Sunday, October 10, 2010


THIS IS AN OLD LINE from an old movie! Remember Casablanca? So sad! So memorable! Some years ago I discovered I was actually the church pianist and I loved it! The piano is my favorite instrument, especially when it is played by those who have exceptional talent on the keys. I am neither exceptional nor mediocre. I am good in a pinch! The church I played for had no one else so they appreciated my efforts.

I GET TO PLAY in church this morning! It has been almost 10 years since I have played in the morning worship. Can you believe that? I get to play once again! I am so excited and know that I will appreciate this far more, than anyone else! That's okay! Even if I am never allowed to play again, I have this morning. I think this could satisfy my musical ego for years to come.

WHEN I WAS YOUNG I never anticipated getting old. Who does? We think we are invincible! As the years go by, you realize at 40, age is creeping up on you. By the time you are my age; you are old! Do I feel old? Sometimes! Do I feel any different? Not really, except for a few aches and pains and when I look in the mirror, I wonder; "Who is that old woman!" One thing for sure; I am not doing all the things I use to do. God instituted a process so that many talented members of His body have opportunities to serve the kingdom up front and behind the scenes. It is like an escalator! You start when young and keep at it until you are old. If you are willing, you never have to retire! My 86 year old sister is still teaching the 6th grade SS class!

TO BE ASKED to lead a Bible Study again was the highlight of this year for me. To be allowed to play the piano for the Worship Team, my second! Does that mean I lead a very useless life within God's body? No way! Just being recognized as a member of His body is sufficient for any day of the week. Each member is needed to complete the circle.

"I AM SURE that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6 In other words the work that God has begun in each of us will continue until either we die and go to heaven or are here when Jesus Christ returns. Does that tell you anything? It tells me that as long as we are willing and able, God will continue to use each of us in His kingdom.

JIM SAY'S; "There's work on the grounds; there's work on the buildings; there's cleaning the bathrooms and throughout the building. There are bills being paid; there's a news letter prepared; communion prepared and served. Lessons prepared and being taught; sermons prepared and preached; prayers being said and scripture's read. There are Sunday School teachers; Church secretaries; roll books and Sunday School Superintendents. There are musicians tuning up; the worship team preparing and special music. Children's church; the nursery; communion meditations by elders and deacons. There is fellowship; there is calling on people in their homes; there are mid-week bible study's; visiting the sick and calling on the shut-ins. Encouraging one another; loving one another; outreach BBQ's and crying/laughing. Spurring one another on in love, all in the name of Jesus Christ. Do you year it? Can you see it? It's the church dancing to the direction of God's leading. The Gospel is the melody and any activity that supports it is the harmony. Faithfulness to do the work promptly is the rhythm and when everything is done in harmony and regularly, the dance is beautiful."

I LOVE IT when activities are overflowing within the kingdom and I love it when they overlap. There will be a time when we all come to the end of our labors. But those who never quit while they still have the strength or breath, are the ones that are always ahead of their game. "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" Revelation 4:8b If the four living creatures can sing that song, then why can't we! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/8/10

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