Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today is my brother and his wife’s anniversary! We have celebrated together many times and we will again next week as we go to Seaside and stay at a Chateau. It is always good to walk down memory lane with those who love to remember when. Did you knows, are one of my favorites and so this morning you are going to get some ‘did you knows’. Enjoy!

Did you know the ‘engagement ring’ legally belongs to the man until the marriage take place. If the engagement is broken, the woman is to return the ring. After the wedding, the ring belongs to her.

Did you know the ‘wedding ring’ according to many, represents eternity because it is round without an end and cannot be broken unless from an outside force, making it a symbol that the couple is to be united forever.

Did you know the ‘ring’ is worn on the third finger of the left hand because it was once thought that a vein or nerve in this finger ran directly to the heart.

Did you know that the ‘wedding veil may have developed during a Roman custom of having the bride wear a full length veil that was later used as her burial shroud. Today, because wearing white doesn’t mean anything, the veil has taken on the sign of virginity.

Did you know that the tossing of the bouquet is said to have started in France in the 1300's. At that time the bride had been throwing a garter or a stocking.

Did you know baths were usually taken in May when the weather was warmer and weddings took place in June because baths had just been taken. The bride began carrying a bouquet because the body odors were already becoming apparent by the time June rolled around and the perfume from the flowers helped to hide the unpleasant scents..

Did you know having the groom carry the bride over the threshold probably comes from the ancient practice of capturing a wife.

Did you know the honeymoon tradition may have started in the days of marriage by capture. During which the honeymoon was a period that the groom waited, hoping his wife’s parents would stop being angry.

Did you know the wedding cake was originally a hard flat bread that the groom would take a bite of and then hit the bride over the head with it. It was a fertility superstition! Later on the guests were asked to bring sticky buns which were placed in circles and each guest would put theirs on top of the one before them. It would become stacked pretty high, depending upon how many guests showed up. The tradition was that the groom would try to kiss the bride over the top of the stacked sticky buns. I think it also was a fertility superstition!

Did you know that a French chef (Anthony Koran - not sure of the spelling of the name), during the Roman era, didn’t like the looks of the stacked sticky buns so he created the first wedding cake. Believe it or not they were heavy sponge like cake with all the frosting, fondants and glazes that are being used today only a little more refined. He even took sugar and water cooked to a high temperature which turned it into syrup and could be drizzled and air dried just like they do today and call it spun sugar. Most of the tricks that are used today to make such elaborate, decadent wedding cakes have been in the books for centuries but apparently the cakes are bigger and taller today.

Did you know that in Hebrews where Paul talks about general Christian obligations he says in 13:4; "Let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for God will judge the immoral and adulterous". Marriage is serious stuff! Marriage should not be entered into lightly! Marriage can be difficult! Marriage can be fun and rewarding! What have you brought into your marriage? Jane Ann

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