Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Webster’s Dictionary
says that ‘character’ is; a mark on an object that can give identification of ownership, origin and/or brand; symbols as letters or figures; one’s moral strength; a description of a person’s qualities; and a person in a story or as a character in a play.

Many times I would choose to be around a person because of their good character. Not necessarily because of their good behavior because many times we act impulsively which is not in character of our moral behavior. Conversely, I also may choose to not associate with those of bad character, even though they may have moments of good and or sound judgement. I have always been circumspect when it came to relationships. I suppose I have missed out on a lot!

My problem is that some biblical teachings would jump out at me and I would take them to the next level. For instance; ‘You are known by the company you keep’. I am an addictive person and therefore I don’t want to get myself in a position that would cause me to fall into a trap of self destruction. Because I am obsessive, I would be up at all hours wanting Jim to teach me how to play chess. Because my brain is slow in processing instructions, written or verbal, I was obsessed with understanding his moves. It was the same when I learned how to play solitaire! I was even obsessed with doing crossword puzzles. I knew if I drank anything harder than a soda pop I would become an alcoholic. I tried smoking and even though I didn’t do it right, it was hard to quit.

I have learned to be honest with my dealings financially, personally and with my relationships. It is hard for me to do things in secret, although there was a time that secret was an avenue I often took. When I realized that God see’s also in secret, my secret places disappeared. In Numbers 32:23b it says; "your sins will find you out"! Live with no handles!

Now that you know about me and my obsessive behavior which helps to define my character, what about you. What is your character like? Jane Ann

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