Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The day came when I was able to purchase some of the products that I heard on the radio and saw advertised on the TV. One of the first was Pamper Shampoo! I know, if you were around at that time, you would still remember the tune which was very catchy. But for our discussion I will give you the words. "Pamper, Pamper Pink Shampoo; Gentle as a lamb, so right for you; Gentle as a lamb, Yes mam! Pamper, Pamper Pink Shampoo". I bought it, tried it and loved it!

In the beginning of TV ad’s many came with a catchy song which would get into our heads and I am sure, helped us to realize that we must have that product. Another type of advertisement was Dick Lane who sold cars. He usually was seen on Cliffy Stone’s Home town Jamboree every Saturday night. He would wear his bib overalls, colorful plaid shirt and slap the car he was drawing your attention to. His name became a household word! I don’t know if he sold many cars but most enjoyed his part on Home Town Jamboree along with Tennessee Ernie Ford. Today, it is Billy Mays, who yells as he sells his products.

I like seeing and remembering the old advertisements because they take me back to a time that was innocent, calm and free to be me. Today, advertisements have taken on an entirely different flair, that it is embarrassing to watch. Today, we are open to all products regardless as to how personal or even if they are just one step this side of pornography. I find it amazing that cigarette advertisements are illegal because they are bad for our physical health. Yet it is okay to advertise contraceptives and or male/female enhancement drugs which depict how far the worlds view of morality has fallen. The world apparently is going to push the envelope as far as it can.

We know that birth control is used and we know that sex happens but do we need to have it as a daily diet, advertised on our televisions, in papers and magazines. We have ratings on Movies and some TV shows but where is the ratings on advertisements. I believe the Christian community should be appalled at this and start complaining to those who use these particular types of commercials to make money. It is not only embarrassing but insults our mentality.

It sounds like I am on my soapbox, doesn’t it. Well, I guess I am! There are many things that I feel passionate about and this is one of them. We can mute the sound and even change the station but what we should do is not return to that station and let the owners and others as well, know that their gimmicks and advertisement tools are for evil and not for good.

In Proverbs 1:20-23 the writer says; "Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice, on the top of the walls she cries out at the entrance of the city gates. She speaks; How long, Oh simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?"

In John 15:16 Jesus says; "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you". I think Jesus is saying that from the very beginning He chose the church to be His kingdom. I think Jesus is saying that the church has been chosen to be obedient to His word; to reach others; bringing them into submission to Him. I think it says that we need to be circumspect as to how we live so that, whatever we ask of Him, He will give us what our hearts desire.

Oh be careful little hands what you do; little eyes what you see; little feet where you go and little voice what you speak. Garbage in, garbage out! Jane Ann

1 comment:

elandreth said...

Some time before Christmas Vernon saw a commercial with a Santa and a sexy gal and it put Santa's motives as not so wholesome. Vernon called the station and explained why he felt that advertisement was inappropriate. We need to speak up because all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to say nothing.