Tuesday, November 3, 2009

POT LUCK - Music, Music, Music!

Perry Como use to host a TV variety show! Often he would have a little gal named Theresa Brewer on and the first line of the song she would sing was; "Put another nickel in; in the nickelodeon; all I want is loving you and music, music, music." I love to sing! For 10 cents you could buy a song sheet off the magazine stands. My sisters and I would lean this 8 1/2 x 11 paper book at the back of the sink and sing and sing while we did dishes. Many familes did this! It is a lost art! We learned to harmonize at an early age. Had aspirations but no drive to compete in the world of music. However, we enjoyed all the opportunities that came our way.

My Dad played the piano; Lloyd, the drums; Lonnie played a little Saxophone and most of the girls the piano. I heard that my mother played the violin. Years later, Lynn learned the guitar and so did my Jim. Later Lynn mastered the bass guitar. Many of our children play instruments. Danny is excellent on the piano, his teacher was Kathleen, Lynn's wife. Then there is Lance, Leslie, Jill and Julie all accomplished on the piano. Many learned but wouldn't play for others like Laura, Melony, Layton and Pamala. Everyone had voices! My sisters and I were every bit as good as the Lennon Sisters! I sang with a double trio called the Harmonettes! Lee, Gene, Joetta and I sang in the Gospelaires Quartet with Kathleen at the piano. Even before that, Lynn and I were in a quartet that had no name. In the early 70's another quartet, the Gospel Hymns came on the scene with Jim, Lynn, Lee and Lance and again with Kathleen at the piano. They sang together for about 14 years up and down the Oregon coast and Northern California. Music has always been a part of our life; my life!

When young, I sang at weddings and a few funerals. After highschool I was always the singer and never the bridesmaid or bride for that matter. Because of love of music I was a soloist. I sang in groups, choirs and even was a choir director. I was a church pianist only because there was no one else to fill the bill. My grandsons are talented with two playing guitars and one on the drums. All three have voices and make us proud! My enjoyment in music has always been voice and piano. Don't ask me to dance when you see my body move, my feet have no rhythm!

Because of my love for music, we encouraged both our children to pursue music with voice and piano. Danny took to it quite easily, but our quiet, shy Jennifer gave it a try but was not willing to go any further. She had trouble find her pitch when singing but I knew that could be fixed. At Bible College the music instructor took her under her wings and Jennifer discovered she could sing. She sang once in our family group and did a couple of solos at church. She decided that really wasn't her and pursued other interests more to her liking. Danny, on the other hand is the professional and performs regularly; constantly in demand!

Because of side effects of medicine, my last singing engagement was for a Ladies Christmas Tea in 2007. When you lose something you love it is hard but not unmanageable. I pray that I will sing again; however, I look forward to the heavenly choir and 'Holy, Holy, Holy.'

"I will sing and make music!" Psalm 108:1 "Sing to the Lord a new song!" Isaiah 40:10a "And they sing a new song before the throne." Revelations 14:3a "Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness to God." Colossians 3;16b As you can see David was happy when he wrote about singing. Isaiah says he would sing to stringed instruments in 38:20. John heard the music in heaven. Paul says it is important for the church. I had fun singing secular songs but my favorites are songs about the love of God. Songs like; "His name is Wonderful," "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," delights my soul. Hearing others singing about my God is like hearing the birds chirping in the early morning. Bill Wright says; "The language of heaven is praise, we need to learn to speak it now!" By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/15/08

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