I HAVE LIVED through 72, January 1. That means in
February I will be 73! It may be true that time flies when you are having a good time; but in reality it flies because you are getting older. When we were young, it took forever from one birthday to the next; now that we are older it comes sooner than we wish and we age whether we want to or not.
SINCE I have been writing about the past so much, I sometimes wish I could relive some of those times all over again. Not all of them mind you, just some of them! Like for instance when I was 10 years old and would climb the monkey bars and because I was smaller than most I could use the bars as I would the turning poles that you had to wait in line for.
THE FIRST time I bought myself a pair of navy blue slacks that had become fashionable. Or when Jean and I moved into our first apartment and lost weight because it was on the second floor and we had to climb stairs to get to it. There was a time when Jean and I could eat the whole pizza by ourselves and not feel too stuffed. Now, I am good if I can eat my whole, half of a sandwich and not feel too stuffed.
NOW DAYS, around new years, I hear people say; “this year I am going to do the things I wished I had done this past year.” Some say; “I never keep my New Years resolutions, so why bother making them.” Sounds to me like the glass half full or the glass half empty. I always want to be the glass half full but I know sometimes, I see my glass half empty. How do you see your life?
AS A YOUNG WOMAN I could stay up past Midnight and see the New Year in. Now, I am lucky if I can keep my eyes opened past 9:00 pm. Not long ago around midnight, I would wake up to horns honking and when living in the country, gun shots to welcome in the new year. Now, I just want to sleep! Leave me alone; don’t bother me; give me my space; been there and done that!
I LOVE LIFE, don’t you? I love the years, God has given me! “As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years. Or if due to strength, eighty years, yet their pride is but labor and sorrow. For soon it is gone and we fly away.” Psalm 90:10 The Psalmist says that our life is filled with labor and sorrow. It is true; we must work to survive and life brings sorrow.
"HEAR, MY SON and accept my sayings, and the years of your life will be many.” Proverbs 4:10 When we follow God, our days whether short or long, will be full. “For all of our days will decline; we will finished our years like a sigh.” Psalms 90:9 “So teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom.” Psalms 90:12 God is speaking to His eternity and man’s transition in life. God lives on but man must choose to live on with God.
I LOOK at this past year and have mixed emotions. Much to be thankful for but the sorrow God has said we would have, has also crossed my path. I look forward to this coming year as Jim and I begin to celebrate the 50's. In 1961Jim asked me to marry him! Christmas 2011 we will celebrate our 50th Christmas together. Of course all will take place if God’s willing and the creek don’t rise!
WHEN WE look back at our preteen years, during the teenage years and as an adult, what have we learned about ourselves? What have we learned about each other? What have we learned about God? “And He said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39
JESUS is asking us to love. We are to love God; love each other; and love ourselves! God has shown favor upon us by sharing His Son with us. His Son came down with love! Not with condemnation nor partiality; but with His abundant love. You have all the time you need in 2011 to love and bless others before you go to heaven! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/31/10
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