Sunday, June 19, 2011


Repeat from June 2009 with a little updating.....

TODAY is Fathers Day! Fathers Day began 101 years ago on June 19, 1910, by a daughter who was raised by her father in Spokane, Washington. It wasn’t until l926 that a national committee was formed in New York City and then in 1956 that it was recognized by a joint resolution of Congress. In 1972, President Nixon signed the proclamation for a national observance of Fathers Day. Then Fathers Day was held yearly on the third Sunday in June. One more interesting fact; June 19th is my husband Jim’s birthday; his 75th to be exact.

IF YOU COULD characterize your Father as a tree, what tree would it be? I have never really thought of this before, but I think I would see my Father as ‘the Tree of Life’! Not because it was a tree in the Garden of Eden and good to eat, or because it needed to be guarded after Adam and Eve sinned, but because my father gave life to 14 children!

I ASKED JIM this question and he said; The young Oak! His Father was hard headed and a visionary who brought his family out of Louisiana to California, where he could provide for them and they could prosper. I asked Jennifer this question about her Father and she said; “A Fir?” Well, if she is meaning a Christmas Tree, I would agree, because he certainly lights up our lives.

THE PERSONA of a strong tree always reminds me of the persona that a father should have. Head and shoulders in stature and soft and gentle swaying in the breeze. I think there was book written about Paul, called; “Hands of Velvet, Hands of Steel”! Don’t you agree this title fits the persona of a Father? Being firm yet a gentle peacemaker!

“I THINK THAT I SHALL NEVER SEE a poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the sweet earth’s flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.” Trees by Joyce Kilmer, 1886-1918. A poem you seldom ever hear, written by a man called Joyce. His name and style revealed his strength and his softer side. A poem and a song that at one point in time, thrilled the souls of all who heard it.

I HAVE ALWAYS been fascinated by tree’s! In my blessed singleness years, my two sisters and I visited Muir Woods just outside of San Francisco. Huge trees that seem to form a canape overhead. Some of these trees had 6 ft cavities carved out of them. Our guide asked me to stand inside of one of these burned out hollow spaces. I did! Then he explained that the Indians who inhabited this area would provide these places for the maidens to stand when they were ready for a mate. Needless to say, I moved very quickly from the inside of that hollowed out tree.

JIM AND I have driven through the redwoods and have stopped and admired their majesty. I have pondered the rows of trees in Santa Barbara, California that show massive roots all exposed to the elements. We have driven through rural areas in Virginia that showed so many variations of the color green and the different varieties of trees along the roadside. Our #3 grandson, Jordan would refer to the scrub oak as “the ugly trees.”

“A FATHER who plants himself by the waters of the Lord will be nourished and will grow strong like a tree.” Psalms “His offsprings will rise up and bring glory to his name. His grandchildren are his crown.” Proverbs “Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians With the Lord, all things are possible! My father felt he was a failure and perhaps in some ways he was. We shouldn’t be confused when it comes to our failures and successes. His legacy was in 14 children who knew the Lord. He died when I was 15 years old. Not really old enough to know him but I honor him; he was my father. By JA Crenshaw 6/16/11

Sunday, June 12, 2011


SPRING this year has been late in coming. But I
do believe it is here. As I took my morning walk I was fully aware of the new growth of life and smells all around me. Most of the scents were many odors of many flowers, that blended together to bring forth a bouquet of perfume. You can’t quite put your finger on each fragrance, but you are aware of it’s soothing, tantalizing mixture all at the same time.

WE EVENTUALLY become accustomed to the early birds chirping at sunrise. We eventually forget to look at the colors that come with spring. We become so use to smells that we forget to smell the fragrances and then, low and behold we are in summer! But I decided this morning that springtime is my favorite. I love all the seasons but I love watching for the annuals to bloom and wait for the perennials to start popping up. The leaves on the trees budding, and with some blooming so profusely, it takes my breath away.

OUR CALENDAR is usually set to show Easter as coming in March or April. It depends upon the moon! I don’t know how they figure out all of that, but I am just happy that a date is shown on our calendar so we will not forget. But because that is when we celebrate Easter, the resurrection of our Lord, the Christian should have it noted on their calendar that 50 days later is when the church began. Pentecost, means fiftieth, which is why we call the seventh Sunday after Easter, Pentecost Sunday and should be a yearly celebration for the Christian. Peter preached the first sermon and the Holy Spirit made it possible for all to understand in their own language, and the church began to permeate the air!

THE JEWS celebrated the Passover every year after God established it. It was to remember their march from man’s control and slavery, into God’s intervention and freedom. While the Israelites remembered God, times were good. When they forgot Him and His law, things were bad! When Hezekiah rediscovered the law, he called for a great Passover celebration. Hezekiah did what was right in the sight of God! Then the law was lost once more. Life was hard once again and then the boy king Josiah found the law. He called for an even greater Passover celebration. Josiah did what was right in the sight of God! Then the law was lost once again. This was the pattern of days of old! Our world has learned nothing from the past, for we too forget to remember God!

IT WAS springtime when the church began. It was springtime when Jesus ascended into the heavens! It was springtime when the Apostles went to Jerusalem to wait for the Holy Spirit. It was springtime in a barren and desolate land when the church took wings and budded and blossomed all over the land of Judea and Israel, in and around the Roman Empire. It was springtime when over 3000 people repented and were baptized. It was springtime when all things became new and the Christian movement moved like streams of water opening up channels, while the floodgates of hell began to shudder.

THEN PAUL came on the scene! “So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was built up; and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit it was multiplied.” Acts 9:31 What an exciting and dangerous time for the church! They spoke in codes in order to fellowship and to further the kingdom. We live in an exciting and dangerous time for the church. Are we bold enough? Are we standing firm? Do we celebrate our freedom in Christ Jesus on Pentecost Sunday as the Jews celebrated God at the Passover feasts?

TODAY is Pentecost Sunday! This is 50 days after the Passover or the seventh Sunday after Easter; 40 days after the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Is your church celebrating? I hope so! We look forward to the seasons designed by God when He created the heavens and the earth; why is it we can’t look forward to celebrating His church? Jim’s Sunday School class will be celebrating this event this morning; and what a celebration it will be. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/9/11

Sunday, June 5, 2011

KUDOS TO YOU! 6/5/11

AS I REFLECT on May 30th; Memorial Day of 2011, I would like to first, hand out a few KUDOS to you. We left our house to head out to the parade that was being held on down towns main street, and noticed our house had the only flag flying! We turned the corner at the cross street and we saw only one flag flying. We later turned on 6th street which is the main drag that would take us to Main street, and the only two flags we saw flying were the large ones in a couple of strip malls. We arrived at Main street and there were the American Flags; the POW Flags and MIA Flags. KUDOS to you who planned the parade, those who decorated the streets with flags and those who attended. KUDOS to you who had their flags flying, whoever you are!

AFTER THE PARADE we attended the Memorial Service that was held in our beautiful Veteran’s Park. A lot of work went into the preparations and it was evident that the hearts that planned for the fly over; the wreathes; the thoughtfulness of sitting the MIA table; choosing the speakers and the program were showing their love for Country; their thankfulness to those who sacrificed much; and to God for His blessings. Those who attended were paying a tribute of thanksgiving by taking time to remember. Stories were told, tears were shed and even with sprinkles of rain, it was a good day for remembering! KUDOS to all of you!

IT ALL BEGAN with women decorating the graves of the soldiers who died during the Civil War. It was then called “Decoration Day!” Years later it was called Memorial Day to remember all the Soldiers who have died in all the wars. It doesn’t really matter when it began or what it is called but it is important that we remember. During most of my life time Memorial Day has been a day to remember anyone who has died; not just the Soldier. KUDOS to those who have sacrificed much to keep this country we call America; free! KUDOS to those who have come home whole and those who were harmed. KUDOS to their families and to their hardships that they have endured!

IT IS NOT surprising how many forgot to attend the parades and special programs. It is not surprising that many didn’t take the time to go to the cemetery’s to pay their respects and decorating with the wreathes. People are famous for their lack of faithfulness in remembering a holiday except for the food! What is surprising is how many didn’t put out their flags to honor those who honored us with their lives. It can’t be because they couldn’t find a flag or perhaps they didn’t want to look for one.

“JOSIAH was eight years old when he began to reign and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in the ways of David his father; and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left. For in the first eight years of his reign, while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David. 2 Chronicles 34:1-3a Josiah was 16 when he began to seek the face of God! After Josiah cleaned up the land he turned his attention to the house of the Lord. Not a nook or cranny was left untouched in the renovations.

WHILE bringing out the money that had been collected many years before to restore the house; the priest found the book of the law of the Lord; given through Moses. He took the book to Josiah! When the king heard the words of the law he cried! He was ashamed! No wonder it seemed that God had forgotten them. It was because their father’s had forgotten to remember the word of the Lord and to do all that was written in the book. “In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah the passover was kept.” 2 Chronicles 35:19 The long forgotten passover was remembered and the celebration was great!” God does not want us to forget Him or His words. God set up many celebrations for His people to remember Him by. Should we forget to celebrate our own, who have given much? Let us remember to remember, lest we forget forever! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 6/3/11