I FIND it ironic how my Mom can pop into my head when I am just looking thru a dictionary. Mom had an 8th grade education, but she was filled with wisdom, cliche’s, prudence, sound judgment and good learning. My brother Lloyd used the dictionary daily, to learn new words. He would try them out on everyone, including me. To this day, I still use some of his favorite phrases and on occasion, remember Moms! This morning I came across; piffle! One of my Mom’s favorites!
FOOLISH nonsense; twaddle; idle talk or action. Sounds like a Mom word, doesn’t it?
Twaddle means to chatter. I chatter! I always have and probably always will! To chatter means to talk at random. Profound, I am not! Truthful, probably not always! However, my name is Christian, therefore, I persevere to learn all that I can from God’s Word, so I can speak about things that fill me with excitement and joy! Will my children, grandchildren, think of me when scanning thru the dictionary? Probably not, but hopefully they will remember what books I read!
“ALL SCRIPTURES is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for corrections, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 This passage is chock full of the nutrients of healthy living. These words are not idle chatter, nor nonsense! I take it seriously and strive to allow it to change me. I am still in training, I am loving the work the Lord has given me!
THE REBUKING or reproofing is something hard to swallow, but is necessary to show us our errors. When it corrects our faults it is pointing us in the right direction. The instructions are literally showing what God expects from us and what trials will come our way.
And oh, the blessings and the promises! God leaves nothing to our imagination. He spells everything out and says; “Come!”
IN THE BOOK of John, God tells us that the Word, was in the beginning. You and I know that the Bible didn’t exist in print until man was already established and could print things. Did you know that the Word is a noun! The Word became a man and His name is Jesus! Jesus was in the beginning! “Through Him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without Him. The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out!” John 1:3-5
THE WORD, who is Jesus, is the life that God reveals to us in human terms, so that we can understand who He is, what He does, and who we are and what we need! His light takes away our ignorance and error. The darkness of the world cannot put His light out! Doesn’t this excite you? Are you intrigued about His presence in this world and how you can become a part of His kingdom? I am not asking these questions for the sake of asking questions; I really would like to know how you feel about Jesus the Christ, and about God’s written Word that became flesh! And how all of that put together in one book, can make a big difference in your life!
DOCTRINE is not being taught as much as in the beginning of the Church. Paul encourages Timothy to “preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own liking's, and will turn away from listening to the truth, and wonder into myths.” 2 Timothy 4:2-4 Don’t listen to trickling, watered down, chatter. Pay attention when the leader says; “you don’t have to; or that isn’t necessary; or it’s not talking about that!” Instead ask the questions; “Show me why God says that? Why does the Bible say that, if it isn’t necessary? Then why does it say it that way, if that is not what it is talking about? Or just say; "Oh piffle!" Jesus says; “Come!” Jane Ann Crenshaw 5/31/16
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