THIS MORNING Jim, Jennifer and I set out for Eugene to go shopping in the Mall! We are leaving early enough so we will have plenty of time. Hoping to connect with my sister-in-law Kathleen and perhaps a couple of friends. It should be a great time of visiting; getting caught up; having lunch and did I mention, shopping?
IF EVER there was someone born to shop, it is Jennifer. Ever since she learned how to count money, write checks and then began using a debit card, shopping is a daily activity; especially around Christmas. I keep reminding her; "You are not Santa Claus!" She smiles and then files another completed list. Another thing Jennifer likes to do is organize the wrapping and keeping track of what is a present and what is merely a stocking stuffer. Believe me, everyone needs a Jennifer!
EVEN THOUGH I love to Christmas shop; even though I love the lights, tinsel and clitter; even though I love the smell of baking and of course eating all the goodies; I have never forgotten that this is Christ's birthday! How can I! How can anyone not remember what this season is all about?
I REMEMBER hearing a preacher talk about putting a manger scene in the front window instead of a Christmas tree. I remember he suggested bringing gifts for those who were less fortunate, instead of family. I remember, he thought that using the money to give to the needy instead of purchasing a tree, decorations and whatever else you normally would buy; would be as though you were giving the gifts to the newborn baby Jesus.
I SORT of remember that my sister Janice and her family were going away for Christmas and so she decided that she would use something other than a tree because they wouldn't be home. For some reason, instead of a manger scene, I keep thinking she decorated a tumble weed. That was possible, living in California. However, I don't remember everything as it was; I suppose I could have dreamt that.
LET'S PUT CHRIST BACK into Christmas and not only sing the carols and attend the pageants and the Christmas Eve Service, but let's greet one another with; "Happy Christ's Day!" The word Christmas has become so commercialize that clarifying it, would help to put the meaning back in it's place. We say; "Happy Birthday" to each other; we sing Happy Birthday when the occasion arrives. Why not wish Jesus a "Happy Birthday" in our Christmas greetings and see what happens. Could this start a revolution or what? Oh I know it would be just as politically incorrect as Merry Christmas is!
"FOR UNTO you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!" Luke 2:11 How astounding is that? When Jesus was born, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Who could make up stuff like this? "And all they, that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the Shepherds." Luke 2:18
JUST AS MARY pondered these things in her heart, we too ponder these things! However, we can go back and read and reread and feel the peace that passes all understanding. I for one will never forget that we celebrate Christ's birthday on December 25th; 14 days and counting!
HAPPY CHRIST'S BIRTHDAY to all Morning Glory followers. Enjoy your family and friends! Get all excited when you see the lights and sing the songs. Let's give God the glory for such a time as this; remember, He is the giver of life and a Christian's life begins with HIm! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/9/10
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AWESOME ! That's so beautiful JaneAnn. You are gifted to write devotions like that.
God bless you both on this Christmas.
Norma & Tony
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