Friday, November 13, 2009


NOTE: We saw our #1 grandson, Adam, off this morning. He is on his way back to Iraq! Sometimes it is hard to say goodbye, so in my heart I say; "See you later!" Looking forward to May 2010!

You've watched enough TV and saw enough movies that depicts terror. You squirm in your seats and scream at the appropriate time. Most of the time you know what is coming because each one basically has the same theme. The unexpected has been revealed so many times, that you are no longer experiencing terror, but like being scared; living on the edge; want that adrenalin rush. We have become conditioned and yet for some, still appalled!

Today, everywhere we turn we become apprehensive because we don't know who our neighbor is and what he is about. We look at the color of their skin and listen intently to their dialect and become filled with a mild case of fear, because they could be terrorists. Are they?

Having been born just before WWII and attending schools just afterwards I learned that the Japanese were the bad guys. We didn't call them terrorists, we called them 'Japs!' We learned that the Germans were the really bad guys because of the Holocaust. We didn't call them terrorists, we called them 'Krauts!' Russia, once an ally, became our enemy and so was China, but we didn't call them terrorists, we called them our enemies. Today, we are politically correct!

Terrorists have been around for ages. The Philistines would raid villages time and time again; and each time God would raise up an army to defeat them. Because many have not liked America for their own reasons, we are now at war with terrorists. Terrorists have been building their hatred and now feel they are big and strong enough to take over the world.

Remember reading about the Muslin's, founded by Muhammad, who took Jerusalem in 1075? This was followed by 8 religious Crusades; 200 years, of recapture and losing Jerusalem. The Muslin cry "Kill the Infidel" resounded throughout the Muslim world then, and is still resounding today. They have become emboldened and feel indifferent to anyone who does not follow their religion; and will train anyone to fight and become a sacrifice for their cause. The terrorists use their own people to sacrifice their lives to kill the innocent; the brave and especially the Americans. They don't want us to become like them, they just want us dead!

Terror is what was felt when the two airplanes were willfully directed into two towers in New York; one plane into the Pentagon in Washington, DC; and another recaptured by our own, and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Terrorists are those who become suicide bombers and kill the innocent to support their leaders and their cause. Terrorism is the fear of not knowing when they will strike again. It is the continued operation of "Killing the Indifdel" by surprise. The idea of terrorism is to kill as many as possible. A camouflaged bomb strategically placed; and detonated by a triggered remote; by people who do not know our God of love.

God's word speaks to those who put their trust in Him. "You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day." Psalm 91:5 Those who are in God's care must remember; "And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him, who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 That person is God!

Ever since 9/11 we are in fear and peer around every corner. We cautiously look at our neighbors with fear. We can't live like this! We can't fear what can befall us! We must live for Jesus and be concerned for the well being of our family, friends, church and neighbors. "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is to fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgement, everything which is hidden. Whether it is good or evil." Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 We live in trying times, but putting our trust in Jesus is still the key to being content in all things. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 11/1/09

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