Saturday, January 11, 2014


THE WORDS liberty and freedom have been the cry of America since the beginning of it’s existence.    Patrick Henry went down in the history books by saying; “Give me liberty or give me death!”   It was serious business!

THE WORDS let freedom ring is still being heard today, but many shut their ears and turn their heads when the people gather together and begin chanting these phases of old!    Even though this country came about because of the want of freedom from oppression and freedom of religion, today you would have thought that those ideas are passe’ and no longer viable for this country’s existence.

IT AMAZES me, and many others, how we are able to vote into office those who oppose what America stands for and even declares their allegiance, by posing as good guys when their agenda is just the opposite.   We leave our doors wide open for the enemy to enter and then we shake our heads when things like Pearl Harbor and 9/11 ushers in calamities in a big way!

RECENTLY the daily question that was asked on a local news station, got caught up in my creative writing juices.  The question was; “When was a hamburger called a ‘liberty’ sandwich?”   At first, I thought; I have never heard of a ‘liberty’ sandwich!   The answer tickled my funny bone!

IN WORLD WAR I, the soldiers on the front lines didn’t want to eat a sandwich named after the Germans.   I suppose that is understandable!   A hamburger during that time could be somewhat offensive.    What tickled me, was shortly after 9/11 when France wasn’t available to give assistance
to America in that part of the world, caused many to change the name of French Fries to ‘freedom’ fries!    So during this last decade or so, when we say; “give me liberty and freedom”, we are really asking for a “hamburger with fries!”   Go figure!

THE DICTIONARY says that freedom is lack of restraints and liberty is freedom from previous restraint.   I like a little bit more info on these two words because in God’s Word they are used for the same thought in different translations.  1) Liberty is freedom; right or power to do as one likes.  Privileges enjoyed by permission.   2) Freedom is the state of being free, independent, or at liberty.

THE WORDS from the Bible gives me goose bumps.   “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” 
Galatians 5:1    We have freedom in Christ, no matter what our circumstances are, remember we are free in Christ.   Let your yes be yes and your no be no!    Here is another one that should give us pause.  “As for you, my brothers, you were called to be free.  But do not let this freedom become an excuse for letting your physical desires rule you.  Instead, let love make you serve one another."   Galatians 5;13

IN THE KJV the word freedom is used as liberty.   “Live as free men, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.”  1 Peter 2:16    The Jew’s always thought they were freemen because they were governed by the law.   But as a Christian we are not to use our liberties in Christ, as a cover up for our rebellions.  Instead we should be the best citizen of all in everything and not be contrary to the Spirit, nor the letter of God’s word!
 “THEY PROMISE them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of destructive habits.  For a man is a slave of anything that has conquered him.”   2 Peter 2:19   This passage is talking about those who are preaching freedom to the undecided inquirers, when they themselves were slaves of corruption, in absolute bondage to sin.   Paul warns against the false teachers.   They claim that in being free in Christ, they can do anything and everything they pleased.  In John 8:34 “Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.”   So these false teachers were slaves to sin!

          BECAUSE we are responsible for what takes place in our voting booth, we should be circumspect about the persons we contemplate voting for.   When catastrophic events happen don’t cop out by just changing words to fit your position,  instead remember to declare the Lord as the one where our freedoms and liberties come from.  No one can take that from you!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/10/14

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