Saturday, January 26, 2013

"OH HAPPY DAY!" 1/27/13

IT SEEMS like yesterday that we celebrated our 50th anniversary, but here it is again. 51 years today and I guess we are still counting. When you are just beginning you don’t think that far into the future. Your mind is not set upon the possibilities of being old and especially old at the same time. I knew we would still be married but never, in my wildest dreams, did I realize I would be married to an old man. But then, Jim is married to an old woman!

WE PRAISE the Lord everyday for each other and we praise the Lord for these many years we have had as a couple. We truly can say; “we’ve come a long way baby!” We have seen many changes in the world, our country, our family and in our walk with the Lord. We praise the Lord every day that He has always been faithful, just as He has promised.

I REMEMBER one day in the late 70's, Jim sat down with his mother, pencil and pad in hand. He was going to talk to her about her life. At the time she was pushing 90 and her mind was still pretty sharp. She had been born in 1891 and had seen a lot of things take place, that we just took for granted. The automobile, war machines, the airplane, telephone, telegraph, the space program and french fries. Oh, and not to mention the talkies, street cars, indoor plumbing along with an icebox and flush potties. She loved life and she loved Jim and she loved pizza!

IT IS TRUE some of those things she saw for the first time, we also experienced. The space program for one. Jim had a part, along with thousands of other personnel, and after many years it was completed and finalized when Neil Armstrong and his crew, landed “the Eagle” upon the moon. What a time to be alive! What a time to experience all the possibilities from the residual perplexities left over, in and about from God’s creation, and because of the creative ingenuity of man, space became a reality instead of just story book material. The heavens proclaim the glory of God’s creation!

NOT A ONE of us know the hour or the day when we will be called home. “But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30    God knows your days are numbered as well as mine. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look forward to tomorrow. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t get all excited about what is going on at the school our grandson’s attend. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be excited about the promotions that is offered when a job is being well done. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be at our church meeting place when the doors are open.

FOR THE CHRISTIAN, home is where the Father is and the Father dwells in the heavens. Not a one of us can predict when Jesus will come again. “But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Take heed, watch; for you do not know when the time will come.” Mark 13:32-33

EVEN THOUGH we have seen many amazing things in our life time, there will be many things we will still not know. “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority.” Acts 1:7    However, there is one thing that we do know and that is Christ will return to earth in the same manner as He ascended into heaven. We need to just keep looking up!

I CAN”T HELP but look forward to the possibility of many more years with Jim. We have such a good time together. This year we began reading the Bible, again; beginning with Matthew. I get so excited and look forward to the morning when we can start again. We read a chapter and then we talk about what we just read. The Holy Spirit reveals new stuff to us every morning, and then Jim explains it all to me.

WE BOTH have creative juices flowing when it is time to prepare another lesson. His Sunday School class and for me, Soul Sisters Bible Study. Even though we no longer can do some of the things that we use to do, God has seen fit for us to continue with teaching His Word. Praising God is one of our favorite things to do. Being together is also one of our favorite things to do. Thank you for listening to my thoughts on this “happy day!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/26/13

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