Saturday, May 12, 2012


ONE OF MY favorite days is Mother’s Day. When I was young and into motherhood myself, we celebrated my Mother, on Mother’s Day. When my grandson’s came into play, I wanted to celebrate our daughter-in-law; Faye! I loved the period of time when it was for me, but when Faye became a mother, my children were grown and her’s were just beginning. She was the mother now, and being the grandmother, well, it is just grand! LAST THURSDAY we were on our way to Wal-Mart to do some last minute shopping to prepare for the weekend when Jim slowed the car down and said look! I looked ahead of me and thought I saw a small Peacock crossing the road. As I watched in awe, I saw her tail feathers move out of shape. It wasn’t a Peacock but Mrs. Mallard with at least thirteen little ones following behind her. My heart began to race at such a wondrous sight! The chicks were about 6 weeks old, walking as close behind their mother as possible, two by two. One fell and the others scattered, but quickly all made their way back into their marching column. WE SAT there as cars began to line up behind us. Mrs. Mallard was oblivious to the big machines waiting on both sides of the road as she strutted proudly, taking her time, so her family could keep up. We sat there with smiles on our faces, as we have so many times, when we are faced with God’s creation which brings us amusement and amazement. The mother and her babies scurried safely into the ditch and up the other side of the road. They continued on without a thought or notice of those waiting for them to cross. WE ARE ALL amazed at God’s creatures big and small. We are all amazed that He has chosen to love us! We stand with our mouths open while we gaze at the color and majesty of all that we survey and yet out of all that He made, He loves us! Do you imagine when we are within God’s will, that He pauses and looks at us in amusement and amazement? Do you think His heart begins to race as He watches us with pleasure and satisfaction because we are His? “HIS DELIGHT is not in the strength of the horse, nor His pleasure in the legs of a man; but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His steadfast love.” Psalms 147:10-11 We recently watched the Kentucky Derby, and just looking at those powerful athletes that God created, we are in awe. But God says they are nothing compared to those who love and obey Him! They are nothing compared to us! NOW THAT I no longer have my Mother, I wish she were here! Now that I can’t go to her for comfort and sound guidance, I wish I could! Today I wish I had asked for her recipes, instead I just try to remember what I heard and saw her do. But the God who gave me my Mother, knew that she would not be with me always. I am thankful that my Mother saw to it that I was in a Sunday School. I am thankful that I had a Mother who kept her word. I am thankful that my Mother was a disciplinarian who gave me boundaries. “THEN THE LORD GOD formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 Today we remember our Mothers, who gave us life, but God gave us breath. God gave us cause to love Him and to praise Him! God so loved the world that He sent His Son to give us eternal life. Some of the world will refuse Him, but those who love Him and praise Him, stand alone in a world that is condemned. I PRAY that those who read this Morning Glory, have a mother who has given the best of what she has; Jesus the Savior. We can’t cry over spilt milk nor can we worry about how wrong things were. We have today! A Godly woman meets the call to be a Christian Mom. Our heavenly Father's love is everlasting! Give honor to your Mothers; they gave you life! Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/11/12

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