Thursday, November 13, 2008

We all have had someone we can call upon when we are troubled. Perhaps a friend, a family member and sometimes our pastor. Some need their ear to listen to them and some need it for their trusted advice. I have Jim! Who is there for you? Who comes to you?

One of my goals was to not disappoint those around me. I never wanted to
hurt anyone or make them ashamed of me. Did I succeed? No! However, usually the one I hurt was mostly myself. When we rely on ourselves to be perfect, it doesn’t work very well! The reason why is because we, in ourselves, are not perfect. I have heard many say; "I don’t need anyone else, I can do this alone"! Okay, try it alone and see where it gets you!

There is an old song that has become a favorite for many; "Learning to Lean"! As children we learn to lean upon our fathers and mothers for support. We lean upon their instructions and advice. When we are troubled we quickly run to them for comfort! We learn to lean at a very young age! As we get older, we want to lean upon ourselves, thinking that we need no one else. We have arrived! We are in charge of our own lives! Yet, we still seek someone else to lean on!
I’ve watched Jim through the years! He was and is very capable to handle many things physically and mentally. When he read God’s word, cover to cover, he was convicted that God was truth and He was committed to Jim personally. Jim no longer had to struggle through life alone. He had Jesus to lean upon! That didn’t mean that his physical and mental prowess was diminished, it meant that it was greater than it had ever been. Why? Because he was free to ask for help with the physical and he was willing to share his knowledge with others and to allow others to share with him. Learning to lean is not a weakness but an untapped hidden strength!

A great verse found in Proverbs 3:5 says; "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Another word for lean is rely! All things come to those who wait upon the Lord. He is our rock and our shield when we F.R.O.G. Jane Ann

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