RECENTLY I saw something on TV regarding why yawn’s are infectious. They are, you know! We have all heard that yawning for the most is because of a lack of oxygen (air). But it has also been said that yawning could be from boredom and even from illness; but breathing is something we all do and when we fall below what we need, we yawn as an attempt to make it up. We human’s think we are the only ones who fall into the power of suggestion but some animals do to. Have you seen a dog yawn when a person near by yawns. It happens!
A WOMAN sees someone eating a piece of chocolate and right away, she has a desire for a piece of chocolate. How do I know that? I fall into that trap every time! Fear is also infectious. If everyone around us is laughing and happy, we begin to laugh and to feel happy also. If they are sad, we are sad too. So then, when we see someone yawning, we automatically yawn! We usually think it is because we are sleepy; maybe so, but for the most part we are lacking either oxygen or the power of suggestion is upon that yawn we just witnessed
I HAVE HEARD that within a few minutes after a baby is newly born, if you hold that baby within inches of your own face, that baby will mimic everything you do. If you smile, it will smile; if you frown, it will frown; if you stick your tongue out, it will stick out it’s tongue. This window is for only a few seconds. If you are not paying close attention you will miss it!
SCIENTIFICALLY speaking; the power of suggestion is more powerful, when the suggested thing is to the needs of our life. Fear is so powerful, as we see a herd of animals become afraid and stampede. People do that also! Yawning is more powerfully conveyed by suggestion, than almost anything else we know of, because it happens to deal with the most urgent and constant need of all life, breathing!
“THEN THE LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 We take life for granted, don’t we! Breathing is the most important eliminate of our being alive. My Mother told me that my youngest brother, Larry was a "blue baby"; not breathing. The Doctor gave him a swat on the back side and then there was a cough and then he was breathing! Do you think we turn blue when we stop breathing?
“Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Psalms 150:6 God gave us breath so that we could live and breath for Him! At least that is how I see it! All six verses in Chapter 150 suggests how we should praise the Lord. God’s faithful can praise Him in the church and in the streets. We must use every instrument from the trumpet and saxophone to the harp and all the stringed instruments, even the piano and the drums that thunder along with the clang of the cymbals. “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!” How simple is that!
DISCOVERING great principles about how our bodies function is amazing to us, but learning about how God brought it altogether so that we might be brought into unison with Him, is the revealing evidence that God is. “In the beginning God”......Genesis 1:1a For us to know Him and to love Him we must first accept the first four words in the Bible. When we admit to ourselves and to the world that God is, we are saying; “I believe God is.....” That sets us apart and places us in the realm of Godliness even while we are here in the flesh! Mind boggling huh!
THIS IS THE KEY to the scriptures. We must first believe and have faith that God is! If we do not have faith that God is, then there is no way that we can believe the scriptures. “The fool says in his heart, “there is no God!” Psalms 14:1 The truth is that you decide, “there is no God.” You are not born that way regardless of what the Atheist says. Don’t mimic the world; let us live and breath Jesus Christ and become just as He is! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/24/13
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