Thursday, January 8, 2009

Upon my highschool graduation
a salesman visited some of the homes in his territory, of the senior girls who attended my school. He was selling cook ware. Flavor-seal by Cory! It was called the bridal set! The price was reasonable and you could make payments. I began using them when my sister and I moved into an apartment a couple of years later. 50 some years later, I am still using these pots and pans. I have replaced the handles twice and had the cook ware refinished once. I am desperate for new handles, again!

For things like pots and pans, handles are to be grasped with the hand. For a person to have handles, it is being known by their habits, lack of morals and/or character. The scriptures say that we are to be above reproach; having no handles!

As a young woman, I became acquainted with a young man who wanted to date me. I didn’t date much if at all and so I would accompany him with a group where I could be with everyone and not just him. Some place in all of that I discovered he was dating my best friend. When he asked me out again I said no, because of my friend. He began to spread rumors about me! I never heard the rumors but my brother Lloyd did. He went to the pastor to put a stop to it. When Lloyd told me about it, he said that Mr. Ellett said not to worry because anyone who knew me, would know the stories were not true. According to Mr. Ellett, I had no handles! Wow! I may have passed the test that day because according to James 1:12 it says; "Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him". We undergo testing many times in our lives. I pray that I am still passing!

It is not surprising that our character shows up when we are faced with compromising situations. 1 Peter 4:12 says; "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which comes upon you to prove you, as though something strange were happening to you". When we are called ‘Beloved’ it is because the message is directed to those who belong to Christ. Peter begins chapter 4 by saying that it is okay for us to be challenged for the name of Christ, but we are not to suffer as a murderer, thief, wrong-doer or a trouble maker. We should not be ashamed to suffer as a Christian. In Chapter 5:6 it says; "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exalt you". See what I mean? Character does count! Jane Ann

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