD LEVI'S! 6/19/10

Once I found an old pair of Levi's and wanted to wear them but they had a couple of holes in the seat. Now today that would be fashionable, but back then it wasn't. I asked Daddy to fix them for me. As I wore them I knew there were some chuckles coming my way but I paid no attention because I was wearing Levi's! My cousin Vern was visiting when I returned home and Daddy had me turn around so he could show off his handy work. Vern burst out laughing and so did my Dad. He had sewn one large patch across the seat of my pants which showed all the rough edges. I might as well of worn them with the holes! I felt so embarrassed and never wore them again.

I think my father was happiest when he was home cooking and cleaning. The only thing I didn't like about his cooking was his chocolate pudding! It was made from scratch of course and it was sort of bitter. I would hold my breath on each bite and then swallow quickly so as to not taste it. I always ate it but I didn't like it! It was not a good thing for Mom and Daddy to be in the kitchen together. She would come after him and taste, then re-season. He would come after her, taste and then re-season.

My father was an alcoholoic and didn't hold a job for long. However, I remember he was a good housekeeper and cook. I loved it when I came home from school and he would be there. He would play the piano and I would sing. Many times when I baby sat my niece Linda, I would bring her over and Daddy would play and put her right to sleep. I have many fond memories of my Dad but I also have many troublesome memories of when he was drinking. However, we lived in a different time and grew up with wholesome attitudes which gave us healthy directions for our lives.

When Father's day roles around, I think about my Dad. I think about pictures I have of him and remember times that were good when he was sober. Other times, that were not so good, I just push to the back of my memory because they do me no good. Why set around remembering the hard times when you can't do anything about them. Even though life has its problems, with God all things are possible. The day before my Father died he was buried in the watery grave of baptism. He was brand spanking new when he strolled into heaven. I have no doubts that regardless of his fleshly life, I will meet him one day in glory.

We often think of our Fathers making us happy. It is the custom that our Fathers work so we have plenty. It is up to the Father to be sure we have a roof over our heads and food in our tummies. But did you ever think about you making your father happy? "A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother." Proverbs 10:1 I think if I were to paraphrase this I would say; "A wise son or daughter makes a father happy but when foolish, saddens the heart of their mother!" Think back; have you made your father happy?

It has been said; "Like father like son!" I take this to mean that the son is just like his father; don't you? "So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Matthew 5:45 Jesus is saying that we are to love like the Father loves; Our heavenly Father, that is!

I don't recall my brothers taking much after my father, at least not as much as I have seen my mother in sisters and myself. I have heard it said; "Don't be like your father!" I take this to mean that your father has some bad habits and you should not copy them. If we base our thoughts on who we should be in Christ, it matters not who our biological father was or how we were treated. If we strive to become who God has created us to be, we should start looking like him.

"You therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:58 The only way for us to become perfect is through Jesus Christ. To even resemble the Father we must look to the son for His instructions. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/15/10


elandreth said...

Good to read this because I don't recall ever hearing much about your dad.

My dad always got up early, built a fire,and made a big breakfast. He always had Instant Ralston and his coffee, then in addition he would make waffles or pancakes and eggs and some kind of breakfast meat. I love a big breakfast but hate making it so I have the same thing every single morning--vanilla yogurt with 1.2 cup of granola.

Anonymous said...

One thing I admire about parents as they get older - their consistency. Those little rituals and things you always think of when you think about them.