Saturday, December 22, 2012


CAN’T SLEEP, no worries; not uncomfortable; just can’t sleep. Have you had a night like that? The world was suppose to have come to an end on Friday. Yet the day came and went, a new day is on the horizon, and nothing has changed except I still can’t sleep. People have prepared all over the world for the end and I wonder what their thoughts are today. Let’s put our trust in Jesus because; “No one knows except the Father!”

JIM AND I talked about the end coming, but that was all we did, because Christmas is coming and we still have things to do. Can’t set around worrying about the end because the beginning of a new year is just ahead. Our major concern was that our computer was in the repair shop and we were not prepared for the worst; losing our ‘important’ stuff.

WHAT IF the world had come to an end? What if Jesus were to come today? What if I should die? I suppose we should think about the what if’s, but what good would it do for us to prepare or even worry, because if the end came, it would affect everyone at the same time, and we are all destined to die. But instead go look at the lights that sparkle on just about every street corner. Go experience the hustle and bustle of the stores. For the most part people are generous and kind. And to those who are not; just say; “Merry Christmas!”

WE WILL be attending our son’s Christmas Pageant this Sunday. He has written the dialogue and is directing the actors and choir. Today we went to the Choir rehearsal at the church we attend, because we don’t want to miss anything! This is Christmas and so much excitement is in the air. Christmas tree lots have lowered their prices and their lots have  become sparse. The snow came and covered everything with a blanket of white and we sing; “Its beginning to look at lot like Christmas!”

JIM AND I do 12 days of Christmas. We take some goodies and go visit homes of those who attend our church. We have been doing this for many years now and it never gets tiresome. We visit un-expectantly. They do not expect us and we don’t expect them to prepare for our visit. We are family. The family of Christ!

BAKING is just about finished. It seems like Jennifer and I have been baking for months. It has come down to Church on Sunday, preparation for the Candle light service on Christmas Eve and getting our table ready for our little family to come to our home afterwards. The Clam Chowder will be ready and hot. Many memories flood my thoughts like; my family always had Oyster Stew!

“AND WHILE THEY were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” Luke 2: 6-7     I never tire of reading this passage nor seeing it acted out at the Christmas program. God had set the stage, and used the props that were available at the time. He organized the ones He wanted to show up at the proper time. Quirinius; Caesar Agustus; King Herod; the shepherds and later on, the wise men. Even the angels appeared to shine on them all.

THE LAST SONG in the mini musical the Choir was practicing today, is called “This is Christmas!” It was written by Travis Cottrell, Sue C. Smith and David Moffitt. A line in it explains what Christmas is all about. “This is everlasting peace; this is never ending joy; this is love eternal and this is Christmas.” The busyness of Christmas does not reveal the meaning of Christmas!

IT IS UP TO US to take time out of busyness and reflect on what it is all about. It is about a Father who lives in heaven. He has many children that are estranged from Him. So He sends His son to the place where His children live so that they can learn first hand about their Father’s love. His son comes as a baby so that He can live and grow and dwell amongst them. As they learn of Him they begin to know the Father. The Father is waiting and waiting for His children to come home. He watches; He listens; He is saddened and many times He rejoices along with the angels. Don’t disappoint the Father because if you do, you will be sorry!      By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/22/12

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