IT AMAZES me what I consider trash and what I consider treasures. When I was a child I would be given something from someone special and I would either put it into a little box or an envelope. Some of these little treasures I still have because I still have one little box, that in my early twenties my brother Layton gave me. He gave me about 4 empty cigar boxes that he found in a junk store. I painted them black on the outside and the insides were already yellow. It was his idea and of course whatever he thought I should do, I did! That is how I began to see my husband Jim as a possibility for me; but then that is another story.
I SAVED letters from my brother Lynn, that I received from him while he was in the Air Force. Those I still have! I saved little gadget’s a man friend had given to me while working at my very first place of employment. Scraps of poems that I loved and some I had written myself. Little odds and ends of memories when my children were very small. Some of these treasures through the years became trash and I threw them away. They were no longer needed, because the person I became no longer had a need for them. Besides that, some of the boxes just fell apart from age.
WHILE going through my sister Jewel’s home after she passed away, I kept hearing the term “trash or Goodwill”. I didn’t like the idea of making such a decision for myself, let alone my beloved sister. Since then I have given away many of my treasures and will let the recipient make that decision.
RECENTLY I heard the term “trash or treasures” in a more relevant light. One I had never connected with. Perhaps you have but even so, we need to examine it once again. “What agreement has the temple of God, with idols? For we are the temple of the living God, as God said; I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” 2 Corinthians 6:16 Paul defines the church as a temple to house God’s Spirit. He reveals the difference between unbelievers (the world) from those who have agreed to be set apart and become His people.
READING FURTHER in verse 17, we find the Church has made an agreement with God and must cleanse themselves from every defilement of body and spirit. The Church is to become mature, or perfect, in the fear of God. In reality we as individuals, have become a single light and joined together we can be seen from a hilltop for all the world to see.
“DO YOU NOT KNOW that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body!” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 When God’s people, who are called by His name, come together; we become one large body and are called the ‘Church.’ But as individuals we are the ones who bring the temple into the Church. We either come defiled or undefiled. Unless we have discarded the trash that we use to carry, we come tainted by the world.
HOW MANY times have we decided to make new years resolutions or to set up goals to help us start all over again. Perhaps it is to become financially savvy; lose weight, become more healthy; exercise more regularly; stop drinking; become faithful; and so on? Perhaps we need to dig a little deeper and clean the trash from within the temple. Perhaps we need to close the door to the little things that become bigger and monopolize our lives to the extent that we forget about our promise to become one, and be called by His name.
GOD HAS CALLED all to His throne but few answer the call, and many even after responding, allow the worldly things, to creep back in. With a new day tomorrow and the new year ahead, God is patient and willing for all to return. “If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy and you are that temple." 1 Corinthians 3:16. Do we house trash or treasures in our bodies? We are one with Jesus; think on these things!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/28/12
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
CAN’T SLEEP, no worries; not uncomfortable; just can’t sleep. Have you had a night like that? The world was suppose to have come to an end on Friday. Yet the day came and went, a new day is on the horizon, and nothing has changed except I still can’t sleep. People have prepared all over the world for the end and I wonder what their thoughts are today. Let’s put our trust in Jesus because; “No one knows except the Father!”
JIM AND I talked about the end coming, but that was all we did, because Christmas is coming and we still have things to do. Can’t set around worrying about the end because the beginning of a new year is just ahead. Our major concern was that our computer was in the repair shop and we were not prepared for the worst; losing our ‘important’ stuff.
WHAT IF the world had come to an end? What if Jesus were to come today? What if I should die? I suppose we should think about the what if’s, but what good would it do for us to prepare or even worry, because if the end came, it would affect everyone at the same time, and we are all destined to die. But instead go look at the lights that sparkle on just about every street corner. Go experience the hustle and bustle of the stores. For the most part people are generous and kind. And to those who are not; just say; “Merry Christmas!”
WE WILL be attending our son’s Christmas Pageant this Sunday. He has written the dialogue and is directing the actors and choir. Today we went to the Choir rehearsal at the church we attend, because we don’t want to miss anything! This is Christmas and so much excitement is in the air. Christmas tree lots have lowered their prices and their lots have become sparse. The snow came and covered everything with a blanket of white and we sing; “Its beginning to look at lot like Christmas!”
JIM AND I do 12 days of Christmas. We take some goodies and go visit homes of those who attend our church. We have been doing this for many years now and it never gets tiresome. We visit un-expectantly. They do not expect us and we don’t expect them to prepare for our visit. We are family. The family of Christ!
BAKING is just about finished. It seems like Jennifer and I have been baking for months. It has come down to Church on Sunday, preparation for the Candle light service on Christmas Eve and getting our table ready for our little family to come to our home afterwards. The Clam Chowder will be ready and hot. Many memories flood my thoughts like; my family always had Oyster Stew!
“AND WHILE THEY were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” Luke 2: 6-7 I never tire of reading this passage nor seeing it acted out at the Christmas program. God had set the stage, and used the props that were available at the time. He organized the ones He wanted to show up at the proper time. Quirinius; Caesar Agustus; King Herod; the shepherds and later on, the wise men. Even the angels appeared to shine on them all.
THE LAST SONG in the mini musical the Choir was practicing today, is called “This is Christmas!” It was written by Travis Cottrell, Sue C. Smith and David Moffitt. A line in it explains what Christmas is all about. “This is everlasting peace; this is never ending joy; this is love eternal and this is Christmas.” The busyness of Christmas does not reveal the meaning of Christmas!
IT IS UP TO US to take time out of busyness and reflect on what it is all about. It is about a Father who lives in heaven. He has many children that are estranged from Him. So He sends His son to the place where His children live so that they can learn first hand about their Father’s love. His son comes as a baby so that He can live and grow and dwell amongst them. As they learn of Him they begin to know the Father. The Father is waiting and waiting for His children to come home. He watches; He listens; He is saddened and many times He rejoices along with the angels. Don’t disappoint the Father because if you do, you will be sorry! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/22/12
JIM AND I talked about the end coming, but that was all we did, because Christmas is coming and we still have things to do. Can’t set around worrying about the end because the beginning of a new year is just ahead. Our major concern was that our computer was in the repair shop and we were not prepared for the worst; losing our ‘important’ stuff.
WHAT IF the world had come to an end? What if Jesus were to come today? What if I should die? I suppose we should think about the what if’s, but what good would it do for us to prepare or even worry, because if the end came, it would affect everyone at the same time, and we are all destined to die. But instead go look at the lights that sparkle on just about every street corner. Go experience the hustle and bustle of the stores. For the most part people are generous and kind. And to those who are not; just say; “Merry Christmas!”
WE WILL be attending our son’s Christmas Pageant this Sunday. He has written the dialogue and is directing the actors and choir. Today we went to the Choir rehearsal at the church we attend, because we don’t want to miss anything! This is Christmas and so much excitement is in the air. Christmas tree lots have lowered their prices and their lots have become sparse. The snow came and covered everything with a blanket of white and we sing; “Its beginning to look at lot like Christmas!”
JIM AND I do 12 days of Christmas. We take some goodies and go visit homes of those who attend our church. We have been doing this for many years now and it never gets tiresome. We visit un-expectantly. They do not expect us and we don’t expect them to prepare for our visit. We are family. The family of Christ!
BAKING is just about finished. It seems like Jennifer and I have been baking for months. It has come down to Church on Sunday, preparation for the Candle light service on Christmas Eve and getting our table ready for our little family to come to our home afterwards. The Clam Chowder will be ready and hot. Many memories flood my thoughts like; my family always had Oyster Stew!
“AND WHILE THEY were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.” Luke 2: 6-7 I never tire of reading this passage nor seeing it acted out at the Christmas program. God had set the stage, and used the props that were available at the time. He organized the ones He wanted to show up at the proper time. Quirinius; Caesar Agustus; King Herod; the shepherds and later on, the wise men. Even the angels appeared to shine on them all.
THE LAST SONG in the mini musical the Choir was practicing today, is called “This is Christmas!” It was written by Travis Cottrell, Sue C. Smith and David Moffitt. A line in it explains what Christmas is all about. “This is everlasting peace; this is never ending joy; this is love eternal and this is Christmas.” The busyness of Christmas does not reveal the meaning of Christmas!
IT IS UP TO US to take time out of busyness and reflect on what it is all about. It is about a Father who lives in heaven. He has many children that are estranged from Him. So He sends His son to the place where His children live so that they can learn first hand about their Father’s love. His son comes as a baby so that He can live and grow and dwell amongst them. As they learn of Him they begin to know the Father. The Father is waiting and waiting for His children to come home. He watches; He listens; He is saddened and many times He rejoices along with the angels. Don’t disappoint the Father because if you do, you will be sorry! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/22/12
Sunday, December 9, 2012
“GABRIEL SAID; do not be afraid!” It is easy for Gabriel to say; “do not be afraid;” but another thing for Mary to not be afraid. But when the Angel Gabriel said; “Mary, you have found favor with God;” Oh my! God revealed to her the truth of the situation, because she finally finds her voice and says; “How shall this be, since I have not known a man; I have no husband?” The scriptures do not indicate her being agitated or even perplexed when she said this.
LET’S THINK about this. Young girl; alone; her thoughts interrupted by a person she had never seen before, let alone could have imagined. He tells her things and after being frightened, she calms down and is able to speak to this stranger with complete control. God chose wisely didn’t he? God chose her and didn’t leave her out on a limb to handle this situation alone. You can read this story in Luke chapter 1 beginning with the 26th verse. Amazing story about a young girl and her God!
“THEN MARY said, Let me be the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said; and the angel left her.” With Mary’s mind whirling around with what just happened and with what she must do, she makes arrangements to visit her relative Elizabeth who was also pregnant with special circumstances. While visiting Elizabeth and discussing both their conditions, Mary becomes filled with the Holy Ghost and sings a song.
“AND MARY says, My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Savior; for He has looked upon the low station and humiliation of His handmaiden. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed and declare me happy and to be envied! For He who is almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name, to be venerated in His purity , majesty and glory! And His mercy, His compassion and kindness toward the miserable and afflicted is on those who fear Him with godly reverence, from generation to generation and age to age. He has shown strength and made might with His arm; He has scattered the proud and haughty in and by the imagination and purpose and designs of their hearts; He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree. He has filled and satisfied the hungry with good things and the rich He has sent away empty handed without a gift. He has laid hold on His servant Israel (to help Him) in remembrance of His mercy. Even as He promised to our forefathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” Luke 1:46-55 You can tell by Mary’s song that the Holy Spirit was giving her these words so that we could read them again and again through the ages.
EVERY woman experiences her own pregnancy. Some have morning sickness and keeps it under control eating crackers. Some go to the hospital and some are given bed rest somewhere along the way. For me, I just got bigger and bigger until I looked like one of the balloons in the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. Just before I was fully done and ready to deliver, if you had stuck a pin in the bottom of my foot, I would have floated off into the heavens. But that didn’t happen! Instead I gave birth to a baby boy. The second time around I gave birth to a baby girl! God’s plan is amazing!
LOOKING BACK pregnancy was a great adventure, because the outcome, out weighs all of the suffering. Mary saw that and those of us who became mothers by giving birth, know that. Mary is indeed blessed of all women because the child she gave birth to, came to save us. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly!
I LOVE THIS STORY and never tire of reading it and hearing it. A story of love, adventure, mystery and it comes to life within you the minute you believe “that Jesus is the son of God!” I can imagine Mary holding her newborn child against her breast as He looks intently into her face; memorizing it, loving it just as she is whispering, ever so softly; “you are my son;” and all the while God smiles from the heavens and says; “yes, I chose wisely!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/8/12
LET’S THINK about this. Young girl; alone; her thoughts interrupted by a person she had never seen before, let alone could have imagined. He tells her things and after being frightened, she calms down and is able to speak to this stranger with complete control. God chose wisely didn’t he? God chose her and didn’t leave her out on a limb to handle this situation alone. You can read this story in Luke chapter 1 beginning with the 26th verse. Amazing story about a young girl and her God!
“THEN MARY said, Let me be the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said; and the angel left her.” With Mary’s mind whirling around with what just happened and with what she must do, she makes arrangements to visit her relative Elizabeth who was also pregnant with special circumstances. While visiting Elizabeth and discussing both their conditions, Mary becomes filled with the Holy Ghost and sings a song.
“AND MARY says, My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Savior; for He has looked upon the low station and humiliation of His handmaiden. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed and declare me happy and to be envied! For He who is almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name, to be venerated in His purity , majesty and glory! And His mercy, His compassion and kindness toward the miserable and afflicted is on those who fear Him with godly reverence, from generation to generation and age to age. He has shown strength and made might with His arm; He has scattered the proud and haughty in and by the imagination and purpose and designs of their hearts; He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree. He has filled and satisfied the hungry with good things and the rich He has sent away empty handed without a gift. He has laid hold on His servant Israel (to help Him) in remembrance of His mercy. Even as He promised to our forefathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” Luke 1:46-55 You can tell by Mary’s song that the Holy Spirit was giving her these words so that we could read them again and again through the ages.
EVERY woman experiences her own pregnancy. Some have morning sickness and keeps it under control eating crackers. Some go to the hospital and some are given bed rest somewhere along the way. For me, I just got bigger and bigger until I looked like one of the balloons in the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. Just before I was fully done and ready to deliver, if you had stuck a pin in the bottom of my foot, I would have floated off into the heavens. But that didn’t happen! Instead I gave birth to a baby boy. The second time around I gave birth to a baby girl! God’s plan is amazing!
LOOKING BACK pregnancy was a great adventure, because the outcome, out weighs all of the suffering. Mary saw that and those of us who became mothers by giving birth, know that. Mary is indeed blessed of all women because the child she gave birth to, came to save us. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly!
I LOVE THIS STORY and never tire of reading it and hearing it. A story of love, adventure, mystery and it comes to life within you the minute you believe “that Jesus is the son of God!” I can imagine Mary holding her newborn child against her breast as He looks intently into her face; memorizing it, loving it just as she is whispering, ever so softly; “you are my son;” and all the while God smiles from the heavens and says; “yes, I chose wisely!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/8/12
Sunday, December 2, 2012
WHAT'S BEHIND DOOR'S #1, 2 OR 3? 12/2/12
AS FAR as I am concerned doors are a good thing. I like having doors on the rooms in my home. I like being able to close a door and be in a room by myself. I like opening the front door to welcome guests into my home and being able to close it when they leave. It is fashionable now days, to not have a door on your bathroom. But then I have never considered myself to be fashionable.
IN THE 60's, my sister-in-law Eleanor went dressed in costume, in hopes she would be chosen to be one of the contestants on “The Price is Right” with Monty Hall. I never did get to see the show but she was chosen and she was asked all the questions and was willing to give up what she won for what was behind curtains #1, #2 or #3. I don’t remember which one she chose but she was thrilled with what she won. A 16ft speed boat! She loved to fish and in her mind this boat was going to take her out fishing. And it did, for a time!
HAVE YOU ever wondered what was on the other side of the door? Have you ever cautiously opened a door, not knowing what would be on the other side? Were you relieved, puzzled or even frightened? Sometimes we use the word door as a metaphor; transferring its meaning to infer a different directional sense. For instance Jesus said; ”Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.” John 10:7 In other words Jesus is the Good Shepherd and the door!
IN MY life time I have seen and heard about many doors. I visited a very large church in Los Angeles that was called “The Church of the Open Door!” It wasn’t until I was much older did I understand that it wasn’t just opened on Saturday nights for everyone to come and hear great Christian artists, but it was talking about Jesus.
MARIJUANA is a door to drugs. Hard work is a door to satisfaction. A good cook is a door to good eats. Perseverance is a door to success. Alcohol is a door to a life of sadness and a bad liver. Thievery is a door to deceit and a room behind bars. Going the way of the world is a door to destruction. Paul says the church is a door to declare the mystery of Christ. Many use facebook on their computers, as a door to vent their frustrations and misguided ideas.
AS JESUS went about teaching, he was asked; “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” Jesus answered and said; “Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” Luke 13:23-24 Another time Jesus said; “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21 The world offers big doors with big promises but as you look back over your choices those promises were full of deceit and calamity.
BEFORE the church began, you and I would have been considered gentiles. We would have been considered heathens; idol worshipers. Paul was a Jew who had been sent to the Gentiles. He returned to Antioch; “And when they arrived, they gathered the church together and declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.” Acts 14:27 That door has been opened to us! A door of faith! A door that leads to Jesus Christ!
WE HAVE choices! Sometimes we make good ones and sometimes bad ones. Recently I have been looking at forgiveness. I have discovered that life is so much better when I choose to forgive! God said that we must forgive, if we expect Him to forgive us. Those are not just words, they are a door unto salvation. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men, your Father will not forgive you.” Matthew 6:14-15
I AM THE DOOR; if any one enters by me, He will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:9 I choose the door that is Jesus Christ! I choose to forgive! Is this path, easy? Can I stay on track? I don’t have to guess which door to choose because Jesus said; “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except by me!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/1/12
IN THE 60's, my sister-in-law Eleanor went dressed in costume, in hopes she would be chosen to be one of the contestants on “The Price is Right” with Monty Hall. I never did get to see the show but she was chosen and she was asked all the questions and was willing to give up what she won for what was behind curtains #1, #2 or #3. I don’t remember which one she chose but she was thrilled with what she won. A 16ft speed boat! She loved to fish and in her mind this boat was going to take her out fishing. And it did, for a time!
HAVE YOU ever wondered what was on the other side of the door? Have you ever cautiously opened a door, not knowing what would be on the other side? Were you relieved, puzzled or even frightened? Sometimes we use the word door as a metaphor; transferring its meaning to infer a different directional sense. For instance Jesus said; ”Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.” John 10:7 In other words Jesus is the Good Shepherd and the door!
IN MY life time I have seen and heard about many doors. I visited a very large church in Los Angeles that was called “The Church of the Open Door!” It wasn’t until I was much older did I understand that it wasn’t just opened on Saturday nights for everyone to come and hear great Christian artists, but it was talking about Jesus.
MARIJUANA is a door to drugs. Hard work is a door to satisfaction. A good cook is a door to good eats. Perseverance is a door to success. Alcohol is a door to a life of sadness and a bad liver. Thievery is a door to deceit and a room behind bars. Going the way of the world is a door to destruction. Paul says the church is a door to declare the mystery of Christ. Many use facebook on their computers, as a door to vent their frustrations and misguided ideas.
AS JESUS went about teaching, he was asked; “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” Jesus answered and said; “Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” Luke 13:23-24 Another time Jesus said; “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21 The world offers big doors with big promises but as you look back over your choices those promises were full of deceit and calamity.
BEFORE the church began, you and I would have been considered gentiles. We would have been considered heathens; idol worshipers. Paul was a Jew who had been sent to the Gentiles. He returned to Antioch; “And when they arrived, they gathered the church together and declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.” Acts 14:27 That door has been opened to us! A door of faith! A door that leads to Jesus Christ!
WE HAVE choices! Sometimes we make good ones and sometimes bad ones. Recently I have been looking at forgiveness. I have discovered that life is so much better when I choose to forgive! God said that we must forgive, if we expect Him to forgive us. Those are not just words, they are a door unto salvation. “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men, your Father will not forgive you.” Matthew 6:14-15
I AM THE DOOR; if any one enters by me, He will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” John 10:9 I choose the door that is Jesus Christ! I choose to forgive! Is this path, easy? Can I stay on track? I don’t have to guess which door to choose because Jesus said; “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except by me!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/1/12
Sunday, November 25, 2012
WHEN THE WINDY CAME (2) 11/25/12
THIS PAST WEEK we experienced the wind for several days. It wasn’t just passing through, it came and stayed! I was sitting in my bedroom looking out at the wind when all of a sudden the chairs on the deck began to re-arrange themselves. The tree was swaying from side to side and it began to rain which was being pelted against the french doors. I just sat there amazed at the turmoil that was being generated by the wind, while I sat inside feeling the warmth and comfort of my home. Later on I was told that the wind was throughout all of Oregon, along with the rain. Lots of problems, including flooding was experienced by many.
LISTENING to the wind howling, I was reminded of another time when we took the three grandsons along with Jennifer for a bike ride. This particular bike path ran along Bear Creek and the sides of the path were filled with many trees and ground foliage. Not long after we got onto the path we noticed the sky becoming dark and the wind began to russell in the trees. Jennifer and Adam went on ahead just as the wind began to pick up! The rest of us had not gone far when the wind turned into a fierce gale with branches falling all around us and we were unable to steady our bikes. Up ahead we could see that Adam and Jennifer were peddling back as fast as they could peddle. Later on, after we had managed to get back to the truck. reloaded the bikes in the back, and us inside the cab, Jordan, with excitement and wonder began to recount the story. He said; “And then the windy came!”
WE CAN’T SEE the wind but we can see the evidence of the wind and all the while, we can feel it. No one can deny when the wind comes. In God’s Word, Jesus says; “The wind comes from where it is and you feel it, but you do not know how it comes and from where. Neither do you hear the sound of it, but you feel it.” This is found in John 3:8! The last part of the verse Jesus says; “So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
DO YOU KNOW what Jesus is saying? He had been talking to Nicodemus about being born again! Jesus said that we must be born of the spirit. Being born of the flesh was not enough! Jesus was likening the wind around us, to the Spirit within us. You can’t see it, touch it, or smell it but you can see the evidence of it; you can feel the presence of it; and you can experience the results of it. I have been studying about the Spirit, His gifts he gives, and the fruit He brought with Him. We receive the spirit as a gift upon baptism. I know that many believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward conviction. With it, we also receive forgiveness! But without it we do not get the Spirit!
REMEMBER the story in Mark 4:35-41. Jesus was asleep while the Apostles were experiencing a fierce wind. They were afraid! They woke Jesus up and said; “Master, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus said to the wind and the sea; “Hush, peace, be still!” The winds and the waves immediately were calm and then Jesus said; “Why are you so afraid? How is it that you have so little faith! They became even more afraid and said to one another; “Who is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”
WE HAVE AN Applebee’s that is located on a little knoll. It is always windy there. When we get out of the car we are greeted with a breeze no matter what time or season is upon us. When we walk out of the door we are greeted with gusts of wind, again it doesn’t matter whether the sun is shining or cloudy and gray, there is always some wind. I never cease to wonder why that is!
THE GIFT of the Holy Spirit, we receive upon baptism, is always with us! He convicts us of our sins. This Spirit helps us to see our need for Jesus! We need to follow His commands and become one of those who the Holy Spirit teaches to walk in faith. The Spirit shares His fruit with us. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22 Unless we clothe ourselves in these attributes, our lives are like blowing in the wind. We run for cover and look for shelter, but all we need to do, is take refuge in the arms of the one who came and said; “come unto me? The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/24/12
LISTENING to the wind howling, I was reminded of another time when we took the three grandsons along with Jennifer for a bike ride. This particular bike path ran along Bear Creek and the sides of the path were filled with many trees and ground foliage. Not long after we got onto the path we noticed the sky becoming dark and the wind began to russell in the trees. Jennifer and Adam went on ahead just as the wind began to pick up! The rest of us had not gone far when the wind turned into a fierce gale with branches falling all around us and we were unable to steady our bikes. Up ahead we could see that Adam and Jennifer were peddling back as fast as they could peddle. Later on, after we had managed to get back to the truck. reloaded the bikes in the back, and us inside the cab, Jordan, with excitement and wonder began to recount the story. He said; “And then the windy came!”
WE CAN’T SEE the wind but we can see the evidence of the wind and all the while, we can feel it. No one can deny when the wind comes. In God’s Word, Jesus says; “The wind comes from where it is and you feel it, but you do not know how it comes and from where. Neither do you hear the sound of it, but you feel it.” This is found in John 3:8! The last part of the verse Jesus says; “So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
DO YOU KNOW what Jesus is saying? He had been talking to Nicodemus about being born again! Jesus said that we must be born of the spirit. Being born of the flesh was not enough! Jesus was likening the wind around us, to the Spirit within us. You can’t see it, touch it, or smell it but you can see the evidence of it; you can feel the presence of it; and you can experience the results of it. I have been studying about the Spirit, His gifts he gives, and the fruit He brought with Him. We receive the spirit as a gift upon baptism. I know that many believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward conviction. With it, we also receive forgiveness! But without it we do not get the Spirit!
REMEMBER the story in Mark 4:35-41. Jesus was asleep while the Apostles were experiencing a fierce wind. They were afraid! They woke Jesus up and said; “Master, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus said to the wind and the sea; “Hush, peace, be still!” The winds and the waves immediately were calm and then Jesus said; “Why are you so afraid? How is it that you have so little faith! They became even more afraid and said to one another; “Who is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”
WE HAVE AN Applebee’s that is located on a little knoll. It is always windy there. When we get out of the car we are greeted with a breeze no matter what time or season is upon us. When we walk out of the door we are greeted with gusts of wind, again it doesn’t matter whether the sun is shining or cloudy and gray, there is always some wind. I never cease to wonder why that is!
THE GIFT of the Holy Spirit, we receive upon baptism, is always with us! He convicts us of our sins. This Spirit helps us to see our need for Jesus! We need to follow His commands and become one of those who the Holy Spirit teaches to walk in faith. The Spirit shares His fruit with us. “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22 Unless we clothe ourselves in these attributes, our lives are like blowing in the wind. We run for cover and look for shelter, but all we need to do, is take refuge in the arms of the one who came and said; “come unto me? The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/24/12
Saturday, November 17, 2012
DO YOU ever wonder about the very first thanksgiving that was experienced by the pilgrims and their new best friends, the Indians? I know what I have read in history books! I am aware of how the new thinkers are wanting to change history to suit themselves! However, the very first thanksgiving had to be full of many firsts. The first large gathering of people full of excitement because of their great crops that year. The first gathering of foreigners on this new land and those who felt this land was theirs alone. The first time these people came together in unity and began to share in thanking God. Wow! Not to mention the first, of eating new kinds of food! Perhaps popcorn; or so I’ve heard!
I WAS almost 24 when Jim and I married in January. As the year moved on we began to approach our first thanksgiving as a married couple. My family gatherings were always large because there were so many. We had just moved into our first home and I was going to be making my first pies! Growing up I baked cakes, Joyce did pies.....I was excited and Clarence, my brother-in-law, was giving me pointers and even came out to taste my crust. I even made a cris-cross crust on top of one. Clancy took a bite of the crust and then another small one. He looked up and said; “Add a little butter and this dough would make tasty biscuits.” My spirits were not daunted, because these were my very first and they looked good.
WE LEFT for church as was our custom on Thanksgiving Day, and then on to celebrate at my sister’s home. Later that night as we returned home, Jim and I noticed that all the lights were on and the front door was standing wide open. Our new puppy, Frosty, was sitting behind the screen door whimpering. We wondered who was in our house? We approached the door cautiously. We could hear the TV, and entered even more cautiously. No one was there! Our back door was badly scratched from Frosty’s trying to get out to do her business. Evidence that she couldn’t wait was apparent on the carpet by the front door. Obviously, with all the excitement of the morning surrounding ‘pies’, we forgot to secure our home and care for our baby. Some of the air in our bubble began to leak as we tried to put things back in order. How could we have done that? How could we have neglected our new home and baby in such a manner? When it is all about me, can I so easily get careless?
EXCITEMENT does that to a person! Are you excited when Sunday morning comes? When the church family is planning their big thanksgiving dinner, are you excited? Do you get excited when you know that the church doors will be open? Through the years I have known many who were always there because they didn’t want to miss out on anything either. We still do! One of my most favorite things was to go to the Thanksgiving program at church on Thanksgiving day. But I’ve learned to check the house before I leave!
DAVID’S heart was full of thanksgiving! “That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and declare all Thy wonders!" Psalms 26:7 “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with singing. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods!” Psalms 95:2-3 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name for the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations.” Psalms 100:4-5
THE EARLY pilgrims suffered many hardships when they entered the domain of the Indians. Many Conflicts arose among the good and the bad! Those who sought peace were able to find it with those who were also seeking peace. Even today we become anxious and experience heartache when our lives are in turmoil. I wanted a change in government and it didn’t happen. However, God says to not be anxious about anything but in all things give thanksgiving. During this season of thanksgiving, I plan to do just that! I am thankful that our God is faithful and true. I am Thankful that our God will never leave us nor forsake us! Hallelujah, what a Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/15/12
I WAS almost 24 when Jim and I married in January. As the year moved on we began to approach our first thanksgiving as a married couple. My family gatherings were always large because there were so many. We had just moved into our first home and I was going to be making my first pies! Growing up I baked cakes, Joyce did pies.....I was excited and Clarence, my brother-in-law, was giving me pointers and even came out to taste my crust. I even made a cris-cross crust on top of one. Clancy took a bite of the crust and then another small one. He looked up and said; “Add a little butter and this dough would make tasty biscuits.” My spirits were not daunted, because these were my very first and they looked good.
WE LEFT for church as was our custom on Thanksgiving Day, and then on to celebrate at my sister’s home. Later that night as we returned home, Jim and I noticed that all the lights were on and the front door was standing wide open. Our new puppy, Frosty, was sitting behind the screen door whimpering. We wondered who was in our house? We approached the door cautiously. We could hear the TV, and entered even more cautiously. No one was there! Our back door was badly scratched from Frosty’s trying to get out to do her business. Evidence that she couldn’t wait was apparent on the carpet by the front door. Obviously, with all the excitement of the morning surrounding ‘pies’, we forgot to secure our home and care for our baby. Some of the air in our bubble began to leak as we tried to put things back in order. How could we have done that? How could we have neglected our new home and baby in such a manner? When it is all about me, can I so easily get careless?
EXCITEMENT does that to a person! Are you excited when Sunday morning comes? When the church family is planning their big thanksgiving dinner, are you excited? Do you get excited when you know that the church doors will be open? Through the years I have known many who were always there because they didn’t want to miss out on anything either. We still do! One of my most favorite things was to go to the Thanksgiving program at church on Thanksgiving day. But I’ve learned to check the house before I leave!
DAVID’S heart was full of thanksgiving! “That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, and declare all Thy wonders!" Psalms 26:7 “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with singing. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods!” Psalms 95:2-3 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name for the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting, and His faithfulness is to all generations.” Psalms 100:4-5
THE EARLY pilgrims suffered many hardships when they entered the domain of the Indians. Many Conflicts arose among the good and the bad! Those who sought peace were able to find it with those who were also seeking peace. Even today we become anxious and experience heartache when our lives are in turmoil. I wanted a change in government and it didn’t happen. However, God says to not be anxious about anything but in all things give thanksgiving. During this season of thanksgiving, I plan to do just that! I am thankful that our God is faithful and true. I am Thankful that our God will never leave us nor forsake us! Hallelujah, what a Savior! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/15/12
Saturday, October 27, 2012
BECAUSE THIS IS AN ELECTION YEAR, and this week is coming down to the wire as to who I should vote for, some would call this ‘the eleventh hour!’ In Oregon we vote by mail! Actually, I have already voted and placed my ballot in the red, white and blue voting box in the back of the Government Center building. We usually vote as soon as we receive the ballot. My minds made up, get it done and all is well; because we vote for character and morality and let God take care of the rest.
WHEN I THOUGHT about the eleventh hour I decided I should do my home work. In the book called “Why You Say It” by Webb Garrison, I found what I needed to know and now I would like to share that with you. The Babylonians, the Greeks and the Hebrews adopted the use of the sundials whose face were in twelve segments. Hours were counted from daylight to dusk which meant darkness around the number twelve..
WESTERN civilization modified the timekeeping so that 12:00 came to mark both noon and midnight. That means the sun is hardly halfway across the heavens at 11:00 am and has disappeared by that hour at 11:00 pm. When I was in highschool, one of my favorite memories is of the sundial we had at the front right of the main building that faced a busy street. I never could figure out how to read it but I would go and look at the face many, many times. I always thought of it as being huge, but in reality it is smaller than I am, because when I stood in front of it, I had to look down; just a little bit.
A NEW TESTAMENT parable found in Matthew 20:1-16 tells about the man who went out to hire some laborers early in the morning. The day began at 6:00 am, he returned at 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, 3:00 pm, and at 5:00 pm which left one hour to work; the eleventh hour! They all worked in the vineyard until quitting time. He then called all the laborers in and beginning with those he hired last, up to the first hirelings, he paid them their wages. He paid them all the same wage, regardless of what hour they began to work. The first group complained; “they had worked longer than those he hired last, yet they had been paid the same as they were!”
OF COURSE this story is related to the fact that God’s grace is the same for all who respond to His call regardless of good deeds.. The length of years of service to the Lord, does not insure more blessings in heaven than the sinner who turns to God in faith at the eleventh hour. I suppose getting paid money is something to question, but aren’t you glad that God doesn’t look at salvation in the same way?
THIS PARABLE is such that we still borrow from it. “And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing and he said to them; “Why do you stand here, idle all day?” They said to him; “Because no one has hired us.” He said to them; “You go into the vineyard too.” Matthew 20:6-7 Despite the position of the sun at the time, we continue to say that the eleventh hour is the last possible time to make a decision or to take action.
LEAVING IMPORTANT decisions or taking important actions at the eleventh hour, can be dangerous. Whether voting, applying for a job, getting a good seat at a large gathering, clocking in at your start time or even clocking out so you are paid appropriately are important. How many times have you missed out because you were too late? I am sure you get the point! Leaving things to the last minute means you could be late for dinner!
LEAVING your decision or taking needed action when it comes to the Lord is also dangerous. Remember the parable of the ten virgins who went to meet the bridegroom? Five were ready and five were not! When the bridegroom had come, the five that were prepared to go into meet him, did! But the other five had to go and get more oil. They tried to borrow, even though there would not be sufficient oil for all. When the five returned the door was closed. “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour!”
Matthew 25:13 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/27/12
WHEN I THOUGHT about the eleventh hour I decided I should do my home work. In the book called “Why You Say It” by Webb Garrison, I found what I needed to know and now I would like to share that with you. The Babylonians, the Greeks and the Hebrews adopted the use of the sundials whose face were in twelve segments. Hours were counted from daylight to dusk which meant darkness around the number twelve..
WESTERN civilization modified the timekeeping so that 12:00 came to mark both noon and midnight. That means the sun is hardly halfway across the heavens at 11:00 am and has disappeared by that hour at 11:00 pm. When I was in highschool, one of my favorite memories is of the sundial we had at the front right of the main building that faced a busy street. I never could figure out how to read it but I would go and look at the face many, many times. I always thought of it as being huge, but in reality it is smaller than I am, because when I stood in front of it, I had to look down; just a little bit.
A NEW TESTAMENT parable found in Matthew 20:1-16 tells about the man who went out to hire some laborers early in the morning. The day began at 6:00 am, he returned at 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, 3:00 pm, and at 5:00 pm which left one hour to work; the eleventh hour! They all worked in the vineyard until quitting time. He then called all the laborers in and beginning with those he hired last, up to the first hirelings, he paid them their wages. He paid them all the same wage, regardless of what hour they began to work. The first group complained; “they had worked longer than those he hired last, yet they had been paid the same as they were!”
OF COURSE this story is related to the fact that God’s grace is the same for all who respond to His call regardless of good deeds.. The length of years of service to the Lord, does not insure more blessings in heaven than the sinner who turns to God in faith at the eleventh hour. I suppose getting paid money is something to question, but aren’t you glad that God doesn’t look at salvation in the same way?
THIS PARABLE is such that we still borrow from it. “And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing and he said to them; “Why do you stand here, idle all day?” They said to him; “Because no one has hired us.” He said to them; “You go into the vineyard too.” Matthew 20:6-7 Despite the position of the sun at the time, we continue to say that the eleventh hour is the last possible time to make a decision or to take action.
LEAVING IMPORTANT decisions or taking important actions at the eleventh hour, can be dangerous. Whether voting, applying for a job, getting a good seat at a large gathering, clocking in at your start time or even clocking out so you are paid appropriately are important. How many times have you missed out because you were too late? I am sure you get the point! Leaving things to the last minute means you could be late for dinner!
LEAVING your decision or taking needed action when it comes to the Lord is also dangerous. Remember the parable of the ten virgins who went to meet the bridegroom? Five were ready and five were not! When the bridegroom had come, the five that were prepared to go into meet him, did! But the other five had to go and get more oil. They tried to borrow, even though there would not be sufficient oil for all. When the five returned the door was closed. “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour!”
Matthew 25:13 By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/27/12
Sunday, October 21, 2012
WHAT'S IN A NAME? 10/21/12
WHEN I WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL most of the jocks called each other by their last names. However, the girls always called them and each other, by their first names or by their ‘nicknames’! When Jim and I began our family, I had a book of names. I made a list of the names I liked and then Jim chose the names we used. Names are important! Names become the main identification link in our person. Our features, our stature and even our personalities can link us to our family but our name sets us apart within our family, our community and even within the kingdom of God!
GROWING up, most of my family called me Janie. I tried just Jane but never measured up to the movie stars who were called just ‘Jane!’ When I introduced myself to others, I always said; “my name is Jane Ann!” I remember telling Jim that my mother had always told me that when a man calls his girlfriend or his wife by anything other than her name it is because he couldn’t remember it. Jim always calls me “Jane Ann!” I always call him; “Jim!” Now Jim is a nickname for James! But he doesn’t look like a James, however, to his family he looks like his middle name; Richard! Go figure!
WHEN YOU became a part of the family of God, you received a new name. You are called Christian! When Jim is preaching many times he says; Christian, which is singular, meaning you and me. He is talking to each one of us and calling us by our name in Christ! The word Christian means; “Christ one.” In looking in the Webster’s new American Dictionary published in 1965, it means Christ; or professing the religion of Christ; representing a Christian people and having traits exemplified by Christ, as humility.
DURING the beginning of the church Paul, who’s name was changed from Saul, led a missionary team and set out for the utter most parts of the earth. This was because many were scattered abroad because of the persecution that arose after Stephen was stoned. Barnabas went looking for Paul. “And when he had found Paul, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a large company of people; and in Antioch the disciples were for the first time, called Christians.” Acts 11:26 Christ ones; meaning belonging to Christ! In other words God had appropriated the people for His own. A people called by His name! Just like when he called the Jew’s in the Old Testament; Israelites. A group of people who came from Jacob and followed God.
THIS NEW NAME became known throughout the provinces even through the halls of King Agrippa who said; “In a short time you think to make me a Christian!” Acts 26:28b That was Paul’s desire; to bring King Agrippa to the feet of Jesus, as well as everyone he talked with. Paul taught everyone he met; “But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian. For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:25-28
WHEN I AM ASKED to fill out papers and it comes to ‘religion’ I always write; “Christian!” I have no other name in Christ than Christian. I took Jim’s last name as my name when I married him; I was pleased to do that! However, I had already taken the name of Christ many years before that. That name was given to me along with the Holy Spirit. Why would I exchange that for any other name?
CHRISTIAN LIBERTY comes with the name of Christian. This liberty is a consequence of salvation. Liberty is freedom and is not a license to sin. This liberty is to bring us into total subjection to Christ and to break the bonds of sin. Conversely, the Christian finds his greatest liberty when he is in bondage to Jesus Christ. I answer to Jane Ann and am called Jim’s wife, but I love to be known as a Christian! How about you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/12
GROWING up, most of my family called me Janie. I tried just Jane but never measured up to the movie stars who were called just ‘Jane!’ When I introduced myself to others, I always said; “my name is Jane Ann!” I remember telling Jim that my mother had always told me that when a man calls his girlfriend or his wife by anything other than her name it is because he couldn’t remember it. Jim always calls me “Jane Ann!” I always call him; “Jim!” Now Jim is a nickname for James! But he doesn’t look like a James, however, to his family he looks like his middle name; Richard! Go figure!
WHEN YOU became a part of the family of God, you received a new name. You are called Christian! When Jim is preaching many times he says; Christian, which is singular, meaning you and me. He is talking to each one of us and calling us by our name in Christ! The word Christian means; “Christ one.” In looking in the Webster’s new American Dictionary published in 1965, it means Christ; or professing the religion of Christ; representing a Christian people and having traits exemplified by Christ, as humility.
DURING the beginning of the church Paul, who’s name was changed from Saul, led a missionary team and set out for the utter most parts of the earth. This was because many were scattered abroad because of the persecution that arose after Stephen was stoned. Barnabas went looking for Paul. “And when he had found Paul, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a large company of people; and in Antioch the disciples were for the first time, called Christians.” Acts 11:26 Christ ones; meaning belonging to Christ! In other words God had appropriated the people for His own. A people called by His name! Just like when he called the Jew’s in the Old Testament; Israelites. A group of people who came from Jacob and followed God.
THIS NEW NAME became known throughout the provinces even through the halls of King Agrippa who said; “In a short time you think to make me a Christian!” Acts 26:28b That was Paul’s desire; to bring King Agrippa to the feet of Jesus, as well as everyone he talked with. Paul taught everyone he met; “But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian. For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:25-28
WHEN I AM ASKED to fill out papers and it comes to ‘religion’ I always write; “Christian!” I have no other name in Christ than Christian. I took Jim’s last name as my name when I married him; I was pleased to do that! However, I had already taken the name of Christ many years before that. That name was given to me along with the Holy Spirit. Why would I exchange that for any other name?
CHRISTIAN LIBERTY comes with the name of Christian. This liberty is a consequence of salvation. Liberty is freedom and is not a license to sin. This liberty is to bring us into total subjection to Christ and to break the bonds of sin. Conversely, the Christian finds his greatest liberty when he is in bondage to Jesus Christ. I answer to Jane Ann and am called Jim’s wife, but I love to be known as a Christian! How about you? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/20/12
Saturday, October 13, 2012
WALK BEFORE ME! 10/14/12
HOW DO YOU FEEL when you are walking in front of someone? For the most part, I am a little self-conscious. I like face to face sightseeing but don’t feel comfortable knowing someone is sightseeing. Think about it! When you are being watched without knowing who and what is being watched, don’t you feel a little uncomfortable? When Jim first saw me at the place we both were employed, he thought to himself; “I would like to take care of her the rest of her life!” Of course he doesn’t exactly remember what he said word for word, but that is how I remember him telling me. He was watching me without my realizing it! But then I too am a watcher.
I LOVE leading a Bible Study but I also love being in a Bible Study. Lately our church has been involved in THE STORY. It is being taught in all the Sunday School classes, the worship service and Wednesday nights. Continuity throughout God’s word reminds us of what God’s plan is all about. In looking at the STORY some of the scriptures have been jumping out at me. I remember mentioning to God that I was having trouble writing my Morning Glory Devotionals for my blog. Well, His Word is rich and full of what He wants me to write about.
“WHEN ABRAM was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to him and said; I am God Almighty, walk before me, and be perfect!” Genesis 17:1 Obviously age has nothing to do with it, when God declares who He is and what He wants from us. We sing the song El Shaddi, but do we realize that we are calling Him “God Almighty!” When God speaks to us we should be asking “how high” instead of “What?” God wants to take care of us, not only here in the flesh, but for eternity!
WHEN WE call Him the “God of the mountain” which is not the worship of nature, but is calling Him “God Almighty” shouldn’t we take note of who He is and who we are? If God was watching Abram/Abraham from behind, how do you think He watches us? We talk about God walking with us and we know that He is fully aware of us, but have you thought about Him watching?
“CAN A MAN hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? Says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Says the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:24 God is watching those who are watching Him! He wants us to be perfect so He gave us the next best thing. The Holy Spirit! “And Peter said to them; Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Act 2:38 The Holy Spirit came upon men for special circumstances but upon our baptism, the Holy Spirit did not come upon us but went inside of us! A concept that is difficult for man to understand, but when we accept Jesus, it is a reality!
“THE EYES OF THE LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3 I remember my mother always seem to know what we were doing. Perhaps she just knew the mind of children or perhaps she really did have eyes in the back in her head. Our living room and kitchen were separated by a short wall. A tiny walk from the kitchen into the hall had a doorway into the living room. On the wall to left of the door in the living was a very large mirror. She could look from the kitchen at the mirror on the wall and see the whole livingroom. I don’t know how many times she would call out the name of the perpetrator who was ready to pounce! We would all stop and curiously look at each other. Took us a while, but we eventually figured it out.
BUT THAT WAS not all of her ways of knowing. She included the neighbor lady! Lynn had a old car that he bought but he didn’t have a license nor a permit. He was told never to drive it! One day after school he decided to drive it around the block. Joyce reminded him of what Mom had said! He said; “She won’t know!” He was no sooner out of the driveway when the phone rang. Mom said; ”Have Lynn call me when he gets home!” It really didn’t matter how Mom knew, but she did!
GOD KNOWS and He wants us to be blameless! Pay attention Christian because your life depends upon it! Don’t take God for granted! He gave us the Spirit so that we would have no excuse. Knowing that God is watching, gives us an edge, don’t fall off! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/12
I LOVE leading a Bible Study but I also love being in a Bible Study. Lately our church has been involved in THE STORY. It is being taught in all the Sunday School classes, the worship service and Wednesday nights. Continuity throughout God’s word reminds us of what God’s plan is all about. In looking at the STORY some of the scriptures have been jumping out at me. I remember mentioning to God that I was having trouble writing my Morning Glory Devotionals for my blog. Well, His Word is rich and full of what He wants me to write about.
“WHEN ABRAM was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to him and said; I am God Almighty, walk before me, and be perfect!” Genesis 17:1 Obviously age has nothing to do with it, when God declares who He is and what He wants from us. We sing the song El Shaddi, but do we realize that we are calling Him “God Almighty!” When God speaks to us we should be asking “how high” instead of “What?” God wants to take care of us, not only here in the flesh, but for eternity!
WHEN WE call Him the “God of the mountain” which is not the worship of nature, but is calling Him “God Almighty” shouldn’t we take note of who He is and who we are? If God was watching Abram/Abraham from behind, how do you think He watches us? We talk about God walking with us and we know that He is fully aware of us, but have you thought about Him watching?
“CAN A MAN hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? Says the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Says the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:24 God is watching those who are watching Him! He wants us to be perfect so He gave us the next best thing. The Holy Spirit! “And Peter said to them; Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Act 2:38 The Holy Spirit came upon men for special circumstances but upon our baptism, the Holy Spirit did not come upon us but went inside of us! A concept that is difficult for man to understand, but when we accept Jesus, it is a reality!
“THE EYES OF THE LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3 I remember my mother always seem to know what we were doing. Perhaps she just knew the mind of children or perhaps she really did have eyes in the back in her head. Our living room and kitchen were separated by a short wall. A tiny walk from the kitchen into the hall had a doorway into the living room. On the wall to left of the door in the living was a very large mirror. She could look from the kitchen at the mirror on the wall and see the whole livingroom. I don’t know how many times she would call out the name of the perpetrator who was ready to pounce! We would all stop and curiously look at each other. Took us a while, but we eventually figured it out.
BUT THAT WAS not all of her ways of knowing. She included the neighbor lady! Lynn had a old car that he bought but he didn’t have a license nor a permit. He was told never to drive it! One day after school he decided to drive it around the block. Joyce reminded him of what Mom had said! He said; “She won’t know!” He was no sooner out of the driveway when the phone rang. Mom said; ”Have Lynn call me when he gets home!” It really didn’t matter how Mom knew, but she did!
GOD KNOWS and He wants us to be blameless! Pay attention Christian because your life depends upon it! Don’t take God for granted! He gave us the Spirit so that we would have no excuse. Knowing that God is watching, gives us an edge, don’t fall off! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/12
Sunday, September 30, 2012
RETURN TO ME! 9/30/12
A FEW YEARS AGO a movie came out called; “Return to me!” It was about a prosperous career woman who worked in a zoo with the Apes. She is killed in a car accident and as a donor, her heart was transplanted into a young woman who worked in her father’s restaurant. I can’t remember the names of the stars, or all of the story except that the first woman’s husband, during his grieving for his wife, meets the woman who now has his wife’s heart. I loved, the love story and it ended happily ever after; which of course, is my favorite kind of story! When the grieving young man meets the woman with the new heart, she is afraid to reveal the scar she bears, and when she finds out that the heart she was given, had belong to his wife, she runs away. When the young man comes to his senses he looks for her and finds her.
HAVE YOU EVER ran away from the one who holds your heart? Now I am not referring to the romantic side of the heart filled with love for some someone. I am referring to the one who lives within you and fills your heart and soul with Godly purpose. When you come to your senses do you search for that one? Do you reveal your need for your continued relationship?
AT WEDNESDAY NIGHT bible study we were in chapter one of Zechariah. The prophet of old was talking to those who returned from captivity in Babylon for the purpose of rebuilding God’s Temple. His message was a call for national repentance! Sounds familiar doesn’t it? We have a call into our Nation for a 40 day prayer fast, for national repentance. We are committed to humble ourselves and to seek God’s face. We come with repentant hearts so that He will hear our prayers and heal our land.
THE LORD of hosts says to Zechariah; “The Lord was very angry with your fathers.” Therefore, says the Lord of hosts; ”Return to me, and I will return to you!” Zechariah 1:2-3. When I heard that scripture, I felt my heart within my breast skip a beat. Maybe that is a literal interpretation of God spoke to me! I felt excited! If we return to Him, He will return to us! I know what that said to me, but what does it say to you?
WHEN I return to the Lord, it means that I have been off wandering in the desert without Him. My desert may be the place I have allowed myself to go, when I am not in fellowship with my church family. Perhaps it is going to places, and doing things that the Holy Spirit within me doesn’t like. It may be causing distress for the one who call’s my body His temple. If we are to return then that means we have been away!
WHEN THE LORD says; “Return to me and I will return to you” says that while I was away, He also left me! Otherwise, why would He say; “I will return to you?” “Turn to Him from whom you have deeply revolted, O people of Israel. For in that day every one shall cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which your hands have sinfully made for you.” Isaiah 31:6-7
THE PROPHET Malachi also speaks for the Lord to His people when he says; “From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statues and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you. But you say; ‘How shall we return? Will man rob God?’ Yet you are robbing me, with your tithes and offerings.” Malachi 3:7-8 We know when we withhold our tithes and offerings how difficult it is to pay our bills. We know that when we forsake our Lord, peace is gone!
WE LIVE in a world of turmoil and unrest. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts, you men of double mind.” James 4:8 We have been called to 40 DAYS OF PRAYER! You are not limited to 40 days but it is a good start. Lifting our voices in praise and thanksgiving is a call to worship. Let’s return to Him so that He can return to us! One voice; in unity; one Nation under God, who are called by His name. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/27/12
HAVE YOU EVER ran away from the one who holds your heart? Now I am not referring to the romantic side of the heart filled with love for some someone. I am referring to the one who lives within you and fills your heart and soul with Godly purpose. When you come to your senses do you search for that one? Do you reveal your need for your continued relationship?
AT WEDNESDAY NIGHT bible study we were in chapter one of Zechariah. The prophet of old was talking to those who returned from captivity in Babylon for the purpose of rebuilding God’s Temple. His message was a call for national repentance! Sounds familiar doesn’t it? We have a call into our Nation for a 40 day prayer fast, for national repentance. We are committed to humble ourselves and to seek God’s face. We come with repentant hearts so that He will hear our prayers and heal our land.
THE LORD of hosts says to Zechariah; “The Lord was very angry with your fathers.” Therefore, says the Lord of hosts; ”Return to me, and I will return to you!” Zechariah 1:2-3. When I heard that scripture, I felt my heart within my breast skip a beat. Maybe that is a literal interpretation of God spoke to me! I felt excited! If we return to Him, He will return to us! I know what that said to me, but what does it say to you?
WHEN I return to the Lord, it means that I have been off wandering in the desert without Him. My desert may be the place I have allowed myself to go, when I am not in fellowship with my church family. Perhaps it is going to places, and doing things that the Holy Spirit within me doesn’t like. It may be causing distress for the one who call’s my body His temple. If we are to return then that means we have been away!
WHEN THE LORD says; “Return to me and I will return to you” says that while I was away, He also left me! Otherwise, why would He say; “I will return to you?” “Turn to Him from whom you have deeply revolted, O people of Israel. For in that day every one shall cast away his idols of silver and his idols of gold, which your hands have sinfully made for you.” Isaiah 31:6-7
THE PROPHET Malachi also speaks for the Lord to His people when he says; “From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statues and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you. But you say; ‘How shall we return? Will man rob God?’ Yet you are robbing me, with your tithes and offerings.” Malachi 3:7-8 We know when we withhold our tithes and offerings how difficult it is to pay our bills. We know that when we forsake our Lord, peace is gone!
WE LIVE in a world of turmoil and unrest. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts, you men of double mind.” James 4:8 We have been called to 40 DAYS OF PRAYER! You are not limited to 40 days but it is a good start. Lifting our voices in praise and thanksgiving is a call to worship. Let’s return to Him so that He can return to us! One voice; in unity; one Nation under God, who are called by His name. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/27/12
Saturday, September 22, 2012
COME WITH ME! 9/23/12
WHEN I was a young woman, fresh out of Highschool and before the voting age was changed to 18, I was a member of the “Young Republicans.” Eisenhower /Nixon were on the presidential ticket and I was living in an exciting time in America. Through the years it has been exciting to watch the process and praying for my candidate. Sometimes I won and sometimes I lost. America has survived throughout those many years of the democratic process, and the world has watched and wanted freedoms for themselves.
LITTLE BY LITTLE freedoms have come to other countries. Some have broke away from what they had known all their lives so they could have a say so, in their part of the world. I remember visiting Egypt and being confronted by salesmen on the streets. I was greeted with “I love America; hi-ho-silver!” Today with the confusion in the 3rd world society, many are expressing their hatred for America. I think back and wonder why? Today it has been brought to my attention, by those who report the news, that there are still those who love America, and are ashamed of what is going on.
WE CANNOT condemn the whole but need to pray for the few that cause death and destruction wherever they go. Our GOD is bigger than a prophet and can give us the peace that passes all understanding. The world does not understand God’s peace and they never will until they are brought to the feet of Jesus. I’ve been there, and find it difficult to lift myself any higher, than the place I have found at His feet.
IT IS POSSIBLE for all the trouble makers in the world to come to Jesus. When the Apostles followed Jesus about, watching Him bringing others to Himself, they asked the question; “Who then can be saved?” “But Jesus looked at them and said to them; “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 You and I pray for God to take vengeance upon our adversaries, but God waits patiently for all men to come to Him. We must wait also!
DO YOU REMEMBER who you were before Christ entered into your life? Do you remember the kind of person you were? Do you remember the kinds of thoughts you entertained in your mind? Do you remember? I do! I remember being selfish and thinking that the words I said, were waiting to be heard by everyone, on bated breath. I think I thought that clear up to about 20 years ago. I still talk too much, but I ask you to forgive me because God is not finished with me yet!
DO YOU HAVE a tendency to want to tell people how to live and how to spend their money, and where they should go. Do you? I had an answer to everyone’s problems, but mine just seemed to keep growing. My problems were me! Go figure! I am my own problem! Not Jim’s; not my children’s; nor even my grandchildren. I can’t even blame me on my siblings. You and I create our own personal world of “Wo’esme’s!”
GOD’S WORD is where we find the recipes for living a Christian life. We all struggle through this together. His Word tells us about the armor we are to put on. The Holy Spirit, through baptism, has placed Himself inside of us along with His fruit. The Spirit, that is Jesus Christ, is within us. His attributes are the fruit that is now within you and me. The Gifts of the Spirit is something else. We all have a place in the SON and the Holy Spirit enables us to find our place of service. In my old age it is writing a blog; leading a ladies Bible Study and being faithful to His body, the church.
WE CRINGE when we watch the news and think “how can the world hate us so?” “He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and as one from whom men hid their faces he was despised and we esteemed Him not.” Isaiah 53:3 Jesus knew the scriptures and so He knew what was ahead. But He faced it anyway. Why did He do that? Because “God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!” John 3:16 Please note that John says; “should not perish!” Come, with me to the foot of the cross; there you will find Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/22/12
LITTLE BY LITTLE freedoms have come to other countries. Some have broke away from what they had known all their lives so they could have a say so, in their part of the world. I remember visiting Egypt and being confronted by salesmen on the streets. I was greeted with “I love America; hi-ho-silver!” Today with the confusion in the 3rd world society, many are expressing their hatred for America. I think back and wonder why? Today it has been brought to my attention, by those who report the news, that there are still those who love America, and are ashamed of what is going on.
WE CANNOT condemn the whole but need to pray for the few that cause death and destruction wherever they go. Our GOD is bigger than a prophet and can give us the peace that passes all understanding. The world does not understand God’s peace and they never will until they are brought to the feet of Jesus. I’ve been there, and find it difficult to lift myself any higher, than the place I have found at His feet.
IT IS POSSIBLE for all the trouble makers in the world to come to Jesus. When the Apostles followed Jesus about, watching Him bringing others to Himself, they asked the question; “Who then can be saved?” “But Jesus looked at them and said to them; “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 You and I pray for God to take vengeance upon our adversaries, but God waits patiently for all men to come to Him. We must wait also!
DO YOU REMEMBER who you were before Christ entered into your life? Do you remember the kind of person you were? Do you remember the kinds of thoughts you entertained in your mind? Do you remember? I do! I remember being selfish and thinking that the words I said, were waiting to be heard by everyone, on bated breath. I think I thought that clear up to about 20 years ago. I still talk too much, but I ask you to forgive me because God is not finished with me yet!
DO YOU HAVE a tendency to want to tell people how to live and how to spend their money, and where they should go. Do you? I had an answer to everyone’s problems, but mine just seemed to keep growing. My problems were me! Go figure! I am my own problem! Not Jim’s; not my children’s; nor even my grandchildren. I can’t even blame me on my siblings. You and I create our own personal world of “Wo’esme’s!”
GOD’S WORD is where we find the recipes for living a Christian life. We all struggle through this together. His Word tells us about the armor we are to put on. The Holy Spirit, through baptism, has placed Himself inside of us along with His fruit. The Spirit, that is Jesus Christ, is within us. His attributes are the fruit that is now within you and me. The Gifts of the Spirit is something else. We all have a place in the SON and the Holy Spirit enables us to find our place of service. In my old age it is writing a blog; leading a ladies Bible Study and being faithful to His body, the church.
WE CRINGE when we watch the news and think “how can the world hate us so?” “He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, and as one from whom men hid their faces he was despised and we esteemed Him not.” Isaiah 53:3 Jesus knew the scriptures and so He knew what was ahead. But He faced it anyway. Why did He do that? Because “God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believed on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!” John 3:16 Please note that John says; “should not perish!” Come, with me to the foot of the cross; there you will find Jesus! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/22/12
Monday, September 10, 2012
I WAS BORN just before WWII but not before trouble
was brewing. Of course I don’t remember anything first hand, but the world remembered. My brother Lonnie joined the Navy at the age of 17. Jim’s two brothers, Carl and Glenn were Pilots and Glenn ended up in a concentration camp. Jim’s oldest brother Ed, was also in the Navy. Our families remember! Wars and rumors of wars are in the history of mankind and also in world and American history books. Those who were there wrote it down so that we can study about it. Interestingly enough, some books have been rewritten and views have been changed. Young people look at our history and have a cynical view of the purpose and reasons behind the stories that brought America into a world power.
“IN THE BEGINNING GOD;” is found in Genesis 1:1. Our forefathers were God fearing men. You wouldn’t realize that today when you hear young people speak about the whys and wherefores of our beginning. Our country prospered under the influence of Godly people. Instead of saying where is God; we should be asking; “where are the Godly people in leadership today?” I am not saying that there are not Godly people today, but having become politically correct and watering down the biblical influences within our society, it is hard to know who to follow as they lead.
“PUT YOUR TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding! In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8 When you hear the stories about George Washington and all of his close calls as he led his men in and out of battles, you have to look at his faith and trust in God. When he was finished and the white house was being completed, he fell pray to a throat infection and died two weeks later. He never lived in the white house, nor did he live long after his battles in a position of worldly power.
ELEVEN YEARS AGO today, America was reminded of their vulnerabilities in the world. Powerful as America may have been, God being left out of the equation brought devastation and destruction to our home land, once again. The sleeping giant was revived from it’s sleepy eyed tranquility of satisfaction within itself. Some asked; “Where is God?” “Why?” God is and always will be there, but the powers that took God out of the realm of protection, left her with her shields down and opened her doors to harmful elements.
I LOVE READING Psalms. David was familiar with war but he followed God’s directions and included God in his plans. David says in 118:5 “Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.” No wonder David says; “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Psalms 118:8 No wonder David could say; “All nations surrounded me; in the name of the Lord I cut them off!” Psalms 118:10 Read chapter 118 and see the witness of David. He saw the Lord as his companion. “The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” Psalms 118:14
GOD DOESN’T cause our troubles, they come because we live in a sinful world, and we are not including Him in our plans. Take a step back and remember the God of the mountains and realize that He is the same God in the valley’s. No matter where we are, He has promised to be with us. Take time out of your daily activities and pray for our country; our leaders; our place in the SON and in the world. In remembrance of the sad days in America, we should be brought low, to the feet of the Savior.
OUR HISTORY doesn’t follow us, it goes before us. Our history doesn’t need to be rewritten, it needs to be taught as it happened. We need to stand in the halls yelling; “NO KING BUT KING JESUS!” Even though we remember a shout from the past, and even if it is still in the shadows, it can still be a motto for all mankind, who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! God blessed America, well over 200 years ago, and He can today! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/10/12
was brewing. Of course I don’t remember anything first hand, but the world remembered. My brother Lonnie joined the Navy at the age of 17. Jim’s two brothers, Carl and Glenn were Pilots and Glenn ended up in a concentration camp. Jim’s oldest brother Ed, was also in the Navy. Our families remember! Wars and rumors of wars are in the history of mankind and also in world and American history books. Those who were there wrote it down so that we can study about it. Interestingly enough, some books have been rewritten and views have been changed. Young people look at our history and have a cynical view of the purpose and reasons behind the stories that brought America into a world power.
“IN THE BEGINNING GOD;” is found in Genesis 1:1. Our forefathers were God fearing men. You wouldn’t realize that today when you hear young people speak about the whys and wherefores of our beginning. Our country prospered under the influence of Godly people. Instead of saying where is God; we should be asking; “where are the Godly people in leadership today?” I am not saying that there are not Godly people today, but having become politically correct and watering down the biblical influences within our society, it is hard to know who to follow as they lead.
“PUT YOUR TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding! In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh, and refreshment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:5-8 When you hear the stories about George Washington and all of his close calls as he led his men in and out of battles, you have to look at his faith and trust in God. When he was finished and the white house was being completed, he fell pray to a throat infection and died two weeks later. He never lived in the white house, nor did he live long after his battles in a position of worldly power.
ELEVEN YEARS AGO today, America was reminded of their vulnerabilities in the world. Powerful as America may have been, God being left out of the equation brought devastation and destruction to our home land, once again. The sleeping giant was revived from it’s sleepy eyed tranquility of satisfaction within itself. Some asked; “Where is God?” “Why?” God is and always will be there, but the powers that took God out of the realm of protection, left her with her shields down and opened her doors to harmful elements.
I LOVE READING Psalms. David was familiar with war but he followed God’s directions and included God in his plans. David says in 118:5 “Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.” No wonder David says; “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” Psalms 118:8 No wonder David could say; “All nations surrounded me; in the name of the Lord I cut them off!” Psalms 118:10 Read chapter 118 and see the witness of David. He saw the Lord as his companion. “The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” Psalms 118:14
GOD DOESN’T cause our troubles, they come because we live in a sinful world, and we are not including Him in our plans. Take a step back and remember the God of the mountains and realize that He is the same God in the valley’s. No matter where we are, He has promised to be with us. Take time out of your daily activities and pray for our country; our leaders; our place in the SON and in the world. In remembrance of the sad days in America, we should be brought low, to the feet of the Savior.
OUR HISTORY doesn’t follow us, it goes before us. Our history doesn’t need to be rewritten, it needs to be taught as it happened. We need to stand in the halls yelling; “NO KING BUT KING JESUS!” Even though we remember a shout from the past, and even if it is still in the shadows, it can still be a motto for all mankind, who believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God! God blessed America, well over 200 years ago, and He can today! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/10/12
Saturday, August 25, 2012
ONE OF A KIND! 8/26/12
HOW MANY things can you think of, that you would consider ‘one of a kind!’ Recently I was reading a little pamphlet that was talking about God’s Word. The Bible, just by it’s name, indicates it is one of a kind! It is referred to as being ‘holy’ which means it is set apart from other books. The word Bible says it is many books in one! Those of us who are in the know, regarding God and His Word, believe that these many books in one, were inspired by God, written by men who were set apart, for the task.
MANY ARE ignorant to God’s teaching, because they refuse to believe that the Bible is God’s Word. But they all agree that it is one of a kind! When you consider that all are called but only few answer the call, it is easy to understand the ignorance of man.
YEARS AGO Jim and I moved from the country into the city. Our first spring was exciting as we watched the plants and flowers come to life that had been previously planted. We didn’t plant them of course, so we were not aware of all that was there. We recognized some, especially the row of lilac trees which turned out to be white and lavender. So beautiful! The following year we saw a strange plant, that broke the ground with a burst and grew about 2 feet, very fast. At the top was a elongated bulb with colors of deep purple mixed with black. brown edges and tinges of deep red. It looked like a big ugly tongue; not very pretty! We kept an eye on it because it kept growing taller, and we asked around if anyone knew what kind of plant it was.
ONE MORNING the bulb opened. We went out to examine the flower and was turned away by it’s odor; the smell was so offensive and pungent. Every evening we would go out and look at it. We wanted to cut it down but still wanted to know what it was. Jim did take a picture and many years later I saw it in a book. Today, I can’t remember what it was called. All I can say is that it was ‘one of a kind’ and we were both happy to see it go when it was finally cut down.
IT HAS BEEN said that everyone has a twin somewhere. But even biological twins, even though they are identical or even mirror twins; are still ‘one of kind!’ Personalities; coloring; and even the way we cock our heads, gives us our own personification. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth!” Genesis 1:1 In this scripture we find God’s personification. He is the master creator. More than that, He was in the beginning. If we are to believe in God and in His Word we must believe that God is!
“YET FOR US there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we exist.” 1 Corinthians 8:6 God’s purpose of revealing Himself, is for us to know Him. If God did not want us to know Him, He never would have created our existence and where we exist. God is a ‘one of a kind’ God! Oh yes, there are many god’s that take precedence over God, but that is truly from the ignorance of man.
“FOR THERE is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5 The scriptures tell us that Jesus was there in the beginning. Not anything was made, that was made, without His knowledge and His permission. Jesus also is a ‘one of a kind!” For anyone to say that He was just a good man, hasn’t a lick of sense.
“THERE IS ONE body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; One God and Father of us all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6 When I was reminded of that ugly plant and how badly it smelled; I realized that many who have been called and have rejected the call, are just like that stinky, smelly plant. They are really not a one of a kind, but just like so many others who have rejected the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They too become filled with a pungent odor that God turns away from. Don’t be like them, be one who is set apart and belongs to Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/12
MANY ARE ignorant to God’s teaching, because they refuse to believe that the Bible is God’s Word. But they all agree that it is one of a kind! When you consider that all are called but only few answer the call, it is easy to understand the ignorance of man.
YEARS AGO Jim and I moved from the country into the city. Our first spring was exciting as we watched the plants and flowers come to life that had been previously planted. We didn’t plant them of course, so we were not aware of all that was there. We recognized some, especially the row of lilac trees which turned out to be white and lavender. So beautiful! The following year we saw a strange plant, that broke the ground with a burst and grew about 2 feet, very fast. At the top was a elongated bulb with colors of deep purple mixed with black. brown edges and tinges of deep red. It looked like a big ugly tongue; not very pretty! We kept an eye on it because it kept growing taller, and we asked around if anyone knew what kind of plant it was.
ONE MORNING the bulb opened. We went out to examine the flower and was turned away by it’s odor; the smell was so offensive and pungent. Every evening we would go out and look at it. We wanted to cut it down but still wanted to know what it was. Jim did take a picture and many years later I saw it in a book. Today, I can’t remember what it was called. All I can say is that it was ‘one of a kind’ and we were both happy to see it go when it was finally cut down.
IT HAS BEEN said that everyone has a twin somewhere. But even biological twins, even though they are identical or even mirror twins; are still ‘one of kind!’ Personalities; coloring; and even the way we cock our heads, gives us our own personification. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth!” Genesis 1:1 In this scripture we find God’s personification. He is the master creator. More than that, He was in the beginning. If we are to believe in God and in His Word we must believe that God is!
“YET FOR US there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we exist.” 1 Corinthians 8:6 God’s purpose of revealing Himself, is for us to know Him. If God did not want us to know Him, He never would have created our existence and where we exist. God is a ‘one of a kind’ God! Oh yes, there are many god’s that take precedence over God, but that is truly from the ignorance of man.
“FOR THERE is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5 The scriptures tell us that Jesus was there in the beginning. Not anything was made, that was made, without His knowledge and His permission. Jesus also is a ‘one of a kind!” For anyone to say that He was just a good man, hasn’t a lick of sense.
“THERE IS ONE body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; One God and Father of us all, who is above all, and through all, and in all.” Ephesians 4:4-6 When I was reminded of that ugly plant and how badly it smelled; I realized that many who have been called and have rejected the call, are just like that stinky, smelly plant. They are really not a one of a kind, but just like so many others who have rejected the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They too become filled with a pungent odor that God turns away from. Don’t be like them, be one who is set apart and belongs to Christ! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/25/12
Saturday, August 18, 2012
A FEW YEARS ago I wrote about an experience I had with a Hummingbird that was visiting our neighbor across the street. She was flitting from flower to flower when she spied me watching her as I sat on our porch swing, enjoying the sun. As I watched this little bird moving quickly about, she all of a sudden changed direction, and flew directly towards me and planted herself on the rail right in front of me. My deck at that time, had a bench that ran around one end of it with a support back. Underneath this bench was this rail, upon which my visitor sat perched, and began to lecture me.
I WAS so bewildered because I had never seen a hummingbird do anything like that. After she ended her tirade, she flew back to the garden. I watched more intently and again she changed directions and flew back to perch on my rail. This time I tried to talk to her! I asked her if she had come a long way to find the garden across the street. She replied but again I felt she was chastising me. She cocked her tiny head from one side, then to the other. She made a couple of tiny turns and then starred at me again. I had to laugh, because it all seem so absurd! Startled, she flew back to the garden! I continued to watch and she returned one more time. This time she just sat there and then she flew away. Needless to say, for several days after that I looked for her. She may have returned to the Garden but she never perched on my rail again.
THIS YEAR, the Hummingbirds have decided that our beautiful and profuse Hollyhocks have the kind of nectar they have been searching for. They are busy, busy, busy! Our neighbor on our left commented on the activity which drew my attention, and also down memory lane again. A question still bothers me about my visitor. Why did she do that and why was she so angry? Perhaps she felt threatened. Perhaps she had been making a nest and wanted to do that in secret.
I KNOW many of you have experienced these tiny miracles of life when it comes to observing the Hummingbird. Watching them is almost like watching something so unbelievable, and yet so real. My sister-in-law had a teeny tiny Hummingbirds nest just outside her back door. The nest itself was no bigger than a thimble and it sat upon a post that only God could create. It was so enchanting to watch this teeny tiny mother bird, feeding her teeny tiny baby in it’s teeny tiny home.
I THINK that God sends these little splashes of joy into our lives to remind us of who He is. He is the one that created all things. He is the one that brought the world and all that is in it, into existence. God said let there be and there was! God’s sense of humor is evident with the fish in the seas; the birds in the air; the flowers and trees; the hills and mountains; the rock walls and rim rocks that circle the hills; the winds; the rains; the snow that falls so lightly; the changes of the seasons which delight our eyes; the smells that permeate our surroundings and cause us to remember. When God was through indulging Himself through His creation, He saw that everything was good! Then He looked around and saw that He wanted more!
SO HE created animals of all species; babies and full grown. Then His greatest masterpiece of all; man! Again, God looked around and saw that everything was good! Adam and Eve’s experience in the beautiful garden of Eden, must have come with puzzlement, wonderment, joy and awe. Genesis 3:1-24 gives us the story about how the perfect picture of Adam and Eve in the garden came to an end. Satan deceived Eve and she ate! Eve gave the fruit to Adam and he ate! Sin destroyed the beautiful world that God created for them!
GOD’S PLAN from the beginning, was for man to live forever in the garden. Today we can endure living in a sinful world, amongst God’s beautiful creation; because ultimately through Christ, we can live forever with Him in heaven. In the meantime we have questions, we are amused, we are amazed, and totally in awe as we enjoy God’s world. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/17/12
I WAS so bewildered because I had never seen a hummingbird do anything like that. After she ended her tirade, she flew back to the garden. I watched more intently and again she changed directions and flew back to perch on my rail. This time I tried to talk to her! I asked her if she had come a long way to find the garden across the street. She replied but again I felt she was chastising me. She cocked her tiny head from one side, then to the other. She made a couple of tiny turns and then starred at me again. I had to laugh, because it all seem so absurd! Startled, she flew back to the garden! I continued to watch and she returned one more time. This time she just sat there and then she flew away. Needless to say, for several days after that I looked for her. She may have returned to the Garden but she never perched on my rail again.
THIS YEAR, the Hummingbirds have decided that our beautiful and profuse Hollyhocks have the kind of nectar they have been searching for. They are busy, busy, busy! Our neighbor on our left commented on the activity which drew my attention, and also down memory lane again. A question still bothers me about my visitor. Why did she do that and why was she so angry? Perhaps she felt threatened. Perhaps she had been making a nest and wanted to do that in secret.
I KNOW many of you have experienced these tiny miracles of life when it comes to observing the Hummingbird. Watching them is almost like watching something so unbelievable, and yet so real. My sister-in-law had a teeny tiny Hummingbirds nest just outside her back door. The nest itself was no bigger than a thimble and it sat upon a post that only God could create. It was so enchanting to watch this teeny tiny mother bird, feeding her teeny tiny baby in it’s teeny tiny home.
I THINK that God sends these little splashes of joy into our lives to remind us of who He is. He is the one that created all things. He is the one that brought the world and all that is in it, into existence. God said let there be and there was! God’s sense of humor is evident with the fish in the seas; the birds in the air; the flowers and trees; the hills and mountains; the rock walls and rim rocks that circle the hills; the winds; the rains; the snow that falls so lightly; the changes of the seasons which delight our eyes; the smells that permeate our surroundings and cause us to remember. When God was through indulging Himself through His creation, He saw that everything was good! Then He looked around and saw that He wanted more!
SO HE created animals of all species; babies and full grown. Then His greatest masterpiece of all; man! Again, God looked around and saw that everything was good! Adam and Eve’s experience in the beautiful garden of Eden, must have come with puzzlement, wonderment, joy and awe. Genesis 3:1-24 gives us the story about how the perfect picture of Adam and Eve in the garden came to an end. Satan deceived Eve and she ate! Eve gave the fruit to Adam and he ate! Sin destroyed the beautiful world that God created for them!
GOD’S PLAN from the beginning, was for man to live forever in the garden. Today we can endure living in a sinful world, amongst God’s beautiful creation; because ultimately through Christ, we can live forever with Him in heaven. In the meantime we have questions, we are amused, we are amazed, and totally in awe as we enjoy God’s world. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/17/12
Saturday, August 11, 2012
IT WAS 1956! I was fresh out of high school! The political debate was in full swing! Would Ike win the Presidency for the Republicans or would A. Stevenson, for the Democrats? During this phase of the arena our small group of politically minded Americans formed a Young Republican’s offshoot in our district. Long after hours, we would put up posters, after taking the opposing candidates posters down. We cleaned up buildings for the GOP headquarters and for returns. We held recruiting affairs to entice other like minded young people to participate in our fun. We had dinner meetings and served Eisenhower stew. We wore badges that said; “I like Ike”! Well, Ike did win the Presidency. Our local candidates lost to the Democrats and now all of this is remembered only in history. That was one of the highlights of my late teens.
HISTORY was in the making four years ago! We had a woman, and a man of color seeking the Democratic nomination for President. We had six men running for the GOP. All touting their experiences in no uncertain terms. If we have a woman, or a man of color holding any position for the presidency or vice president makes no difference because both would set a precedence that is unheard of in our country. On the GOP side, it became a free for all because no incumbent was running. In the final debate it has come down to a man of color on the Democratic side and a woman sharing the ticket as vice president on the GOP side. Things were pretty heated up and got even hotter until the decision was made. Through the few years following we watched the roller coaster descent very quickly.
MY MOTHER use to be a registrar! She received a nominal amount for each person she registered, who was 21. On my sister Joyce’s 21 birthday, and still in bed, my mother stood at the foot of her bed and said; “ raise your right hand!” My mother already had her paper filled out. She went through the steps and while still in bed, Joyce signed her request to register for the Republican party. Not many years later the age was changed to 18 and even still later, registrar’s were not the only means used . Today, you can go to the DMV, on line or the Post Office and get a form. We use to have deadlines to be registered by, but today you can do it the hour before elections and even in some states, apparently you can register many times. Bad form!
WE THINK we elect a candidate to office but actually God allows them there. Paul writes; “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” Romans 13:1-8 Paul continues with; “When we resist those in office we resist what God has appointed and therefore we incur judgment. Rulers want good conduct not bad. When we do good we will receive the rulers approval and Gods. The ruler is God’s servant for your good.” In the book of Esther, we love the phrase; “Who knows whether you have not come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!” I believe because of the state of God’s people and the world, God establishes the government within the United States of America to reflect that condition. You may disagree and that is alright! We are to remember that the ruler is the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer. How this takes place is up to God. It comes down to cause and effect. Man causes trouble and God renders judgement, the effect.
1 PETER 2, the scriptures tells us the same things. Because of God, we are to submit to our human institutions. It is Gods will that by doing this we silence the ignorance of foolish men. We are to live as free men, yet not using our freedom as a pretext for evil. “But I will warn you whom to fear: “Fear the One who after He was killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!” Luke 12:5 When we live apart from God we have much to fear. When we respect and honor those in authority, we bring honor to our God! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/10/12
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I CAN’T SAY that I have always been a goal setter. I can’t even say that I always make the goals I have set. But I do know that when you have reached a goal, you can’t help but feel the satisfaction and the feeling of joy overflowing. That’s a good feeling isn’t it? Knowing that you have accomplished something that you have set out to do.
DID YOU KNOW that the highest goal any Christian can have set for his life, is to enjoy God? Did you know that one of the greatest accomplishments in our lives is to enjoy what you are doing? Did you know that God wants us to have joy; to be happy?
I HAVE TO confess that one of my pet peeves is to walk into a room that is a mess. I know I didn’t leave it that way and why do I have to walk into it this way? I hate that! However, when I have cleaned a room; putting everything into its place; leaving it company ready, I have a joyful feeling of a job well done. A job well done is a great accomplishment and makes me happy. A satisfied attitude helps us to walk into a mess and just set it right.
RECENTLY I was reminded of the story of the man lying near the pool of Bethesda. Remember how he had been trying for 38 years to get into the pool when the angel would trouble the waters, but because he was unable to get there himself he depended upon someone coming at the right time to help him. Jesus came along and said; “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool.” Jesus said to him; “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” John 5:2-8
DID YOU notice that Jesus told him to GET UP; make your bed! In other words; clean up your mess! Set some goals! Don’t wait for someone else. Get your attitude off of poor me and start inching yourself to the edge so that when the waters are moving you can roll into it all by yourself. Now, I realize Jesus didn’t say it that way exactly but can you see the implications?
SOMETIMES we are so busy fighting the devil that we turn our backs, on what pleases God by putting our hands on our hips and firmly planting our feet against what could bring us satisfaction and joy. We shouldn’t stand around waiting for our joy. Don’t allow your emotions to rule your happiness when God says; “I came so that you may have joy!” His coming brought JOY!
IN ROMANS 5 we are reminded that through Christ and His grace we can rejoice in our hope. More than that, we can rejoice in our sufferings. Let us not stand around wishing for joy because that is when Satan moves in and steals it. Someone once said that we should look for our God in the middle of our mess.
IF YOUR MINISTRY isn’t going the way you thought it would, perhaps you should clean your house thoroughly and try again. Be strong and prepare yourself! Set your goals and stop the ups and down of your thoughts. Check your hands; your heart; and even your giving of your tithes. Look at yourself and like David say; “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, O Lord, and take not thy holy Spirit from me, restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalms 51:10-12.
JESUS SAID; “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul and mind, and second to this is to love your neighbor as yourself,” Matthew 22:36-40 We use to sing a chorus that said; “If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy; Let Jesus come into your heart. If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy; let Jesus come into your heart. Your sins He’ll wash away; your night He’ll turn to day; your life, He’ll make it over anew. If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy, let Jesus come into your heart.” God has promised to help us as we walk in Him. Let your prayer be, to walk in love with Jesus in your heart. Then you will find joy, real joy, wonderful joy and the messes in your life will no longer have priority over your goals. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/4/12
DID YOU KNOW that the highest goal any Christian can have set for his life, is to enjoy God? Did you know that one of the greatest accomplishments in our lives is to enjoy what you are doing? Did you know that God wants us to have joy; to be happy?
I HAVE TO confess that one of my pet peeves is to walk into a room that is a mess. I know I didn’t leave it that way and why do I have to walk into it this way? I hate that! However, when I have cleaned a room; putting everything into its place; leaving it company ready, I have a joyful feeling of a job well done. A job well done is a great accomplishment and makes me happy. A satisfied attitude helps us to walk into a mess and just set it right.
RECENTLY I was reminded of the story of the man lying near the pool of Bethesda. Remember how he had been trying for 38 years to get into the pool when the angel would trouble the waters, but because he was unable to get there himself he depended upon someone coming at the right time to help him. Jesus came along and said; “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool.” Jesus said to him; “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” John 5:2-8
DID YOU notice that Jesus told him to GET UP; make your bed! In other words; clean up your mess! Set some goals! Don’t wait for someone else. Get your attitude off of poor me and start inching yourself to the edge so that when the waters are moving you can roll into it all by yourself. Now, I realize Jesus didn’t say it that way exactly but can you see the implications?
SOMETIMES we are so busy fighting the devil that we turn our backs, on what pleases God by putting our hands on our hips and firmly planting our feet against what could bring us satisfaction and joy. We shouldn’t stand around waiting for our joy. Don’t allow your emotions to rule your happiness when God says; “I came so that you may have joy!” His coming brought JOY!
IN ROMANS 5 we are reminded that through Christ and His grace we can rejoice in our hope. More than that, we can rejoice in our sufferings. Let us not stand around wishing for joy because that is when Satan moves in and steals it. Someone once said that we should look for our God in the middle of our mess.
IF YOUR MINISTRY isn’t going the way you thought it would, perhaps you should clean your house thoroughly and try again. Be strong and prepare yourself! Set your goals and stop the ups and down of your thoughts. Check your hands; your heart; and even your giving of your tithes. Look at yourself and like David say; “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, O Lord, and take not thy holy Spirit from me, restore unto me the joy of thy salvation, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalms 51:10-12.
JESUS SAID; “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul and mind, and second to this is to love your neighbor as yourself,” Matthew 22:36-40 We use to sing a chorus that said; “If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy; Let Jesus come into your heart. If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy; let Jesus come into your heart. Your sins He’ll wash away; your night He’ll turn to day; your life, He’ll make it over anew. If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy, let Jesus come into your heart.” God has promised to help us as we walk in Him. Let your prayer be, to walk in love with Jesus in your heart. Then you will find joy, real joy, wonderful joy and the messes in your life will no longer have priority over your goals. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 8/4/12
Sunday, July 29, 2012
RECENTLY on the news a little four year old girl was dancing upon the outside window air conditioner which was about 3 floors up. People had gathered below watching, but one man saw her, and ran to catch her just as she fell to the ground! The girl survived the incident while the man who stood in the gap was hospitalized for several injuries to his own body. It was the right thing to do!
I AM POSITIVE that this man did not know when he got up that morning, that he would save this little girl from permanent injuries or even death. Something in him gave him the presence of mind to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of another. Something that said; “this is the right thing to do!”
IN 1997 at the mall in Washington DC, a group of men called “The Promise Keepers” held a million man march. What an exciting time for all the men and boys that attended, not to mention the wives and sisters who went along for the ride. I personally was blessed by a group of men that sat in the shade of one of the ramps leading up to a Smithsonian Museum. They allowed me to join them in their prayer time and during their discussions. WOW! What a day! Men who were willing to learn how to “stand in the gap” for God. Willing to take a stand in a world that has rejected Him.
MOST PEOPLE do not want to stand out in a crowd. Most would rather be a wall flower and not be noticed. When we become a Christian we must stand out from the crowd. We must let the world know who we are. With the Holy Spirit within us and allowing God to change us we become a beacon in the world. If we are not a beacon, then we have decided to hide the light in us.
IN JEREMIAH chapter 5, the people had turned away from God and so God was turning away from them. They complained with; “Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us?” God loved His people and He wanted to save the house of Israel and the house of Judah. They had forsaken the Lord to serve gods in their land and so God said; “you shall serve strangers in a land that is not yours.”
MEANWHILE in verse one we read; “Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, look and take note! Search her squares to see if you can find a man, one who does justice and seeks truth; that I may pardon my people.” It seems that God was having trouble finding a man to stand in the gap. We read the same thing in Ezekiel 22:30; “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.” If God had trouble finding a perfect man, then no wonder we have trouble choosing a perfect President!
THIS STORY reminds me of today. We are in the middle of the national debate as to who should be President of our country. We have sought high and low for a man who is just, and truthful. But we are still looking! The perfect man has not come forward! The two men we have competing for this prized position have qualities that appeal to both sides of the ticket. Both are so very different from each other. We ask ourselves; “what are we to do?” God was looking for a man who was just, and truthful! Perhaps that is what we should be looking for; a man who is just, and truthful!
PERFECTION is not available. But seeking someone who is closest to the standard can help us in our dilemma. In all things we should be seeking God’s will! When we stand in the gap; when we are in the business of sharing our Christian lives with others, then we seek God’s will in all situations. Our health; our way of life; our government; our community; our church; our schools and in every path we take, we should be seeking God’s will.
“I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God; thy law is within my heart.” Psalms 40:8 God’s Word gives us instructions and we are to follow them. My prayer is that I will live within God’s will; I will follow in the footsteps of His Son. Am I perfect; no! Am I close to being perfect; no! I live within God’s grace and I know this is the right thing to do! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/29/12
I AM POSITIVE that this man did not know when he got up that morning, that he would save this little girl from permanent injuries or even death. Something in him gave him the presence of mind to sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of another. Something that said; “this is the right thing to do!”
IN 1997 at the mall in Washington DC, a group of men called “The Promise Keepers” held a million man march. What an exciting time for all the men and boys that attended, not to mention the wives and sisters who went along for the ride. I personally was blessed by a group of men that sat in the shade of one of the ramps leading up to a Smithsonian Museum. They allowed me to join them in their prayer time and during their discussions. WOW! What a day! Men who were willing to learn how to “stand in the gap” for God. Willing to take a stand in a world that has rejected Him.
MOST PEOPLE do not want to stand out in a crowd. Most would rather be a wall flower and not be noticed. When we become a Christian we must stand out from the crowd. We must let the world know who we are. With the Holy Spirit within us and allowing God to change us we become a beacon in the world. If we are not a beacon, then we have decided to hide the light in us.
IN JEREMIAH chapter 5, the people had turned away from God and so God was turning away from them. They complained with; “Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us?” God loved His people and He wanted to save the house of Israel and the house of Judah. They had forsaken the Lord to serve gods in their land and so God said; “you shall serve strangers in a land that is not yours.”
MEANWHILE in verse one we read; “Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, look and take note! Search her squares to see if you can find a man, one who does justice and seeks truth; that I may pardon my people.” It seems that God was having trouble finding a man to stand in the gap. We read the same thing in Ezekiel 22:30; “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.” If God had trouble finding a perfect man, then no wonder we have trouble choosing a perfect President!
THIS STORY reminds me of today. We are in the middle of the national debate as to who should be President of our country. We have sought high and low for a man who is just, and truthful. But we are still looking! The perfect man has not come forward! The two men we have competing for this prized position have qualities that appeal to both sides of the ticket. Both are so very different from each other. We ask ourselves; “what are we to do?” God was looking for a man who was just, and truthful! Perhaps that is what we should be looking for; a man who is just, and truthful!
PERFECTION is not available. But seeking someone who is closest to the standard can help us in our dilemma. In all things we should be seeking God’s will! When we stand in the gap; when we are in the business of sharing our Christian lives with others, then we seek God’s will in all situations. Our health; our way of life; our government; our community; our church; our schools and in every path we take, we should be seeking God’s will.
“I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God; thy law is within my heart.” Psalms 40:8 God’s Word gives us instructions and we are to follow them. My prayer is that I will live within God’s will; I will follow in the footsteps of His Son. Am I perfect; no! Am I close to being perfect; no! I live within God’s grace and I know this is the right thing to do! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/29/12
Saturday, July 21, 2012
ONCE IN A WHILE I get a brain storm. I then wonder, “why didn’t I think of that sooner?” I am always reminding myself that; “life is short,” so now I am excited! A few years after our retirement we decided that the three of us should share in the evening meal preparations. So I cook one week and Jim cleans up my mess. The next week Jim cooks and Jennifer cleans up. The week Jennifer cooks, I clean up. It works so well that one week out of the three we all get a week off. What an idea! But that’s not the brain storm!
BECAUSE my stomach has not been well, when I cook, I fix mashed potatoes; mainly because it is a comfort food and easy on my stomach. I have been cooking this week which was working well because Jennifer is recovering from knee surgery. One night I fix pork chops and mashed potatoes; spaghetti; hamburgers with just meat, cheese, condiments but no lettuce, onions or tomatoes. Tonight I decided I would fix meat loaf with mashed potatoes. I realized that these are some of my favorite things! Especially the mashed potatoes because it is the most comforting of all!
THIS is the brain storm! When Jim cooks he always prepares his favorite things. Chili, Jambalaya and Clam Chowder. He serves each of these for two nights. Jennifer fixes some of her favorites, but I always ask what should I fix? From now on, I am cooking the things I like! Why not? Life is short; “please pass me the mashed potatoes!” Eating is one of God’s gifts to our flesh. We love the smells; the tastes; the textures; and mostly, how satisfying it is to our souls.
WHEN our #2 grandson Ryan, was about 10 years old I told him the story about the man who was very well to do. He picked up a quarter that he found on a sidewalk; looked at it and then put it into his pocket. When asked why he looked it over and then kept it; and why did he pick it up at all, He said; "it was a reminder to him that In God we Trust!” When I saw Ryan pick up a penny I asked him, what it had written on it. He said; “God loves me!” Good enough! It was a reminder to Ryan that God loves him! When Jim and I pick up a coin, we are reminded that “God loves us!”
WE TALK about the milk in God’s Word! We say that milk is good for children because of Vitamin D, but as they mature, meat is needed to give strength and endurance. However, we should never tire of the milk of God’s Word. It is what brought us into God’s love. Because of the milk, we have learned that we love Him because He first loved us. He loved the world unconditionally through the cross. His love for us, is what has given us a desire to mature and to become all that we can be in Him.
TO BRANCH off and taste of the solid food is what all Christians yearn for. God has given us a desire within us, to seek Him and to grow in Him. “But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their minds trained by practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:12 When we begin to eat the meat, it is when we love Him in return. We search His words and learn to obey His instructions. We become His messengers and we serve one another. Our hope is realized in His gospel, the good news.
“AND HE said to His disciples; “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, nor about your body, what you shall put on. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing.” Luke 12:22-23 Our life in the flesh, is but a span of time. It is not forever! Our spiritual life spans eternity! When I say “life is short”, I am referring to our life in the flesh.
GOD tells us that we should enjoy the things He has given us and not be anxious about them. “Instead, seek His kingdom, and all these things shall be yours as well.” Luke 12:31 This is a key scripture. I use to have it on my refrigerator, but now it is in my heart. So why not consider that this life is short? Why not consider the meat of God’s word and in the mean time; “please pass the mashed potatoes!” “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/20/12
BECAUSE my stomach has not been well, when I cook, I fix mashed potatoes; mainly because it is a comfort food and easy on my stomach. I have been cooking this week which was working well because Jennifer is recovering from knee surgery. One night I fix pork chops and mashed potatoes; spaghetti; hamburgers with just meat, cheese, condiments but no lettuce, onions or tomatoes. Tonight I decided I would fix meat loaf with mashed potatoes. I realized that these are some of my favorite things! Especially the mashed potatoes because it is the most comforting of all!
THIS is the brain storm! When Jim cooks he always prepares his favorite things. Chili, Jambalaya and Clam Chowder. He serves each of these for two nights. Jennifer fixes some of her favorites, but I always ask what should I fix? From now on, I am cooking the things I like! Why not? Life is short; “please pass me the mashed potatoes!” Eating is one of God’s gifts to our flesh. We love the smells; the tastes; the textures; and mostly, how satisfying it is to our souls.
WHEN our #2 grandson Ryan, was about 10 years old I told him the story about the man who was very well to do. He picked up a quarter that he found on a sidewalk; looked at it and then put it into his pocket. When asked why he looked it over and then kept it; and why did he pick it up at all, He said; "it was a reminder to him that In God we Trust!” When I saw Ryan pick up a penny I asked him, what it had written on it. He said; “God loves me!” Good enough! It was a reminder to Ryan that God loves him! When Jim and I pick up a coin, we are reminded that “God loves us!”
WE TALK about the milk in God’s Word! We say that milk is good for children because of Vitamin D, but as they mature, meat is needed to give strength and endurance. However, we should never tire of the milk of God’s Word. It is what brought us into God’s love. Because of the milk, we have learned that we love Him because He first loved us. He loved the world unconditionally through the cross. His love for us, is what has given us a desire to mature and to become all that we can be in Him.
TO BRANCH off and taste of the solid food is what all Christians yearn for. God has given us a desire within us, to seek Him and to grow in Him. “But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their minds trained by practice to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:12 When we begin to eat the meat, it is when we love Him in return. We search His words and learn to obey His instructions. We become His messengers and we serve one another. Our hope is realized in His gospel, the good news.
“AND HE said to His disciples; “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, nor about your body, what you shall put on. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing.” Luke 12:22-23 Our life in the flesh, is but a span of time. It is not forever! Our spiritual life spans eternity! When I say “life is short”, I am referring to our life in the flesh.
GOD tells us that we should enjoy the things He has given us and not be anxious about them. “Instead, seek His kingdom, and all these things shall be yours as well.” Luke 12:31 This is a key scripture. I use to have it on my refrigerator, but now it is in my heart. So why not consider that this life is short? Why not consider the meat of God’s word and in the mean time; “please pass the mashed potatoes!” “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!” By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/20/12
Saturday, July 14, 2012
LAST WEEKS Morning Glory was about Destiny or Chance! What about God’s providence? “God’s care for mankind.” His preparation and foresight in thoughtful arrangements to bring about His plans and hopes for His people! In Genesis chapter 9 God establishes a covenant with Noah. It was to bring orderliness and regularity of the seasons and of nature. Noah’s children were to be fruitful and to replenish the earth. A system of law and government was to be set up, along with penalties for crime. All foods and meat, except for the blood, was given. And the seal of this covenant was the rainbow! And of course the promise was that the earth should never again be destroyed by a universal flood such as this was. Do God’s providential acts, occur even today?
WE READ about the story of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. We know a covenant had been established between God and Abraham, and again with Isaac and then Jacob! This covenant was to establish a nation; a people for God. Jacob, who was later called Israel, had a son named Joseph. Is this God’s providential way to bring His people together in one place? “He sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave!” Psalms 105:17
WE READ in Genesis chapter 12 about the exodus of God’s people. God, through Moses freed the Israelites from their bondage and the slavery that had become their lot during their stay in Egypt. Once out of Egypt, where were they to go and how were they to get there? “And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. That they might travel by day and by night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people.” Genesis 13:21-22 Is this one more act of God’s providential care? Did God make plans on how to navigate these people?
WE READ in 1 Samuel chapter 16 where God sends Samuel to see a man called Jesse. Samuel hadn’t even finished his grieving over King Saul and now God wants him to anoint the new King. But Samuel did as the Lord said and after meeting all of the sons of Jesse and feeling a little out of sorts, and after asking Jesse if he had seen all of his sons; Jesse calls his youngest. When he arrives God says; “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” God knows His plans and He works through His people. That is why it is called God’s providential care! When we pay attention to God’s plans we too are used by Him!
TO BE used of God is one of the greatest gifts we will ever experience in our fleshly life. We often wonder, when did we ever experience being used of God. I know I have wondered! I have always felt God’s protection when I look back over my youth and when I was a young adult. I escaped so many different kinds of situations because of my innocence and because of my being totally unaware that I could be hurt or drawn into a place I didn’t want to be. Could that be God’s providential care?
WHEN Jim came into my life I wasn’t looking for a husband. When my brother Layton suggested I look at Jim for myself, I did, and was surprised to discover he was worth looking at. Was that providential care? Danny had been attending a local University for a year, and then we were made aware that his plan was to leave the area to attend a Bible College in another state with his friend, who had just graduated from high school. It was at this College that Danny met Faye and began their Christian walk together as man & wife! Providential? Or “all good things come from God!”
WE READ books about our early America, and how God’s providential care lead President Washington through the battles that set us apart from other countries and caused our forefathers to establish a union under God! We saw how God led, through battles, men who called upon His name. He, who sits on the throne with power and glory! “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you!” Psalms 128:1-2 Learning to lean is when we begin to understand God’s providential care. We learn that success, depends upon the blessings of God! By Jane Ann .Crenshaw 7/7/12
WE READ about the story of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. We know a covenant had been established between God and Abraham, and again with Isaac and then Jacob! This covenant was to establish a nation; a people for God. Jacob, who was later called Israel, had a son named Joseph. Is this God’s providential way to bring His people together in one place? “He sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave!” Psalms 105:17
WE READ in Genesis chapter 12 about the exodus of God’s people. God, through Moses freed the Israelites from their bondage and the slavery that had become their lot during their stay in Egypt. Once out of Egypt, where were they to go and how were they to get there? “And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. That they might travel by day and by night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people.” Genesis 13:21-22 Is this one more act of God’s providential care? Did God make plans on how to navigate these people?
WE READ in 1 Samuel chapter 16 where God sends Samuel to see a man called Jesse. Samuel hadn’t even finished his grieving over King Saul and now God wants him to anoint the new King. But Samuel did as the Lord said and after meeting all of the sons of Jesse and feeling a little out of sorts, and after asking Jesse if he had seen all of his sons; Jesse calls his youngest. When he arrives God says; “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.” God knows His plans and He works through His people. That is why it is called God’s providential care! When we pay attention to God’s plans we too are used by Him!
TO BE used of God is one of the greatest gifts we will ever experience in our fleshly life. We often wonder, when did we ever experience being used of God. I know I have wondered! I have always felt God’s protection when I look back over my youth and when I was a young adult. I escaped so many different kinds of situations because of my innocence and because of my being totally unaware that I could be hurt or drawn into a place I didn’t want to be. Could that be God’s providential care?
WHEN Jim came into my life I wasn’t looking for a husband. When my brother Layton suggested I look at Jim for myself, I did, and was surprised to discover he was worth looking at. Was that providential care? Danny had been attending a local University for a year, and then we were made aware that his plan was to leave the area to attend a Bible College in another state with his friend, who had just graduated from high school. It was at this College that Danny met Faye and began their Christian walk together as man & wife! Providential? Or “all good things come from God!”
WE READ books about our early America, and how God’s providential care lead President Washington through the battles that set us apart from other countries and caused our forefathers to establish a union under God! We saw how God led, through battles, men who called upon His name. He, who sits on the throne with power and glory! “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you!” Psalms 128:1-2 Learning to lean is when we begin to understand God’s providential care. We learn that success, depends upon the blessings of God! By Jane Ann .Crenshaw 7/7/12
Saturday, July 7, 2012
JIM AND I took a train ride for our 50th anniversary. The train we took began for us in Klamath Falls and was destined for Van Nuys California. Because of a derailment, our train never left Klamath Falls and we were bused to Sacramento and then we were put on a train, that was destined for Van Nuys. Our arrival in Van Nuys was not according to the schedule but we were still headed in the right direction!
ISN”T that how life is? We set out to do one thing and before we know it we are doing something else altogether. Many believe that our lives are predestined for us and how we get there is problematic. We have a destiny and therefore we are destined to fulfill that destiny. I see our destiny; is to become like Christ and we also die! We cannot escape death! If we look at our lives with doom and gloom then I suppose our lives are destined to be grim. Doom seems to be final and mostly irrevocable, but Jesus Christ brings light into the darkness and we can see forever!
“AGAIN I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. For man does not know his time. Like fish which are taken in an evil net, and like birds which are caught in a snare, so the sons of men are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them.” Eccl 9:11-12 The salvation of man is totally in accordance with God’s will! We have to admit that this is one of those divine mysteries in which God began to work out His sovereign will through those stories in the Old Testament, in such a way, as to preserve the divine image of Jesus Christ, in which man was created, and man, with his own free will.
LET’S TAKE a look at chance! By chance we took the bus because it was made available otherwise we would have had to wait 24 hours before we could leave on the next train. It all sounds ominous and complicated, but in fact, many think in these terms. Before the beginning, God’s plan was predestined for His people, because the Church, did not come about by chance! The Church was designed and predestined to begin after Christ established His kingdom, upon the cross.
“AND THOSE whom He predestined He also called; and those whom He called He also justified; and those whom He justified He also glorified!” Romans 8:30 The Church was predestined for all, but not all have chosen the Church. The Church was set up in accordance to God’s will and God gave us our will. The two wills are not compatible! We must submit to God’s will in order to become part of His kingdom; the Church! Christ has made a way and it is the only way!
“EVEN US whom He has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles; As indeed He says in Hosea, Those who were not my people, I will call my people.” Romans 9:24-15a As you can see here, Paul tells us that all are called. In 15b Paul continues with; “And her, who was not beloved, I will call my beloved.” He is talking about the Church; Isn’t that beautiful? Aren’t you glad that you have responded to His call? Do you remember who you were?
“DO YOU not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
IT AMAZES me when I picture putting off the old and putting on the new. It all comes down to justification and sanctification, or as some call it ‘grace!' In justification God did something for us. In sanctification, God does something in us. Justification has to do with our standing before God; sanctification concerns our character and conduct. The goal for each of us is to conform to the person of Jesus Christ, and be kept sound and blameless. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/22/12
ISN”T that how life is? We set out to do one thing and before we know it we are doing something else altogether. Many believe that our lives are predestined for us and how we get there is problematic. We have a destiny and therefore we are destined to fulfill that destiny. I see our destiny; is to become like Christ and we also die! We cannot escape death! If we look at our lives with doom and gloom then I suppose our lives are destined to be grim. Doom seems to be final and mostly irrevocable, but Jesus Christ brings light into the darkness and we can see forever!
“AGAIN I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to the men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. For man does not know his time. Like fish which are taken in an evil net, and like birds which are caught in a snare, so the sons of men are snared at an evil time, when it suddenly falls upon them.” Eccl 9:11-12 The salvation of man is totally in accordance with God’s will! We have to admit that this is one of those divine mysteries in which God began to work out His sovereign will through those stories in the Old Testament, in such a way, as to preserve the divine image of Jesus Christ, in which man was created, and man, with his own free will.
LET’S TAKE a look at chance! By chance we took the bus because it was made available otherwise we would have had to wait 24 hours before we could leave on the next train. It all sounds ominous and complicated, but in fact, many think in these terms. Before the beginning, God’s plan was predestined for His people, because the Church, did not come about by chance! The Church was designed and predestined to begin after Christ established His kingdom, upon the cross.
“AND THOSE whom He predestined He also called; and those whom He called He also justified; and those whom He justified He also glorified!” Romans 8:30 The Church was predestined for all, but not all have chosen the Church. The Church was set up in accordance to God’s will and God gave us our will. The two wills are not compatible! We must submit to God’s will in order to become part of His kingdom; the Church! Christ has made a way and it is the only way!
“EVEN US whom He has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles; As indeed He says in Hosea, Those who were not my people, I will call my people.” Romans 9:24-15a As you can see here, Paul tells us that all are called. In 15b Paul continues with; “And her, who was not beloved, I will call my beloved.” He is talking about the Church; Isn’t that beautiful? Aren’t you glad that you have responded to His call? Do you remember who you were?
“DO YOU not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
IT AMAZES me when I picture putting off the old and putting on the new. It all comes down to justification and sanctification, or as some call it ‘grace!' In justification God did something for us. In sanctification, God does something in us. Justification has to do with our standing before God; sanctification concerns our character and conduct. The goal for each of us is to conform to the person of Jesus Christ, and be kept sound and blameless. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/22/12
Saturday, June 30, 2012
THE SUPREME COURT ushered in their interpretation of the United States Constitution to the chagrin of the American people. Oh it is true many are celebrating in the streets, because they have grown accustom to receiving instead of working. Again, I am not complaining but I do have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Where this country is headed is further down the broad road that is leading to destruction and farther from the “will of God!
EVEN THOUGH “Obamacare” is not to become fully in effect until 2014 it has already been showing up in many of the changes in health care; pharmaceutical prices, treatments and how long you have to wait for appointments. If it wasn’t for ER many would be dying on the streets to receive care! Maybe that is a little strong but the sick feeling I have in the pit of my stomach, causes me to feel medically deprived.
GROWING UP poor, didn’t mean that we did not have medical emergencies. It didn’t mean that the Doctor would not make house calls. It didn’t mean that if you need hospitalization, that you would be turned down. When my sister Joyce was being born; Daddy was told to put his clothes back on and go get the Doctor. Joyce was born at home! When I hurt my leg on the jungle gym while playing on the school grounds, Mom took me to the Doctor who put me in the hospital for x-rays. I spent the night! Bruised my leg but “I spent the night!” When my Mom needed surgery on her lungs she was admitted into Harbor General which was a “state” hospital. I remember sitting in the Doctor’s office along with my younger siblings to get shots for Whooping Cough!
BEING TURNED away has never been an American motto. However, self induced medical conditions should be up to the person to pay for them. I’m talking about drugs, alcohol and other self induced conditions like pregnancies or life style diseases and/or self inflected wounds. People are fined by the Fire Dept for their having to put out grass fires or house fires that are started by negligence. Self induced is the problem of the person who has indulged in these kinds of life styles.
I PRAY for those under those conditions. I am sorry for what is happening to them and their families. I wish I could wiggle my nose and Jesus would become their Savior and their lives would be changed in an instant. The only one who can make this life, in this world, liveable is Jesus Christ. The only way to live with the dictates of our government is to be living under the wings of our Lord. He has promised us a life of peace and joy. Our government can only promise us a life of taxation!
FREEDOM? We still live in the best country in the world! We still live under the best conditions possible in the world. We still breathe in and breathe out on a daily bases. However, that does not come from the promises of our congress but because God created us with that ability. Praise God, for whom all blessings flow.
“BE SUBJECT for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 1 Peter 13-17 By not taking liberties in the freedoms that God has given us, we stand apart from the world.
“IF MY PEOPLE who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 We who live in God’s freedom do pray and remember these words. But the key here is to “turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear us from heaven and will forgive us our sins and will heal our land! Oh soul who is wearied and troubled; turn from your wicked ways and seek America’s freedom from the oppressors!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/28/12
EVEN THOUGH “Obamacare” is not to become fully in effect until 2014 it has already been showing up in many of the changes in health care; pharmaceutical prices, treatments and how long you have to wait for appointments. If it wasn’t for ER many would be dying on the streets to receive care! Maybe that is a little strong but the sick feeling I have in the pit of my stomach, causes me to feel medically deprived.
GROWING UP poor, didn’t mean that we did not have medical emergencies. It didn’t mean that the Doctor would not make house calls. It didn’t mean that if you need hospitalization, that you would be turned down. When my sister Joyce was being born; Daddy was told to put his clothes back on and go get the Doctor. Joyce was born at home! When I hurt my leg on the jungle gym while playing on the school grounds, Mom took me to the Doctor who put me in the hospital for x-rays. I spent the night! Bruised my leg but “I spent the night!” When my Mom needed surgery on her lungs she was admitted into Harbor General which was a “state” hospital. I remember sitting in the Doctor’s office along with my younger siblings to get shots for Whooping Cough!
BEING TURNED away has never been an American motto. However, self induced medical conditions should be up to the person to pay for them. I’m talking about drugs, alcohol and other self induced conditions like pregnancies or life style diseases and/or self inflected wounds. People are fined by the Fire Dept for their having to put out grass fires or house fires that are started by negligence. Self induced is the problem of the person who has indulged in these kinds of life styles.
I PRAY for those under those conditions. I am sorry for what is happening to them and their families. I wish I could wiggle my nose and Jesus would become their Savior and their lives would be changed in an instant. The only one who can make this life, in this world, liveable is Jesus Christ. The only way to live with the dictates of our government is to be living under the wings of our Lord. He has promised us a life of peace and joy. Our government can only promise us a life of taxation!
FREEDOM? We still live in the best country in the world! We still live under the best conditions possible in the world. We still breathe in and breathe out on a daily bases. However, that does not come from the promises of our congress but because God created us with that ability. Praise God, for whom all blessings flow.
“BE SUBJECT for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God. Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 1 Peter 13-17 By not taking liberties in the freedoms that God has given us, we stand apart from the world.
“IF MY PEOPLE who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 We who live in God’s freedom do pray and remember these words. But the key here is to “turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear us from heaven and will forgive us our sins and will heal our land! Oh soul who is wearied and troubled; turn from your wicked ways and seek America’s freedom from the oppressors!
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/28/12
Saturday, June 23, 2012
I REMEMBER an email that circulated some years ago and a poem that began with; “When I am old, I will wear purple!” At 50 that was pretty cute! At 60 I began to believe I could wear purple! At 70 I am beginning to think that standing on a corner with a stick is pretty silly. Yesterday, Jim was sitting at the computer and I stopped at the door and asked if he would get the mail from the mail box. He stopped quickly what he was doing and stumbled as he got up and made his way to where I was standing. He laughed and leaned against the door frame and said; I’m old! We laughed not because he is old, but because sometimes we actually feel old!
EXCEPT for a few aches and pains; the legs don’t quite move as quick as they use to and our arms are not as strong, but we still feel young inside. We have to look in the mirror to be reminded by the wrinkles, sagging skin, thin hair, or no hair, to realize our age. Sometimes after getting down on the floor, we are reminded that things don’t work like they to use to, when we try to get up again.
DAN & FAYE spent their 25th anniversary by doing the things they like to do. She called it “doing the silly things we like to do!” I was reminded of the silly things that Jim and I use to like to do. Now we like to watch babies and toddlers do their silly antics and we remember when our children and grandchildren did those things. We smile and laugh and want it to continue. But Moms and Dads aren’t at the place where they want to enjoy that. They make them stop and behave so they will grow up to be presentable in public. But the presentation that some make, is suspect, when they grow up!
TEENAGERS are not fun to watch! I think for the most part it is because their closets have a mixer just inside the door, and they turn it on when they are picking out what they want to wear. I think they carry tools in their pockets so they can stick things on their noses, eye brows and lips which sets them apart from attractiveness and to the brink of ugliness. I am not complaining; it is their choice. But I like to look at beauty, sweetness, and happiness rather than puzzlement. I find myself searching for a winner as we watch the parade in the Malls. Of course Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
TEENAGERS who truly care about themselves are set a part. For the of life me, I don’t know why, all teenagers don’t want to look good! Or have self esteem, and just be themselves. Life is so short and is to be enjoyed. Making a statement all the time has to get old! I grew up with hand me downs and I love shopping at the thrift stores so looking good, doesn’t mean having financial means.
“AS IN water, face reflects the face; so the mind of man reflects the man!” Proverbs 27:19 It has been said that we are what we eat, but I wonder if it really should say; “We are what we think!” What is in the mind of our young people that they want to regress into the primitive ways of man? I remember being silly in my youth but I don’t remember trying to attract negative attention. I guess that would have embarrassed me! Sometimes what I see today, sort of embarrasses me!
I KEEP reminding myself that God looks upon the heart while man looks upon the outward appearance. But I read in Isaiah 65 “I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, “Here am I, here am I,” to a nation that did not call on my name. I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices.” My heart aches for these young people who have set their minds and attention on things that are worthless. “Even a child makes himself known by his acts, whether what he does is pure and right.” Proverbs 20:9
GOD’s DESIRE is for people to “walk in the way of good, and keep to the paths of the righteous. For the upright will inhabit the land, and those of integrity will remain in it!” Proverbs 2:20 Maybe Jim and I have lost some of our silly ways and maybe our sense of humor is not what it used to be. We just wish that the young people we see today could enjoy life as we have and still do. In Christ all things are possible! Keep faithful with your light shining, and smile! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/22/12
I REMEMBER an email that circulated some years ago and a poem that began with; “When I am old, I will wear purple!” At 50 that was pretty cute! At 60 I began to believe I could wear purple! At 70 I am beginning to think that standing on a corner with a stick is pretty silly. Yesterday, Jim was sitting at the computer and I stopped at the door and asked if he would get the mail from the mail box. He stopped quickly what he was doing and stumbled as he got up and made his way to where I was standing. He laughed and leaned against the door frame and said; I’m old! We laughed not because he is old, but because sometimes we actually feel old!
EXCEPT for a few aches and pains; the legs don’t quite move as quick as they use to and our arms are not as strong, but we still feel young inside. We have to look in the mirror to be reminded by the wrinkles, sagging skin, thin hair, or no hair, to realize our age. Sometimes after getting down on the floor, we are reminded that things don’t work like they to use to, when we try to get up again.
DAN & FAYE spent their 25th anniversary by doing the things they like to do. She called it “doing the silly things we like to do!” I was reminded of the silly things that Jim and I use to like to do. Now we like to watch babies and toddlers do their silly antics and we remember when our children and grandchildren did those things. We smile and laugh and want it to continue. But Moms and Dads aren’t at the place where they want to enjoy that. They make them stop and behave so they will grow up to be presentable in public. But the presentation that some make, is suspect, when they grow up!
TEENAGERS are not fun to watch! I think for the most part it is because their closets have a mixer just inside the door, and they turn it on when they are picking out what they want to wear. I think they carry tools in their pockets so they can stick things on their noses, eye brows and lips which sets them apart from attractiveness and to the brink of ugliness. I am not complaining; it is their choice. But I like to look at beauty, sweetness, and happiness rather than puzzlement. I find myself searching for a winner as we watch the parade in the Malls. Of course Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
TEENAGERS who truly care about themselves are set a part. For the of life me, I don’t know why, all teenagers don’t want to look good! Or have self esteem, and just be themselves. Life is so short and is to be enjoyed. Making a statement all the time has to get old! I grew up with hand me downs and I love shopping at the thrift stores so looking good, doesn’t mean having financial means.
“AS IN water, face reflects the face; so the mind of man reflects the man!” Proverbs 27:19 It has been said that we are what we eat, but I wonder if it really should say; “We are what we think!” What is in the mind of our young people that they want to regress into the primitive ways of man? I remember being silly in my youth but I don’t remember trying to attract negative attention. I guess that would have embarrassed me! Sometimes what I see today, sort of embarrasses me!
I KEEP reminding myself that God looks upon the heart while man looks upon the outward appearance. But I read in Isaiah 65 “I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, “Here am I, here am I,” to a nation that did not call on my name. I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices.” My heart aches for these young people who have set their minds and attention on things that are worthless. “Even a child makes himself known by his acts, whether what he does is pure and right.” Proverbs 20:9
GOD’s DESIRE is for people to “walk in the way of good, and keep to the paths of the righteous. For the upright will inhabit the land, and those of integrity will remain in it!” Proverbs 2:20 Maybe Jim and I have lost some of our silly ways and maybe our sense of humor is not what it used to be. We just wish that the young people we see today could enjoy life as we have and still do. In Christ all things are possible! Keep faithful with your light shining, and smile! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/22/12
Saturday, June 16, 2012
BECAUSE today is Father’s Day I would like to
pay honor to my Father. I honor him because he gave me life! I love him because he was my father! I remember him because he was my Father! I was 15 when he died and I was saddened years later, when I realized how much I didn’t know about him. He told me he was a “Breakfast Cook” but I always thought of him as a chef. He was an alcoholic and never held a job for long. I discovered that he spent time with my older siblings and even taught my older brothers how to swim. One of the things that I am most grateful for, is that all fourteen of us, came from one set of parents.
BECAUSE today is Father’s Day I would like to pay honor to two of my brothers who raised me and my four younger siblings, and deserve to be honored as Fathers. Lloyd was 16 when he became disabled to the point that he no longer attended school, and so he took care of the younger kids. I was about 3! He is the one that would say to me each morning; “Morning Glory!” He fixed us lunch and I think prepared dinner. He prepared potatoes like the food network, before there was a food network. He had food sense and it showed in every dish he made. He was well read and could give you an answer to most subjects. He would learn a new word everyday and I for one, will never forget; “No thank you, I have had a sufficiency; anything more would be a superfluous delicacy!”
LONNIE was a little younger than Lloyd and was able bodied. Lonnie was quieter than some of my brothers, but he was built with an inner core that said; “I am responsible for this family now that Daddy is gone!” He worked hard and gave much of his wages to support the family. The other older siblings gave also, including me when I was old enough. But it was Lonnie that was Mom’s “go to” person for all of the extras. He was firm with his instructions. I bought a car and he made me change the tire twice and then said; “Don’t call me to come and fix a flat nor to put gas in the car. Find yourself a mechanic and he will soon know your car!” Lonnie also told me to never run out the door when your boyfriends honk their horns; he must come to the door! I never had boyfriends who drove cars! Also I was never to sit in a car with a boy unless I was engaged to him!
WHEN I was getting married, I wanted Lonnie to give me away! However, I knew that I had to ask Lloyd. He was older than Lonnie and he had taken care of me when I was very little. It was a hard choice but I talked with Lonnie about it and he agreed that Lloyd was to be asked. Lonnie didn’t attend weddings or most holiday functions or even most celebrations. He agreed to pick up my attendants and bring them to the church. He stayed for my wedding and then left before the reception. Both of these men were single all of their lives and we were their children. It hurt me when they passed away, when I was in my 50's and 60's. I hold them up as ones who trained me!
SOME would say that a single man lives for himself. Some might say that a single man sows as many oats as he can for he lives to eat, drink and to be merry. These two men took the responsibilities that were handed to them and we were very blessed. “A stupid son is a grief to a father; and the father of a fool has no joy.” Proverbs 17:21 My father knew what Lloyd had given us kids, but if my father could have known how Lonnie stepped up to the plate, I wonder how that would have made him feel. I know how it made me feel!
>“LISTEN to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future.” Proverbs 19:20 We kids, learned a lot from the love of these two men. So different from each other and yet both of them were family oriented. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 I often wonder if my brothers knew just how much they have influenced us kids. I often think about the obvious ways that Lloyd showed us his love and the quietness of Lonnie who would knock on my door and tell me, every morning; “It is your turn in the bathroom!” Today I give them honor, and say “thank you!” By JA Crenshaw 6/15/12
Saturday, June 9, 2012
KEEPING FIT! 6/10/12
KEEPING FIT was not in most vocabularies when I was a child because our play ground was the outdoors. The foods in the stores did not include chips and dips or even french fries. Nacho’s hadn’t been invented by a man called Nacho! We did have hamburgers and hotdogs but the weight didn’t really become a problem until I was in high school. Perhaps that was because my mother emptied the Helm’s Bakery truck every Saturday night. Our freezer was then full of all kinds of pastries and bread.
LOOKING through some papers that I have saved through the years I came across a couple of tidbits that you might find interesting. “Looking to work more vegetables in to your kids’ diet?” Jen Sigmund says; “I cut up fruits and veggies and set them on the table about thirty minutes before dinner. I don’t draw attention to them, I just start fixing dinner. Nine times out of ten, when I go to set the table, they are gone!” We usually do that before we serve a big dinner, and call them veggies!
HOW ABOUT this one? Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are the healthiest Halloween snack around!
Scoop the seeds out of your pumpkin and rinse them well. Blot the seeds dry with a paper towel, then toss them with a tablespoon of vegetable oil for each cup of seeds, and salt to taste. Spread the seeds on a cookie sheet and bake at 375 until golden brown; about 10 to 15 minutes. Let cool before serving!
JUST DON”T tell your kids that these are loaded with minerals, such as zinc, iron, and magnesium, as well as protein, fiber and heart-heathy fatty acids. Most have a reluctance to eat something that is suppose to be “healthy” for you. Most have a reluctance to eat anything that appears to be a “new” diet for them. Most do not even realize that “diet” means a daily fare of food and drink.
GOD has set forth many daily dietary plans for us. These are not necessarily for our stomachs but for our health and well being. “A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken. The mind of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly. All the days of the afflicted are evil, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:13-15 God says that when we belong to him and are walking in the path of His son, our lives will be full of joy!
IN PHILIPPIANS 2, Paul tells us to do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than ourselves. In chapter 4, he tells us to not worry about anything, but to pray daily with supplications and thanksgiving. In Colossians 3 Paul continues with whatever you do in word or deed, to do all in the name of Jesus Christ. In Ecclesiastes 9, Solomon says; “whatever our hands find to do, do it with all your might.” 1 Corinthians 10, Paul continues with; “whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul says; “You know the old saying? First you eat to live, and then you live to eat? Well, it may be true that the body is only a temporary thing, but that’s no excuse for stuffing your body with food, or indulging it with sex. Since the Master honors you with a body, honor him with your body!” (The Message)
“I CAN DO anything I want to if Christ has not said no, but some of these things aren’t good for me. Even if I am allowed to do them; I’ll refuse to, if I think they might get such a grip on me that I can’t easily stop when I want to. For instance, take the matter of eating. God has given us an appetite for food and stomachs to digest it. But that doesn’t mean we should eat more than we need. Don’t think of eating as important, because some day God will do away with both stomachs and food.” 1 Corinthians 6:12-13 (The Living Bible) Allowing things to control us, leads us away from God!
I JUST LOVE the way God’s Word clarifies how we should live to have joy! “He gives food to all flesh, for His steadfast love endures for ever. O give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures for ever.” Psalms 136:15-26 I can’t help but say with David in Psalms 138 “I give thee thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/8/12
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