WHEN IT IS MY week to cook, depending upon whether we used up the last batch of spaghetti sauce, I make another 5 quarts. Today I made spaghetti sauce and left one quart in the crock pot to which I added, some already store bought meat balls, and about 8 ounces of cooked spaghetti. I went to give it another stir and a memory came! I was about 18 or 19 years old. I was one of the leaders of the College and Career group; I think! I made arrangements for our group to use the high school Olympic swimming pool. I made a large amount of spaghetti and a green salad with oil and vinegar dressing. The memory, was me standing upon a step stool, in the church kitchen, stirring the tall, large kettle full of spaghetti.
BEING vertically challenged is what I am all about. Yesterday, I joined CURVES! I was shown around and even encouraged to get acquainted with all of the machines as the coach walked me through it. I was surprised at the variety and how easy some were and how hard some were because of my short legs, arms and torso. Curves were prepared for that, and so on several, I have to use a pillow at the small of my back, so I can reach and complete the circuit of exercise.
I CAN”T even count the many times I have had to ask strangers to help me in the grocery stores. Invariably, the item I want is on the top shelf. Go figure! When Jim is with me, I always try to reach, and he always comes to my rescue with; “do you want me to get that for you?” He is always puzzled as to why I even try when he is there. However, there is that something inside all of us, that makes us want to try anyway. We want to see! We want to be accepted! It is even hard buying clothing that are designed for those who are considered petite. Being short has many draw backs, but I just keep telling myself; dynamite comes in small packages too!
ONE OF MY favorite stories that I taught in Sunday School to children, was about Zacchaeus. We even sang a little song; “Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he. He climbed up in a Sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see. And as the Savior passed that way, He looked up in the tree and He said; “Zacchaeus, you come down, for I’m going to your house today!”
ZACCHAEUS was a determined little man. He was not well liked because he was a tax collector and a dishonest one at that! When those who were in the crowd saw what happened, they were puzzled as to why Jesus would want to go to his house! Why would he even want to associate with such a despicable person. If they knew what we know in the scriptures; it would not have surprised them at all. It would have been something we would have expected of our Savior!
IT IS OBVIOUS that Zacchaeus became convicted and knew in his heart, what this man Jesus, was all about. During their visit Zacchaeus repented and offered to give half of his goods to the poor. He went further and promised to return fourfold to anyone he had cheated. Jesus was pleased and saw that this little man’s heart had grown in maturity, and was changed.
ZACCHAEUS was a Jew and came from the house of Abraham. Jesus says; “For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 Jesus spent three years restoring Israel. Zacchaeus was one that was restored! God does not look upon the outward appearance. God looks upon the heart! The Jews and Gentiles received the pleasure of the presence of Jesus, who walked among them. We have pleasure, of the presence of Jesus living within us!
I DON”T mind being short! As a matter of fact, I am use to it! Jim doesn’t mind that I am short; he too is use to me this way. I sometimes wish I was taller, but then that wouldn’t be me. God wants us to be satisfied with who we are in Him, and that makes all the difference; doesn’t it? What we need to do is ask the question; “is HE satisfied with me; with you? The world does not satisfy Him. But then, we are not of this world. Vertically challenged? Challenged in a different way? I can do all things through Him, who strengthens me!”
Philippians 4:13! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/16/13
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