A CHRISTIAN knows that God’s ways are perfect! In Him is perfect peace; His Word is perfect; His promise of salvation is perfect; His gift from above is perfect; there is nothing that is considered imperfect when it comes to God and His Son! If you had been in the crowd when Jesus said; “you without sin, cast the first stone,” what would you have done? I would have turned away with my head down and embarrassment of shame would have been written all over me. I know I am a sinner!
WHAT happens when you place your life into the hands of God! How long does it take for you to realize you have changed? Do you still hang out with the same friends or do you find yourself preferring a different crowd; listening to different music; reading books and watching movies that speak of your new found way of life? Faith becomes the avenue we walk on!
WHEN we read the stories of the shepherd boy David who walked with God, and later the stories when he was king, we see that David’s walk with God would be interrupted with his carnal man. One moment he is on his knees, repentant and then his eyes would lust after a woman who was not his to take. What goes on in the mind when it is so easily challenged?
HAVE YOU ever experienced seeking God’s face one moment and after a period of complete surrender to Him, you find yourself confronted with a situation that requires a quick decision and you do not choose wisely! It may have been with incorrect language coming out of a mouth that was just praising our God, or in taking an incorrect path away from the presence of God. Although we have put on Christ thru baptism we are far from the perfection that the Holy Spirit is wanting to work in us. Thank God that when He looks at us, He see’s His Son, Jesus!
EVEN our prayer life suffers when we are constantly fighting this battles of self will!
“Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the Lord, and vindication from the God of his salvation.” Psalms 24: 4-6 How many times have we come before Him without clean hands and a pure heart! O Lord, have mercy on us!
THERE IS NOTHING sweeter than a new born baby, nor a newly born again Christian; a new disciple in Christ. One who is eager and willing to study to show themselves approved unto God! Yes, I said approved, because that is what God’s Word tell us. “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, but rightly dividing the Word of Truth!” 2 Timothy 2:15 I have studied with new Christians who are so hungry for God’s Word! When does that eagerness leave us, to be opened to Satan’s bidding? I look at myself, and find myself wanting and yet I have a seasoned Christian friend who goes weekly to four different Bible Study’s, not including Sunday morning worship. WOW!
“YOU HAVE been raised to life with Christ. Set your hearts, then, on the things that are in heaven, where Christ sits on His throne at the right side of God. Keep your minds fixed on the things in heaven and not on the things of this earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Your real life is Christ, and when He appears, then you too will appear with Him and share His glory!” Colossians 3:1-4 How blessed we are to have a patient God; one who waits for us!
WHEN we were baptized we were buried with Christ and raised with Christ. We are citizens of heaven already! Setting our minds on things above should come natural to us! We must keep our values and motives correct, and not lose sight of our goal which is to be with God in Eternity. Jesus was perfect, a man without sin, and God was pleased with His Son! Let us strive to live a life that brings glory to His name. Let us remember to practice His presence and never give Satan the time of day! Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/25/16
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