Monday, September 10, 2012


I WAS BORN just before WWII but not before trouble
was brewing. Of course I don’t remember anything first hand, but the world remembered. My brother Lonnie joined the Navy at the age of 17. Jim’s two brothers, Carl and Glenn were Pilots and Glenn ended up in a concentration camp. Jim’s oldest brother Ed, was also in the Navy. Our families remember! Wars and rumors of wars are in the history of mankind and also in world and American history books. Those who were there wrote it down so that we can study about it. Interestingly enough, some books have been rewritten and views have been changed. Young people look at our history and have a cynical view of the purpose and reasons behind the stories that brought America into a world power.

“IN THE BEGINNING GOD;” is found in Genesis 1:1. Our forefathers were God fearing men. You wouldn’t realize that today when you hear young people speak about the whys and wherefores of our beginning. Our country prospered under the influence of Godly people. Instead of saying where is God; we should be asking; “where are the Godly people in leadership today?” I am not saying that there are not Godly people today, but having become politically correct and watering down the biblical influences within our society, it is hard to know who to follow as they lead.

“PUT YOUR TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding! In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8 When you hear the stories about George Washington and all of his close calls as he led his men in and out of battles, you have to look at his faith and trust in God. When he was finished and the white house was being completed, he fell pray to a throat infection and died two weeks later. He never lived in the white house, nor did he live long after his battles in a position of worldly power.

ELEVEN YEARS AGO today, America was reminded of their vulnerabilities in the world. Powerful as America may have been, God being left out of the equation brought devastation and destruction to our home land, once again. The sleeping giant was revived from it’s sleepy eyed tranquility of satisfaction within itself. Some asked; “Where is God?” “Why?” God is and always will be there, but the powers that took God out of the realm of protection, left her with her shields down and opened her doors to harmful elements.

I LOVE READING Psalms. David was familiar with war but he followed God’s directions and included God in his plans. David says in 118:5 “Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.”    No wonder David says; “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Psalms 118:8   No wonder David could say; “All nations surrounded me; in the name of the Lord I cut them off!” Psalms 118:10    Read chapter 118 and see the witness of David.  He saw the Lord as his companion. “The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” Psalms 118:14

GOD DOESN’T cause our troubles, they come because we live in a sinful world, and we are not including Him in our plans. Take a step back and remember the God of the mountains and realize that He is the same God in the valley’s. No matter where we are, He has promised to be with us. Take time out of your daily activities and pray for our country; our leaders; our place in the SON and in the world. In remembrance of the sad days in America, we should be brought low, to the feet of the Savior.

OUR HISTORY doesn’t follow us, it goes before us. Our history doesn’t need to be rewritten, it needs to be taught as it happened. We need to stand in the halls yelling; “NO KING BUT KING JESUS!” Even though we remember a shout from the past, and even if it is still in the shadows, it can still be a motto for all mankind, who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! God blessed America, well over 200 years ago, and He can today! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/10/12

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