THE SONG writer said; “Because He lives, I can live tomorrow!” Have you thought about that, literally? Because of Jesus and the cross, we always have tomorrow! I have, and the conclusion I have reached is that even without Jesus, we can live tomorrow. The question is, where will you live? Our amazing God has given us a choice!
THE DAY Jesus went to the cross, destiny stepped in and gave us that choice as to where we could live after we die. Sin brought us death and Christ brought us a choice of where we could spend eternity after our death! What a subject for a bright, sunshiny Easter morning. For those of us who have come to know God, and have met His glory Jesus Christ, Easter is a day of rejoicing. Hallelujah; Jesus is alive! I have chosen to live in God’s home for eternity!
NO ONE likes to talk about the alternative. Hell, Hades, place of the damned, or perhaps you know it as the ‘lake of fire.’ When I consider this gift from God, it makes me wonder why everyone isn’t clamoring to get on the path that leads to heaven. Why is it so hard to see the truths that God has given you in His Son; Jesus! Is it because you have seen so many theater movies telling the story of Jesus, that you have allowed your heart to harden, because of the theatrical hype and therefore is it just becomes another Hollywood make-believe movie?
REMEMBERING my first Easter’s are great memories. Even though we came from a very large family, my mother saw to it that on Easter, we were dressed appropriately She would give us girls a perm the night before Sunday. She would take the rollers out and give it a comb and call it good. The next morning the three girls would put on their new panties, dresses, new socks and shoes, and went off to Sunday School looking and smelling like they had had a perm. I know my Mom had to sacrifice to do all that! No matter; Easter was worth remembering!
WHAT I WAS taught in Sunday School, Junior Church, Youth Groups and later the Church Services was priceless! All of the Christian activities that I became involved in helped me to learn how to practice what I had been taught. Many sacrifices were given by God’s people, to give me a background of an enormous Christian education, and it was free to me, and it showed me God’s love! Perhaps it has been easier for me to believe because I received much love from those around me.
THE APOSTLE PAUL says; “I passed on to you what I received, which is of the greatest importance, that Christ died for our sins, as written in the Scriptures; “that He was buried, and was raised to life on the third day, as written in the Scriptures.” Corinthians 15:3-4 Paul didn’t make up what he had to say. Christianity looks to the Cross in history and stands on this point; “Christ on the cross!” It stands on the fact that Christ died for our sins and that He was buried. Most importantly, He was raised to life on the third day. This is very important, because if Jesus did not raise from the dead, there is no message of salvation.
I JANE ANN, pass this on to you! I thoroughly believe that all must believe;“In the beginning God!” Genesis 1:1 I know there is more to that verse, but the first four words are very important. You must first believe that God is, before you can believe anything else. All you have to do is look around you and everywhere you look, God is revealed. His creation surrounds you! You have no real excuse to not believe in God, His works are evident!
“EVER SINCE the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made; So they are without excuse!” Romans 1:20 God declares, that because of the evidence that is visible to man, you have no excuse in denying His person. Easter is a celebration of Christ on the cross and the salvation it can bring to all man kind. What a gift; What a Savior! Jesus Saves! What choice have you made? I pray it is to live eternally with God our Savior! Jane Ann Crenshaw 3/25/16
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